Chereads / Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 1918 - 19

Chapter 1918 - 19


The first of the full and proper Interlude segments.

Kinda' really unhappy with how the PHO part is translating over, but not much I can do without sinking a load of time into fiddling with it. DX

Chapter Text


Rosalind wasn't impressed by the sights of the city, as the car crested the hills on its outskirts. Compared to the likes of Boston and New York, it was always something of a particularly uppity fishing town. The downward spiral after the riots was inevitable, probably would have happened regardless, though taking decades instead of years to achieve the same results. The bits that weren't run down or worse were drab and mediocre. Even shining Medhall and the Protectorate ENE were on par with the average for America's great cities, at best.

As they made their way into the city proper, she went over the news articles and forum threads she and her assistant had found over the weekend to prepare for the trip, one last time.


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Topic: Turf War XIX: These subtitles aren't funny anymore

In: Boards ► US ► East Coast ► Brockton Bay


Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)

Posted on February 6, 2011:

Hornet's nest got kicked again. ABB VS Merchants, by the look of it.

Skirmishes breaking out all across their borders. Only good news is, no cape fights yet. Current theory is payback for Lung killing Brick, but this doesn't mesh well with the Merchant's 'hold ground or fall back' MO. Looking into what sparked off a Merchant land-grab, but details are sparse.

The E88 are suspiciously quiet so far, too.

EDIT: Rumor is there was some sort of truce on, and the Merchants claim the ABB broke it.

EDIT2: Okay, so the E88 are being quiet about their expansion, just walking in and tagging new blocks unopposed for now.

EDIT3: Apparently Lung's out of town, which might explain everyone's boldness.

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► Reave (Verified PRT Agent)

Replied on February 21, 2011:

Fighting near Washington and Hazel. Stay safe, people.


► 10K_GUTS

Replied on February 21, 2011:

Broheim_ Dragon always takes back what's his, whether we like it or not. You'll see.


► FestivityBeast (Cape Geek)

Replied on February 21, 2011:

keep telling yougyys lungs NOT STUPID hes git something planned stop edging on that moth father!


► Broheim_ (Temp-banned)

Replied on February 21, 2011:

10K_GUTS Say that to my face, chink.


► Assssault (Unverified Cape) (Cape Geek)

Replied on February 21, 2011:

You okay there, FestivityBeast?

Someone take Fes's happy juice before he hurts himself again! D:


► SerialPuncher

Replied on February 21, 2011:

Assssault or breaks his phone to kill his autocorrupt.

Moth Father. XD XD XD


► Judge (Moderator)

Replied on February 21, 2011:

Cool it down, Broheim_

Come back tomorrow.


► Glory Girl (Hero) (New Wave)

Replied on February 21, 2011:

Assssault SerialPuncher can you NOT right now?

Found three bodies in that park on Charleston. Merchants.


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Topic: Locker Girl's Revenge?

In: Boards ► US ► East Coast ► Brockton Bay


Cronchborgor (Original Poster)

Posted on February 19, 2011:

Hey, so those girls who shoved that one girl into her locker haven't been seen in a week.

I thought that whole thing fizzled out? Hadn't seen any cops since the first couple days, but maybe something happened.

Anyone know what's going on?

Is locker girl dead?


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► StompsMvGee

Replied on February 19, 2011:

Sounds like BS. I bet nothing happened.


► Shrewdinger (Unverified Rodent)

Replied on February 19, 2011:

I dunno man, cops came by after school a couple days ago. Probs something up.


► SpecificProtagonist (Cape Groupie)

Replied on February 19, 2011:

Oh, shit.


► WereNewt (Cape Geek)

Replied on February 19, 2011:

I think I heard about that. Sounds fucked up.


► XxVoid_CowboyxX (Temp-banned)

Replied on February 20, 2011:

Hey, I know her! That's [REDACTED]!


I wonder if she got powers from the locker? What sort of powers do you think they'd be?


► SpecificProtagonist (Cape Groupie)

Replied on February 20, 2011:

Seriously not cool, void.


► WereNewt (Cape Geek)

Replied on February 20, 2011:

Wish I could punch people through screens, right now.


► Alathea (Moderator)

Replied on February 20, 2011:


XxVoid_CowboyxX, you should know better than to pick at secret identities, even if you don't know they're a cape. What if the gangs kidnapped her over your insensitive post? Sit in the corner and think about what you did for a while.

This whole topic is asking for trouble. Removal pending.


End of Page. 1



Topic: Spitfire

In: Boards ► US ► East Coast ► Brockton Bay


Assssault (Original Poster) (Unverified Cape) (Cape Geek)

Posted on January 8, 2011:

As ENE's resident Cape Recruitment Officer, (self-appointed, TYVM) I must say this new prospect is a rather hot commodity!

Rumor has it she can breathe fire! No word yet on any other powers.

Come on, new girl! Join the good guys! We have cake! And pensions! But mostly the cake!

EDIT: Powers confirmed to include fire immunity.

EDIT2: She's on record as 'Spitfire' now. Thanks mods for the thread title change.

EDIT3: Aww, I think she's taken. Oh well, I'll get the next one for you, Miss Director, Ma'am!


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► Tim20

Replied on February 21, 2011:

Still don't get what the big deal is, she spits fire in the same city as Lung. Everyone's already as fireproof as they're going to get.


► Bagrat (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)

Replied on February 21, 2011:

Rumor has it she's been seen around Faultline's crew.


Spitfire, any confirmation on a teamup?


► Assssault (Original Poster) (Unverified Cape) (Cape Geek)

Replied on February 21, 2011:

Bagrat Aww man, really? That sucks.


► CarlCalamatous

Replied on February 21, 2011:

Tim20 Never underestimate thepower of fire!


The soloution is ALWAYS more fire!


► Spitfire (Verified Cape)

Replied on February 21, 2011:

Bagrat I'd prefer not to say, right now.


► The Great Gingoro (Verified Stage Magician)

Replied on February 21, 2011:

That sounds like a yes to me!


► SpecificProtagonist (Cape Groupie)

Replied on February 21, 2011:

I ship it.


► DockWalkers

Replied on February 21, 2011:

CarlCalamatous Please not in my damn city, thank you.


► Spitfire (Verified Cape)

Replied on February 21, 2011:

SpecificProtagonist Eww

The Great Gingoro No


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Topic: Terraform

In: Boards ► US ► East Coast ► Brockton Bay


Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)

Posted on February 18, 2011:

Our newest hero has decided on a name! And being the Guy (in the Know) that I am, (and in desperate need of some good news around here) I've started a proper thread for her.

She's a young woman, probably Wards age, and has been tentatively rated as a mid-level Shaker/Blaster combo. Her thing is elemental powers, and yes she is the geokinetic who's been running around for the past week or two.


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► Glory Girl (Hero) (New Wave)

Replied on February 18, 2011:

I wonder if she's considered joining New Wave?


► GingerVitis

Replied on February 18, 2011:




► GameOfPwns

Replied on February 19, 2011:

GingerVitis Haha, get wrecked.


► Calypso42

Replied on February 19, 2011:

Stay safe, hero girl!


► Assssault (Unverified Cape) (Cape Geek)

Replied on February 19, 2011:

Glory Girl No poaching! D:<


► Vista (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)

Replied on February 19, 2011:

Maybe she'd like the Wards? It'd be great not being the only girl on the team anymore!


► CarmillaCantEven

Replied on February 19, 2011:

Glory Girl

Not everyone likes the spotlight, remember?


► Clockblocker (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)

Replied on February 19, 2011:

Vista What about SS?


► SpecificProtagonist (Cape Groupie) (Threadbanned)

Replied on February 19, 2011:

I wonder if she's single, and what her preferences are…?


► Vista (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)

Replied on February 19, 2011:

Clockblocker Unlike you, I think I know a girl when I see one. ;P


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► crashb0t

Replied on February 19, 2011:

SpecificProtagonist Eww, isn't she still a kid?


► Reave (Verified PRT Agent)

Replied on February 19, 2011:

One of these days, we'll figure out how you get these scoops of yours, Bagrat…

Can confirm she met with Armsmaster the other night, and claimed to be uninterested in joining any teams right now, but did affirm her status as a hero.


► Shadow Stalker (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)

Replied on February 19, 2011:

Vista What, jealous little kitten finally big enough to get herself spayed?


► RSThis

Replied on February 19, 2011:

I think I saw her running around the other day.

Girl needs new threads.


► Assssault (Unverified Cape) (Cape Geek)

Replied on February 19, 2011:

Vista Ouch, brutal. XD


Shadow Stalker Not cool. Do I need to report you to the boss-lady?


► SpecificProtagonist (Cape Groupie) (Threadbanned)

Replied on February 19, 2011:

Crashb0t Hey, everyone has their ways to handle stress. Some people smoke, or drink, or play video games, whatever.

I write TerraXVista lewds I'm never going to be allowed to post anywhere. That's how I'm dealing with the difficult time I've had for the past couple weeks.


What I'm trying to say is, gimme the deets!


► Needs_More_Cowbell

Replied on February 19, 2011:

Wait, was she the one that stared down Victor last week?


► Alathea (Moderator)

Replied on February 19, 2011:

Shadow Stalker Take the sniping somewhere else, it's off topic.


SpecificProtagonist That is about three flavors of not okay too many. Three day threadban.


► Steve488

Replied on February 20, 2011:

Needs_More_Cowbell Fake news

Victor's never solo. Either he's got at least Othala for another cape, or at least a dozen guys with him. No way some newbie would scare him off.


► Lenzflare

Replied on February 20, 2011:

Pretty sure he did have Othala and Rune with him, and still left.


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► Glitzglam

Replied on February 20, 2011:

Needs_More_Cowbell No, it was definitely her.


► Stardust16

Replied on February 20, 2011:

Wait, wasn't Panacea there, too?


► Assssault (Unverified Cape) (Cape Geek)

Replied on February 20, 2011:

Stardust16 That sounds like a great question for the Panacea thread. :D

New girl's got chops, though! I like her already!


► Purple Fox

Replied on February 20, 2011:

But if she was with Panacea, does that mean she's joining New Wave?


► TragicAlpaca

Replied on February 20, 2011:

Purple Fox Didn't someone say she wasn't joining teams?


► SerialPuncher

Replied on February 20, 2011:

NW is kinda meh anyway.

Eight capes sure, all busy with school and day jobs.

Maybe she's biding time before going villain?


► GingerVitis

Replied on February 20, 2011:

SerialPuncher NO! Bad! No more villains!

She's a good girl!


► Lady Photon (Hero) (New Wave)

Replied on February 20, 2011:

Terraform is not affiliated with New Wave, no.


While I'm here, I did see her, at the end of that conflict with Victor, Rune, and Othala.

Sorry, but I don't have any more details.


► Purple Fox

Replied on February 20, 2011:

Well shit, it's Photon Mom!

Lady Photon Hiiiii!

Kinda' sucks she isn't joining a team though, indies don't last long.


► SerialPuncher

Replied on February 20, 2011:


Don't beam me, photon mom D:


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► CarlCalamatous

Replied on February 20, 2011:

Wait, can shedo fire?


► Aegis (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)

Replied on February 20, 2011:

I met up with her earlier, along with Dauntless, and I've got to say, she's actually really scary. I'm glad she's a hero.


And yeah, she does fire. Lots of fire.


► CarlCalamatous

Replied on February 20, 2011:



► SerialPuncher

Replied on February 20, 2011:

Aegis come on, man, you can't just leave us without details!


► All Seeing Eye (Unverified Cape)

Replied on February 20, 2011:

Didn't even talk about her starting her own team? ;D


► GingerVitis

Replied on February 20, 2011:

Wait, she is?


► Stardust16

Replied on February 20, 2011:

Good for her.


► Calypso42

Replied on February 20, 2011:

Glad she's getting a team.


► StanInLaw

Replied on February 20, 2011:

Yeah, gonna have to agree.

Aegis we need details.


► Aegis (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)

Replied on February 20, 2011:

Not sure what all I should say.

Like she keeps saying, classic elements. Water, fire, earth, wind. Scary with all of them.

REALLY glad she's on our side. D:


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► Snugaloo

Replied on February 20, 2011:

AMA soon?


► Lenzflare

Replied on February 20, 2011:

I don't think she has an account.


► The Winged One

Replied on February 20, 2011:

She seems nice.


► All Seeing Eye (Unverified Cape)

Replied on February 20, 2011:

Aww, it looks like Terraform hasn't logged in for almost a year.

Oh well, name's up for grabs, right?


► Purple Fox

Replied on February 20, 2011:

All Seeing Eye That is completely disrespectful! What if they're a dead hero?

The Winged One You think everyone is nice. XD


► The Winged One

Replied on February 20, 2011:

Purple Fox They usually are. ^_^


► MoistOwlette

Replied on February 21, 2011:

So, just gotta put this out there because no one else is bringing it up...

Do Stormtiger and Lung have something they need to tell us?


► Stardust16

Replied on February 21, 2011:


First? Eww.

Second? Eww

I don't think she's a dragon or a nazi.


► Steve488

Replied on February 21, 2011:

But is she Asian?

Aegis Did she sound Asian?


► Purple Fox

Replied on February 21, 2011:

Steve488 Are you really asking that?

Bearing in mind that I'm replying to a thread where someone implied the topic cape is a Nazi butt-baby.

really hope TF never reads her thread, now...


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► MoistOwlette

Replied on February 21, 2011:

Purple Fox

You just got to type the words 'nazi butt baby' unironically.

You're welcome. ;P


► Alathea (Moderator)

Replied on February 21, 2011:

Steve488 No prying into potential cape identities.

MoistOwlette Take your weird kinks back to the cape fic subforum, and please remember there are reasons most people don't write villain fics. Don't drag that into some new cape's thread.


► MoistOwlette

Replied on February 21, 2011:

*Hisses and flees*


► Aegis (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)

Replied on February 21, 2011:

Steve488 Yeah, I don't feel comfortable answering that.


► Steve488

Replied on February 21, 2011:

Yeah I'm sorry. That was a stupid way to ask that.


Aegis So ARE her wind powers anything like Stormtiger's?


► GingerVitis

Replied on February 21, 2011:

Aegis Did she sound cute? ;D


► Stardust16

Replied on February 21, 2011:

GingerVitis Ugh, stop it

Why are the boys always horning on the girl capes? Especially the underage ones?


► Purple Fox

Replied on February 21, 2011:

Stardust16 Boys are gonna boys, girlfriend. DX

Steve488 I'm more interested in those earth powers. I wonder what all she can do with them? Her name kind of implies that's her main power, after all.


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It was unlikely Taylor was this Spitfire girl, what with joining that mercenary crew… She closed the threads on her tablet, one by one, finished by the time they made it to the hotel she'd be staying at. She waved the driver off to unload, as she made her way up. It was a woman, of course. Rosalind always hired women for close personal positions, if she could manage it. It made her feel like a queen, surrounded by a coterie of handmaidens. Assistants, drivers, and especially bodyguards. A professional woman was less likely subverted, in her experience.

She'd wondered, on idle nights, if this habit of surrounding herself with strong women had anything to do with Annette's... tendencies. In the end, she decided it couldn't have been foreseen, if there was something to it.

The rest of the afternoon was spent making calls to reiterate meeting plans for the morning. No reason not to check on local investments while she was here, after all. That most of these investments were months, even weeks new, was irrelevant. She needed a local power base, to support her granddaughter with. All of it would be Taylor's eventually, though she'd long given up the thought of grooming her granddaughter as a proper heiress, habits died hard. Attempts would have to be made. If they failed? She'd just leave the plans in place as they were.

Taylor would never want for much in life, even with a fraction of Rosalind's estate, and the local investments. The majority would go towards a trust, and set towards doling out trust funds to any of Taylor's biological children and grandchildren, ad infinitum. Of course, there was always the chance that Taylor would wind up a spinster, or- given her mother's college habits- end up one of the gays. That would just mean doling money out to predetermined charities instead. Assuming she didn't squander what she did receive regardless, Taylor and any non-biological children would still be comfortable for the rest of their lives.



After a morning of meetings with companies she'd invested in with local offices, a stop in at Medhall to get the Cliff Notes presentation of their last few board meetings from one of their stooges, and tours of the local hospitals politely groveling for donations- which they would receive, if only small polite ones- Rosalind turned her attention to the crux of her trip to Brockton Bay.

Hebert worked a 9-to-5, so she'd invited herself to their home at 6. They found his beat-up old truck in the driveway, and she let herself out. Her driver could entertain herself for a while, and as Rosalind made her way to the door, she did indeed catch the young woman idly tapping away at a smartphone out of the corner of her eye. Her usual driver was at least refined enough to keep books on hand for times like these.

The home itself wasn't much to look at. It might have been a fine, if quaint little place at one point, but the chipped paint and unkempt shrubbery did it little service, and she poked her cane through the rotten step in front of the door with disdain. Her own blood, living in squalor like this? It was just shy of infuriating.

She took a deep, steadying breath. This was not the time for anger. That could come later. She stepped over the hole in the stairs, and knocked on the door with her cane. It took at least a minute too long for Hebert to answer the door, and when he did, his face tightened nearly to a grimace, and she sneered right back.

"Oh, you." He muttered, just barely loud enough she heard it. He gave a grumbling sigh and nodded his head towards the interior. "Come on in."

Rose let herself past him, and he shut the door behind her. She remembered where the kitchen was, and led the way there, seating herself, before her lips thinned as he took a seat across from her. "Not even going to offer a beverage?"

He shrugged. "You're welcome to my coffee if you want it, but Taylor's the tea drinker. You want a proper cup, you'll have to wait for her to get home."

She wasn't sure he was even aware of how many slights he was making against her, and decided he probably wasn't intentionally spitting on her primarily English heritage. She gripped her cane in her lap, and let out a breath. No use holding the low-brow to her standards when Annette clearly hadn't bothered to train him properly. "This is fine." She lied. "Where is Taylor?"

"Text she sent me said she was out training. She'll be home in a few hours, unless you want me to call her?"

She thought on it for a moment, but perhaps this was advantageous. "Soon, perhaps. I did have some questions." He grunted and nodded, so she continued. "What have you been doing for her?"

She'd done her research into the Heberts once she'd learned of Annette's marriage, of course. Her husband to be was the temperamental troubled child of a violent alcoholic ex-sailor. Bad stock from a bad home. It still amazed her that she'd never gotten any reports of the man beating his wife, with his temper and her headstrong nature. But, Taylor seemed happy enough, so the man had at least continued his trend of self-control at home.

Daniel was a middle-management union worker in a dying city, though. The amount of real aid he could give a budding cape was limited, even making broad and generous assumptions with his connections and resources. She was curious what he'd managed to do with what little he had, though.

His fists clenched white at the implication that he hadn't been sufficiently providing for his daughter, but the fight drained out of him quickly enough. "I've tried to be her sounding board. Keep her making safe choices. She doesn't want to join any of the established groups, but she's willing to make her own team." He shrugged. "I felt pushing her towards that was a good idea. Keeps her safer, makes the city better, it's basically a no-lose proposition." That it was also what Taylor wanted was telling, and she wondered how much control the man actually had over his daughter. "Her hero costume should be done, soon. She wanted to start doing more PR work when it is, and I was thinking about putting in word to the city about some of what she can do. Not sure I can actually pull it off without painting that there's a non-professional connection between us, though."

"It's good that you've held off on that." She said, tapping a thoughtful pattern on the table. "I'm here, officially, in response to my granddaughter's recent trauma. If I make donations to the local police and New Wave under the premise of making the city safer for her, it wouldn't seem odd if I show some support for a new independent hero or her team. Even less so if I'm seen making overtures to that local mercenary group or the PRT." She'd done her research on Faultline, and the woman wasn't willing to take jobs in their home city for anything less than an exorbitant amount several times her already high regular rates, which Rosalind wasn't currently willing to pay. "Generalities are our strength here, making sweeping gestures of aid and support for all lawful capes and their projects, and including hers in the mix. We can focus on direct support after we've made connections with her cape persona through these overtures."

He made a noise somewhere between a reluctant hum and an impressed grunt. "That's a good point. We need to think long-term." He paused to rub the stubble on his chin as he thought. "Taylor's agreed to not start any fights or get in over her head for now, and I believe her, but that'll only last so long before something happens and she thinks she has to act." He pulled the hand from his face and waved it in a helpless half-shrug. "We don't have forever. She says her powers get stronger with training, and that they're tied to martial arts. I've been setting her up with some of the guys who know that stuff, and a couple people I trust with contacts of their own." He slumped slightly in his chair. "She's confident. really confident. I just..." He choked slightly on the words, growing quiet and looking away. Taylor's leash was a long one, it seemed. Good to know, if disappointing.

Perhaps a small mercy? "Tell me about Lustrum." Rose said, changing the subject.

The man across from her flinched. "Ah, hell..." He quietly grumbled, rising to his feet and making his way over to the coffee pot. "How do you take it?" He asked, grabbing a pair of mugs.

"Black is fine." If the drink was going to be substandard anyway, it might as well do so as predictably as possible.

Hebert poured the pair of mugs, and brought them back over to the table. "What do you want to know?" He asked with more strength after the short break to gather himself.

Straight to the point. "Is Taylor in any danger from what's left of her following?"

The man rubbed his chin for a couple seconds. "Honestly, probably not." He took a pull from his mug. "Annette told me once, that she thought maybe a third of Lustrum's gang managed to go to ground and get away. Sadly, pretty good numbers from the Law's point of view. Big gangs like that, you're usually lucky to get half the foot level hands with the leadership, when they're taken down." He stared into the mug for a moment, lost in thought. He shook his head and continued. "Still, it was more than a decade ago. The only ones still in prison should be the leaders, the ones who they could prove were involved in the actual violence, and the ones that were especially belligerent at their trials. Most of the gang itself is back on the streets. People like that are watched, though. More than that, they know they're watched. Without someone like Lustrum to rally around, they won't even be talking to each other."

Rose nodded, that matched up with what she knew of the situation. "Good enough. What about local threats?"

He gave her a shrewd look over his mug. "I feel like I'm being tested. You've already looked into all of this, haven't you?"

As undignified as it was, she rolled her eyes. "Of course I did. You are a local source, however. I want to hear the state of the city in your words."

He thought on that, and clicked his tongue. "Right, well... on the topic of Lustrum, a few of her people came back here after they got out, or after things calmed down. Some never left. Annette only talked to a couple of them, from what I knew. They'd keep eyes on each other though, just to make sure nothing the others did came back on them." He took another drink, eyes wandering in thought. "Shouldn't have any trouble from them."

He paused, then took a deep breath to start again. "The big gangs in town are the Empire and the ABB. The biggest cape group in the city, including the heroes, is the Empire 88. White supremacists, neo-Nazis, rednecks, anyone white enough with nowhere else to go..." He shook his head sadly. "Lot of people, lot of capes. Rumor is they've got connections to other groups around the country, and at least one overseas. Every time they start losing too badly, they always get new capes from somewhere. They might try to recruit Taylor, if they think she's white. Although, she's already had one fight with some of them, so they might skip trying." He stopped to tap the table as he thought. "They spend most of their time posturing, trying to look big and important. Most of their business is kept quieter; money laundering, gun running, racketeering... they have some fighting rings with people and dogs, and a little bit of drug peddling, but that's about as loud and obvious as they get when they're not fighting."

His hands clenched around his mug, and he sighed. "The ABB, on the other hand... they're the loud ones. Demanding protection money, running brothels... word is, full of girls they snatch off the streets. I've heard they have a couple casinos somewhere... They're the ones between everyone else. The empire on one side, the heroes on another, a couple little gangs... they hold all that with just a couple capes. Lung is... by far the strongest cape in the bay. No one fights Lung, if they can help it." He shook his head and sighed again. "They get away with a lot, because of that."

Rose watched him lapse into silence, and took a drink of the coffee he'd gotten her. It was cheap and stale, but not the worst she'd ever had. "And what about these 'little gangs' you mentioned?"

He perked up, surprised for a moment. "Well, up north there's the Merchants. Drug peddlers backed by a few capes, they're pretty quiet. If you're not Asian enough for the 'Asian Bad Boys' or too homeless or not white enough for the E88, chances are you'll wind up with the Merchants at some point. Don't tend to hear from people like that again." He tapped the table again. "There's another gang down south, past the slums. I only know about them because some of the Dockworkers live there. Mostly thieves, but I've heard a few disappearances are on them instead of the Asians. I don't know how they keep the ABB out, but between them and the Protectorate helping guard the airport down there? Somehow they manage it." He said with a shrug. "Half the reason I want to get the ferry running again is to stop people having to go through the slums and risk getting mugged, or leave the city just to commute around it to stay safe. A lot of the services bringing tourists in from the airport go the long way around, even." his voice was raising by the end of it, and he'd raised his hands to start gesturing the points. He seemed to catch sight of them and pause, groaning as he rubbed his face for a moment. "I'm sure you don't want to hear me go on about the ferry..."

"Maybe later." Rose acceded. It could be useful to have a strong bargaining chip with the man. "You were saying?"

"Right..." He took a beat to gather himself. "That's the gangs that've stayed around. There's always some thieves or normal gangs popping up under the big gang's feet, but they never do much or last long. You mentioned Faultline's crew earlier, but I've never heard of them doing anything around the Bay. Always jobs abroad." Or things he hadn't heard about. "They shouldn't be a problem either."

The conversation shifted to business, after that. A summary of how the Dockwokers were doing, his opinions of various business around the city, including several Rose had investments in, and his take on the City Administration's dealings of late.

And yes, she did let him prattle on a bit about the ferry he wanted to get working again.

All told, it was maybe an hour before they heard the door click unlocked and open.

"In here." Hebert called, heaving a small sigh of relief that he hid behind a pull from his mug.

She heard the rustling behind her, and turned to find the willowy girl staring. She looked so much like Annette. Thinner and taller, but still as gawky as her daughter had been at that age. She had her father's eyes and chin, but the nose, lips, and cheeks were familiar.

"...Hi, Gram." Taylor sounded surprised, meek, not a little bit terrified.

Rose could feel her stern countenance soften slightly, as she took in the sight of her daughter's daughter. They hadn't met in person since before Annette died. She took a deep breath to tamp down the ache in her chest, as she nodded to the girl with a slight smile. "Hello, Taylor."

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