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Chapter 1548 - 38

Wolf of NúmenorLouen_LeoncoeurChapter 38: Kingdom of the North


Jon and his family arrive at the seat of Elendil the fair lord of Westernesse and master of the Numenoreans


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(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

As they entered the great city of Annúminas, they were stunned by its beauty; the roads were paved with fine white stone, and the scent of honeysuckle permeated the air and all around them were people more like to the Firstborn than any other of the kindreds of Men; they were tall, taller than the tallest of the sons of Westeros; and the light of their eyes was like the bright stars.

Jon and the others were surprised by the sight of so many men of Westernesse, especially Shiera, since after more than a century, She will be able to meet her great-grandfather's kin, the people from whom she descended, the thought made her shed tears of emotion.


"Are you well, Shiera?" Asked Ashara, worried that her beloved was weeping.


"Yes, I'm just gladdened ... I will finally be able to meet my great-grandfather's kindred ... I will finally be able to know where my mother's family comes from", Shiera replied, barely containing her emotion.


Seeing her so happy, Ashara was moved because finally, her beloved Shiera will be able to know her origins; despite being in public, Ashara gave Shiera a sweet kiss on the lips to calm her nerves.


"I'm happy for you love, I hope you find what you are looking for here", Ashara said, stroking her hair with love while the beautiful Targaryen bastard smiled with happiness.


On the other hand, Jon, Loras and Robar could finally fulfil another step in their task; they will meet the Faithful and their King Elendil.


"We finally got here," Robar said solemnly.


"It was four years of triumph and sorrow. My brothers in arms ... Now we will see if it was all worth it, "Loras replied with emotion.


"I am sure that if Loras, everything we went through. Summerhall, Dorne, Pentos, The Gray Havens, Khazad-Dûm and Harlond ... Each one of those places that we visit, we grow wiser in thought and deed. Everything had led to this moment we shall meet King Elendil the fair, "said Jon excitedly.


"Indeed.. on that Jon.. do you know where our journey will take us next?" Loras asked, confused.


"What are you talking about, Loras?" Jon asked.


"Yes, our journey has led us to these shores, but Lord Manwë has only revealed that we must find the Faithful and I haven't the faintest idea what to do next ... Do you?" Asked the Knight of Flowers, confused, but his words rang true Jon didn't know of the journey at hand ... beyond meeting King Elendil.


"Loras is right; Lord Manwë and Lord Ulmo's instructions were to seek out the Faithful ... But they didn't say anything else, except that we would grow mighty under the tutelage of the Lords of Westernesse." Robar said with certainty.


"You're right, Loras, the journey that lay before us is long ... The Valar haven't revealed all of their schemes," Jon said with some regret.


"So what shall we do?" Loras asked.


"I don't know ... I would wager we shall find out very soon ... The Valar wanted us to be here, with these people ... I'm certain that they shall wish for us to serve them as best we can," Jon said, fully confident in the wisdom of the Valar ... And hoping to correctly interpret their intentions.


"Truly?" Loras asked.


"Yes, I don't know what the future holds for us, Loras, but we are very, very far from our homeland, my friends ... But we chose to be here in the first place; we prepare ourselves in body, mind and spirit for this. ... I'm certain the Valar know that we will know what to do when the moment comes ", said Jon looking at Loras with a serene smile.


"Well said brother" said the third son of Highgarden, deciding to trust Jon's wisdom.


"Very well ... let us see what the lords of Westernesse wish of us," Robar said, sighing as he hoped that Jon wasn't wrong.


The three knights continued arguing about what the Valar expected of them. As the cities inhabitants began to notice the peculiar group of strangers that arrived, mortals and elves ... bearing no sigil, except the one that the most scholars recognized as that of the House of Finwë.


Most whispered that they were knights in the service of King Gil-galad bearing a message for King Elendil and his son Anarion.


Jon and his companions were getting somewhat nervous as the numenoreans eyed them with suspicion; clearly, their arrival was not expected.


Glorfindel led them through the winding streets of Annúminas, pointing out the various buildings and luxuries that came from Numenor.


It was a great tower of stone that they had spied ere they came to the city it was even more beautiful up close with vast walls and glittering golden towers the great citadel was capped by a golden dome above which a sable banner fluttered in the breeze upon which embroidered in white a tree blossoming like snow beneath a silver crown and many-pointed stars.


Jon, Shiera, and the other Westeros travellers knew what it represented from their studies of Númenor.


"Nimloth the fair", Jon whispered, although all his companions could hear him clearly as they had all thought the same as they saw the countless banners that displayed the livery of the great tree scattered throughout the city.


The White Tree of Númenor, given as a gift by the Eldar of Tol Eressëa to Aldarion upon his wedding to Erendis. The White Tree has snow-white bark and puts forth "cool leaves in summer, and flowers in winter". When the Númenoreans began to turn toward the Shadow and the Faithful were persecuted, the White Tree was neglected. Tar-Palantír, who once again tended the Tree and honoured it, prophesized that when the Tree died, the line of Kings would fail.


The white trees' history was one of the subjects that had most fascinated the Westerosi, especially Sansa and Shiera.


Finally, they reached the doors that guarded the magnificent building and could see the guards approaching them.


Instantly Sansa and Arya moved closer to Jon.


"All shall be well these men are not like the Lannisters," Jon said, hoping to still their fears. And the Stark sisters nodded but did not move away from Jon.


Finally, the guards got close enough for the Westerosi to examine them.


The Guards of the gate were robed in black, and their helms were of strange shape, high-crowned, with long cheek-guards close-fitting to the face, and above the cheek-guards were set the white wings of sea-birds; but the helms gleamed with a flame of silver, for they were indeed wrought of mithril they also carried beautiful spears of white ash and jewelled swords. Upon the black surcoats were embroidered in silver thread was the livery of their lord.


They were stocky men with shoulder-length dark hair, and while one had blue eyes or the other had brown eyes, they stood in front of Glorfindel, whom they apparently managed to recognize.


"Welcome to you and your companions Lord Glorfindel," One of them said respectfully to the noble elf, who nodded.


"It is a pleasure to be back in Annúminas. However, I am afraid that this visit is not only for pleasure, as my Lords have realized, but I have also been escorting a very peculiar group," Glorfindel said with a smile when he saw the confusion of his students.


"Yes, the Great King Elendil and his son King Anarion who journeyed from our sister kingdom of Gondor. He is preparing everything for your arrival," Said the Second Knight surprising the entire company.


"Is Elendil aware of our arrival?" Asked a confused Glorfindel as the departure of Jon and the others from Mithlond was so sudden that Lord Cirdan could not send messengers to Annúminas informing the High King that they would be travelling to his kingdom.


"Yes, the High King foresaw your coming... If you follow me to the Throne Room ... King Elendil is eager to meet the" Envoys of the Valar ", Said the knight to the left of Glorfindel.


"Come on now ..." Jon said, about to jump off his horse and run like a child to everyone's amusement.


His lovers were delighted that after all these years, Jon had not lost that joyful and adventurous spirit that he had when they arrived in Middle Earth.


"He's still a boy at heart…" Rhaenys said, suppressing her laugh.


"Yes ... It's good that he still has that part of himself after everything he discovered about himself and his parents," Ashara said with a sad smile.


"Yes ... Well, let's continue. I also wish to meet my kindred from across the great sea," Shiera said with an excited smile, much to the amusement of the other Westerosi.


Their company was stunned by the beauty of the courtyard; it was a vast and beautiful garden with flowers of every shade and hue and dozens of strange trees; their bark was silver and smooth, and its boughs somewhat upswept after the manner of the beech its leaves, like those of the beech but greater, were pale green above and beneath were silver glistering in the sun; it surprisingly resembled the court of King Gil-galad.


This is a kingdom of men ... But clearly, they are the closest kindred of the Noldor.


Jon thought, marvelling at the grandeur of Westernesse... It was as if they had never left Harlond. Jon took one look at his brothers in arms and his lovers to know that they thought the same as he did.


... I wonder what Elendil will be like? ... Well, we'll find out soon ...


Finally, before entering the interior, several servants with noble bearing began to approach and asked Jon and the others to dismount their horses so they could be escorted to the Royal stables.


Finally, when they all got off their horses, Jon observed Lady Írimë gracefully leave her carriage and accompanied by her maidens; seeing her caused a great stir among the servants; one of the guards questioned Lord Glorfindel.


"If my memory serves me, is that beautiful maiden not related to King Gil-galad?" He said, unable to take his eyes off the beauty of Írimë.


"Yes, she is the Lady Írimë, the only daughter of Finwë first Great King of the Noldor. Sister of Fingolfin, from whom the Númenóreans including Elendil and his children are descended," Glorfindel said before the stunned soldier who didn't know he stood before an elf of such noble lineage.


"You will have to excuse our lack of manners; we did not prepare a proper reception for you."


"Don't worry, good sir ... Well, we were the ones who came here unexpectedly and without warning ..." Írimë said, approaching Glorfindel and the knight he was speaking with since she apparently heard the entire conversation.


Seeing Fingolfin's sister approaching, the knight bowed, and Jon smiled as he realized that the knight was struggling not to lose himself in Írimë's beauty.


"My Lady, my name is Orthordirion, son Geor, a knight sworn to the House of Elendil, should you require anything, do not hesitate to ask me," The knight said with some regret.


The beautiful elf just laughed sweetly at the embarrassed knight and nodded.


"Very well, good Lord ... Would you be so kind as to guide me? .. I am also curious to know how King Elendil knew of our arrival," Said Fingolfin's sister.


"Yes, please follow me ..." Said the knight about to fall to the ground enraptured by Írimë's beauty which caused Jon, Loras and Robar to hold back their laughter. It was enjoyable for them to see that even the great lords of Westernesse tongue-tied by the beauty of Fingolfin's sister.


"Do you find something amusing, Jon?" Írimë asked with a small smile while Jon's lovers looked none too pleased, much to her amusement.


Using her superior elf speed, she quickly approached Jon and extended her arm quickly, indicating that she wanted him to escort her before King Elendil, to everyone's surprise.


"My lady?" Jon asked, completely surprised.


"Is something the matter Jon Snow?" Írimë asked with a devious smile seeing him so embarrassed.


... It's so charming ... Írimë thought.


"It's just ... I'm surprised that you choose me ... My Lady," Jon said, choosing his words carefully as although both he and the Lady had become good friends of their last year in the Gray Havens.


"Why are you so surprised? ... We are friends after all ... Or not?" Írimë asked with false sadness while Jon nodded.


"Of course," said the young Targaryen, quickly taking the arm of the beautiful elf so that Loras, Robar and Glorfindel sighed wearily when they understood that Finwë's daughter had Jon wrapped around her finger.


At that moment, Jon felt that the atmosphere had become tense, and a chill in his back made him turn his head only to see the cold and penetrating gazes of Arianne, Daenerys, Rhaenys, Ashara and Shiera on him, which made Jon swallow hard and he suddenly had the desire to be consumed by the earth.


On the other hand, Queen Rhaella, Sansa and Arya only observed Jon acting as Írimë's escort in annoyance as the supernaturally beautiful elf had been ahead of them.


At that moment, the doors of the grand palace were opened, and more men-at-arms filed out, each armed with beautiful swords and shields; the leader of these men approached Glorfindel and spoke in a booming voice.


"All preparations have been made; you shall take counsel with King Elendil now," The knight said as Glorfindel smiled.


"Splendid, just one more thing, with us came three splendid and curious animals, two wolves of enormous size, one is white as snow and eyes red as blood, and the other is a female of dark colour, it is very tame though it will attack if provoked. The other is one of the mythical gryphons of the King of Arda, "Glorfindel said with a tone that brooked no argument.


"A ... A gryphon?" The gentleman asked in amazement.


"Yes, but listen to me carefully, the wolves know how to behave and are the property of these" Emissaries of the Valar ", so no harm shall come to them; at this moment, they are hunting in the woods surrounding the city. They are intelligent animals that prefer the open plains and forest, so your patrols should be warned so as not to cause harm to them, and as for the Gryphon, I'm afraid it comes and goes as it pleases ... alas, the beast will most likely be joining us, whatever happens, they should not try to approach the Gryphon; I'm afraid it's a proud and haughty creature ... and should your men arouse his ire it would not be a pleasant end "The noble elf said, and the knight nodded.


"I will tell the servants of the king's palace and the other explorers to act according to your instructions Lord Glorfindel, now please follow me ..." Said the knight, motioning for Jon and his companions to follow him.


Jon and Írimë entered the fortress alongside Glorfindel, but without him noticing, the beautiful elf turned back and looked with satisfaction at Jon's lovers, especially Rhaenys who would have loved to bury Tuor's axe in Finwë's daughter, but she was stopped by her grandmother and the others who were not much better than Rhaenys as they watched Finwë's daughter with envy and jealousy. While Loras and Robar just sighed in exasperation.


The Westerosi were guided inside the building called "The King's Tower", where they watched in amazement at all the beautiful construction, surpassing anything they had seen in Westeros and being able to even challenge the majesty of King Gil-galad's fortress.


... Lord Cirdan told us that the Numenoreans were the only people capable of equaling the Elves in lore and craft ... and this truly shows their talents ... It is incredible that these Lords can fashion cities such as these ...


Jon and the others walked through long passives, oak doors ... until they came to some splendidly sculpted gleaming white stairs, and at that moment, Lady Írimë pressed into his side, allowing Jon to fell her buxom figure, and her sweet scent fogged his mind with images of passions and love.


"Is something wrong?" Írimë asked with a smile but being fully aware of what was happening.


"No. My Lady ... we should hurry least we keep Elendil waiting," Said a worried Jon as he eyed his lovers with some trepidation, they stood at the foot of glittering marble stairs, and that climbed so high that for a moment they thought they would reach the clouds, then they reached two huge doors of oak ornamented with jewels and guarded by two knights in exquisite plate each carried jewelled spears and golden shields.


"Behind these doors are the Great King Elendil, his son King Anarion and the entire Court of Annúminas," Said Orthordirion making a gesture for the other knights to open the doors, and they did so without hesitation.


... Finally ... All Westerosi thought at once, eager to meet the last Numenoreans.


The doors opened, and Jon looked into a great hall. It was lit by deep windows in the wide aisles at either side, beyond the rows of tall pillars that upheld the roof. Monoliths of black marble, they rose to great capitals carved in many strange figures of beasts and leaves; and far above in shadow, the wide vaulting gleamed with dull gold, inset with flowing traceries of many colours. No hangings nor storied webs nor any things of woven stuff or wood were to be seen in that long solemn hall; but between the pillars, there stood a silent company of tall images graven in cold stone. There were about two-hundred nobles in the hall, and all were dressed in fine silks and wore jewels as displays of their wealth; there were at least a dozen knights clad in the lacquered plate, each near the height of Robert Baratheon and equally as fierce.


Jon and everyone else walked a path made with a blood-red carpet with gold edges until they reached the end of the room; at the far end upon a dais of many steps was set a high throne under a canopy of marble shaped like a crowned helm; behind it was carved upon the wall and set with gems an image of a tree in flower. At the foot of the dais, upon the lowest step which was broad and deep, there were two stone chairs, black and unadorned.


But the most striking were the people who occupied two of those thrones, in one of the small thrones there was a man who could only be called ... Handsome, he was powerfully built with a pale, stern face with keen grey eyes his nose was slightly hooked and his jaw clean-shaven, upon his brow was a band of silver set with seven gems of adamant that twinkled in the light of the morning sun.


However, the man on the highest throne was much more impressive ... He was a tall man ... in fact, he was just shy of the mountain. Still, his appearance was far more comely than that beast of a man; his hair was deepest black flecked with grey, and his blue eyes reminded them of the ocean, he also had a neatly trimmed beard, the man wore no crown but bore a single white gem bound on his brow with a silver fillet.


There was no mistaking it; this was Elendil, High King of Arnor. He was the most extraordinary man Westerosi have ever seen.


He carried a beautiful sceptre fashioned of gold and silver; it was set with diamonds and sapphires that seemed to glitter like the heavens. The sceptre itself seemed to radiate authority over the Court of Annúminas.


It seemed he was judging them as King Durin had done those years ago though it felt as if the High King could peer into their very souls. He was truly a lord of Westernesse splendid and strong.


While the one who was on one of the little thrones was his youngest son, Anárion.


Orthordirion approached and knelt before the High King and his son.


"Majesty, as you commanded me, I have brought forth those who serve King Gil-galad the blessed emissaries whom the Valar called from the far lands where the stars are strange, and folk are far queerer", The knight said humbly.


Knowing who Jon and the others were, the Court of King Elendil began to murmur ... Until the King gestured for silence, and he and his son rose from their thrones and began to walk towards Westerosi.


"Welcome to my halls" Emissaries of the Valar "... Four years have passed since you stepped on the shores of Middle-earth and reached the domain of Círdan, and we have waited for them all that time ... Now our patience has been rewarded," Elendil said raising his hands, his voice was strong, beautiful, like the kiss of a sweet summers wind, it was clear that this man could inspire bravery in all those who served him.


Glorfindel walked over and bowed to Elendil.


"Lord Glorfindel, it has been far too long since you have walked these halls; I am glad to see you again. And in the company of such admirable and well to do guest," Elendil said with an easy smile.


"Thank you for your hospitality, Your Highness ... Here stands before you mighty warriors sent from the lord of Arda to assist you in peace and war," Glorfindel said solemnly.


Írimë reluctantly parted with Jon and allowed him to approach Elendil and his son Anarion; many expected that Jon would proudly stand before the High King and speak as his equal, for he had been sent by a far greater Lord.


But to the surprise of Elendil, Anarion, and the entire Court of Annúminas, Jon knelt before the King as if he were one of his servants.


"Greetings, Your Majesty. Everyone knows me as Jon Snow, and I am the one who leads this company guided here by the will of the Valar and the patience of Lord Glorfindel," Jon said with a smile, looking amused at his mentor who could not help but snort.


"Bringing them here requires more than patience on my part, I assure you," Glorfindel replied to the amusement of the entire Court, and even Elendil and Anarion could not suppress a smile.


"I see that you and this young man share a deep bond Lord Glorfindel ... I would like to know more about him," Elendil said with authority.


"As you wish, your highness, allow me to introduce you to my sisters Sansa and Arya from House Stark," Jon said, gesturing for Sansa and Arya to step forward.


The Stark sisters only bowed to Elendil in silence as they were viewed by the entire Court with curiosity.


High King Elendil just nodded while his Court remained silent, watching all Westerosi curiously.


"Now I want to introduce Rhaella of House Targaryen, the Dowager Queen of Westeros, her daughter Daenerys of House Targaryen and her granddaughter Rhaenys of House Targaryen," Jon said, trying to be as respectful as possible lest he offends King Elendil.


Seeing Daenerys and her mother Rhaella, both the High King and his son, were intrigued by the Valyrian beauty of Dany and Rhaella.


"She is Arianne of House Nymeros Martell, sovereign of Dorne, one of the seven kingdoms of Westeros, and these two Ladies are Ashara of House Dayne vassal of House Martell and Shiera Seastar, who is also a member of House Targaryen by the blood of her father and descends from Númenor by the line of her mother, "Jon said calmly as the Court murmured in surprise to discover that a stranger from the Outer Lands carried the blood of Númenor.


The Court of Annúminas observed the exuberant and seductive beauty of Arianne and Rhaenys. Still, they were far more entranced the mystical beauty of the Ladies Shiera and Ashara, in fact, many in the Court directed poorly disguised glances of desire, but the ladies, who were already used to being observed in such a way by men and in some cases women ignored them.


"Does she truly have the blood of Westernesse?" Suddenly asked King Anárion, studying Shiera's features as if trying to glean her lineage.


"Only half, King Anarion. I am Shiera Seastar, the daughter of King Aegon IV of the Targaryen dynasty dead for more than a century, but in my veins also runs the blood of Númenor through the lineage of my mother, Serene de Lys "Said the beautiful Targaryen bastard proud of her ancestry as she took Jon by the arm as if drawing strength from him as being in front of the kings of her people made her nervous.


"I see that everyone bears a title of nobility, as Gil-galad told us in his messages, but still I am surprised that a stranger has the blood of our people," Elendil said with surprise in his eyes, looking at Shiera with rapt attention.


"That is possible, your Highness because my great-grandfather came from Númenor, I don't know how he got to the continent that we call that we in the Outer Lands call Essos, I only know that he arrived as an old man, he lived there the rest of his days being branded as a fool because of his wild tales about Númenor. And he came to have a family, a family with which he perpetuated his lineage until it came to me, although by the time I discovered the truth of his tales, he had been dead for several decades, "Shiera said with sorrow. Remember the precarious life of her ancestor.


"That saddens me, but I hope you are happy here since now you are among your people, my Lady, now who are those young gentlemen who accompany them?" Elendil asked curiously upon seeing Loras and Robar.


"These two gentlemen by my side are my companions and brothers in arms; they are Ser Loras of House Tyrell and Ser Robar of House Royce, both knights of Westeros, "said Jon, and both knights followed Jon's example and bowed to Elendil to the surprise of the Court as they did not expect such humility.


"I see that you are a very curious group of people, but tell me, why are you in the company of one of the Firstborn? that heraldry belongs to the House of Finwë, so this must be Írimë sister of Fëanor. Elendil stated without hesitation, and the beautiful elf took a few steps forward and, remembering her manners, bowed before Elendil and his son Anarion.


"I am honoured to finally meet" The Faithful "king Elendil, you are right ... I am Írimë, my father was Finwë the First King of the Noldor and my mother is Indis" The Beauty ", I travelling with the" Emissaries of the Valar "of my own free will, following the desires of my heart that dictates me accompany them until the end of their journey," Írimë said, appearing before the stunned Court of Annuminas who did not expect to have an elf of such rank and nobility as a guest.


"I am impressed; I would never have believed that such an important member of the Royal House of the Noldor would visit us. Now I regret even more not having been able to prepare a proper welcome for you ... My Lady, please apologize," Elendil said with an apologetic tone, but Írimë just smiled.


"Do not worry, your Highness, we were responsible for not sending messengers with our intentions; you could not know that we would come until it was too late" The beautiful elf apologizes.


"Thank you for your understanding, my Lady, now if it is not too much trouble, I would like you to tell me "Envoys of the Valar" why are you here? " Elendil asked, staring at Jon.


"Your Highness, my companions and I come from a distant land in the East, known as Westeros; our home was devastated by a war caused by the ambition of a few sycophantic lords. We managed to escape from it thanks to the wisdom and guidance of the Valar, "Said Jon, unable to contain his resentment as he remembered the way Westeros fell into chaos after the death of King Robert.


The expression of Elendil and Anarion darkened when they saw in Jon's eyes the truth of his words, such young men and women had to leave their home because of the war, but also when hearing those words, both the Great King and his son felt a particular kinship for those young people because they too had to flee their home due to the ambition and irrational fear of a reckless tyrant.


"It saddens me to hear that, but still, I ask you to continue with your story Jon Snow" Elendil replied with some guilt when asking those young people to remember those dark moments.


"As your Highness orders," Jon said humbly.


Jon then gave a very brief account recounting in a summarized way the political structure of Westeros, its Seven kingdoms and the Targaryen Conquest, to finally tell about Robert's Rebellion that ended three-hundred years of Targaryen rule, that's when Jon revealed to Elendil that he was the son and grandson of the men who started the rebellion, Prince Rhaegar Targaryen and King Aerys Targaryen better known as the "Mad King".


Both Elendil and Anarion and their entire Court listened in silence to the story of the increasingly decadent, murderous and erratic government of Aerys and how Jon's parents, Rhaegar and Lyanna, eloped, dishonouring their families and thus initiating a chain of events that ended with the Mad King killed by one of his own guards at the foot of his throne and his foolish son Rhaegar laid low by his cousin, Robert Baratheon, who later became the new King of Westeros.


Jon then proceeded to tell his story to Elendil, recounting how he was adopted by his uncle Eddard Stark at the request of Jon's mother, Lyanna, who died shortly after giving birth to him, being taken by his uncle to Winterfell. And how he lived there like a bastard son with his uncle, his wife Catelyn Stark-Tully and later Sansa and Arya until Lord Stark sent him to House Tyrell as a ward to protect him from Catelyn's mistreatment.


In Highgarden, he met Loras and his family, where he lived for six years until King Robert died and what was known as the War of the Five Kings broke out where Jon's adoptive father died after discovering the adultery of the Queen with her own twin brother and as the supposed heirs to the throne of King Robert they were nothing but bastards.


In addition to the false claims of Queen Cersei Lannister and her son Joffrey, Robert's brothers Stannis and Renly also sought to stake their claim to the throne, and Jon's own cousin, Robb, declared himself king in the North, refusing to bend the knee to the mad lion.


At that time, Jon, Loras and Robar entered the service of Renly Baratheon as his personal guards when he married Loras's sister, Margaery, to form an alliance between their houses, alas Renly was slain by the magics of Melisandre, and the knights were forced to flee after the Tyrell's sided with the Lannisters.


After evading the Lannisters and Baratheon soldiers for weeks, Lord Manwë came to Jon through a dream to seek Middle Earth and "The Faithful" as with them he would find his destiny while Loras and Robar followed him out of friendship and loyalty.


Thus began the journey of the three knights in which Jon met the loves of life and discovered his life's truth. They reached an island where Lord Ulmo appeared before them and told them the history of Arda and to seek out the Faithful and presented them with mighty gifts.


"Gifts? What gifts?" Anarion asked suddenly, and Jon gestured to Rhaenys, who approached, and they both presented Lord Ulmo's gifts.


The sword Ringil, the Axe of Tuor, the Ring of Fire Narya and the Conch Shell of Ulmo.


"I recognize the Axe of Tuor because he is one of my ancestors, the Ring of Fire and the sword of King Fingolfin I also know from old illustrations .. these are Magnificent gifts, of that there is no doubt," King Elendil said clearly enraptured by such mighty gifts.


"Before you, I present these gifts to the lord of Westernesse as proof of our friendship. As for the message, it is as follows ..." The Faithful will be rewarded for their service ". That is all Your Highness," Said Jon, with satisfaction for having fulfilled its mission after four years.


For a few moments, no one in the Court spoke when they heard Lord Ulmo's message, but King Elendil shed tears of happiness as soon as he heard Jon's words, after all his suffering at the hands of "The King's Men" and the loss of their glorious home ... At last, they have an answer from the Valar; the "Powers of the World" have not forgotten or abandoned them.


"My heart cries for joy at your words ... Jon Ulmondil, my people long suffered for the fear and cruelty of those who denied the light of Ilúvatar and in an attempt to achieve immortality guided by the lies of one who once was the servant of the "Great Enemy", who was worshipped as a god by those who were brought low by the cruelty of Sauron, even noble Ar-Pharazon my distant kin, "Elendil said with sadness in his voice.


"Your Highness, I'm sorry I didn't mean to remind you of those dark moments ..." Jon apologized when he saw Elendil's expression.


"No, do not apologize because you have not brought me sadness but joy because now I know that the Valar still care for us, and I'm certain that they shall reward you for your service. Though it appears they have gifted you with great wealth... Magnificent gifts Ringil is a sword worthy of a king, and I trust you shall keep it well, although the conch is strange to me, it is the gift more mysterious, "King Elendil said, confused because he did not recognize the shell of any book.


"The conch is the most important gift from Lord Ulmo Your Highness ... It is an artefact that can only be used for one purpose ... To call upon Lord Ulmo," Jon said solemnly.


A few minutes of silence filled the King's Great Hall as none of the Numenoreans present made a sound at Jon's revelation. This young man possessed an artefact that could call one of the Valar. An honour that was never given to Elros, nor Eärendil, nor even Tuor, who was also the only mortal in the history of Arda who actually spoke with Ulmo in the "Elder days".


And now a group of young men from the mysterious and unknown lands beyond the East were summoned by the Valar and armed with ancient knowledge and powerful relics, and their leader received the highest of all honours... that of speaking to one of the Valar every time that conch sounded.


Who was this young man? ... Why do the Valar have such an interest in him? ... Those questions haunted the minds of Elendil and Anarion as well as that of their entire Court.


"Pardon my scepticism"... But ... Does the conch work? Since we have never heard of such an object," Anarion asked, still surprised that such a grand gift could exist.


"Yes, King Anarion, and in fact, it was used recently in the Court of King Gil-galad and should Jon blow the horn near a body of water, Lord Ulmo shall appear to give counsel should Jon require it.


After that, Elendil nodded and approached Westerosi until he was in front of Jon; the difference in height between them was very great, but Jon, despite this and his youth, did not seem inferior to the King in any way.


"Long and tragic is the story of their arrival in these lands; they don't need to tell us about their exploits in Middle-earth at this moment because I have seen a great deal, and Gil-galad has told me about what has escaped my sight. I know about your time in Khazan-Dûm and your studies in the Gray Havens ... You really are all extraordinary, especially you, Jon Snow, for having received the honour of meeting the Greater King even in a dream. You achieved something that no mortal has ever achieved to call upon the counsel of the Valar when needed that is genuinely respectable young lord, thanks to that miraculous conch, "Elendil said, nodding in respect.


The same gesture was followed by Anarion and the rest of his Court to Jon and the others' surprise.


"In that case, since we couldn't give you a proper reception, at least let me give you a proper welcome party," Elendil said with a smile on his majestic face.


"Party?" Rhaenys asked curiously, to which Elendil nodded.


"Yes, my young Lady, a welcoming banquet, of course, that is appropriate considering who you are; after all, you have travelled a long way on the orders of the Valar and thus much be rewarded, now by my authority as the King of the Kingdoms of Arnor and Gondor ... I appoint you the "Emissaries of the Valar" as guests of honour in the kingdom of Arnor, our hospitality is yours ", Elendil said, raising his beautiful sceptre making a gesture to one of the members of the Court and that man left quickly.


"Your Highness is far too kind," Jon said politely, thanking Elendil for his hospitality.


"Well, it seems to me that we can continue our conversation during the welcome banquet, Jon Ulmondil… Until then, you and your companions shall be hosted in the royal bed chambers, and if they wish, they will be able to see my City, of course; this also extends to Lord Glorfindel and Lady Írimë and her servants, "Said Elendil before returning to his throne.


"We appreciate your Highness's hospitality," Glorfindel said, bowing.


"I agree; I had heard the generosity of His Highness ... But now I see that the rumours do him little justice," Írimë said with courtesy.


"Your words honour me Lady Írimë ... In that case, it seems to me that our audience no longer has anything to share ... You may go, now my servants guide our guests to their chambers," Elendil said to his servants sitting on his throne again as the Westerosi again took Lord Ulmo's gifts and left the Great Hall of Annúminas before the Elendil's gaze.

-------------------------------------------------- -------


Jon and the others were guided to their new quarters, and this being the third time they have been accommodated in a new place in Middle-earth, they are already familiar with the protocol.


The travellers from Westeros and the elves that accompanied them were lead to lovely quarters in the towers' east wind, but the quarters were separated by men and women - something that caused some annoyance for Jon's ladies as they were used to sharing a bed with their love. But Jon saw the desire in her eyes, and it made him nervous ... And for some reason, he could perceive a look of annoyance from the Lady Írimë as well though he did not know why.


The room that Jon received was as he expected, splendid, it was at the top of the royal palace and had a window from which he could see all of Annúminas, it had an incredibly soft goose down bed fashioned from blackened oak, and a mahogany desk along with several shelves stocked with various tomes and books or lore as well as a fireplace and a closet with fine clothes. And to his surprise, his belongings were already there.


"Well, I'm here ... And I don't know what to do," Jon said with a sigh as he sat down on his new bed.


The young dragon meditated on it for a while until they knocked on his door and, surprised, he opened it and saw that it was Loras and Robar.


"My brothers, is something wrong?" Jon asked, confused.


"Did you finish settling in?" Robar asked.


"Yes, have you planned something?" Jon asked curiously.


"We planned to go see the City, just us since you are usually always surrounded by women", Loras said, smiling with satisfaction when he saw Jon blush a delicate shade of scarlet.


"I'm not looking for them, they…" Jon started to say, but Robar silenced him with a gesture.


"Save it. Are you coming or not?" Robar said, trying to avoid hearing about Jon's abundant love life.


Jon thought about it for a moment; he wanted to get some rest, but looking out the window and seeing the rays of the sun and the purity of Lake Evendim, his adventurous spirit made him realize that it would be a shame to waste the morning.


"Why not? It's a splendid morning… But who will guide us?" Jon asked curiously.


"We can ask the servants to give us a guide," suggested Loras.


"It's a splendid idea",, Second Robar.


"Let's go then ..." Jon said, leaving his lot and closing the door not before taking Ghal-Maraz as he remembered how he had been caught unaware in Khazad-dûm.


The three knights began to look for servants, but they could not find any to help them, and they were already beginning to resign themselves until they heard a voice calling them from one of the entrances to the fortress.


Jon, Robar, Loras were surprised to see that this was Anárion, the son of Elendil.


"King Anarion .." Jon said, bowing with his brothers in arms following his example.


"Emissaries of the Valar, is something wrong? you seem to be looking for something or someone? ... have you lost your companions?" King Elendil's son asked.


"Not so, King Anarion, We desired a guide as we wanted to see the City of your father, but we could not find anyone," said Robar with some disappointment.


But to the surprise of the knights, he began to laugh.


"What is so amusing?" Loras asked.


"No one is available because everyone is busy preparing your welcoming banquet, I apologize, but you will have to wait unless…" Anarion said, having an idea.


"Unless?" Jon asked, hopefully.


"If you wish, I offer myself as your guide", Anarion replied with a smile to the surprise of the three Westerosi.


"But your Highness, that task is unworthy of you," Said Jon, surprised by Anarion's decision.


"Nothing's wrong, and I'm actually looking for a reason to leave the tower; my father wants me to be in a meeting with his advisers, but ... The politics ..."


"It bores you," Jon, Loras, and Robar said at the same time; Anarion just smiled.


"From what I see, we will get along very well, gentlemen ... So you still want to see the city or not?" Anarion asked, crossing his arms.


Jon, Loras, and Robar only glanced at each other for a few moments and shrugged.


"Please guide us, your majesty," Jon said, eager to see the City of Annúminas.

-------------------------------------------------- -

During the following hours, the quartet of noblemen together with some guards toured all of Annúminas, exploring the streets, the city market and the most important buildings such as the watchtowers that guarded the borders and although the City was still to be finished, it easily rivalled the Gray Havens in splendour. However, Jon felt that Annuminas lacked the pleasant sea breeze of Mithlond.


During all the time they toured the City together, Jon took the measures of Elendil's son, he was strong, prudent, disciplined and possessed some wisdom, but he did not seem very patient besides that he appeared to shy away from everything related to politics only accepting authority as it was expected of him.


... He is a Prince ... A king ... No doubt ... Jon, Loras and Robar thought at the same time, recognizing the greatness of their guide.


"This City is ... Splendid still unfinished," Jon said, amazed by the splendour of Annúminas, and Anarion smiled clearly satisfied.


"Yes, I recognize that the kingdom of my Father is wonderful, but the kingdom that my brother Isildur and I founded in the south is even grander; we have something that my father does not have," Anarion said smugly.


"And what is that, my lord?" Robar asked.


"A white tree. A descendant of Nimloth the fair saved before the Fall of Númenor, planted by my brother in his home in Minas Ithil," Anarion said with particular envy in his voice.


... A white tree ... Thought at the same time the three Westerosi knights now excited when they understood Anarion's words.


Legend has it that during the "Tree Ages" when there was no suffering in the world, the Noldor and the Vanyar lived together in Tirion; during that time, the Vanyar retired to live directly under the light of the "Two Trees" and under the gaze of Manwë and Varda, the Noldor on the other hand, although they loved the light of the "Two Trees", they did not wish to abandon the City they had built and loved so, taking pity on them, Yavanna created a copy of the White Tree of Valinor, Telperion. And gave them to the Noldor of Tirion, that new Tree did not emit its own light and was called Galathilion.


Galathilion was planted in the Great Square of that mythical City and still stands at the foot of the Tower of Ingwë; Galathilion has borne many suckers in Eldamar over the millennia. One of those seeds was brought to the Isle of Tol Eressëa and grew to become Celeborn, the "White Tree of the Solitary Island", one of Celeborn's seeds was brought as a gift by the elves of Tol Eressëa to the Númenóreans, as a symbol of friendship between the two races. The Tree that grew from that shoot was called Nimloth in honour of the grandmother of King Elros Tar-Minyatur; it is said that its flowers appeared at sunset and its perfume filled the night in the royal city of Númenor, Armenelos.


Unfortunately, the Tree had a tragic end; a few years after Sauron was taken to Númenor, he had managed to corrupt King Ar-Pharazon and his Court enough that they decided to cut down the tree, and its wood was used as kindling to light the flames of the temple of Morgoth.


For a long time, the Westerosi thought that the line of Galathilion growing outside of Aman had ended with Nimloth, but now ... Anarion reveals that there is still another tree left ... one that Jon, Loras and Robar were now dying to see.


When my beloved Shiera finds out, she will go to Gondor to see the Tree as fast as the carriages and horses can carry her ... Jon thought with joy in giving the news to his beloved "Maiden of the Sea."


"It is wonderful news to discover that there is still a descendant of Nimloth in Middle Earth", said Jon excitedly.


"That was thanks to the bravery of my brother Isildur, when our grandfather Amandil discovered that King Ar-Pharazôn, under the influence of Sauron, set out to destroy Nimloth. Isildur did not wait for anyone's help, and under the cloak of the night, journeyed to Armenelos and under stole a fruit of Nimloth right under the king's nose, thus preserving the Nimloth line. He appeared the next day in front of our father full of pride and told us that in his flight, he received severe injuries from the King's guards, but that all his wounds were healed when a leaf appeared for the first time on the young Tree that grew from the sapling. That he had taken ... Of course, that didn't save him from our father's wrath, "Anarion recalled with satisfaction as he remembered the way Isildur was reprimanded.


"It will have been a severe punishment," said Robar amused.


"Oh yes, it was, but Isildur wanted to give the sapling of the White Tree to our father, but he rejected it since, in his words, that sapling is the proof of my brother's value, so only he would have the right to plant it. Therefore the offspring of Nimloth grows with us in Gondor instead of here in Arnor with our father, "Anarion said with satisfaction.


"It is wonderful to be able to hear about the story of Númenor from someone who knows it in person instead of reading it in a book", Loras replied, satisfied.


"Please, King Anarion. Tell us more about Númenor," Jon said excitedly, and Anarion smiled slightly and nodded.


Anarion began to tell about all the places of importance to "The Faithful" in Númenor as the mountain of Meneltarma, also known as the Holy Mountain, was sacred to the Númenóreans as a sacred place dedicated to Ilúvatar. It was so high that it was said that on a clear day, those with keen eyes could see the island of Tol Eressëa. A requirement of absolute silence was imposed on everyone who climbed the mountain. The tradition was so strong and universal that even foreigners felt bound by it and kept it. Only the King of Númenor was allowed to pronounce words and only prayers and thanksgiving to Eru Ilúvatar, during the festivals of Erukyermë, Erulaitalë and Eruhantalë.


The birds and animals did not come near the mountain, and they only saw the Eagles of Manwë circling overhead, considering them as sacred guardians of the mountain and the whole earth.


He also told them about his hometown, Andúnië. A beautiful city where you could hear the sounds of the waves and feel the sweet ocean breeze on your face, it was a city and an important port, the city was located in the bay of Andúnië in the Andustar region in the western tip of Númenor.


According to Anarion that Andúnië City was initially the largest city of Númenor because the Elves of Tol Eressëa used to visit it and use it as a refuge, also Anarion told them how his ancestor King Tar-Elendil created the title of Lord of Andúnië in honour to his first grandson, Valandil. A secondary branch of the Elros line, the Lords of Andúnië, were important nobles and members of the Council of the Scepter. Since Andúnië was a refuge for the Elves of Aman, the Lords of Andúnië became the leaders of "The Faithful", those who maintained friendship continue with the Elves and obedience to the Valar trying to regain the old ways of Númenor.


However, as time passed and as the Shadow fell on Númenor and its people, the capital city of Armenelos became more extensive and far more important than Andúnië. In the last years of Númenor, the Faithful were labelled as traitors by the King's Men and banished to the City of Rómenna in the east so that they could be better watched and isolated from the rest of the island's inhabitants. Andúnië was finally destroyed in the Fall of Númenor.


Upon hearing all the stories of Númenor from one of its inhabitants, the Westerosi knights felt as satisfied as if they had been in Númenor and had known those Cities, that was when Jon remembered Shiera and felt sadness for her, she had passed a whole century without knowing about her distant kindred, and now that one of its most important inhabitants was telling them his story, the Maiden of the Sea was not there to listen to him.


"Excuse me for interrupting your story, Your Highness, but I want to ask you something," Jon said with a grim expression.


"What, Jon?" Anarion asked.


"One of our companions, Lady Shiera Seastar, carries the blood of Númenor and has tried to learn from the land of her relatives ... Please, she has suffered a great deal she discovered the Fall of Númenor because she will never be able to fulfil her dream, I ask you to tell her about that blessed island to calm my Lady's sadness, "Said Jon humbly speaking for one of his loved ones."


Anarion only raised one of his eyebrows in surprise, and a smile spread across his face.


"Your Lady? .. That enchanting beauty is your lover?" Anarion said with an approving smile.


Loras and Robar started laughing as they watched Jon's embarrassed reaction.


"The vast majority of the Ladies who accompany us are his lovers", Robar replied, increasing Jon's embarrassment, and Anarion couldn't help but laugh.


"Impressive ... And are they all his lovers?" Elendil's surprised son asked after a moment.


"Not all, the noble elves that accompany us are not lovers of Jon, nor Queen Rhaella but all the others…" Loras said, amused.


"Enough ... by the Valar ... Enough," Jon said, ashamed and wanting to take revenge on his brothers in arms.


Observing their antics, Anarion continued to laugh until he shed tears.


"Well, it's good to know ... All those beautiful maidens caught the attention of various influential men in my father's Court, especially Lady Írimë and those exotic women ... Shiera and ... Ashara? ... They will be disappointed when they find out about this, "Said the prince amused.


"They are mine ... No one else can touch them," Jon said, jealous and growling in a threatening way to the surprise of the others.


"Jon?" Loras asked, clearly surprised by his brother's possessiveness, but at that moment, they heard the sound of hooves, and then the four saw that it was about gentlemen approaching quickly.


When they saw Anarion, the knights began to slow down their march, stopping, and Jon, Loras and Robar could contemplate them ... The knights were full of mud, sweat and blood as if they had fought for days against an implacable enemy, and all also looked at each other with their armour deformed as if it had been erroneously forged in places, and the knights' own skin was burned.


"King Anarion", Said one of them, getting off his horse with difficulty. He was clearly wounded, and the others followed him, trying to bow to Anarion, but their wound's prevented them from showing the king proper respect.


He was a tall, stocky man with a beard of a coppery colour like his hair, with green leaves, and in appearance, he looked like a Lion of the Rock, his skin was blistered and blackened, and he had a horrible scratch on his neck.


"Girbur ... By Lord Orome, what happened to them?" Anarion said, helping Knight Girbur to his feet.


"We were patrolling the borders on the other side of the Lake when a small group of wounded peasants approached us and asked for help; the peasants who lived there told us that their village was invaded by a group of orcs, who killed many of the villagers. , they looted and then burned everything and then took some survivors as slaves, "Gerber said, holding back his tears.


"Did the orcs do this to you?" Anarion asked furiously.


"No, it wasn't them," Girbur said, crying to everyone's confusion.


"Then explain, dear friend, because you are raving like a madman," Anarion said, clearly losing his patience.


"We decided to hunt and execute the orcs, and we looked for them for two days, on the third we found them and ambushed them, we managed to kill many and save the villagers who had been kidnapped, but not all the orcs died, some hid, and attacked us with arrows dipped in fell poison. Two of ours died instantly and three more from the poison, the rest of us chased the murderers to a cavern deep in the valley, there we killed them ... But at the same time, we fell into their trap, "Said the knight Girbur.


"Explain…" Anarion said, utterly annoyed.


"We were not alone in that cavern; the orcs took us to their leader ... But they did not expect him to betray them; he devoured them ... And that monster then attacked us," Gilbur said, shedding tears of horror.


"A monster?" Anarion asked, confused.


"It is a dark creature, its claws pierced our shields like hot metal to butter, its skin is so thick that our weapons were useless and ... It was like a huge snake, ashen-grey, sliming the ground with its belly... It was a dragon, a "Great Worm" of the "Great Enemy" we fought with all our might, but the beast only scoffed at our efforts and if even though we fought fiercely… From our entire company, we are only the only survivors "Girbur said, breaking into tears.


Jon, Loras, Robar and Anarion were speechless at the story, there was a dragon, a wyrm of Morgoth very close to Annúminas ... One that had taken control of a band of orcs and had used them to trap them.


"How could a worm of Morgoth exist in these parts and days I assumed all of them were slain in the war of wraith of fled northwards?" Anarion asked, puzzled.


"Dragons are cunning and intelligent beings; most likely, this beast has avoided causing havoc so that it would not be discovered", said Robar after thinking for a moment.


"Then why would it command orcs to attack simple villages? ... I don't think they have treasures that will arouse their greed," Loras asked, confused.


"This is a trap. The beast wants someone to look for him," Was Jon's reply.


"What happened after Gilbur?" Anarion asked, overshadowed by the news.


"We escaped from the worm, and managed to get to safety, after resting a little we returned to our watchtower, we reported to Captain Benegar what happened, and he sent us here to request support from the king ... While he took the remaining forces and He went out in search of the "Worm, Gilbur said with pity at everyone's astonished gaze.


"He ... He ... He left to ...?" Anarion asked the wounded knight frantically, and without waiting for an answer, he quickly climbed onto Gilbur's horse and galloped off.


"KING ANARION! COME BACK," Gilbur shouted, landing when he understood the intentions of Elendil's son.


"Where is he bloody going?" Jon nervously asked the knights, sensing Anarion's intentions.


"Captain Benegar is a childhood friend of King Anarion; they grew up together in the ancient city of Andúnië and even learned the art of war alongside King Anárion's older brother, Isildur, they are like brothers ... Neither of them would abandon the other… So surely it was either try to stop him or join the fight. What did I do? I sent the son of the Great King to his death, "Gilbur said, crying with anguish as he remembered how the dragon had toyed with them before devouring his comrades.


"Maybe not ... Listen to me, tell Elendil what has happened ... Loras, Robar ... Do the same with Glorfindel", Jon said seriously but beginning to focus his mind on particular.. . Animal.


"Jon?" Loras asked, alarmed.


"You don't plan to go after the dragon, do you? .. This is not some mindless rabble of Orcs," Robar asked, alarmed and ready to stop Jon by force if necessary.


"No ... At least I'll try to avoid doing it," Jon replied, looking at the place where Anarion had been.


"Will you try?" Robar asked.


"I'm going to try to catch up and stop Anárion before he kills himself ... Now one of you lend me a horse", Jon said, looking at the knights who were watching him confused.


"Who are you? and why would you do that for the son of the Great King? " Asked one of them, looking at Jon curiously.


"I am Jon Snow ... I am one of those who come from the Outer Lands, and I do this because I simply do not want the same day we arrive in the City to be the day when King Elendil loses one of his sons ... That is a bad omen ", Jon said with some cynicism.


"Are you truly an Emissary of the Valar?" Gilbur asked with astonishment.


"Yes ... I'm afraid we don't have time ... I need a horse," Jon said, beginning to despair.


"Take mine," said the first gentleman who spoke to Jon.


"Thank you ... Now I need one of you to come with me ... Because unfortunately I don't know the way, but we don't have time ... How far is the dragon's lair?" Jon asked the knights.


"A days ride without rest, without rest ... Captain Benegar, began his journey to the lair of the beast when we started our way here ... He must already be reaching that pit of rot ..." Gilbur said.


"So what King Anárion is folly ... His friend must already be dead," Jon said compassionately.


"Alas, their deaths would not be quick ..." Said another of the knights melancholy.


"The captain ordered us to come here so that our king, knowing that such an abominable beast lived so close to his city, would mobilize the necessary troops to destroy it," said the last knight.


"In that case, I will go for Anárion and bring him back before he kills himself; who among you will accompany me?" Jon asked the knights.


"I will ... After all, it is my fault that King Anárion goes to that creature's cave," Gilbur said.


"We will bring him back ... He can't be far, Loras, Robar already know what to do, report this to Anárion's father ... And hopefully Gilbur and I will be back in a few hours, "Jon said with such authority that his friends did not want to oppose him, but Loras would not abandon his brother in arms, especially if there was a possibility that Jon would face a Worm of Morgoth.


Besides, Jon couldn't order him anything.


"No, Jon, this is not the time for you to play the hero; Robar is the best speaker of all of us he can explain to Glorfindel what has transpired; I will go with you in case you cannot stop him ... Robar is capable of giving the message alone, "Loras said seriously.


"But Loras ..."


"But what, Jon? .. There is no reason for us both to stay ... Besides, you don't know what awaits you later. You might need help," Loras said, with a tone that brooked no argument.


And Jon knew he had lost the battle.


"Very well... But you know I have no wish to be called a hero," Jon said wearily.


"And even so, you don't stop behaving like one, look how our relaxation time ended; it lasted longer than I thought ... Go away, bastards," Robar said, sighing while Jon and Loras looked at him, annoyed.


"Could you lend me a horse too?" Loras asked, and the last knight nodded and lent him his mount.


"I appreciate it, Ser ..."


"Werbrum ... My name is Werbrum ... Hmm ..."


"Loras, my name is Loras Tyrell," Loras said with a smile.


"A pleasure to meet you, Loras ..."


"In that case, let's go, Loras, let's not waste time ... Ser Gilbur guides us," Jon said, wanting to prevent nonsense that could cost the life of one of Elendil's children.


"King Anarion doesn't know where the dragon's lair is, so he must have gone to the Watchtower from which we guard the borders in this part of the kingdom, King Anarion will stock up, and I'm sure he will ask for the location of the dragon. Lair of the beast, but he will not rest ... The affection he has for Captain Benegar will not allow it, not until he knows that his best friend is safe, "Gilburt said.


"Something we can all sympathize with ... But one thing is affection, and another is dementia; I hope we can help King Anárion understand it before it's too late ... Ser Gilbur," He said with a gloomy expression that intrigued the knights of Arnor.


Gilbur nodded, and the three warriors set off in search of Anarion.


"Does this kind of thing happen to you very often?" Werbrum asked who lent his horse to Loras, to which Vale's knight sighed wearily and began to massage his temple.


"Wherever we go," said Robar resigned.



As expected when King Elendil and Glorfindel found out what happened ... They did not take it well, and not only they, Queen Rhaella, Lady Írimë and the rest of Jon's lovers were furious when they discovered the new recklessness from Jon.


"I'm going to kill him ... That selfish little bastard, we only lost sight of him for a moment ... It hasn't even been a day since we got here," Rhaenys muttered angrily, gripping Tuor's axe tightly.


"Not cousin Rhaenys yet ... First we have to find him ... Then we will make him cry", Arianne promised, embracing Rhaenys with fire in her eyes.


"How about we chain Jon to his bed and leave him there for weeks?" Daenerys suggested with anger in her voice.


Rhaella, Shiera, Ashara and Írimë listened to the conversation between the three Princesses with amusement, but deep down, they agreed ... Jon would receive exemplary punishment from all of them when he returned.


At that moment, Elendil rose from his throne and sighed.


"Anárion surprises me. Usually, the impulsive one is his brother Isildur, but I can understand his folly... Benegar has always been a dear friend to him; it is natural for him to worry about him ... But this does not exempt him from his stupidity, "Elendil said, furious at the behaviour of his youngest son.


At that moment, Glorfindel approaches Jon's Ladies and the King.


"I know they are worried about those young people, but we must not forget the urgency here ... A Worm of Morgoth is near ... And it seems to be up to something," The noble elf said with concern in his voice.


"Yes, how was it possible for such a creature to enter these regions without being detected or perceived?" Elendil asked, putting a hand to her chin.


"That we can ask ourselves later ... What will you do, my Lord?" Lady Írimë asked, eager to go find Jon.


Elendil just sighed and addressed one of the advisers.


"Prepare our troops ... We will hunt a dragon," The High King of the Dunedain said.


"Shall we go, my king?" Asked the confused counsellor.


"Yes, I will lead the attack on the beast myself ... No creature of the 'Great Enemy' will attack the citizens of my kingdom and will go unpunished ... Lord Glorfindel, can we count on your help?" Asked the Great King.


The former Gondolin nobleman nodded enthusiastically, partly to find Jon and partially destroy a creature of the Great enemy.


"You have it, King Elendil," said the noble elf with a smile.


"In that case, we will have to postpone the welcome banquet until this is resolved," The high King said with a mixture of concern and anger walking towards the exit of the Great Hall, with a noble elf and many Ladies eager to punish an impulsive young Targaryen.





Thanks to my co-author great_red