Chereads / Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 1600 - 78

Chapter 1600 - 78

Chapter 78: The Council of the Last AllianceSummary:

The Lords of Westernesse and the Elves gather in the hidden valley to discuss the plans of battle, all the while two wolves come forth to bear their love harboured for so long.


Kindly leave a comment, and I'm pleased to say on the sixth of last month my story has reached 2 years old I thank you all for reading this long.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

2 weeks later, near the Ford of Bruinen


Finally, after two weeks of travelling from Amon Sul across the countryside, they came to the edge of a narrow gorge into the River Bruinen, but this was a river well hidden in the moors, and the foothills of the Misty Mountains. But it hindered them none as they marched on good order down into the ravine, passing crumbling rock with patches and slashes of grass-green and moss-green showing where water might be, they too passed gullies so deep one could almost leap over them and bogs though not of the horrid variety these were places of lush greenery and sweet-smelling flowers.


Indeed, it was a long journey as morning passed, and afternoon came, but finally, after cresting another large slope, they were greeted by the voice of hurrying water in rocky bed at the bottom; the scent of trees was in the air; and there was a light on the valley side across the water. Jon never forgot the way as they slithered and slipped in the dusk down the steep zigzag path into the secret valley of Rivendell. The air grew warmer as they got lower, and the smell of the Pinetree's filled him with happiness. Their spirits rose as they went down and down. The trees changed to beech and oak, and here was a comfortable feeling in the twilight. The last green had almost faded out of the grass, when they came at length to an open glade not far above the banks of the stream.


'We finally arrived', Thought Jon gazing at the Last Homely House with joy in his heart; it had been many years since he had walked these lands, and he was eager to revel in their beauty once more. 


'Anxious, my Wolf?' said a voice unexpectedly, and he was startled to see Galadriel next to him; still, he smiled and welcomed her company all the same.


'Aye, my Star, now we may rest for a bit and perhaps enjoy our hosts' hospitality.' Jon said, eager for a bath.


'True, but don't be so nervous my beloved fool; after all, you still have much to do before resting... a pity as I would delight in bathing with you again.' Galadriel purred, pleased that her beloved countenance reddened so swiftly as her words.


For days his Star had been rather bold; on the one hand, she was seductive, thoughtful and sweet as always, but in the depths of his beloved eyes, Jon could notice a particular anxiousness.


As if she saw to ends not yet certain… Or plotting some way to unsettle him.


'Why do I feel as if I'm being eyed by a predator?' Jon thought nervously.


'Look!' he cried... 'Welcome all to the fairest of the realms of my Kingdom,' said Gil-galad, and Jon was drawn out of his thoughts; then suddenly, a horn echoed through the valley as a company of Elves came upon them, though it seemed they hadn't foreseen their coming so swiftly.


'It seems they were sent to accompany us here, but their efforts were in vain', Jon thought as the Elves dismounted their horses and knelt before Gil-galad.


"High King Gil-galad..." said one of the elves, Erestor, one of Lord Elrond's advisors, a master of lore and perhaps the wisest of the Elves save for those most high.


"Ah, Erestor… Elrond sent you for us, did he not?" The King asked, amused when he saw the aged Elves troubled countenance.


"Gladly, your Majesty, my Lord Elrond has been preparing Imladris for your arrival, and he thought it best for us to escort you here though it seems we dallied too long," Nestor said, ashamed.


'You are forgiven, now come escort us to my Regent the journey was pleasant, but I yearn for wine and comfort', The King ordered, and Erestor nodded quickly, returning to his horse.


"Please follow us; my Lord Elrond and Lady Celebrían await you in the High Hall," Erestor said, and then at once, they began their march into the valley below.


'I am anxious to see my daughter again, Jon…' Galadriel said merrily.


'I'm certain she is eager to see you, my love... let us not tarry any longer', Jon answered, gladly eager to see his adopted daughter after so long away.


The light of the clear stars burned blue in the sky, casting a silvery glow upon all it touched..., and a wholesome peace lay on the land. Erestor led them upon familiar paths until, at last, they came to the porch of Imladris and there sat Elrond and Celebrían attended by the knights of their Household; upon glimpsing the High King of the Noldor, many Elves fell to their knees while others drew horns and Silver trumpets, filling the valley with sweet melodies of the Elves, and it was at that moment that Elrond, taking his wife's hand, came forth and bowed to his King.


"My King… I welcome you now to my halls and renew my oaths of fealty ere we march to war," said the Lord of Rivendell proudly.


"My King…" Celebrían said in a melodious voice, though Jon could feel her eyes searching for her mother.


"On your feet…" The King ordered, and the Lords of Imladris obeyed, pleased to see their High Lord once more.


"Welcome, King Elendil of the Faithful long has it been since you have walked these halls," said Elrond, bowing low to the King of Arnor.


Hail, and well met at last!' said Elendil to Elrond. 'It gladdens my heart to see you once more, my Lord.'


At length, Elrond spoke. 'Hail, and well met, Elendil, son of Amandil! I welcome you here. For behold! The storm comes, and now all friends should gather together, lest each singly be destroyed.'


"Elrond… I see you have prepared… well done, my herald," said Gil-galad acknowledging his most favoured servant.


"Of course, my King, all has been made ready for your coming though I suspect you wish to rest before the Council; thusly, I have prepared the Gardens and chambers for your stay..." Elrond said, and the King nodded gratefully.


"Thank you, yes, our march has been long… A rest will be appreciated," said Gil-galad allowing his horse to be led away by the stablemasters, and Elrond nodded before his gaze fell upon them.


"Welcome, Isildur Son of Elendil, and to you, Lord Loras and Robar. I hope you find Imladris to your liking," said Elrond warmly, his eyes alight with mirth and sorrow.


'The courtesy of your hall is somewhat lessened of late, Elrond son of Eärendil,' said Loras. 'For is it not proper to greet those who have tarried from your halls longest firstly?'


"Loras…" Elendil growled, and at once, the youngest Tyrell shrank in fear, knowing he had angered his King.


"Well, I think it's better to go rest… We've been riding for our days, and our horses deserve grain and water," said Elendil gloomily, even he was stiff and weary from the long ride.


"Lady Celebrían..." Jon said, striding forward to greet the daughter of his beloved, who was busying herself with the pampering of his mount, which greatly pleased the hoary horse


"It's a pleasure to see you again, Jon or do you perhaps prefer Baelon? I must apologise for my disrespect, but I don't see my mother or my great-aunt with you," said Celebrían though her question was swiftly answered by the sound of mighty hooves, and there came into view the silvered carriage of Írimë.


Though the carriage came to a halt, the servants accompanying the wheelhouse made no move to open the door, grumbling. Jon knew what his beloved expected of him, so he strolled to the carriage and opened the door.


Reaching out his hand, Jon felt his dearest take his hand though as he made to hoist her out of the carriage, she lunged forward and kissed him with a fierce passion, indeed Jon thought she might continue were it not for his Star eying them evilly, so with haste he helped Írimë from the carriage and moved to offer his arm to Galadriel who accepted with a warm smile.


'Thank you, Jon, you are most courteous', said Galadriel, taking his hand and kissing his brow to the wonder of many who gathered and his embarrassment as Celebrían was watching them keenly.


'Don't fret, my Wolf, in any case, my daughter knows about us… Now I think you should help your grandmother to get down,' Galadriel said, beckoning to his grandmother, who was eyeing him expectantly. 


He smiled merrily, offering his hand; Rhaella took it with a practised grace and stood beside him smiling. 


"Thank you, Jon," Rhaella said, kissing him on the cheek.


"You're most welcome, grandmother," Jon said though his countenance reddened as he saw Isildur and Elendur snickering at him in jest, yet he knew rightly how to deal with them.


"My Queen…" Jon said merrily, savouring the expression of horror on Isildur's face as he saw his wife exit the carriage.


"Thank you, Prince Jon, it's very kind of you and good to see such courtesies persist in these dark days," Queen Berendreth said as her husband rushed to meet them, but she glowered and spurned him.


"I thank you, Jon", Isildur growled, but he said nothing and merely started laughing at his King's misfortune.


"That was cruel of you, Jon", His grandmother said, frowning at him.


"She is right, my Nin Mel… You act as a child sometimes," Írimë said, agreeing with his grandmother.


"By the Valar", Jon groused, displeased that his family would betray him so.


"Don't grumble so Jon, now go to our King… He shall need your advice," Rhaella said vexedly, and he groaned, watching as Galadriel went off with Celebrían.



"Naneth..." Celebrían cried, rushing to embrace her mother.


"Yendë..." Galadriel said, gladdened to see her daughter after so many years apart.


"I've missed you so, Naneth..." Celebrían said, her eyes wet with tears.


"As have I, my little Songbird..." Galadriel said, drying her daughter's tears.


"When I heard news that you had journeyed to Minas Ithil, I was frightened, thinking some foul fate would await you there," Celebrían said nervously, and Galadriel laughed softly, beginning to play with her daughter's silver hair.


"Don't fret, my daughter; there was nought to imperil me, for I did not go alone..." Galadriel said, placing a kiss upon her brow.


"Still... O, mother, It fills me with such joy to see you again," said Celebrían embracing her mother tightly.


"So do I, dear, although I am saddened our reunion should come in such unhappy times," Galadriel said wistfully, and Celebrían nodded.


"I know, Elrond and I have been wearied preparing all for your arrival; even now, my dearest turns his sights eastward, hoping to discern the enemies' movements", Celebrían answered wearily.


"You are wise, my daughter..." said Galadriel, pleased by her daughter's foresight.


It was then her daughter noticed the tiara she wore, and her eyes grew wide in amazement. 'Mother, that is a beautiful piece you wear, but I have never seen such finery. How came you by such a bauble?


"Thank you, my daughter. It was a gift and one I've grown exceedingly fond of though I do not wear it often," she said, with a smile.


Celebrían smiled. 'Oh, mother, you mustn't leave me in suspense!' she said. 'I wish to meet the creator of such a beautiful trinket!


It was then Jon had returned. "My Ladies... forgive my intrusion," said Jon bowing low in apology.


"I'm sorry, Jon, the desire to see my daughter was too great," Galadriel replied, knowing her beloved was weary from their journies.


"No, my Lady, I must apologise for interrupting your moment of happiness with your daughter, but I fear that soon there will be a Council, and your wisdom shall prove valuable", Jon said courteously.


Celebrían said nought but instead embraced him and spoke softly in his ear, "All is well, Jon… I know you long to spend time with my mother, so I made certain to prepare suitable chambers for you… Although it seems to me that my great-aunt will not be happy," and his countenance reddened once more.


'There is little doubt that she is the daughter of my Star… She enjoys japing just as much.' Jon thought as his mind rang with Galadriel's merry laugh.


"Come on then… Go and seek out Elendil. I shall make certain your chambers are ready… I understand that you and my great aunt have wed Jon," Celebrían said with an evil look that sufficed Jon with suspicion.


"What is my Lady up to?" Jon asked nervously, although, at that moment, he heard the voices of his brothers in arms calling for aid.


"I have taken a great deal of your time, and I fear I must depart; I hope you shall enjoy the time you spend with Celebrían, my lady…" said Jon warily, as his adopted daughter smiled in a manner similar to her mother when she was plotting.


"Thank you, Prince Jon… I hope to see you later…." Galadriel said lustily, caring little of their present company.


Jon nodded and bowed low before returning to join his companions.


"Celebrían, my daughter… it seems you are plotting something," said Galadriel, her voice sullen with displeasure.


"Of course, mother…" Celebrían said warily upon seeing her mother's discontent.


"In that case… I want you to help me find something among Jon's things…." Galadriel said maliciously, and Celebrían stared at her mother in bewilderment.


"Mother, has Jon offended you in some way?" Celebrían asked, noticing the cunning glint in her mother's eyes.


"Yes, he did… And I desire to repay him for his gall ... Come, my little Songbird, we are searching for a book," Galadriel said, dragging her to the place where they had left the horses and luggage.



After speaking with Elrond concerning their mustering and journey across the hinterlands, it was thought best they should rest before speaking of the war, so an escort was summoned to take their luggage and show them to their chambers.


From a way behind him, Jon could hear the grumblings of Arianne and Daenerys, who were vexed they should not spend time together; his viper seemed especially forlorn as she had hoped they might picnic by one of the many beautiful waterfalls that fed the valley.


Once all was readied, the Valley was a bustle with activity as the Men of Westernesse and Elves of Lindon began to make camp about the hinterlands and meadows below as such a host could not all reside in the Halls of Elrond.


Though there was some good fortune as, despite his long years away, Jon had the same chambers as when he first came to this valley, following the winding paths, he, at last, came upon his quarters and, upon entering, was sufficed with the sweet smell of herbs and fresh water, yet as he looked upon his room, Jon noticed much had changed in his absence.


Before, his room had a spacious bed, yes, but now it was much larger; gone too was his simple oaken closet replaced with one of great height and width, and lastly, the bookcase had been removed. No doubt it would be replaced by Lalwen's silvered mirror.


'This is the work of Celebrían,' Jon thought, as he disrobed and retrieved his pipe before sliding into the warm bath, all was silent, broken only by the soft puffs of his pipe, as he blew smoke rings into the air.


Jon had missed smoking immensely. For many years, his loved ones had made certain he could rarely indulge in the Westman's weed often times they had hidden his pipes or thrown the tobacco pouches in the Anduin; indeed, their actions had become such a commonality that the soldiery of Osgiliath japed that he was cursed by ill fortune.


So there he sat for what seemed an age, enjoying the warmth of the water and the aroma of the tobacco, but he knew Lalwen would surely be here soon, and he did not desire to hear her protests nor to discover he still had yet another smoking pipe.


He got out of the tub, stowed the tobacco and pipe, and then dressed in a simple robe. Soon he began to feel sleepy and laid upon the bed, hoping to nap before the council, yet as he began to doze, there was a banging upon his door; he wondered who it could be as Lalwen wouldn't bother knocking, nor would any of his other loved ones Jon frowned vexed that his rare moment of leisure had just been interrupted. He stood up in frustration and yanked the door open, half expecting some maid come to inform him that his presence had been ordered, but it was no maid rather, it was Sansa who seemed wholly embarrassed.


"Sansa…" Jon muttered in surprise.


"Hello... can I come in?" his cousin rasped nervously.


Jon nodded, noticing that Sansa carried something wrapped in cloth, though as she entered, she took a deep breath and glowered.


'That horrid smell! have you been smoking again!' she said. 'And do not lie, Jon. I can smell its foul odour everywhere.'


"Yes…" he admitted, unsettled as Sansa's eyes darkened angrily.


"You know I don't like that you smoke that horrid plant; nobody cares for it... The smell is repulsive," Sansa said, discomfited; he smiled, before reaching over and tussling her auburn tresses, something he knew would vex her greatly.


"Aye, but it soothes the mind and helps me to think," Jon said, amused as Sansa slapped his hand away.


"Stop treating me as a child, Jon," said Sansa, her race reddening in embarrassment.


"Now, what brings you here?" asked Jon curiously.


"I came to give you a gift, silly cousin," Sansa said, showing him the neatly wrapped package she had brought.


"Another embroidery of yours?" Jon asked with a smile as he saw Sansa turn the same shade as her hair.


Jon took the package graciously and opened it, revealing a beautiful copper coloured robe whose cuffs were sewn with silvered thread and overlaid with motifs of songbirds and flowers.


"You seldom wear doublets, so I thought to make you a robe in the Elvish fashion," said Sansa curling a lock of hair nervously.


"Oh, Sansa, it's splendid…." Jon said, embracing Sansa, who eagerly returned his affections though he flushed in embarrassment as he felt his cousin's ample breast push against his chest.


He tried to part from Sansa, but she held him tighter, burying her face in his chest.


"Sansa…" Jon moaned softly.


She made no move to leave, snuggling into his chest yet further, doubtlessly hoping to ignore the smell of tobacco and smoke.


"Come on, Sansa, I'm weary, and I know you are too…." Jon attempted to say, but Sansa stretched out, bearing herself before him though her dress left little to his imagination, and he was compelled to look away.


"So… rest, I'll tend to you while you sleep…" Sansa said, her blue eyes sparkling in mirth.


"Sansa, what's wrong?" asked Jon, his face growing redder by the moment as he saw Sansa's buxom form laid before him.


"Nothing, it's just... Just that, you scarcely spend time with Arya and me, ever occupied by governing, or Valar forbid... spending time with your women," Sansa said nervously, although her heart burned hot with jealousy.


And Jon baulked at Sansa's claim, forgetting his nervousness, he righted himself and answered as best he thought.


"I'm so sorry, Sansa, but I've… flourished among the Peoples of Middle Earth and with that comes many duties…" said Jon wisely, hoping to calm his cousin's ire.


Sansa's face grew livid, twisted with rage, and a red light was kindled in her eyes. She laughed wildly. 'And what of your women cousin?' she cried, and her voice rose in anger. 'What of them who I am forced to see parade about as if they have claim to you.'


"Ah... well, I..." Jon faltered, but at that moment he heard the door fly open, and Arya bounded into the room.


"JON!...!" Arya cried gaily but halted when she saw Sansa on his bed.


"ARYA!" Sansa bellowed, becoming angrier by the minute once more her sister had spoiled the mood.


"Arya?... Why this fuss?" Jon asked, disheartened that he would have no rest, and Arya grumbled sadly.


"I just wanted to ask you if you liked to practice with me a bit before... UGH!... You were smoking again!" Arya groaned, her nose crinkling in disgust at the heady aroma.


"Okay... I'll fetch some mint... Now tell me why you have come here?" asked Jon wearily.


"That's what I wish to know, Arya. What are you doing here?" Sansa asked, mistrusting her sister's intentions. 


Though Arya glowered at her before speaking, her voice sufficed with anger. "Why are you in Jon's bed?" 


"That's none of your business..." Sansa answered, returning her sister's glare.


Jon understood that Sansa and Arya were about to get into a fight with each other and decided to calm things down before they drew attention.


"Enough the two of you! How often must we repeat this dance?... No more fighting... now what do you want, Arya?" Jon asked, eyeing his cousin, who batted her eyes bashfully.


"I simply wanted to ask you to practice, but I see you're busy..." Arya said, envious of her sister.


"If that is all off with you now, go away!" Sansa said smugly.


"No, I won't go... I'll stay here", growled Arya; at that moment, she seemed less a woman and more a rabid she-wolf baring her fangs.


"I'm afraid I must decline, Arya, King Elendil will soon have need of me, and I must be ready; we will have to leave our sparring for another time, forgive me," Jon said gloomily.


"In that case, wear my gift when you go to meet with King Elendil," Sansa said with a singsong voice.


"Gift?" Arya asked when she saw the copper-coloured tunic lying next to her cousin; at once, she was filled with a fierce rage, though Arya had ever abhorred the Ladies' pastimes, she had longed to give Jon gifts just as Sansa had done, and she has never given him a gift… because she had never thought to learn something as trivial as sewing… it made her burn with envy that those women should make beautiful things for her love yet not herself.


"May I ask what have vexed you so?... You act as squabbling children fighting over a favourite toy," Jon growled though perhaps this was foolish as his cousins merely stared at him as if he had grown a second head.


"Damn fool…" Arya growled with a sigh.


At once, Sansa rose from the bed, and Jon's gaze was drawn to the sheerness of his cousin's raiment... she wasn't wearing small clothes.


"Sansa!" Jon yelled bashfully though his chastisement died when he gleaned Sansa's true intentions.


Sansa had plotted this, dressing as a flowering maiden... his own cousin was trying to seduce him.


"Sansa but what…" But he was swiftly silenced when she threw herself upon him and drew him into a heated kiss, yet he lay there astounded by his cousin's boldness as her tongue slithered into his mouth... Until, either out of excitement or perversion, he returned Sansa's kiss until she parted from him and grimaced.


"Uugghhh… The taste of that horrible plant is beyond words," Sansa growled as if she wished to vomit, yet his question died when Arya came forward and kissed him just as fiercely.


If Sansa's assault was hurried, Arya's kiss was far bolder. To make up for the disparity in their statures, Arya had cunningly thrown herself on him, straddling him so that he had little choice but to accept her tenderness; though out of the corner of his eye, Jon spied Sansa glaring at them evilly.


Though just as swiftly as it came, Arya's kiss ended. She sputtered and grimaced at the taste of the tobacco. "You must stop smoking, you damn fool..." Arya growled. 'It does little good to share if your mouth tastes as a horse's arse.'


'Why?' said Jon. 'Why, do you come to me now as brazenly as you might with fierce heart and fiercer passion!'


"Must we tell you now after all that has happened?" Sansa said, glancing at the ground.


"You're a fool," Arya croaked, her eyes wet with tears.


"But how?... How did this happen?" Jon said in bewilderment.


"Oh, my foolish cousin, don't you see? My sisterly adoration for you withered we first came to dwell in Annuminas, when you swore allegiance to King Elendil… My love for you changed, and I saw you with different eyes," Sansa said tearfully, sitting on the bed again.


"And I had loved you ever those days long past when you visited Annúminas, we trained together roamed the countryside keeping the land safe like some fairy tale I knew I would have no other save you… so I refused the love of many all for my want of you," Arya said bashfully, taking a seat beside her sister.


"By the Valar... I must, I must be cursed..." Jon said, laughing pitifully, remembering those faraway days when he came to Tol Morwen; it was there he had accepted his love for Rhaenys and Dany, yet never had he thought Sansa and Arya would hold such feelings for him, alas he hadn't known them but a few years of his boyhood, yet those days seem but a pittance in the enormity of their long lives. Still, now all was made clear their envy of his loves, the closeness they shared this bitter jealousy… was not of sisters who cared for their brother but of women in love.


"Please, Jon… say something," Sansa said nervously.


"I don't know what to tell you, Sansa… these are strange days indeed", Jon soughed.


"Say you want us… you have given your heart to many women, all of whom share your blood; why not us?" Arya asked bitterly, standing up suddenly.


"I knew nothing of their kinship to me till long after we fell in love... this is far queerer," Jon answered harshly.


'Jon!' said Sansa, taking his hand and kissing his brow. 'In our many long years together, I was courted by hundreds of knights, all good and brave as I had dreamed of as a child, but none caught my fancy. I ever likened them to you, and each was found wanting… For many years I felt revolted by the truth of my heart, but when Eru returned you to us, I resolved to bear my feelings to you, since then I have hoped beyond all sense that you should see me as one worthy of your love and one day bear my heart to you… and that moment has come!' Sansa said, her eyes alight with joy and sorrow for fear of the truth and fear still of her beloved's answer.


"Sansa…" Jon said breathlessly, and it seemed to him that her loveliness amid her grief would pierce his heart, for her love was fierce as fire.


"Aye, Jon, please... I've no talent for words like Sansa, but I love you all the same..." Arya said fearfully.


He gazed at them, wishing beyond hope he could turn them away to tell them he would never see them as more than kin, but seeing the love they bore him, he did not have the strength to reject them; to cause them such grief, yet this was not a choice made lightly.


"Sansa, Arya... I'm afraid I can't make such a choice right now... I must join the council, or my absence will surely be frowned upon... We shall speak when I am done," Jon said, glancing at his cousins sadly, and both nodded.


"Please, Jon, use my gift... I beg you," Sansa said, though her voice was lovely, it was marred by sadness.


"I shall, Sansa; I will not grieve your heart further by refusing such loveliness when it is given," Jon said and stooped to kiss her brow.


"Damned fool!" Arya yelled jealously, and Jon laughed merrily before kissing her as well. 


"Go now, for my heart is restless from this truth; when all is settled, we shall speak," Jon said with great authority that Sansa and Arya didn't dare to challenge him.


"Take care, and I hope to not hear from the servants you have been quarrelling again," Jon said, and soon they had departed his chambers, though not before kissing him once more.


'By the Valar… Who now is left to confess their love then?'  Jon thought bitterly.



After dressing in the elven robe Sansa knitted for him, Jon prepared to leave his chambers; he wondered where Galadriel and Lalwen had gotten to it wasn't like them to vanish.


"Fear not, my wolf, my aunt and I were merely preparing some delicacies for you," Galadriel said, suddenly appearing behind him.


"Galadriel... You frightened me," Jon said, regaining his calm; Galadriel smiled at him though her countenance swiftly soured as she plucked the mint leaves from his hand, but he said nothing, merely taking the mint back and popped the leaf under his tongue.


"Did I truly scare you?... Usually, I am unable to do so as you sense my coming, my beloved, though now your spirit is restless like a storm in the sea," Galadriel said lovingly.


"You know me too well, my Star", Jon said, kissing her hand, and Galadriel smiled.


"I know you as well as you know myself... Although sometimes I find you too unpredictable, my beloved fool," Galadriel said, latching the door once more and sitting on the bed.


"Galadriel?" Jon asked, confused.


"Jon... I am your wife, and nought in my many days has made me ever so joyful, yet it pains me to see you melancholy, come, my beloved, harken to me and soothe your spirit," Galadriel said lovingly, and so he lay upon the bed and rested his head on his beloved's lap revealing in her warmth and sweetness.


"It's been so many years since I leaned on your lap like this... I feel like I'm going to fall asleep," Jon groaned happily.


"Indeed, not since you bested the Great Worm, though forgive me for recalling such an unhappy day, my love," said Galadriel gloomily, twirling her fingers through her husband's ebon tresses.


"Do not worry yourself, my love, though I must know how come you here without others noticing?" Jon asked, delighting in the tender caress of his beloved wife.


"I asked Celebrían to have my chambers moved closest to yours; my Wolf, my daughter, gave me the rooms next to yours and instructed that they build a secret door in one of the cloakrooms so that I may see you when I wish" Galadriel replied happily.


"Apparently, the sweet Celebrían is devious as her mother," Jon said, amused, though Galadriel frowned and pinched his cheeks harshly.


'By the Valar that hurt', groaned Jon angrily.


"You deserve it for such cheek..." Galadriel said, pampering him again.


"If you say so, my Star, now tell me, where is Lalwen? And what delicacies are you talking about?" Jon asked eagerly.


"Well, my aunt was most anxious to come here first, but we thought it best to tend to our gardens; we've grown bushels of strawberries that are often baked into the cakes you enjoy so much," Galadriel said, amused as she knew how much her husband enjoyed strawberries.


"Truly?" He asked eagerly. Lalwen's strawberries were a treat he held dear since they first courted, and she was all too happy to indulge him; indeed, he thought them so sweet as she grew them with the love they shared.


"Yes, at this moment, my beloved aunt is preparing your cakes for you herself while the servants prepare meals for us, and as for your other concubines, it seems that the journey was too wearying for some; the servants told me that several of them are already abed though it seems your cousins were quite vigorous," Galadriel said vexedly though her smile did not falter.


"Did you spy on us, my Star?" Jon asked, amazed, and to his amusement, Galadriel reddened.


"It was not my intention, my foolish wolf; I came to see you and listened to them... Even their confession of love," Galadriel said, wishing bitterly that such ill fortune had not befallen her.


Jon regretted his foolishness, and reproached himself for weakness of will; he knew this would cause his beloved no end of vexation, yet he could not deny the love those two held for him. After several moments he rose again and gazed into Galadriel's eyes.


"Did you know?' Jon asked, 'Did you know that Sansa and Arya loved me?" as his beloved cast down her proud gaze.


"Of course, my beloved fool, and I'm not the only one who knows the depth of your cousins' feelings for you, my aunt and your other loves, even your brothers in arms, knew the truth; in fact, we have all known it for years the only one who didn't notice is you, which isn't a surprise," Galadriel answered with a motley of amusement and vexation as Jon reddened, but before he could respond, she returned his head to her lap.


Whatever his beloved was plotting, clearly, Galadriel didn't intend to release him anytime soon... Not that he was grumbling, mind you, as her sweet laughter filled the room.


"Thank you for caring for me as you do, my star," Jon said, taking her hands in his own and caressing them tenderly.


"I know, hearing such a confession of love from two people whom you considered family for more than a century is difficult; I need not enter your mind to glean such… Although a part of you had already decided what to do," Galadriel said wearily, and he tensed.


"I… I… I didn't…" Jon tried to say, ashamed at being caught, but Galadriel would have none of it and pinched his cheek hard.


"My beloved Foolish Wolf, long have my aunt and I known that you would share the love of many women and if such a thing displeased us, we would have simply denied you; you may take them as lovers if you wish though if you feel no love for them, it is best to tell them now rather than let them linger in darkness and doubt," Galadriel said without mercy in her voice.


"Aye, I know I'm witless in the ways of love, but I don't deserve to be treated as a scoundrel," Jon grumbled, displeased that his Star would treat him cruelly.


"Truly?... Remember your sinful crimes against my beloved aunt and against me," Galadriel said with a singsong voice preventing Jon from leaving her lap.


"What crimes?" Jon asked indignantly.


"You befouled me, Jon Snow; you seduced me and made me, Galadriel, the daughter of Finarfin the Great King of the Noldor in Aman and Eärwen Princess of the Teleri, take you as my husband, even sharing a bed with my own aunt, Does it seem so little to you? Galadriel said as her eyes glowed in mirth.


"Well, it seems that your corruption was swift for one so mighty in lineage," Jon said, but then Galadriel began to pull both cheeks hard, and he whimpered in pain.


"I hope you learn your lesson, Jon, though there is much we must speak of," Galadriel laughed merrily, and he went pale.


'What is she planning?' Jon thought fearfully.


"Oh, my Foolish Wolf, don't be so distrustful of me; my intent in coming here was simply to give you a small gift," Galadriel said, her smile wicked and mischievous.


"A gift?" Jon asked curiously.


She laughed merrily. "Well, I admit that the idea is my aunt's. She insists you appear as a true Lord of the Eldar, so I asked one of the few artisans who accompanied me to craft something for you..." Galadriel then rose to her feet and left his chambers only to reappear a moment later carrying a small oaken box which she handed to him graciously.


"Open it," Galadriel said excitedly, her eyes alight with mirth.


Inside the box was a band of silvered steel; it bore no ornament save a single ruby that shone as flame as he lay his hands upon the band, a pleasant warmth shot up his hands, and all seemed well as if spring had come again.


"Yes, for my people, silver is far more beloved than gold, and often those of mighty lineage wore silvered crowns such as those of Thingol and Elrond; considering your lineage, my aunt and I thought it best to mix silver and steel…." Galadriel said happily, pleased by the wonderment in her beloved's eyes.


"It is wonderous, my Star but will the smiths not grow suspicious? … They'll be astonished if they see me wearing it," Jon said.


"Perhaps… Although it has been so long since my aunt and I asked them to make pieces for us that they were pleased when we commissioned this diadem… But I am afraid that you are responsible for their misery as my aunt and I will call nothing fair, unless it be your gift.' Galadriel said, placing her hand on her breast and laughing.


"Thank you for your kind words, although I wear no ornament save the ring you bid me forge you," Jon said with a guileful smile, which she returned and kissed him.


"I know very well, my Foolish Wolf, but your grandmother and I think it best that you should dress as befits your lineage... you must see yourself as more than a mere Prince of the South, for you are the heir of the three houses and linage of the Elven Kings equal to Elrond and Fingolfin in might and wisdom," Galadriel said, amused when she saw Jon's bashful countenance.


"I've never had such care for such wearing such finery unless need called for it," Jon said, still caressing the diadem.


"Well, that will change, and I shall not shy away from this as others might have unless it be a day of war you shall wear the raiment's we gift you and act according to your lineage," Galadriel said and set the diadem upon his head and smiled.


"You look as a mighty Lord of the Eldar, my foolish wolf," Galadriel said lovingly.


"If you say so, my sweet Galadriel, I think we should go; the War Council should start soon... And I want to try Lalwen's strawberry tarts," Jon said, getting up and offering his hand to Galadriel, who gladly took it.


"As you wish, Jon, although I have a question for you, my beloved fool", Galadriel said, caressing his face lovingly.


"Yes?" Jon asked.


"Don't you have anything to tell me?... perhaps a good book you've stumbled upon?" Galadriel asked wickedly, delighting in her beloved's fright.


"Who told you about the book?" Jon asked, terrified, knowing very well that Galadriel would make him pay for hiding such knowledge from her.


"It was Elendil who naively revealed your treachery, my beloved. Did you truly think you might hide such a thing from me?" Galadriel asked, her voice dangerously soft as she began to drag him to her chambers.


"My sweet and merciful Star I…." Jon began, trying to justify himself, but Galadriel silenced him by placing a finger on her lips.


"No, Jon, I am afraid that for now, our minds must be focused on the War Council of our Kings but make no mistake, even though I have fulfilled my duty as a wife giving you love, comfort and guidance as well as a gift I will not forget such a slight… You will pay for such impudence, my Wolf," Galadriel said gleefully, pleased by the look of surprise on her husband's face.


"Does anyone else know?" Jon asked nervously.


"If you question if Shiera knows, not yet, but I planned to tell her and be present when she expresses her feelings to you," Galadriel said evilly, and for a moment, her wolf turned pale as silver.


"Do you want to hear my new poem about you, my Star?" Jon asked nervously as they walked to the gardens.
