Chereads / Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 1533 - 24

Chapter 1533 - 24

Chapter Text




It had been two weeks since Ulmo the Lord of the Waters left after telling them the origin of the world and the course to guide them on their journey, just as Ulmo had warned them they had stopped following the Star of Eärendil and instead had let the Sea guide them as Ulmo asked since if they had not done so, they would all have reached the lands Valinor. Even though they all wanted to see the kingdom of eternal light, something in them warned them not to put that prohibition to the test; outside of that, they were excited about the trip even Rhaenys had stopped acting hostile towards him almost.


It was sunset at Sea when Jon was watching the horizon, waiting for the moment when he would finally see Middle Earth, and occasionally he was looking at Ringil it was a beautiful sword that glittered like pale ice; he was so focused and lost in thought that he did not notice that someone was approaching him.


"Did you require something, lady Targaryen?" Jon turned to the voice only to see Daenerys Targaryen watching him shyly, she was dressed in a delicate sky-blue dress her hair is tied up with a braid, and she was wearing a little gold tiara on her head, she really looked like a queen of the freehold. The fact that the Princess spoke to him for the first time astonished him since they began their journey to Middle-earth; she has not been separated from her mother.


"Princess Daenerys," Jon said, bowing.


"Ser Jon ... I came to apologize; you and your companions saved me from the marriage with Khal Drogo that my brother imposed on me, and I have not thanked you," Said Daenerys remembered the monstrous Khal and the mere fact of becoming his wife it still terrified her.


"You don't have to thank me, Princess; I am a knight, a knight must protect those who cannot protect themselves; I just kept my vows," Jon said with a smile, inadvertently causing Daenerys to blush.


"But I must! All this time, I have ignored you and your friends even though you saved me from a life I did not want; I owe my freedom, especially to you who killed the Khal. Thank you," she said before bowing low.


"Princess Daenerys, please, you shouldn't do that; I'm just a…."


"You're A true Knight Jon Snow one of wisdom and valour ... No matter what my niece says about you," Daenerys said, thinking of her niece Rhaenys with a slight annoyance, while Jon thought of his last and unsuccessful effort to win her friendship, she practically threatened him with a kitchen knife to get him to stay away from her.


"Thank you my lady though I believe your niece doesn't care for me," Jon said sarcastically, much to Daenerys amusement.


"Yes, well, Ser, you practically kidnapped her and forced her to come on this trip, considering our family's history not the finest choice for her first outing," Daenerys said, arching an eyebrow.


"No, I guess not."


"Can I ask you a question, Sir?"


"Of course, Princess."


"What is he like? ... Manwë, I mean," Asked the Targaryen Princess with curiosity; since the appearance of Ulmo, she has wanted to know what the king of the Valar is like. Jon just watched her for a few moments pondering his answer and sighed.


"In my dream, he seemed ... Like a true king ... he was seated on a polished throne in a room of pure white marble, and he wore robes the color of the spring sky, in his right hand he held a sapphire scepter, and his eyes seemed to be made of stars, but even brighter and were as fearsome as lightning that fell in a storm. " Manwë's description filled with emotion to Daenerys she had to restrain herself from to jump like a girl in her the desire to see and know the Greater King for herself has just risen.


"It sounds truly beautiful," she said excitedly.


"It is; for a few moments, I thought I was hallucinating, but my friends did not desert me despite how strange it all seemed," said Jon with a smile remembering the loyalty of their friends.


"They are very loyal to you," Daenerys said confidently.


"Yes, I have known Loras since we were children since we grew up together in Highgarden while I was a ward of his father, we had many adventures, and he did not care that I was a bastard and Robar met him when the three of us We were part of the Royal Guard of King Renly Baratheon, at first it was only Loras and me, he was the Lord Commander, and I was his right-hand man, but over time we met Robar and became friends, now they are both my brothers in everything except in the blood, frankly ... There are days when I wonder how I managed to have friends like them", said Jon cheering the Princess with the story of their friendship.


... I think I know ... Daenerys thought sweetly.


Just when Daenerys was going to ask Jon something else, Ser Loras appeared with a small harp.


"Jon, sing us something!" Said the Knight of Flowers, hoping to hear his brother's charming voice.


"Loras, I'm not in the mood tonight."


"Come on, Jon, you haven't been in the mood for a long time, sing something, plus what's a boat trip without a song?" Loras said, insisting.




"I'd like to hear him sing Ser," Daenerys said shyly, averting her gaze to what Jon sighed and accepted.


"Very well," he said, approaching the center of the deck, and at that moment, the melody of the harp caught the attention of everyone on the ship, which caused them to stop whatever they were doing to listen to the song."


Day is new, bright my eyes,


but journey long before me lies.


Farewell, friends! I hear the call.


The ships beside the stony wall.


Foam is white, and waves are grey.


Beyond the sunset leads my way.


Foam is salt; the wind is free.


I hear the rising of the Sea.


Farewell, friends! The sails are set,


the wind is east, the moorings fret.


Shadows long before me lie,


beneath the ever-bending sky,


but islands lie behind the Sun


That I shall raise ere all is done.


lands there are to west of west,


where night is quiet, and sleep is rest.


Guided by the Lonely Star,


beyond the utmost harbour-bar,


I'll find the havens fair and free,


and beaches of the Starlit Sea.


Ship, my ship! I seek the west,


and fields and mountains ever blest.


Farewell to Westeros at last.


I see the Star above my mast. "


At the end of his song, Jon left Arianne and Daenerys crying with emotion for the beauty of the piece and Loras happy, while Shiera asked Robar if he knew that Jon had that talent for music, to which Vale's knight replied that he used to entertain King Renly occasionally at banquets.


While Rhaenys, Rhaella, and Ashara watched Jon as if they had seen a ghost.


"For a few moments, I would swear that ..." Lady Ashara began to say.


"Like me, the similarity between the two is extraordinary," Queen Rhaella said on the verge of tears.


Rhaenys just clenched her fists, but when she heard Jon start singing again, she was saddened and returned to her cabin.


"Rhaenys ..." Queen Rhaella began but was gently stopped by Ashara.


"I'll talk to her ... At least listen to the rest of the song" After that the Dornish Lady went to comfort the Princess.


... Why does this young man from the North so resemble my beloved son? ...


Later that night, Daenerys was lying on her bed, remembering how Jon entertained everyone with his lovely voice.


... He's everything I ever dreamed of ... I know he's with Princess Arianne, but I can't forget him ...


Daenerys thought about it while sleep overcame her, and while she slept, she began to dream of her wolf knight, while he smiled and kissed her, not realizing that he was directing her to the bed where he laid her down and kissed while he was undoing the knots of her dress.


... Mmmm ... Jon ... Said the Princess, who, while sleeping, placed her right hand on her bust and squeezed her nipples that had become hard, and her left hand went to her thighs until reaching her most sensitive area ...


The next morning Daenerys woke up with the first rays of the sun peeked through the small porthole and more relaxed than she had ever felt in her life but noticed two things, her nipples were so hard that they poked through the fabric of her night shift, and the area Between her thighs was totally soaked, Daenerys was very confused until the memories of the dream she had the night before began to come back, filling her with embarrassment.


"Did I have ...?" At that moment, the sound of the door was heard, and her mother's voice came from outside.


"Dany, are you decent? I'm coming in" The Rhaella was dressed in a simple Essosi dress and had come to take her daughter to breakfast, but to her surprise, Dany was still in her bed.


"Are you not ready yet?"


"I'm sorry, mother, I'll be ready soon," Dany said, nervous about being found in such a state by her mother. Rhaella studied her daughter carefully and realized that something was wrong.


"Are you an well little dragon?" She asked, clearly concerned as her daughter's face was the color of their sigil.


"Yes, mother, I'm fine ... I'll join you soon enough," Dany answered quickly to get out of that shameful situation.


Rhaella was confused but quickly noticed that her daughter's nipples could be seen through the fabric, and considering how nervous she was, she was quick to get to the point and smiled slightly in amusement.


... My daughter is already a young woman; it is typical for these things to happen from time to time ...


"Breakfast is served dear, hurry up," said the Queen without losing sight of her daughter's reactions.


"Yes, Mother," Daenerys nodded forcefully.


While everyone had breakfast (except for Robar, who acted as a lookout), Daenerys kept her eyes on Jon as she watched Princess Arianne by her side behaving in a flirtatious manner with him; the sight of it filled Daenerys with jealousy and frustration, something that was clearly noticed by the other ladies Rhaella, Shiera and Ashara watched with amusement Daenerys her affection was plain for all to see, this continued until Jon eyes clouded over. It looked like he would fall from his chair, but he rose to his feet clearly excited, surprising everyone; instantly, Arianne and Daenerys approached Jon, clearly worried.


"Jon?" Arianne asked.


"Are you well?" Daenerys asked, scared.


Jon struggled to pull himself together and sat back up, rubbing his temples.


"I could swear that I just heard the voice of Lord Manwë ... In my head," He said something disturbed, but as soon as he said these words, the others jumped up from the table.


"He ... did he say something?" Loras asked.


Jon was about to answer when suddenly Robar came running.


"Jon! You must see this… We have arrived! " Trying not to fall down the stairs, Jon pulled himself together and went on deck, followed by everyone.


"Be careful, Jon," Ashara said, worried about him.


"I'll be fine, my lady," Jon said firmly.


Rhaella looked like she was going to second Ashara's words, but she decided to remain silent, although her expression indicated that she was worried about Jon; seeing the behavior of her grandmother and her aunt and that of her cousin Arianne Rhaenys narrowed her eyes.


Soon everyone was on deck and excitedly watching a vast strip of land in the distance; this time, there was no doubt ... They had reached Middle Earth.


"Well, Jon, we are here," Loras said, excited seeing his new home.


"Yes, Loras, Robar ... My brothers, we finally arrived," Jon said, holding back the tears of emotion.


"We will see what fate holds for us," Robar said solemnly.


While the three knights looked at the horizon, the ladies (including Rhaenys) observed the territory with different emotions, excitement, anxiety, fear, but of all of them, Shiera Seastar was the happiest because, with their arrival in Middle Earth, her dream of contemplating the island of Númenor, the land of her relatives was getting closer and closer.


It took them about forty minutes to get close enough to see a city that shone like a spike of silver; as they neared the shore, they got a better look at the city; it was the most splendid place that Westerosi travelers have ever seen, it was clearly a port city built deep within the bay, its design was unlike any that Westerosi has seen with wide roads hanging gardens with flowers of every shade and high towers of white stone topped with glittering golden domes, the ships anchored in the harbor were so finely carved that they seemed to be made of silver with prows in the shape of a swan and their sails fluttered in the breeze it appeared they were woven of fine silver, the waters were a dazzling blue like the evening sky, and even the air itself seemed to warm and welcome them, relieving their fatigue.


"It is magnificent," Rhaenys said, self-conscious at such splendor.


As they reached the shore, they noticed that residents were gathering to greet them.


"They don't look pleased," Loras said, preparing his sword, Robar and Jon doing the same, although the latter didn't want to ruin their arrival by starting a fight.


When the ship finally got close enough to shore, it magically stopped, and the residents started aiming bows at them, at which point Rhaenys approached Jon.


"Give me a dagger now."


Seeing the situation, a reluctant Jon nodded and handed him a dagger.


When it was clear that they had to get off the ship, Jon marched in front of the others and watched the archers; there was only one word ... Beautiful.


They all looked like men, but their skin was smooth and perfect, without blemishes, their eyes were sharp and fierce, but the most curious thing was their ears; they were pointed. Their posture was perfect and conveyed an air of grace and strength.


... They must be elves, the first-born sons of Ilúvatar ... Jon thought excitedly.


Jon started walking towards them calmly, and suddenly one of them shot the ground a few inches from Jon as a warning.


Loras drew his sword and approached to help his friend, but Jon stopped him with a gesture.


"Please, we are not your enemies, we are travelers, we seek ..."


"Silence strangers; you will speak when allowed," Said the one who had shot the arrow.


... Even their voices are sharp ...


Seeing the situation, Robar and Rhaenys were also preparing for a fight, even at that moment Jon felt the soft fur of Ghost brushing his hand and heard a slight growl and observed Lady next to Princess Daenerys and Lady Ashara; the wolf was nervous but willing to fight if necessary as her time in captivity had mostly changed her, the elves were surprised by the Direwolves, and their bows tightened, it seemed that the fight would break out when suddenly a loud voice was heard. Behind the archers and they moved away to let another elf pass only that this one had even more bearing and strength in their presence.


He was very tall and wore the most magnificent armor that Westerosi had ever seen; it was a pearly white color, and although he had no jewels in it shone like a diamond, his hair was blond of color even more golden than the Lannisters, in fact in appearance and bearing the elf was very similar to Jaime Lannister, the Kingslayer. Still, his smile conveyed kindness rather than arrogance; the elf had an expression of authority and majesty that took his breath away, he seemed to be a little older than Jon, but when he saw his eyes, he realized that it was not like that because they were deeper than the darkness of a lake.


"Greetings travelers, I am afraid that to pass, you will have to show me the ring that you carry if it is not the correct one, you will be clapped in irons," He said with authority, and even his voice was beautiful.


Hearing the elf's words, Jon instinctively pulled out the red ring that Ulmo gave him, and when the elf saw it, he smiled, clearly pleased that it was the correct ring.


"Welcome travelers from the outer lands to Mithlond or as its people call it the Gray Havens; my name is Glorfindel, and I come on behalf of Lord Círdan; he awaits you in his study."


"He's waiting for us?" Jon asked, surprised. And the elf now known as Glorfindel nodded.


Jon glanced at his friends and ladies, and they all nodded; Arianne made Jon take her by the arm and gave him one of her typical glances.


"Come on, my white wolf, we have already come this far," Said the ex-princess of Dorne.


Jon gave his love a smile and a kiss on the forehead.


"Let's go, everyone."


They all followed Glorfindel through the city, a city that everyone watched in amazement; the buildings were made of marble and wood but were built in such a way that it seemed that they had been cultivated in nature instead of being built.


"This place is extraordinary ... Not even the Vale can equal its beauty," said Robar.


"Nothing in Westeros can compare to this city," Queen Rhaella said.


"" I wonder what Círdan will be like. " Shiera asked without losing the details of the city.


They all followed Glorfindel around the bay and looked at all the elves that were there and realized that they had not seen any children, only adults, finally after several minutes they reached a different part of the port, while the bay was full of silver boats in this place the elves were building new ones, sawing the wood, assembling the ships, everyone worked diligently and ignored them. Still, there was an elf who was watching the whole process; he was tall and had silver hair, Like the other elves, he had a beautiful appearance, but his face had the most similar to wrinkles that they had seen in an elf so far, even so, his face did not seem to be of age, he had a countenance even more remarkable than that of Glorfindel. However, many would assume he was a warrior. It was clear he was of noble blood clad in fine blue robes woven with patterns of flowers and stars and cuffs lined with fur.


"Lord Círdan, I brought those lord Ulmo spoke of," Glorfindel said with a slight bow.


Círdan, the shipbuilder, directed his gaze towards the party, and Jon soon understood that Círdan was even older than Glorfindel. However, Círdan gave him a warm smile and turned his gaze to us. His smile widened.


"Greetings and welcome guest, you are all strangers from the Outer Lands; I have waited for you for months; I hope your trip has been pleasant."


For a few moments, no one knows what to answer until Rhaenys steps forward.


"How did you know we would come?"


The elf did not change his face; he just stared at them as if trying to study them all, but in the end, he approached the Princess.


"I had a dream, a dream in which the Valar told me about strangers who came from distant lands, they ordered me to take them under my care and teach them about Middle-earth, those strangers would appear this morning in a ship without insignia nor emblems, they would all belong to the lines of men, and they will be mighty in thought and deed since they guided them here, I will know of their coming for their leader shall bear the ring of fire freely given to lord Ulmo champion of the seas so I welcome you to the Grey Havens friends and allies."


For a few moments, nobody said anything, and only the sound of the waves was heard.


"Well, we're here," Loras said.


"Yes, indeed, but I'm afraid they haven't shown up, and I don't know where they come from because the Valar didn't deem the knowledge useful, but I know you had a very long journey and must be exhausted, please come with me to my residence to rest and if you wish you can have breakfast, "Círdan said with kindness.


"I'm afraid we've already had breakfast, sir," Queen Rhaella said, politely declining the offer.


" Well, in that case, you can still rest, now kindly follow me travelers" They all followed Círdan and Glorfindel finished by reaching the highest tower in the city, which shone so white that it seemed to be made of pearl; it was so much that its shadow covered a large part of the harbor while its light illuminated the other.


Faced with such a splendid construction, the Westerosi watched everything wordlessly. They all entered the spacious estate, and Círdan put everyone in the care of his household, who prepared a hot bath for them and took each one to a different room, although Queen Rhaella insisted on being placed with her daughter and granddaughter. Lady Ashara and Shiera Seastar asked for a room for a single room; only Arianne had a room of her own, while Jon and the others each had their own room where they had already prepared the hot bath; after soaking in the marble tub, Jon dried off and fell onto the fine bed of cotton and goose down his exhaustion from the journey, and the calming waters lured him into a deep, dreamless sleep.


He does not know how long he slept, but when Jon woke up, he felt more rested than he had remembered in months when suddenly the sound of the door disturbed him, and he recomposed himself, opening the door Jon found a servant waiting for him with a simple tunic of burgundy thread.


"You must prepare yourself. Lord Círdan wishes to speak with you and your friends."


Jon nodded and quickly changed into the offered clothes; he was guided through the tower's corridors until he reached a large study full of books overlooking the Sea. In that study, Círdan and Glorfindel talked in a language that Jon did not recognize and assumed that It was one of the languages that Ulmo told him to master; Jon did not take three steps when they both turned their gaze towards him.


"I hope you have rested," Círdan said with genuine kindness to which Jon smiled slightly and nodded.


"It had been a while since I rested like that; I really appreciate it… By the way, where are the wolves that came with us? Jon said, asking a question while bowing to Círdan.


"You don't have to thank me, and as for the wolves, we let them roam free despite their appearance. They do not seem dangerous, although I admit that in my entire existence in Arda, I had never seen wolves of that size; my curiosity can wait now. We just have to wait let your companions arrive so that we can start our conversation since the Valar told me of their arrival in a dream; I have had a desire to meet them since the end of the First Age the Valar have not intervened directly in the affairs of Middle Earth."


"Yes, Lord Ulmo told us that," Jon said, and as he did so, an expression of surprise crossed the elves' faces.


"So, a Valar brought them here ... One of the Aratar," Glorfindel said.


"Aratar?" Jon asked, confused, remembering that term in one of Númenor's books.


"They are the 8 greatest Valar in Arda; they are the most powerful Ainur who descended at the beginning of the world; Lord Ulmo is one of them," Círdan said.


"And Manwë too, isn't it?" Jon said sure of his answer but was surprised to see the elves' shocked expression.


"How did you meet the Elder King?" Círdan asked, clearly shocked at Jon's statement.


"I met him in a dream. It was he who told me to sail west and come to Middle Earth."


"You are the first of the line of men to speak to the King of the Valar even in a dream," Glorfindel said solemnly while Jon was taken aback by his statement ... Was he really the first mortal man to speak to Manwë? ..


At that moment, Loras and Robar entered the room, and like Jon was dressed in the elven fashion, they were followed by Queen Rhaella, Princess Daenerys. Lady Ashara and Shiera Seastar all dressed in silk dresses and with some seashells as improvised ornaments; only Ari and Princess Rhaenys were missing. When Daenerys saw him, she smiled at Jon, and he smiled back, making her blush.


At that moment, Arianne and Princess Rhaenys entered, both dressed in silk, but while Arianne moved gracefully and without discomfort, Princess Rhaenys seemed quite irritated, and Jon had a good idea why ... She did not like dresses, she was a warrior like her forbear Visenya Targaryen.


... Or like Arya ... Jon thought wistfully as he remembered his wild and stubborn little sister.


... How she would have loved these fair lands from the troubles of Westeros ...


But at that moment, as if the blindfold fell from his eyes, Jon looked closely at Rhaenys and gasped; he knew that she was beautiful, but seeing her dressed as a real Princess, the difference was abysmal; her body seemed more curvy and slender, her hair was loose and seemed soft and smooth like a thin layer of satin, her olive skin was free of imperfections, tall, regal ... What else could she say to describe her? She was a Targaryen princess despite her Dornish heritage.


... And Arianne's cousin, not to mention that she wishes to see you dead ... A voice in his head said.


"Well, now that we are all here, we begin," Círdan's voice brought Jon out of his internal debate. Arianne, who noticed the enraptured look that her white wolf gave her cousin, her expression was one of jealously and amusement, but in the end, Jon was hers. Although she was fully aware that Daenerys has been trying to get her attention, Arianne was not yet ready to share their bed with another woman, and less so if it was her cousin Rhaenys or Daenerys Targaryen; Arianne may have certain ... lustful desires Jon helps satisfy ... But she is not like her uncle Oberyn or Ellaria ... not yet so Arianne decided to give a warning to Jon, he sat beside her and smiled, reaching over she put a hand on his thighs and squeezed them, Jon suppressed a groan of pain and turned his gaze to Arianne who gave him a warning look.


... understood... Jon thought with some pain.


"Jon, are you well?" asked Robar, confused, seeing Jon with a pained expression.


"Yes, well, Lord Círdan, what do you want to know?" Jon asked, regaining his composure.


Círdan and Glorfindel, who noticed what happened, were internally amused, and the boatbuilder nodded.


"I want to know who you are? Why did the Valar called you from the outer lands?" Asked the elf.


"I'm Jon Snow; they are my brothers in arms and best friends Loras Tyrell and Robar Royce," Jon said as his friends nodded.


At that moment, Queen Rhaella stood up and erect as the Queen she was decided to introduce herself and her family.


"I am Rhaella of the House of Targaryen, Dowager Queen of the 7 kingdoms of Westeros, they are my daughter Daenerys of the House of Targaryen and my granddaughter Rhaenys of the House of Targaryen," Said the ancient Queen with the greatest possible dignity.


Arianne followed her lead and stood up.


"I am the Princess Arianne Nymeros Martell of Dorne, one of the 7 kingdoms of Westeros, heir to the Spear of the Sun and future ruler of Dorne," She said, the latter with sadness more as a protocol than for something real because she had abandoned her birthright.


Being the last to appear, Lady Ashara Dayne and Shiera Seastar decided to perform together.


"I am Ashara of House Dayne, a vassal of House Nymeros Martell."


"I am Shiera Seastar, bastard daughter of King Aegon IV who has died more than a century ago; I am ... Distant relative of Queen Rhaella as well as her daughter and granddaughter," Said the beautiful Targaryen bastard.


"You are Numenorean," Glorfindel said in amazement.


As soon as he said this, Shiera's eyes widened with surprise and excitement as she realized that the elf had recognized her as a Numenorean.


"Yes" Shiera replied with happiness.


"No mortal man or woman can live more than 100 years and retain their youth unless they carry the blood of Númenor in their veins; this is a surprise, the only men of Númenor that we have seen in great numbers are the Faithful "led by Elendil, how could a stranger from the Outer Lands carry the blood of the noblest bloodline of the Second Born? " The elf wondered.


"Because my great-grandfather came from Númenor, I don't know how he got to the continent that we call Essos, only that he got there as an old man, he lived there the rest of his days and had a family from which I descended. Since I found out about the island of Númenor, it has been my wish to see it for myself, that is why I am on this trip, and now my heart is happy because my wish will finally come true."


As soon as Lady Shiera said this, the others realized that something was happening as Círdan and Glorfindel's expressions darkened, and for a moment, Jon seemed to perceive sadness on both elves' faces.


"It seems to me that we should leave that conversation for another time, my lady," Glorfindel said quickly.


"Indeed, well, they have already told us their names, and I realize that they all have nobility in their surnames ..." Círdan began to say.


"No, I'm not a noble ... I'm a bastard," Jon said quietly.


Arianne gently took Jon's hand and leaned on his shoulder while Loras and Robar each put a hand on one of Jon's shoulders.


"That doesn't seem to matter to you and your friends…" Círdan began.


"I am his lover; he is the love of my life," Arianne replied, proud but blushing.


Arianne's response made Jon, Rhaenys, and Rhaella blush while the others held back their laughter except for Daenerys, who seemed to want to strike the Prince of Dorne and jump into Jon's arms.


"Well ... My point is that your companions don't seem to care about your bastard status, so you shouldn't pay any more attention to it ... But carry on," Círdan said gently but somewhat amused by Arianne's audacity.


From that moment on, Queen Rhaella, along with the help of Lady Ashara, told the two elves a very brief version of the history of Westeros but still the most essential, starting with what Ulmo told them about the tribes of men that intend They tried to protect from Morgoth but were still corrupted and as Westeros came to be populated by men and its structure, how seven kingdoms ended up dominating that continent, and then how those nations were unified by Aegon the Conqueror, House Targaryen and his sisters Visenya and Rhaenys, arrived from the neighboring continent of Essos after the fall of their Valyrian home. Two hundred and eighty-three years after Aegon's conquest, the Targaryens were overthrown by Robert Baratheon, Eddard Stark, Hoster Tully, Jon Arryn Tywin Lannister in a civil war known as the War of the Usurper after the decadent, cruel. Erratic reign of Aerys II Targaryen whom everyone called the Mad King, who along with his Rhaegar were the ones who started the war, Rhaegar for kidnapping the fiancé of Robert Baratheon who was also Eddard's sister, also, the mad king brutally murdered the father and the older brother of the latter out of sheer cruelty to the former by burning him alive and his son strangled while trying to save his father.


Jon realized that for the ladies of House Targaryen and Lady Ashara, it was harrowing to talk about the rebellion because they lost everything in it. Still, they could not ignore the role that their own family played in the uprising, but the most affected was Daenerys as she was confirming what everyone said about her father, that he was utterly insane and that his madness and cruelty caused many unnecessary deaths. Still, when they came to the brutal looting of King's Landing by Tywin Lannister (who decided intervene in the war only when there was already a clear victor) and describe the cruelty of his men, Jon realized that the faces of both elves became a cold mask and Glorfindel clenched the hilt of his sword with force.


Then Princess Rhaenys recounted how Ser Amory Lorch and Gregor Clegane brutally murdered the girl and the baby that were used as decoys for her and her brother before Clegane raped Rhaenys' mother, Princess Elia, and then smashed her skull; both elves were clearly horrified by such actions, not since the wars against Morgoth or the Orcs they had heard such savagery.


-Death for men is not the same as for elves, so we cannot be sure how they will be judged when they die, but I do not know to worry, my ladies. From my own experience, I know that the justice of the Valar will reach us all sooner or later; I know that Tywin Lannister and his vile servants will be no exception.- Glorfindel said, regaining his composure.


-Yes, Lord Ulmo has already told us what the justice of the Valar in charge of Mandos or Namo is like since that is his real name; I am sure that justice will reach Tywin Lannister and all his work sooner or later, just like to my husband.. wherever he is now" Queen Rhaella said with a sad smile.


-After our family was expelled from Westeros, we spent almost twenty years in exile in Essos, gathering resources and preparing to recover what belongs to us, while the usurper Robert Baratheon sat on the throne of our family until, according to sources, he killed himself hunting a wild boar while he was drunk ... I don't know whether to laugh at such a ridiculous death or cry in a rage because we cannot take revenge on him for having killed our father, Prince Rhaegar Targaryen. - Princess Rhaenys said.


Neither Círdan nor Glorfindel said a word, and from their expression, it was impossible to know what they were thinking; they just listened quietly to everything waiting for their guests to finish their story.


At that time, Robar took command of the conversation and told them about how the war that would become known as the War of the 5 Kings began, with the kidnapping of one of Tywin Lannister's children by Eddard's wife "Ned "Stark, Catelyn and how this triggered a fight between both houses and then the death of Eddard Stark when he discovered that the king's children were not really his, but rather bastards born from the relationship of Queen Cersei Lannister with his brother twin Jaime Lannister, upon learning of Ned Stark's death, Rhaenys gave a laugh that without imagining it provoked Jon's ire.


Jon knew he was in trouble because neither Queen Rhaella nor Princesses Daenerys and Rhaenys knew that he was Ned Stark's son; they only knew he was a bastard from the North, he had told Arianne after their first night together, and To her joy, she did not care, but she did not know how the others would react if they knew that he was the son of one of the leaders of the rebellion. However, knowing Princess Rhaenys, she will try to kill him while he sleeps or at that very moment probably.


However, if she continues to mock his father's death, Jon will remind her why you do not enrage a wild fucking wolf.


Meanwhile, Robar continued with the story, as the North and the Iron Islands decided to become independent and as the king's brothers disputed the throne for themselves even though the youngest, Renly, had no right to it.


Finally, Loras told them how Renly married his sister Margaery and enlisted the support of his house, House Tyrell, and how he, Jon, and Robar were part of his personal guard, but the honor was short-lived when Renly died from the sorcery of his brother.


A flash of reproach appeared on the elves' faces as they remembered the actions of Fëanor and his sons in the First Age.


Like Jon, Loras and Robar became outlaws fleeing from the Lannister and Stannis Baratheon, who increased his strength because when Renly died, his standard-bearers went over to him none of the three wanted to serve him or the Lannisters.


Then Jon told them about how he planned to meet his brother Robb and help him in his war. Still, he had a dream of Manwë, and how this suited him and his friends to sail west in search of Middle-earth and meet with the "Faithful "Explaining to Jon that they had to take Arianne and Daenerys with them, so they had to rescue them first from Arianne's father who wanted to marry her to Viserys, Daenerys's brother, and Daenerys herself from a marriage imposed by her brother. Lady Ashara, Shiera, Queen Rhaella, and Princess Rhaenys were found on the way.


"On the way? You bastards forced me to come with you!" The Princess replied indignantly for the amusement of all.


"And that is all our history, Lord Círdan. We sailed along the path traced by the star of Earendil and reached an island where we could refuel after our food almost exhausted; there, Lord Ulmo appeared before us and told us all about the origin of this world, the Great Music of the Ainur, the Ages of the Lamps, The Ages of the Trees, the Awakening of the Elves and the binding of Morgoth, then the darkening of Valinor and the events of the First Age of the Sun including the Awakening of Men and the War of Wrath. He bid us farewell and stressed that we should find Elendil "The High" and give him the message that the "Faithful will be rewarded," Jon said, remembering his encounter with Ulmo.


"Of all the Valar Ulmo is the only one who has cared for elves and men alike from the beginning, if he and the High King asked you to find us ... A great young destiny must be in store for you," Círdan said with admiration.


"I don't understand what they want from me. .. Or us, "Jon continued.


"You will know in due course. Did Lord Ulmo tell you anything else, Jon?" Círdan asked.


"He told me that he will find you and that my friends and I will learn the languages of the elves, as well as everything we can from Middle-earth before looking for Elendil ... And he gave me some gifts."


"'Gifts?" Glorfindel asked.


It was there that Jon, Loras, and Robar took out the gifts from Ulmo.


"This is Tuor's axe," Glorfindel said, surprised as he believed he would never see that axe again.


"Do you know him? Loras asked.


"Yes, I taught Tuor to use it when he lived in Gondolin. We trained together, and we fought together; I would recognize this axe wherever it was," Glorfindel said, crying fondly.


"If you know Tuor, that means you lived in Gondolin," Loras said without believing it.


"That's right, I was the lord of the House of the Golden Flower, one of the noble houses of Gondolin," Glorfindel said proudly.


Everyone was left speechless, knowing part of Glorfindel's past and knowing that he has lived since the First Age.


"And here is Narya ..." Círdan said as he suddenly laid eyes on Jon's sword.


"It cannot be," Glorfindel said.


At that moment, Jon drew the sword and seeing its faint blue glow, their eyes filled with tears as they saw Fingolfin's blade for the first time in thousands of years.


"Oh, if my eyes deceive me ... It's Ringil," Glorfindel said.


"I never expected to see this sword again ... May I?" Círdan said excitedly, and Jon nodded, the ancient elf wielding the sword in admiration.


"This sword is the most famous among our people and the mightiest among our kindred it was forged in the smithies of Aulë in ages past, and until now no mortal hand had wielded it ... It is the only weapon that managed to wound the Dark Lord Morgoth not once, but eight times, the last one cut his foot, leaving him lame, since none of the wounds inflicted by Ringil completely healed "


As soon as he said this, the eyes of all Westerosi widened in surprise since they had never imagined that the sword was so famous.


" I didn't ... know," Jon said, unable to speak of the shock.


Without letting go of the sword Círdan, he went in search of one of his books, and when he found it, he opened it on a sheet, in it there was an old drawing of someone wielding a mighty sword that he understood to be Ringil against a vast black figure that was swinging a colossal war hammer.


"Morgoth ..." Jon said when he saw the black figure.


-Yes, and the other is Fingolfin who fought bravely but, in the end, ... It was not enough, those days were very dark, the shadow of Morgoth stretched all over Beleriand, and the Eldar tried to repel it ... Without success, it was After the fourth Battle of Beleriand where the Noldor were beginning to lose ground, Fingolfin challenged Morgoth to single combat outside the gates of Angband but did so in such an insulting way that had Morgoth not come he would have seemed weak in front of his captains. So Morgoth marched forth to meet the high king, and though Fingolfin was mighty he was crushed by the great hammer Grond ... though the dark lord was victorious Fingolfin severely wounded him, he did not die because the children of Ilúvatar's cannot be slain, but the rest of his existence was diminished" Círdan said, closing the book.


For a few moments, no Westeros said anything until Círdan returned the sword to Jon.


"May it serve you well Jon, you will never use a better sword again, as this is Aulë 's own creation."


"But I can't accept it; it's too much ..." Jon stuttered


"Jon, if Lord Ulmo thought to give you such a weapon, it is because he considers you to be worthy, do not belittle yourself," Círdan said reproachfully, and Jon nodded and accepted the sword with thanks. In contrast, his friends nodded in recognition, and the ladies who were watching in silence, Arianne, Daenerys, and Ashara, were smiling, with the exception of Rhaenys, who had an indifferent look.


"And this horn?" Glorfindel's voice drew everyone out of the moment.


"It is Lord Ulmo's greatest gift if I blow this conch, I can summon him should I require counsel," Jon said, and it was such a surprise that both elves had that Círdan dropped the book to the ground and Glorfindel almost fell. Faints.


In front of them was a young man, a mortal who was granted the honor by one of the Valar to speak with him when necessary ... The ring and the sword showed that he was not normal and that the Valar had plans for him, but to speak with Manwë directly even in a dream and now speak with Ulmo when required, not even Tuor had that honor ... Who is this young man? -


With those words in mind, Círdan decided to take him under his wing from now on and teach him and his friends everything he needed to know.


"King Gil-Galad needs to know about this immediately, Lord Círdan, a conch that allows you to speak with Lord Ulmo ... I never imagined such a gift," Glorfindel said, looking at the conch in fascination.


"Yes, this is truly monumental," Círdan said as Glorfindel left the room after saying goodbye to everyone with a bow.


"Farewell, Jon Ulmondil. May we meet again," He said, and with one last look at the conch, he withdrew.


"Ulmondil?" Ashara asked.


"In the tongue of my kin it means Friend of Ulmo, Well, this has been an important day, but for now, it will be better to keep Ringil and the concha secret, to know of an artifact that can call a Valar to Middle-earth could bring a lot of commotion, "Círdan said calmly.


"We get it ... And what about the rest, will you teach us?" Jon asked.


"Of course, they will learn everything they can learn here, especially shipbuilding and navigation since it is a tradition that everyone who lives here learns such a trade; in terms of languages and history, I will put the best tutors. that you have, when they learn that you were sent by the Valar, they will be eager for the privilege of teaching you."


"Thank you for everything, Lord Círdan. Jon said with a shy laugh."


"Don't worry, I only fulfill Ulmo's wishes, now if you don't mind, I have matters that require my attention, you can ask one of my servants to show you around the city or if you want you can eat something, welcome to the Middle-Earth?" Círdan said with kindness, and the Westerosi thanked him and began to leave the room, but before leaving, Jon could see the Sea and felt something curious; since he spoke with Ulmo, being near the Sea filled him with peace, as if he had found a new home, something curious because I had never thought a great deal about the ocean, but now I couldn't get it out of my head."


"Maybe my mother was born of iron or ... It's like the Elder King told me ... The Sea calls all the Faithful" After that, Jon left the room, leaving Círdan alone with his thoughts.


Once again big hand to great_red for his help

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