Chereads / Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 1345 - 10

Chapter 1345 - 10

May be a controversial pairing in this chapter that may come up at times, it was in the past so it'll only be mentioned but will have an effect on characters' actions. I added it to the tags so you can look if you wish to know before hand.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Spiders. For nearly half her life Elia has hated spiders and even before that she had no love for the creepy creatures, so unlike her little brother who loved them. 

She inherited this dislike from her husband, who hated not the creatures but the man. Rhaegar did not hate easily and there were very few men he truly loathed but had he lived Elia figured the number would have been far greater. His hatred of the spymaster began nearly as soon as the eunuch started whispering in the king's ears. From Duskendale, Harrenhall, Aerys' attempt to abduct Lyanna, to rumors about the queen, Rhaegar hated every whisper the spider told.

The creature before her diligently and artistically weaving its web on the balcony's balustrade made her half tempted to flick it out of her sight. The action would not hurt Varys so it did little more than condemn an innocent young arachnid to an early death and that kind of action was best left to Tywin Lannister.

Because of the actions of those two men; here she was brooding like her husband would be, less than a day's ride from her brothers. She lived this torture for the past four and ten years, unable to contact her family in fear of discovery through the Spider's realm encompassing web. Oh, how she longed to tell them the truth, tell them she and her children lived because of her late husband's orders.

That day had been a nightmare, hell, the whole year had been but the day of the siege had been terrifying. Only a moon before she lost her husband over the chaos Varys and Baelish caused. The king never sent them to Dorne like he had promised Rhaegar he would, should the loyalist lose, just like her husband failed to keep his promise of returning alive. Rhaegar was not one to abandon his family even in death however; Richard Lonmouth had come to save them on her husband's orders. The three beings in his company however were not to be saved. 

They had escaped through the many winding tunnels to the bay and in the destruction were able to leave with not only their lives but almost a million gold dragons that Elia would have preferred had been loaded aboard the ship after her and the children. Guilt was something she had felt at the time for stealing the money of the people but considering the Baratheon-Lannister rule spent over ten times the amount taken over a decade and a half rule, she didn't. Better to be spent on their safety than whores and other fancies of the usurper and his golden wife. Aerys did a lot of damage to the realm but he never destroyed the treasury.

The coin had bought her this manse, overlooking the Narrow Sea from the coast of Dorne a short ways from Planky Town. No longer was she a princess but a successful widowed business woman. Glass was a good market, and her daughter's bright mind had made their profits even greater. 

Their mummer's act was enough to keep them hidden, people tend to not look for the dead. As horrible as it was to admit the great cruelty of the Mountain and Lorch worked in her favor. The bodies were so brutalized they were unidentifiable and if they were she doubted many would desire to try to. It was never even their intent to pull a perfect switch but that was one occasion they had luck on their side. She felt guilt over their fates but it was lessened when told they had all been greatly sick and volunteers as per Rhaegar had orders. The families had also been given ten thousand dragons each and the victims' names now resided in her journal so one day she may honor them. 

A spy network had also been founded with the gold, under Richard's leadership they had a solid foothold in many keeps. It was the news she received today that worried her: Jon Arryn died, and the king wished to travel north. Would he be able to see the fire under all the ice of Winterfell? Elia worried for Lyanna's son. By her estimates it would take the royals a little over two moons to arrive if Cersei accompanied her husband and they were already a moon or more in their travels. If Elia left on the morrow she'd arrive at Winterfell's gates in about a single moon, maybe shave a quarter of that if she had been Lyanna. But by now it was too risky to arrive before Robert. The informant had decided to wait for more information on the Hand's death before sending it, costing Elia's opportunity. 

No, now Elia would have to wait. She needed to know where Jae would be and decide her actions from there, two moons or more of waiting. No matter how much she hated it, she would have to hold out.

When they did go to Winterfell Aegon would not be able to join them, she'd rather not take the risk. Rhaenys and her on the other hand look Dornish and the North has no hatred for Dorne. Arthur most certainly had to stay with Aegon. Ashara could be useful in covering up the real reason for Jae's departure. Ash's dance with Lord Stark all those years ago has been so far a great boon to the family and hopefully will continue as such.

Revealing themselves might be a risk but not only has Eddard sheltered his nephew at the cost of his own honor, he also let the kingsguard go into exile. He knew the truth of Lyanna and Rhaegar and had their possessions and the two's writings.

Not that Eddard is aware that Arthur and the others never fulfilled the conditions of exile as Elia's ship had conveniently arrived as a disguised Dayne was bartering for a ship. Eddard even forced Arthur not to see his sister or brother. Elia could admire the coldhearted caution the Stark had for his sister's son if she had not seen what the news did to Ashara. The woman had been in near hysterics after being denied the chance to raise the boy as her own child when Elia had revealed herself. Elia had learned of Lyanna's passing that same day, had the winds been kind Jaehaerys might have been with them already.


The voice snapped Elia away from her thought of could have beens and back to reality, shifting her attention to her daughter.

Rhaenys took mostly after Elia in appearance. Her coloring was all her mother's, the olive tint of the Rhoynar, black eyes, black hair that had a streak of silver-gold hair stemming from each of her temples. Though in nature and face she had an even blend of her parents that made her one of the most beautiful and intelligent people in the world. At seven and ten she was a woman grown, yet she kept her maidenhood for her future husband as Elia had. "You received information today, it is bothering you." She had the same ability to read people that her father did.

"From the capital, Jon Arryn died. His wife fled to the Vale, it was also rather sudden. Whatever it was, it took him quick." While Elia was aware of her daughter's love for word games, they both preferred to talk straight among family. Though her son was often a victim to his sisters' mental prowess.

Humming in response the hidden princess continued to look out at the sea leaning on the railing. Rhaenys was surprisingly curvy for having two slender parents though not exceedingly. "Poison then." She didn't even turn for her mother's confirming nod, aware she was already correct. "This is unfortunate. Baelish will certainly use this as an opportunity to rise, seize the Vale. The boy is likely his as well."

Elia agreed, she remembered her talk with Rhaegar when he returned from the tower about his and Lya's suspicions. "That is not all, the king intends to name Lord Stark his new hand."

"I see why you were bothered; bad news on both fronts." Raising a hand to her necklace for comfort, Rhaenys sighed sadly. The necklace was given by Elia on the girl's fifth nameday, a leaping cat in black metal hung upon the fine chain. "What are your intentions?"

"If we leave on the morrow, we could possibly arrive before the royal party. You, Ashara and I. We could return with your brother." Elia moved to her daughter and gently grasped one of her daughter's hands. 

Dark eyes met Elia's before Rhaenys looked to their conjoined hands. "Do you have plans on how to explain his departure? It would be risky and bring more attention to him."

It was for that very reason they never tried before, Ned Stark refused to foster any of his children and he was strongly adamant that his so-called son be raised in his keep even against his wife's wishes. If he let his son be fostered by a random merchant it would get more attention than they would like. But this time they would play into the narrative that the people already believe. 

"I do. That is what Ashara would be for. Unfortunately I doubt we would make it before Robert and I'd rather not startle Stark, he is clearly not good with cover stories. Our informant sought more information rather than informing as one would expect of an informant. The news is a moon passed. For now we shall continue waiting. You should think of alternative ideas." The suggestion was more of a challenge than anything. Elia did such things regularly, always prompting the children to come up with ideas and problem solve with or without assistance.

 In that regard it was quite nice that the children were raised like this, it allowed them to grow humble. They did not have servants in the manse which let Elia have the kids learn all the tasks that would normally be shameful to do as a prince or princess of the realm. Her children would not be like so many lords and ladies, they would have respect for all people.

Her daughter frowned. "I had hoped to see snow? I read it can snow in the middle of summer in the North." Rhaenys' smile appeared, it was a copy of Elia's own.

"Maybe, Lyanna said summer snow occurs all over the North."

Rhaenys smiled before becoming serious. "I came to inform you of a problem. Ser Martyn says there are three individuals with Valyrian appearances at the gate, claims two could be of age with Viserys and Daenerys. They ask for an audience with you "

That surprised her, visitors were rare. The people of Dorne knew not to go to the manse. "What would you do?"

"Let them in but split the man from the two girls. Talk to the man whilst under guard, they clearly know something about us. If there is any relation, the girls might prevent the man from acting should he be hostile." 

Releasing her daughter's hand Elia backed away and motioned the doorway to the balcony. "Then Lead the way Sunfyre. You best tell Martyn and meet me on the way to the boys after I get Ashara." It was the epithet her husband labeled their daughter. Neither had love for the namesake but it was so fitting for the kind, warm, bubbly Martell-Targaryen girl.

Ashara was Elia's companion for a great portion of her life, they were childhood friends despite a seven year difference in ages, she was one of Elia's ladies in waiting. Their relationship was always growing closer and closer but their greatest pain was what made them inseparable.

The first moons of Elia's marriage were quite pleasant though she and Rhaegar were still getting to know each other. They did their duty which was also enjoyable and they produced Rhaenys, their wonderful girl. But that was where everything good nearly fell apart around her. Bedridden for half a year after the birth, it fell on Rhaegar to bring their precious daughter to court and when he returned he was distant, she did not learn why until Arthur told her a moon later: Aerys. 

She hated that man so much, if she knew how to wield a sword she would carry the title Kingslayer. He had the gall to insult her perfect little daughter. The act put a pressure on her that nearly made her beg Rhaegar to disband their marriage and remove Rhaenys from succession. By that time the king had adopted his execution technique and that was the threat that awaited her if she failed to birth a boy with the Valyrian look, which was improbable. 

Soon after Elia had come up with her solution: Ashara, her lady in waiting and lover. Some Daynes had the Valyrian look without the blood, Ash had a greater chance of birthing the babe to please Aerys. Elia and her were already lovers by that point, Ashara was also Dornish, it just took Rhaegar and bending some laws. It seemed like the perfect idea at the time.

When she sat Rhaegar down for that talk, she did not know what to expect from him. Him apologizing for avoiding her was not what she expected, he had confessed to feeling guilty over bringing her into the mess that was his family. The bastard put everything that happened on his own shoulder from Elia's weakness to Aerys' cruelty, he carried the guilt. He was hesitant about the polygamy but conceded as it was her wish and he desired three children. Rhaegar even found that Targaryens could legally take multiple wife, though that fact would not help much with the Faith or the people.

The Daynes agreed well enough, Ashara was easy for Elia to convince while Rhaegar got a punch to the gut by Arthur as a warning not to hurt her. She still remembered how Rhaegar responded to Ashara calling the two women his sun and stars: "If you two are my sun and stars, who is to be the moon?" It had been a jest then but they had found that moon in Lyanna eventually when Rhaegar tried to peacefully remove his father but she was taken all too soon. Elia had not gotten to interact as much as she wished with the Stark. 

That was before she learned Aegon was already growing in her womb from their infrequent completion of their duties and under a red comet as her husband had so regularly pointed out. Rhaegar was surprisingly fertile, within a year of their marriage she gave birth to Rhaenys. Even after Aerys nearly ruined everything with his reaction to Rhaenys, she quickly became with child again. Though Elia supposed her husband's parents were also highly fertile, eight times a babe quickened in the queen and according to their son: the pair were not very active together. Aerys, busy with his mistresses and duties in the earlier years and madness in the later. They did their duty just as Elia and Rhaegar did when he was withdrawn in misplaced guilt for his father's actions. 

She knew right where to find Ashara. Shortly after purchasing the manse Elia craved the Water Gardens and with the inability to travel to the location she had a smaller replica constructed with the earnings of the business. It was a desire of hers that her own children experienced the joy she did in her youth. And sure enough that is exactly where she found Ash.

In the pool was the woman wearing the clothes that she and Ash decided to require when swimming. Neither exactly liked that some men hovered around the Water Gardens to get peeks at the women or children there. The clothes added some semblance of modesty. Besides both felt it would be odd with Arthur and their children here, perhaps they spent too much time away from Dorne but Elia finds the promiscuity of her land to be quite extreme sometimes.

Spotting Elia, Ashara swam over to the nearest edge of the pool to them. Ever since they had Arthur jump into the sea from the top of the Palestone Sword wearing a dress and wads of black thread on his head, Ashara has had her and her brother's hair dyed the silver-gold of the Valyrians. While the woman was Elia's wife in truth, under their new identities Ash and Arthur were the sister and brother of Elia's late Lysian husband. The story allowed the children to have their natural hair colors and explained Aegon's violet eyes and Ashara's own, Aegon's being more the traditional Targaryen purple than Dayne violet or indigo. 

Looking up at Elia, the Dayne gave her a smirk. She was still beyond beautiful and the stretchmarks did little to marr that fact. "Anything I can do for you, Princess?" The mix of the Dornish and Lysene accents was incredibly arousing.

As much as Elia would prefer to join her partner in the pool or in other activities, this was important. "Unfortunate news from the capital. We also have visitors potentially hostile."

Ashara sighed, "How unfortunate?" That was the big question.

"Potentially devastating, no direct threat to us here however besides the three visitors." But Elia worried for Jae, Ash would too. After the loss of her own babe the woman threw her affection into Elia's children and would do the same for Lya's. 

"I'll dry and change while you get the boys. Meet in your solar?"

After making her agreement known and informing Ash of the correct location, the Martell departed for the makeshift yard where the boys would be sparring as always.

The manse, while beautiful and decorated, was mostly impersonal, as the sigils of their houses were an unnecessary danger. Instead of banners of dragons, suns, stars or direwolves, there were only patterned textiles and a few random paintings. Some of the finest glasswork mosaics served as windows for the entrance hall. Despite raising her children here, Elia felt it will not be a proper home until she can hang their sigils and use their true name amongst potential guests.

Her daughter swooped into step next to her. The girl did not inherit much of her father's height but had an inch on Elia so she easily kept pace with her mother.

Clashing of steel echoed throughout the southern section of the property. The spar between Arthur and Aegon was a common sight, Arthur put him to task in the way of the Daynes. The boy was trained in arms since he was six, self defense was imperative in their life though it has yet to be required. Nine years trained by one of if not the greatest swordsmen in history and the boy was able to stand on his own against the former Sword of the Morning on occasion though he still has yet to best Arthur truly.

To think the realm believes Eddard Stark could best the man in single combat was laughable. Elia recalls watching Arthur knock her husband on his arse regularly, it was actually one of her great comforts in the early moons of her marriage. Arthur's eye flicking to her and Rhaenys was all the boy needed to put a bastard blade at the kingsguard's throat. Giving a grunt of annoyance, Arthur relaxed and pushed the blade away. "I yield. You did good pressing the opening but don't rely on your mother and sister winning you any battle." His words made the boy aware of the womens' presence.

"Don't count us out so quick uncle. A battle isn't won with only swordsmanship. Words can win a battle easier than any blade." While Rhaenys named Arthur the words were intended for Aegon. It was a long ongoing argument between the two, mental versus martial prowess. Though both had grown to see the values on both sides, their argument was more for fun and reminiscing on their childhood.

Before Aegon could refute, Elia interrupted, "if you two are not too busy, we received word from the capital. It is important and we have three uninvited visitors." The Dayne was thankful for her interruption, likely hearing the previous argument near a hundred times by now.

Arthur took command, "this one was just about done anyway. Ash waiting?"

Looking absolutely incredulous at the statement Aegon turned and narrowed his eyes at his tutor before speaking with a false swagger. "I'll have you know old man, I can go all day. The ladies love it." That was an exaggeration and they all knew it, Aegon seldom left the manse and was not one to easily frequent brothels.

"Gods, Egg. We did not need to hear that!" Crinkling her nose in disgust, Rhaenys took a cautionary step back.

Contrasting the boys looked amused, more so at the girl's reaction. Returning their blades to their sheaths with their backs turned. Aegon directed a wink at his elder sister over his shoulder.

This time Rhaenys rewarded her brother by hitting her true brother with a pebble between the eyes. "You're gross." 

Traditional Targaryen practice was not a topic Elia particularly enjoyed when it came to her children even in jest. The power dynamic and potential offspring issues bothered her. "Come, let's not keep the others waiting."

Aegon, ever confident, led the way. Her son reminded Elia of her younger brother, slightly. They were similar in nature although Egg was far more tempered in all aspects compared to Oberyn. As far as she knew her son did not have the same desire for both men and women that his uncle did nor did he have any bastards to her knowledge. But tales of his conquests with women regrettably do reach her ears, fortunately Egg was better at choosing his partners as well. Both had what Elia had taken to calling the viper's blood after Lyanna's tales of the wolf's blood in her family.

The trip to the room the male visit would be held in was mostly silent besides a few occasions of bickering between the children. Excluding Aegon, none of them could be considered remotely social people, even before the rebellion. By the time the party arrived at their destination there were three women already waiting on a bench in the hall, Ash and the two visitors.

Elia took a sharp inhale when the younger girl's eyes met her, they were Rhaegar's. Was this truly Daenerys? At first she thought the girl looked like a younger Rhaella but the chin was wrong, the forehead, brows. The girl lacked the slight tilt of the brows that made Rhaella and Rhaegar look naturally melancholic. 

Unlike the younger girl the older one did have those brows. Both girls had the downturned lips. This woman had pure silver hair with not a hint of gold unlike the girl. Duplicates of Aegon's eyes looked from her sockets. Who were these two- three? 

"Is the man inside?" she asked as she turned to Ser Martyn. The five Northemen in their company had been knighted after their sacrifices for Jae and their continued protection of her family. They were good men and have grown into strong fighters under Arthur's tutelage. They truly deserved the title unlike many. Amusingly the could-have-been enemies of the Kingsguard had practically joined the institution with Gerold's passing; there were even seven of them. 

Gods, how she hated the system of knighthood. She hated how such a thing was so tainted by politics. She hated that her husband was forced to grant such an honor to a monster that would have repaid him by raping and killing her and Aegon with his bare hands. She hated that being a skilled killer or simply doing what a lord commanded could grant the same title that Arthur, Oswell, and her late uncle had. It was unfair. The titles had lost their meanings and few men seemed worthy of it but these men were. Even the great Ser Barristan valued his vows over what was right. 

Martyn nodded, "Yes. He and Oswell are inside." He stepped aside to grant her access.

Turning to Ashara, Elia had to ask, "Do they know?"

"Yes, Princess Elia," the older one answered.

"Okay. Everybody goes in then." Elia motioned a hand for them to follow as she entered the room after Martyn. 

The sight that greeted them was amusing. Oswell was standing over the man while pulling and poking the stranger's face. They were at the opposite end of the room and war table. "How the hell do you get this fucking thing off?"

With annoyance and a slight lisp from Oswell pulling his cheeks the man answered. "You don't, it is grown on as it is my face!"

It was only when Oswell noticed their entrance that he stopped and released the man. Once free of the bat's grip she could see why Oswell was so insistent about the face, the man looked almost identical to Rhaegar with minor differences and the major being grey eyes. She gasped and heard the two Daynes do the same. 

"Who are you?" 

The man took a few moments to rub his sore cheeks leaving the room in a very uncomfortable silence. Those stone grey eyes met Elia's then locked with each member of her group. Must he really drag it out? "I am Aemon Targaryen, those two are my younger sisters. The elder one is Haella and the other is Maenara."

"And what exactly is your relation to the main branch of house Targaryen?" Rhaenys raised a brow and gave the man a skeptical sidelong glance.

Slightly grimacing, the Rhaegar lookalike bit his lip. "We tried doing this subtle before and it did more harm than good so blunt honesty might work better. Targaryens are not known for their subtlety afterall." He gave a shrug. "This will sound mad but we are your brother Jaehaerys' children from about thirty years and three moons in the future." Once again he gave a shrug that translated to 'you asked for it.'

No one knew what to say to that. Everyone looked to each other to gauge how to react. 

One part did set off alarm Elia's mind, he knew about Jaehaerys. That single mention brought more credibility to his words than anything. Rhaegar's interest in prophecy had introduced to her the simplest concepts of magic in the world but she never cared much for it. If the man was not so confident in their identities she may have tried to play everything off but that would do no good. "Any proof of such a claim?"

Aemon frowned and exhaled. "Physical no. Best I got is my eyes, Stark Grey, though it is actually Maenara who has Father's eye color." When his pointed finger directed attention to the girl, she beamed. "Knowledge is where our greatest evidence lies. Your guards are Eddard Stark's supposedly fallen Northmen. You took a great deal of gold to start this business when you escaped the capital with Richard. You have four dragon eggs here, gold with red, red with black, silver with violet and white with red. The last egg is often kept in a chest because it chills the room. Rhaenys once put it in the pool to cool the water on a hot day but it froze the water, then melted it and this repeated until Arthur got it out. Must I list the names of the three in your journal?"

"No." Elia answered quickly. She hated even reading those names as her promise has still gone unhonored. By now she has forgotten the exact shade of Lya's eyes so she can't compare them to this Aemon's, not that she had much time to memorize Lya's. Everything else was spot on no matter how unlikely it was to be known. 

The Northmen have been in her company since she, her children and Richard sailed into Starfall just days after Eddard Stark departed with her third or rather fourth child. They had been forced to tear down the tower, another fault in Stark's story. The Northmen were to ensure the kingsguard went into exile and to ensure Arthur did not speak to Ash. Elia's arrival ruined that.

The descriptions of the eggs were nearly perfect, Rhaenys' gold egg did not show any red. Amusingly both her children still cuddle their eggs occasionally in their sleep. The third one should not be known, it never left her and Ashara's room. Never did it leave it's small box of ashes, dragonglass and shards of fallen stars, but yearly Elia would find Ashara cuddling the box on their bed.

Of the eggs the last one was the oddity. Rhaegar claimed the egg was originally procured beyond the Wall and the Targaryens traded a Valyrian steel blade for the curious egg. The dragon the rider rode when returning to dragonstone was said to have died of a chill, a fire breathing dragon dying of a chill. The egg was kept from every other of its kind for fear of its traits so in a vault in Dragonstone it remained until Rhaegar took it to Starfall with the other. 

Rhaenys had always been fascinated by the final egg. Elia had many fond moments of her Sunfyre using the egg to do many things, and freezing the pool had been one. They definitely were not currently using the egg to keep their stores of food good because of the girl's idea. 

"If you are from the future, who will I marry?" Aegon pulled her attention back to the present. His question was only half serious, one part recognizing the importance of this revelation and the other wanting to play with it. 

Blinking blankly Aemon stared at Aegon as if he was disappointed by the question. "You actually have two wives: Myrcella Waters and Mya Stone."

"Two bastards? You must be jesting?" Aegon's easy smile had fallen when the surnames were revealed.

"Noble or royal bastards turned heirs. You are the lord of both Casterly Rock and Storm's End. One is the bastard of Cersei and Jaime, the other is Robert's." Aemon smiled at Aegon.

Slowly that fallen smile returned and grew wider and wider until it nearly split Aegon's head in two as he broke out in laughter. He "Oh gods. I think I'm going to like this future. I love it, take their daughters and their castles!" 

"Wait." Rhaenys' command put an end to her brother's giggling. "He said Aegon was the lord of the two keeps but not king." Whether that meant Rhaenys or her youngest brother were made the ruler was still up in the air.

Maenara cut in from Ashara's embrace. When did that happen? "Our father was made king because it was easier for everyone."

"Well, give him my condolences. I'll take my petty victories, easy duties and two wives. Jae can have the damn throne and all the shit that comes with it. I know enough of my family's history to know that being king means trouble, far more so for Aegons over Jaehaerys'." For his choice of language Aegon received a hit on the shoulder from Rhaenys who motioned her head in Maenara's direction. While Aegon was trained to become a ruler along with his sister, he always preferred one of his siblings taking the throne. Freedom was something he valued as high as duty.

One thing Elia noted about the new arrivals was they all had silver or silver-gold hair and the girls had purple eyes. Jae was said to look like a Stark from both Ashara's claims and their very rare reports on the boy, so who was their mother? "Who is Jae's queen?"

Grey eyes flicked to Rhaenys before looking back at Elia. "Father has four queens."

Slumping, dramatic as always, Aegon mumbled insincerely, "Damn bastard outdid me." Again he got hit for his language.

Haella muttered, "Your father out did you."

"And who are the four?" Rhaenys tilted her head like a curious puppy, she looked too innocent to have just punched her brother's shoulder twice. 

Aemon gave her an odd smile. "Our mother is Margaery Tyrell. Then there is Sansa Stark, Eddard's eldest daughter. And from beyond the Wall there is Val, a member of the Freefolk or a wildling. Last is"

Eyes wide and jaw dropped, Rhaenys stared blankly at her nephew or son, how their family worked was unknown. "Me?"

"Yes," Aemon confirmed. "You have three kids with Father. We don't know if they were sent back as well. Six of us appeared in Highgarden between their three weirwoods but all of us were my mother's children. Three of us went to Winterfell to prevent a potential alliance between the Starks and Baratheons. We came here because of our appearances and to get you involved in our plans."

Moving slowly, Rhaenys sat down in one of the many seats around the table. "Jae and I," she said softly in disbelief. Rhaenys like her father did not believe incest was the source of Targaryen madness but both did believe that circumstances often made the practice immoral. The girl probably never expected to marry her long lost brother from another mother. Alliances were of greater value.

"If it helps, you have a very healthy and happy marriage and all three of you children are healthy and great. Daena the eldest takes after you, bookish and a thinker. Baelor is a tad sluggish but is a great spearman and the best jouster in our time. Myriah is... let just say: a warrior and troublesome." A fond smile was on the man's face as he talked about his half-siblings. 

Grandchildren! Two times over! Elia hopes they are in this time. She was not exactly opposed to the idea of Jae and Rhaenys marrying even though it was incest, the two could have the relationship that Elia and Lyanna barely got to experience. 

While Elia may not have a problem with Lya's son taking the throne, she recognized that her elder brother would. Doran will certainly be hard to convince to support Elia's second son. There was also the issue of succession while she knew her children would not move against their siblings that might not stop others from doing so. And who was the heir?

The wildling's children's claim would likely be ignored, but the Stark girl and the Tyrells were the bigger problem. The Tyrells were the worst threat, Rhaegal fell because they were playing the game. Had Mace Tyrell had sent troops with Rhaegar the loyalist would have won. She thinks he let the smuggler through just to ensure Robert's family survived, to escape the punishment had they starved. The Starks were easier, Elia was confident she might be able to bully Eddard into Rhaenys' children being heir, that would satisfy Dorne. Then again, what does her girl think? Elia herself hated the position she had been in when she had married Rhaegar, the expectations to birth a boy, a spare, and some daughters to gift to lords like cattle. 

"Apologies. Excuse me."

Elia blinked twice to return to reality and noticed her daughter's empty seat. Snapping her head to the door she caught just the heel of Rhaenys before that too quickly disappeared. Turning to Aemon, "I must go see to my daughter, please discuss that of little consequence while we are gone."

The hall was already empty by the time she stepped out of the room. So there were three locations to check: the pool, the garden and Rhaenys' room. All three could be easily checked on a single straight path. Sandals clicking as she walked, Elia realized her daughter could easily avoid her because of the noise if Rhaenys wanted to.

Pool, empty. Garden, empty. When Elia knocked on her daughter's door, the response was a soft hum. Slowly Elia swung open the door.

Inside was her daughter with her knees to her chest and egg in hand. The egg was of size with the other three but all three were bigger than Rhaegar's and many others. The room had the best view of the garden, beach and sea after Elia's. Bookshelves were stocked and the desk had plenty of blank journals and some filled by either Rhaenys or Rhaegar. Her daughter was not crying but still looked upset. 

Moving to the bed Elia wrapped her arms around her girl. "What's wrong, Sunfyre?" After getting no reply, Elia went to the topic she assumed this was about. "Is it the incest?" Again, no reply. Elia sighed, damn Rhaegar for passing on his stubbornness, as if Elia herself was not stubborn on occasion. "Do you remember your father's writings on the topic?" The best way to get Rhaenys to talk was to ask her about facts or her readings.

"Is there a greater likelihood of a child to be unhealthy, is there a power imbalance, are familial terms still in use rather than romantic." Rhaenys listed off the primary points like she did in her lessons as a girl. Dark eyes lifted from the egg to meet Elia's own.

"Is there a greater chance of an unhealthy child?" Elia was not an expert so she did not know if it would or not, the two were half siblings, but Rhaegar was a child of two generations of the practice.

Rhaenys gave her a look. "Yes. While madness is likely a result of expectations, nurture, stupidity and/or other factors, house Targaryen has had a number of children with mental disabilities. Three to be exact. Jaehaerys and Alysanne's final child was one. Though Jae and I have different mothers it is in our blood."

That was fair and accurate. How did Elia end up doing this? She was trying to convince her daughter to marry her half-brother and Elia was not even a supporter of incest. "And you were told all three were healthy. Now, is there a power imbalance?"

Another odd look. "Jae is to be king."

"But he is not now."

"He is a boy."

Elia tisked, she recognized what Rhaenys is doing but she will play along. "Yes but he is still young and you are trained to defend yourself. You are also older and smarter. More importantly you two were not raised together so the familial power structure does not apply."

"Exactly, we don't know each other. I wanted to meet my brother but now I won't be able to think about him without associating him as my future husband." Rhaenys huffed.

Before their marriage Elia and Rhaegar hardly knew each other, but it was not too bad, it would have been worse if Rhaegar had not been Rhaegar. "You do not have to marry him if you do not wish to." Elia would not force that on her or Aegon.

Rhaenys gave her an appreciative smile. "I do though. I have three names now, I know what they are like, I know they exist in some reality. To not even try to let them be born would eat at me." She paused for a while looking back down at the egg. "It is not Jae and I, which scares me, it is birthing children."

That surprised Elia, she had never heard of this fear. The two were usually very open with one another but this stayed secret. Before she could inquire about why her daughter never brought such a fear up, the girl read her mind.

"Birthing is not a very popular topic in our household. Grandmother had miscarriages, stillborn, and babes die shortly after birth. You nearly died, Lya did and Ashara would rather she did so long her babe lived. So forgive me if I am a little scared but the evidence points to a dark conclusion." Now, Rhaenys did have tears and they fell onto that golden egg of hers making it shine like the metal.

Oh, if Elia had known. She should have seen what the stories that surrounded the family would do to her girl. There were no wonderful tales of bringing children into the world, only those with the Stranger's breath chilling the birthing chambers. Elia pulled her daughter closer, rubbing circles where she could. "You are not like me or Rhaella or Lya or Ashara. You are far healthier, older already, better shaped. You know you bring three healthy babes into the world and live. You do not need to fear, sometimes it is fear that brings the issues. So do not fear, I'll be with you each and every time, Ash will too."

"Thank you Muña." Leaning her head against Elia's collar, Rhaenys continued to sniffle. "I did not wish to be queen for that reason, I did not want the pressure that you had. I don't want people to treat me as little more than a womb to breed. I don't want my children to feel that either. I don't want them to be able to contest Egg or Jae's claims by Dornish tradition. I suppose marrying Jae would make that a double edged sword. On one hand it gives my children a better claim than any other who may be named heir but it also means less expectations on me if he does take multiple wives again."

It was not ideal politically but if it was a path that let her daughter be happy then so be it. No lord deserved her daughter no matter how great their army or how full their coffers. 

Suddenly Rhaenys extracted herself from her mother's grip and stood. Moving to the hearth she placed the egg back on the burning ashes. The tears on the shell boiling into steam. Those logs cost a great deal of coin but if what Rhaenys and Aegon claimed was true and they did indeed feel the flames within their eggs then one day when they were ready they might see them hatched. When Rhaenys turned back with still glistening eyes she spoke, "Shall we return to the others? I believe we still have much to discuss."

While the mother-daughter pair was away the room had split into two groups, men and women. The men were acting like boys fawning over Aemon's sword. The women were together discussing whatever, the conversation halted when Ash noticed the two.

"Elia, I claim this one. Though I put forth a partial claim on Haella." Ashara practically had Maenara on her lap, the girl was in a tight embrace and seemed equally happy with it as her captor. With Ash's hair dyed to a Valyrian silver-gold the two looked like mother and daughter, though the girl's eyes were a darker violet. Ashara must have noticed it too.

That made Elia's heart ache, Ashara's girl would be between both the girls in age. She was not going to ruin the mood for her wife though. Haella however was ripe for reprimanding. "Off the table, Haella. Unless you came with the gold to replace an ironwood table in Dorne." Elia did not mention that being made of ironwood made it considerably unlikely to break but the older girl paled and shot off the edge of the table. 

Meanwhile the boys had finally split up, Aegon moving towards the girls. He studied his sister for any remainders of what had upset her. "Better?"

For once they did not snipe at one another, instead Rhaenys gave her brother a soft smile. "Yes, a bit better." She then turned to Elia.

Taking the cue, Elia addressed the room. "Our plans will need changing with the new opportunity we have been given." She pointed her look at Aemon, "You mentioned siblings going to Winterfell. Our plans may align."

"Yes. Mama and my siblings should be in Winterfell now or are less than a sennight's travel away. They seek to ensure the Starks are prepared for the wars to come and that the Starks' allegiance is unquestionably with us. Not interfering would lead to numerous complications." Aemon's last words were nearly haunting in their tone.

Nails tapping against the table brought attention to Rhaenys, it was her subtle method of doing so whilst giving her more time to plot her words. "Us. How exactly can we be sure our goals are the same? Your mother and her house would surely not like for her to share the title of queen. How do I know you don't wish to ensure your family are the heirs by removing my family and the others from even existing?"

Everyone was a little taken aback by the dark and pessimistic words from the normally sweet and bubbly girl. Elia knew where those questions came from, the fear, strength and ferocity that came from motherhood. It was a dragon's warning against threatening its babes.

Aemon gulped. "I understand the fear, yet it is needless. I believe my sister has surely told our mother by now of the polygamy, we did not do so before with the Tyrells because we did want them to pressure her against us. Removing your children from succession does little to change my siblings' placement as we are already ahead in line by your own choice. Both you and Sansa Stark pushed Father to accept the Tyrell allegiance in return for Mama's hand and her children being the heir and spare. Besides, we love our siblings and our mothers come to love each other."

"Good." Rhaenys' response and relief surprised most of the room. 

Arthur crossed his arms. "Doran won't like that." He was not wrong, Doran would actually hate that with Oberyn reigniting the flames between the Reach and Dorne years ago.

"Well, Great Uncle Doran can kindly and gently fu-" Haella caught herself, "...sod off? Your children are third and fourth in line, well fourth and fifth now with Laerra's daughter. Besides with your changes to the small council he should have no reason to complain. Having three to five guaranteed spots on a council of nine-and-twenty is plenty, more if the Dornish people are worth their salt."

"Nine-and-twenty? Where do the extra five seats come from?" It was Rhaenys' idea so of course she'd spot changes.

The male sibling was the one to answer, "Another regional voice as the Gift and beyond rejoined the domain of the king or queen. Three more for the extra queens and one for the Master of Sight. A magical position that is rarely filled, it was only filled for a few moons or less total by our time."

While everyone was a bit intrigued by the mention of magic, Aegon brought them back to productivity. "So what is the plan?"

"Secure Dorne," Rhaenys said simply. "We cannot go to Winterfell, we need to time our arrival for when the King is heading back down the neck. With the Reach and North near guaranteed minus any complications and a good chance of the Riverlands and Vale, securing Dorne gets the majority of Westeros aligned with us."

But how to secure Dorne was the real question. Elia still feared what the spider might learn. "We cannot simply reach out to Oberyn or Doran, that would be noticed."

Aemon smirked. "As it would happen we have a good option. We came here with Willas Tyrell and he is currently in Sunspear, the chest we brought was supposed to be payment for an order. Oberyn mentioned quite publicly he wished to come with us to see the glass himself but couldn't. Plant a few seeds as Tyrells do and we can get Oberyn coming here."

Gods, Elia hoped the plan works. "Then when the time is right we shall head North."

"Yes. And if our sister did right then Bran will still walk, no Stark-Baratheon betrothal, and Eddard Stark will not basically force Father to join the Night's Watch." Haella mockingly covered her mouth as if she did not purposefully let loose the information to cause chaos.

And cause chaos it did. All those ignorant stood up in protest and verbalized their surprise. No one was happy. Rhaenys' eyes were wide with fear. Aegon's tan skin had turned pale in seconds. Ash was near in tears and rage. Arthur looked to be seconds away from sprinting across the dunes of Dorne to Starfall just to get Dawn ready for Stark. 

"That fucker!" Elia was not going to correct Ser Martyn's language this time. He was plenty justified, Martyn had to give up seeing his own child so Jae could live with the Starks. His sacrifice means nothing should Jae join the Watch. It means Eddard accepts Baratheon rule, a rule that so long as it lasts means Martyn will never see his son.

"Martyn." Elia's soft call was enough to get his attention. "How quickly can you pack? I want a voice of my own in Winterfell. I trust you will not compromise our existence even for your son?"

"I can be searching Planky Town for a ship north by morning. Yes, Princess, my life and honor depend on."

"Good, you are a representative of our business. Now as you have for the past fourteen years keep my second son safe."


Somehow the standard chapters have doubled in length since the first few.

So yes, Ashara was Rhaegar's second wife. It just made sense to me from both Elia and Rhaegar's perspective that she would be the first choice. I just don't like the Brandon/Ashara pairing or Ned/Ashara really, Ashara/Barristan is pretty gross with the age difference. And Barristan likely would not know since it seemed like Oswald and Arthur were primarily with Rhaegar and he was not a part of Rhaegar's inner circle.

I definitely had trouble finding a personality for Aegon that I liked. I wanted him to be a possible king but still very free and Dornish. Keeping him different from Jon and Faegon was also a big part. Hopefully he turned out well.

Also, I have come to the conclusion that Sansa, Marg, Val, and Rhaenys will all be bisexual and will come to love eachother. This is mainly because now that I have kinda built up the characters more I can see that as a possibility for them more. It is also strongly if fluenced by my belief that the only way a polygamous relationship would or should work is if all the participants feel for eachother, otherwise they all are vying for a single person's attention and don't get the attention that someone in a relationship deserves.

Does anyone know if I should be capitalizing the 'house' in 'house Targaryen' or any other house?

Also any ideas for names for Rhaenys' or the other dragons when they do get mentioned would be appreciated. For now I'm thinking Nymerion for Aegon's and Frostfyre for Jon's, but I could be convinced otherwise.

Next chapter will be a short chapter maybe between 2.5k-5k words. It'll be a series of very short perspectives from Ned, Cat, Bran, Jon, and Sansa covering a few moments that I nearly forgot to include but think are needed for the plot and some fluffy family moments.

Upcoming Chapter POV Order:

Multiple POVs Shorts I

Jon II

Cat II

Ned II (Robert's Arrival)

Multiple POVs III (Robert, Jaime, etc.)

Sansa I