Chereads / Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 1591 - 71

Chapter 1591 - 71

Chapter 71: A Party, A Romance and an ExecutionSummary:

Rhaella and Jon deal with a blossoming romance all the while the spies of the King's Men plot to overthrow the Prince of Osgiliath and yet our dearest Viper still finds time to plan a celebration for her wolf.


Kindly leave a comment I am eager to hear from you all as we begin the War of the Last Alliance next chapter. Also I will post a link to my discord if you wish to join

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The next morning


The first thing Daenerys felt when she awoke was the warmth of the Southron Sun; she had hoped to rest longer, but the need for water was greater than the want to sleep when she sat up; she spied her mother and nephew cuddling under his cloak.


"Well, it seems the blood of Valyria runs hot indeed," Daenerys murmured in astonishment.


Daenerys recalled the affairs of the prior evening; her nephew and mother were wholly consumed by their passion, akin to dragons mating in the sky. It was rather sweet in a way for her mother to find love again but yet odd as well as she hadn't expected this to happen, nor had she any inkling of what Jon and her mother would do once awake.


"Perhaps it's best that I say nothing," Daenerys thought as she hastily slipped on her dress.


But at that moment, both Jon and her mother began to stir; it was her mother who woke first, seemingly unaware of what had transpired.


"Has the sun risen?" Rhaella asked sleepily; she felt pleased and sated though she couldn't guess why it was then she opened her eyes and saw she lay in the arms of her grandson, her precious Baelon, her beloved fool.


"Mother?" Rhaella heard her daughter's voice startling her, and she quickly covered her bare breasts with her arm.


"Dany… I…" Rhaella tried to say, but her daughter hugged her.


"It's not necessary… I… I saw what ensued, though I won't begrudge you a night of passion," Daenerys said merrily.


"I thank you for your kindness, my sweet child though I fear Jon may regret our actions", Rhaella answered, her sparkling with tears.


It was then Jon roused himself, casting aside the cloak revealing his nakedness to the sun.


"By the Valar...what happened?" He wondered, and then he spied his grandmother unclothed like himself.


Jon's face swiftly reddened, undoubtedly embarrassed by his actions.


He began to apologise profusely and name all the ways he would preserve her honour, but his grandmother silenced him with a kiss; they kissed for what seemed an Age before she looked at him again and smiled.


"Jon… My grandson…I do not regret what we shared, only that we tarried so long in this dance. I have desired you for innumerable years, and now we have shared what I desired," Rhaella said happily; she hid nought from him, baring her body to the world.


Her beauty bewitched him once more, and it filled his heart with happiness to know that a maiden as fair as his grandmother desired him, his mind told him it was wrong, yet his heart sung in joy like the fire of the forge freshly lit.



"We'll speak on the matter later, my love... though I think it best we continue on to Osgiliath... it seems our dragons saw fit to abandon us no doubt the damned lizards are hunting," Rhaella said, labouring to cover herself with her torn dress, she cared little if her grandson admired her form; it wasn't proper for Dany to see her in such a state.


"Sorry I ruined your dress," Jon said sheepishly as his grandmother snorted.


"Think nothing of it, Jon; it is no more ruined than your clothes, and I daresay we shall ruin many garments before our lives are over, " Rhaella said merrily, and Daenerys laughed before embracing them both, seemingly at peace with her tryst.


"Well, there is a stream nearby we can bathe, and I shall catch us some breakfast," Jon said happily, leaving his loves to demolish the camp; while this may seem foolish, he perceived the dragons weren't far off and would come if needed.



He returned after a time with several large fish and several skins of water, Jon spied his aunt and grandmother in the distance bathing, and so he set to work striking a fire and boning the fish.


As he sat there, Jon thought back on the previous night. Of all the things he had done in life, bedding his grandmother was the queerest among them, yet he felt no shame; rather, a fierce love filled his heart akin to a blazing fire it wholly consumed him.



While he was lost in thought, Rhaella and Dany had returned from their bath and sat on either side of him before digging into the fish supper he had just prepared.


After feasting on the fish, they thought to summon their dragons, yet Jon halted as he spied a great cloud of dust.


"What's wrong, Jon?" Daenerys asked curiously.


"A great host is drawing near…." Jon said calmly as his aunt and grandmother looked at each other in terror; perhaps the Haradrim had found them and sought revenge for their masters or worse, the men of Khand who prowled the deserts eager for slaves to bring to market.


"Are you certain, Jon?" Rhaella asked shakily.


"I can see them… But they're no men of Umbar, nor are they Southrons; it seems our family has come," Jon said happily to Daenerys and Rhaella's bewilderment.


It was then they heard the sound of many horns in the distance like a great clamour of music.


Soon Daenerys and Rhaella gleaned his joy. Away into the distance, there were many riders; some carried banners of satin bearing a familiar device, a white tree crowned by seven stars, the livery of Gondor.


Help had arrived… although a little late.


"Praise be to the Valar," Rhaella said, tearfully hugging her daughter.


They remained in the camp, and soon, the riders were upon them .... Then two rode forward... it was Arya and Rhaenys.


"Jon!" Arya shouted, jumping off her horse and embracing him in a fierce hug that he eagerly returned.


"Grandma!" Rhaenys cried, swiftly dismounting her mare when she saw her grandmother's dishevelled appearance Rhaenys unclasped her cloak and wrapped her in it.


"Rhaenys", Rhaella said with tears in her eyes.


"Are you well? We heard little new save that the Corsairs had taken you to Umbar," Rhaenys asked tearfully.


"I'm fine, my dear girl; Jon saved us, and we had camped here," She replied, holding her granddaughter close.


At that moment, he parted from Arya and stared at her queerly.


"What are you doing here, Arya?" Jon asked earnestly, but his cousin gave no answer save a slap across his cheek. It stung, but he wouldn't admit that.


"Damn fool, I came for you... All Osgiliath is in an uproar. When Lord Azrubên realised your intentions, he bid the household guard marshall a throng of soldiers to besiege the City; we offered to accompany them while the others remained to prepare a feast for your return," Arya said excitedly.


"I see… Alas, this van shall not be needed; Umbar has paid a heavy price already…." Jon said to everyone's surprise.


"What do you mean, Jon?" Rhaenys asked, still embracing their grandmother.


"The Ar-Adûnâim learned what it means to wake the Dragon", Daenerys answered unexpectedly; it was then one of the soldiers stepped forward; he was tall gallant, green-clad and was girt with sword.


"Tell me your name, soldier," Jon said sullenly, and the knight knelt down.


"'I am named Erendor son of Éomund and am called the March Warden of Parth Galen. I beg your pardon, my Lord. I tried in vain to stop your kin from accompanying us, but it did little good," Erendor said; Rhaenys at least had the proper sense to look embarrassed while Arya seemed wholly pleased.


"I understand… But I fear that Daenarys speaks truly… The Haven lies in ruins; I tore down its walls and laid low their warriors of old, and their like is not in the world again. And the accursed temple of Shadows was smote by dragon fire," Jon said while the soldiers stared and him, half amazed, half terrified at the savagery of their Prince.


"This is splendid news, my Prince..." Erendor said


"I'm certain that Lord Azrubên and Calmacil will be happier for it," Jon responded coldly.


"They deserved it; those craven fools thought it wise to kidnap my mother and me hoping it would allow them to plunder Gondor at their leisure" Daenerys wept in a fury, and Jon embraced her, arousing the ire of Rhaenys and Arya.


Although they remained silent, knowing the horrors Dany must have faced in that cursed city.



"My Prince… I have a request if I may, " Erendor said.


"Speak," Jon ordered.


"Now that Umbar is in ruins and its leaders are dead, we may capture Umbar in the name of Gondor..." Erendor said to the bewilderment of all present.


Jon regretfully separated from Dany and said nought, gazing northward for a moment; then at last he spoke.


"I say neither yea nor nay." He said after a few minutes.


"But?... My Prince, this chance..." Erendor tried to say.


"Which is not for us to take… that right lay in the hands of Isildur and Anárion. I am not so arrogant as to flout the rule of our Kings… Moreover, our strength is not so great as to claim mastery of these lands, nor shall I commit to such a venture of old our kin were tyrants among these peoples as we shall be no better should we claim their city now…." Jon said in a deep voice.


"I understand, my Prince…." Erendor said after a moment, but he could tell the warden was disheartened, as were his men.


"But you are also right, and we must not miss this opportunity, choose your swiftest riders, send them to Minas Anor and Minas Ithil, so our Kings may glean all that transpired... they shall know what to do," Jon said, and Erendor laughed merrily.


"As you command, my Prince", Erendor said before marshalling his officers.


"This shall bring great change to the Southron Kingdoms," Rhaella said gaily, undoubtedly pleased that Osgiliath had sent them aid.


"A political theatre awaits us as we return to Osgiliath; I'm certain Azrubên will wish to know all that happened and how I intend to make good on my promises…." Jon sighed wearily.


"It was wise to leave the decision in the hands of Isildur and Anárion… You are respectful of their authority," Rhaella said, leaning against him, something that was noticed by Rhaenys.


"Thank you... If there is nothing of note, let's persist with our march... I want to return to Osgiliath... And if it is possible to inform the council of what I uncovered in Emyn Arnen..." Jon said, surprising everyone since they had forgotten their trip to those hills.


"Did you find anything in those hills?" Rhaenys asked, arching an eyebrow.


"My dearest sister, I shall tell you all of what I uncovered but let us leave this cursed place", Jon bid anxiously; though they were dispirited with him, they said nothing and swiftly mounted their horses and shot away northward to hearth and home.


Osgiliath (Days later)


Many days had passed since the Host of Erendor had departed south to give aid to Prince Jon, and the whole of the City awaited the news of a great victory against their hated kin.


Meanwhile, Jon's lady loves busied themselves planning a great party to celebrate their beloved's return though not all of them were so keen for merriment and song; Shiera and Ashara recalling the tragedy of Isengard, had prepared themselves for the tending of men wounded in battle or dying.


As for Írimë and Galadriel, they had dwelled with their kin far removed from the governance of the city, yet on many an evening, they glimpsed the princesses tracing the movements of Stars; perhaps they gleaned what had happened in the South.



The Lords Erendur and Calmacil had returned from the battle of the Havens; though both were riven by many wounds, they cared nought; instead, the proud Lords had flung themselves at the feet of the Steward, begging forgiveness, yet the old Lord scolded them and reminded them it was Jon's forgiveness they must seek not his.


Although not everything was so grim, according to the men who returned from Emyn Arnen, a great vein of silver was uncovered in those barren Hills, now stood there a fort of stone to guard the great mine; this news was graciously received by the council with many among them praising their princes' foresight.


Some even whispered he was Tar-Palantir come again, and their love for their prince rose ever higher.


Shiera and Galadriel were exceptionally cheery to learn of their beloved's wealth and hoped he would forge objects of great loveliness for them.





Although he had departed Osgiliath not a fortnight ago, it felt as if he had been away beyond the count of years, yet when he gazed upon the High Walls, all weariness left him and love filled his heart.


Soon, he would see his dearest viper again, his dearest cousins, and his beloved Shiera and Ashara. Yet he perceived another presence, one he had not felt in many, many months. His beloved Galadriel and Írimë had come as they had promised.


"Praise be to Eru for allowing me this great love," Jon thought, his eyes wet with tears. He shouted in happiness, and the horse sprang away swift as a bird on the wing.


It had been too long since he had settled down, and as he came upon the City, Jon vowed his days of adventure were done.



"Oh... I can see Nin Mel," Írimë said, chortling with delight and the sound of her laughter gladdened the Dúnedain Galadriel smiled, amused that the proud men of Westernesse would fall to the charms of an Elf so readily.


She and her aunt stood before the gates of the City alongside Azrubên, and their beloved's countless relations eager to welcome him after his great battles in the South Írimë was especially keen to see Jon and hear the tales of conquest.


Indeed they were vexed they had been parted from Jon for so long; no doubt those girls had done much for him while they lingered in Edhellond, showering him with much acclaim and adoration perhaps these silly girls had desired she and Arantis wouldn't return to claim their beloved dragon.


Something that the two of them will correct swiftly; after all, Lord Azrubên had placed their chambers nearest to Jon's, something that both Artanis and she are very grateful for, particularly knowing how envious their beloved's relations were.


But all that must wait as she discerned the jealously of Sansa and especially Shiera; indeed, many would mistake them for fellows of Maeglin's house. Írimë hoped this wouldn't sour the mood as Arianne had done a great to prepare Jon's welcoming feast, and she would loathe for it to be ruined by petty rivalries.


"Oh, by the Valar, must these women be consumed by such jealously?" Írimë thought in unhappiness, then she felt warm hands embrace her own.


"Don't fret; whatever they summon against us, we shall master it. No foul trick shall see us parted from Jon again… Besides, I have a gift for our dragon…." Galadriel whispered to her, and Írimë smiled, knowing that Jon would be well cared for between the two of them.


"You speak truly, niece, we've waited too long to be with our dearest Dragon, and nought shall spoil it", Írimë answered, and her niece smiled happily, feeling the love Jon bore them.



At last, Jon trotted to the gates of the City and saw that his family and the old Lord had come to welcome them home. He swiftly dismounted his horse and approached them, receiving Azrubên first.


"Lord Azrubên", Jon said in greeting.


"It is a comfort to see you again, my Prince… Especially after your… time abroad…." Lord Azrubên choosing his manner of speech carefully.


"Thank you for your words Lord Azrubên… And I am ever in your debt for governing our fair City in my absence though it seems you have glad tidings as well, honoured visitors from the Elven Kingdoms…." Jon said, glancing at Galadriel and Írimë lovingly.


Although their joy was swiftly quelled when Rhaenys and her aunt appeared on either side of Jon, neither Targaryen had a glimmer of remorse as they shot the Galadriel a rather dirty look.


Doubtless, many glimpsed the soured expressions of the Elven maidens and feared a brawl may happen between the Targaryen maidens and the Firstborn of Ilúvatar.


The old Steward smiled. "Perhaps my Prince would like to rest first… It's been a long journey after all…" but Jon refused him. "Nay, My aunt and grandmother, may rest if they bid, but we have much to attend to, chiefly the fate of our Southron kin," upon hearing her beloved words, Galadriel brought her hand to her mouth in shock.


"What fate do you speak of, my Prince?" Lord Azrubên asked, fearing the retort.


"Umbar was devastated," Jon responded somberly. Many wailed in astonishment, and Lord Azrubên seemed shocked or perhaps frightened.


"What are you talking about, my Nin Mel?" Írimë asked worriedly, and Jon sighed.


"The Lords of the Ar-Adûnâim… sought to wed my grandmother and Dany wishing for our friendship, so they said, but all here know of the falsehoods of the King's men they desired to ravage our coast unburdened of reprisal," Jon said with such revulsion that for an instant it seemed a gloom had fallen upon him.


While others looked pityingly at Rhaella and Dany.


"That is wholly appaling though I know nought of the honour of the King's Men if they have any left to speak of," Lord Azrubên said with indignation.


"Aye, I roused the dragons and drowned the city in fire; The temple of the Great Enemy lay in ruin, and their Lords were slain by mine and Daenerys' hand," Jon said dangerously.


"That was…" Lord Azrubên said with a gulp.


"Fire and Blood are the words of my House, Lord Steward. I reward fealty with love, valour with honour, cruelty with vengeance. Such was the way of Old Valyria; will you deny me my vengeance?" Jon asked, and Azrubên gulped.


"Of course not, my Prince… though it is rather fortunate long have we been troubled by the Lords of the South …" Lord Azrubên said, stroking his beard.


"I agree… We must send letters to Isildur and Anárion to tell them what happened and swiftly send a retinue to Umbar least Sauron discover the fate of his cruellest servants," Jon said.


Azrubên smiled. "It shall be done, my Prince… Although considering the significance of the matter, I ask your consent to use the Palantiri of our City," He smiled at the old Lord. "You have leave to use it, my Lord, though be swift I wish to settle the matter before all else."


"The day will come when I will have to use the Palantir, but for now, my mind and my spirit are weary," Jon thought sadly.


"Well… It would be best if we adjourn to the council chambers... there is a matter of great importance we must debate," Jon said dryly, glancing at his loved ones and Counselors. At that moment, he realised that Galadriel was eyeing him and sensing what she pretended he communicated with her in the way he most enjoyed… with his will.


"My beloved Galadriel, I am ashamed to ask you this so soon after your arrival… But I ask you to accompany me to this gathering, I have desired to see you and Írimë for months, but duty prevents me from enjoying your company," Jon asked, and for a moment, she said nothing, but then she smiled sweetly.


"I am honoured you have faith in me, my beloved wolf… So I will accompany you to this council. Indeed I'd wager that I shall be advising you for many years to come, " Galadriel answered gaily.


"Thank you, my beloved Star…." Jon thought, delighted she would oblige him.



"Come then, send the ravens to Kings Isildur and Anárion so they might decide Umbar's fate and summon the council... I wish to conclude this matter swiftly, and then Valar willing sleep till Arda ends," Jon said beseechingly and the old Lord nodded.


"As you wish, Prince Jon... Although it is a pity since your young friends and I had scheduled a party to herald your return," Said Lord Azrubên, gladdened to see his young prince as a conqueror rather than a green boy.


"All the more reason to end this gathering shortly...then we may feast, drink and smoke to our heart's content," Jon said merrily.


"Oh, my silly wolf..." Arianne said though her countenance was soured, knowing her party would be postponed until this queer business was settled.


Jon smiled and placed a kiss on her brow. "I know Ari, I'm sorry you've all put a great deal of effort into this party, but all shall be better for it if I recount all that has happened first. But, grandmother, you may rest; these days have been wearying beyond hope, and I suppose you would like to be alone," Jon said, but his grandmother shook her head.


"No, Baelon… I shall attend the party… But first, I'd like to take a hot bath and change my attire," The Dowager Queen said, lamenting her current appearance and Jon knowing she wouldn't be swayed, relented.


He turned to Azrubên again. "How fair Lord Calmacil and Earendur?"


"According to the last missives, they are both wounded… But alive; indeed, Lord Calmacil has not ceased thanking you for your gift, my Lord. He professes that it is the only thing that kept him alive…." Lord Azrubên said, and Jon smiled with comfort, especially when thinking of Lady Andreth, who won't have to mourn her father yet.



"This news brings me joy, my Lord Azrubên… Carry out your charges, and I wish you to nominate the Ladies Galadriel and Írimë a seat on the Council," Jon ordered, and Azrubên nodded, causing a chorus of murmurs as many wondered why their Prince had requested Elves sit upon the council.



A little later, after a short bath which he was certain he had dozed off several times, Jon hurriedly dried himself and was about to put on his robe when he noticed Írimë, Galadriel, Shiera, and Ashara had entered his chambers.


"Hello…" Jon greeted with a tired smile.


"Well met, my foolish dragon…." Lalwen said lovingly, and her smile illuminated the room.


Without stopping, Írimë strolled forward, wrapping her arms around her beloved's neck, revelling in their closeness; indeed, he was of the same mind and returned his Lalwen's embrace with equal devotion.


"She smells of… Vanilla and sunflowers…." Jon thought, enraptured by Lalwen's perfume; their eyes met and then she kissed him passionately, seemingly forgetting they were not alone.


He was soon lost in the passion of his elven love. Too long had they been parted, now she stood before him, and he had no letting her go; they kissed for what felt like ages. Alas, the need for air triumphed over their passion, and they separated.


"My Nin Mel…" Jon said with such love that Írimë blushed like a maiden, and at that moment, Jon realised that Ashara, Shiera and Galadriel were glancing at him expectantly.


"Welcome, Jon…" Shiera said with a smile full of love and happiness.


"Shiera, my beloved silver dragon… and Ashara, my amethyst maiden…." Jon said, moving to embrace them.


"Hello, Jon… Oh, my beloved fool, it seems trouble shall follow you wherever you go…." Ashara said, and Shiera chortled


"Aye, so it would seem… but I did honour the words of House Targaryen… I drowned Umbar in Fire and Blood…." Jon said grimly, though this did little to deter his lady loves Shiera seemed inflamed with passion, and Ashara's eyes glittered in ardour.


Then, his gaze fell upon the last person in the room, his Star of the West.


"You came back to me…." Jon said in a whisper, and Galadriel approached him and placed a kiss upon his brow.


"Of course, my beloved wolf... I shall always find you..." Galadriel said, and then she kissed him with such affection that his companions swiftly reddened. Even Írimë was astounded that her niece was so devoted to Jon.


It was wholly remarkable that the Lady of Light was in a harem, and the Elf maiden could be so spirited.


Galadriel persisted in heaping him with affection, her voice sweet as summer's wind. "You have no idea how I've missed you, Jon… I lay awake many nights yearning for your warmth and touch…."


"My star…" Jon said, utterly enthralled by his beloved's beauty; the noble Elf gave him a devilish look and lowered her hand to the knot of the towel


But her actions were interrupted when she heard a cough and shifted to meet the gaze of her aunt, Shiera and Ashara, all red as rubies and undoubtedly envious of her boldness with their Wolf.


"Aunt…" Galadriel said, pouting as if she were a child while Írimë's face was red as a ruby.


"I never imagined that the most scholarly Lady of the Noldor was so…" Ashara began, not knowing what to say.


"Obscene…" Shiera added enviously, and Galadriel looked away, her face near as red as theirs. Jon laughed merrily at his dearest love's antics, and Írimë frowned.


"Are you delighted by our jealousy, Nin Mel?" Írimë asked vexedly.


"Yes, my beloved little songbird... You delight me..." Jon said, relishing his beloved Lalwen reddened at her epithet.


Then Aunt and niece smiled, now Shiera and Ashara knew they were scheming something... They had fallen into a trap set by the Noldorian Princesses, who now climbed onto Jon's bed and sat behind him.


And from her dress, the Daughter of Finarfin brought out a bottle of an unknown oil that, when opened, radiated a lovely aroma like a blend of roses, strawberries and almonds.


"This oil was created from plants and blooms tilled in Imladris by my aunt and myself; it soothes the spirit and body," Galadriel said with a smile.


"What are you scheming?" Shiera growled, but neither elf paid her any mind, wholly focused on her precious Jon.


"Lalwen?... Galadriel?" Jon questioned nervously but was surprised when he suddenly felt two pairs of soft, warm hands caress his battered body.


"Lalwen…Galadriel," Jon said, relishing the ministrations of his loves; all weariness left him and felt as if the sun welled within his chest.


"Shh… Enjoy it, my wolf… Since we returned from Dorwinion, I haven't the chance to care for you as you have me… calm yourself…." Galadriel said, undoing another knot in her beloved's back.


"And I have seldom done something so bold with you, my dragon, so forgive me and allow me to care for you..." Írimë seconded, endeavouring to free her beloved of all weariness, and at that moment, Shiera and Ashara heard the laughter of Lady Galadriel. It seems she relished their vexation and was eager to tease them.


They wouldn't lose to these knife-eared upstarts… Jon was theirs long before they even knew he existed.


"That may be true, my Ladies... But that doesn't imply we will let ourselves be beaten... Just watch, and you will learn something," Galadriel said with an affectionate smile, but her smile swiftly faded when she loosened another knot in her wolf's back.


"My Nin Mel has always been stone-hard, stubborn, but by the Valar, this is absurd…." Írimë thought, dismayed at the state of her dragon. He bore the burdens of the world upon his shoulders; nonetheless, she and her aunt endeavoured to soothe his body and spirit.


Jon had never felt so cheery; his dearest princesses laboured over his body, undoing the years of toil and hardship; it was as lying in a meadow under a clear summer sky, he was half tempted to fall asleep, but alas, there were matters to attend to so Jon lay there enjoying the caresses of his loves.



Seeing that Jon was thoroughly relaxed, Írimë and Galadriel smiled lovingly and nodded to the curiousness of Shiera and Ashara, who glimpsed the elves were now smiling in a conspiratorial manner.


"What are you scheming, my ladies?" Ashara asked though Finwë's Descendants merely smiled like cats who had got into the cream.


"Jon… can you hear me?" Galadriel asked softly.


"Yeah… Aahh," Jon answered, enjoying his double massage.


"Well… Now tell me… why did you build a forge at the peak of the White Mountains?" Galadriel asked, continuing her ministrations.


"A hidden forge?" Ashara and Shiera intoned, wholly confused by this revelation.


"Because… I desired to discover, aaahhh… the lost arts of my kin in Valyria," Jon said delightedly as Lalwen pushed gently on his neck.


"Lost Arts of Valyria?" Galadriel asked, wholly interested in the subject.


"You desire to learn how to create Valyrian Steel," Ashara said, certain of her husband's intent, but her words astonished the others, chiefly Galadriel and Írimë, who had heard mere pittance of the metal since meeting Jon.


Valyrian steel was an ilk of steel used to make weapons and other objects of incomparable beauty. If the tales were true, the Valyrians of yore made mighty spells to fashion the steel; the enchantments woven into the steel made it lighter, stronger and keener than the best steel of the outer lands. According to Jon, the blades had a remarkable pattern, and the blade would glitter with hues of grey and black.


They had also been told that the secret of fashioning the metal was lost when the Freehold fell, though now it seems their beloved hoped to rediscover the lost arts of the Dragonlords.


"Is it true, Nin Mel?" Írimë asked, continuing to undo the knots in her dearest neck.


"Yes… But I want more than that… I desire to blend the smithing techniques I learned from Vhagar with the knowledge I attained in Khazad-Dûm and from Enerdhil's books… The forge itself is far from prying eyes at the peak of Eilenaer," He said softly, still entranced by the sweet scent of the oils.


At that moment, Írimë applied more sweet-smelling oil to her hands and began to massage Jon's legs and thighs.


That was a surprise for Galadriel, Shiera and Ashara, as none among them knew Írimë was so adept in these arts.


"And how do you intend to regain the mastery of Valyria Nin Mel… As far as we all know, it was destroyed?" Írimë asked curiously.


"Vhagar… Aaahh," Jon replied.


"Your dragon?" Shiera asked, intrigued.


"She… She can… Aah… Convey to me pieces of visions of Valyria in her flames… Through those visions… I learn what I can of Valyria, however little…." Jon said especially enjoying it when Galadriel undid a particularly troublesome knot in his lower back.


Galadriel laughed gaily. "Your wishes are very ambitious, Baelon… But tell me more about the forge, you built-in secret…."


"It is only reachable by flight resting deep within a cave of Eilenaer…." Jon replied.


"And how did you prepare that place by yourself?" Írimë asked, now pressing on his right foot.


"I didn't prepare it by myself, Magni… He helped me; he sent a small retinue of Dwarves… In exchange for passing on whatever knowledge I learn… Aaahh… They… turned the cavern atop the mountains into a magnificent forge," Jon groaned, and Galadriel nodded, wholly unsurprised.


"Of course…" The Lady of Belfalas sighed, knowing that Magni had become dear friends with Jon, and like all Dwarves, Magni, Son of Thurimar, would not squander the opportunity to rediscover a lost art.


"And why didn't you inform anyone about this forge... Do you hold so little trust in us?" Galadriel angrily snarled and pressed into his back harder.


"What a foolish query... Aaah... Of course, I intended to tell you and...but I had hoped to forge you some jewellery before you had discovered my intent..." Jon said, pleasing them all immensely.


At that moment, Írimë and Galadriel resolved to conclude their massage. Jon couldn't tarry any longer, and if they had continued, their dragon would've fallen asleep.


"What was that massage?" Shiera asked, intrigued.


"An art taught by my mother Indis to my sister Findis and me, likewise taught to the wives of my brothers, Anairë and Eärwen, soothes the body and loosens the tongue… Oh, my father, he could never conceal anything from my mother for long," Írimë thought with a mischievous smile.


"It was much the same with my parents." Galadriel seconded with a smile as Ashara and Shiera silently glanced at each other in a cold sweat.


"Elves are very possessive and controlling, it seems." Shiera and Ashara thought.


At that moment, Jon stirred and seemed younger than his seventy-two years.


"I feel much better... Thank you, my loved ones..." Jon said gaily, yet this faded when he remembered that he had revealed the secrets of his forge so readily as if his beloveds had employed trickery to ensnare him.


"What sorcery did you use upon me?" Jon asked in bewilderment.


"My dragon… We were just aiding you to lessen your weariness…." Írimë replied sweetly, yet he wouldn't fall for her ruse.


"Aye, and what magic did you use?" Jon asked as Ashara and Shiera endeavoured not to laugh, earning rancorous looks from the Princesses.


"My love… We only wished to serve you and discover why you had built a forge in secret…." Galadriel said sadly


The other women were surprised that the Daughter of Finarfin would play that immature ruse on Jon and didn't think he would fall for it.


But all three had been wrong when Jon's gloomy countenance softened noticeably.


"I had no wish to conceal the truth of my forge as I've said, yet living so long among the Dwarves, I fear I've become as secretive and stubborn... but I shall endeavour to repay this slight against you, my loves..." Jon said, embracing Galadriel and kissing her with all the passion he could muster.


"Okay, that's enough", Írimë grumbled, pulling her irate niece from Jon's embrace.


After a few moments, they had composed themselves and prepared to leave.


"Well, it's time to go... My star, you and I must attend this council; there is much to say and even more to learn and perhaps when it is done, I shall set hammer to anvil and forge you some new jewellery," Jon said with a smile.


But before they could depart, Shiera and Ashara heard a yelp of surprise from the Noldorian princesses; it seemed Jon had pinched their buttocks. The two Westerosi looked at each other before erupting in a fit of giggles; all the while, Galadriel and Írimë glared at their love ruefully.


"Do you desire to perish, Nin Mel?" Írimë asked, embarrassed and furious with her dragon, but Jon just laughed wickedly.


"We are even my beloved… Now I ask you to let me change… I'm already late for the Council meeting," Jon said, enjoying the embarrassment of his lady loves, but this was swiftly quelled when he noticed Galadriels' look of displeasure.


"Do you find it very humorous to embarrass my aunt and me in such a manner, my foolish Wolf?... Should I fulfil the promise I made to you in the Sea of Rhun and strip you of your manhood?" asked the Lady of Light furiously, yet he was not cowed by her anger.


"No, my dearest Star, but you used magics to ensnare me. I was merely paying you in kind…." Jon replied, amused, then he spoke where only she could hear, " Don't try to fool me, my beloved Galadriel. I can sense you appreciated that…." and Jon felt her lust and shame.


Once Jon realised that his beloved Estrella liked to be ruled… But the fun time was over.


Jon groaned in vexation. "It's time to go…." and hurriedly resumed dressing, he thought his lady loves would shuffle out, but it seems they were content to watch him dress, their lust unabashed and rather appreciated.



The whole of the Southron Council had been summoned save Lord Earendur and Calmacil, who returned to the Havens to aid the survivors and rebuild all that could be recovered.


In attendance were Himself, his grandmother, Lords Azrubên, Hallatan, Celtegar and several lower lordlings and earls from the farthermost fiefs. However, on this occasion, he was joined by his lovers who stood at either side of his throne save for Galadriel, who sat next to his grandmother per his instructions.


"We are here, my Prince, and I have already carried out your orders; our Kings have been informed of your comings and goings; the only thing left to do is hold this meeting... Although I think you could've waited till you and your family were well again..." Lord Azrubên said.


"I'm afraid this meeting can't wait since this news must be given immediately", Jon answered.


"Very well, my Prince… what do you wish to tell us?" Azrubên, and he said it as plainly as he could.


"Umbar was destroyed… By our dragons," Jon said as his Council remained silent, though none among them seemed wholly astonished.


"They knew?" Jon asked, surprised and Lord Azrubên nodded.


"Yes, my prince, after hearing of the havens' sack, we saw three great black shapes fly away south... I ought to have known you would lay waste to the City and saw fit to inform our fellows after you told me as much upon your return," replied the old Steward 'But I suspect there is more to the story than you let on. Come! Tell us your tale.'.....


'Very well,' said Jon. 'I will do as you bid. But I will now tell the true story, and if some here have heard me tell it otherwise, I shall beg their forgiveness later. Anyway, this is what happened.'


To some there, Jon's tale was wholly new, and they listened with amazement while the young prince, actually not at all displeased, recounted his adventure in the South at full length. He did not omit anything, whether the razing of the temple or the slaughter of the King's men. He would have given also an account of the battle with the Haven masters, if he had been allowed; but Lord Azrubên bid him stop.


Hearing Jon's bloody tale firsthand caused a great shock to his lovers and counsellors, who were astounded to hear of the power of the legendary Helm but were troubled by the savagery of the siege, if one could call it that.


"Our Prince's actions were most reckless," Lord Hallatan said after a moment.


"Fuinur and Herumor stole away with my aunt and grandmother, hoping to use them as a shield in one hand while the other ravages our kingdom," Jon muttered with such loathing that many recoiled in fear, but Galadriel and Ìrimë merely observed the countenance of their love and knew he was the master of his mind for the moment.


Furthermore, Galadriel realised that Rhaella was furtively watching Jon and Galadriel recalled the vision of the children that Jon will father with his lovers.


"Something else happened…." Then they comprehended that Rhaella and Jon had become lovers.


"I understand your desire to save them, but to unleash three dragons upon a city, you shall be lucky if our kin do not label you a tyrant..." Lord Celtegar began to say, but Jon stopped him.


"This matter has been settled, my Lords, the Ar-Adûnâim... They discovered the words of my House Fire and Blood; the City was razed to the ground, and the vile temple of Morgoth was reduced to ashes by the fire of Vhagar... Now it shall be Kings Isildur and Anárion who will decide the fate of those lands; I shall hear no more of this Umbar business save the bard's verse," Jon answered, vexed while the council stared at him warily.


"If it is what our Prince deems best…." The old Lord said wearily.


"It is; I shall not cower behind high walls while others plot the ruin of me and mine house, Lord Azrubên!... yet I did not summon you here to speak of Umbar; we've more pressing matters..." Jon growled.


"And what might those be, my Prince?" asked Lord Hallatan.


"Fuinur and Herumor revealed to us they had spies in this city who kept them apprised of our movements... That is how they learned Dany, and I would be journeying to Pelargir" Rhaella spoke in dismay, and the council was immediately in an uproar.


"Spies?" Lord Cemender asked with anger and disgust in his voice.


"I fear so my Lords… Our City is infested with spies; they knew our every move," Jon said grimly.


"How despicable…" Lord Hallatar muttered.


"We must find them, my Lords, before they poison us in our sleep…." Rhaenys growled; Lord Celtegar stroked his beard before speaking. "I agree… But how? We know nought their numbers nor where they may slink,"


"The spies must be among the household servants; only they were attending when we spoke of the business of Pelargir ", Rhaella growled resentfully, and Dany embraced her.


"I can aid you in finding the wrongdoers… I think that is why I was invited to this Council," Galadriel replied abruptly.


"My Lady…" Lord Azrubên said in surprise, and Jon just glanced at her with love pleasing her greatly.


"Thank you, my love; I know you must consider this task unworthy of you, but…." Jon thought, endeavouring to apologise, but he was silenced by his beloved's laughter. "No, my dearest wolf, it is a joy to aid you and even more so knowing what you and your kin endured at the hands of those spies", Galadriel answered, and his love for her grew tenfold.


"Well... before we settle the matter of these spies, I've glad tidings to share," Jon said with a mysterious smile, and Galadriel involuntarily let out a cry of happiness, knowing the reason.


All were shocked by the Lady of Light's outburst, especially Írimë, who was surprised by her niece's childish behaviour.


"Artanis?" asked Írimë, surprised.


"I think there is something that Jon should tell us all", Galadriel said, her eyes twinkling in delight, the same twinkle dwarven eyes held upon discovering a precious metal.


"My journey in the Hills of Emyn Arnen... was quite fruitful," Jon said, smiling with delight seeing the look of disbelief on the faces of his Councilors since the young Targaryen remembered very well that none of them approved of his going to those hills in the first place.


"Is it true, my Prince?..." Lord Azrubên said in a whisper.


"That's right... It was a wonderful discovery... We found a great vein of silver," Jon said happily, pleased his quest had not been in vain.


"And Many Ages hence… People of great importance to Gondor will arise from that land… I am sure… Although I would like to know more about the last three statues… A powerful and noble father as well as his two sons…." Jon thought, pondering his vision.


"It's… it's wonderful news, my Prince…." Lord Hallatan said.


"Indeed, we shall raise a fortress of stone where the mine sits, and I've been told there is such wealth as to fill a Dwarven mansion..." Jon said, smiling, and his loved ones had a particular gleam in their eyes, no doubt imagining him toiling at the forge for their desires.


"Oh, my love, that is wonderful news. I heard much at the gate, yet I did not think your fortune would be so great," The beautiful Targaryen said with a gleam of greed in her eyes, causing him to laugh heartily.


"There is no need for this, my love, although I enjoy it very much... Don't fret, a great deal of it shall be put towards our fair City and Gondor... I will make certain that some of it goes towards fulfilling your …desires, from my share, of course," Jon said regretfully while his counsellors were chortling good naturedly and his loves beamed in happiness.


Shiera smiled and kissed him eagerly; indeed, it was akin to two dragons intertwined in the heat of passion; he was convinced that if Azrubên hadn't spoken, Shiera would've made love to him in the sights of Valar and men.


"Excuse me, my Prince... But what do you intend to do with such a great horde of silver?" Lord Azrubên, to the ire of the girls who feared the old Steward, would rob them of their share, a foolish notion, but one must never misjudge a Numenoreans fondness for metals, chiefly silver.



"I shall fortify the Hills and hinterlands; another share of the treasure shall be used to rebuild the walls of Pelargir; the lion's share shall be put towards the building of many ships. We shall not yield the River unfought again," Jon replied, and the old Lord seemed pleased.


"My Prince is wise…." Lord Azrubên said, bowing.


"Thank you, my Lord… I shall need your counsel in the days ahead, but for now, I believe my dearest Dornish Lily has prepared a party of special magnificence, and it would be poor form to let such a celebration be missed," Jon said merrily. This greatly pleased Arianne, who thought her efforts had been in vain, and she swiftly embraced him.


"Come my White Wolf... I have endless delights prepared for you..." The former Princess of Dorne whispered in his ear, and Jon's blood was aflame.


Jon stood up, looked to his counsellors and called in a loud voice, "Well, then this counsel is over but heed my words companions, we must root out these spies, although the power of the Ar-Adûnâim is diminished, they may rise again.… And we must cut this rot from the vine before we are all slain..."


"This will be done, my Prince", Lord Azrubên assured.


"Well, now, my Lords, now let's celebrate..." Jon said, snaking his arm around his Dornish vipers and followed her out of the room.

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