Chereads / Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 1319 - Ch 1

Chapter 1319 - Ch 1


Eiji 'Tiger' Touka

Gang Leader

Level - 12

HP – 7,500/7,500

STR – 35

VIT – 34

DEX – 27

INT – 25

WIS – 19

CHA – 21

LUK – 3

Easy enough. Tiger's henchmen are weaker than him so he's the benchmark. He also looks my age and... Wait, is it my age? Whatever, he's in his mid-twenties or slightly older, most of the others are younger though, early twenties and some that could be eighteen, nineteen. All in all they don't look like an established gang, mostly just a few like-minded survivors who stuck together.

The prisoners though are barely sixteen? Could be around that. Huh, how come Observe didn't get me their age? Whatever. What will I do with them though? They look a bad way. I guess the thugs just plan on killing them before they move on. I guess that is still an option, could be a mercy, or I could give them a chance. Yeah, alone in the factory district teeming with zombies. Unless one of them is Buffy I highly doubt they'll make it.

Finally resolving to knock them out and leave them to their fate, I turn my attention back on the thugs.

What to do, what to do.

I shrug and start exploring the five rooms that are connected to the second-story ramp, to see if I can find a thug alone and unguarded.

The third rooms proves the best as there is just one man, sleeping soundly on a dirty mattress.


He frowns but doesn't wake up. Great. Still, I come towards him, ready to cover his mouth and smother any sound as I try experiment number one. I'm pretty sure this one will work.

This time the thug wakes up, his eyes bulging as his throat is squeezed by an unseen but powerful force. He soon passes out without even making a whimper. Guess [Bind] works on that too when used appropriately.

You have created a new skill!

Force Choke (Active)[Level 1] – Choke your target until it either passes out or dies.*1000 MP/use

Hm, another VIT/INT check. But the Skill doesn't have a damage amount. Was that because of the choice to leave them alive? Hm, probably.

I take a long rope form my inventory and make my bind less telekinetic and more physical. I hum in satisfaction at my work. After a little pause, I stuff the passed out man into the metal locker in the corner.


[Force Choke] is great at stealthy takedowns when I need the vic alive so I use it on my next target as well. He too is stashed away and I move to the third. The fourth.

It's at the fifth one that the men start to suspect something wrong. Still, number five is out too. Let's try for six. And I can't forget the two on patrol that should be returning soonish.

"Where's Akira?" the leader growled suspiciously, "I swear he was right here."

"Dunno, boss" one his underlings shrugged, now looking around as well.

"You think it's the cops?" a third thug joined them in a scared voice.

"There are no more cops, idiot!"

"Search the room!" the leader barked his order.

Since they were the last three standing I abandon stealth and simply lift them violently up and then even more violently down, slamming their bodies onto the concrete.

You have created a new skill!

Slam (Active)[Level 1] – Raises the target into the air and forcefully slams it down - 800 MP/use; 2500 dmg

Oh, thanks. Didn't think that would be a Skill. And good, they are still alive. A bit broken, but alive.

I quickly disarm the three and bind them with more rope. I have leagues of ropes now, hardware stores for the win. It's just the two patrolling now. I'll wait them out.

Wait! The prisoners!

Smacking myself on the forehead I approach the five girls. Most of them are out of it but two seem lucid enough. They are scared of me, I don't need to have [Telepathy] to know that.

Ah, well. [Force Choke]. When you wake up, I'll be gone. And the bad men will be too. I wish you good luck.

As all five are out I note that I didn't get any exp for that. Neither for the thugs. Guess only defeating instead of killing doesn't work here. Is it because it's HotD, or will that be always like that. What about a spar?

My musing is interrupted by the opening of the side doors, signalizing the final two have arrived and are here to party. I [Slam] them both.

[Stealth]'s level has increased by one!

[Force Choke]'s level has increased by three!

[Slam]'s level has increased by one!

Nice! And thank you for waiting out my 'combat event'.

No problem, as always

I quickly tie up the duo to complete my set and drag them towards where the leader lies. Then I jump upstairs to retrieve the ones I got there and clean up the garage area so the all my test subjects are in one place.

From my Inventory I retrieve a notebook in which I put down some ideas that I wanted to try with Mind Mage. I took out a pen too and tapped the third item on the list. Let's go for this one.

Selecting a thug I drag him closer to me. Let's see what is in your cabeza, shall we?


You have created a new skill!

Deep Scan (Active)[Level 1] – Accesses the target's memories or retrieves a specific memory - 10.000 MP/use (+ 10.000 MP every additional minute)

I don't know how long I was in but I am feeling dizzy now. And kinda nauseous. That's weird, right? "System, how come I'm dizzy with my Gamer Body and Mind?"

You got carried away with a level 1 Skill

I think I'm going to throw up. Never thought I'd feel this again, and not a fan.

Stop being a baby. It'll pass in a moment

"How long was I… in?" I ask. I could calculate that from Mana but I can't be bothered at the moment.

Eight minutes

Yeah, not ever doing that again until after I get some level in it. Just a sneak and a peek.

After withdrawing a canned iced tea from my Inventory and drinking it slowly, I feel much better. Actually, I feel like it never happened in the first place. I love the Game. The only thing that [Deep Scan] left behind were the thug's memories. Yeah, I definitely overstayed, there's too much and most of it is boring anyway. Hopefully having the Skill will help me regulate how much and what I see better. I'll need some practice.

Since I know way too much about this guy already, I dismiss training [Deep Scan] on him and try something new instead. Hoping I get it right this time.

I dive in again, not as deep, but I rummage around a bit more.

You have created a new skill!

Subjugate (Active)[Level 1] – Your will suppresses that of the target and turns it into an obedient husk. *50.000 MP/use

My happiness at the Skill creation is damped to minimum when I [Observe] the guy and he really is just a drooling husk. He can still move and stuff! He's just not really there.

Shucks, I created a zombie.

Ok, so that didn't work. I better put him out of his misery.

You have created a new skill!

Grasp Heart (Active)[Level 1] –Takes control of the target's heart - 2000 MP/use; 5000 dmg

At least this one worked perfectly.

+ 1 000 exp

I still want to influence some loyalty so that Skill creation is going to have a repeat. Well, after I figure out how to do it. For now, let's train that [Deep Scan] a bit on my second little piggy. Nice and easy this time. Only one memory and out.

[Deep Scan]

A flash of memory, the man fighting off his first zombie. And out!

Head check!

No dizziness, no nausea. Good job me. Let's go again!

[Deep Scan]'s level has increased by one!

[Deep Scan]'s level has increased by one!

[Deep Scan]'s level has increased by one!

I really like round numbers so I dive for the umpteenth time. It's pretty boring now but I need that level 5 to look pretty. Or like a nice start. I do have a lot of thugs here.

[Deep Scan]'s level has increased by one!

OK, moving on. I have just the thing.

You have created a new skill!

Memory Alteration (Active)[Level 1] – Subtly changes a memory according to the your wishes30000 MP/use

Nice! This was easy enough. I'm gonna do some more. At least level five again.

Ok, I should feel bad, but this is fun. Let's do level 10!

My fun gets interrupted at level 8 when one of the thugs shows signs of waking. I put him down again but decide to have a move on.

Time to try that loyalty thing again. Should be easier now that I explored the brain a bit more, right?

You have created a new skill!

Forced Loyalty (Active)[Level 1] – Target cannot disobey your orders; 50.000 MP/use

Fuck, wrong again. Well, at least this one doesn't leave the target an empty husk. But [Forced Loyalty] is crude, the target knows something is wrong and the loyalty isn't at all natural. One wrongly or vaguely worded order and I could end up with a knife in my back. Definitely not what I was looking for.

With a heavy sigh I [Grasp Heart] him and move to juror number three.

First I cast the memory Skills a few times, for the exp, and then try again. Third time's the charm, right? I think I'll try going through memory this time, and feeling.

You have created a new skill!

Influence (Active)[Level 1] – Target feels compelled to trust you and follow your lead; 50.000 MP/use

Fuck yeah!

I congratulate myself and fetch my notebook again. What's next?

The last thug falls down, dead as can be, and I stand up and stretch. This has been a really productive day. Really productive. And no zombies even interrupted me. Awesome. This little list can only be admired.

Force Choke (Active)[Level 4] – Choke your target until it either passes out or dies*. 985 MP/use; progress to next level: 38%

Slam (Active)[Level 2] – Raises the target into the air and forcefully slams it down. 800 MP/use; 2650 dmg; progress to next level: 21%

Grasp Heart (Active)[Level 3] – Takes control of the target's heart. 2000 MP/use; 6000dmg; progress to next level: 10%

Deep Scan (Active)[Level 19] – Accesses the target's memories or retrieves a specific memory. 10000 MP/use (+9050 MP every additional minute); progress to next level: 1%

Memory Alteration (Active)[Level 23] – Subtly changes a memory according to the user's wishes29.977 MP/use; progress to next level: 12%

Subjugate (Active)[Level 1] – Your will suppresses that of the target and turns it into an obedient husk*50.000 MP/use; progress to next level: 50%

Forced Loyalty (Active)[Level 1] – Target cannot disobey your orders. 50.000 MP/use; progress to next level: 25%

Influence (Active)[Level 2] – Target feels compelled to trust you and follow your lead; 49.600 MP/use; progress to next level: 50%

Hijack (Active)[Level 1] – Takes control over the target's body*. 5000 MP/use (+15.000 MP every additional minute); progress to next level: 25%

Induce Fear (Active)[Level 1] – Manipulates emotions and causes fear in the target. 500 MP/use; progress to next level: 50%

Hallucination (Active)[Level 1] – Makes a target see, hear or feel something that isn't real. 2000 MP/use (+2000 MP every additional minute); progress to next level: 25%

Mind Thief (Active)[Level 1] – Takes a random skill of the target and adds it to the user. Warning!Kills target. 500.000 MP/use; progress to next level: 50%

The last one, the [Mind Thief] was stupid hard to get. I actually got it only at the last two pigs so I managed to steal only two Skills. Or more precisely one and a half. I got [Machine Repair] and then [Firearms Proficiency] which I already had, so System gave me 10 free levels in it. Still, how awesome is that!

And that's even without the notifications I got.

Your INT has risen by 2

Your WIS has risen by 1

Mind Mage Class has leveled up

So close to flying now I can taste it. Since I have my Status open anyway, I go to the first Tab and sigh in contentment.

Name: Sofia Vetinari

Level: 14 (85%)

Title: The Gamer

Class: Mind Mage (Lvl 44)


HP - 97.500 (122.500)

MP – 808.400

STR – 25

VIT – 39 (49)

DEX – 31

INT – 94

WIS – 86

CHA – 55 (60)

LCK – 15 (31)

Available Stat Points – 68

Oh, yeah. I grin. So close.

Day 21

"YEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Suck it you land-dwelling fuckers! I can fly! Mweheheheheheehehahahahahahahahahaha!"

As I fly over the horde they immediately follow the sound of my voice. But I don't care, I can fly away!

Up, up and away!

Day 27

It's so rewarding to see your hard work paying off. The Game is perfect in that sense since it always tells you as soon as progress happens. And being a Gamer, it happens a lot.

Mind Mage Class has leveled up

Exactly what I wanted. I have been really focusing on training my Mind Mage Skills so that I get to level 50 in the Class which I suspect, read hope, is the maximum. I'm eager for something new and variety is the spice of life.

That said, I'm loving the Mind Mage. All those telepathy-derived Skill are going to come in really handy once I get out of zombie town and the telekinesis-derived Skills could be really subtle, which is great in setting yourself up. And Mind Mage has flying, nothing better than that. The only real complaint I have about this Class is the damage, which I came to realize is actually a bit low. The Skills are really cheap mana-wise though, so I guess that's the trade-off. If I were to guess the elementalist for example does big expensive damage in comparison.


You are correct

I nodded to myself, even happier that I chose the Mind Mage while in a hunting-by-hearing-zombie-infested world. Some people may call me coward, but I like to think myself as careful. Cautious. There is time for big shows of power and there is time for subtlety.

Anyway, my complaint about the Mind Mage actually got semi-fixed when I hit that INT 100. Not only it allowed me to create my flying Skill, it also gave me an amazing Perk.

Caster: Doubles base damage of all INT-based Skills

Take that, I have the amazing utility of Mind Mage and now I have some heavy-hitting spells too. The Skills that benefited from this the most are definitely the [Telekinetic Strike], [Telekinetic Crush] and [Slam]. I use these the most against the zombies and am close to maxing them.

Telekinetic Strike (Active)[Level 92] – A telekinetic attack meant for pure damage - 500 MP/use, 17.200 dmg; progress to next level: 20%

Telekinetic Crush (Active)[Level 89] – A telekinetic attack that asserts pressure from all sides - 1000 MP/use, 28.200 dmg; progress to next level: 42%

Slam (Active)[Level 67] – Raises the target into the air and forcefully slams it down - 800 MP/use; 12.550 dmg, progress to next level: 78%

It looks nice enough but now the base damage is double, so 34.400 dmg, 56.400 dmg and 25.100 dmg respectively. And that's before the Mind Mage addition of my INT times three. Yeah, that bonus is much better now that I passed the 100 there and will continue to grow.

Seeing I got this Perk from reaching INT 100, I'm really looking forward to doing the same with my WIS which isn't all that behind. I'm pretty sure the Perk will be something with Mana regeneration. I wouldn't mind a double there too to be honest even though I have pretty cheap Skills. Or maybe I'll get something completely different, I just hope it's good. Well, to be honest, everything I got so far has been good so thanks!

+1 CHA

'Love you'

Speaking of love, I think I saw the main cast of this anime through the binoculars. Such a pity that [Observe] doesn't work through them, but I'm reasonably sure. Fat guy with gun, hottie with sword, a spear, a pink-haired girl and a woman created for fanservice. It must've been them. I was tempted to fly over, really tempted, but in the end I didn't. They had other people with them and I think the anime only covered, I don't know, two weeks?, of this zombie apocalypse. I have too much stuff to do than babysit whiny survivors. I don't mean the protagonists but the others. Looks like Takeshi & co found themselves a tribe. Not interested in that.

I'll finish up my 50 days and I'm outta here. Great training place and all, but bye bye Highschool of the Dead. Not coming back.



'When I get to World Jumping, will it be one and done or can I return?'

You won't be able to leave a world until you meet the requirements but returning is possible should you acquire the Perk for it

'How do I do that?'

Don 't be impatient


You'll see as soon as you Jump for the first time. If you can't wait, finish your quest

'Nope, not doing that. Just yesterday I robbed another bank. There still are some more around'


'Like you weren't expecting that'


Day 31

I have been waiting for this for a while now, spamming my Mind Mage Skills like there was no tomorrow. But finally, finally I get to read those sweet words.

Mind Mage Class has leveled up

Class MAXed!

You may select a new Class

Grinning while I loot the two zombie corpses, they must've been 'survivors' because they were well-equipped zombie-hunters style, I already think of all the new possibilities. Good thing that it's already pretty late in the afternoon so I can go camp out without any fear of missing out. I already know this is going to be a difficult decision I have to think on. And I always think better after having a snack, Gamer or no Gamer.

Today's camping spot is in an apartment building that I cleaned already earlier today so I only have to kill any undead that came in in the last few hours. There aren't many at all which works for me, especially since I'm eager to open up that Class Tab.

A quick early dinner later, I finally settle down on the rather comfy couch and prompt the Game to wow me.

Please select a Class

[Fighter] [Rogue] [Mage] [Support]

Wait, support? That's new. Curious, I click on that first. I already know I can come back until I make a final selection, so I select it more confidently than that Mage from way back in character creation.

[ Alchemist ] [ Enchanter ] [ Engineer ] [ Blacksmith ] [Wardmaker]

That's pretty cool! I like this but I get why it wasn't in the first selection. I actually really like this… Hm, such a pity that I have no idea what Universe I'm jumping in next. Or…

No, I'm not telling you


Anyway, [Engineer] is definitely great but that is for a modern world. I would hate to select it and then get stuck in Game of Thrones for example. The other Classes are good too but less exciting.

I call the selection back and this time click on the Fighter Class.

[Knight] [Dueler] [Brawler] [Vanguard] [Defender]

Another nice enough selection but pretty much the same as before, I kinda hoped for some more variety.

You get more Subclasses when certain conditions are met. They aren 't.

'I get it' I roll my eyes.

Well, nothing here really appeals to me. I mean, I knew that even before I clicked on it but it has proven true. [Knight] is classic sword and shield combo with a touch of riding and spear. Eh. [Dueler] is more a DEX build, rapiers, double wielding, stuff like that. [Brawler] is okay but martial artist would be better, but this is practically all CQC. Not that bad. [Vanguard] I would've personally named 'berserker'. It's all armor, two-handed weapons, battle roar and rushing into battle. Nah, least appealing option. [Defender] turtles up, the quintessential tank. Not my cup of tea either.

I click back without further ado, I'll be definitely selecting something else. Let's try Rogue.

[Assassin] [Archer] [Gunslinger] [Thief] [Trickster]

Ok, rogue. I do need to beef up my DEX Stat. I can fix a lot with my [Enhanced Movement] and [Flight], but some old fashioned reflexes are great to have. Also [Stealth], but I got that pretty much covered already.

[Gunslinger] is out. Sounds like I would need to kill lots of zombies with guns and one, those are loud, two, I'm already too close to completing the quest so leveling would be stalled, three, the Game of Thrones argument again. Not compatible. Moving on. [Archer]? Eh. [Assassin] is one of the good ones. I could finish up my stealth and since its Skills are more single-target oriented, it's in the running. I'm way past [Thief] and what the fuck is a [Trickster]? Looks like a poor-man's duelist. He's out too.

I ponder this for a while and then go back to Mage. I got loads of INT and WIS and those Classes can really make use of it. Plus, big firestorms and sith lightening is always great.

[ Elementalist ] [ Necromancer ] [ Healer ] [ Arcane Knight ] [ Druid ] [Summoner]

The [Druid] and [Summoner] are new, so I look them over with interest. But the result is pretty much the same - from this Tab the [Elementalist] is probably the best for me. But do I really want another magic class? Don't I want all 100 Perks?

And I really do need that DEX.

Yeah, a Rogue Class is probably the best way to go right now. Besides, I can level it up pretty fast. Heck Mind Mage took me thirty-one days. Huh, a nice round month. Though I did use it every day and for everything… Still, I have nineteen days to go and I can get some decent level in the new Class easily enough as long as it doesn't depend on killing zombies too much.


Yeah, I think I'll go with [Assassin]. He covers a lot of branches – I mean he can be an archer and a gunslinger. An assassin uses a lot of tools, those are just two. And sure, he'll probably won't have any fancy trick shots but the passive proficiency is amazing all on its own. How about poison? Assassins definitely use poisons. And bombs.

'Right System?'

I'll allow it

"You're the best" I grin. [Assassin] it is.

You have chosen [Assassin]?

"I have"

Class selected. Class equipped.


Name: Sofia Vetinari

Level: 15 (79%)

Title: The Gamer

Class: Assassin (Lvl 1)


HP - 131.600 (159.600)

MP – 1M

STR – 28

VIT – 47 (57)

DEX – 44

INT – 112

WIS – 98

CHA – 61 (66)

LCK – 15 (31)

Available Stat Points – 73

Looks nice. I try selecting the Class and it opens up another window where both the old and new Class is. I'm heartened to see that I can change it without issue. Though, I do notice one thing that kind of dampens my spirits.

When I have [Mind Mage] on I get:

Mind Mage (Equipped)[Level MAX] – Class Skill Range: 100 meters; Class Skill Damage: base dmg+INT*3; All Class Skills level 10% faster; +1 INT, +1 WIS, +1 CHA every level

And when not…

Mind Mage (Unequipped)[Level MAX] – Class Skill Range: 75 meters; Class Skill Damage: base dmg+INT*3

Yeah, not having it equipped kinda nerfs the range and the speed of leveling. But I guess it's fair. When I'll focus on finishing up my Mind Skills, I'll just switch it back. Not now though, those last nineteen days will be focused on my new rogue path.

Assassin (Equipped)[Level 1] – Class Skill Damage: base dmg+DEX*2; Crit dmg doubled; All Class Skills level 10% faster; +2 DEX, +1 WIS every level

After having enough of admiring my Profile page, I return to the notifications I ignored in my haste.

New Skill Acquired!

Shadow Strike (Active)[Level 1] – A critical strike launched from concealment - 500 MP/use, 5000 dmg

[Stealth]'s level has increased by ten!

Stealth (Active)[Level 81] – Increases your chance of remaining undetected by 82% - 240 MP/use (+238 MP every additional minute); progress to next level: 20%

Oh, yeah, thaaat's the stuff. And very nice that I got the level up in [Stealth] since I already had it. 'Thank you'.

Of course

I'm actually pretty excited about this - new class, new game, new beginning. Still kinda sick of HotD, but now it's a little bit better. Only 19 days till I get some people around me again, hopefully.

Anyway, I can start leveling new stuff right away. Now let's try that poison and bomb thing. I have so much loot in my Inventory so finding stuff for it shouldn't be hard.


Day 39

I'm gratified to see my choice in Assassin is paying off. I was already skirting around the number of zombies killed so sitting in place tinkering with stuff is perfect. I'm also leveling that first Assassin Skill, [Shadow Strike] by sneaking around and using it on cherry-picked zombies, aka those that have more exp.

The Class is also leveling quite well – every poison I make, every bomb, gives me Class exp. And the results are kept safely in my Inventory, just waiting to be used. I'm sure I'll find use for them eventually. I also get Class exp from my [Bow Proficiency], [Throwing Proficiency] and [Firearms Proficiency], although I only checked with that last one and left it more or less alone because of the noise. I really want a silencer and running around with a home-made one makes me feel like an idiot. At least the quickly leveling throwing knives and ninja stars quickly tip the feeling back into not-idiot.

One of the better news was that [Grasp Heart] is considered an Assassin Skill, as well as a Mind Mage. It makes sense and that makes me really happy. Pity that the Skill didn't really work on zombies. Or, it does, just gives them no damage. But I got to test it on a few of those soldier types, another band of survivors I didn't feel bad killing off.

[Stealth] is king though. It gives exp, makes critical strikes – in melee only though which kinda sucks – and most importantly, it levels faster thanks to the Class bonus. The MAX is just around the Corner. Maybe even literally.

There is one more Skill worth mentioning even though I don't have it. I mean, I'm sure it exists but I haven't attempted creating it. Poison resistance. Thought it wouldn't be smart trying that around zombies, no matter how safe I make my hideout. I wrote it down in my notebook and left it for later.

Those were the Skills I created on purpose but chance also gave me some. Like [Evasion Stance] which gives me an extra chance of dodging. [Stiletto Storm] has a flowery name but it's good, a multi-target throw that gives a surprising amount of damage. When I got the classic [Backstab] I almost slapped myself for not thinking of it myself. [Marked for Death] was one of the best, giving bonus damage to the selected enemy. [Disarm Trap] is sure to be handy too when my own traps aren't the only ones in circulation. There are also some dagger Skills but to be perfectly honest, they don't seem all that worth leveling.

Still, despite all those Skills, I'm having the most fun with [Bomb-Making] and [Poison-Making]. One could say I was having a blast. A blast, get it?

Yeah, System didn't like it either. Whatever. Those two Skills also make looting a bit more fun as well since I'm selecting some new stuff for them.

Thanks to those two Skills I also discovered a nice new mechanic of the Game – reading books. And by that I mean normal books, not Skill Books as I have yet to find one. In search of inspiration I read a book on poisonous plants and while reading I got Notified that my [Poison-Making] Skill went up by one. Naturally that got me searching for more books that could help me advance any Skill which was not only fun but profitable. Heck I even got a boost in [Lockpicking] thanks to this. It also made me read more which passed the time. So score on all accounts.

One last thing about the two production Skills I so praised, is that working with your hands is great. I can think and make all sorts of plans while brewing a simple poison. The brain isn't as occupied as with the Mind Mage Skills. At first I thought it a little dangerous, but the Skill themselves helped guide my hand so some things I could do almost mechanically.

Like this.

Assassin Class has leveled up

Oh yeah, I'm loving everything about this.

Day 49

Today is the day. The day I finally leave this place. Day 49. I decided to leave this evening instead of waiting for tomorrow. I'm happy with the content of my Inventory, my Skills, my Perks, my Stats, my everything, so why not leave now.


The Tab only has one quest, the one I am looking for.

What is High School without some Dead!

Kill 5 000 zombies (4 994)


Survive 50 days (49/50)

Award: [ World Jump ] , 30 000 credits, ? Skill Book

I'm really proud of how I managed my zombie kills. Six short of completion is a real achievement. Thank Game for [Stealth].

Speaking of [Stealth], that is one of the Skills I'm particularly proud of. It achieved that nice MAX among a few others. Naturally the first Skill I mastered was [Observe]. Which was doubly nice as that also unlocked an achievement.

One down: You maxed your first Skill! Award: [?] Skill Book

From this I got a choice between three Skill Books, one random for Mage, one random for Rogue and one random for Fighter. I thought about it and chose Mage in the end, the roll getting me [Cage of Light]. An excellent way to restrain a powerful enemy and inflict some damage over time. A truly great roll. This one is going to be leveled for sure.

Anyway, [Observe] was only the first to get maxed.

Observe (Active)[Level MAX] - The go to skill of all with the power of the Gamer, a sure-fire method of gathering information - 10 MP/use

Telekinesis (Active)[Level MAX] - The ability to manipulate and move matter - 100 MP/use (+50 MP every additional kilogram and every additional min)

Stealth (Active)[Level MAX] – Increases your chance of remaining undetected by 99% - 200 MP/use (+200 MP every additional minute)

Enhanced Movement (Active)[Level MAX] – Telekinetically enhances all your movement making it easier and faster - 1000 MP/use (+500 MP every additional minute)

Telekinetic Strike (Active)[Level MAX] – A telekinetic attack meant for pure damage - 500 MP/use, 18.000 dmg

Telekinetic Crush (Active)[Level MAX] – A telekinetic attack that asserts pressure from all sides - 1000 MP/use, 31.500 dmg

Definitely a nice view that. Some other Skills are close and I'll get to them soon enough, some are just kept at a respectable level and some I just didn't get the chance to practice since they require actual humans rather than undead ones. All in all, very satisfied here.

Especially when we take into account that INT Perk that doubles damage. I also got another modifier when I reached that 100 in WIS. The Perk [Sage] got me that double Mana regen I anticipated.

With my Assassin Class on, my DEX skyrocketed since I got 2 points there every level. It actually overtook INT. WIS did too actually, thanks to Assassin again, and is now my top Stat. Still, the high DEX got me another Perk, [Superb Reflexes]. It gives me the ability to notice subtle muscle movement of my enemy so that I know to dodge before they even fully moved. Basically a level 1 Sharingan.

Which is awesome and all, but my HP was tissue paper though. Good thing I have good INT shielding.


Name: Sofia Vetinari

Level: 16 (41%)

Title: The Gamer

Class: Assassin (Lvl 39)


HP - 176.000 (214.400)

MP – 1M

STR – 32

VIT – 55 (65)

DEX – 136

INT – 122

WIS – 144

CHA – 63 (68)

LCK – 15 (31)

Available Stat Points – 78

Last check complete. I really have no reason to dally now. Still, I don't know why, but I'm nervous. Excited, but nervous.

Which is stupid. Let's do this!

I jump off my perch and fly down to where I can see the nearest zombies. As is almost customary now, I enter [Stealth] and take them down, one by one. Nothing elaborate, I just use a [Decapitate] on each of them and voila…

World Quest COMPLETE!

You have killed 5 000 zombies

Award: [ World Jump ] , 30 000 credits, [ ID Create/Escape ] Skill Book

… mission accomplished.

I wait, unseen by zombies, frowning as nothing further happens.

'Eh, jump, please?'

Do you wish to initiate [ World Jump ]?

'Yes' I reply with some relief.

Jumping into Hub in three… two… one…

My vision goes white. Something happens, I can feel that but I blink and I still see white. Oh, it's that just white room limbo thing again. Okay.

Achievement Unlocked!

Zombie Slayer: You have cleared the HotD World; Achievement Reward: Title [Slayer]

Slayer: +20% damage to all undead

Oh nice, my first Title. I really thought I'd be getting one before now. But I guess tutorial is tutorial, you get less stuff. If you don't steal it yourself. My equipment is on the poor side as well, definitely of a 'common tier' even if the Game doesn't use those words. Definitely no 'Robes of the Lich King' or epic-sounding things like that. Soon thoug. Soon.

I also note I don't get any exp for finishing the worlds quest which is a bit of a pity. I'll chalk it to tutorial again. What I do get is that dungeon Skill, [ID Create/Escape], so I definitely know the tutorial part is over. I'm ready, oh so ready, to move on. And hopefully not see a zombie in a long long time.

Done with your monologue?

"I wasn't speaking"

I'm your System, I always hear you

The only thing missing was the 'duh' and roll of the eyes. Sassy System.

"Yes, I'm done"

Please select your next World

[Star Wars] [ One Piece ] [ My Hero Academia ] [Hunger Games] [ High School DxD ]

Ooooh, I was looking forward to this. Let's see.

Please note that you may buy certain things with your Credits - whether it is a better start in the new world or certain Perks. You have referenced the [Flashback Jumper] Perk before, that is one such item in the Shop.

I hum, glance at the selection, and shrug. It won't hurt to peruse a little.

"Shop, please"

A list appears with a festive jingling sound. I hum again, this time in appreciation. The list is longer than I anticipated. What I had not entirely anticipated was the exorbitant cost of most of the merchandize. There is one thing right at the top that caught my eye though.

[Money to Credits Conversion] – Convert any amount of any currency from any world into Credits.

Handy, though I actually don't have much of actual money on me. I have goods. And gold. Even precious stones. But not that much money. That sucks! I would've wanted to know about this!

It would be too easy

Yeah, yeah, I huff. I'll keep it in mind for my next Jump. Whenever that is going to be. First though, I select the Conversion and use it on all the yen I have, getting me a 3.359 credits.

I have to blink when the amount pops out, because I'm sure I'm seeing wrong. "This is highway robbery!"

It 's a feature. [Shop] is meant for more established Players


My perusing turns into window shopping since I can hardly afford anything. There are loads of various Perks and Items but those are way out of my price range. The [Flashback Jumper] is actually one of the cheaper ones.

Flashback Jumper: Allows the Player to freely revisit previously completed WorldsPrice: 500.000 Credits

To add insult to injury, the whole thing is grayed out. Yeah, I know I can't afford it, no need to rub it in!

It 's a feature

Of course it is.

[ Shop ] is available to you from this point forward. Some Quest may yield Credits as well

"Available any time?" I ask, "Not just in-between worlds?"


"At least there is that" I nod but it doesn't make me feel all that better. Heck, I can barely afford the smallest Gacha Bundle and that is the cheapest thing here.

I longingly look at the Companion Token and Familiar Egg. I have already been picturing myself with Arturia from Fate at one side, a majestic phoenix at the other. Yeah, not going to happen any time soon. I can only hope I can get high-level stuff like this like a regular reward for a quest or something.

You can, items form [ Shop ] are selected form the highest-tiered rewards

Oh goodie. It's great news but I just can't seem to get excited about it right now.

"Let's just go back to world selection, please"

Please select your next World

[Star Wars] [ One Piece ] [ My Hero Academia ] [Hunger Games] [ High School DxD ]

Boku no Hero Academia, I think BokuHero would suit me best.

Star Wars is out. To be honest I don't know all that much about it, especially since there is so much lore. And the only timeline I know thoroughly enough to jump there is Star Wars: The Old Republic. I loved that game, but not enough to live it. I may have Darth Vader's signature [Force Choke] but I'd rather stay earth-bound right now. And go somewhere less futuristic.

One Piece is out too. I know some about Star Wars but zero about One Piece since I have never seen it. All I know is that it's about anime pirates and some guy that can stretch like rubber.

Moving onto the three worlds in actual consideration.

High school DxD is the staple in a lot of Gamerfics but devils, angels? Not feeling strong enough for that, not even close. I would love to be surrounded by a harem of beautiful devils, of course I would, but it's just too soon. They would swat me away like a fly. And they would, no way I am letting someone as disgusting and annoying as Issei alive and in my vicinity. And again, I know well what happens in season 1 of the anime, season 2 is spotty, and I'm not even sure I saw season 3. Never read the manga. So probably not this one.

Hunger Games is a depressing world, but it would be kinda fun kick everyone's assess. But nothing more than that. I'm not a fan of the story and aside from that, there is not much to be gained in this universe. No, this one is out. I want something more 'wow'.

My Hero Academia though? A world with a lot of powerful skills I could potentially steal… I mean, I should work, right? I'm the Gamer so it really should. And if it does, this can be my ladder to power. And the System said I could use Credits for a better start in the world so that has potential too. Knowledge-wise, it's not bad. I saw a good chunk of the anime but I hope the World Quest is something easily achievable, hopefully not in a too long time. This is not an universe I'd like to settle in, just another training/stealing world.

I mull over the decision some more but then I finally nod to myself.

"I choose BokuHero"

Acknowledged. Ready?

"Let's go"


So, first chapter. Tell me what you think (though I have the BokuHero part already outlined so in all probability I won't be taking any suggestions there).

For the first time I had some trouble posting, some words seem to have disappeared from the doc manager here compared to my Word document. So if you encounter anything hinky, let me please know. Thank you.