Chereads / Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 2192 - Chapter 69: Resistance

Chapter 2192 - Chapter 69: Resistance

[Amy's POV]

I did my best not to look at Taylor as we walked back to their room with food and snacks, there was no way I could look at her and not blow up in a nuclear blush. It was bad enough when Phoenix showed up in his werewolf form and decided to fucking nuzzle me like I was a baby... Which I didn't like!


No one could prove otherwise!




(God, why the fuck am I the way that I am?) I liked it alot, I really did. His fur was as soft as the mattress I slept on, his nose was cold and sorta wet, like an actual dog, and the contact was filled with so much care and affection that I was 100% sure I would've developed diabetes if my Power didn't stop that wholesale. (And then this bitch had to do the same thing, but more Human!) Not even mentioning how he bathed Scylla while she was coiled around me, which didn't help me at all.

If they kept shit like that up then I might actually end up as a properly adjusted Human being by my birthday... Which was a weird thought to think considering the fact my life was so crazy I might end up sane... (And the fact I recognize I'm not already sane is saying so many things.) I would've threw that in the 'Don't think about it, ever' box, but we'd reached the room, so I couldn't keep my internal monologue up without looking crazier then I already was.

Putting it away, and stepping into their room, I took in the way Phoenix was splayed against the bed, hand idly petting Scylla's scales and feathers. (What a Daddy's girls.) The only thing that changed was him grumbling and propping his back against the wall as we came in and brought the food.

It took a bit for us to get settled, though we eventually decided to say 'Fuck it' and just set up on the bed, the three of us sitting in a triangle with food and drinks all around us like this was a sleepover or something...

Not like I had any experience with those.

For good reason though.

Bitches would be begging me to get rid of their gag reflexes, give em bigger asses or tits, and then I'd eventually lose my shit and choke a bitch... (Maybe I should let them fix my sanity.) There were way too many problems with me at this point, and I didn't want them anymore. (Not that I wanted t hem in the first place, but who gives a shit?)

"Sooo..." I got taken out of my thoughts at that, looking over to Phoenix, who was chewing on a bone... Like a dog... "What the fuck did we miss?" Oh yeah, we were talking.

The question was a good one, and helped me decide that no, I wasn't going to question the bone chewing thing right now.

Checking to look at Taylor, and noticing that yeah, she was looking at me too, I blew out a breath and put my salad down. "Okay, you need context first... Which starts before Taylor showed up and the alarms went off." The aforementioned woman just shrugged, looking unrepentant for scaring the fuck out of me. Looking away from her, and pushing away the idle thought that reminded me we were a thing now(?), I went back to the story telling. "After you two left, I went to The Lab. You've both seen why," They both nodded, eyes trailing down to the pendent on my neck. "But a few things happened before that, so listen and don't interrupt me, I'm not repeating myself."

Surprisingly, or unsurprisingly if you knew them, they just silently nodded.

So with them agreeing, I started talking.

[Amy's POV while Phoenix and Taylor are running]

... Working on a fucking Tinkertech Cape Suit was harder then I thought it was. I didn't want to just slap a white and red color scheme on it and call it a day, that would both be lazy as fuck, and not something I wanted to do. Panacea was Panacea, and I wasn't going to just base my new identity around something that, while it did alot of good, ended up with up being more of an obligation instead of something I genuinely wanted to do,

Because really, wanting to heal people shouldn't have made me almost have a mental breakdown before my 20's.

Ignoring that thought though, and going back to my original thought, I looked at my Suit. The customizable options were really easy to understand, a literal monkey could probably work them as well as I could... Which either said things about me, or the monkey... (Yeah, just going to ignore that.) I was real fucking good at that.

Fuck, I was getting off topic too easily.

The point was that my Suit was easy and a pain in the ass to work on. Hell, it was BECAUSE it was easy to work on that it was a pain in the ass! Color changes were instantaneous, emblem and helmet designs were too...

And I was one hell of an indecisive bitch.

There were REASONS my old outfit was just a white and red healers robe and a scarf! (God, why did these assholes have to make this shit so easy?!) It wasn't an actual complaint, I'd have to be the most ungrateful bitch in the goddamn universe to complain about my boyfriend and girlfriend...




God, I had a boyfriend and girlfriend... I chewed on my lip for a bit, it was the only way I'd keep my thoughts inside. (Stupid perfect green eyed mother fuckers! Had to turn my gay ass into a useless bisexual and seduce me with their stupidly perfect selves! Had to make me happy and emotional and shit. Give me time to be a functioning and recovering Human being and other stupid bullshit... UGHHH!)

My mental rant was cut off by Melody, who was manning the splicer thing. My Suit was full with the bells and whistles from Phoenix and Taylor's 1st iteration of Suits, so I could put it on and get pimp slapped by a Brute 10+ and walk it off... Not that I would ever test that, because the fuck?

Anyway, Melody. "# So, we've picked out a few names for your new Cape identity. Want to hear em now, or..? #"

Looking over to the lilac eyed woman, and idly noting Scylla was trying to climb onto one of the bigger machines, I saw the amused smile on her face. It was easy to see how she and Phoenix were related, they had the same stupid smile after all. Shooing that thought off, I hummed. "Go for it. Maybe something'll help me decide what to fucking do with this."

Melody just rolled her eyes at me, cheeky bitch that she was, and I went back to trying to figure out a good color scheme for my Suit. "# To start off with, what do you think of Nut? #"




I turned to the bitch, face blank as I met her lilac eyes. Her innocent face was perfect, giving nothing away to the fact she'd just said some outlandish shit. "Fucking scuse me?" I wasn't dumb, I knew she was talking about an Egyptian Goddess, when two of the strongest Capes since the Triumvirate show up people look up what they base themselves off of.

So not only did I know who she was referencing, but I also knew she purposely pronounced it as 'Nut', instead of 'Nuit' or the other names.

She had the gall to snap her fingers, bringing up a fucking WIKI ARTICLE as she did. "# Nut, the Egyptian Sky Goddess who is said to hold up the sky. She apparently gets mistaken for Isis a bit, but that's that and this is this. #"

We stared at each other after that, her face still the picture of innocence, while my eye and fingers twitched. "You're so lucky I can't force you to start a cycle." Alot of people instantly jumped to the big things a Bio-Kinetic could do, while conveniently forgetting I could be just as petty as the next Cape.

Granted, I never gave them any hints that I could do petty things like that, the amount of girls that'd bother me if they knew I could prematurely start/end their cycles would actually make me commit manslaughter, so I never said anything about it and denied it if it was brought up...

Very small tangent aside, I knew Melody was just projecting herself here, so I couldn't actually use my Power to do those inconvenient and petty things on her when she was being a cheeky bitch... Not that I would even if she was here, that sounded like a real good way to get on the bad side of my girl & boyfriend's family, and like hell I was going to do that. (Especially when they both call her Mom.) A part of me twitched at that... But I didn't know why, so I ignored it...

There was a pattern here and I didn't like it. "# ...- ke you've brought up anything good. #" Oh shit, she was talking.

Thankfully I heard enough to guess what she'd said. Making a show of rolling my eyes, I turned back to the display with my Suit, fucking with the colors to hide the fact I wasn't fully listening. "I'm both indecisive, and already dealing with making my Suit feel like MY Suit. Asking me to come up with a name would be too much."

Melody just scoffed behind me, making me roll my eyes again. "# Whatever. Though, now that the obligatory joke name's outta the way, I can move on. #"

I hummed at her, setting my Suit's primary color to the same black Phoenix and Taylor used, which was the only thing I was really set on at the moment. "'Whatever.'" I saw her twitch from the reflection of my Suit display.

She wasn't the only cheeky bitch here, and I had no issues reminding her. "# Anywaaay...- #"

(God, she really is related to the asshole.)

"# Thoughts on Apophis? #"

I snorted. "Nothing says 'I'm here to help' then an Egyptian Chaos/Destruction God." I scoffed, cause no, just no. "Might as well stamp 'I'm an edgy bitch' on my tits and call it a day." The name itself was fine, and I did like it, but the connotations of it were a major red flag.

The resident Tinker hummed at that, but didn't say anything about it. "# How about Serqet? #" That made me pause. That rang a bell, a good one I was pretty sure, so I motioned for her to go on. "# Serqet's known as a Goddess of Healing/medicine, protection, and magic. Fertility is there too, but that domain is shared by a good bit of the Pantheon, so that's not exactly special. She's usually tied with scorpions though, so you might want some scorpion imagery added on. #"

Hmm. I threw the name around for a bit, idly trying shades of blue to the Suit as I did, and thought about it. (I mean, it fits the theme. I'm a Healer, she's a Healer. I can make super food, so there's Fertility. Magic... I mean, I can make sentient life, so that's gotta count...? It's 6 letters like their names too... Scorpions are cool, but I'd rather not change my emblem from snakes... But do I need too?) There was nothing that explicitly said Capes had to have some dedicated emblem, or one that stayed on theme or anything... (It's a good name... But can I get behind it?) People that used God/Goddesses as their names were usually seen as egotistical blowhards...

Then Anubis/Sun Wukong and Khepri showed up and bulldozed their way through that little issue by making the Canberra raid the most successful Endbringer battle in the history of ever. They'd already had a small list of things prior to that, but Canberra was the turning point that cemented their status in the Cape community.

And now here I was, throwing my hat in the ring and joining them. (Can I stack up?) That was the big one though. Could I pick up the slack and match Taylor and Phoenix as a Cape?

The easy answer? Yes. Yes I could...

I'd just need to get rid of my rules and really use my Power. There was so much I could do if I just let myself go for it, to just let go of my rules and fully embrace my Bio-Kinetic Power...

Which was something I was already doing. Scylla was more then enough proof that I could do more then embody the 'Plague' part in our little Egyptian throuple, though I could still do that too, and I was actually thinking about what else I could do.

I could help Taylor by making some super bugs for her, maybe even a big ass beetle for her to ride into battle like some actual mythological shit.

I could help Phoenix by making a jackal for him, maybe make it breath poison or something to fit his theme.

Hell, I could help the world by making some mosquito that could cure blood born diseases without anyone knowing! There was just so much good I could do that it was fucking criminal that I hadn't done it already. (Thanks Carol, the world still has cancer cause of you.)

Was it fair to blame that on her? Eh.

Did I care? Fuck no! Fuck that bitch and the horse whose dick she kept up her ass.

Justifiable anger at Carol aside, I thought about naming myself Serqet and what that mantle would require... And found that I didn't really have a reason to say no. (Phoenix and Taylor can do it, so I can too.)

I nodded to myself, looking at my Suit as I did... And blinked when I noticed the color scheme. It was still an inky black, but the toxic purple(Google 'Poison purple' and look at the iColorpalette link, that's the one I'm using) highlights looked...


I'd need to work on the snakes, maybe make the the outlines of their scales and the eyes glow like the emblems on Anubis and Khepri, but I really liked what I had. (Anubis, Khepri, and Serqet...) My lips curled up, the image easily coming to my mind. (I like it.)

I was happy with it, happy with myself, and looking forward to earning my place with the first two people that saw and wanted me.

So of course that was when alarms started blaring, scaring the shit out of me. "What the fuck?!" Turning to where Scylla was, because there was a good chance my little menace was involved, I locked onto her frozen form. She was on top of a Vita Chamber, something I had been itching to look at considering the implications it had for the medical field, and looked as confused as I was. After a few more seconds of staring at my Daughter, who just gave me a genuinely innocent look, I looked over to Melody, who should know what the fuck was going on...

And saw the wide eyed look of shock on her face. Anything that got the usually motherly/cheeky woman to look like that was a problem.

Then the Lab went on lock down, and I couldn't stop myself. "What the fuck is going on?"

That seemed to snap her out of her shock, getting her to look at me with a pained look. She seemed to argue with herself for a second, then grimaced. "# His captors implanted a bomb within Taylor's Father. #" Oh. "# We have reason to believe it's one of Bakuda's as well. #" Oh shit. "# Taylor's in shock at the moment, but I'm trying to get her out of it. As soon as she has full control over her facilities I'll be isolating her Father in the Danger Room for surgery. #" Double shit.

But, wait... "I can help though!"

I didn't like the conflicted look she sent me, and only paid half a mind to the fact my Daughter was making her way over to me. "# I know you can, and if there wasn't a literal bomb in play I'd immediately let you help. #" I opened my mouth at that, but she held up a hand, stopping me before I could say anything. "# The issue here is the fact we don't know how this bomb is triggered. Hell, we're lucky it wasn't some kind of motion sense or else Taylor would already be stress testing her, and The Roost's, shielding. #" Okay, that was a good point... A really good point actually. "# At the moment it's dormant, and most likely being rendered inert due to the defenses I've built/helped build for The Roost, but we don't know. I'll need a minute to scan it, figure out what we're working with, THEN work on removing it. #" Her eyes softened a bit there, and she looked at me a bit like how she looked at Taylor and Phoenix. "# I promise you, the moment we get that bomb out I'll let you help. Does that work for you? #"

That... Sounded fine. Stretching an arm out for my Daughter to climb up, which she did as soon as she was close enough, I nodded at Melody. "I can work with that." The lilac eyed Tinker nodded back at me, giving me a smile as she did...

Then she paused, a frown appearing as she turned her head to the livingroom, which reminded me that this was Taylor's Dad we were talking about, and Taylor herself was fucked up at the fact he had a fucking BOMB in him. "Is... Is she ok?"

An eye flickered over to me, then back to the livingroom. "# I... Don't know. She suddenly locked u...- #" She paused, blinked for a moment, then a screen popped up. My eyes locked onto it, momentarily taking in the sight of a warehouse before it changed. Khepri took to the air, taking on her 'Goth Dommy Mommy' look and flying... Flying towards Ah Puch.

Seeing the ghastly form made me shiver, something my Daughter noticed if the slight pressure from her coiling around me was anything to go by. I was fine with Ghostfreak, he was basically a ghost, which was cool in my opinion...

It was just Ah Puch that scared the shit out of me for some reason. There was no reason for it, not one I knew of, but something about it just felt wrong to me. From what I knew of Ghostfreak, which was a bit considering my Power worked on it, there should've been no way for it to evolve that way. ESPECIALLY because the thing was a glorified corpse being held together by some voodoo bullshit.

My irrational fear of the super ghost aside, I watched as Khepri stopped in front of i...- "SKRAA...-"

I slammed my hands against my ears the moment the sound came through, because Jesus Christ! """FUCK!/$!$/# Jesus! #""" It was like someone amplified nails on a chalkboard through a high quality speaker!

Thank God she cut off th...- The moment I brought my hands down was the moment another set of alarms started blaring. "OH FUCKING COME ON!" This was getting ridiculous! Looking at Melody made me see a look of legit anger on her face. (Oh fuck, what is it now?!)

As if she was reading my mind, Melody brought up more feeds, these ones from the peak of the mountain, as well as the corners of each direction. It didn't take long for said feeds to zoom in on the 4 groups of people that appeared on the mountain range. There were... 5(?) Capes a group, and I didn't need to work at the PRT to guess some ratings.

There were a pair of easily identifiable Brutes in each group, some sort of mutant panda and shark in the group to the North.

A guy that looked like a black bear and a bird with big ass wing hate fucked each other to have him, and some guy that looked like someone slapped spikes and limbs on an eel and called it a day for the guys in the South.

And then there were the guys in the East... I rubbed my eyes, making sure I was actually seeing this shit. When it was still there I asked the question on my mind, even if I didn't actually want it answered. "Is that a fucking mammoth?" Because I was pretty sure that's what I was looking at, no goddamn way it was anything else. I ignored the part of my mind that thought it could be a big ass elephant with fur, firing back that that was basically the idiots description of the animals. The guy/thing was atleast 20ft tall, and decked out with a pair of tusks that branched out into another pair, similar to the horn of some beetles. I was so focused on the big guy that I almost missed the octopus dude near him... An octopus with a fuckton of eerily glowing patterned dots all over his body... (If he's not poisonous I'll eat my tits.)

Then there were the... Things, in the West. I wasn't sure what I was looking at really. The best I could compare the first Brute to was a giraffe and a rat... (I don't even want to know.) Then there was the other one, a sort of see through jellyfish squid thing, but person shaped, with all the organs and blood vessels that came with it... (Okay, that's kinda interesting now that I'm looking at it.)

And those were just the Brutes too!

Each group had a woman in a full body Suit, nothing to give away her features aside from the pair of tits. They all had suns on them, but there was no shot they all had the same Power.

There was also a fucking quartet of bitches that didn't seem to know it wasn't Halloween joining the circus outside. (A ghost a dulahan a zombie and a vampire. If that isn't the set up to a shit joke then I don't know what is.)

Joining said bitches and the animal parade were some weird golem things made out of gems(?) The Northern one looked like a person sized rogue made out of gold, and emerald archer for the South, a Ruby barbarian for the East, and a Sapphire tiger for the West. (Where the fuck did all of these guys even come from?!) None of them looked like a Mover, and I couldn't spot one through the feeds, which was a little disconcerting. There was no way they'd be able to get this close to the mountain without a Mover, the sensors set up around the place were too crazy to allow that to happen.

A loud and steady breath brought me out of my thoughts, my eyes raising to see Melody slowly nodding her head in a way that reminded me of Aunt Sarah when she was about to lay into Eric or Crystal when they did something real stupid. "# They want to fuck around? Okay, that's okay. #"

Suddenly the feed from the top of the mountain lit up, the mountain top shifting pretty much the same way the front door does when it was about to open. Seeing that, I wasn't surprised when a weapon platform constructed itself around the mountain peak, two massive cannons constructing themselves in moments, charging up and buzzing with power.

The way everyone immediately paused through the feeds was fucking gold. "# Let's see em handle finding out. #" And that was the icing on the cake. The cannons fired, massive spheres of energy practically exploded from the barrels and started careening towards the East and West si...- Both rounds flickered for a moment, then disappeared and reappeared in front of the cannons, exploding immediately after their reappearance. The resounding explosion shook the mountain for a second, but that was all it did. The shielding had flashed before the explosion happened, so even though we just got Uno reversed they were fine.

Looking over to the Tinker I saw Medusa's lips thin, but aside from that she didn't really seem shocked or anything. "# ... Burst fire it is then. #" The cannons thrummed again, but instead of firing one big blast a trio of smaller but faster rounds blasted out of them. The last rounds flickered like the 1st salvo, but even when they repeated what happened last time the result was already different.

It didn't matter that all of these fucks had already started rushing towards the mountain, weaving around or through the forest, the blasts landed near the Eastern and Southern invaders, exploding and destroying parts of the forest, hopefully killing a few people as they did... Though, when the dust settled, the fucking MAMMOTH was still charging ahead like a bull in a china shop, unfazed at being shot at.

If that wasn't bad enough then what happened next was a next level of fucked. Out of goddamn nowhere a small ball of pure white showed up, and my jaw fucking dropped when the weapon platform, more specifically the cannons, started fucking MELTING! (What the fuck?!) Going by the way Medusa's eyes widened, and the way my Daughter was frantically hissing by my head, they probably shared the thought...

Well, hopefully Scylla didn't. She was only a week old, and I rather she not emulate me... Like, at all.

The white ball of death stayed around for a few seconds before ultimately disappearing... But the damage was already done, the cannons were melted to the point of being too damaged to work... "# Found you, bitch. #" I would wholeheartedly admit to anyone that asked, but the cold way she said that kind of the shit out of me.

Looking at what she saw let me see who she was talking about. One of the full body suit bitches, the one in the South, was down on the ground, shaking on her hands and knees like she ran a marathon, so figuring out she was the one behind whatever the fuck she just did was an easy connection to make.

Then the damnedest thing happened.

The mid section of the mountain, above where I knew held a fuckton of Taylor's bugs, opened up like an aircraft hanger. Out of said hanger came a legitimate Dragon Aircraft. But instead of being a dragon, the thing looked more like a giant snake... If a giant snake was a lilac purple and black, the size of a military jet... And had a fuckton more guns then the usual Dragon crafts/military jets. Hell just the visible ports and attachments alone consisted of atleast 20 kinds of guns from tip to tail. There was no doubt in my mind it had more, crazier shit in it hiding underneath its scales.

The snake craft wasn't even alone either, two dozen or so smaller bird shaped drones following it out as they all took off into the air. (Again, what the fuck?)

I ignored my Daughter's blatant gaping at the scene in front of us, her baby brain saw 'Big metal flying snake' and turned off, instead looking over at Medusa. The Tinker noticed, shooting me a familiar amused grin. "# Despite how much I like it, I'm more then just a stay at home Mom, Amy. My workshop isn't as developed as I'd like, con of focusing more on my son's Lab and projects then my own, but I've still gained enough resources to set up an... Adequate, hangar. #"




I looked between the feed of a Medusa Aircraft and drones going for the invading groups, then back to the smug looking Medusa, then nodded. "Tinker's are bullshit." Because they were. Bitch had a goddamn war craft in her house and had the gall to call her workshop 'Adequate.'

The purple haired woman snorted, but didn't deny it, only smirking more smugly then before. "# Yes. Yes we ar...- #" She froze, twitched, then zoned in on one of the feeds in front of her. Looking where she looked made me see one of the gem golems, the red one, pick up their full bodied bitch... And throw her? The reason why was apparent when the bitch ignited like a living star, cerulean blue flames wrapping around her as she was shot towards the Medusa Aircraft like a javelin. The craft avoided it, because we could fucking see it coming, but we both watched as the human projectile kept going... Then suddenly combusted? Waves of blue fire were erupting in the air where she was, a small sea of flames uselessly crashing against the mountain's shields.

After a few seconds of watching that, and idly noting the craft had stilled, suddenly revealing a massive fuck off cannon from its mouth, I asked the obvious question. "So, she just let herself die, right? I'm not imagining that?"

Medusa took a breath, then slowly nodded. "# Yeah, she's less then ash now. #"




"That sucks for her." Medusa snorted, but didn't say anything else. Neither did I to be fair., because that was fucked up.

That aside, we both watched the groups try to make their way towards the mountain, both deciding to just ignore what juts happened for now. Some of them were doing better then others, the mammoth had to be on crack or something, while others were getting fucked, like the guys from the South, who were getting swarmed by drones...

But then something happened. The North group, which was somehow still fully intact despite the drones nipping at their heels, suddenly flickered, then appeared within the shield, and close to the path that led to the front door. They'd need a few minutes to reach it, but they eventually would. Melody twitched, a scowl appearing then disappearing so fast that I thought I imagined it. Her eyes flickered towards the hangar, another Medusa Craft appearing to line up and exit the hangar... Only to immediately be shot down by some kind of white lightning.

Medusa was still for a moment, I was too because that was insane, then she sighed. Hesitantly, she turned to me. Lilac met marigold, and we stared at each other.

I wasn't stupid, I could tell why she was hesitant, and was currently staring at me. Gritting my teeth, I stared back, straightening up a bit as I did. She didn't have to ask, I knew what she would've said anyway.

This was it.

This was my chance to prove whether or not I deserved to stand with Anubis and Khepri, or if I was just talking shit.

Here and now, with people having the fucking audacity to barge into our home, and the Medusa Crafts doing their best, it was up to me to be more then just a little girl hiding away while the adults fought and wrecked everything... I mentally frowned at that, the whole thing sounding way more personal then I initially thought it would. (Doesn't matter.) Shooing the thought away, I waited for Medusa to give me the go ahead, her acceptance was what I needed right now, and thankfully she gave it.

She turned to my Suit, eyes flickering with code and shit, then turned back to me. "# Your Suit will respond to 'Serqet' now, so get suited up. #"

I nodded at her, not even waiting for anything else before I turned back to my Suit. Because of that I got to watch as the display flickered, and my Suit disappeared into my pendent. I had no idea how that worked, but now wasn't the time to question how the Tinkertech worked.

Grabbing and putting on the piece of 'Jewelry' was easy, but knowing what would happen when I thought about my new name made me more excited then I'd been in a long time. Palming my Suit, my emblem, I couldn't stop my thoughts. (This is it. This is my new start.)

Right as I was about to activate it, Medusa cleared her throat behind me, making me look at her from over my shoulder. "# You might want to put Scylla down. We don't want her to interfere with you putting it on. #" I blinked, recognized that yeah, having a living being coiled around me when I was putting on my new Suit might be the best of ideas, and nodded.

Looking at my Daughter, who just blinked at me, I gave her a smile. "You might want to get off for this honey." Her cheeks puffed up a little bit, which was adorable, but she listened to me, slithering down my body and going back onto the ground. When she was completely removed from me I glanced at Medusa, who nodded at me with a smile of her own. With everything ready, I took a breath, then did it. (Serqet.)

Just like I'd seen with Anubis and Khepri's Suits, the fibers exploded outwards, wrapping me up in them and covering my body. In the blink of an eye Amy was gone, Serqet standing where she had been. I took a second to get used to my Suit, opening and closing a hand as my HUD lit up, showing me a 3D image of me standing in my Suit.

The color scheme was perfect, the same shade of black used by Khepri and Anubis, with the toxic purple highlights in the scale pattern of my hood, shoulders, hands, and legs. The slits of my 'Eyes' glowed the same purple as my highlights, while my clawed fingers and toes felt perfect. My emblem was directly beneath my collar, twin snakes coiled around the staff of Aesculapius, the scales around their heads and their eyes glowing purple.(Basing this off of TinaGR Ghost Spider Gwen Stacy on starryai, it's fucking amazing.)

While I was looking myself over my HUD flickered, then a tab with Medusa's face appeared in the top right corner of my vision. "# Because of our current circumstances, I'll be helping you by activating certain modes of your Suit when they're needed, and guide you through your first outing. #" That made sense, so I nodded at her. She went on after that. "# Good. First, take this. #" 'This' turned out to be a Duel Disk, one being carried by one of the simpler Lab drones.

I blinked at that, because I didn't see that coming, but didn't complain. I put the thing on, the Duel Core easily syncing up with my Suit and projecting a bunch of options. At the same time as that happened my Daughter started to wind her way back onto my body, eventually coming to rest her head on my shoulder. But that was normal, as normal as a 6ft long plant snake could be, so my attention was primarily focused on the options before me.

I recognized some of them, 'Scent of Roses' had the dragon that had decided to become my Daughter's Aunt, 'Judgement' was the Gods and Sacred Beasts, and 'Regicide' was the Monarchs. I recognized more, but those were just the ones I saw first. I didn't get to see more though, my deck being picked for me. 'Predaplant' was what it was called, and I was undoubtedly interested in the name. (Guess I'll see what it is soon.)

That done I looked back to Medusa, who nodded. "# Your weapons are in your inventory, as well as a few more that Taylor made earlier. At the moment you have access to a Peacekeeper, your Sentinel and Hawkmoon, and a dozen Arc grenades. #" Now she was speaking a language I was familiar with. Thinking about my Sentinel and Hawkmoon ended up with them appearing, the former strapped to my back while the latter was on my thigh. I took a second to register they were there, then grinned.

Some fuckers were about to have a bad time.

"# Now, I think it's time for Serqet to make her debut. #"

I grinned under my mask, palming my Hawkmoon as I did. "Yeah, I think it is too." My Daughter let out a loud and excited series of hisses, probably agreeing with that, which just made me grin wider.

Standing in front of the door was the last thing that solidified that this was happening. As soon as I took a step out there I wouldn't be Panacea anymore...

And I was fine with that.

Panacea was a weary and depressed girl who was working every day no matter how much she hated it, and was ready to snap under the pressure of rules and expectation made by her and others.

Serqet would be a healing Mother in a healthy relationship, one with the first pair of people that actually saw and wanted her, and would do anything for them, no matter the cost.

Panacea was my past, Serqet was my future.

And I was done being who I had been before. "# First things first, #" My eyes drifted to the tab with Medusa. "# I'll be activating the Cloak Mode of your Suit. No point in letting yourself be a target when you can be invisible. #" I wholeheartedly agreed with that, and watched as I went invisible.

I was a little surprised when Scylla decided to copy me, activating her own camouflage. (My Daughter's the best.) I wanted to be smug, I really did, but I mentally sighed and decided to wait till we weren't being attacked to do it.

"# Now that that's done I'll need you to do one last thing before you can go out. #"

"Okay?" I didn't demand an explanation or anything, I trusted her to tell me what and why.

Though, when a pair of icons appeared in my top left, looking like Anubis and Khepri's emblems, I wondered if I should've asked. "# I've temporarily linked Behemoth and Johanna's uplinks to your Suit. With this you'll be able to call them out of the Lab, and I'll be able to pilot them so we can clean up the trash. #" I snorted at that, but nodded anyway.

I was already in, and there was no way I was standing back anymore. (Start You Engine.) Both bikes appeared by my side, immediately shifting into their Duel Runner forms. When they were done a hologram of a Suit clad Medusa appeared on them.

They looked at me for a moment, then nodded. "# Let's show these fucks what happens when they start shit with us! #"

Behemoth and Johanna's engines revved, while I barked out a laugh. Then the door opened, and it was game time.

~They see you as small and helpless. They see you as just a child. Surprise when they find out that a warrior will soon run wild!~(This Will Be The Day - Jeff Williams ft Casey Lee Williams)

I wasn't even surprised at this point, just letting the music wash over me as Behemoth and Johanna shot out of the door, monsters materializing above them as they did. As soon as they were gone I ran out of The Roost, darting towards the forest as soon as I could... Which was way easier then ever before. I covered more distance then I usually could, wasn't feeling the strain of running like this, and got to the trees fast enough to rival an Olympian. (Yeah, I love this Suit.)

~This will be the day we've waited for! This will be the day we open up the door. I don't wanna hear your absolution, hope you're ready for a revolution.~

The moment I was covered by the trees I looked over to my shoulder, seeing the faint outline of my Daughter. "Honey, time to hunt." My little snake hissed, rubbed herself against my cheek, then uncoiled from me as she lunged towards the nearest tree. She knew what to do, and I knew she could handle it, especially since this was our territory and her strongest environment.

With Scylla out I focused on the feed Medusa was sharing with me, watching as she drove Behemoth towards the Western group while Johanna went East. The former had a trio of monsters above it, a pair of massive snakes flanking a snake woman with snakes for arms and hair(Venom monsters), while the latter had one of the Monarchs from Taylor's earlier duel. Seeing them reminded me that my Duel Disk was still on and waiting for me to use it.

Now that I was actively focusing on them, certain cards were highlighted, numbers going from 1-5 above them. Noticing me looking at them, Medusa spoke up. "# Considering you've never used these cards before I'll be doing all the work, all you need to do is select the card and I'll go through with the actions. #"

I nodded at that, then started tapping cards.

By the end of the whole thing the 3rd coolest monster I'd ever seen appeared in front of me, my Power going fucking mental as it looked at 'Predaplant Triphyoverutum.' It wanted THAT, wanted to create something as Beautiful as the thing in front of me. and I couldn't fault it.

Like Black Rose he was a badass plant dragon, one that came up as the same size as the mammoth fucking around our home... But he was more then that. He was a plant dragon wi...-

Plant dragon...

And it was like I had an epiphany.

My eyes drifted to the trees surrounding me, uncaring over the fact my monster had shot off towards the North. I stared at the trees, way bigger and healthier then anything not found in a rain forest, then looked down to my hands. (Well, I did say I'd do anything for them.) With a wicked grin on my lips I made fibers on the tips of my fingers retract, and put them on the tree. As soon as my palm met the bark I felt my Power respond. It wanted to experiment, to do something I'd never intentionally done before...

And for once in my life, I didn't stop it. The feeling of something 'Clicking' into place went off in my mind, but I ignored it, more focused on what I was doing. I had so much material all around me, and thanks to these monsters I had a starting point.

These 'Predaplants' gave me some ideas, and who better to test them on then trespassers?

~Beware that the light is fading. Beware if the dark returns. This world's unforgiving, even brilliant lights will cease to burn! Legends scatter. Day and night will sever. Hope and peace are lost forever!~

Morbid as those lyrics were, I wasn't going to deny them.

A fuckton of trespassers were going to get their shit kicked in. There'd be no hope or peace for them, not when they tried this on us. Earth Bet was unforgiving, but so was I.

I was Serqet, and as I watched the tree turn into some form of Utah-raptor, I vowed that these assholes would know what it meant to cross me.

[Amy's POV: Present]

"And then you know what happened. Asses were kicked, names taken, abominations against nature given life to terrorize Humanity, that sort of shit. Really, you just came in right after my Ents followed Triphyoverutum to wherever the fuck he went." And I had no idea where he went before I turned my Duel Disk off...

Which is kinda worrying when you process the fact I lost a 20ft plant dragon hydra that breathed poison. (Ya know, as Capes are won't to do.)

"... So there are plant dinosaurs in our forest?" I looked over to Taylor, my girlfriend looking contemplative and impressed.

She had a question though, and I had an answer. "Kinda. They don't have true brains or intelligence, working more off of a limited central nervous system capable of animal level problem solving and development. They might end up as smart as raptors, if we work on them for it, but right now they're basically big and deadly dogs, kinda like wolves." Granted, wolves were also cool, but I liked my murder dinos better.

Taylor hummed at the answer, nodding along a moment later. Though a sudden poke brought my attention away from her and towards the source, which turned out to be Phoenix. The big ass grin on his face made me pause, There was pride in it, yeah, but there was also a bit of teasing in it too. "As soon as I'm not sore I'm going to kiss your lips swollen." Ah, there it was. I turned away from him, my cheeks heating up at the blunt admission.

It didn't help that Taylor started to lick her lips, a hand playfully caressing my thigh as she did. (Fuckin annoying hot minx!) I knew that Taylor knew what that was doing to me, but I refused to bend! I was gonna ride the high for as long as I could!

She eventually stopped caressing my thigh though, right around the time a grumble from the sole male in the room sounded out, making me look at them from the corner of my eye. They were both still smiling at me, but they were warmer from before, more personal. The looks, and what they meant, made me feel like I belonged. ""We're proud of you Amy.""And when they spoke up, doing that fucking twin thing that creeped me out sometimes, that feeling just grew and grew until I had a thought that I agreed with wholeheartedly.

(This is it. This is where my future is.)

I like the idea of Amy being a Minion Maker, so she's going to primarily be a minion 'll get involved in fights, she has guns after all, but until she's caught up with the other two she'll mostly be there in the back spamming monsters, real and not real, at people.

Fun fact, the second story I'd ever thought of was a Persona/SMT x Fire Emblem Awakening cross with a Pixie as the MC. The Pixie would come in during the first fight with the Risen, going through the ominous glowing portal because 'New', and end up being drawn to Robin because of the feel of Grima in them. The Persona portion of it would be giving the Pixie the ability to make Social Links with the Shepards, and the ability to turn into a shadow/demon of the Arcana's of the Shepards. The higher the links, the better the forms. I didn't write it, obviously, but it was an interesting idea that I wouldn't mind reading.

Anyway, all the ult names, and names for Taylor's Hybrids.

Heatblast - Agni / Taylor's Hybrid - Pele

Wildmutt - Set / Taylor's Hybrid - Leto

Diamondhead - Izanagi / Taylor's Hybrid - Theia

XLR8 - Savitar / Taylor's Hybrid - Zephyr

Grey Matter - Thoth / Taylor's Hybrid - Minerva

Four Arms - Herakles / Taylor's Hybrid - Artemisia

Upgrade - Prometheus / Taylor's Hybrid - Diana

Ghostfreak - Ah Puch / Taylor's Hybrid - Melinoe

Cannonbolt - Achilles / Taylor's Hybrid - Soteria

Wildvine - Pan / Taylor's Hybrid - Wisteria

Arctiguana - Ymir / Taylor's Hybrid - Skadi

Blitzwolfer - Anubis / Taylor's Hybrid - Rhea

Snare-Oh - Osiris / Taylor's Hybrid - Cleopatra

Swampfire - Sylvanus / Taylor's Hybrid - Dryad

Echo Echo - Bes / Taylor's Hybrid - Melpomene

Humungousaur - Atlas / Taylor's Hybrid - Nike

Jetray - Boreas / Taylor's Hybrid - Sylph

Big Chill - Nuckelavee / Taylor's Hybrid - Sagawehn

Chromastone - Yata no Kagami / Taylor's Hybrid - Virgo

Brainstorm - Koios / Taylor's Hybrid - Athena

Spider Monkey - Beelzebub / Taylor's Hybrid - Arachne

Goop - Pluto / Taylor's Hybrid - Achlys

Lodestar - Hades / Taylor's Hybrid -Abundantia

Nanomech - Atom / Taylor's Hybrid - Pixie

Water Hazard - Poseidon / Taylor's Hybrid - Amphitrite

Ampfibian - Kraken / Taylor's Hybrid -Namielle

Armodrillo - Cabrakan / Taylor's Hybrid - Boudica

Terraspin - Susanoo / Taylor's Hybrid - Eos

NRG - Asura / Taylor's Hybrid - Bia

Juryrigg - Daedalus / Taylor's Hybrid - Da Vince

Shocksquatch - Thor / Taylor's Hybrid - Astrape

Feedback - Raiden / Taylor's Hybrid - Brigit

Gravattack - Geb / Taylor's Hybrid - Nu Wa

Astrodactyl - Quetzalcoatl / Taylor's Hybrid - Isis