Chereads / Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 2317 - Chapter 28: 2-10-5 Lisa Wilbourn & PHO

Chapter 2317 - Chapter 28: 2-10-5 Lisa Wilbourn & PHO

Interlude 2.10.5: Lisa Wilbourn & PHO

2010, October 16: Brockton Bay, NH, USA

Tattletale, Lisa out of costume, leaned back onto the couch with tired sigh. She massaged her scalp full well knowing that it would only provide her minor comfort against the mounting thinker headache. She grabbed a cushion and groaned pitiably into it. There was a new tinker, some poor sap Coil had his eye on. A set of footsteps sounded over hardwood.

"Don't even think about it, Alec," she said, not even bothering to look up.

"You can't prove anything," Alec, Regent, said. He was the most problematic of her teammates. He wasn't just ambivalent, that'd be manageable. He was a sociopath, damaged in ways she couldn't fully understand even with her power by that rapist shit he called a father. He was, frankly, gorgeous in that pretty-boy, male pop idol kind of way, with a smirk that made him look self-assured rather than condescending.

[Wants to get a rise out of you,] her power helpfully informed.

'Yeah, no shit.' Sure enough, he was standing a foot away from her sipping from a cup of ice-cold water. He'd probably have dumped it on her to "help her cool her head."

"Lisa, you see it yet?" Brian, their nominal leader, called. He was a tall, black man with hair held in neat cornrows. He'd just returned from his session at his father's gym. Her teammates were handsome; she could admit that much even if her power made the idea of romance problematic at the best of times.

She clamped down on her power before it could tell her how many calories Brian lost in his workout or some equally trivial factoid. "Yes, I saw the fight."

"Hell of a debut."

"Not a debut. He was the one who did the Hillside Heist. He was also the one who fucked up Skidmark a few days back."

"Boss has you looking into him already?"

She nodded. "Yeah, he's considering recruitment," she lied smoothly. He was, just not in any way Brian would be comfortable with. She stood and snagged a pear from the communal fruit bowl before heading to her room. "I'm going to try and figure out just what his deal is."


Her room at the loft had the best amenities available: Top of the line desktop, external hard drive, and a fan so silent it was borderline tinkertech greeted her. She couldn't have asked for better, and the fact that it was all provided by the man who held her leash made her want to hurl. She shimmied out of her jacket and tossed it across the room onto an alarm clock, covering the face. It contained one of several cameras she knew for a fact were monitoring her. Coil had at least two more she'd found in her room alone, never mind the ones in her apartment. Still, this small token of rebellion made her feel better, a reminder that she had yet to surrender.

Sighing again, she twisted and cracked her back before sitting down in her chair. The video of today's four-way fight was already loaded; she'd watched it twice through. 'One more time before I take a nap,' she thought. A second monitor was opened up to a word processor so she could take rapid notes. Readying herself for another night of migraines, she clicked play.

The video started with Squealer's abomination already halfway embedded into Medline Pharmaceuticals. A crowd of unwashed Merchants jumped from the backs of their pickups and ran into the store, whooping like a bunch of baboons.

"Holy shit! Yo, Jack, you getting this?" the cameraman shouted. She wished for the fifth time that she could mute the idiot, but muting the video might mean missing out on important dialogue.

[Started filming because of the crash. Merchant trucks made it to Caldwell and Eighth without being stopped by cops. Main truck has stealth capabilities.]

Lisa dutifully jotted down the information. Invisibility wasn't a common power, even for tinkers, one that'd be highly sought after. 'Maybe the boss will be happy with this,' she thought, then scoffed. Coil would never be happy until he had the new tinker on a leash like hers.

Only a minute later, Krieg appeared from a side street with a dozen Empire goons and started to open fire on the Merchants. Victor and Othala arrived soon after with their own flunkies. The Merchants who remained used their trucks for cover and started to fire back with Stormtrooper-certified aim. If it wasn't for Mush and Trainwreck jumping down to help them, they would have been picked off in a minute or two at best. As it was, Lisa winced as Victor casually shot one overeager idiot in the head.

[Merchants were expecting a fight. Trucks arranged specifically for cover. Trainwreck prepared mobile barricades.] She shook her head and focused instead on the Empire. [Response time is too good. Invisible trucks. Not tipped off. Already nearby. Medline Pharma associated with the Empire. Medhall associated-] She cut off that rabbit trail. She already knew Kaiser was Max Anders. His was practically the first name Coil had her search out.

Othala touched one grunt who then stood and shot fire at the Merchant line with what should have been a valiant roar. Instead, it sounded a little high-pitched and cracked a bit. [Shouting to drown out his fear. Not quite done with puberty,] her power helpfully supplied.

'I didn't need that,' she gritted. 'Give me something useful, damnit!'

[Grunt has pyrokinesis. Lasts for three minutes.]


Then came the star of the show.

Creed dropped down from a six story building, his ridiculous black cape fluttering in the background. The indie wasn't the focus of the cameraman, but he did manage to catch the cape in-frame towards the right corner.

Creed stopped his fall with a series of midair kicks that let him jump on the air. He dashed across the sky and swooped up one idiot who'd ignored the police cordon to get close to the action. He landed with the idiot in question behind the police cordon, mere feet from the cameraman.

[Tinkertech shoes,] her power said. [Creates platforms. Platforms not hard-light or other esoteric particles. Visible vapors. Platforms of water. Condensed water somehow into solid, but not frozen state.]

Lisa winced as she nursed an oncoming migraine.

That was interesting, but wasn't useful information on its own. For whatever reason, examining tinkertech always seemed to accelerate her oncoming migraines. She gritted her teeth and resigned herself to a night of misery.

"Let's not try for the Darwin awards," he growled. His voice was low and came out with a bit of a breathy hiss.

"Cape!" The police officer who shouted that took an elbow to the gut from her partner.

"No, shit. Where?" Creed replied with faux surprise that wouldn't have fooled a five year old.

"My baby!" another woman said.

"Okay, that one's important. Where?"

[Intentionally affected voice. Has a voice modulator. Wants to appear older than he is] Lisa snorted, judging by his height, he was at least three years her junior. [Intentionally jovial and sarcastic. Actually introverted. Managing his image.]

He then dashed off to where the woman pointed and rescued the civilian by ripping the car door off its hinges. He saved a few more civilians before Mush screamed and tried to flatten him into the ground. A shield of golden concentric hexagons bloomed from his cape. It made for an impressive sight to greet Velocity with: cape billowing in the background, Mush being unable to budge him an inch. Lisa couldn't suppress an impressed whistle. She paused the video there.

[Suit enhances strength and speed. Shield is not taxed by Mush at all. Upper limits unknown. Uninterested in combat but prepared for the possibility.]

'Brian would like him,' she thought. He was looking a bit like her leader in miniature, but with more powers and an irreverent attitude. He was building an image for himself, avoided conflict, but could clearly handle himself.

[Not altruistic. Shield negates approximately ninety-five percent of all energy transference. Creed has a small stature. By mass, he should still have been flung away by Mush. Shield dampens inertia.]

"Some people have all the luck," she grumbled but obligingly noted the observation.

[Did not plan for the encounter with Velocity. Happy with his first impression.]

Creed then pulled a little girl from behind a car using some kind of telekinetic power and deposited her with the police. [Improved perception. Wide-area vision and/or audio scanning abilities. Found girl without turning around.]

"Thanks, power."

Here, she stopped the video and switched to a different one filmed by someone closer to Creed. He must have had a better microphone because she was able to catch the tail end of their conversation.

"… New hero?" she heard Velocity ask.

"Empire!" he stated proudly. Velocity reacted by tossing a grenade at his feet, attempting to foam him before he could react.

[Not Empire.] She paused the video and took her eyes off the screen. Sometimes, she found it helped to physically reset her power to keep it from going down stupid tangents. The following minute showed Creed run to an Empire flunky, then punch him out in a slapstick routine that proved the earlier comment an obvious lie. [Didn't plan that. Ad-libbed because he thought it'd be funny and civilians are saved. Enjoys being a troll. Selling an image. Wants to be seen as whimsical.]

She fast forwarded the video a bit. As funny as it was to watch someone mock Krieg, the part she was really interested in came immediately after. She watched in mute awe as he and Dauntless traded off tanking duties against Squealer's micro-missiles. She expected that kind of durability from Dauntless, a cape who was touted to be the next Triumvirate and scaled indefinitely. A fresh tinker matching his performance was beyond impressive.

She focused her attention on the missile turret, a rudimentary artillery system with eight missiles. It looked horrendous, a minor miracle that it fired at all, but fire it did. [Missile yield is approximately half that of the Hellfire series used by the Air Force. Designed for anti-brute use.]

She balked at that. It cost over a hundred thousand dollars to produce one conventionally. "Tinkers are bullshit," she swore, "even the shitty ones."

Then the video showed her just how bullshit tinkers could be. Krieg lobbed a grenade at Creed, only for him to emerge completely unscathed despite taking the blast without the help of his shield. The caped tinker launched himself at the Empire lieutenant and engaged in a quick series of hand-to-hand. He looked like he was wading through molasses, fast, but much slower than he'd been moving until then. Even through her untrained eye, she could tell he was an amateur.

[Only recently picked up martial arts. Boxing. No preference for boxing. Thought it was the most accessible and practical.]

Again, she fast forwarded a bit, this time to his dialogue with Trainwreck. She couldn't hear because Trainwreck was busy blocking a hail of gunfire and the noise distorted the voices, but she could get the gist.

[Knows Trainwreck. Met him before. Creed defeated Trainwreck. Trainwreck respects an accomplished tinker. Creed injured and shamed Skidmark in the same encounter. Skidmark is attacking because he wants more cred.]

She reached for the fast forward button again but stopped. Something about Trainwreck's behavior was at odds with Mush's, or any other Merchant's. He was too calm, too composed. [Trainwreck is sober. Does not do drugs. No interest in drugs. Merchant. Not a Merchant. Loyal to someone else. ABB and Empire would not employ him. Coil. Loyal to Coil. Spying on Merchants. Steering Merchants.]

"Son of a bitch," she swore. She looked over her observations and sighed. Anything she could have given Coil on the Merchants, Trainwreck would be able to verify or deny, including their invisible trucks. She just became a lot less valuable on that front.

Her frustration was compounded again when Creed disappeared somewhere. The new tinker did not reappear for several minutes, but when he did, he tossed down a bolt of electricity into Squealer's truck.

[Truck is insulated. Defense originally designed for Armsmaster's EMPs. Creed vanished for several minutes. Appeared with new skill. Retrieved electric weapon. Lab nearby?]

He then launched himself into the air using Skidmark's fields and landed on the crumpled car Rune had been using as a shield. She couldn't hear what he said to her, but her body language screamed confusion and a bit of appreciation.

[Was hitting on her,] her power supplied.

"What the hell, power? Why?"

[Thinks it's fun to act outside expectations. Is only mildly attracted to her. Likes blondes. Likes athletic girls. Thinks she's better than this. Thinks she's redeemable. Thinks she can be heroic.] She paused. Creed had no way of knowing that. Or, he shouldn't have.

'Was that just a spot judgment? Impossible, he's never met her before; that, I'm sure of. But then what made him think she can be redeemed? Was it her age?'

[Not her age alone. Knows she can be a hero. Knows she can save lives.]

"Oh for fuck's sake," she shouted and threw her hands in the air. "He's a fucking thinker too?"

She watched Rune wrap her mangled car around him like a sleeping bag before hurling him away from her. After a short, irrelevant chat with Velocity, he vanished again, only to appear right behind her. [Startled her for fun. Again. Does not feel threatened by bullets. Does not feel threatened by the present capes.]

Then, to her shock, he grabbed Othala and rushed off into the sky.

Here, the video became unreliable. The cameraman was more interested in filming the action, the fight between Dauntless and Trainwreck getting particular attention. She switched off to another recording but got the same result. "Figures," she muttered, "ignore the mysterious tinker with enough powers to make Halbeard jealous. Look! Pretty lights!"

Lisa finally found one short snippet, barely six seconds of video, in which the cameraman aimed at the four capes in the sky. Somewhere along the line, Lady Photon and Laserdream had arrived. What they said was impossible to hear over the gunfire, but they were clearly working out a plan of some sort. The camera panned down to the gunfight between the gangs then jerked upwards dizzyingly.

Creed had handed over Othala to Lady Photon and started to plummet to the ground. Instead of stopping his fall, he kicked off the air and accelerated to distinctly unhealthy speeds. His cape swirled around him as the now familiar shield began to shine. Then, an orb of green bloomed to life beneath the yellow hexagons.

[Secondary shield. Weaker than the first. Still reliable enough to survive this impact.]

Sure enough, he let out a roar, a battlecry that no doubt would have sounded more adorable than threatening without the filter, and angled himself towards Squealer's main truck. The light show caught those on the surface by surprise and the entire battlefield stilled to witness his coup de grace.

The attack, Giga Impact if he was to be believed, struck with impressive precision, destroying the turrets but little else. Creed himself was launched through the air, the last act of defiance from Skidmark's fields.

[Attack name improvised. Likes being hammy. First and secondary shields broke. Othala made him invulnerable. Would have survived the impact anyway. Rebound would not have seriously injured him. Underestimated his own suit's integrity. Cautious.]

He strolled out of the wreckage of the building across the street, completely unscathed and with his arms open wide in challenge like a luchador expecting applause after a stunt. The lack of gunfire made his voice echo in the silence. "I think that's as good a finale as any, don't you, fellas?" he drawled.

One trooper shakily pointed his con-foam sprayer at him, only for Velocity to push the nozzle down. "He's a hero," the red-clad speedster said.

"I'm not. I only said I'm on your side. And for the day, that's even true." He removed an imaginary hat and took a flourishing bow. "The name is Creed, a mercenary asked to prevent civilian deaths in this battle, and I declare this battle concluded."

[Possibly the first honest thing he's said,] her power snarked.

Lisa paused the video and stared up at the ceiling. Her power could snark? Unpausing the video, she watched with satisfaction as he sent Skidmark to la-la land.

"Your leader's down. Your artillery is in scraps. I suggest you withdraw while I let you." He spoke to the Merchants at large, but mostly looked at Trainwreck.

[Sees Trainwreck as the logical member of the group. Knows Trainwreck is sober.]

Krieg stepped up next. "Ah, but that permission is not yours to give, Creed."

It took him just as long to incapacitate the Empire lieutenant. Apparently, he'd been holding back a great deal with his telekinetic powers.

"Empire, Victor and Krieg are both down. You will allow the Merchants to withdraw."

"Hey, we're going to bring them in, Creed. You don't get to decide that," Velocity said.

Curiously, for someone declaring himself an independent, he did not attack the hero. Instead, he chose to bargain with them. "Anyone who's still foamed, you can keep. If you go after the Merchants right now, I will be your opponent. You will fail while I hold you off; several of you may even suffer injuries requiring Panacea's aid. Then, I will simply run away and you will have accomplished nothing. You will likely lose the foamed captures you already have."

[Militia is fresh and uninjured. Would fight him. Would lose. Would reignite conflict. Creed does not want to reignite conflict. Worried the Empire will arrive with more reinforcements. Empire reinforcements are being harried by Armsmaster, Battery, and Assault,] her power provided.

"Tell me honestly, heroes. If you capture them right now, can you prevent a gang war between the ABB and Empire over the vacuum left by the Merchants? Sure, they're the least of the gangs, but they're not nothing. Well?" he continued. "The simple truth is that you are not ready to handle a gang war and I will not let you start one so you can feel good about a momentary feather in your cap."

[Truly believes this. Thinks that letting the Merchants go free is the best way to prevent a gang war in the immediate future. Likes to think he has a good understanding of Brockton's geopolitics.]

Of the five trucks the Merchants arrived with, three were still in working order. Trainwreck and Mush collected their minions and forced Squealer in the back of one truck before driving off. Nearby, Lady Photon, Laserdream, and Othala landed. Othala moved to Rune's side on shaky legs.

[Flight does not agree with her. Will likely develop mild acrophobia.] Lisa clamped down on her power.

Creed spoke again. "Rune, collect Othala and your capes. You have three minutes to leave before my protection expires. The same rules apply. Foamed members belong to the heroes." Whatever Rune wanted to say in response, Othala reigned in her cousin. As the senior member of the Empire roster still conscious, she was able to corral the mooks into an organized retreat.

Soon, only the heroes and the new indie were left. Once the gangbangers were gone, he visibly slumped with a sigh of relief. "Whew, plan success, eh, Photon Mom?" he said with an audible smile.

"Please don't call me that."

[Thinks he's a competent tinker and a heroic indie. Impressed with his ability to end the battle. Thinks he is likely correct concerning gang wars. Suspects he has a prediction algorithm that allowed him to come to this conclusion.]

"That's not unreasonable," Lisa muttered. She took a drink and one painkiller pill to stave off the mounting migraine. "It's what I'd think if my power didn't confirm the thinker ability."

[Wishes he'd call her 'Lady Photon.' Has resigned herself to the nickname.]

"You planned this?" Miss Militia whirled.

"He did, he asked me to watch Othala while he did a meteor impression."

"This is highly unusual."

[Lady Photon knew he wanted to end the battle. Did not expect him to send both sides off.]

"And that's the problem with soldiers, Minutegal," Creed said. "You lot are too inflexible. If I let you arrest Skidmark, Lung or Kaiser would have moved on Merchant turf within the week, maybe even one of the lesser gangs. You're not ready for that."

[Has decided to adopt embarrassing nicknames for every cape he meets. Thinks it'll improve his image as a quirky, spontaneous character.]

Dauntless stepped in before she could argue further. "What's done is done, Miss Militia, let's talk about just who you are, Creed. You're a tinker, right?"

"I'm an independent. Think of me as a mix between Faultline, Toybox, and Mouse Protector. I take jobs occasionally. I sell tech online. Most of all, I try to have fun and keep everything from blowing up."

[Wants this to be true. Conflicted between being a hedonist and being a hero. Will help those he meets but not seek out danger to perform heroic acts.] She'd already opened up his PHO thread and browsed the catalogs.

[One for heroic capes. One for anyone. Planned meticulously. Did so upon suggestion from someone else. That someone is a hero concerned about dangerous tech being made available to villains. Miss Militia did not recognize Creed. That someone is not likely to be in the Protectorate. Lady Photon did not recognize Creed. That someone is equally unlikely to be from New Wave. That someone is unlikely to be Dovetail or another independent. That someone is from out of the city. Creed has contacts not native to Brockton Bay.]

Lisa whistled. Somehow, this new tinker had forged external contacts without letting the rest of this city's factions know he existed until today. That took extensive planning. Or really good luck. She wasn't sure which yet.

The rest of the conversation only confirmed what she'd already known: He had no interest in the Wards program. He then stepped forward and snatched up the mangled remains of Squealer's micro-missile turret before vanishing. The video continued for a minute or two after he'd vanished, but Lisa had what she wanted.

Lisa closed the video player and leaned back into her sinfully soft chair. "Alright," she told herself, "what have we learned about the new guy?" She started with a broad list of his tech. "His gear gives him brute and mover ratings, limited aerial mobility, invisibility, telekinesis, electrokinesis, and enhanced sensory capabilities. On top of that, he's got a thinker power of some sort and has already made an ally of some out-of-town hero. Having a sponsor would explain how his gear can be so refined despite this being his third appearance.

"His personality is a bit all over the place. He's an introvert trying to act like Mouse Protector and the whole bombastic shtick isn't how he behaves when he's not on camera. He sucks at hand to hand but he'd be dangerous up close anyway thanks to his telekinesis and enhanced strength. His lab is potentially nearby, but with his speed, 'nearby' could be pretty far."

She got up and went to the kitchen for another cup of water. There, she decided she wasn't drunk enough to deal with him and grabbed the wine bottle.

"Day drinking, Tats?" Alec said with a cheeky grin.

She flipped him the bird and poured herself a glass. "Fuck off, Alec."

"Anything we should be aware of?" Brian shot her a concerned look. She only started drinking when the migraines got bad.

"He's heroic but doesn't want to admit it," she said. "Or he's got some sponsor from out of Brockton who's making him be heroic. Either way, he's not a recruitable candidate."

"Would he be willing to sell us some tech?"

She laughed at that. "Unlikely. Someone vetted his catalogs before he posted them; it's why he's got one for the heroes and one for the civvies."

"So we try to avoid him then," Brian said. He was off in one corner applying leather oil to his jacket. He took surprisingly good care of his possessions and it wasn't uncommon for him to be found polishing his cape gear. Her power said his meticulous habit came from a desire to be respected, to manage his image, but it was nonetheless something she admired about him. She'd seen far worse motivations than prestige. "If we had to fight, what do you think our odds are?"

"We can take him," Rachel growled. She was brushing Brutus and combing through his fur for ticks.

Lisa rolled her eyes. "We can't," she countered, "not in any meaningful way. Your dogs can't hurt him without taking a lightning bolt to the face. If we manage to corner him, he just flies away. Brian is the better boxer, but that doesn't mean much when his suit makes him faster and stronger by far. Our best bet is to avoid a fight and run while Brian smokes him."

He nodded. [Happy that you think he's the better boxer. Proud of his skill.]

'Men.' She had to grant it to him; his pride wasn't entirely unwarranted. He'd made boxing his outlet for stress and frustration for years and his skill was the real deal.

She took her glass of wine back to her room and typed up the report for Coil before going to bed. Whatever plans Coil had could be future-Lisa's problem.


Parahumans Online

Interlude 2.10.5: PHO

Topic: New Cape Introduction: Creed, the Masked Admiral!

In: Boards Americas United States Brockton Bay General

Creed_Official (Original Poster) (Verified Cape)

Posted on October 16, 2010:

Hello world!

Is it a bit cliché for a tinker to make a programmer joke as his introduction? Well, too bad. I had no idea how to start this so you're stuck with some programmer humor.

Yes, 'tis I, Creed, your not-so-humble independent, disciple of the Vega and Punk, lover of SUPER cola, loyal friend to ducks, and all around badass. I'm sure you've seen my introduction to the cape community of Brockton Bay already, but in case you haven't, [here] it is. I've taken the liberty to make a compilation video from all cameras in the incident. Yes, yours too, Timmy.

Long story short, I've been collaborating with a hero I greatly admire. They (NO HINTS, Foxy!) helped me work out some important details about the kind of cape I want to be.

When the Merchants attacked Medline Pharmaceuticals in broad daylight, they sent me over to intervene. My directive was to keep you hapless civvies from trying for the Darwin Awards. I decided that the best way to save civilians was to end the battle and worked with Wazowski and Photon Mom to break Squealer's dump-dozer.

So what does that say about me? Well, to start, I'm not a hero. Not really. My mentor and moral compass is a hero, the greatest of all time. They shall henceforth be referred to as The GOAT.

Anyway, I wanted to introduce myself, stir up PHO, and also advertise my two catalogs. Yes, you read right, you shitty keyboard monkeys. All (most) of the fantastic things you saw earlier today can be bought from yours truly for the right price.

[This] is a catalog for capes of a heroic inclination. Yes, I will check. Creed is dedicated to responsible abuse of capitalism. Or, you know, The GOAT will chew off my dick. Either or, really.

[This] is a catalog for anyone who wants tinkertech of their own. That's right, civvies! You too can pretend you matter!

As you can see, some of my tech is missing. They are not for sale. The GOAT ate them, saying they shouldn't be put on the open market. Message me with the nine hundred forty-ninth prime number divided by your birth year and multiplied by its reciprocal in your header, and a verification of your heroic identity (if applicable), and we can talk.

Now, I did say I'd stir up PHO a bit, so...

1. Mini-V, your specialization can easily be discovered if you'd just sit down and play with a box of Legos. You're welcome. We should totally race sometime.

2. Minutegal, my favorite novel is the Moby Dick. I guess I just really like the idea of stabbing a whale to death, though admittedly the novel would have been better if the whale could fly. You know, going on a grand adventure to murder a sky-whale sounds like a great movie plot. What's your favorite novel?

3. Foxy, please keep your nose out of my affairs. Who knows? I might just pluck off some whiskers.

I think that's all for now. There's a lot more I can say, but I do want to keep some secrets back, you know?

Stay flashy,


Edit: Thanks for reminding me, Bagrat.

[Here] is the thread for discussions about the battle.

[Here] is the PRT's official statement so you can pretend it matters.

[Here] is my favorite list of animal facts so you plebeians can broaden your horizons. For example, did you know ducks have pneumatic corkscrews for penises? Explains why Donald doesn't wear pants, eh?

(Showing Page 1 of 12)

► GiverofGifts (Unverified Cape)

Replied on January 1, 2000:

What the hell? Why am I tagged? What even is a Wazowski?

► Creed_Official (Original Poster) (Verified Cape)

Replied on January 1, 2000:

[This] is a Wazowski. Get it? Because you have only one eye and your entire society is a joke? Also, guess you can change the tag to (Verified Cape) now, Smaug_Mama.

► Tin_Mother (Moderator)

Replied on January 1, 2000:

Creed_Official, stop it. If you're going to tag people, use their proper names. I also do not approve of my reference.

► GiverofGifts (Verified Cape) (E88)

Replied on January 1, 2000:

Fuck you, Creed_Official, what the hell?

► bothad (Veteran Member)

Replied on October 16, 2010:

What the hell? Is this for real? And Creed_Official, I think you misspelled "smug."

► Boo-chan

Replied on October 16, 2010:

Holy shit, the fight was sweet! Onii-chan, can I have tinkertech?

► Deepwell5

Replied on October 16, 2010:

^ Eww, just eww.

► Glitzglam (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied on October 16, 2010:

Thanks for helping save the civilians, Creed_Official. I'm not sure how I feel about you selling tinkertech though. I think that's illegal.

bothad, he didn't. Smaug is a reference to a dragon from Lord of the Rings, because a lot of people think Dragon is secretly a mod on the site. But Smaug was evil and our scaly overlady is good.

► Miraclemic

Replied on October 16, 2010:

I just looked through your catalogs, but the lightning blaster isn't there. :(

Did The_GOAT eat it?

Also, how is The_GOAT a taggable username already? Is that their actual cape name?

Well, hero or not, I don't like The_GOAT. Give me back my lightning blaster! Q_Q

► Miss_Militia (Verified Cape) (Protectorate ENE)

Replied on October 16, 2010:

Indeed, Glitzglam, what Creed_Official is doing is highly illegal. The sale of tinkertech has a great deal of oversight for the safety of both the tinker and consumers. That said, I appreciate The_GOAT for keeping Creed's more dangerous tech off the civilian market.

On another note, I do not appreciate being called Minutegal. Please use my proper name. If you joined the Wards, we could have a long conversation about classical literature and your unhealthy fascination with cetaceans.

► Fairy_Sister

Replied on October 16, 2010:

lolol Wazowski. It's from an Aleph movie about monsters. It's a great children's flick actually.

Tactless though. I hope it doesn't catch on. (Who am I kidding? This is the internet. It'll totally catch on).

► Nondeceptive

Replied on October 16, 2010:

Another tinker in Brockton. How many is that? Armsmaster, Kid Win, Squealer, Trainwreck, Leet, and now Creed. Isn't six in a small city way above the national average?

► Miraclemic

Replied on October 16, 2010:

It is, but this is Brockton. What'd you expect?

► Nondeceptive

Replied on October 16, 2010:

True, true. At least this one is heroic.

► Creed_Official (Original Poster) (Verified Cape)

Replied on October 16, 2010:

I take offense to that, Nondeceptive. I am not a hero.

bothad, you are an uncultured plebeian. Read more of the classics.

► Nondeceptive

Replied on October 16, 2010:

Alright, sure, bud. If you say so.

► Creed_Official (Original Poster) (Verified Cape)

Replied on October 16, 2010:

Didn't you hear Glitzglam and Minutegal? Selling of tinkertech is illegal without proper oversight. I also stole Squealer's missile turret. That's both larceny and tampering with evidence.

I also threatened to suplex Wazowski into the pavement if she didn't help me so you could tack on blackmail and coercion to that list.

See? Definitely not a hero. Want me to prove it?

► Glitzglam (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied on October 16, 2010:

Why are you so against being labeled a hero? You were pretty light on the threats. I was there. You negotiated with her and told her that the fastest way for her to get to Victor and treat him without interruptions was for her to help us end the fighting.

► Creed_Official (Original Poster) (Verified Cape)

Replied on October 16, 2010:

Stop telling the truth! I'm allergic.

Besides, being a hero would mean being idle, stagnant. I don't want that. I'm not opposed to collaborating with heroes, but becoming one? I'd rather masturbate with drain cleaner for lube.

► Miss_Militia (Verified Cape) (Protectorate ENE)

Replied on October 16, 2010:

I'm sorry you feel that way, Creed. I assure you, being a Ward would not hamper your progress. You could have the chance to collaborate with both Kid Win and Armsmaster.

Please return Squealer's turret. It can provide valuable intelligence about what she is building.

► Creed_Official (Original Poster) (Verified Cape)

Replied on October 16, 2010:

Not worth it, Minutegal. Being a Ward means answering to PR, the Youth Guard, and civilian committees who frankly wouldn't understand the simplest of my tech. It'd also mean a limited budget. No sane tinker would choose the Protectorate if he could go indie instead. And, shameless brag, I'm definitely strong enough to stay indie.

I refuse to return Squealer's turret. Chronos can tell you all you need to know about the missiles. It's going to be the backbone of something I've wanted to build for a long time.

Seriously though, if whales mean anything to you, get Mini-V his Lego set. It'll help him, I promise.

► Miss_Militia (Verified Cape) (Protectorate ENE)

Replied on October 16, 2010:

We'll consider it.

► AllSeeingEye

Replied on October 16, 2010:

So much to see and do… Appreciate the mention, finally nice to get some credit around here. Why is Dauntless Chronos? If you're going Greek with the nickname, wouldn't Spartan or Leonidas work better?

Say, Creed_Official, sent you a DM so we can talk prices. How 'bout we talk about that bulletproof cape?

► Fairy_Sister

Replied on October 16, 2010:

Okay, all the nicknames are those of capes, right? Who's AllSeeingEye? Doesn't that mean he's a cape? Should he get an (Unverified Cape) tag?

► Tin_Mother (Moderator)

Replied on October 16, 2010:

The tag has been added, though please take Creed_Official's antics with a large grain of salt.

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(Showing Page 2 of 12)

► AllSeeingEye (Unverified Cape)

Replied on October 16, 2010:

Aww, I'm a girl though.

► Whitecollar (Cape Wife)

Replied on October 16, 2010:

I'm curious about Foxy now too. Is it Rune? All the others were capes at the scene, right?

► XxVoid_CowboyxX

Replied on October 16, 2010:

No, Kid Win is Mini-V and he wasn't there. Like "little-victory" I guess.

I bet Foxy is a thinker who's trying to uncover Creed's secret identity. Why else would he talk about poking her nose into things? That makes Foxy AllSeeingEye.

► Fairy_Sister

Replied on October 16, 2010:

Wait... did Void just... make sense?

► Miraclemic

Replied on October 16, 2010:

lolol Yeah, I think so. Stopped clock, twice a day, am I right?

► AllSeeingEye (Unverified Cape)

Replied on October 16, 2010:

Who knows? But if I were a thinker, I would be respectful of the unwritten rules.

► Creed_Official (Original Poster) (Verified Cape)

Replied on October 16, 2010:

Cute, Foxy.

No shield for you. I will pull all the whiskers if you keep digging. As for Chronos… If it happens, it happens…

*Have an infraction.

► Tin_Mother (Moderator)

Replied on October 16, 2010:

No threats, even comedic ones. Take an infraction.

► Bagrat (The Guy In The Know) (Veteran Member)

Replied on October 16, 2010:

Dude, can't believe I came so late to this thread. I got caught up with work and couldn't get away.

[Here] is the thread for discussions about the battle.

[Here] is the PRT's official statement.

Creed_Official, I have so many questions, but I'll start us off with one: Why is your engine powered by coke?

► Creed_Official (Original Poster) (Verified Cape)

Replied on October 16, 2010:

Because, Bagrat, coke is SUPER. Besides, The_GOAT would greatly disapprove of the powdery kind.

Also, thanks for the links to the other threads. I'll edit them into the OP.

► Glitzglam (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied on October 16, 2010:

lol Wait, is the soda engine for real? Hahahahaha, that's hilarious. Does this count as renewable energy?

I like your animal facts, but why are they all about ducks?

► Bagrat (The Guy In The Know) (Veteran Member)

Replied on October 16, 2010:

I think so, Laserdream. It's technically a fuel source we can produce at will. On another note, I really want a Black Rhino. The model looks cool. I wonder how fast it is. Does the cooler double as an engine?

► Manpower (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied on October 16, 2010:

I'm interested in those hover boots. They're only available for heroes for anyone who can't see them.

It's tiresome being the only person in the family who can't fly.

► Creed_Official (Original Poster) (Verified Cape)

Replied on October 16, 2010:

Glitzglam, because ducks are cool. [Here] have another picture of a duck.

► Point_Me_ _The_Sky (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied on October 16, 2010:

Woah, nice to meet a new hero!

► Creed_Official (Original Poster) (Verified Cape)

Replied on October 16, 2010:

Collateral_Damage_Barbie I will fight you.

*What did I just say about threats? Have another infraction.

► Point_Me_ _The_Sky (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied on October 16, 2010:

What'd I do? And stop calling me that!

► Bagrat (The Guy In The Know) (Veteran Member)

Replied on October 16, 2010:

Point_Me_ _The_Sky, apparently, he hates being called a hero. He's made it clear that he's an independent mercenary.

► Creed_Official (Original Poster) (Verified Cape)

Replied on October 16, 2010:

am an independent. While I sell to heroes, I do so at my discretion and no one else's. Except The_GOAT. The GOAT is the greatest of all time. It was by their aid that the Dung Beetle ascended and conquered the sun. Their glory shall envelop the earth in a tide of red, felling gods and men alike and raising new titans in their place.

Serious Plug: I value my neutrality and consider my freedom to be the first and greatest virtue. Anyone who attempts to force my recruitment, regardless of faction or moral alignment, will be treated as an enemy and met with all appropriate force.

► Point_Me_ _The_Sky (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied on October 16, 2010:

Yeesh, fine. You're an indie. Happy?

► Creed_Official (Original Poster) (Verified Cape)

Replied on October 16, 2010:

No, but judging by my DMs, I'm about to be. $$$$

► Nondeceptive

Replied on October 16, 2010:

What's Enchanted Honey? Creed_Official

► Creed_Official (Original Poster) (Verified Cape)

Replied on October 16, 2010:

Amazingly sweet honey with hundredfold the sugar content of natural honey. Guaranteed to keep you awake and active. Perfectly safe.

► Nondeceptive

Replied on October 16, 2010:

Wow, umm… Do you know your specialization?

► Creed_Official (Original Poster) (Verified Cape)

Replied on October 16, 2010:

Who knows? Free bottle of honey to the person who can guess. Foxy is disqualified. Thinkers can go rot in whisker-pulling Hell.

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Author's Note

Lisa is really fun to write. Her power is basically plot-convenient clairvoyance so I can have her come to whatever conclusion I want. I'm sure you've noticed that her conclusions aren't completely correct. She's a sleuth, not a prophet. She's mostly right but came to several incorrect conclusions.

I'm flying out on Saturday and realized I wouldn't have time to post the rest of the arc before my holidays if I stick to once per day so here's another.