Chereads / Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 1328 - 6 -||

Chapter 1328 - 6 -||

I like Achievements, really really do. It's practically a free gift since I can't really aim at them in advance. I just happen to fulfill a condition and voila, a reward. And fifty Credits is always welcome. Still, it is that second part of the reward that draws my eye.

After dismissing the notification I get the usual screen for Class choices and indeed in the Mage tab there is yet another Sky-Chosen, specifically [Sky-Chosen II]. Interesting.



'How high a mark 2 class goes? Does it go from zero again or does it pick up where it left off?'

Take it and you 'll see

'Come on, pretty please?'

Can't tell you, sorry

'Oh' I wilt. But soon I regain my spark, Sky-Chosen is an awesome Class Stat-wise and it grows with belief, something that I'm actively working on. Still, the Class will keep, I can always choose it later. Right now the plan is Blacksmith. I was looking forward to choosing another production class and I see no real reason to delay it again. Plus I have a hunch that the messiatic Class will go from a hundred to two. Ergo it will take a buttload of time. I want my vibranium armor. I want to be able to forge epic weapons I can beat Ferelden and Orlais with. Sky-Chosen is a good pick but I'm going for the Blacksmith!

That's the spirit

I nod resolutely and quickly choose the production Class. No need to dally or agonize over the decision. I have time to do both, and right now the Blacksmith is better. It also has a +1 INT along a point in STR and VIT so I will not be lagging behind training my most useful Stat.

Class selected. Class equipped.

New Skills Acquired!

Smelting I (Passive)[Level 1] – Allows to work level 1 materials*

Forging I (Passive)[Level 1] – Allows to work level 1 materials*

Blueprint Acquired!

[ Dagger ] [ Arrowhead ]

Alright, a lot of new stuff to cover.

[Smelting] and [Forging] were pretty much expected, so was their passive nature, it's the same as Engineer. The 'level 1 materials' is new though. With System being neat as usual, it only takes a little click on the asterisk near the description to get the whole thing. And this time it even comes with a picture, awesome! So the Blacksmith tree…

I study it for a while but it seems fairly straightforward, at least for what I can see. Level one is obviously at the bottom and it has copper, tin, lead and iron. From there is a branch that shots to the left which reads 'silver'. I guess that one I have to unlock and level separately despite it being level 1 as well. Huh. From the level 1 shoots upwards another branch to, predictably, level 2. That one has steel and a bunch on question marks. Guess I will have to Observe a lot of Thedas ore to get the idea of what goes where because from level 2 shoot more branches and those have question marks again. The only readable bit is level 3. And 4. And 5, which seems to be the max. A lot of question marks everywhere though.

Going to Inventory for a bit I scroll my tabs until I can see the vibranium ingot I got from gacha. Now when I click on it, it says 'level 4 material'. Fun. But a long long way to go. Well, it's something to aim for.

Out of curiosity I go back to the Blacksmith tree and indeed I find vibranium replacing one of the question marks in the level 4 tier. Neat.

Well, it looks like I have a lot of work to do, even to get to at least steel. Moving on. Blueprints! I definitely need to get some more, thankfully [Observe] and Engineer's [Structural Analysis] can help there. This will be far easier that the Engineer had been, shields and swords are more readily available than anything for the modern Class. I'm definitely doing more than daggers over and over again, this isn't Skyrim.

Well, might as well get to it.


My faithful Hound appears next to me in a rush of displaced air "Yes, my lady?"

"How are we on the smithy here at Ostagar?"

"It's set up" the red-head reports, "Yours and Haku's 'shopping trips' have it well-stocked and two Avvar and a Chasind blacksmiths are already there, mostly crafting arrows and mending weapons and armor. Though neither people really use metal all that much."

I nod, remembering the warhammer made mostly from bone I received after getting my fist Chasind tribe. Hm, we definitely need better equipment if we are to stand against knights in full plate. Ferelden has only some but Orlais has their chevaliers. Well, I'm definitely leveling my Blacksmith Class and Skills so I'll probably craft a lot. Hopefully the three smiths will follow suit. Maybe take up some apprentices too. Some of my Fereldan citizens could know a thing or two about smithing as well.

"I'll head there then" I grin, already feeling the excitement only a brand new Class can bring.

"Your new Class then?" Margit asks.


"Will you be building a personal smithy?"

I hum "Maybe. I was thinking more like a versatile workshop. I'll see after I level stuff a bit, right now I barely know what tools to use. Once I get onto some more exotic things, I'll revisit stocking up the workshop."

Margit nods and I can practically see her making a mental note of that. She really is a wonderful personal assistant.

"If anyone needs me, I'll be at the smithy" I continue, "I think that today I will most likely just shadow one of the smiths. My very first perk buffs my learning from books and lessons so I should get a good head start."

"Don't forget, you have a war council meeting before dinner" the red-head reminds me, "A progress report on our efforts here at Ostagar, the integration of the Fereldans and the report from the army going east."

"Looking forward to it" I grin. It's very true, especially since I saw the noticeable bump in exp in my Status page, enough to get me a level up. Somebody under my command fought a battle and my money is on the eastern legion encountering darkspawn. Nice of them to be able to handle it without me.

As I slowly walk towards the smithy, quite a way away from the building I designated as main, I have to admire all the work that went into Ostagar. Sure, the Tevinter builders were good, but I meant the clean-up and reconstruction. Ok, mostly clean-up. Ostagar is well and truly massive, at least the size of a good town, yet it's all nice and neat now. No darkspawn corpses, no unattended rubble. Instead we have tents and some wood structures, lots of men and women going around with a sense of purpose.

I'm damn proud of us.

And I'm also damn proud of me – as I go I get respectful nods left and right, people genuinely happy to see me. It's really empowering.

Since we are just starting out functionality has precedence over form but I couldn't resist to pretty up a place a bit anyway. After all, only a small application of Mokuton gave me beautiful sakura trees to flank several roads, and I planted some near Haku's medicinal garden too. The beginnings of a park.

Oh yes, I just need real masons and Ostagar will be a beauty. It already looks better than the majority of Denerim but I guess the absence of trash and beggars will have that effect.

"You're smiling Margit" I comment with a smile of my own.

"I'm wearing a mask"

"I can feel that smile"

Margit sighs "I really like the trees, I always like that about Japan. They make everything look… peaceful."

I grin "I agree, I love them too. I think I'll be planting more once the Blight is over."

"Shouldn't we be helping with that?"

"Nah, the wardens have it covered for now. We'll join the big battle against the archdemon"

"Any thoughts on when?"

I shrug as I enter the smithy, a startling heat combating the cold from outside "Sometime in spring. But don't take my word for it, the warden party should be stopping by soon."

Margit's mask inclined to the side in surprise "When?"

"Depends. All I know they finished their business with the Dalish and the werewolves and are en route. I guess they want to stop by Flemeth and then off to the mountains to search for the Urn of Sacred Ashes. I already informed my people to let the warden party through" I hum.

"I hope the wardens indentify themselves otherwise that it'll be awkward"

I scratch my neck "Worse comes to worst I get some wardens from Orlais or somewhere, that archdemon gotta go. But it should be ok, I did tell the commanders what the warden group looks like."

"If may I be so bold as to make a suggestion…"

"Margit, you are bold"

"…then perhaps you could keep an eye on them though your summons. Just in case. And not get lost in a new project" the red-head continued and gestured to the furnace and the confused-looking Chasind next to it.

I shrug "I can't keep an eye on them all the time, Morrigan is a shapeshifter, she can spot when an animal is behaving strangely. But alright, I'll keep them in mind. But right now I have a meeting with a man about some metal and hammers."

"Have fun" Margit half-bows and leaves me to it. I turn around to beam at the Chasind whose eyebrows shoot up in confusion.

So much fun.

When the hammer falls

And it sounds through the halls

When the hammer falls

[Singing]'s level has increased by one!

Freeing treasures from the walls

When the hammer strikes

And the kingdom comes to life

When the hammer pounds

Like the thunder underground

When the hammer falls

This is actually not bad. Not bad at all

When the hammer falls

I finish there because I sense Margit rapidly approaching. Might as well reply to System. 'Thanks. I remembered the song, from before. By Clamavi de Profundis, I think.'


Nodding resolutely, because I totally agree, I start cleaning up my little corner of the smithy – after all, I will be having guests soon. Not that there is anything exciting to clean up, right now I'm still leveling. Despite my earlier words of 'not-Skyrim-ing it', I am indeed Skyrim-ing it.

Forge dagger. Melt dagger. Forge dagger. Melt dagger. Surprise! Forge a bunch of arrowheads for a change. Forge dagger… You get it.

But hey, Blacksmith and its Skills are doing nicely. Give me a few more levels and I'll stop melting my creations and put them in the armory instead. Still not the best quality, but they'll be solid. I just really hope we need a shitload of daggers – turns out when you both consider the time they take to make and the exp I get from it, they really are the best choice for speedy levels. Arrowheads give far less for example and while a sword gives quite a bit more, it takes a good long while to craft. Hence daggers.

Maybe I could try a shortsword?

"My lady?" Margit interrupts my clean-up, "They are on approach."

"What do you know?" I hum idly.

"Patrol caught them and let them through as per your orders" the red-head reports, spine rigid in a perfect military posture, "They mentioned you'd like to meet. The mage warden accepted an escort for the group and they will be here shortly. The scout says they are apparently hoping to get support for their cause here but also quite suspicious."

"Of course they are, they aren't stupid. Anything else in the report?"

Margit took off her mask to show me her heavily disapproving face "Apparently the red-head and the Chasind mage one are incredibly hot."

My snort turns into uncontrollable laughter. That makes Margit frown deeper any my laugh even harder. Gods, her face, her tone! Hilarious.

"Are you done?" my nominal bodyguard huffs, "You wanted a dramatic greeting moment. Which I still have no idea what it means."

I'm still laughing as I motion her to follow me. Once outside I take flight heading for the half-ruined Tower of Ishal. Margit is right behind me, no doubt rolling her eyes. So what, I have a sense of drama. Pity though we don't have that flag yet, we really need a move on with this whole naming thing.

Reaching into Inventory I take two pairs of binoculars, my own make, and peer into the distance. I could warg into a summon but I'm not feeling it. Also this enables my faithful Hound to see as well.

Speaking of, I peer to the side "So, what do you think?"

Margit huffs "Alright, I shall admit that they are attractive."

I laugh again, though this time much more restrained than before "Noted. That wasn't what I meant but I'll take it."

"Didn't you say you wanted that Leliana, Morrigan and Zevran working for you?"

"I did say that"

"So my comment was on point"

I chuckle "That it was. We'll see how it goes. They say never meet your heroes, so let's see if I like them as people and not just characters. That said I could really use Leliana - she's an excellent spy, an even better spymaster and has insight into the Chantry."

Margit is still looking though the binoculars but she appeared to have zoomed even more in "But she's part of said Chantry, and the woman who saved her life is in a high position. You said she'll become Divine."

"Might not happen" I shrug, "Justinia, well Dorothea right now, is a pacifist and I don't think that a Chantry-defying barbarian nation springing up in their territory is conductive to said pacifism. Then again, Dorothea is a politician first and foremost, she might spin it."


"Morrigan might be both easier and harder to get" I continue, "She's a true free spirit but she could use protection from her mother."

"Can we offer that?" Margit questioned.

"Not right now but then again, Flemeth has a larger plan, she won't be going after Morrigan anytime soon" I shrug.

"Can we lie to a witch?"

"I won't be lying" I shake my head and put the binoculars back into Inventory, the warden party already visible without them, "I'm sure we can figure something out with her."

"And that Zevran fellow, the assassin?" Margit asks again, voice heavy with disapproval.

"Something against assassins?"


Short, sweet, simple. Gotta respect that. I shrug "He'd be just the bonus, I can use a freelance assassin that really wants to travel."

"As you say"

A smirk comes onto my lips as I see Leliana look upwards and notice me. Her eyes narrow slightly even as her expression is still set in friendly neutral. Sharp girl. Really, the eyes of an archer and spy with a great mind to boot. I want her.

Margit beside me lets out a put out sigh. Yep, she definitely noticed where my thoughts went. I know she doesn't mind sharing since in the erogame she (ultimately) didn't mind Yamato getting it on with her entire squad. Those were her friends though, and someone she trusted with her life. Heh, I'll definitely work on bringing Leliana to that level, Margit doesn't need to worry.

Oh, Zevran noticed Leliana's gaze and he quickly followed her. Another sharp one. I'm honestly surprised Morrigan did not notice me but then again she is more likely to do that when I'm using magic around her or influencing animals.

Alistair, Wynne and our dear warden, Amell, are more focused on Ostagar proper more than anything. All three having been here before and saw it under darkspawn siege. Well, the dog too, though I'm not all that sure just how smart mabari really are. Hm, maybe I should collect a soul sample – I have normal dog but a smart wardog is probably better.

The last member of the warden party is Sten. His gaze is sharp too but I never liked him. I'll let him be for now, but a lot of things can happen during a Blight. While I know that it won't prevent the qunari spying on me, I think I won't let him go home to report. Yep, like I said, I never liked him and he's a murderer anyway, I'm killing him. And yes, I know I'm a hypocrite. Don't care.

"What do plan for your big entrance?" Margit asks, a faint tinge of disapproval marring her tone. She isn't a fan of showing off, preferring to keep as many aces up her sleeves as she can. But I think a show of force is needed. Besides, being a Gamer I get loads of aces for my sleeves and getting more every day.

I don't reply to her, merely step off the tower and let [Flight] carry me.

In a moment I had their full attention. I glide down but keep to my new city, let the wardens come to me. This was enough of a show of my personal power, now it is time to show another kind. As I wait Margit once more reaches my side and joins me in watching the troops train. Rila, my foremost general, was really whipping our people into shape despite their ingrained belief of being fighters as opposed to soldiers. The matron is all about discipline though and judging from several bloody noses, isn't afraid to make herself be obeyed.

"I'll go collect your pet projects" Margit half stated, half offered.


As my Hound saunters away I continue watching the drills until I feel the presence of my second Servant.

"I am back, Fia-sama"

"Welcome back, Haku" I greet the invisible ninja that promptly drops his Engineered invisibility, "How was the Imperium?"

"Rather warm" Haku replied mildly, "I have quite a lot to report about the slaving operation. I also have retrieved some of the captured elves from Denerim as per your orders."

I hum "Good. I'll have to deal with that later though, I'll be having guests shortly."

"I'll see to them in the interim then" the ice-user bows, "My report is ready for you whenever you wish."

"Thanks" I tear my eyes from Rila shouting at one particular grouping and smile at Haku, "Good job. The freed slaves will make my case for Shianni more compelling. She is already preparing her people for the move but this should cinch it."

"Shall I share this with the appropriate officers?"

"I already had some arrangements made, but yes. Appreciate it"

"Hai, Fia-sama"

"Find me once the wardens leave"

"Hai, Fia-sama" Haku once more faded into invisibility, he did really like my gadget.

Which reminds me I have to craft that better mask for Margit now that I'm a Blacksmith. Even if it is only a practice one, I'm still stuck on iron. But soon I will be able to go a tier up to steel. Or… I could make that mask silver. Nah, I'll do a steel one eventually and then look into the other materials Thedas has to offer. DA Inquisition had plenty of crafting options, we'll find something that will suit.

And there she comes, my beautiful Hound and the warden party behind her. Well, mostly behind her, Amell is trying to talk to her, aka squeeze some info, but the red-head is very tight-lipped as always. The questions only cease once they spot me, Amell shifting her focus.

I have chosen a neutral expression for my fist impression, along with a very neutral tone but…

"You can fly?!" Alistair exclaims even before any greeting could be issued.

"Why, afraid I will swoop upon you?" I reply, clamping down forcefully the smirk that threatens to ruin that neutrality.

"Yes… swooping is bad" the bastard prince replies slowly, exchanging a confused look with his fellow warden. Morrigan's eyes sharpen even further than normal as her gaze bores into mine – she too recognized the exchange, the same lines as during the prologue of the game. Sue me, I couldn't help it, Alistair just made it so easy. Well, I did want to rattle them a bit anyway.

Amell retakes the reigns "Greetings, I'm warden Amell. I like what you have done with this place."

That makes me smile "We try. So what brings you back here?"

"We need to make a little stop in the Wilds not far from here" the mage replies freely, "We're off towards the mountains next. We'd be grateful to get that safe passage your people offered."

I nod "You have it, wardens are always welcome, especially in the middle of the Blight."

"Well, you have done well so far" Amell hums, making a show of looking around, "Your scout said you keep the darkspawn away with magic?"


"And what magic is that I wonder" Morrigan speaks up for the first time. God I love her voice. Sounds even better in person.

I wink "My magic. But perhaps we can discuss it one day when the Archdemon is done."

Wynne didn't seem to appreciate it as Morrigan did, her brow set in a deep frown "Magic of this magnitude has to be ritualistic in origin. You either refreshed one from old times, with blood, or you made a pact of your own. You put all your people at risk either way."

"You Circle sheep know nothing about magic, that's why you turn to demons" I scoff, "You can't do the thinking yourselves so you beg for help. Do not confuse me with amateurs like yourselves."

"Well said" Morrigan downright smiles at me. It's sharp and wicked and I think I'm melting. So. hot.

Amell clears her throat and her left hand clamps hard on Wynne's shoulder "Moving on. As you may or may not know, me and Alistair here are the last wardens in Ferelden right now. But to end the Blight we need an army, the Archdemon will be coming. We have already secured the aid of the Circle and of what Dalish elven tribes that have not fled the country. We will be meeting with the dwarves soon, and we have a provisional agreement with Redcliffe Arling. If we could add your people's help we are sure to defeat the darkspawn."

"You can count on our support" I nod.

The warden is visibly surprised "Just like that?"

"Just like that"

"Oh" the woman blinks, "Alright. Eh, thanks. Thank you, I mean."

"Damn" Alistair sighs, "I hope the dwarves will be this easy too. I don't want to fight anymore werewolves."

I smirk "I would imagine. And of course we will defend our land. We are here to stay so we will gladly help. That said, I would warn you against putting us squarely on the front lines as the Fereldan lords would no doubt advise. Wardens are meant to be apolitical, not doing the dirty work for nobility. Make no doubt, southern Ferelden is ours and we will fight with all we have to keep it that way."

Alistair arches his eyebrows "Southern Ferelden is just that, Ferelden."

"It's Avvar land now, we will come with a better name in time" I shrug.

"No way the Landsmeet won't denounce this" the ex-templar looks at Amell.

"Not to mention the Chantry" Morrigan smirks.

I shrug again "Won't change a thing."

"You'd drag your people into war" Wynne says with her patent disapproval.

"The Avvar don't work the way you lowlanders do, I might lead them but this conquest is a consensus of all that you see here. The fighters, the chiefs, the shamans, the healers, the hunters… all people."

High above us an eagle let out a pitched sound. Not my doing either, oftentimes I wonder of the veracity of my Sky-Chosen status.

"And the Lady of the Skies agrees as well" I nod upwards.

To my surprise Morrigan doesn't scoff, she simply rolls her eyes but keeps silent. Wynne does scoff as well as something softer but close from Alistair. I ignore Sten and telepathically peer into Zevran and Leliana. Both are surprisingly open-minded.

"Anyway" I hum and casually reach into Inventory to retrieve the Joining Chalice that was left here after the darkspawn attack, "I believe this belongs to you, judging from the griffon insignia and its former content."

"The Chalice!" Alistair exclaims and rushes forward, taking the cup from my hands, "It's ours alright. Where have you found it?"

"Here at Ostagar" I reply with the obvious answer. Alistair has the decency to blush at that.

"You know the contents?" Amell focuses on a different part on what I said like I mildly hoped.

"I do"

"How come?"

I shrug "I have taken an interest, the Blight and all. I know you wardens like your secrets but don't worry, I won't pass them on."

Both Alistair and Amell look at each other, having a private and utterly silent conversation. The rest of the party looks on in interest but luckily for me just as Wynne was about to speak, Amell beat her to the punch "May we discuss something in private? About those warden secrets."

"Margit, take the wardens' party to one of the camps, maybe they would like some refreshments" I instruct my Hound with a flick of the wrist.

"Yes, my lady" Margit bows and ushers the curious group away from us.

"I could've done with something to eat myself" Alistair grumbles, getting an armored elbow to the gut for it.

"I'll be perfectly honest with you" the mage starts, "We're rookies, Alistair has been a warden for a year and something while I joined right before the battle here. Needless to say that we don't know much of those warden secrets."

"Yeah, Duncan, the warden commander" Alistair chimed in, "Was more focused on the practical side. Things like what the hell goes into that chalice aside darkspawn blood were for the higher-ups."

"I see" I nod despite already knowing all that from the game.

"And," Amell took a deep breath, "we aren't exactly sure how to kill and Archdemon. We know it has to be us but we don't know how."

"Or why" Alistair nods.

"Can you help?" the mage shots me a very nice approximation of a puppy-dog eyes look.

"I can" I nod. And I should, with me fucking with Howe's dungeon soon, I might mess up the Orlesian warden thing when they would 'officially' learn all this. And they really need to know. Plus it gets me nice brownie points, I already cast [Influence] upon most of them but every little bit helps. I didn't use the Skill on Sten and Wynne since they would find it suspicious, [Influence] is subtle but those who dislike me severely might notice the slight change.

"Thank the Maker!" Alistair exhales loudly.

I chuckle and sit down on the grass, gesturing for the two wardens to join me. "Well, the joining ritual will be better explained by your fellow wardens, so I suggest ask them once the Blight ends. That said, you'll need to collect all the blood of the Archdemon you can once it's slain. It's one of the main ingredients along with lyrium. Blood magic at its finest."

Alistair looked distinctly uncomfortable but nodded "Yeah, I guessed that. But not the Archdemon blood. How will we even store it?"

That hadn't occurred to me. I hum "Glass containers should work just fine, probably nothing enchanted to be safe though. I'll look into it."

"We'll be grateful" Amell half-bows.

"Now, for the Archdemon himself" I sigh, this part kinda sucks, "There is no easy way to say this but one of you needs to die."

"Wait, what?" Alistar gaped, Amell looking alarmed as well.

"An Archdemon can only be killed permanently by a Grey Warden" I start with the common knowledge, "If killed by a non-warden, the Archdemon's soul will escape to the nearest darkspawn, who are soulless beings that can be transformed into a new Archdemon. This is what makes the Bight so horrifying, it is unending and the Archdemon effectively immortal. However, if a Grey Warden strikes the killing blow, the Archdemon's soul will be drawn into the Grey Warden's body through that Warden's taint. A warden though is not a soulless being, the process will not form another Archdemon but rather destroy both souls, Archdemon and warden."

Amell gulps and closes her eyes "In war, victory. In peace, vigilance. In death, sacrifice. That's what they meant."

"But, but that can't be" Alistair shakes his head, "Duncan would… he would've…"

"It is a secret for a reason" I say gently.

"It would definitely stem recruitment" Amell pursed her lips, her tone bitter, "Here I thought after the failed joining nothing would surprise me about the order."

"And you're sure about this" Alistair asks, face pale under his blond fuzz. He really needs a good shave.

I nod "Quite sure, yes. At least, that is the way the Grey Wardens have always done it. The wardens have always experimented a lot, trying to find new and better way against the darkspawn, but in this they never figured out an alternative. At least to my knowledge."

"Brilliant, just brilliant" Alistair growled, petulantly striking his armored knee.

With an insensitive shrug I continue "If it makes you feel any better, it is usually the oldest warden or the highest ranked that is selected for that last blow. Rookies like you would've been kept away, battling the rank and file darkspawn while the oldest ones dealt with the Archdemon."

Amell's eyes widened in realization "That might be why Duncan put us on signal duty during the battle at Ostagar."

"Oh" Alistair said softly but his countenance turned pained "But wouldn't that also mean that Duncan would be the one to die? He never said anything, not even goodbye."

"We can talk about that later" the mage warden awkwardly patted his arm and then turned back to me, "Anything else we need to know about the wardens?"

"Nothing you don't already know" I hum, "You do know about your shortened lifespan, yes?"

"Yes" two dejected voices chorused.

"That's it then"

"Thank you" Amell bowed to me again, "It wasn't what we wanted to hear…"

"Understatement" Alistair grumbled.

"…but at least now we know. And it's something we can do, no special warden archdemon-killing ritual or anything, just snuff them out in person."

"Technically the special warden archdemon-killing ritual is the Joining itself" I couldn't help but point out.

It gets me an eyeroll from the mage and a soft chuckle from the templar.

I climb back to my feet as the duo fell silent for quite a while. The wardens follow suit but Amell saw fit to ask "How come you even know this? You said it was a secret."

"I have my ways. You'd find that I know a lot of things that I shouldn't" I smirk, "Like a little tidbit about your colleague here."

"Oh?" Alistair asked neutrally, but his face betrayed his sudden bout of nervousness.

"Yes" I nod, now completely serious, "I said before that wardens are welcome here, if you come by with a different title to your name, you'll be greeted much less cordially. I suggest you keep that in mind once Loghain is deposed." Not that I will let his ascend to the throne, nu-uh, that thing is mine. He should stay a warden, this way I won't have to kill him, that would be a shame.

"No worries on that" the blond prince shook his head, a small bitter tug on his lips, "I have no title other than warden, and no ambition for that to change."

"Good!" I grin, the over-the-top kind that is also quite threatening.

Amell eyes me for a while and then her eyes flit to Alistair. With a minute shrug she turns back to me and asks "Can we get back to our companions? We have some journey ahead of us still and I'd prefer not to wander around the Wilds in the dark."

"Smart" I hum – it was smart and a nice dismissal of sorts.

With my servant bond I can clearly feel Margit's location so I lead the two Fereldan wardens towards her. The soldier took them to the closest eating area so it only takes a few minutes to reach them. All the non-warden characters were busy eating a late lunch with varying degrees of gusto. Zevran was clearly on seconds for example. Not that I could blame him, we have some excellent cooks and fresh ingredients, nothing remotely comparable to travelling rations consisting of dried… everything.

Leliana's eyes are once again the first to find us, she smiles unsurely at both wardens, sensing their turmoil. Yeah, sorry, I pulled out a Dumbledore and told them they have to die to win. But hey, I don't know any other method and Morrigan can still pull through. Not sure which ending I'm hoping for but Alistair touching Morrigan kinda makes me jealous. I really want her on my team. And you know, maybe something further. A cheese-obsessed former templar touching what I feel should be mine is beyond irking me. Buuut, an elder god's soul just laying around in a baby is too good to pass up… I'll let fate decide, I have some standards. Maybe. We'll see.

"Got everything you wanted?" Leliana asks once we approached close enough.

"Wanted, HA!" Alistair scoffs.

Amell puts a calming hand on his forearm "We got what we needed, yes."

This time Leliana's eyes find mine and I shrug apologetically in response. Said eyes narrowed minutely and went back to search for clues on her friend's faces.

"I sincerely hope you will approach any information given about warden secrets with caution and thought" Wynne just couldn't help but prod.

I freely roll my eyes. This discount McGonagall clearly mistakes age for wisdom. She's just old, it doesn't give her any brain boost. Or the right to lecture me.

"Perhaps we don't need to antagonize our hosts, do we my dear Wynne" Zevran said in his charming/smarmy (it kinda depends) voice.


Eloquent. Really, have a stroke already.

Margit isn't amused either, glowering at the elder mage even from behind her mask. I send a wave of calm though our bond. Wynne is going to croak once the warden party doesn't need a healer. She and Sten are just trouble.

Morrigan comes to my defiance as well, though probably only because she despises the other mage "Cease your prattle woman, you needn't show your ignorance, we are already well-informed about it."

Before any of the involved parties could add some more, Amell takes control of her group "Enough! You all just had what looks like a great lunch, you can't be unhappy. Take a leaf from Sten's book and don't argue."

"Sarebaas are too chatty" Sten frowned and shook his head.

I raise an eyebrow "All mages would feel chatty for you since your people rip their mage's tongues out and sew their lips together."

The qunari nods in satisfaction, something that made the warden group gape even more. Well, Morrigan did not gape, she just got more… pointy? Spiky? I know it doesn't make sense but that's precisely how it felt, like an animal puffing up before striking. Still, she obviously knew of the practice before hand but it wasn't enough to keep her reaction to herself.

"Truly?"Leliana is the first to ask despite Sten making his position clear.


Morrigan sneers at the bard "This you find barbaric? The qunari keep their mages like cattle but your precious chantry is different? Are Circles anything more than slave pens, is the loftily-named Rite of Tranquility anything else than death merely less bloody. Your hypocrisy disgusts me."

"I said enough!" Amell raised her voice, glaring at Alistair, Leliana and Wynne who clearly wanted their turn to speak on the matter. The warden mage bowed towards me "Perhaps it is time we left. We thank you for your hospitality and your willingness to lend your army against the Blight. And for… you know what. Truly, the wardens are in your debt."

I bowed minutely back, rather impressed at her ability to keep her people in line with just a glare "Think nothing of it Warden-Commander."

The title takes Amell aback a little but she seems to accept it, sitting even straighter. Then she stands up "Alright, let's go people. We need to reach a cranky witch."

As all her warriors follow, Morrigan stays seated "I told you that I can't be present, might as well stay here and rejoin you after. I'll find you in raven form."

"Yes, and what is that reason you can't come, you were awfully reticent on that" Alistair asked almost sweetly, eyes full of distrust.

"I told your boss, you needn't concern yourself with it" the witch of the wilds replies in disinterest.

"About that…" Amell shuffles her feet awkwardly, nothing like the leader before, "I was thinking we might tell everybody. After all, this is a rather dangerous favor and…"

"Do as you will" Morrigan huffs, crossing her arms.

The younger warden scratches the back of her head sheepishly and then finally nods, leaving the witch be. She gathers the rest and soon they follow Margit out of Ostagar, heading to the Wilds.

I hum even as the one-short warden party leaves, I have a nice chance to work on Morrigan today, so that is great. On the other hand I have not interacted with Leliana much at all. I will need to meet them at one point, even before the big battle. Which of course might go a little bit differently now that I'm in the picture. Will it even be Denerim again?

Anyways, Leliana-wise, I only [Influence]d her a bit and nudged forward her interest about Avvar religion and our way of life. But yeah, I need some more. Maybe I should invite her back here after the Blight – if I remember correctly, she went back to Haven to the site of the Holy Ashes before her Chantry friend called her to service.


"So it seems we will have time for that talk about your magic after all" Morrigan downright smirked.

Oh boy, the game really didn't give her justice. That smirk is wicked. Though I would kinda love to see her smile for real…

Quest Alert!

Oh, shush you.

"So it seems indeed" I smile at the witch, quite glad that not only I can perform all that magic System gave me, I can actually explain it.

Let's nerd out!

I was really sad to see Morrigan leave even though she effectively spent only an afternoon and evening here. She really knows her stuff and she even gave me some really nice ideas mage-wise. Plus, since I shared my 'secret' wards, she offered me knowledge about shape-shifting in return. Mighty nice of her. Though to my chagrin it just unlocked another Class so I have to wait to get it – I kinda hoped it would be a Skill, or perhaps a reachable Perk, but alas.

Magic aside, I got to increase my Rep with her which is beyond excellent since I want her more than ever. I also not-too-subtly offered her shelter from her mother, but since the warden party was 'killing' her she didn't give it that much thought. Still, she did hint we could talk magic some more at a later date, so that's that. I can wait, no doubt the situation will be different once she gets hold of Flemeth's grimoire and thus more information. Plus, as with Leliana, I plan to meet her again.

One thing that occurred me only later was that there was somebody missing from the warden party – the two dwarves with the cart. I mean, it makes sense the two merchants weren't lugging behind the wardens at all times, in real life they would probably stay in Denerim or even Redcliffe, only the game they were a necessary mechanic, a shop and an enchanter. It was a bit of a pity actually, I wanted to start establishing trade, get some feelers out in the dwarven community. Also Sandal's enchantments would be interesting to study.

Anyway, with the wardens dispatching Flemeth to the south of me, and her other shard somewhere around Kirkwall, I flew to the hut to see if there was anything to scavenge. Surely Morrigan did that already, but just to be on the safe side. Predictably I haven't found anything of use. Still, I also grew a new type of tree there – well, not a new tree per se, just one that has ward-given function – proximity alarm. If anyone comes close to the hut, I get an alert and can check it out. I planned to add this feature to the boundary trees but I would go mad with alerts as people would come and go – I would need to make it more specific, like 'templars' or 'Orlesian soldiers'. That is something I haven't figured out yet, but it's on my list.

On the topic of wards, I have made a breakthrough, and I have found out that smithing, working with my hands and repeating the motions, really calms me and allows me to think. During one of my dagger-runs I had an awesome idea, one that if I'm honest should've occurred to me sooner. That's a lie, it did occur to me but I was thinking enchantment rather than ward and that wasn't working. Yet, that one is on the list too. Anyway, the idea is a compulsion ward, it should influence people in a radius around the tree and subtly make them think a certain way according to its programming. Like a remote Mind Mage. I already grew a tree at a village near Redcliffe to test it out and so far so good. If all goes well I'll be planting the trees all over Ferelden. So far I'm only testing one command but I'm sure I can add more – stuff like 'Avvar are safety', 'the Chantry is unwilling to help', 'Loghain killed the king', 'Fia Sky-Chosen is chosen by the gods' and 'don't chop this tree'. This would make my conquest markedly easier – still, it's only subtle, if one has strong conviction in something that opposes the compulsion, it won't work. It might soften, but that would require testing and constant monitoring.

Compulsion trees are still a work in progress but that is not to say that I didn't have any mokuton to apply. My troops officially conquered the vast majority of Stenhold Arling so I was needed to pout a more permanent boundary in play. Stenhold is a smaller Arling, like West Hill was and similarly it had been pretty devastated by darkspawn. Still, it had two major fortifications but one had been reduced to rubble by the blighters and the second I helped take out. All in all it was only a matter of time before-


Conquered Stenhold Arling

Award: 300 000 exp, 100 credits, gacha

Perk [Surprise Boost] activated!

+1 WIS

Nice! My troops are really efficient indeed. But now the harder part starts, keeping the population from rebelling against us. Stenhold has more inhabitants than West Hill or Fallowmire so it's a harder job. Especially since I won't do a true occupation, I don't want the resentment, I want us to be seen as saviors. Let people tolerate us when the Blight is on, we will be harder to dislodge after. Especially if those compulsion trees pull through.

On that front I decided to give it a little push – Luck. It's always an agonizing decision to spend points but here it seems appropriate.


Name: Sofia Vetinari

Level: 29 (18%)

Title: Slayer

Class: Blacksmith (Lvl 16)

Secondary Class: Conqueror (MAX)


HP – 8M (11M)

MP – 32M (34M)

STR – 244 (274)

VIT – 358 (413)

DEX – 312 (347)

INT – 751 (766)

WIS – 430 (445)

CHA – 402 (412)

LCK – 160 (190)

Available Stat Points – 117

Yeah, I'll put forty points into Luck, it will still leave me a good chunk for emergencies. And luck can by itself deal with an emergency or two. Plus at 200 I get a Perk. The next threshold is 500 so I probably won't feed points here unless I get another Class that levels Luck and I'll need to round up the numbers. After all, I definitely anticipate retaking Sky-Chosen so that's one way to beef up the Stat.

There done.

Perk Received!

Gambler: Grants a free gacha at every Level-Up

That's not bad at all, not at all. With my Luck and the first ever Perk I got, my pulls are quite good. Well, at least not useless and sometimes really awesome. Dagger of Time looking at you. Still, getting something extra at every level is awesome but I'm not leveling all that fast. With Conqueror on that gets me exp from my soldiers fighting the rate has sped up considerably but I'm still only almost level 30. Almost thirty, phe. But I guess it makes the monsters around level 100 truly stand out. Or maybe it's accurate in the hardest world the game can go? Guess level 30 in Marvel or DC could amount to me…

Ah well, no need to ponder, it's not like it changes anything for me. Except maybe make me visit dungeons again. Those are really boring though, it's more profitable to stay at home and practice Blacksmithing or cajole some hermit apostate to join my nation. Ok, I only have one hermit but for my defense they are really hard to find! Hermit, duh.

I'm really looking forward to that level 30 so I may get a new dungeon. Presuming the pattern holds.

Anyway, 'System, could you pull the gacha for me?'

Item Acquired!

Dungeon Key [ Pirate Cove ]

That's what I'm talking about, Luck! I was just whining about boring dungeons and bam!, I get a new one. Love you Luck!

I feel underappreciated

'You spun it marvelously'

Very funny

'Come now, you know I love you'


'Wow, my System is a tsundere!'

'Silent treatment? Really? '

'Alright, suit yourself' I sigh, 'I'm going to check out the new dungeon. Which I'm sure is absolutely amazing and I have you to thank for it. '

and don't you forget it.

I shake my head, really, a tsundere. Anyway, this is the perfect time for dungeoning since I'm putting on hold the conquest for a little while – now it is time to consolidate, secure the borders, prepare for any possible Loghain or darkspawn shenanigans and start working on better assimilating my new population. And level the Blacksmith while things are calm. And needle Haku, see what I did there, about some sabotaging of the Chantry's reputation. He's really an excellent spy and has good ideas too.

Speaking of Haku, I would love to have him along in this clearly water dungeon but he's in Tevinter right now, scouting things out. I'll take Margit then, we were scheduled to make a raid on an Orlesian mine so she has time – the ore and the slave-adjacent workers will have to wait. Sorry.

'Margit' I call through our bond.

'Yes, my lady? It is time?'

'Yup. Change of plans though, we're going to a dungeon, I'll tell you when you arrive'

'Understood. On my way'

Gotta love Margit's efficiency. And her swiftness – she arrives almost immediately. I catch her up with the dungeon thing and off we go.


Warning – level lower than recommended for certain parts of this dungeon

That's what I'm talking about, a challenge! Really an awesome gacha pull.

I acknowledge the warning and a moment later Margit and I are standing on the deck of an empty ship docked at a small sandy island.

An unbidden smile comes to my lips and I look upwards to better feel the sun rays. Truly, what a change from the dreary and rainy Ferelden. The island we are docked by is small but with near white sand, a few palms and some wooden shacks that appear to be empty at first glance.

"I'm not much of a sailor but I believe I'll enjoy this dungeon" Margit speaks up from beside me, her usual mask at her belt.

I hum and tear my eyes form the island to inspect the ship instead "While this looks really fun I think we could take a good look at this dungeon from the air."

"Agreed. I recommend exploring the island first though"

"Agreed" I nod, "You do that, I'll take a look at the ship."

I leave Margit surreptitiously marvel at the fine and warm sand and go down below to see what we're working with. The ship appears sturdy and well-made but I'm hardly an expert. [Observe] just tells me the ship's called The Delver which I find mildly amusing and that the ship has its own HP. Seems I will have to be careful with it.

'Hey, System?'


Good, we're talking again. 'How does this dungeon respawn? Always back here at the island with the ship or…?'

The dungeon entrance is on the deck of the ship. If you park it somewhere other than this island, you go there

'Thanks, that's really useful information'


Okeeeey. Anyway, below deck is surprisingly spacious and clear, lots or possible storage spaces – for loot! – empty barrels and crates. A hammock or two, tables and chairs. Nothing worth of too much interest until I get to what I assume is the captain's quarters. Right there on the big table to the side is a map. It's a little sparse for now but I have a feeling that it will get more detailed when we go around the dungeon a little more. Right now it has a few islands, some naval routes for merchant ships? and two big differently-colored areas. Given that the game issued a warning about higher level parts of the dungeon, I wager those are it.

I'm going to take a peek anyway. Just to know what I'm up against.

Seeing that we're going to be flying today I lean more towards the map to better memorize it. The moment I touch it though I get a notification that the map has been added to my Inventory. Handy. Really handy as the big map is still here on the table but I got a smaller version in my hands. Cool.

I make my way up on the deck again, curious about what Margit found.

Not finding her up there I decide to take a gander around the island too. Or maybe just camp out on the sand for a while. Really, it's the nicest dungeon ever, one might even come here for a vacation. Well, if nothing attacks us here. But that is what scouting is for.

"My lady" Margit announces her presence.

I refuse to open my eyes, relaxing on the beach "Yes? What have you found?"

"Some weapons and clothes. I don't think they are of any quality but best Observe them. A few pistols and some swords, all straight form a pirate movie. The clothes too"

"Was there a nice hat?"

"…there were hats"

I open my eyes, eager for my very own captain hat. Margit trails behind me telling me what she found where. I [Observe] everything but nothing gives any boost or anything. I do get my hat though, because why not. It doesn't really go with the rest of my ensemble and as we're going to be flying it's not very practical either so I chuck it into Inventory for later. I ignore the rest of the clothes. The pirate theme is nice but I have actual armor. And thankfully I don't sweat or feel that heated under all that metal and fur thanks to [Gamer Body]. As a Servant, Margit appears to be in the same boat. Hehe. I know, that was bad.

"Onwards then!" I exclaim when we're done with the island.

"Up, up and away" Margit murmurs to my absolute delight. I didn't know she was a Supergirl fan. I'll make sure to tease her later.

We take to the clear blue sky, letting the air currents and my new map guide our way. I could clearly still see my ship and the island when I spot the first dungeon creatures. Ok, that was harsh if accurate – it's a simple ship, about the size of my own, with the jolly roger flag flying in the wind.

"I thought pirates hoisted that flag only right before attacking" Margit muses.

I chuckle "But that it real history, this is a dungeon. And it clearly stated it has pirates."

And yes, it has pirates. We're too far to see things with [Observe] but for now my goggles, namely the telescopic function, work pretty well. I can see a very movie-looking pirate, peg-leg and all, ordering his men around. I can see over twenty people on the deck with some indubitably down below.

"Your plan, my lady?"

I shrug and withdraw the Sword of the Creator from my Inventory "We drop on them, I want to see how many exp I get apiece. You hold back for this one."

"No magic?" Margit inclined her head to the side.

"Not for this one" I grin, "I want to see things up close. And do a little swashbuckling."

"As you wish"

With another, wider, grin I accelerate and head straight for the ship. It takes quite a while but the crew ultimately notices my arrival and calls to arms. I'm already loving this.

To my surprise a cannon fires in my direction. I evade with ease and a smirk but then the shockwave hits and it manages to veer me off course a little. A fucking cannon, and it actually works against me?! Ok, works a little and with my DEX I can compensate easily, but a cannon?

Another projectile approaches me, and another and another. I speed up my flight and dance forwards, avoiding them all. In my displeasure, and rapid deceleration, I crash through the mast. The deafening creak makes the pirates pause.

I take that moment of hesitation to fire up my [Observe] to check them out. And suddenly I'm a little disappointed - they're good, but not nowhere good enough to give me a challenge. The 'Pirate Captain' and the 'First Mate' are markedly better than the rest of the men but still very much out of their leagues with me. Ah well, the ship fighting is still novel. And there are those high-level zones.

The moment of hesitation is brief and soon I'm attacked by the crew. It's mostly cutlasses and knives but some aim their flintlocks at me.

I have my usual buffs on, not to mention my armor, but as with all new things I'm careful at first. Especially after that cannonball surprise. But I needn't have bothered, pirate after pirate fall before my sword and I haven't even unfurled its whip form. As they die by my sword-strikes I take note of the exp, 2000. That's… okay. More men came at me and by my count this crew is about thirty-strong. Not a bad harvest especially when taking into account that the captain and his second-on-command will probably give me more.

Catching sight of an elaborate feathered hat, I quickly pivot and go about to check my hypothesis. I almost get skewered by the man's saber because I froze in astonished hilarity after noticing the pirate has an actual parrot on his shoulder.

Hm, would the parrot give exp?

+500 exp

Oh, alright. That's kinda funny. Poor birdy.

I can feel Margit's reproachful look at the back of my neck. Ok, the bird might've not been necessary. To my defense though, he will respawn. Besides, I fully plan to sink this ship and I don't think this type of parrot can actually fly very far… Then again, game logic.

Ah, here's the first mate, at least he should be considered an acceptable target by my paramour.

I take one look at the man, his rotting teeth in particular, and I take him down hard and in one strike. Revolting. I guess that is one downside about fighting pirates, the hygiene.

"That's all of them, my lady" Margit announced, "I checked down below. And the water, one pirate either got knocked out of the ship or he was thinking of being clever."

I chuckle and nod "Thank you. Have you found anything of interest? Booty?"

"I have not looked, pardon me"

"Let's go do that then, pirates must have treasure" I sheathe my sword into Inventory, "There is a distinct lack of treasure at Ostagar."

Margit gives me a truly flat look "You keep all your hoard in your Inventory. And Ostagar doesn't even have a treasury."

"Yet. It can be added. A mountain of golden coins and precious stones would be a nice prop"

"We don't have a true guard yet, we don't need to waste men on catching idiots and carry out executions" the red-head rolls her eyes.

I sigh "Alright, alright. No dragon-sized pile of goodies."

Margit nods approvingly "And it looks like you won't be tempted, seems the pirates were broke at the moment."


"They do have maps though"

That immediately piques my interest. Indeed they did have maps. Better maps than I have.

Dungeon map has been updated

I grin, not anymore they don't. Handy. Thanks.

"My lady!"

At the urgency in Margit's voice I pivot on my heel, ready to fry any danger. Instead of a danger though a worn and oddly-sticky journal is shoved into my hands with my Servant tapping a particular passage.

I can feel my grin involuntarily forming on my lips and slowly spread to huge proportions. Seems I will have that treasure after all.

'System, you have truly outdone yourself'

I know

"Do you think it's real?" Margit asks me, eyes wide.

I nod "The journal wouldn't be here otherwise – you have to keep in mind that this is a dungeon, it runs on game logic. And if this thing speaks about a golden city deep underwater filled with half-fish-men, then we will probably be meeting fucking Ariel soon."

"She has the best hair" Margit nods absently, taking the journal back, studying it intently.

I leave her to it. Indeed if this is true, then maybe the high-level area is underwater. Oh, it did say parts, areas, so maybe it was all of it? Because sure as hell the pirates were easy enough. Whatever it turns out to be true, looks like I severely underestimate dungeons – this is pretty epic. And if each area has a boss… Exp! Riches! Gacha!

Ehm, can't get too excited. One step at a time. Besides, to explore underwater I'll need to craft some new equipment. Engineer will take care of it easily enough but I do have to wonder what another Gamer would do. Guess they would have to postpone diving until they found a solution.

"What next, my lady?" Margit makes me refocus on the present.

I blink "I'll destroy this ship and then we fly around this dungeon some more to see what's what."

The red-head doesn't object and we both make our way back on the deck. No other ship has sailed close and there was no hint of any land so there was little else to go. We take flight again and I lob a fireball over my shoulder. The ship is already pretty smashed up so this will finish the job in a jiffy.

It doesn't take long.

You have sunk the 'Busty Wench'

+ 50 000 exp

So I get exp for the ship too, that is very good to know. Will the size of the ship matter? Are there even other-sized ships with more or different crew? Can't wait to find out.

The deed done, I pick a direction and we continue onwards, searching for either a ship or an island. I'm eager for more testing.

Being it a dungeon and all, it doesn't take long at all to find another ship. This one too bears the mark of pirates so the exp figures will be the same, ship's size appears about the same too – that means I can get this one in one big shot, find out if that nets me the same amount.

Choosing a nice big fire spell I let it fly, rather enjoying the panicked pirates running around, catching fire. Some jump overboard but that should give me the exp for killing them too, I mean I am the cause of their death.

System is waiting with me, only when the ship falls apart and the wind blows some ash towards us, I get the notification.

You defeated a small ship and its crew

+ 160 000 exp

Small ship, that's good, it implies bigger ones out there. More exp. So let's go find the…

A strange sound reverberates through the air, a fog horn perhaps? Margit looks at me briefly and then immediately away, eyes searching for anything wrong. I do the same, my goggles on. Not that there are needed as we soon spot a sudden fog/cloud/storm thing approaching us.

Warning! The Flying Dutchman has been summoned as it sensed the use of magic!


Wait, what? Run? And that's taking the Flying Dutchman' name way to literal!

"My lady?"

"Did you see the warning too?"

"I did, my lady"

"I want to check it with [Observe], hit it with a spell to see how we do. If it goes bad, we take that recommendation" I lay out the plan, intently waiting for the ship to be seen.

"Understood" Margit said in a tight voice. She clearly disagrees with my decision but obeying just the same.

Still, I prepare to flee, I just need a moment to take a good look.

Finally the Flying Dutchman comes into view, emerging from the fog and heading straight for us. The ship looks… dead. Rotten, wet, slimy and dark.

Hm, will my [Slayer] Title work on this? It is clearly undead…

I choke a little bit when Observe does it's work – a hundred million HP! That's definitely the highest amount on an enemy to date. But it's… actually doable. [Fool's Fire] would get a nice chunk and its damage over time. With my deep Mana pool I could hit it with a near-continuous barrage of spells to help it along. Yeah, a long long process, but doable… But one I'll try without Margit around. For one she would nag, for two she's melee type.

Let's try that [Fool's Fire].

It hits. And it starts doing damage – at level 14 the spell does 13.500 damage every second which is really good despite the ludicrous amount of Mana it costs, and that is discounting the bonus it gets from my [Pyromaniac Perk]. Problem is… that fucking ship regenerates! And bloody fast!

Too much bloody fast.

"Margit, we're booking it!" I announce but I don't really wait for her to acknowledge that, I grab her by the waist and fly out at maximum speed. My [Flight] is quite a bit faster than the device I built for her - I'm not sure how fast the Dutchman goes but to get out of the dungeon I can't have 'enemies nearby'. I tested how far in the Moonlit Forest dungeon and here it should be the same, now it just depends on the speed of the ship.

The Flying Dutchman is swift but not that swift. It clearly has it in for us but I yank both of us out of the dungeon and back into my room at Ostagar.

After a moment of silence I exhale "Well, that was a thing."


"Maybe less magic next time"


"Well, until I figure out how to get that ship down" I smirk.

Margit rolls her eyes "If you think it prudent."

I shrug "Hey, I bet bombs will work on it. And I'll look into something that can block regen. And in the meantime we have the rest of the dungeon to explore. And I still need to check if the Flying Dutchman respawns immediately or it will wait until I overuse magic again."

"We can go check right now" the red-head proposed.

"I will, you stay here" I stop smiling to make sure she gets I'm serious, "I'm faster alone. I'll just pop in and out."

"That seems like the wisest course of action" Margit nods.

I wink at her and return to the dungeon.

Just as System said, I'm back at the ship, still docked at the same island as before. I strain my hearing but no fog horn sounds, no notification, no mist. Still, I take to the air again - I'll fly around some more, looking for the legendary ship. As things stand though, I'm sure it will only show up when I overmagic again. Flying doesn't set it off and I also used that one fireball on the first ship. No Dutchman then. It was only after the big spell that took the entire ship that it showed up.

Guess I'll have to test that too. Which means Margit will use that 'I'm disappointed in you' look. Great. That probably means I'm not getting laid tonight.

I really hope Morrigan joins us sooner or later.

It's official, I've got elves. Sounds like a disease, right? Well, I guess some Orlesians would agree but for me it just means a nice boost in population, one that can be controlled much better than the human Fereldan peasants. Especially since this lot already owes their freedom to me, something that Shianni will remind them on a regular basis. I fully expect some Dalish to approach me as well should their clan fall apart due to winter or darkspawn, but so far I have city elves and those have an arguably better mindset. Not high and mighty about a glory long past that they know only fragments of.

Still, for all the good the elves will bring me, I'd rather be exploring the pirate dungeon or work in the forge than deal with the secret relocation of a good chunk of people and deal with its repercussions. For one, Howe will soon find out that one of his prized prisoners vanished without a trace. Shianni decided she wanted revenge after all so being the kind ruler I am I gave her that rapist fuck to do with him as she wished. Predictably she gelded him and after getting a few nice strikes in to work out her fury, she killed him.

Another thing that will surprise and worry Howe is the Alienage which will soon be empty. Sure, some elves wanted to remain but peer pressure and Mind Mage got them to move. I wonder if I should pin the disappearance on the Tevinters, they were cleared to take people after all. It will also be amusing to see if Howe even reports this to Loghain. The regent has no reason to ask about them so Howe might try keeping him in the dark. Or will he say it is an Orlesian conspiracy? That would be hilarious and make Loghain spiral hard. I could use that actually – a thing to consider.

The almost-slaves will be a boon, either eager to fight their oppressors or docile enough to follow orders given. And all that for the cheap price of getting them a place to call their own, the promise of safety, some treatment and above all, some hot food. Pretty sure the majority would follow me just for some soup. Not that the Alienage was always that bad, it just got considerably worse after that botched wedding and Howe taking charge.

So, I have four distinct populations now – the Avvar, the Chasind, the Fereldans and the elves. The first two are melding nicely, the integration of the Fereldans though is slow. Still, even only the Avvar and the Chasind should finish up that world quest, so what's the fucking delay?

Guess I'll just have to come up with that fucking flag myself.

You don't usually swear so much

'Things are moving slower than I want them to' I huff. Ok, I petulantly huff, I can be self-aware.

Still faster than they would normally

'Yeah, yeah'

You just want to play in your new dungeon

'Violence helps me think'

'Hey, it's the [Battle lust]'s fault!'

'You're judging me'



AN: First encounter with my faves DA characters! Can't wait to properly take them under Sofia's wing!

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