Chereads / Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 1541 - 31

Chapter 1541 - 31

Main 📖Summary:

Jon earns the admiration of the his lady companions and learns some startling news, while Queen Rhaella discovers a secret long forgotten


Everyone was watching the meeting between Jon and the girls and with rapt attention, nobody knew who they were, just their names .. Sansa and Arya. At that moment, Robar approached Loras.


"I know that the maiden with red hair must be a Trout; there is no mistaking that Tully colouring, but who is the other one? She looks like a drowned squirrel," said Robar humorously.


"The squirrel is Jon's youngest sister, Arya Stark," Said the flower knight, surprised to see the ladies of Winterfell so far from home.


Upon hearing Loras's words, those who did not know the girls' identity were surprised because it was only by the blessings of the Valar could any traveler hope to reach the Grey Havens.


It was there that Jon finally let go of his sisters and, with a tearful face, stood them up.


"How did you come to these shores?" Jon said, happy to see his sisters again.


"Oh, big brother, It was truly horrible; the kingdoms are in a state of chaos, and our family was scattered to the winds... Ever since those bastards executed father... I have been a captive of the Lannisters," Sansa said, clinging to Jon with all her strength, clearly traumatized from her experiences in that wretched den of Lions.


"And I wandered through the Riverlands after escaping from the city I was heading north hoping to join Robb's army," Arya said, embracing Jon with even more fervor as if letting him go would cause him to disappear.


"I want you to tell me everything ... But alas, this isn't the place for that type of conversation as we have attracted quite a gathering," Jon said with amusement, and they both laughed.


"Yes, Lord Cirdan has been very kind to us since we arrived; he gave us shelter and food," Sansa said.


"Very well then ..." Jon stood up as he separated himself from his reluctant sisters and bowed before the master of the Havens.


"I thank you for taking care of my sisters, my Lord, I owe you a great deal, and now I owe you for a debt that cannot be repaid Jon said, looking at his mentor and guardian with gratitude. But the Lord of the Havens rebuked him with a smile.


"You own me nothing, Jon, I only comply with the Valar's wishes ... Now I know that you and your sisters will have a great deal to discuss, but it is better that you do it away from prying eyes ... you have drawn a crowd," Cirdan said amused by the scene that the trio had caused they were being eyed by half a hundred elves who were intrigued by the fair maidens from the outer lands, which caused Jon, Sansa, and Arya to blush to everyone's amusement.


With Cirdan's words, the newcomers prepared to enter the White Tower excited to tell the wonders they saw in the kingdom of Khazad-Dûm without noticing the air of sadness that the Lord of the Gray Havens and the three noble Ladies of Westeros emanated at the thought of the tragic news Jon would receive.



Everyone was in Cirdan's study with Sansa and Arya to Jon's right and left while the others took seats that the servants brought for them; that's when Cirdan took his place in front of his desk and sighed wearily.


"I know that you are eager to recount the tale of your journey to the Mansions of Khazad-dum... But please wait until Jon's sisters had recounted their tale", Cirdan said with much regret as he imagined the anguish it would cause the young knight, but thought that it was far better to swallow this bitter poison sooner rather than later, recalling the look of despair upon the face of Shiera when he recounted the fall of her kindred ... Well, that was a terrible day.


Upon hearing Cirdan's grim tone, all the newcomers began to worry, especially Glorfindel, who had not seen Cirdan with such a countenance since the day that Numenor fell beneath the waves.


It was then Sansa stood up and began to shed tears as she remembered her time in King's Landing; seeing her sister's distress, Arya rose from her chair and embraced Sansa hoping to ease her burden. When he saw his sisters pain, Jon wanted to comfort them but was stopped by a gesture from Cirdan; and he was about to protest until he felt the hands of Shiera and Ashara, who guided him into a small chintz armchair while they took the seats previously occupied by the young girls,


"What has happened?" Jon asked, now, very scared.


"Please, Jon, let us tell our story... If you don't let us, we will never be able to .." Sansa said, crying.


"Sansa, Arya ... you're scaring me ..." Jon said, now alarmed.


"These two girls are so scared. Would it not be better to ..." Arianne tried to say, but Cirdan shook his head.


"Yes, I knew that postponing this conversation later would do good; I would allow it ... But I'm afraid it will not ease your pain; both have gone through a great deal of suffering, especially for ones so young, now they must recount their tale to you, so I ask you not to interrupt them ... "Cirdan said from his seat.


At that moment, Sansa and Arya began to tell their respective stories starting from Eddard's failed coup. How Joffrey Baratheon executed him, Sansa then told how Joffrey would have his Kingsguard strip her and beat her each time Robb crushed a Lannister army and how the mad lion had forced her to stare at the rotting head of father each day as well as being at the mercy of Cersei Lannister and how she was manipulated by Petyr Baelish "Littlefinger" into trusting a disgraced drunk gentleman named Sir Dontos Hollard whom would tell her secrets to Little Finger.


Hearing how Joffrey treated his sister Jon could not contain a growl of rage, managing to let go of Ashara and Shiera to hug Sansa, who was still crying. When Sansa managed to calm down, she told how the Tyrells allied with the Lannisters, and Joffrey had set her aside to marry Margaery Tyrell. She also recounted how Lady Olenna had hoped to marry her to Willis Tyrell so she could retire to Highgarden as the Lady of the reach, alas Sansa shared how she had let slip their plans, and thus she was married to Lord Tywin's second son, Tyrion who ironically was the only one who treated her with respect and did not force her to consummate the marriage.


Finally, Sansa recounted with some joy that Joffrey was poisoned at his wedding and how she managed to escape thanks to Sir Dontos who took her downstream to a boat in the bay where Littlefinger was waiting with guards, who killed Sir Dontos as the drunken knight had outlived his usefulness, and how he revealed to him that Joffrey's death was a plot devised by him as part of his plan in the Game of Thrones and of the "Queen of Thorns" who wanted to protect Margaery from her husband's cruel abuse, but that Littlefinger was sure that they would marry her to Joffrey's younger brother, Tommen so as not to lose the alliance between the two Houses. And how Littlefinger had planned to give Mace Tyrell the idea of putting Ser Loras in Joffrey's Royal Guard, but that plan was cut short because Loras had gone with Robar to find Jon, and the last news we had received was that you three had fled east hoping to secure an alliance with Daenerys Targaryen.


Remembering that moment, Daenerys smiled warmly.


However, upon hearing the coldness and pragmatism of his seemingly fragile grandmother, a surprised Loras became nervous about Sansa's story, although he was happy to be left out of the schemes of that lowborn whoremonger.


But while the newcomers were horrified to understand the cruelty the Lannisters and Littlefinger were capable of, Glorfindel in particular clenched his sword in outrage as he heard the so-called knights beat a defenseless girl, and the noble Lord of flowers began to develop a deep and fierce hatred of the Westerosi for their cowardice and honeyed words.


"I see that nothing in the court of King's Landing has changed... There will always be those who play the Game of Thrones," Shiera said, sighing with exhaustion and disappointment.


"And Lord Baelish is the worst of all... He is a viper more beast than man .. I'm sure he manipulated our parents," Sansa said in frustration.


"If that were true, he could have played a bigger role in the war than we thought," Robar guessed with a hand on his chin. Until they heard a small cough and everyone saw Winterfell's youngest daughter step forward.


And then Arya took over the story by recounting her escape from the Red Keep and how she joined a procession of the Night's Watch, disguising herself as a child to go unnoticed. Still, on the way, the caravan was attacked by men at arms loyal to House Lannister, and how many of the friends she made were slaughtered, with the survivors being taken to Harrenhal where she stayed for a while and managed to establish a strange relationship with a faceless man named Jaqen H'ghar whose life she saved. As a form of gratitude, he offered his services three times, and as when separating from him when they managed to escape from Harrenhal, Jaqen changed his face in front of her and then gave her an iron coin and tells her to repeat the phrase Valar morghulis to any man from Braavos when she "would like to be nobody."


... By the Valar, they offered to make her a faceless man ... My sister, how much suffering they must have endured ... While I was here happy ... I should have gone to rescue them myself ... I should never have listened to Renly Baratheon" thought Jon sadly, he felt like a coward fleeing rather than fighting.>


Then Arya told them how she and some of her friends ended up in the hands of a band of outlaws called "The Brotherhood Without Banners" that was led in part by men loyal to his father, one of them being a man named Harwin who recognized her, also how they caught Sandor Cleagane, the Hound and brother of "The Mountain," whom she accused of killing her friend Mycah, the brotherhood forced him to fight. Still, Sandor won, and they set him free.


Finally, the brotherhood decided to take her to her brother Robb in exchange for a reward, but Arya ended up escaping because she did not trust them although on the way she was captured by the Hound, and he decided to take her to Robb, in exchange for a place in his service. Something that Arya hated but had no choice but to accept.


However, they encountered more Lannister soldiers, and although they killed them all, the Hound was grievously wounded and could not continue; Arya thought of killing him out of mercy but in the end, decided to leave him there, an act of cruelty on her part but he deserved far worse, she then decided to accept Jaqen's offer and go to Braavos. . But that got Jon's attention.



"What happened to Robb, Bran, and Rickon? .. What happened to our family?" Jon said, worried about his brothers' future, but at that moment, Sansa and Arya burst into tears.


At that moment, Ashara rose from her chair and embraced them both as Jon's heart sank, and Daenerys, Arianne, and Rhaenys had a bad feeling.


"Calm yourself my dear," Ashara said, lovingly kissing Sansa's head while hugging Arya gently.


When they both calmed down, they thanked Ashara for her kind gesture, and at that moment, Cirdan ordered one of his servants to bring water to help the Stark sisters calm down; after taking a sip, Sansa decided to continue the story.


"Winterfell, our home was invaded and burned to ashes, and those who were there, Mikken the blacksmith, the cook. Even old Ser Roderick ... They were all executed," Sansa said through tears as Jon just trembled.


"Who did it? The Lannisters?" Jon said, trying to calm himself down.


"No ... It was Theon Greyjoy ... Our father's ward ... He betrayed Robb after you were sent to Highgarden Robb and he became good friends almost like brothers ... When Robb was declared" King in the North "Theon swore before the other Northern Lords to follow him in battle ... Then, Robb sent him to negotiate with his father Balon Greyjoy, hoping to secure the iron fleet for the war ... But Theon's father decided to invade the North."


Jon was shocked at Robb's blunder, Theon Greyjoy the whoring squid, Jon had met the last surviving heir to the Iron Islands before he was sent to squire in the south, but in the short time that he knew the squid, Theon acted like a true cunt, ridiculing or ignoring him for his bastard status. Needless to say, Jon's opinion of the squid was akin to his opinion of cat shit.


But still, Theon was a hostage at Winterfell, sent there by King Robert to ensure the good behavior of Balon Greyjoy after his failed rebellion ... It made sense that Theon, despite his oaths, was loyal to his own family.


How was it that Robb couldn't understand that?


"That wasn't the worst part, brother," Sansa said.


"How could it get worse?" Jon asked, not wanting to know the answer.


"Bran and Rickon were in Winterfell when Theon invaded... And to prove that he was loyal to his people ... Rumor has it that he executed them," Said Jon's sister starting to shed tears.


For an instant, Loras, Robar, and all the Ladies who returned from Khazan-Dûm stared with shock and sadness at Jon's expression upon hearing such dire news ... The death of his younger brothers ... At the hands of a vulgar turn-coat. Even though Jon tried to keep his composure, the news of the loss of two siblings that he will never see finally broke the great warrior, and Jon began to weep.


Upon seeing the man they loved cry for the first time, both Arianne and Daenerys went to his side (which did not go unnoticed by Sansa and Arya, who were surprised by the fact that two Princesses were to comfort their brother) Rhaenys, on the other hand, she was conflicted, she also wanted to console Jon, but if he did, she would have to admit to her grandmother and her aunt that Jon had won her heart despite all the hatred she had shown him, ... But if she didn't... Then she didn't deserve it. In a moment of clarity ... she understood ...


… What am I doing? Jon needs me… Rhaenys stood up suddenly and went to Jon taking his hands gently while Arianne hugged him, and Daenerys whispered words of comfort nto his ear, hoping to console the man she loved. Rhaenys actions completely shocked everyone in the room, especially Rhaella, who couldn't help but open her mouth in shock.


… When did their relationship change so much?… They all thought at the same time.


"Sshhh... Jon, everything will be fine," Daenerys said without really knowing if Jon would ever recover from this tragedy. But at that moment, Jon calmed the misery of his heart, and with his face swollen with pain and red eyes, he looked at his sister Sansa who was also crying.


"The Ironborn have always been more animals than people," Said Loras, furious with them for what they put Jon through.


"Damn squid," Robar said, gripping his sword in anger.


At that moment, a sad Glorfindel cleared his voice and stepped forward.


"I'm afraid I'm not familiar with the term" Iron born. "I know it's not a good time, but I think I should know it so I can understand what is going on and ... Help Jon as I can," Said Glorfindel with genuine compassion to Jon, who was still crying for his brothers, at that moment Robar sighed.


"The Ironborn are the natives of the Iron Islands off the western coast of Westeros; they are one of the most important cultures of our homeland, along with the Andals and Northerners, but the Ironborn are pirates, looters, and rapists who are dedicated to invading other lands to take what they want, be it goods or women, they call this "Paying the Price of Iron." Robar said with annoyance in front of his teacher, who instantly gained a revulsion at the so-called "Ironborn."


"That's... barbaric and cruel," Glorfindel said.


"Those customs came to an end when Aegon" The Conqueror "conquered Westeros. The Ironborn have tried for centuries to restore their customs of raping and reaving, but all have failed. However, some Ironborn still yearn for a return to the old ways. "Robar finished saying wearily.


"Yes, the most recent is Balon Greyjoy, the father of Theon Greyjoy who nine years ago tried to become independent from the Iron Throne and proclaim himself king, but his rebellion ended up being crushed in less than a year by Robert Baratheon and Ned Stark," Arianne said still without letting go of Jon.


"Jon's father?" Glorfindel asked, remembering what he knew of the former Lord of Winterfell and the father of his student.


"Yes, the eldest sons of Balon Greyjoy died in their rebellion, but the surviving son Theon was sent as a ward to Winterfell to ensure the good behavior of Lord Balon," The Dornish Princess continued.


"As a hostage, you mean Arianne," Glorfindel stated.


"Yes, that is more appropriate."


"I don't understand; why would Robb Stark free the only hostage who ensured that Balon Greyjoy didn't try to get revenge?" Loras asked, confused.


"Because our brother Robb always saw Theon as the brother he lost in Jon, He... He didn't see him as a hostage... But Jon, I bring gladder news as Bran and Rickon may have escaped," Sansa said, trying to ease Jon's anguish.


Hearing Sansa's words and discovering a little hope, Jon began to calm down.

"How do you know this?" Jon asked.


"Because a woman named Nienna told me, and she was the one who told me that Arya and I would meet here ... with you."


All who returned from Khazan-Dûm, instantly recognized the name of Nienna, one of the Valar, one of the Avatar, the younger sister of Mandos and Irmo, the Lady of Mercy and Mourning.


If she said that, it means it's true; Bran and Rickon are alive somewhere.


No one said anything for a few moments until Jon managed to regain his composure by harboring hopes of his brothers' survival, but Sansa and Arya were very nervous because they knew that they still had to tell the most tragic and dire part of their story ... The Red Weddin, after a few moments, Jon asked the question he had been dreading.


"What happened to Robb, Sansa? ... Why didn't he go to take back the North and avenge our brothers if he didn't know they were alive?" Jon said, starting to resent his brother's actions.


"I ... I ... I don't know, I only know what Joffrey and his mother told me to torment me ... That our brother Robb was a child who didn't understand anything about the war and that the rains of castamere would soon play for him. ... And unfortunately, it was like that for him... And my mother, "Said the older sister Stark sadly while Jon again cried for another lost brother, this time the only one he knew.


"It was the Freys and Boltons. They murdered Robb and our mother at Uncle Edmure's wedding," Arya said, starting to cry too.


"The Freys? ... I do not doubt that Walder Frey is the type of person who would do this, but why? Also at a wedding," asked a surprised Robar.


"They murdered a guest in their halls means that they broke the laws of hospitality," Loras said in disgust.


"The laws of hospitality?" Glorfindel asked curiously.


"The right of guest is a sacred law for the people of Westeros, especially those who live in the North. Whether of common or noble birth, it is upheld, eats the bread and drinks the wine from a host's table under the roof of the host's home, at which point the guest's right of protection is invoked. When invoked, neither the guest nor the host can harm the other for the duration of the guest's stay. Because either of the two would be breaking a sacred pact that they believe would bring the wrath of their gods. Both the gods of the Northerners and the gods of the Andals. Even thieves and murderers are subject to those laws of hospitality. "Cirdan said to Glorfindel's surprise that he hadn't realized that the Lord of the Gray Havens had become well versed in Westerosi culture as well.


"To deny the laws of hospitality a Lord must receive his potential guests with a naked sword on his knees, he makes a traditional sign that he rejects the right to the guest and it is sometimes customary for a host to give gifts to the guests who leave. When they leave the host's homes, this generally represents the end of the sacred right of hospitality, and also sometimes, guests offer gifts to their guests in gratitude for giving them food and shelter, "Rhaella said in a grim tone.


For a few moments, none of the Westerosi said anything at all, trying to assimilate that someone had broken one of the most sacred laws of Westeros.


"The laws of hospitality have never been broken, not once in over 8,000 years. Walder Frey and all his brood... How could they?" Exclaimed a horrified Ashara.


"Walder was always a sniveling power-hungry wretch. Even during the rebellion... He was the only one of the vassals of the Riverlands who did not support his Lord in battle and did not do so out of loyalty to House Targaryen," Rhaella said with disgust.


"He did it because he did not see the profit for his House," Jon said without looking at anyone, while the Dowager Queen only agreed to Jon's words looking at him with compassion, and it seemed that she was about to hug him too.


"If Walder Frey is as disloyal as they say, how is it possible that House Stark sided with him?" Rhaenys asked without letting go of Jon's hands, which Shiera, Ashara, Sansa, and Arya noticed, and it began to bother them ... a great deal.


"I can tell you ... When I found out what happened ... I asked Lord Tyrion to tell me how it was possible that Robb, who proved to be a good commander on the battlefield, ended up as he did; the little Lord did not want to. Because he said, it wouldn't do me good to know ... But in the end, he gave in .. "Sansa said, remembering the kindness that Tyrion always showed her.


... I wish I could repay it ... the young Stark thought sadly when she thought that Tyrion was probably already dead.


"What did he say?" Jon said this time in a voice so cold that everyone in the room (including Cirdan and Glorfindel) had a chill run down their spines.


"He told me that Robb trusted the wrong people ... I trust Roose Bolton," she said, parroting Tyrion's words.


... The Lord of Red Fort ... Jon thought grimly since as far as he could remember, his father, Lord Eddard Stark, had never had reason to complain about the Lord of Terror Fort, but still he had never trusted him, with his whispering voice and cruel pale eyes.


"Roose Bolton was given command the northern and Frey foot and some of the horse when Robb splits his army at the Twins. But after a few months of the war, he thought that Robb's cause was lost and decided to betray House Stark when he saw that Robb was akin to a bumbling fool when it came to politics; he had promised himself to one of Walder Frey's daughters, and he had gifted him with four thousand men but when Robb found out about the apparent deaths of our brothers he slept with Lord Westerling's daughter, "Sansa said sadly.


"Your brother took the maidenhead of a daughter sworn to house Lannister?" Robbie asked incredulously.


"That's how men are…" Shiera sighed reproachfully. While Jon, Robar, and Loras just looked away to the amusement of all the Ladies as well as Cirdan and Glorfindel.


"The next day, Robb decided to marry her; apparently, he gave more importance to the honor of that girl than to his commitment to Lord Walder," Sansa said sadly to the shock of the Khazan-Dûm arrivals.


... Oh Robb, why did you do something so stupid? ... Jon thought reproachfully.


"I would have left her with a bastard in her belly. That would have been much more sensible," said Robar in a reproachful tone.


No one in the study denied Robar's words at all, not even the elves.


"Shaming an ally ... For the honor of a girl from an enemy House ... That was ..." Loras began without having the courage to finish the sentence.


... Stupid ... Yes, it was ... It was foolish... Jon thought sadly.


"And there the mistakes of Robb do not end, the children of Rickard Karstark were killed by Jamie Lannister at the beginning of the war, in that battle Jamie Lannister was taken hostage by Robb, but according to Lord Tyrion, my mother released him after believing the lie about Bran and Rickon, hoping that they will return Sansa and me... But Lord Karstark decided to take revenge on the rest of the hostages... They were children, and Richard Karstark murdered them, "Sansa said with sorrow.


The whole atmosphere in Cirdan's study became extremely tense; murdering a child is an abhorrent crime in Westeros and Middle-earth.


Jon quickly became nervous and put a hand to his head as he understood what Robb must have done next.


... Please, Tell me I'm wrong, that Robb was not so stupid ...


"Robb executed them, right?" Jon said, confident and grunted when Sansa nodded.


"Insult an ally and assassinate another? Don't they teach you what war is in the North?" Loras's comment earned him Jon, Sansa, and Arya's ire, but Jon had to agree with his brother in arms.


"Yes, what they don't teach us is politics.. with exceptions, of course," Jon said sadly.


"You will have to excuse me, but honestly, in my entire existence in Arda, I had never heard that a marriage was going to prevent or provoke a massacre," Glorfindel said, completely confused.


At first, none of the Westerosi could believe the naivety of their teacher, until Jon understood that neither in Middle Earth nor in Aman there was the so-called "Game of Thrones" because the only tyrants of middle-earth were Morgoth and his fell servant, one spoiled the creation from before it began, thus becoming the origin of all evil in the world and the other was his right hand that now tries to complete the goal of his master, compared to that what are the intrigues and betrayals of Westeros and Essos? You cannot negotiate with them since they were not interested in politics or raising their house's power and prestige because they did not have one. They only cared about themselves.


When Jon understood it, he only gave Lord Cirdan and Glorfindel a look of sad envy.


... except for Fëanor and his sons besides Maeglin, they could not believe that one could commit such treachery against their own kindred ... For land and money ... I envy those who live here ...


"I am afraid Master Glorfindel would hardly understand it ... In Westeros, there is no Dark Lord who tries to conquer the continent with orcs, Balrogs, and other abominable monsters ... There are only men, cruel, mean, small, treacherous and weak, who commit betrayals sometimes against their own family and sometimes their friends for nothing but gold, land and their pride ... Those are the monsters that are in the land we come from, monsters with whom we must, unfortunately, negotiate the most of the time... Some of these negotiations are sealed with marriage, and that is why that can make a difference in a war, "Jon said with such melancholy that no one dared to refute; Glorfindel only nodded and decided to clarify his doubts at another time.


"So Robb executed Richard Karstark and lost the men he brought to his cause, didn't he?" Jon said humorlessly, to which Sansa, who was still shocked by Jon's earlier speech, nodded.


"He lost half his army," Was Sansa's reply as Jon put his hands to his face.


"Why would your brother make such mistakes, Jon?" Arianne asked, worried about Jon.


"Because that's exactly what Eddard Stark would have done," Lady Ashara said with a tone of steel in her voice.


"Precisely ... Duty and honor were the values that our father instilled in us, and if I knew Robb as I think I did, he had based his reign on them ... Unfortunately, our father forgot to teach us to use common sense and reason when making political decisions... Please .. finish this story... Sansa ... Arya, "said Jon without taking his eyes off the ground.


"Jon ..." Arya said, but Sansa stopped him.


"Robb ... wanted to make amends with the Freys, Uncle Edmure promised to marry one of Walder Frey's daughters, but by then Walder Frey and Roose Bolton had already joined Tywin Lannister for it during the wedding... The Freys betrayed them ... They killed most of Robb's men when they were dining at their tables ... At that moment, Roose Bolton arrived, and he was the one who murdered Robb ... Lord Tyrion said nothing more to me... He didn't mean to, "Sansa said while crying.


"I saw them when I was there with the Hound ... They ... They killed Robb's wolf ... AND ... AND ... THEY SEW HIS HEAD TO ROBB'S CORPSE!" With that scream finally, Arya broke down and burst into tears, while everyone in the study was horrified by Arya's story since not even Cirdan, and the Ladies had heard that part.


Jon lunged at Arya and hugged her tightly as he, too, cried in anger and outrage upon hearing the hideous insult they did to his brother, Sansa joined them, and the three hugged each other through tears.


Everyone who was watching them also cried when they discovered the great tragedies that their family had experienced ... Partly because of the betrayal, partly because of the mistakes of their father and brother, no one said anything for a few minutes allowing the young wolf to wallow in his grief... it continued for several minutes until Jon rose to his feet.


"Sansa, Arya ... We can't change what happened ... But now we are together once again ... I was called here by Manwë the King of the Valar, and you came here by Lady Nienna, the Lady of Forgiveness, Mercy, and Mourning ... The Valar allowed them to flee from where they were ... And they brought them here ... Even me ... And I shall protect them until I join my fathers in their lofty halls ... I will ask for your forgiveness as I fled thinking of naught but my own life ... But if you give me your trust one more time ... I swear to you on my honor, on the life of our father and brother ... that I will not fail you again, "Jon said, kissing both on the forehead.


Sansa and Arya just nodded through tears. While the others only smiled sadly when they saw the scene.


"I will ask the servants to take you to your rooms," Lord Cirdan said, calling for a servant.


"Thank you, my Lord," said Jon accompanying his sisters outside. As Queen Rhaella rounded on Cirdan, who did not take his eyes off the door.


"Jon did not need to know of that tragedy so soon; they could have enjoyed their time together before ... Hearing that horrid tale," Said the old queen, annoyed with Cirdan thinking of going to comfort Jon.


"No, Queen Rhaella, this was for the best," Robar said, winning everyone's gaze.


"Excuse me, Ser?" Said the surprised queen.


"We all came back from the kingdom of Khazan-Dûm ... You can't imagine the wonders we saw there ... And what we were going to tell you ... had we told you of everything we learned and saw, and then learned of this grim news ... It would not have been worth it ... I know that Jon suffers as would anyone who received this news ... But Jon is much stronger than he seems; he is the toughest bastard I have ever met in all my life .. Believe me, your Highness, he will get over it very quickly, "Robar said confidently while the former queen only observed him in silence for a few moments before nodding.


"Stronger is right, Queen Rhaella... Jon... He is... He is someone whose life was filled with great tragedy and glory... But he will never give up ... he will fight with a greater fury knowing that he has to protect his sisters ... Remember my words... We will hear a song by Jon very soon, "Loras said with such confidence that the others were surprised to hear so much seriousness in him.


Hearing Jon's brothers in arms say those words of confidence about him, all the Ladies of Westeros, as well as Cirdan and Glorfindel, could not help but smile and hope they were right.



For the next few days, Jon, Sansa, and Arya were inseparable; both told him about how they came to Middle Earth, and Jon told them the same, his dream with Manwë and his encounter with Ulmo.


"Did he really come out of the sea?" Arya asked, surprised.


"Yes, so far, that is the most incredible and terrifying thing that I have experienced, but the Lord of the waters was kind and wise ... He gave us great knowledge and gifts to fulfill the task that Lord Manwë entrusted to us," Jon said solemnly.


The three walked together on the seashore while watching the sailors work and listening to the waves' lap against the shore.


"Why are we here, Jon?... Because ... The ... Valar, they called us here, I'm happy to be free from Joffrey and his mother, But .. why us?" Sansa asked, confused.


Jon just sighed.


"I'm afraid Sansa that the King of Arda's motives are a mystery to me and others ... Only that eventually, we will have to go meet a great king named Elendil the tall.


Sansa was not satisfied with the vague answers but knew she wouldn't learn anything new.


"And tell me, did the elves who brought you here tell you the history of the world?" Jon asked, interested.


"Yes, they told us a lot of things... Like the story of the Two Trees and the War of Wrath ... It's just that ... If it's true... That means the gods, the gods of my mother and those of father ... They're not real, "Sansa said, afraid to speak.


"It's true, every part of the story is true ... I'm afraid the gods that Lady Catelyn worshiped ... They are false, but the gods of the North are not, they are just not gods," Jon said to the surprise of his sisters.


"Are the ancient gods real?" Arya asked, surprised.


"Yes, but they are not gods; they are Maias who serve Yavanna, the Queen of the earth and the wife of Aulë" The Blacksmith, "said Jon remembering Ulmo and his lessons.


"Yavanna? Darana told us that she created the animals and plants as well as the Two Trees that illuminated the kingdom of Valinor," Sansa said with surprise.


"Yes, Lord Ulmo used his powers to show us the beauty and glory of this work ... But that beauty was lost by the envy and evil of Morgoth," Jon said gloomily when remembering the fate of the Two Trees.


"Yes, that was mentioned by Darana too ... By the way, I want to ask you something, Jon," Arya said with a frown.


"What?" Jon asked curiously.


"Among your ..." Friends "there is one who says her name is Shiera Seastar ... But that is impossible, Shiera Seastar lived over a century ago... She should be an old woman," Arya asked cautiously, and Jon understood that his sisters knew nothing about Númenor or the long life of its inhabitants; however, he did not feel like having that conversation at that time.


"She is the real Shiera Seastar Arya; she is not an impostor," Jon said as his sisters looked at him, their eyes wide with astonishment.


"That's not possible," Sansa said, stopping suddenly.


"She should be ... 110 years old," Arya said without believing it.


"I'm 121 years old ... But thank you for making me feel younger," Said a voice approaching them.


Jon, Sansa, and Arya turned to see the smiling Lady Shiera approaching them. She was wearing a beautiful ivory-colored dress and a seashell as an ornament in her hair.


"Lady Shiera," Jon said, kissing her hand as a courtesy. Sansa and Arya, on the other hand, noticed that the mysterious woman's smile grew bigger when Jon's lips touched her hand, and they instantly developed a feeling of annoyance towards the woman.


"Is she Shiera Seastar?" Sansa asked.


"Yes, daughter of Aegon IV and Serene de Lys, sister of the Black Dragon, Blood Raven, and Bitter Steel," The woman said gently.


"But how? ... She looks so young," Sansa said.


"You will have to excuse them; my Lady, Sansa, and Arya have not yet reached that part of the story. Their knowledge of Middle Earth reaches until the War of Wrath," Jon said.


"It seems that way. Lord Cirdan had offered to instruct them in the lore of Middle-Earth ... But since you and the others have returned from Khazad-dum, they have been neglecting their lessons," Said the beautiful Targaryen.


... She wants to get rid of us so she can spend time with Jon ... The Stark sisters thought at the same time as their antipathy towards Shiera increased.


"They didn't tell me that ..." Jon said, giving his sisters a warning look, causing them both to get nervous.


"Jon ..." Arya began to say, putting on a sad expression to soften Jon's anger; Shiera, on the other hand, suppressed her laughter when she understood what the little wolf was doing.


"Arya, you have done that trick since you started walking ... Go back to your lessons ... Both of you," Jon said in a tone that brooked no argument.


"But ..." Sansa started to say, but Jon didn't change his expression.


"It's not fair!" Arya said, kicking to the ground and giving a smiling Shiera a look full of resentment.


"Come on, Arya," Sansa said, sighing and leading her sister back to the White Tower. Jon and Shiera just watched them go, and when they were a considerable distance away, they started walking.


"We are alone, my Lady... What did you wish to discuss that couldn't be said in front of my sisters?" Jon said sullenly.


... When Jon is with his sisters, he is smiling ... But when he is alone, ... He lets out his pain ... He wants to act as a pillar for his family, but he is buckling under the strain. Shiera thought with sadness.


"I wanted to know how you were ... and if you needed to talk to someone," Shiera said, watching every reaction on Jon's face, but he struggled to contain his pain.


. "I am… I am… Well, I still grieve… To know what happened to my first home… To my family," Jon said with a tear.


"I know, it must hurt Jon, it's supposed to be ... If you need anything ... I'm here for you ... Ashara too ... And the others ..."


"I know, it's just that I wanted to be with my sisters . . I wanted to help them cope with this .." Jon said.


"But you don't let anyone help you," Shiera said in a slightly reproachful tone.


"That's what she came to do? .. To chastize me for isolating myself?" Jon asked,


Shiera sighed... This will be more difficult than I thought


"Jon, if you don't remember, not long ago I was also going through a difficult time, and I didn't want anyone to come near me; I wanted to be alone; I even pushed Ashara, my love, away from my side, and at that moment a young man from the North who barely knew me managed to pierce an armor that shielded my heart since Bryden disowned me... I did not expect that, but that young man helped me out of my misery with a conversation, and now I would like to do the same for him ... Unless he's foolish enough to believe that getting away from those who love him will help him, "Shiera said staring at him, and Jon felt embarrassed.


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry ... I just ... I just wanted to be alone," Jon said, starting to cry.


"I know ... And it's normal... But you can't be alone half the time and half the time with your sisters, Jon.. Arianne, Daenerys and surprisingly Rhaenys are very worried about you and don't know if They should come to talk to you ... But it is a fact that they will, not to mention that Ser Robar and Ser Loras, in addition to my sweet Ashara, will approach you at any time ... You should talk to them, they all care about you."


Jon only smiled slightly, and the sea maiden was delighted to know that she was succeeding in her goal. They both continued walking calmly.


"Sometimes I feel like a wretch," Jon said wistfully.


"Why do you say that?" Shiera asked, confused.


"Because I feel like I should have gone with him ... With Robb, I should have fought by his side ... If I had, maybe he would be alive now," Jon thought remorsefully.


"Well, I doubt it; your brother did not die in a battle if you had gone with him ... Most likely, they would have already killed you," Shiera replied with sorrow.


Jon just looked shocked.


"It's possible, but still, I should have been with him, besides all my life ... I was jealous of Robb, he was my brother, I loved him but ..."


"You were jealous ... Yes, I know how it feels, I was jealous of my half-sister the first Daenerys, everyone said that she was much more beautiful and cultured, much more the princess," Shiera said, speaking with tenderness for her half-sister, it was the first time she had thought about her in decades.


"Nothing was ever said about their relationship," Jon said curiously.


"Because the bards and maesters only mention the love that ends in tragedies or wars ... I was jealous of my sister, I was much more beautiful and smart ... And she was a royal princess ... While I was just a bastard."


"It is said that you were the most beautiful and desired woman of the seven kingdoms, duels were fought for the right to sit by your side, men committed suicide after falling in your favor, poets outdid each other by writing songs about your beauty... My Lady, I wouldn't be surprised if it was your sister who was jealous of you, "Jon said as he smiled as he saw Shiera blush deeply from the compliments.


"Well ... Maybe ... My point is that we bastards will always be jealous of our true-born siblings; it is inevitable, but ... It does not mean that we are evil, you loved your brother Robb, and I loved my sister Daenerys ... Jon, don't feel guilt over your jealousy, you are a good man "Said the beautiful Lady taking Jon gently by the chin.


And for a few moments, Jon closed his eyes, enjoying the warmth and softness of Shiera's hand.


"Thank you, my Lady; Robb was my brother, my best friend, and rival, at least before I was sent to Highgarden; we had not seen each other in many years, but we wrote to each other, and my father also told me about him ... Yes Had it not been for that damn war he would have been a great Lord of Winterfell, "Jon said sadly.


"With what your sisters told us about him, he seemed like a good man."


"He was .. I'm sure of it," Jon said.


"I know you suffer, Jon, I know ... But if at any moment you feel like you have nothing left ... Remember your sisters ... You haven't lost everything," Shiera said smiling.


... It's what I told her when she was the one who needed comfort ... Jon thought.


"Thank you, Lady Shiera ... for everything," Jon said, feeling better.


"You're welcome, Jon ... I hope to see you at dinner tonight; I know it's only been five days ... But everyone misses you in the lessons; it wouldn't be good for you to follow my example and isolate yourself for months," Shiera said.


"Do you miss me too, my Lady?" Jon asked with a smile, and a profoundly blushing Shiera hit him on the shoulder.


"Silly boy," Shiera said, lifting her dress as she prepared to leave, but Jon stopped her and, taking her by the arm, he pulled her towards him, giving her a fierce kiss on the lips.


An even more flushed Shiera was redder than before as her eyes seemed about to shoot out of their sockets.


"But ... But ..." said the Targaryen, unable to speak, in all her long life, no one had ever been so forward with her, not even Bryden.


"Hahaha ... I never thought I would see the legendary beautiful Shiera Seastar flustered from a simple kiss ... Don't worry my Lady .. I'll see you at dinner," Said a cheerful Jon leaving an annoyed Shiera on the beach.


"But ... But ... Hey, hey, hey ... Hey, come back here! .. We're not done!" Shiera said, annoyed that Jon had teased her like that. But Jon only turned to see her with a smile and left, which irritated her even more.


... all right Jon ... Let's play ... You don't know what you got yourself into, cheeky young man ... Shiera thought with an expression of excitement and a devious smile as she thought about the things that she ... And her sweet Ashara They will make that young man from the North.



In the evening, after a day of reflection and advice thanks to Lady Shiera, Jon finally decided to stop mourning the death of his brother. And try to move forward.


... It won't hurt less ... But I press onward ... I am a knight...


As Jon put on his elven garb, he looked at the items he brought with him from Khazan-Dûm, the enchanted suit of dwarven plate and well as the mighty hammer Ghal Maraz, a small sack with some gold, silver, and some jewels.


He decided to bring his harp because he chose to sing for his sisters, friends and host a memorable song; he found it hidden in the third song of a First Age poem while studying ... "The Ballad of Leithian," a long compilation on the history of Beren and Lúthien, possibly written by Daeron the Bard, Lúthien's best friend who was in love with her and then betrayed her twice for that love,


The funny thing about those old chants was that in the third verse, if the correct tone was added and the stanzas were repeated in the correct order, a beautiful song could be produced; Jon did not know if he discovered it by accident or if the author of the Ballad did it on purpose. All the same ... He will sing it for everyone tonight.


And finally, the leather bag that contained the gifts he had brought for his Ladies, due to the news of the Red Wedding, Jon had not taken out his gifts or even talked about the wonders he saw and learned in the domain of King Durin but decided to finally show the fruit of his labor.


After taking the bag with gifts, Jon glanced at his sword ... Ringil shone with its usual blue color while it was leaning against the wall, Jon could not resist taking it in his hands, and for an instant, it gave him the impression that the sword emitted an air of claim and annoyance.


... Are you claiming that he will use that hammer instead of you? ... I couldn't come back for you in that battle ... Don't take it wrong ...


Jon put Ringil on his waist and headed out into the dining room, ready to see his friends for the first time since he learned of his brother's demise.


Everyone was having a quiet dinner in Cirdan's dining room; even Sansa and Arya began to enjoy the elvish style of cooking. However, they didn't speak with the Targaryen women, they still remembered how their Grandfather and his uncle were killed by the Mad King and having his wife, daughter, and granddaughter as companions was not something they liked, although Jon's companions were kind and courteous and also since they discovered that Shiera Seastar was still alive. And had an interest in their brother; the Stark sisters watched her with suspicion, in short, except Ser Loras, Ser Robar, and Lady Ashara, Sansa and Arya did not speak to anyone from Westeros.


That was when Jon appeared at the entrance to the dining room.


"Jon…" Blurted a cheerful Daenerys getting up.


They all turned to see the newcomer. And Jon began to get nervous, something all the Ladies found endearing.


"Good evening Lord Cirdan, hello everyone."


"Hello, Jon ... Have a seat," Said the Lord of the Gray Havens, delighted that Jon was joining them.


Sansa and Arya made a space for Jon between them, and he sat there with a smile, but that annoyed the three princesses, who started to get annoyed with how possessive Jon's sisters were.


"Glad to see you join us again," said the Lord of the Gray Havens.


"Yes, I'm sorry if I worry you, but it has been days ... Hard ... But I think I can move on ... Although it won't be easy," Jon said solemnly.


"It never is ... But trying is the important thing," Cirdan said.


"And if you don't mind, I would like to tell you what an experience it was for me to go to Khazad-Dûm," Jon said excitedly for the first time since arriving from the domain of King Durin, and Cirdan's face lit up.


"Please, I'm afraid that Rhaella, Ashara, and Shiera, as well as your sisters, have wished to know what they saw in the largest of the mansions of the Children of Aulë," Cirdan said, surprising Jon while he saw his friends with surprise,


"Haven't they told you anything about our journey?" A stunned Jon asked his companions, but they just shrugged.


"You guided us there, Jon; it's only fitting that you should be the one to spin this tale," said Robar eating a seasoned clam.


"It's true, my white wolf; I'm afraid everyone has been eager to hear about our journey ... But we decided to wait for you to want to join us; your point of view is essential," Arianne said with a smile. At that moment, Jon was moved by his friends' loyalty and thanked them with a smile.


"Thank you .. By the way, I don't see Lord Glorfindel," Jon said, surprised by the absence of his mentor.


"Oh, I'm afraid Glorfindel is visiting some of his kindred that lives on the other side of the bay, so he will be back tomorrow to continue his lessons," Cirdan said.


"Glorfindel?" Arya asked curiously.


"He is our weapons master Arya, you have already met him; he was the one who came with us when we returned," Jon explained.


"That young elf? ... But isn't he too young to be your weapons master?" Sansa asked naively, but that caused the rest of the table (with the exception of Arya) to start laughing.


"Glorfindel. Young man?" Rhaenys said, wiping the tears from her eyes. As Sansa watched everyone regain their composure as if she had said something enormously funny.


"Did I say something funny?" Sansa asked Jon, who also stopped laughing.


"Glorfindel is not young Sansa ... he is at least over four-thousand years old," Jon said with a smile when he saw the surprised expression on his sisters' faces.


"More than four-thousand years?" Sansa said, impressed.


"Yes, he and Lord Cirdan are older than the sun and the moon," Ashara Dayne said with a smile of amusement, seeing the expression of the girls upon learning that.


"Older than the sun and the moon?" An incredulous Arya repeated.


"I'll tell you the story later, little sister," Jon said, ruffling Arya's hair.


"Now, if you don't mind, I want to tell the story ..." Jon said, helping himself to some food. Cirdan nodded, as did Jon's travel companions, and Jon began his tale.


He told them how they traveled the path from the Gray Havens to the Misty Mountains and how they encountered King Gil-galad's retinue, and how they reached the gates of Khazad-Dûm and as they entered, they witnessed the unequaled skill of the dwarves. In describing the great hall where the longbeards receive their guests with their great planetarium of sapphires and diamonds and the pillars of stone threaded with silver and gold so finely carved they resembled wood, Queen Rhaella, and the Ladies Ashara and Shiera deeply regretted not having gone to Khazad-dûm, especially when Jon recounted how they went out to contemplate the West Gate of Khazad-Dûm forged by the blacksmith Nein with the help of Celembridor, a work of art that was only visible by the light of the moon and the stars because it was made of Ithildin, and that they had to solve the riddle of the door to re-enter.


"I knew they could do it; it wasn't difficult," Cirdan said, shrugging at the gaze of all those who traveled to those mines.


"Ithildin?" Queen Rhaella asked curiously.


"It is a mineral that is harder than a diamond, but it is only visible by the light of the ... Your majesty it is truly beautiful", said Jon, smiling when he remembered those magical doors while the noble Ladies and their sisters listened to his story in surprise.


It was then, Robar and Loras told the story about the inhabitants of Khazad-Dûm and how proud the sons of Aule were, especially King Durin, who at first was very distrustful of all of them, in addition to the relationship between the elves and dwarves. And while the delegations were respectful took every opportunity to insult each other, which caused laughter from everyone at the table.


"Truly?" Lady Shiera said, wiping her tears with laughter upon hearing the subtle insults that both parties were throwing at each other.


"Yes, it's the truth ... It was rather amusing to see the rivalry of the dwarves and elves," Arianne said happily.


"Yes, but the most amusing thing was the banquet they gave us," Robar said, mocking his brothers, causing both of them to groan and cover their faces in shame.


"Jon?" Sansa asked, seeing her brother's reaction.


"Something happened?" Ashara asked, confused.


"They got drunk?" Rhaella guessed.


"Oh, yes, your majesty... Seeing this pair of bastards make a fool of themselves was the best thing I have ever seen," said Robar with satisfaction.


"But how could they drink so much?" Asked Lady Ashara, surprised at the irresponsibility of the young men.


"We didn't... We drank the dwarf's mead," Jon said without looking at anyone in embarrassment.


"Mead?" Queen Rhaella asked.


Jon explained to the ladies that Glorfindel had warned them along the way that the dwarves produced a mead so powerful that one sip would leave them completely drunk, so they better be careful because the dwarves would try to make him drink... But in the end, neither Jon nor Loras listened to the advice and took "a little sip" and, as a result, completely lost consciousness and did not remember anything they did.


"But we do remember," Rhaenys said with an evil twinkle in her eyes and gave Jon a wicked smile.


"Rhaenys ..." Jon said pleadingly.


But Jon's plea fell on deaf ears when the Princess began to recount all that had transpired at Durin's banquet, how they danced like fools and how Jon sang for everyone in the room until he was hoarse.


The laughter of Cirdan, Rhaella, Ashara, Shiera, Sansa, and Arya did not wait; they all began to laugh uncontrollably, trying to imagine the scene of Jon and Loras laughing and dancing incessantly like fools.


Loras, feeling humiliated by Rhaenys, realized that the Princess put aside the kiss that Jon gave her and the others so that Loras informed everyone at the table and with a satisfied smile, he observed how the Princess's smile faded, and her face turned a deep scarlet when her grandmother stared at her and Jon.


"Loras .." Jon said sheepishly.


"I'm sorry, Jon ..." Loras said regretfully, seeing the trouble he caused.


"It wasn't that bad. It wasn't Jon's fault," Daenerys said with a scarlet face.


Queen Rhaella seeing the shame on everyone's face, decided to postpone the conversation for later.


"We'll talk later ... What happened next?" The dowager queen said as Jon, Daenerys, and Rhaenys sighed with relief.


Jon retells the story of how King Durin invited him and the others to see the forges of Khazad-dûm and how when he got there, he changed his sense of beauty as he saw for themselves how the dwarves worked for metals and the jewels to turn them into objects of great value, especially when seeing the statue of King Durin built of pure gold.


"By the way, Lord Cirdan, you were right ... The beauty of Khazad-dûm is not found in gold or jewels ... But in something much more valuable," Jon said with a smile as his host smiled and nodded pleased.


"What do you mean by that?" Shiera asked excitedly.


"Besides gold, silver, Iron. Steel and jewels in the depths of Khazad-dûm can be extracted another type of metal ... Mithril, "said Jon.


"Mithril?" All the Ladies of Westeros asked at the same time clearly intrigued.


Jon told them everything they had learned about the miraculous metal, including its beauty and extraordinary resistance, as well as how carefully the dwarves guarded the secret of its forging and purification. In the end, all the Ladies were deeply saddened that they had chosen to stay behind this hall of Durin sounded like a paradise of song and light.


But all of that was made worse when they were told about the vast galleries of Khazad-Dûm that contained an immense horde of treasures built by the dwarves, mountains, and mountains of gold and silver coins and precious gems as well as pieces of exquisite jewelry.


Shiera's eyes filled with tears knowing that she lost the chance to behold these exquisite jewels; she had to be comforted by Ashara, who was faring no better and felt like a fool for staying behind.


"Is it true, Jon? Does such a place exist?" Asked an excited Sansa.


"Yes, Sansa, I honestly still think it's a dream," Jon said.


"Unless we all dreamed of the same thing," Robar said, taking another sip of elvish wine.


"And there are not only jewels and gold there, but beryl, pearl, and opal pale and metal wrought like fishes' mail Buckler and corslet, axe and sword and shining spears were laid in horde," Loras said with satisfaction when remembering the armory. Thus, gaining the full attention of Arya, who became as excited as Sansa.


"But the silver galleries were much grander," Princess Daenerys said, suddenly remembering the fine pieces forged from the silver steel.


"What are you talking about, Dany?" Queen Rhaella asked curiously.


They all began to describe the silver galleries, which were filled with many things wrought of the silver steel even the shirt of mail fashioned by King Durin, which was so smooth that it looked like silk but in the words of the dwarves' common steel breaks when it comes to piercing it.


Hearing that, the eyes of all the Ladies widened in disbelief. Then Jon mentioned how King Durin offered to instruct them in the "Arts of the People of Aulë," which was a total surprise even to Cirdan, and how the King had promised to give them wergild from his great horde if they fashioned something of acceptable make.

"Did they learn to forge like the dwarves?" Lady Ashara asked.


"More or less, learning to forge like the children of Aule requires years and decades of incessant practice; we were only there for five weeks, but we managed to surprise the king ... And he kept his word," said Jon showing his leather bag on the table with gifts for the Ladies.


"Are those ...?" Shiera asked excitedly.


"Yes, I wanted to bring you all a memory of Khazad-Dûm; that's why I tried to master the art of smithing so I could claim something from the galleries."


At that moment, all the Ladies began to blush and feel their hearts beat strongly, that was when Jon stood up and went after Arianne, taking out the necklace with a ruby in the shape of a heart, he put it on carefully, and the Princess of Dorne couldn't contain her joy the necklace was stunning.


He then went to Rhaenys and handed her a finely wrought band of gold shaped to resemble a snarling dragon with an onyx clutched in its maw, Rhaenys had to use all herself control not to kiss her lover in front of everyone, but she couldn't help her eyes from watering a little.


The third was Daenerys, who anxiously awaited her gift and gasped in surprise to discover that it was a delicate tiara fashioned from Mithril set in the band were seven gems of adamant, and it shone like a pale flame in the light of the dining hall. Jon placed it on her head with great care; the young Targaryen, like her niece, wanted nothing more than to kiss Jon.


But to everyone's surprise, Jon did not stop there but went with Queen Rhaella and handed her a delicate necklace set in silver surrounded by ten round cut diamonds. The dowager queen could do nothing but clumsily thank for such a beautiful gift; the next was Lady Shiera to whom Jon gave a necklace of sparkling silver set with a large square cut sapphire surrounded by twelve smaller emeralds; it was so exquisite that Shiera began to cry and happily asked Jon to put it on her neck and he happily but surprised accepted. When he finished, Shiera did something unexpected. and kissed Jon close to the lips and thanked him for his gesture.


Finally, the last one was Lady Ashara, who was anxiously waiting for her gift and Jon gave her exquisite earrings fashioned from gold and glittering amethyst; they were so beautiful that the Lady of Starfall began to cry with emotion. Everyone felt instantly jealous of the Lady's gift because they realized that although their gifts were lovely, these earrings were forged with better quality than the others and were undoubtedly the best of all gifts.


This was too much for Ashara, who, almost without being aware of what she was doing, jumped up and kissed Jon on the forehead ... hard ... leaving Jon deeply flushed as he lost himself in the beautiful smile of the Lady of Stars. Ashara Dayne's legendary beauty... Just the way he wanted.


This triggered the mental alarms of Arianne, Daenerys, and Rhaenys, who began to view the Lady of Starfall with suspicion. However, Jon felt two penetrating glances watching him, and he directed his eyes to where his sisters were only to see an expectant look; he instantly swallowed hard.


"I'm sorry, Sansa, Arya ... I don't have any more treasures ... I didn't know of your arrival, I promise you that on my next visit to Khazad-dûm I will bring you something," Jon said quickly only to see that his sisters sent him one look full of coldness.


"That's... Disappointing," Sansa said nonchalantly, but Jon knew she was furious.


"I still have some of what King Durin gave me, somebody else's coins and some rough jewels; maybe I can buy them something."


"Oh ..." Arya said in a tone as cold as Sansa.


"Oh... so that's why you worked so hard in the forges, Jon," Loras said, surprised by the gesture of his brother in arms with the Ladies.


"Well, your effort paid off," said Robar.


"You didn't get anything?" Shiera Seastar asked.


"Oh yes, the sacks we bring on our horses. There is our loot, but they are only gold and silver coins with rough jewels, nothing nice like what Jon gave them," Said the knight of flowers.


"Dany, you didn't bring anything?" Queen Rhaella asked, to which her daughter only shook her head as she continued to admire her new tiara.


"No, mother."


"Grandma, the dwarves, don't allow women to work the forges, so King Durin's deal was only for Jon, Loras, and Robar ... We were left out," Rhaenys grunted at the memory.


"That was unfair," Arianne agreed, stroking the ruby on her new necklace.


... In fact, ... The rest of the women in the dining room agreed.


"However, Jon only took those treasures and a small bag of coins and jewels ... because he received another gift from the king," Loras said.


"Other gift?" Lord Cirdan asked, interested.


"A great suit of armor and a huge hammer called Ghal Maraz, it is beautiful and terrifying," Robar concluded.


"May I see it? Please, Jon!" Said an excited Arya, anxious like a little girl and almost jumping up and down to see her brother's new armor, which everyone found amusing.


"Tomorrow Arya ... I promise," Jon said with a smile.


"Well ..." The little Stark said dejectedly.


"I'm intrigued ... Why did they give you armor like that, Jon?" Ashara Dayne asked suspiciously.


At that moment, Jon and Rhaenys gulped because now they had to tell the darkest part of their story, but when they saw Cirdan's expression, they realized that the old elf already knew it and hoped that they would tell him for themselves, with a defeated expression they both began to relate how Khazad-Dum was invaded by a horde of orcs.

At that moment, all the Ladies gulped and nodded for them to continue the story. And they learned about how Jon, Loras, Robar, and Rhaenys had borrowed weapons from the grand gallery and joined the dwarves in repelling the orcs from the east gate, but Rhaenys in a fit of battle lust began to pursue the orcs into the valley and was surrounded, and Jon was nearly felled by a poison arrow that was meant for her.


The ladies' reaction was immediate.


"RHAENYS, HOW COULD YOU BE SO STUPID!" The dowager queen shouted angrily at her granddaughter's recklessness, rising suddenly from her seat; seeing her grandmother's outburst, Rhaenys just cowered in fear.


Ladies, Ashara and Shiera, and Jon's sisters gave the Targaryen Princess a very stern look and clenched their fists in great anger.


"I ... I'm very sorry ... You are right to hate me and berate me for it ... My selfishness and recklessness almost got Jon killed... I swear it will never happen again ... I have learned to control my bloodlust ", said the Princess with genuine humility, knowing that her actions could have gotten Jon killed.


"Rhaenys please do not weep. In the end, everything worked out," Said an understanding Jon.


"Thanks, Jon ..." Rhaenys said in a whisper, shooting him a look full of love.


Robar and Loras told the rest of the story about how while Jon was recovering, they fought alongside the dwarves against the orcs that invaded the citadel but, in the end, they were overwhelmed and exhausted. It was then Jon and Rhaenys came to their aid, ready to slaughter the orcs with a fury unmatched.


Rhaenys told how Jon fought against the orc chieftain, and although the fight was taxing while Jon managed to wound the chieftain, the great beast retaliated and tried to burn Jon with a torch ... only to discover that Jon was immune to fire.


Hearing her granddaughter's story, Rhaella put a hand to her mouth upon hearing that, immune to fire, Jon Snow is resistant to fire, a man from the North, the bastard son of Eddard Stark ... He was immune to fire.


Jon decided to give them a demonstration, and taking one of the torches from the dining room, he put his hand in the flames and left it for minutes before the surprised sight of Cirdan and the Ladies.


"JON!" Sansa shouted, as she rushed to remove her brothers hand from the fire , but they were surprised to see that it did not bear burns or blisters only that his skin was a pleasent shade of pink.


"How did you do that?" Said a surprised Arya, who could not believe what she saw while Sansa examined Jon's hand.


"I don't know, I just do; I have no explanation," said Jon talking to his sisters.


... But I do ... Rhaella thought, holding back her tears as she confirmed her suspicions about the young man from the North was confirmed he was her grandson.


She had spent a great deal of time finding out about Jon's past ever since she discovered that he was a virtuous musician ... He resembled her son Rhaegar in some ways, but mostly in his singing ability and the elegance he displayed when fighting. But then the dowager queen compared his age to the end of the rebellion.


Her son eloped with Lyanna Stark, humiliating his wife and children, and disappeared with her for a whole year in which no one knew where they had gone along with Ser Arthur Dayne and Oswell Whent ... Until news came that they were in Dorne. Still, by then, the rebellion had broken out, and Rhaegar ended up dying at the hands of Robert on the Trident; however, the Stark girl remained guarded by the two knights as well as Ser Gerold Hightower, who inexplicably did not accompany Rhaegar back to King's Landing.


That always seemed strange to Rhaella; they were all loyal to Rhaegar, fanatically and worryingly loyal in her opinion, but… why did they leave him behind in a battle that he could have died in? There is something in that story that does not add up, something is happening to them, and for a year, Rhaella has had an idea that:


When Rhaegar stayed with Lyanna Stark in that tower, he must have fathered a son with her; it is the only thing that would explain why those Royal Guards remained in Dorne instead of returning with Rhaegar, they were protecting their son, her prince. That would also explain why Eddard Stark always refused to talk about Jon's mother, including himself; it was not his mother's identity that he tried to hide but his father's, that of his real father, which also explains why He raised Jon alongside his legitimate sons, giving him an excellent education and the training that befits a Knights.


Rhaella just wanted to laugh at how ridiculous her story sounded but the more she thought about it ... The more sense it made, all the pieces fit together perfectly ... and now she saw the last piece of the puzzle in front of her, immunity to fire, a gift of the House Targaryen so rare that many considered a myth ... But now he saw it in a young man from the North, some Targaryens both legitimate and bastards throughout history have not had Valyrian traits like their uncle Duncan or their granddaughter Rhaenys. But now that she thought about it, Jon's eyes were dazzling; up close inspection, they looked blue, a deep blue ... But now ... in the light of the hall, his eyes were a mesmerizing blue ... or Violet.


... He is my grandson ... I am sure ... That is why I find him so attractive ... he is of my blood ... The dowager queen thought through tears.


At that moment, she felt a tug on her sleeve and realized that Shiera was trying to get her attention. When she saw her expression, she realized that she shared her same thoughts. And Rhaella nodded, moving closer to her, whispering into her ear.


"Bring Ashara with you to Lord Cirdan's study; I need to discuss something with both of you," She said seriously, and Shiera nodded.


At that moment, Jon stood in front of everyone with his harp in his hand after parting ways with his "sisters."


"I would like to share something very special with all of you," said Jon smiling.


"You're going to sing?" Loras asked, very excitedly.


"Yes, it is a song that I discovered while reading "The Ballad of Leithian, "an ancient poem that tells the story of Beren and Lúthien; I discovered, or I think I discovered a song hidden in the text and I would like you to be the first to hear it," Jon said shyly.


"I didn't know there was a hidden song in that poem... Please, Jon.. Sing", Lord Cirdan said excitedly.


Sansa and Arya, on the other hand, were confused, they had only heard about Beren and Lúthien from the elves who took them to the Gray Havens, but they did not tell them much about them, only that they recovered a precious treasure from Morgoth.


"Who were those people? Beren and Lúthien? They told us about them, but we didn't know there was a poem about them," Asked a shy Sansa.


"And that they recovered from Morgoth a very important gem called the Silmaril, or something like that that was created by someone called Fëanor," Arya said, trying to remember the story.


"Precisely, Lúthien, also known by her nickname Tinúviel, was an elf the Princess of the kingdom of Doriath, and she gave her love to a mortal man, Beren, and was the most beautiful of all the Daughters of Ilúvatar that ever existed, or it will exist again in this world. But her father, King Thingol, disapproved of her love for a mortal and tried to separate them, but her passion for Beren, for which she was willing to risk everything, including her life, was legendary, and she lamented forever in songs and stories "Les Cirdan explained.


"To win the approval of Lúthien's father, she and Beren defied Morgoth's horrors, eventually winning the Silmaril of his crown and King Thingol's support of their marriage... Although their actions later resulted in the death of Morgoth. Both their efforts earned them the compassion of the Vala Mandos and a second life in this world. His romance with Beren was one of the great stories of the Old Days that have been told for many centuries after his life, and a legend is said that his bloodline will never be extinguished as long as the world exists. "Daenerys finished telling Sansa and Arya.


Both Starks were excited by the story (especially Sansa), and now they wanted to hear Jon's song, so Jon cleared his voice and began to play:


The leaves were long, the grass was green,

The hemlock-umbels tall and fair,

And in the glade, a light was seen.

Of stars in shadow shimmering.

Tinúviel was dancing there.

To music of a pipe unseen,

And light of stars was in her hair,

And in her raiment glimmering.


There Beren came from mountains cold.

And lost he wandered under leaves,

And where the Elven-river rolled.

He walked alone and sorrowing.

He peered between the hemlock-leaves.

And saw in wonder flowers of gold.

Upon her mantle and her sleeves,

And her hair like shadow following.


Enchantment healed his weary feet.

That over hills were doomed to roam;

And forth he hastened, strong and fleet,

And grasped at moonbeams glistening.

Through woven woods in Elvenhome

She lightly fled on dancing feet,

And left him lonely still to roam.

In the silent forest listening.


He heard there oft the flying sound.

Of feet as light as linden-leaves,

Or music welling underground,

In hidden hollows quavering.

Now withered lay the hemlock-sheaves,

And one by one with sighing sound.

Whispering fell the beechen leaves

In wintry woodland wavering.


He sought her ever, wandering far.

Where leaves of years were thickly strewn,

By light of moon and ray of star

In frosty heavens shivering.

Her mantle glinted in the moon,

As on a hill-top high and far

She danced, and at her feet was strewn.

A mist of silver quivering.


When winter passed, she came again,

And her song released the sudden spring,

Like rising lark and falling rain,

And melting water bubbling.

He saw the elven-flowers spring.

About her feet and healed again.

He longed by her to dance and sing.

Upon the grass untroubling.


Again she fled, but swift he came,

Tinúviel! Tinúviel!

He called her by her elvish name;

And there she halted listening.

One moment stood she, and a spell.

His voice laid on her: Beren came,

And doom fell on Tinúviel.

That in his arms lay glistening.


As Beren looked into her eyes

Within the shadows of her hair,

The trembling starlight of the skies

He saw there mirrored shimmering.

Tinúviel the elven-fair,

Immortal maiden elven-wise,

About him cast her shadowy hair.

And arms like silver glimmering.


Long was the way that fates them bore,

O'er stony mountains cold and grey,

Through halls of iron and darkling door,

And woods of nightshade morrowless.

The Sundering Seas between them lay,

And yet, at last, they met once more,

And long ago, they passed away.

In the forest singing sorrowless.


When Jon finished singing, everyone was moved to tears by the song, Sansa cried with emotion while clapping, and the three older ladies smiled once when they saw what a prodigious musician Jon was.


"Extraordinary ..." Cirdan managed to say that he was crying due to the beauty of the song.


"I hope you enjoyed it. When Master Glorfindel returns, I will also sing it to ask for your opinion ... If you wish, you can listen to it again".


"Yes!" They all yelled at once, to Jon's surprise.


"You honour me..." Jon said with amazement clearly surprised that his verse was so loved.




After dinner was over and the young men returned to their rooms, Queen Rhaella and Ashara Dayne, and Shiera Seastar went to Cirdan's study.


"Very good, Rhaella, we are here; what is so urgent that it could not wait?" Asked the Lord of the Gray Havens.


"It's about Jon" was the dowager queen's response, and Cirdan instantly gave him his full attention.


"What happened?" Asked the Lord of the Gray Havens.


"I ... I ... I am sure that he is my grandson," Queen Rhaella said in front of everyone's shock.


"What did you say?" Lady Ashara asked, not believing that she heard well.


"I'm sure he is my grandson; I have thought about it for a long time ... He looks a lot like my son Rhaegar, sharing his talent for music," The queen said with a sad smile.


And for the next few minutes, the dowager queen told them the theory that she had been putting together with the information she had gathered about Jon and Lord Eddard Stark and his refusal to tell him about his mother, also his age and how he was born just after King's sack. 's Landing.


Hearing that Ashara was filled with tears of rage and indignation towards Rhaegar and Lyanna Stark as their adventure led to the death of her best friend, Elia, as well as that of her brother Arthur ... And everything? Why? a stupid girl who was seduced by tales of a dashing knight saving her from a drunken brute.


... But Jon is not to blame ... The Lady of Star Fall said to herself, looking with great joy at the earrings Jon gave her. She could never hate him.


"It's a theory ... Intriguing, but the evidence ... You have nothing solid ... Only assumptions," Cirdan said, meditating on Rhaella's words.


"No, we do," Shiera Seastar said, filling Cirdan with curiosity.




"His immunity to fire" Was Rhaella's response surprising the Lord of the Gray Havens.


"Do you know anything about that ability?" The now excited noble elf asked.


"Yes, it is an ability of my House, House Targaryen, throughout history some of our members are born immune to fire and heat, nobody knows why, some say it is because of our connection with the Dragons, but nobody is sure, but it has been noted that those individuals are born with a great destiny, destined for greatness ... Only we have this power, because we are the only Valyrian family left with dragons when our ancestors conquered Westeros, no one else ... Only us Rhaella said starting to cry and being comforted by Ashara and Shiera.


Cirdan, on the other hand, returned to his seat with a sigh, understanding the seriousness of the matter and the enormous damage that it could cause to Jon.


... This will be painful ... For Jon and everyone, Cirdan thought, somewhat fearful of Jon's reaction if he discovers the truth.

"Are you going to tell him?" Cirdan asked with a serious expression.


"I ... I ... I don't know, I mean I must ... Jon is my grandson, I'm sure," Rhaella said.


"With all due respect Queen Rhaella, I think for the moment, You shouldn't say anything to Jon, at least for the moment," Shiera said, surprising the former Rhaella.


"But Shiera ..." A surprised Ashara said.


"Ash... Jon is just beginning to recover from his brother's death and the destruction of his home ... Knowing this... It could hurt him a lot, knowing who his parents were, what they did, what they caused, and how the only father he ever knew in his entire life lied to him all this time; it is too much, he must be told the truth ... But first, he must recover from these losses, "Said the beautiful Targaryen bastard genuinely concerned for Jon.


For a few moments, no one said anything until Cirdan stood up.


"I'm of a mind with Shiera, it is true that hiding the truth ... It is not good, but this truth ... If true, it would be something painful and terrible for Jon, he already suffers because of what happened to his family ... I don't like it, but I think that at this moment the best thing is silence at least for now, "Cirdan said with a taste of bitterness in his mouth.


Rhaella just sighed as she cried over, having to hide the truth from her grandson.


"Very well ... So, shall it be ... For now," The queen said sadly.


"Well, in that case, I think I should also tell you something," Cirdan said seriously, which caught everyone's attention.


"What happens?" Ashara asked, seeing Cirdan's expression, who massaged her temple.


"King Gil-galad wants to meet you ... Especially Jon, for having Ringil and Lord Ulmo's conch but also .."


"For his gift with fire .." Said a surprised Rhaella.


"Yes, that gift aroused the curiosity of Glorfindel and Durin, Glorfindel informed King Gil-galad, and he called Master Elrond, his herald and also Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel, the three of them are the most privileged minds among them. Our people, they wish to see this gift for themselves," Cirdan said gently.


But those did not eliminate the doubts of the 3 ladies who began to worry about the attention that Jon drew on himself.


What if King Gil-galad wanted to keep Jon by his side?


"I know this is somewhat uncomfortable, and I admit it, we were somewhat impulsive when reported his immunity to flames, Had er known that it was a gift of house Targaryen, Glorfindel would never have asked for that meeting ... At least not that one. Shape, "Cirdan said, reprimanding himself mentally.


Rhaella just sighed.

. .. I hope everything goes well, now I have ... Another grandson ... One that I can't claim ... Still ... But I will, sooner or later ... Jon will know who he is ...


"Very well, when will we go to see King Gil-galad?" The dowager queen asked.


"In two weeks, I'll start making preparations tomorrow," Cirdan said with a tired expression.


"Very good, thank you for everything, Lord Cirdan; with your permission, we will retire for the evening," Rhaella said before leaving Cirdan's study, leaving him alone with his thoughts about Jon's future.


... By the Valar ... May he be well ... After discovering this truth ... nothing will be the same ...























Once again thanks to my co author great_red

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