Chereads / Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 1428 - 16

Chapter 1428 - 16


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Izuku walked in for homeroom, and a surprised class stared back at him.

"Atlas-sensei?" Uraraka asked, tentatively. "Why is there a little girl playing with your hair? And...where's Aizawa-sensei?"

Izuku smiled, patting Eri's leg. The girl didn't stir from his spot on his shoulders, completely focused on her task. She wasn't doing a very good job(he could feel his long white hair twisting into unruly strands)but she was having fun. Maybe he'd ask Aurora to teach her.

"This is my daughter, Eri. She's eleven." Izuku said. Eri looked up when she heard her name, meeting twenty pairs of eyes, before flustering under the amount of attention. "Today is...a little different, so you'll be in Heroics for the entire day."

"She's the cutest thing I've ever seen." Ashido declared immediately. Hagakure nodded her entire body in agreement.

Eri waved shyly at the students, and Ashido squealed.

"What will we be doing, Atlas-sensei?" Yaoyorozu asked, unable to resist waving back at the girl.

"We'll be going on a field trip to the USJ for Rescue training. This isn't necessary, so you can opt-out if you really want to, but it's a valuable experience." When no one spoke up, Izuku continued. "We'll leave in about ten minutes, so suit up in your hero costumes."

A few students had taken his costume suggestions, Izuku noticed. Aoyama's red cape was gone from his shining armor. The boy had been reluctant but gave in after Izuku convinced him that it wouldn't be very stylish to get pulled by it. Uraraka switched out her heels, and her new shoes could absorb her landings even better.

Eraserhead met them at the buses, his eyes scanning over their students as he counted them over. Izuku raised an eyebrow.

"Did you think I lost one of them?" Izuku asked.

Eraserhead muttered something about "not underestimating the hellspawn" before climbing into the bus. Iida tried to organize the class seating before Yaoyorozu, the new class president, pointed out that they didn't need to.

Eraserhead was already bundled into his yellow sleeping bag like a caterpillar when they filled in. Izuku took a seat near the front with Eri, conversations starting up behind him as the bus started moving.

"Akari, I've been told that I'm very direct at times. Can I ask you something?" Asui started.

Akari smiled at the frog-like girl. "I've noticed that, Tsu."

"Your magic is really advanced, far more than from anything I've seen heroes use so far. Where did you drift to learn that much?"

Several students seemed to lean in, interested in learning about their strongest classmate. Even Katsuki had stilled at the question.

Akari shrugged. "It was a pretty normal world. My school taught us magic. My mom's even better than I am at it, and she taught me almost everything I know about my light magic."

"What about the thing with the different colors?" Sero asked from the back. "I saw you fight during the entrance exam with them, but since then your magic's just been a pure white."

Akari used Prism, splitting a small white ball into her lights. "I call it Prism, sort of a trump card." Akari grinned, a little bit of challenge in her eyes. "None of you have made me use it yet, though."

"I'll take you on any day, Flashlight!" Katsuki barked.

"That's so manly, Midoriya," Kirishima said. He glanced down at his hardened arm. "I wish my quirk was that flashy, but it's kinda...boring."

"Your quirk definitely isn't boring, Kirishima." Izuku cut in. "That kind of defensive ability is incredibly useful in a fight and is also perfect for protecting people. Not to mention that you look pretty cool when your quirk is fully activated."

Kirishima's face was almost as red as his hair. "Thanks, Atlas-sensei."

"What about me, Atlas-sensei?" A student chimed in.

"Or me-"

"Hello, everyone!" Thirteen greeted them, her full spacesuit on. "Welcome to the USJ; otherwise known as the Unforeseen Simulation Joint."

Uraraka's eyes were wide. "Oh my god, it's Thirteen. This is the best day of my life-" Eraserhead rolled his eyes as several others had similar reactions to the Rescue Hero.

Thirteen launched into a great speech about how dangerous their abilities could be. Eri, still on his shoulders, was hanging on her every word.

Instead of listening, though, Izuku's attention was focused on something else.

Some kind of strange energy was forming below, at the central plaza. Not magic, so it had to be a quirk of some kind. Eraserhead picked up on his alertness and turned-

Then the energy condensed into a mass of darkness. Pitch black with dark purple edges, extending wide as a group walked through.

The first figure was a normal-looking man with a pleasant smile, a fashionable suit fitting his form. His hair was pure white, just like Izuku's.

The second was...less normal, a younger man covered in severed hands trailing after the first figure like a child would a parent.

A third wasn't the slightest bit normal. A giant hulking creature with black skin that had red scars running through it. The monster(because what else could it be?) had a beak and its brain was exposed.

A small army of humans followed, filled with confidence and cocky smirks. The last one through was a cloud of darkness in a suit, obviously the one who made the portal that closed behind him.

An attack, then. He squeezed Eri's leg in reassurance, before placing her in Ashido's arms. Izuku smiled at them before walking up to Eraserhead's side.

"What's going on? Is this an exercise?" Kirishima asked, a bit of fear in his voice.

"This isn't an exercise. Those are villains." Eraserhead stated. All traces of exhaustion had vanished, sleepiness fading to reveal a veteran hero as he barked out orders. "Kaminari, use your gear to try to get a signal through. Koda, are there any birds around?"

"It's not working, everything's jammed!" Kaminari responded. Koda shook his head.

"Then we'll have to get Iida out, he's the fastest runner-"

Eraserhead cut off as the villains approached, getting into earshot.

The white-haired man spoke, as smooth as silk. "Hello, U.A. We're the League of Villains. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Who are you, and why are you here?" Eraserhead demanded, his scarf unraveled.

The villain merely tilted his head at the hostile tone. "Asking for someone's name without introducing yourself is rude, Eraserhead." He chuckled as the underground hero continued to glare at him. "My name is All for One."

That was...pretentious, but it somehow suited the man.

"Why did you come here, All for One?" Izuku asked.

He was looking forward to this class, too! Oh well, at least he'd get an interesting fight out of it. Maybe his class would learn someth-"

"Atlas, right? I'm here for One for All. If you could hand it over, that would be wonderful."

Izuku blinked. One for All? Like the opposite of his name? "What's that?"

"Don't play dumb with-" All for One's eyes narrowed, searching for something. They were a deep crimson, like blood. His hand twitched, and Izuku could feel mana crackle with the movement. Enhancement magic, just like-

"You think I'm All Might." Izuku realized. "Yeah, I don't have that blessing. And even if I did, I definitely wouldn't give it to you." Eraserhead tensed next to him, clearly confused but listening intently.

All for One paused, considering. "Hm. So you're not the successor, then. Assuming that you were, or even that the big oaf had one, was a bit of a leap."

"I don't have the ability you want. There isn't a reason for you to be here anymore. Leave ." A bit of anger flowed into the last word, making several villains flinch.

Izuku loved fighting. But attacking him along with his family, his students?


All for One hadn't moved, but now his full attention was on him, calculating. "You don't have One for All. But you're not a normal hero at all, you're something different. Something stronger. As for your request, we won't be leaving just yet. We still have a second goal to fulfill."

"The death of every student behind you, there." All for One stated calmly. The pleasant smile didn't change but now just felt...cold. "Tomura, take the party and boss and kill all of them. I'll have a nice chat with this one."

Hand-Man reacted to the name, and the army, monster, and suited darkness followed him as he marched towards the class.

Eraserhead's voice was completely steady, calming down the terrified students. "Gather together and don't move until I tell you too. Thirteen, be ready to use your quirk."

Thirteen didn't seem to have much combat experience, but they were a hero for a reason and could hopefully defend the students. Eraserhead was incredibly skilled for a human, and Izuku didn't doubt that he could take on the weak-looking army of villains easily. The newly named Tomura and portal villain were more of a threat though. And that monster...

From what Izuku could tell, that thing was as strong as All Might. He had no idea how they had a monster following commands, but it would snap his co-workers like toothpicks. Izuku would have liked to defeat that thing himself before wiping out the rest, but he couldn't risk taking his eyes off All for One.

He'd have to rely on Akari to kill it, and that made him grit his teeth.

All for One raised an eyebrow, surprised when Izuku didn't move. "You're not going to help them with that?"

So the best thing to do would be to deal with this man as fast as possible, who had the nerve to try to kill his class.

"That's some confidence, hero-"

Izuku stepped behind him.

All for One reacted in an instant, whirling around as a green barrier formed between them-

-that Izuku's fist shattered, continuing to slam into the irritating man's face. All for One's body tumbled against the ground, and Izuku dashed in to follow up with a kick.

Suddenly, something welled up from his enemy and Izuku leaped back just in time, spikes erupting from the man's chest. The metal retracted into his body, a centimeter away from impaling Izuku, red energy crackling along their edges.

"That one's called Spike Body." All for One explained proudly, like he was showing off a new phone. As he spoke, his jaw lit green as it mended itself...some kind of healing.

Izuku recognized that energy; a quirk, but nothing like he'd ever seen before. It was confusing, so fragmented yet running through his body like mana. Now that Izuku looked closer, it was like a set of parts. His face was the most emphasized in the array as the healing quirk worked.

"I thought people only got one quirk?" Izuku asked, confused. If each of those fragments of energy were a separate quirk, then this human was even stronger than All Might.

All for One laughed. "Usually, yes. I'm a bit of a...special case though." He raised his hand as a third quirk activated, and with a tunnel of wind shot forward like a miniature hurricane-

Only to do nothing, rolling off Izuku's body harmlessly like a gentle breeze as the air was tinted purple. Attacking Izuku with air was like splashing water on an island.

"Fascinating." All for One said. "Some kind of air quirk? Or was that mag-"

The reinforced air shifted.

"I don't really care for a chat right now." Izuku cut him off.

Four bladed chains pierced every one of All for One's limbs, looping back to wrap around the man like a mummy.

Lightning sparked, a bright yellow that ran along the chains to Izuku and made him wince. With a single tap of All for One's hands the purple bindings unraveled into nothing, and two bolts of lightning lanced towards the hero.

"Fair enough." All for One replied casually like his arms and legs hadn't just been stabbed.

Izuku's trusty staff spun, deflecting both attacks. He had no idea how the chains had been broken, but Izuku knew that All for One's regeneration had limits now. His legs were still bleeding, healing too slowly to let the man move, and his arms were in similar condition. Yet despite how much that must have hurt, All for One's face hadn't even twitched.

Izuku ducked under a burst of flame from the man's mouth. With no way to dodge, the man was vulnerable-

"Stance Two: Bash!"

-and the glowing staff slammed into All for One's stomach, throwing him across the plaza in an unwilling tour.

The man crashed into the ground near the Flood Zone, the impact wrecking the area below. Izuku leaped near the crater, seeing his enemy in an unconscious heap. The biggest threat dealt with.

Then All for One disassembled .

Like a glitch in a video game, his wounded limbs dissolved before reforming completely healed, new limbs attaching to his body. It was strange to watch, like he was rewriting himself. Even his suit stitched itself as good as new.

All for One rose, completely unharmed, a slight smirk playing across his face.

"Overhaul. A ridiculously useful quirk, wasting away on some low-time yakuza." All for One said. "I suppose I have you to thank, for practically wrapping up the quirk in a gift for me."

"You can take quirks." Izuku realized.

What an amazing power. The potential it had was limitless...yet just like Overhaul, it ended up with a villain.

All for One smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. His fingertips lit up, red energy shooting out like streaks of light. "What gave it away?"

A shield of air blocked the projectiles, and Izuku's staff spun, stopping the lightning that followed. All for One was forced to duck as a chain sliced past his head, and disassembled a second one.

"The name," Izuku answered honestly. 'All for One' should have set off red flags in his head, really.

All for One's hands slapped the ground and it opened underneath Izuku in a gaping pit. The edges of the abyss were jagged, and Izuku caught himself on a purple platform as he fell before jumping up, the earth shutting beneath him like a giant jaw.

Two deep blue dragons shot out from All for One's back, zooming towards Izuku's airborne form. The hero twisted, easily shattering both with twin kicks.

Izuku landed, launching the air in a spiral that drilled towards his enemy. It was casually ripped apart as well, but the purple covering his view let Izuku land another blow to his face-

Izuku leaned back, a deadly hand just short of grabbing him-

"Stance One: Sweep!"

-and knocked All for One down, and the man was forced to fix his destroyed legs. Izuku leaped away, safe.

Izuku grimaced. Overhaul was way too overpowered. Not only could All for One heal his body completely, but he could also attack like he'd mastered Earth magic.

And with a single touch, it would be over.

Out of the corner of his eye, Eraserhead engaged the crowd of villains, knocking them out with practiced ease. Behind him were the students he was protecting, and Thirteen, who was glaring at 'Tomura' and the portal guy. They were too close, so Izuku couldn't just go all out on the terrain around them.

All for One, however, seemed to have zero issues with that, reforming it to his will as he attacked haphazardly with an array of different abilities. The man could be as unpredictable as he wanted; there was no way of knowing how he'd attack next. He even had magic; enhancement magic flowing through the mass of quirks like a booster. Unlike All Might, who enhanced his body with it(despite not knowing that magic existed, somehow), All for One enhanced his powers themself.

And All for One didn't have to worry about protecting kids. How annoying.

But was the man really completely unpredictable? Izuku wondered. All for One fought like a strategian, every quirk perfectly used in attacks and traps and combinations. He reacted faster than what should be possible for a human. It must be a mental quirk or several; meaning that Izuku was basically fighting a calculating robot instead of a person.

Mana flowed down Izuku's body into his feet, then through the ground towards the lake.

A well-oiled machine was still a machine.

Izuku found the pattern and rushed forward, his staff swinging down just like before. All for One reacted; finger-beams activated to fire, a green barrier formed to block the attack, regeneration surged in anticipation, hands reached to counter with Overhaul-

-and lightning sparked, to follow up.

The air froze around Izuku's staff as he let go of his weapon, a ridiculous move to block the red lasers All for One would never predict. The green barrier hovered uselessly with no staff to hit it, and lethal hands grabbed at nothing as Izuku gracefully sidestepped, grinning as the lightning erupted from All for One's form-

-before the tsunami washed over him, tinted purple as Izuku bent the water to his will.

All for One's eyes went wide, too late to stop that last quirk.

Kaminari Denki's quirk was Electricity, letting him discharge voltage from his body like a battery; zapping Kaminari did nothing but charge the boy up. Whatever All for One was using, though, Izuku could tell it was nothing like his student's.

The ill-timed electricity crackled, current zipping through the water and into the villain inside it.

Akari watched as Aizawa fought, his capture weapon wrapping up enemies and tossing them around. Quirks were erased with glaring red eyes, leaving confused villains completely open. He wielded the sword in his hands well, countering attacks and knocking out humans with the flat of the blade, and to top it off vicious kicks met anyone too close. This man was nothing like the unkempt, sleepy teacher she knew, and she almost didn't recognize him.

Pretty badass though.

She'd immediately gotten Iida out(the boy had argued, but a single glare had gotten those engines moving pretty fast) through the large hole now in the doors.

Thirteen was holding the black cloud guy back with careful use of her Black Hole. He had almost redirected Thirteen's quirk against her, but luckily the hero had dodged in time. Akari wasn't very helpful there; she couldn't tell where hitting him would actually do shit and her light magic would be aimed at her classmates.

Eraserhead had given some of them permission to use their quirks on the army of villains. They were really weak, and 1-A was mowing through them like grass. Akari kept an eye on her little sister, Ashido protecting her near the rear.

She'd have to thank her, after this.

Eraserhead was fighting defensively, instead of just carving straight through them, and Akari could see why. The guy covered in hands(terrible fashion choice, really) and the huge monster were waiting, watching the battle.

'Tomura', as the boss guy had called him, was a much bigger threat than the cannon fodder in front of them. He seemed thin but lean, and his hand was vigorously scratching his neck in agitation as the villains fell.

What worried Akari even more, though, was the bird thing. It was tall, and she could feel how powerful it was. It wasn't like any monster she'd ever heard of before; standing still and only reacting to Tomura's orders.

Minutes passed, the army of villains thinning. A few students were trying to help Thirteen, but Kurogiri(which reminded her of the cat. They even looked kinda similar!) was experienced, running circles around them even after Bakugou figured out his solid part.

She fired off a few stray shots at Tomura, but the monster moved in front of him, tanking the attacks easily. In the distance the ground shook; Dad no doubts beating the crap out of the leader.

"This battle's getting boring. Our summons are fucking pathetic and not getting anywhere." Tomura mused. "Oh well, Sensei will be happy if I finish early."

The scratching stopped.

"Nomu. Kill."

The giant bird thing moved -

It was like Akari's limbs were filled with lead.

The students and villains around her were in slow motion. Aizawa was punching a woman in the face, a rare blink stretching on forever, and one of Kurogiri's portals was slowly opening; an oval of collapsing darkness.

The Nomu, meanwhile, was jogging, bulky arms reaching out to crush her closed-eye teacher, so fast that none of the humans could even track it.

But Akari knew exactly what this was like. Trying to move at Dad's speed was like moving underwater, every movement a painfully slow process. It was as if he'd conquered time itself, and you could do nothing but watch as he drifted through it as easy as could be.

Nomu, well, was nowhere near as fast as he was.

She leaped, her arm lifting up, up as white mana concentrated into her hand. She wasn't moving fast enough-the Nomu was almost there, its palm way bigger than Aizawa's head-so she pushed herself to be faster, and now it was less dragging herself through the currents and more swimming -

In a single movement, Akari pushed her teacher out of the way and a completed white sword slashed up, cutting off the monster's arm.

The black limb fell to the ground, and everyone blinked as they both seemingly teleported.

"Midoriya, get back from that thing" Aizawa shouted.

His concern was admirable, but- "Aizawa, you stand zero chance here. Let me handle it."

Aizawa wasn't stupid, but she could see how much it hurt him to have a student fight the bigger threat as he turned, punching the next villain a little too hard.

"What's this?" Tomura said(How was he looking at her through the hand on his face?). "Someone brave enough to take on the Nomu. How interesting."

Like a bad horror movie, the stump on the monster's hand regrew until in seconds it had a fully functional arm once more. Tomura snickered.

"You don't stand a chance against a boss of this level, though."

"A boss level, huh?"

Akari grinned.

"That sounds pretty fun."

"Nom-" Tomura started.

She could do without the whole kill-order thing, thanks. Out of her non-sword hand, a whip of light struck fast, forcing the man to leap back. It clipped his face, slapping the hand off and it landed on the ground. She was just collecting severed limbs now...

Angry red eyes, pale skin, and chapped lips were revealed to the unfortunate world.

Akari winced. "On second thought, you can put that thing back on-"

"Father!" The weird guy shrieked. What. "You-you dare! Nomu, kill her!"

Akari launched her sword straight forward. As predicted, the Nomu dashed in a direct line for her, letting the blade pierce through its exposed brain.

Naturally, this made it pause for exactly one second before it started moving again. She was going to need to do a lot more than that.


Akari didn't even get to say her super cool name out loud before she was forced to roll under a strike that pulverized the ground. Her lights formed as she stood up, five lights forming into blades that whizzed around her enemy, scoring cuts as she dodged.

It was like playing tag, but not fun and very stressful. Purple formed into a large shield, weathering blows that she couldn't avoid. Each impact jolted her arms, and she gritted her teeth.

The Nomu grew back every wound she made. It just wouldn't die , even when its heart was gone.

Todoroki was trying to help, but the ice was barely an obstacle for the monster. Todoroki still wasn't using his fucking fire, something she'd yell about later(though he probably wasn't precise enough to cauterize the Nomu's wounds even if he did). Each time he stabbed it, though, he bought Akari valuable time.

Tomura laughed when she cut off the stupid bird's head for the tenth time. "That isn't going to work! The Nomu can regenerate as much as it wants! With its quirk combination, you don't stand a chance!"

Oh. Quirks. That made sense. She wasn't sure why her enemy was giving out information though, but she definitely wasn't going to complain.

Red and Orange formed into spears, stabbing through Nomu's arms while her other colors linked into chains, wrapping around its legs.

"Aizawa-sensei!" Akari yelled.

He turned, assessing the situation in an instant, and Erasure turned on the monster.

The stab wounds in its arms stopped healing and Akari immediately attacked in a whirlwind of rainbow blades in a desperate effort.

The Nomu fell to the ground without its limbs, head, or heart like the mess it was. Akari's blades flew back to her, hovering, and she drew a long breath with no monster chasing her.

The Nomu, finally, didn't get up.

"You cheaters ." Tomura seethed and sprinted towards Aizawa. The man whirled, capture scarf wrapping around the manchild-

-only for the scarf to disintegrate into nothing. Aizawa's eyes widened as he ducked under the lethal hands, aiming careful kicks to avoid becoming dust. Some of the remnants of the scarf fell as they fought, a bit blowing into Aizawa's eyes and he blinked-

-and a familiar crunch reached Akari's ears.

Of fucking course.

The Nomu stood, fully healed, ready to continue its previous order.

What was it going to take to kill that freakshow? Its regeneration kicked in after it was definitely dead, and Erasure would have taken care of any revival quirks. Meaning they'd have to completely eradicate the thing, and Akari wasn't strong enough to do that.

But she knew who could.

Izuku wrinkled his nose as the water flowed away to leave his ruined enemy. He'd been lucky to never smell burning flesh before; it really was rotten .

All for One broke himself and came back together whole once again, standing up, several quirk combinations already set. He hadn't even bothered to repair the suit this time.

"Atlas, was it? I thought you were a hero." All for One mused. "In my 200 years, I've never seen a proclaimed 'hero' that was this violent. Stabbing, lethal amounts of impact, electrification . Really, it's a wonder I missed a monster like you five years ago..."

Izuku rolled his eyes. "You're clearly still fine, so it's not like I've overestimated you. And why would I hold back on an enemy like this?

"...then again, you are Quirkless."

Izuku stilled. "What?"

All for One laughed. "You thought I didn't notice? I can't sense any quirk inside of you, despite the impressive amount of mana you have. But if you don't have One for All, how are you this strong?"

"I guess I'll just have to pull the truth from your dead body." All for One sighed. The villain was getting ready to kill Izuku, meaning he thought he had seen everything he had to offer.

For someone so smart, All for One really was an idiot.

Izuku activated Void, and his mana flowed into the air, stitching itself into space. He had no access to magic now-

The quirk combination All for One was about to use was offensive, enhancement magic flooding into quirks Izuku couldn't recognize. The rest of his quirks were affecting his eyes and brain- to keep up with Izuku's speed.

All for One smirked. "I know you're still holding back some of that strength. It's hard to tell, with how brutal you fight, but you have the same problem as that blonde oaf. We're still too close to the students, aren't we-"

Izuku charged .

The sound barrier broke as soon as he took a step, the ground starting to break behind him, air whistling past him so fast it stood still.

Walking like this made him feel like he had been running for days, but Izuku still pushed himself into a sprint. He gripped his staff harder, an anchoring weight in a silent world.

All for One was still moving, mental and reflex quirks stacking on top of each other to bring the human to incredible heights. The Quirk combination activated as Izuku approached.

Hundreds of swords formed into existence in front of him, hanging for an instant like a wall before the telekinesis kicked in with a red outline. They launched forward in a deadly maze of metal.

The weapons couldn't fly nearly fast enough to catch up though. Izuku weaved through them gracefully, his cloak protecting him from the few glancing blows as his staff spun, flicking away the last few blades aimed straight for his heart.

The magnetism was less expected, forcing Izuku to tightly grip his staff before he lost it and duck under the storm of blades returning like boomerangs. One scored a cut on his temple, a light prick that could have been much worse.

All for One's left hand broke off his body, his arm turning into a spring. Izuku's fist slammed the palm aside, All for One tried to activate Overhaul in triumph-

-only for nothing to happen. After all, how could he focus on a biological process when they were moving that fast?

All for One's mistake cost him, ten strikes slamming into his chest in a single breath. His other hand turned into a massive drill, and Izuku sidestepped to land a crushing kick that shattered it, rendering the arm useless.

Then every bit of All for One's energy focused into a single quirk.

Izuku was forced to stop moving as something pressed him down, the world returning to sound and perception. His feet dug into the ground like someone had put a huge weight on his back, yet he couldn't feel anything there.

All for One was breathing hard, finally able to activate Overhaul with visible relief. Yet Izuku couldn't move from whatever quirk had been used on him, his tired muscles aching further-

Ah. The bastard turned up the fucking gravity. That quirk didn't even make sense!

"Like that, hero?" All for One mocked, clearly glad that they had slowed down from supersonic speeds. "Even someone that powerful can't handle that much gravity for very long. Your insides are going to collapse as you're crushed-

Izuku stood up fully, and All for One was finally struck speechless.

Izuku rolled back his sore shoulders.

"Finally, you shut up."

That was nothing compared to the weight of the sky.

Void deactivated, mana rushing back to the strongest hero. Before the villain could move a huge purple fist uppercut him into the clouds, and All for One soared high above the Unforeseen Simulation Joint.

Far, far away from Izuku's students. The ones this man was trying to kill.

"Stance Nine: Onslaught."

In the air, there was nothing All for One could do to defend himself from the vicious combo. Purple platforms let Izuku strike past him again and again like an angry ping pong ball as his trusty staff hit thousands of times, pushing Overhaul's instant recovery to its limits-

A familiar flash of mana lit up near the gate. Huh, so his daughter had a plan.

Who was Izuku to object?

Izuku's next strike sent All for One hurtling towards the ground like a meteor, hitting the ground with a mighty crash near where they had started.

The man slowly pushed himself to his feet, swaying. The businessman mask was completely gone now, Overhaul and Regeneration struggling to repair his broken body as he glared, burning with anger.

All for One raised his arm for a final attack, quirks surging-

-before cutting off completely, like a dead car. The villain looked at his hand, confused before a giant form landed on his head and knocked him to the ground.

The Nomu lay sprawled on top of All for One's totally ruined suit as they laid in a pile of limbs, and All for One's face finally twisted into fear as he realized a certain underground teacher just rendered them both powerless.

"Dad, now!"

Izuku's remaining mana flooded into his staff, glowing so bright that the purple lit up his eyes. He pulled the weapon back so that it was parallel to the ground, lined up directly with his targets.

"Stance Three..."

Izuku stabbed forward, every single bit of his force focused into the small base of the reinforced staff in a single lethal thrust-


The air shattered around the staff in a horizontal tornado of power as everything hundreds of meters in front of him was erased .

The ground wasn't spared, the eviscerated earth was left in a giant trench, extending out in a straight line. There wasn't a single trace of All for One or the Nomu.

Students and villains alike stared at the destruction brought with one move with a mix of awe and absolute terror. Even Tomura was frozen in shock, letting Eraserhead knock him out.

Izuku's trusty staff slid onto his back as the strongest hero turned to face the remaining villains.

"So, who wants to surrender?"


Finally, USJ!

All for One should be a lot stronger than he is in canon(man's got hundreds of quirks and he spams Air Cannon?) so I did my best to show that here. Izuku still beats the fuck out of him though, heh.
