Chereads / Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 1419 - 7

Chapter 1419 - 7

They gave Izuku a fitting snow white cloak after he came back from the Arena, adorned in runic designs. Aurora said he looked great, so Izuku was keeping it forever.

Heaven had been very impressed when Izuku whacked someone with a stick, recognizing him as the future Prince. The palace sent a royal escort to take him and Aurora to the teleportation point, keeping the curious crowd away. 

Izuku wondered if he would ever get used to that many people existing, much less being around him. From what he read, Earth had billions of people before they vanished. 

He couldn't even begin to imagine that. Izuku heavily thanked the guards before he left. 

The first thing Izuku did when they got back was take a nap, passing out on his bed in an instant. He woke up to sunlight shining through his window, feeling more well rested than he had in decades.

Aurora was lost in a book when he came downstairs, eyes scanning the pages at a rapid pace. Izuku knew how absorbed she was, knowing not to interrupt her yet. 

Izuku was surprised to see a stranger opposite her on the couch, but if Aurora trusted him he must be safe. He had bright red hair and intelligent blue eyes, framed by glasses. He was dressed light, and Izuku could see the hilt of a sword on his side. The man greeted him with a warm smile when he noticed him coming, petting Kuro absentmindedly as the cat laid next to him. 

"Hello. You must be Izuku, Aurora's fianc é ." 

"You must be Kensei, Sekhmet's husband." Izuku returned.

Kensei let out a small chuckle. "I am. She's mentioned me?"

"Sometimes. Doesn't talk about herself much."

"I've heard a lot about you though. Your fight was brilliant. Almost no one realizes Agni's major weakness, and your magic was fascinating to watch."

Izuku felt himself grin under the earnest praise. "Thanks. You know Agni?" 

"Former student. Very arrogant, but driven." 

"You're a teacher?" Izuku asked. It wasn't too surprising, considering how friendly the man was.

Kensei nodded. "Me and Sekhmet sometimes take on students."

"I thought Sekhmet rarely took apprentices?"

"Yeah. I have taught classes, but my wife usually takes on one serious apprentice at a time."

Kensei looked down at Kuro, hand still gracefully stroking black fur. "I also must thank for finding Nox."

Izuku blinked. "Who?"

Kensei's hand stopped moving. "My cat, Nox."

Izuku pointed at familiar black fur and yellow eyes. "That's Kuro."

"No, that's Nox."

"Are you sure?"

Kensei raised a red eyebrow. "I'm pretty sure I would know my own cat. I've had him for centuries."

"I found Kuro on Earth a decade ago-"

"-when he must have followed Sekhmet. Nox loves her, probably more than me actually...Anyway, Earth cats have a lifespan of like 15 years. If this isn't my blessed cat, then why hasn't he aged?"

Oh. That did make a lot of sense actually. 

"Wait, you gave a divine blessing to a cat?" Izuku blurted.

Kensei winced, looking a little sheepish. "It was kinda spur of the moment. I found out how long Earth cats lived."

From what Izuku had heard, divine blessings seemed very precious. Kensei must care a lot about Kuro.

"How about a bet over the cat?" Izuku asked.

"What's stopping me from just teleporting Nox out of here?"

Izuku met his eyes. "Your pride."

Kensei stared at him for a moment, then broke into a grin. "Right. What are your terms?"

"We stand apart a fair distance and place Kuro down in the center. If Kuro walks towards you, he's Nox. If he comes to us, he's Kuro."

Kensei looked intrigued at the wager. He had obviously known Kuro for far longer than Izuku. 

Kensei snapped his fingers, and everything shifted. Izuku was now facing Kensei, and Kuro appeared in a glint of blue light between them.

Izuku called Kuro softly, hands beckoning. Kensei did the same, and soon they were making strange cat noises in their effort to gain the cat's attention. 

Yellow eyes flicked between them, contemplating, as Kuro assessed them. The black tail whipped back and forth.

After a minute of tense consideration, Kuro's tail stopped moving. He turned, padding towards-

-Aurora. The cat reached her couch and leapt up, curling into her lap. Aurora absentmindedly stroked his fur with her free hand, still reading her book. Kuro let out a purr. 

Izuku and Kensei stared for a few moments.

Kensei sighed, accepting defeat. "You knew this would happen, didn't you."

"Yep." Izuku replied, smug.

"The cat stays one year on Earth, and one on Heaven?" Kensei offered.

Izuku tilted his head. "Only if you officiate our wedding." 


They shook hands, an oblivious Aurora between them.


The wedding was a small, special thing.

Izuku chose Dagobah Beach, and Aurora immediately agreed. The sunlight touched a small venue, a designated red path leading from the teleportation point to a large, decorated arch. Half of it was runic in design, the other half was snow white and emerald green. 

The single line of chairs bridged through the red path in the sand. He could see Sekhmet, stern face softened into something else, as well as a few gods he assumed to be Aurora's friends. 

Izuku stood next to Kensei under the arch in his black tuxedo, waiting. The fabric was soft, comforting with a green tie. He returned Sekhmet's wave, smiling at the wind gently rippling through his hair and the sand beneath his red shoes. 

Aurora and Amaterasu appeared in a brilliant flash of light, violet and royal purple swirling together. Particles drifted through the air, meeting the sand. It was the most dramatic warp Izuku had ever seen. The light faded, revealing the daughter and mother linked arm in arm. 

The audience swiveled in their chairs to see, he saw Kensei smile out of the corner of Izuku's eye, and Izuku-

Izuku stared 

Aurora was in a bright white gown, the sunlight reflecting off the dress and making her purple hair shimmer in a way that felt absolutely magical as it rested past her exposed shoulders. The train of the dress smoothly floated just above the sand as her mother led her down the makeshift aisle. Aurora saw him then, her eyes sparkling in excitement.

"Holy shit." Izuku breathed. 

Kensei coughed next to him, bringing him out of his trance. Izuku blinked, realizing that Aurora had already walked up to him. Her eyes were fond, lifting up to his. 

"Hi." Her cheeks were tinted red, showing she hadn't missed his reaction.

"Hi." Izuku said back. 

Kensei's speech washed over Izuku as he focused on the goddess in front of him. His green eyes were deep into her purple. The practiced vow flowed smoothly off his suddenly dry lips. Aurora said hers back, naturally poetic, and Izuku was moving.

His hand gently cupped the back of her neck, pulling her towards him as he pressed his lips against hers.

His hand slid to her back. Izuku's other arm curled around the dress as he dipped her down. Izuku felt Aurora smile against his mouth as she kissed him back hard. She tasted like sunlight, warm and soft and sweet. The audience cheered and shouted somewhere behind him but Izuku barely heard it, like he was deep underwater. 

He finally came up for air after a few moments, their grins matching. On impulse, his hand went under her legs and he lifted the princess off her feet into a princess carry. Izuku cut off Aurora's surprised shout with another blissful kiss. Izuku spun her in his arms with a wide grin, wind rushing through his hair and purple eyes still locked on green.


Their honeymoon was an extended trip through the wonderland that was Heaven. The divinity now in his veins let him teleport to designated points himself, as he had seen Aurora and Sekhmet do countless times. The ability was required to travel the vast realm.

Warping, as Izuku called it, would always be unique. Everything he was broke into purple particles, his body dissolving into light like he was becoming mana itself. Yet the whole thing didn't hurt at all. Instead Izuku felt free, almost pure before he reformed on the other side within seconds.

Heaven was so large that there were still vast stretches of nature untouched by civilization, despite the population. One of Izuku's favorite examples was the tundra Aurora showed him last year, a spot they used for training.

Miles and miles of winter were laid out around him, in entrancing hills of snow. Izuku's white cloak staved off the cold as he watched Aurora practice her magic, the light making the carpet of white glow violet.

Izuku hadn't let go of the idea of Aurora flying. It was such an amazing thing for him to imagine, cruising through the sky under your own power. Aurora's magic really was wonderful, the applications limitless. She hasn't found one yet, but there had to be a way.

The first thing she tried was propulsion. Beams of light from her hands and feet could launch her in any direction easily. But there wasn't much control, especially the higher she flew.

Aurora stood on a platform of light for the next attempt, levitating the construction higher and higher until Izuku had to shield his eyes against the sunlight. It seemed to be working, but once it started moving faster-

Aurora was thrown off and Izuku kicked off the snow, catching her in his arms as she fell. His scarf blowed past him in the frosty wind.

They went through a few more ideas before she tried something different. Aurora concentrated, gradually forming a large eagle out of her mana. Sharp eyes gazed down at her, the majestic bird almost twice her height. It bent down, letting her gracefully leap onto it's back, then shot off the ground with a powerful flap of its wings. She circled Izuku from above, arms lifting towards the sky. Aurora grinned.

After a few minutes though, it was clear a large living creature took too much mana to sustain. Aurora landed back next to him, out of breath, the violet eagle slowly dissolving.

Izuku insisted on a short break after that attempt, grabbing water from his bag and holding it towards her until she took it. Aurora rolled her eyes at his nursing, but couldn't hide a small smile.

"Goodbye Sam." Aurora said sadly, as the last of the violet eagle vanished.

"You named it Sam?" Izuku asked, amused.

Him " Aurora corrected.

"You named him 'Sam'?"

"He looked like a 'Sam'." 

"I guess? I thought you would name him something cool, like 'Windwalker' or something."

"That sounds lame. Your names aren't exactly the best, you know." Aurora teased.

Izuku held a hand on his heart, mock offended. "Slander. From my own beautiful wife."

"You named our black cat 'Black'". 

"Are you ever going to get over that? Kensei named him the same thing!"

Aurora laughed, a bright sound that made the icy hills feel several degrees warmer. "Nope. I'll hold it over you forever. When we have a child, you don't get to name it. You would probably name them a old human reference or something, and then our child would hate us forever...Izuku?"

Izuku just stared at her, frozen like the landscape around him.

Aurora stopped her ramble, going completely red. She covered her face with her hands.

There was a pause.

"Did you mean it?" Izuku asked quietly, emotion leaking into his voice.

"The naming thing? I mean if you really want to-"

"Aurora." Izuku cut her off, slowly pulling her hands away so he could see her eyes. Purple eyes met his.

"I want kids. I mean they're so adorable and everything but I know we only got married a few years ago and..." Aurora trailed off, carefully watching his reaction.

She hadn't been this nervous in centuries. This must be incredibly important to her. He already knew his answer

"Sure." Izuku said simply. "Why wouldn't I want our family to be bigger?"

Because that's what she was offering him. Not just Sekhmet and Amaterasu, who were technically related to him now, but their own actual family .

Aurora gave him a searing kiss in response, tackling him in a hug.

Izuku laughed at her excitement as she knocked him down on the frosty ground. 


They went back to training after calming down, his green scarf now checkered with snow. 

She tried something similar to the platform, forming small circles under her feet and mana surrounding her to stabilize. It was clumsy and unrefined, but it seemed to be progress.

"Aurora?" Izuku called after watching her glide around a while.

She floated down, surprisingly seeming relieved at doing so. "Yes?"

"Why don't you cover yourself in your mana completely? Wouldn't that be better?"

Aurora tilted her head. "I would have, but I can't layer it over myself accurately. Unless you have a mirror the closest I would get would be like armour, and it wouldn't fly well." She shrugged.

Izuku placed a hand under his chin in thought.

"I'll do it."

Divine marriage was special compared to humans. The process also connected mana, letting each god use the other's mana in close proximity. This was part of what made it the ultimate source of trust; a god's mana was part of them just like a limb.

Aurora's eyes widened at his words, and she searched his face. Izuku held firm, and she eventually nodded her assent. She trusted him.

Izuku gently held both of her hands in his, closing his eyes. He immediately saw his own mana, always stretching out to interact with other beings and objects, and pushed past it. Izuku focused on the second source of mana, bright and warm and safe, almost as familiar as his own. It washed over him for a moment, like a river of energy. Izuku imagined the complex light construct he needed, shaping it around his wife.

When he opened his eyes, Aurora wore a new purple cloak made entirely of mana. It slid over her body and her jacket like a second skin, covering her up to the neck. Aurora twirled smoothly, looking down at it amazed, then took a step back to test it.

The mana cloak glowed, and suddenly Aurora shot up into the air.

It was perfect, giving her complete omnidirectional movement. The cloak was durable and flexible, so she could fight in it too.

Aurora let out an excited shout as she flew loops in the air, leaving trails of purple light in her wake.

Izuku grinned up at his wife as he sat back on the snow.

He could watch her be purely happy for hours.


Kensei occasionally sparred against Izuku.

Practice against someone else with a weapon was useful, and his magic was a definite challenge to fight as well. Unlike Sekhmet though, in a fight Kensei talked.

lot . Maybe it was payback for the cat thing? Izuku tried to tune him out, but it was largely unsuccessful.

"Are you even trying?"

"I can't believe you're attacking me with a stick ."

"You missed."

"Are you okay? Took a hard hit there."

"You missed again." 

"Is your hair getting in your eyes? Maybe get a haircut, man."

"Yes, I'm teleporting. Why? That's no excu-"

Izuku suddenly broke off his swing, pivoting on his foot as he aimed right where Kensei was about to reappear, finally punching Kensei's annoying mouth and pushing him back across the sand.

Kensei paused for a moment of blissful silence, raising a hand to his annoying, uninjured face, before grinning in warm pride. "That was great! I wasn't expecting that feint, very clever of you." 

Now Izuku couldn't even be mad at him. The nerve .

He knew now why Agni had seemed so angry.

Contrary to his personality, Kensei was ridiculously powerful. He didn't use the sword at his waist, the sheer power Izuku could feel from it was terrifying, even sheathed. Instead, Kensei pulled out a wooden bokken out of a thin blue rift in the air. Despite seeming to be ordinary wood, it met Izuku's reinforced staff with ease, not showing a single hint of damage by the time they stopped to rest. Izuku glared at the weapon like it was responsible for all his problems.

Kensei's earlier taunts finally began to register in his post-combat mind.

"Wait, you're using a stick too!" Izuku blurted, indignant.

Kensei blinked slowly, then laughed. "Yeah, but I'm winning."

Izuku...couldn't really say anything to that.


Two gods sparred on the beach, sunlight shining through clear skies.

"It just doesn't make any sense." Izuku muttered, watching the fight in front of him. 

Kensei twirled the bokken in his hand, deflecting all the approaching balls of light. He cut one in half, and just before he got hit by a violet bolt of energy he suddenly shifted ten meters to the right. 

"Is this about the stick again?" Sekhmet asked, sitting next to him on the sand She didn't even look up, playing Tetris on her phone. 

Yes it's about the stick. Look at that thing, it's not even scratched!" Izuku exclaimed. Aurora slashed down with a giant axe of hardened light, and it was effortlessly blocked by wood before Kensei went to counter at blinding speed. Aurora's purple cloak appeared, flying her out of sword range.

Sekhmet rolled her eyes. "Why don't you just ask him? You've been on this for over a century." 

"But that would ruin the whole point! Plus, he would probably be like 'What? It's just a wooden bokken.'"

"What if it is just a wooden bokken?" 

"Then how is it so durable?" 

Sekhmet shrugged. "Maybe you're just weak."

"Why don't you break it then?"

"Too much effort." 

Izuku opened his mouth, then closed it.

An array of violet spears and swords blazed towards the swordsman, Aurora's frustration visible. Kensei parried a few then slashed the air in front of him with a powerful swing. Light blue outlined the cut, carving a small gap in the fabric of space that the remaining projectiles flew into. He closed the gap with a smirk. 

They watched Aurora and Kensei spar for a few minutes.

"What do divine blessings cost, anyway?" Izuku asked suddenly.

Sekhmet's finger paused for half a second before clearing another line. "What?"

"Amaterasu and Aurora treat it as something precious, yet Kensei hands one out to a cat he just met. The gods in Heaven don't seem to know much." Izuku turned to Sekhmet, and she finally looked up. "And you don't mention divine blessings at all."

The goddess put her phone into her jeans with a sigh. "I forget how curious you are sometimes."

"Like in a good way?" 

Sekhmet ignored him. "Divine blessings are pretty rare. It takes a lot of mana to even be able to do so, and the blesser loses some mana permanently. That's part of the reason why it's seen as a sign of trust, since you can't take something like that back."

Red eyes flicked back to the fight in front of them. "As for Nox, Kensei is very...impulsive."

Izuku laughed, and the corner of Sekhmet's mouth lifted.

"Have you ever given a divine blessing before?" 

Sekhmet didn't say anything for a moment, sharp features growing a tiny bit more rigid. 

"Once." She said quietly. "If I tell you, will you stop annoying me for now?"

Izuku nodded, abashed. Sekhmet leaned back into the sand.

"It happened centuries ago. Maybe...800ish years by now? Humanity was starting to manifest abilities, or 'quirks' as they called them. Emitter quirks are similar to magic really, but transformative and mutant quirks are unique."

Sekhmet glanced at Izuku, who was listening with rapt attention, before continuing. 

"People without these abilities, the 'Quirkless' majority, began to fear the Quirked. They were more powerful, different . It's in this time that two brothers were born. They had white hair, like you do."

Izuku's hand went to his head, surprised. 

"That was one of the only things the two brothers had in common though. The younger brother was kind and meek, yet had sparks of bravery. The older brother is more cunning, ambitious. The younger had seemingly no power at all, while his brother's ability let him have all the power he ever could want. The older brother was nice at first, collecting abilities from those too scared to hold them and giving them to those who craved uniqueness of their own. But then..."

"He wanted more." Izuku finished. 

Sekhmet nodded. "The older brother slowly conquered with overwhelming power paired with smarts. The younger tried to stop him, their relationship eventually crumbling, but was too weak, powerless. But he kept trying. I wasn't sure why this stood out to me so much, maybe I saw myself in him. So I helped as much as I was allowed."

Izuku's eyes widened. 

"I gave the younger brother a tiny bit of my enhancement magic. But to my surprise, it molded with the quirk he never knew he had into something completely new, a mix of quirk and magic. He could transfer all of the compound to someone new, keeping the remains of energy within himself. So that's what he did before the older brother killed him. And then they passed it off to someone before going off to die, and this cycle kept repeating."

Sekhmet sighed. "I don't know why this bothers me after so long. The users would be dead in like a century anyway if the compound was never made, and I've killed far more gods. But it does. So I don't know if I could ever bless someone again." 

This was probably the most he had ever heard her speak at one time.

"It's not your fault, you know. The younger brother would have fought and died without your blessing, and the other users wouldn't just ignore the threat." Izuku said softly. "If anything, you helped the younger brother by giving him the ability to do something."

Sekhmet didn't say anything for a moment, closing her eyes. Sunlight poked through her blonde hair.

"Thanks, Izuku."

Izuku turned his attention back to the fight in time to see it end, Aurora yielding to the bokken resting on her neck. She seemed happy despite her loss, talking to Kensei before he went to leave, walking to the teleportation point.

"Hey, Kensei! Wait!" Izuku shouted. 

"Yeah?" Kensei stopped, looking at him.

"Is your wooden bokken magical? Or is the wood on Heaven like, special or something? How did you make it so durable?"

Kensei stared at him in confusion.

"What? It's just a wooden bokken."


I had no idea how to write a wedding scene

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