Chereads / Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 1529 - 20

Chapter 1529 - 20

Chapter Text


Jon and his party were approaching the shadow city that lies outside of Sunspear, the seat of House Martell, that bore the emblem of the Rhoynar sun pierced by the Martell's spear.




"So, it's a Dornishmen you need to meet, Jon?" Robar asked as they dismounted their horses and made their way towards Sunspear's main gate.




"I would say more likely a Dornish woman. The daughter of the Prince, I would guess," Jon replied, looking around. A hand holding the reins, and the other on Ghost's back. As they were walking, Jon could see, hear and also feel the judgmental looks of the people, and the murmurs of wonder and hatred they had toward Ghost, firstly because of his great size, and secondly, he was sure was because of the hatred that they may have against the Starks because Rhaegar had shamed princess Elia when he ran off with his Aunt Lyanna.




"What in the seven bloody Hells is that?" came the voice of a woman, and turning to the side, he saw a group of three, sitting under a tent of a merchant quay. The woman that spoke had close-set eyes and rat-brown hair, tied in a knot. She was wearing brown riding leathers that accentuated her long legs and a mottled sand silk cloak of red and gold. She also held a beautiful spear fashioned from Ashwood with a bronze head.




The one on her right was a woman slim and slender as a willow, with olive skin and high cheekbones; her straight black wore in a long braid, which pulls back from a widow's peak. Her eyes were dark, large, and lustrous, while her lips were red as wine and curved in a silken smile.




Instead, the third had golden hair and deep blue eyes, with dimpled cheeks. She was wearing a cream and green gown with long lace sleeves.




"So, Boy? Are you deaf?" she asked, spinning her spear, before




Clearing his throat and glancing at his friend, "He is a Direwolf from the North. My friend, my family."




"And does this friend had a name, Ser?" asked the golden-haired girl, looking at him with great curiosity.




"Yes," replied Jon chuckling, and caressing his companions soft mane. "This boy is named Ghost, and he can be very fearsome when it needs but at the same time gentle and playful."




"Ghost? A fitting name considering how he looks," she said, approaching him, but Ghost bared his fangs, and the girl immediately stopped.




"Why doesn't he growl?"




"Because he is mute," replied Jon, even though he was the only one to really hear him. "That's one of the reasons why I named him Ghost. But may I ask who you are?"




"The Sand Snakes," replied the girl with the angry look, and seeing his confusion, she added, "Never heard about the Sand Snakes of Dorne, boy?"




"He is a knight, Obara. I think it would be proper to address him as 'Ser,'" the slender one said, only to receive a glare and a harsh and sharp reply. "I will address him as I like, Nym."




"I heard about you but never had the pleasure of meeting such a fair maiden," he replied, breaking the tension between them. "However, my name is Jon Snow."




"The famous Jon Snow?" asked the golden-haired one, whom he didn't know the name of yet.




"I would say yes, but may I ask what your name is, my lady?" not really knowing how to address her.




"Tyene Sand, bastard of Prince Oberyn Martell."




"We all are his bastards," replied the girl called Nym, and approaching him, more, she asked this time, "What business brings you here, Ser Jon?" And he could feel the title and the name said like a mockery.




"Curiosity," replied Jon, resting his hand on the table, pondering if he should reveal his true intentions, but in the end, he said, "And of course, I was hoping for an audience with the Princess."




"Hmmm…" the slender woman started to round him for a moment before saying, "The Princess indisposeds at this moment; however, you've come at the right time."




"How so?"




"The Princess is held prisoner, and we would like your help to free her, and maybe escape to Essos."




"Why should we do that?" asked Loras, stepping forward, but he was quickly silenced by Robar, "Forgive my friend, my Lady, but what he meant is that we already have a lot of enemies. Why would wish to make an enemy out of Doran Martell?"




"Well, Ser…?"




"Robar. And he is Ser Loras."




"Well, Ser Robar, I suppose after Sunspear you will go to Essos to escape your enemies, so why not help us in freeing the Princess."




"We will," replied Jon, not wanting a fight with the Snakes, considering the Princess is part of his destiny. "But you need to find us a ship, and Ghost needs to be on it since I doubt he would pass unnoticed through the city's streets."




"For the ship, you will need to ride till Planky Town, which is a few miles away from here," replied Nym, but the other one, Obara, keeps glaring at him.




"Good," he nodded, before turning to Loras, saying, "Loras, you will take our horses and Ghost to this Planky Town. With the help of Lady Tyene, of course. Robar and I are going inside."




However, the Knight of Flower nodded, giving a glare to the other two girls as he left, while Jon and Robar, pulling up the hoods, followed the two women.




Days came and went, one after the other, so many that Arianne lost count of how long she had been imprisoned in the Spear Tower, and she felt she was going mad. After trying to escape countless times, her father had iron bars nailed to the window and small opening carved into the door through which meals could be given. This tower was a prison, a luxurious prison.



She found herself spending more and more time abed since nothing else she could do until she reached the point where she did not rise at all except to use her privy. The meals the servants brought grew cold, untouched. Arianne slept and woke and slept again and still felt too weary to rise. She prayed to the Mother for mercy and to the Warrior for courage, then slept some more. Fresh meals replaced the old ones, but she did not eat them either. Once, when she felt especially strong, she carried all the food to the window and flung it out into the yard, so it would not tempt her. The effort exhausted her, so afterward, she crawled back into bed and slept for half the day.




And in these long nights, she dreamed of him. Her knight. He was tall, handsome, with dark hair and purple eyes. She dreamed of him climbing this Tower ripping off the rails and freeing her from this cage. And other nights, she dreamed of him coming to this Tower to make love to her. She dreams of his cock licking her sensitive parts, his cock thrusting deep in her tight cunt, and fucking her roughly. But when she wakes up, every time she realizes it was only a dream.




The Sand Snakes couldn't visit her under pain of death, while her brother came from time to time to gloat.




As she was sitting on the chair and looking out the railing window, Arianne heard her door unlocking and saw Areo Hotha enter.




"The prince has called for you, little princess."




She nodded, and once out, Areo Hotah escorted her to the Prince's solar, it seems, and entering inside, she saw her father sitting at his table in front of a cyvasse board. "I see you look quite good, daughter, replied her father, as he moves a piece of the game. "Imprisonment suits you well."




But she didn't reply, crossing her arms, and glaring at him, while are Hotah was standing between them. What did the bearded priest think? That she will kill her father? She wasn't a kinslayer.




"I know you may think that I do this to punish you, but it's not true. I do it to protect you. A great future awaits you as Queen of the Seven Kingdoms."




"Don't say that you do this for me, father, because it's not true. You do this for yourself. Your lust for power clouds your judgment, and you do not see the people who you are hurting and making suffer."




"Since when is becoming the most powerful woman of the Seven Kingdoms suffering?" he asked, this time looking up at her, but she scoffed, ignoring his question. "Why did you summon me, father? Because if it's to tell me this, I would rather go back to the Tower."




"No. I summoned you here to ask a simple question. Will you try to oppose this alliance?"




"Of course, I will," she chuckled, approaching him, but Areo Hotah stepped between them. "So, if you had nothing else to say, I would like to go back to the Tower and spend my last days starving and in loneliness. At least death is better than a Mad King as a husband."




Her father chuckled and nodded to his captain, who led her back to the Spear Tower.



Dornish Tavern.


Jon was sitting at a table in one of the taverns of Sunspear, with a mug of Dornish wine and a good meal, that by now was already finished, waiting for the Sand's Snakes to come and inform him where to go from here. Before coming here, they had wandered the streets of Sunspear for a while, exploring it at best, for curiosity and at the worse search for the best way to flee.




And as he was waiting, Jon wondered what the Princess of Dorne looked like. He heard she was a quiet, beautiful woman, older than him, but a stunning woman. And some tales said that behind her beauty and charm, she was deadly as a viper, luring men to her nest and using her best weapons to achieve her goals. But upon learning of her imprisonment, he doubts the rumours were true.




"Do you really think we can trust them, Jon?" Robar asked, bringing him back from his thoughts.




"Well, I don't know. But I think we will find out soon," Jon replied, nodding towards the door where he saw a man dressed in a fine scarlet tunic embroidered with golden thread, he was looking straight at them, as he finished all the content of the cup, before cleaning his mouth.




In order not to arouse too much suspicion, Jon did not get up to greet him, but was the man, who sits in front of him, asked, "Are you, Jon Snow?"




"Yes, I am. Who are you?" Jon asked, filling their cups again, and the man took his cup and took a sip, releasing a moan of pleasure, "Dornish wine. The best in the world." Spinning the cup, he said, "I heard many tales about you, Snow. I've heard many tales about you, men sing about the bastard that won the tourney of the hand and fought the Great Mountain, defending a flower, though I must say that I'm surprised. I thought you were taller and bulkier."




"Sorry to disappoint you. Did the Sand snakes send you?"




"Yes," replied the man, placing the cup aside, and looking him in the eyes, said, "Tonight we are going to free her from the Tower of the Spear. The guards will chase her, fight her, and you will have to help her."




"I still don't understand why we should help you," intervened Robar, leaning forward, but Jon glancing at him, said, "Forgive my friend, but he is a skeptical man and doesn't really trust anyone. May I ask what your name is?"




"Oberyn Martell, brother of the prince," replied the man, before turning to Robar saying. "From your appearance, you hail from the Vale, a Royce, I would say, judging by the runes on your chest."




"Yes, Robar Royce."




"Well, Robar Royce, I know you are enemies of the Iron throne considering you sided with Renly Baratheon, and for sure you aren't one Stannis' men, and that means you want to leave Westeros. My niece needs to do that too, and the lands are quite perilous for a woman alone. And especially my dearest niece, my brother doesn't know what you and your friend look like. But I will pay you for your service as a sellsword considering that is what awaits you in those lands, the man said." Placing a little bag with coins on the table.




"We will do it, don't worry, and I promise she will be all right," replied Jon, wanting to prevent an argument between the two. Filing the cups again and waving for another, the Prince of Dorne asked, "How was it? Fighting the Mountain."




"Fucking difficult, but I managed to wound the beast, shattering his leg with the king's hammer," replied Jon, taking a sip from his cup and hearing the Red Viper of Dorne chuckle at that.




"Surely a sight to behold without a doubt. I would have liked to see the Mountain leave limping. However, I would like even more to see his head cut off from his body, and preferably these hand should wield the executioner sword."




After finishing the contents of the cup, Jon nodded and said, "Make sure to mark the ways towards the outside of the city because these alleys are labyrinthine.






Arianne was lying on the bed and looking up when she suddenly hears noises outside her door, shouting and the clash of steel. She got up, searching for something to defend herself, but when the door opened, she saw the Sand's Snake enter.




"What are you doing?" she asked, lowering the object in their hand and approaching them.




"What does it seem? We are freeing you," said Tyene, putting away a vial that was undoubtedly full of some kind of poison, and Obara placed her weapons on the bed.




"Quickly. We don't have much time," said Nymeria, placing some clothes on the bed that seems to be similar to the one her cousins were wearing. "Wear these. It will help you to escape the city watch."




Arianne immediately obeyed, slipping on the Dornish dress and cape of the same color before taking the spear that her uncle Oberyn gifted her when she started to train.




"Move your ass, Princess. We don't have time," came Obaras Voice, and Arianne immediately started to move, following her cousin. Outside she saw that guards were lying on the ground, dead or sleeping, and heard Nymeria say, "We hired the Wolf of the south and his companions to help you leave Dorne."




"Leave? Why should I leave?" asked Arianne as they exited the Spear tower and looking around to see if there were guards on the streets.




"Well, do you want to marry the Mad Targaryen?" asked Nymeria, starting to move fast through the narrow alleys that made this city a labyrinth and almost impossible to leave for those who don't know it.




Arianne shook her head, following her cousin, and at the same time wondering if this southern wolf that wanted to help her was the same one that fought the Mountain at the tourney of the hand.




They ran right and left through the alleys, fighting the city watch when encountered, until they split for the last part when they reached The Threefold Gate, but finding it closed. Panic overtook her as she heard men running towards her, and taking a position, she was ready to defend herself.




But then she heard the great door start to open and a hand grabbing her, before starting to run, followed by the city watch. Another man began to shoot arrows towards the enemy to cover their run, and then she heard the one that was holding her say, "I'm Jon snow, Princess Arianne, and I was hired to take you safely across the narrow Sea."








Riding at a fast pace, they reached Planky Town and immediately took the ship that awaited them for Essos.


And now Arianne was leaning on the borders of the ship, looking towards her homeland that was left behind. She will miss Sunspear, the Water Gardens, her cousins, and her uncle, who helped her escape, but since her father was adamant about this, she prefers losing her land than be forced to marry a Mad man.




"Is everything all right, Princess Arianne?" came the deep voice of the Southern Wolf, who stepped next to her.




"Yes. Just giving one last look to my homeland," she glanced down for a moment before adding, "You know, according to the law of Dorne, I should have been the one to rule these lands, but my father, in all his hunger for power decided otherwise, tying me to a madman and a cursed throne."




The boy didn't reply, and when she glanced at him, he looks into eyes as brown as aged oak deep and soulful, "What if I tell you that a greater destiny awaits you than ruling some barren land. What if I tell you that in your future lies the exploring of lands far beyond the great sea.?"




"I would call you a madman or a liar," she replied, that made him laugh, and she laughed with him for a while before asking, "Where are we heading?"




"To Pentos."




"Why?" she asked as her heart was beating fast. She knew who was in Pentos, and she really didn't want to see Viserys Targaryen.




"There is someone I need to meet in the palace of the Lord of the spices."




"Illyrio Mopatis?" she asked with a raised eyebrow, and the boy nodded. "If you are planning to meet Viserys Targaryen, I would ask you to drop me off in one of the cities on the route."



"No. I don't intend to meets this Viserys Targaryen that you mentioned," replied the boy, shaking his head, he stared at her and his eyes glittered as the breaking dawn. "I could care little for the beggar king no! I seek his sister a fair maiden of true steel and fiery heart."


"Daenerys Targaryen?" she asked, backing away from him as he approached her until she hit the wooden Wall of the quarter deck. Placing the hands on either side of her head, the boy looking her straight in the eyes and whispered, "Yes. Then once we save her from her mad brother, we sail to this new land."


Licking her lips, Arianne looked at him for a moment, loving how the moonlight was casting a shadow over his face. and his eyes glittered as the stars; Arianne chuckled before asking, "Why should I sail with someone that I barely know?"

"Because our destiny is sealed. Mine. Yours and Daenerys. We are destined to sail the great ocean and begin a new life far from here," he replied, meeting her proud gaze and Arianne reddened in the light the of the moon his eyes flashed and in them was a light like the light of stars.


He wished to speak further but she would have none of it, wrapping her arms around his neck, bringing him in a heated kiss, not believing herself that she was doing this, but knowing perfectly that it was what she wanted, what her body needs. She wanted him inside her, but she won't let him win this easily.


"If you wish to speak further, Jon Snow, let us retire to my cabin. I would rather we not have an audience for such a discussion," said Arianne; with that, she strolled towards the door that led below deck; she smiled, knowing the young Stark was gazing at her lustily, gods, what had gotten into her? She had teased several boys before, but she never thought to take them to bed, yet Jon truly set her heart aflutter, and she knew he felt the same for her.


Jon stood there watching as she disappeared below deck, his blood was aflame yet his heart ached, Margaery's betrayal was fresh in his mind and he feared giving his heart to another so soon, yet it seemed his brother is arms would be the voice of reason.



"You should follow her, Jon," came Robar's voice as he leaned against the edge of the wooden rail of the ship. "She is a fair maiden and a good woman, not as fickle as that Highgarden bitch you took up with."




"Truly, Brother?" said Jon glancing at him. "I fear that my heart is wounded from such hurts. Do you truly think I should run headlong into such peril again?"




"You are a good man Jon, far better than many I have met; furthermore, you saved my life without thought of your own safety. I shall not speak falsely, Arianne is a good woman, and I think you shall make one another happy in the days to come," chuckled Robar taking a draught of wine. 




Jon snorted and thanked Robar before going below deck, thinking about the young Knight's words should he seek out Arianne or retire to his cabin. Finally, after several moments he decided to go to her room. Why waste such an opportunity with a great beauty like her. But first, he must steal a jug of wine from the captain.



A few moments later…




After procuring a jug of Arbor gold, Jon headed to the cabin that was assigned to the Princess. According to the captain, it was the best cabin on the ship after his, of course, worthy of a princess.




Once at the door and ready to knock, Jon heard moans from the inside, so without hesitation, he tried the door to see if it was locked, and since it opened, he entered and gasped, stunned by what he was seeing. The Princess was lying on the bed with her legs parted, touching herself and moaning, which made his cock stir in his trousers.



Not knowing what to do how to react, Jon cleared his throat to make his presence known, Arianne looked up and smiled lustily at him.



"Well It seems the proud wolf has come at last" purred Arianne. "Come Jon let me show your passion of a Dornish maiden."



Jon put the jug to the floor and rushed straight to the Princess's parted legs, and lying on his stomach, he placed his lips on her dripping cunt without hesitation, making her gasp, and moan in pleasure.




He started feasting on her wet cunt, lapping at her folds greedily drinking all her nectar, all the while staring into her honey brown eyes as the Princess of Dorne howled in pleasure.




As the wolf was feasting on her cunt, Arianne felt so much pleasure that she was biting her lips till blood was drawn to prevent the screams. She has used her fingers to pleasure herself, but his tongue was magical, and she wondered where he learned this little trick.




He started to lick, suck, and bite at her pearl before thrusting two of his fingers inside, making her gasp and arch her back at the sudden intrusion since his fingers were bigger and longer than hers.




Arianne put the pillow on her face to silence the screams of pleasure that the wolf made her release, and she felt that her peak was near. Then she felt another finger being thrust inside, until she really couldn't resist, and came all over his mouth.




She laid there panting and trying to come down from the seven heavens where he took her. She felt him get up from the bed, and when she opened her eyes, she saw him quickly undress.




Arianne starts to run her eyes up and down his muscled body, drinking in his form, until her eyes widened at the sight of his long thick cock, which was standing proud and strong. Seeing his size, she didn't know if she could take him all, but she will try by all the seven.




As he starts to stroke himself, her wolf said, "I hope the princess of Dorne is enjoying the view and that what she is seeing isn't a disappointment."




Arianne smiled widely, shaking her head quickly and biting her thumb before crawling towards the edge of the bed on all fours. She wanted to do something that she heard men loved a great deal, and considering that he pleased her so much with his mouth, she should do the same.




No doubt realizing what she wanted to do, Jon snow approached the bed, positioning his cock a few inches away from her face, shaking it for a moment, and her mouth was watering at the sigh. Biting her lower lips, Arianne glanced up at him, seeing his eyes full of lust gazing at her with a smirk on his handsome face.




So, taking a breath, she placed her hand on his rigid member, hearing a gasp from him and starting to move her hand slowly. Her hand couldn't cover him completely, only the high part, and seeing the precum coming from the tip, Arianne leaned down and began licking it. It wasn't an unpleasant taste, a little salty, but it seems her body was eager to swallow more.




He lets out loud groans as she moved her hand on him, and her lips were touching the tip, not ready to take him in her mouth. However, because of her high speed of stroking, Jon brought his hand on her head, pushing it down, and Arianne instinctively opened her mouth, and strangely loving to have him inside. His cock was warm and soft and hard all at once against her tongue; she tries to relax her throat, hoping to take more of her lover's cock into her mouth.




"Arianne…" he moaned as his hand beginning to tangle in her dark tick and curly hair.




He was at her mercy by now, doing little more than grunting sharply as she tries to take more of him inside her mouth before coming up sputtering a little because he's far too big and she's far too inexperienced. She doesn't let it deter her, immediately taking him back in to do what seems more comfortable and drawing his head past her lips again.




She can hear him moaning her name, gripping her hair, and there's a heavy twitch at her tongue as he gets impossibly bigger. She closes her eyes, relaxing her mouth to take in as much as she's able, and then she felt him take hold of her hand and start to move his hips, thrusting his cock in her mouth deeper and deeper, making her gag for a moment, as she placed her hand on his thighs, and when squeezing, she was sure that her nails deepened in his flash.




Then all it comes, when he pushed on last time, holding her head down, and a wave of hot fluid started to shoot deep in her throat, and Arianne tried to swallow as quickly as possible, even though it was damn difficult.




"Arianne…" he groaned, starting to move out his cock; however, she took hold of the base and started to suck him till the last drop dribbled out, and he moaned, "I cannot take anymore."




She smirked, cleaning her mouth with the back of her hand and swallowing what remained of his seed, as he dropped next to her, sitting, and pathing; his cock now was semi-hard, and his breathing heavy.




"Gods…" "how…many…"




"You are the first," she said, knowing what he wanted to ask. "I hope I didn't disappoint you."




"Gods, no," he replied, turning towards her, before crushing his lips with hers and starting to kiss wildly, just like on the deck. His hand was on her jaw, but then slowly started to descend, first on her back-neck, then towards her ample breast, squeezing them, making her moan in his mouth.




"You are far too gifted, my dear Viper," he said, making her giggle, and deepening the kiss till her lips were swollen and bruised; she flipped them over, so she was on top, "I want to ride you."




He didn't reply, just laid there mind clouded by lust, a hand on her right breast and looking down in her eyes. "You are my first, but I want to be on top my first time. To take my time."




He nodded, lying on the back, And Arianne straddled him. Her huge breasts were swaying hypnotically, and she saw how lustfully he looked at them, which make her smirk. One day maybe she will let him fuck her tits, but Tonight she wants to ride him.




As he placed his hand on her hips, Arianne rose a bit on her knee before taking his rigid member in hand and start to stroke him over the wet lips of her pussy, before stopping at the entrance and slowly put in. Gods, only the tip was in, but she already felt full and stretched.




Glancing down at him, Arianne started to descend slowly, feeling how his thick cock was stretching her more and more, making her pussy burn because of the pain, even though it was bearable. The rumors she heard about having a man inside were different. Some said the pain was unbearable the first time. Others said it was pleasant if it was done correctly. She was likely to agree with the latter now. But then suddenly, Arianne stopped as she found more resistance.




Glancing down at Jon Snow, she saw him tensed, squeezing his eyes and teeth, as he rested his warm hand on her hips, and she wondered what was the matter. Wasn't he also enjoying this experience?




"Why are you tensed?" she asked, as she was stopped mid-way.




"It's because…. when done slowly…it's damn painful," he barely replied. "And…your cunt is smothering my cock."




"Oh," well, then maybe she should descend in one, swift thrust and be done with it. So, taking a long breath, Arianne did that. Forced herself down, releasing a long scream of pain, and she felt unintentional tears come down.




"Arianne…Are you all right?" she heard him ask, and she nodded, despite the pain she felt course through her core.




"It's body isn't used to have something so big inside."




She braces her palms against his chest, starting to rock back and forth, enjoying the way he moves inside her, touching the sensitive parts. She starts to increase the speed of the movement, running her hand through her hair and feeling him move his hand from her hips to her huge breast, squeezing them pinching her nipples.




"Jon…. mmmm….," she moaned, and before she knows it, Arianne was riding him wildly as if he was a Dornish sand steed. The tip of his cock was kissing her womb, and her breasts were jumping at the rhythm, but then suddenly he changes position, making her yelp, and Jon to increase the speed of his thrust.




Her come was near, as he was fucking her hard and fast, making her moan his name loudly. "Joooon…." And scratching his back, digging her nails in, until she reached her peak and come all over his cock.




On the other hand, Jon Snow was still thrusting in her wildly, Her ample breasts were swaying at every thrust, and she placed her hand on them to stop, but Jon pushed them away.




"I… …want…. ….to see them…"




And she smirked, closing her eyes, and feeling the second wave of pleasure coming, until he suddenly stopped, pulling out, starting to stroke himself quickly, before shooting a lot of seed on her belly, tits and some landed on her face.




After that, he dropped next to her breathless, as Arianne was panting and running her hand over where he spilled his seed. They didn't speak, only enjoying the silence; she felt drowsy, so she laid her head on his chest and let sleep take her.




She felt sore and yet satisfied, knowing this to be the best night of her life.






Near Myr...golden Company Camp…




Jon stood outside the Commander's tent, arms crossed in front of his chest, watching as Rhaenys trained with Aegon and other men at arms.




She was wielding a double axe, its haft wrapped in fine Essosi leather while the head was wrought to resemble snarling dragons the blades glittered in the sweltering sun, while her brother was using a bastard sword, of similar make it guard was shaped from a single piece of bronze and engraved with ancient runes. When they started training, Jon was against the use of real blades during the training, but the Princess said there was no fun in playing with blunt swords. When they claim Westeros, the fucking lions and stags will not use blunted blades.




"The young Targaryens are becoming rather skilled. Young Rhaenys' determination suggests she will be a great warrior queen in the near future," said Strickland, the Commander of the Golden Company, as he approaches him.




"Yes, it is true, but only if we can put them on the throne," replied Jon, hearing groans coming from the training yard and seeing Aegon with his ass on the ground. Laughing, the young Princess helped her brother get up and dust himself off before saying something to him in Valyrian, and Jon smiled as he went back inside the tent, followed by Strickland.




"Any news from Pentos, Ser Harry?" Jon asked, filling two goblets of wine and offering one to the Commander.




"The time to set sail for Westeros is coming up... The Khal is on his way to Pentos with part of his Khalassar to marry Daenerys Targaryen. The commanders of the Golden Company have all been invited to the wedding".




"Good. This is the perfect moment to invade Westeros," said Jon, looking at the map of the continent. The Lannisters are fighting on two fronts, and the crown is held by a mad king little more than a child. Aegon will take it without great difficulty."




"Jon?" Ser Harry called him. "Viserys Targaryen has invited us to the Khal's wedding."




"I have heard from Illyrio. We will go there with 50 men," he replied, looking towards Ser Harry, who leaned down on the table and, looking him in the eyes, said, "Are you going to take him with you?


"No. Aegon-"




But Jon couldn't finish as they heard the Princess's voice from the entrance of the tent stop him, saying, "Take him where?"




He saw her quite exhausted, full of sweat, her hair was still gathered in a ponytail, and he noticed that she was not accompanied by her brother, surely still out there licking his wounded pride.




"Have you finished battering your brother, Princess?" Jon asked, chuckling, and she nodded, placing the double axe down and approached the table. He, in the meantime, filled another goblet of wine this time for her. Surely, she will be very thirsty. Although he hated her Mother, Jon could have never left Rhaegar's children to the mercy of the rebels, and above all, abandoned them to a fate worse than death. He failed their father, but by the gods, he will not fail the children.




"Well, Jon? What's going on? Where do you want to take him?" she asked, taking a sip of wine.




"Your uncle Viserys has invited us to the Khal's wedding," replied Jon, and seeing the unpleasant face the Princess made. He was not a fool. He knew what young Rhaenys thought of her uncle, and especially of the marriage to the Khal. If it was up to her, the little Princess would have jumped on a horse and rode straight to Pentos to rescue her aunt from a cruel destiny like that and plant her axe in Viserys' skull.




Taking a sip of the sweet Myrish wine, Jon said, "We decided that only the Captains are going to Pentos, but you and Aegon will stay her with Ser Harry and-"




"No, no, no," she stopped him, raising her hand and shaking her head. "I'm coming with you."




The temperament of the dragon is clearly expressed on her face. Waking the dragon, some would say, and she did this when she didn't get what she wanted.




So, sighing, Jon passed a hand over his face, replying, "You can't go to a place as dangerous as that, Princess. Viserys know nothing about you or about Egg. If he finds out that you survived the Sack, that you are alive and powerful, he is going to kill you, and he is going to kill Aegon."




"Aegon can stay here, but I'm coming with you, Jon. There is no room for debate," replied the Princess, drinking all the content of the goblet, before crossing her arms and glaring at him in a defying way.


Jon glanced at Harry for a moment, who shrugged his shoulders as he did not know what to say, and releasing another sight, he murmured barely enough to be heard, 'Stubborn as her father.' Before looking at the young Targaryen, "All right, Princess. We are leaving tomorrow at first light with a ship from Myr and fifty men." Rhaenys smiled in victory before taking her axe and leaving the tent.




"Well, I really hope that he won't see his brother in her," Ser Harry said, drinking all the content of the goblet and leaving the tent too. That is what Jon hopped to, but he doubted that he will remember his brother's face. After all, he was just a small child, and above all, he had his father's madness.










Daenerys found herself on her knees in front of a great black stallion raised on his back legs, as around was ruling the chaos. Destruction of cities, crying of children and women, screams of victory, and a man emerging from the devastation with flowing hair, cooper skin, and a fierce sword.




Was he the Khal of Khal's, she wondered as he stopped in front of him and looking down at her, with deep black eyes that were striking fear in everyone? His body itself was intimidating, tall, and muscular. If her future husband looked like that, she hoped the gods would take her life because she didn't want to marry him.




"Do not worry, my child, because you will not marry that man," came the voice of a man that was noble and sonorous, like the clanging of soft bells. "This is not your destiny, Daenerys Stormborn. Your destiny lies in the west. You will join the wolf and the sun for the journey to the Middle earth."




Daenerys was still sitting on her knees, listening to the man's voice while around here everything stopped, and heard the man ask, "But now I ask you, my little child, what is it that you want and miss the most?"




"My mother," Daenerys replied immediately, and without hesitation. "She died birthing me, but I want to see her. Even if it is for a glimpse moment. I want to see her face."




"And you will, my little child," the men said, as everything around her started to disappear and she found herself shaking and called out, before everything went dark, she heard that same voice say, "Your lover is coming, and soon you will no longer be alone."




And Daenerys immediately woke up gasping, hearing a servant say, "Are you all right, my lady?"




She nodded, taking long breaths, wondering what had just happened. Who was that man, and why did he ask what she wanted and missed the most, considering that dreams never come true?




"My Lady. Your brother wants you to join him in the garden for the meal," the servant girl said, and Daenerys nodded, getting up to dress and get ready, wondering what her cruel brother wanted.




A few moments later…




With the hand intertwined in front of her belly and the head bowed, Daenerys entered the terrace overlooking the garden and heard her brother said, "You are late."




"I'm sorry," Daenerys replied, sitting down, and the servants filed her a plate.




"I have good news, sweet sister," Viserys said, taking a sip of wine. "The Khal is on his way to Pentos with 200 Dothraki." She glanced at him for a moment, seeing the manic grin plastered on his face as he keeps sipping wine. "And in addition to that, the Captains of the Golden Company will be attending the wedding, which means that they agreed to pledge their loyalty to me."




Daenerys didn't reply, minding her business and instead of thinking about what the voice said. Your shadow lover is coming. But it is really true. Is her white wolf coming to rescue her from a cruel brother?




Before the conversation could continue, they got interrupted by one of the guards, "Forgive me for interrupting you, magister, but a woman has arrived, claiming to be the mother of his grace and the princess."




And Daenerys immediately get up, turning towards the entrance, seeing a beautiful woman, with long silver-blond hair and lilac eyes, entered breathless and wide-eyed.




"Daenerys," the woman said her name with tears in her eyes and opening her arms.