Chereads / Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 1264 - 11

Chapter 1264 - 11

Chapter Text

Peter flung himself into the fray, unleashing his webs to pin the first foe. Trapped, they could not evade his lariat, his legs striking their necks and knocking them to the ground. He leapt up, firing off yet more webbing at the throng of thugs charging towards him.

"Die!" shrieked an obese woman, a cleaver held high over her head as she bore down upon him. Peter side-stepped, moving like water as the cleaver slashed through empty air, then kicked her in the face. The woman fell, crashing straight into the throng of villains behind her, toppling them like ninepins.

A tingle, down his spine.

"Parker! Move!"

It was Jirou. Peter jumped to the side, a loud bass sound pushing away the loose stones before the invisible force of Earphone Jack slammed into the mob. They clutched their ears, howling in agony.

"Thanks for the heads up!" he yelled, ducking a pipe and driving his fist into an unsuspecting hooligan's face. He jumped and spun, his leg catching a bandanna-covered villain and hurling him away.

Another thug came on, this one with a giant boulder, a boulder that was actually his hand, held high overhead.

"Oh boy!" Peter dodged the downward swing and let loose with both webbers; wrapping his opponent in thick white silk, binding him fast. He yanked his arms, and the villain tottered and fell towards him.

"Time to rock your world!"

He spun like a dancer and kicked, his foot catching the trapped villain and sending him flying. Parker landed, and could have sworn he could hear teeth popping as his target crashed into yet more of his fellows.

He glanced about, trying to follow the battle, to make sense of the furious melee. There was Momo with her paintball gun, downing thugs with well-aimed shots; some in the face, some in the hands, best of all in the legs, the paint trapping them much as his webbing did. Jirou was at her back, the punk girl firing shockwaves at anyone who drew to close. Short range and long range, fighting back to back, a fine time working on the fly.

"Jirou, take this!" Momo handed her the paintball gun. "Just toss it when you're out!"

"Heh! Appreciate it!"

Jirou grinned as she took aim, and the villains scattered to avoid her sights. "Let's make some noise!"

She clicked her ear-jacks to her boots, unleashing another shockwave to immobilise her targets. Momo flung out some iron spiked tacks, and then a capture net. The net caught a group of hooligans as they tried to outflank her, slowing them long enough for Peter to add his web bullets, putting them out of the fight.

"Whoa, cool Momo-san! Seriously, you can make anything!" Peter called out with a thumbs up. He sidestepped, a dagger whistling through empty air, then drove a quick spider leg into the owner's kidney.

"I can pin all these villains down, Peter-san, I need a higher vantage point!" Momo called out. "If you can send me to that higher ledge…!" She swung her staff, knocking away a pipe, and tripping the skull-faced thug right into a vat of white goo behind her calf, "…I can handle this."

"Oh! Got a plan?"

"Yes! Jirou-san, if you can stun them long enough in front of us the plan can work!"

"Whatever you say Class Rep! Any plan is a good one!" Jirou avoided a snake-faced villain. "Gah! He almost bit me!"

"I'll do a lot more than tha-GAH!" He was silenced as Peter landed on him, knocking him flat.

"Okay, so, Jirou stuns!" He whipped around, firing some webbing at their feet. "You do the thingy, and what do I do?" Momo smirked.

"Just get me up there, then pick off any we don't get."

"You're going down bug boy!" yelled the hockey-mask villain.

"How are these brats so strong!? They're only kids!"

"Just rush em!"

Peter smiled back, and shot her a thumbs-up.

"Leave it to me!"

He grabbed Momo in his arms and leapt up, carrying her like a bride on her wedding day. With a mighty leap, Peter reached the higher outcropping and set her gently down.

"Okay, you do your thing, I'll do my thing!"

He turned towards the mob, and flung himself into the melee.

"Hey buddy, I'm not a bug! I'm an arachnid!"

He loosed two lines of webbing, then curled up with his spider legs and pulled himself towards them , crashing into them like a bowling ball.

"Striiiike!" Peter whooped, leaping to his feet and blinding them with webbing.


"Can't see! The fuck is this white shit!?"

"Is this guy a pro?!"

Peter landed, and lashed out at his enemies. His spine continued to tingle.

"Parker! Keep them busy a little more!!"

"'Kay!" Peter fired some webbing, pulling himself out of the way for another soundwave. Those enemies not already unconscious reeled in agony, clutching their ears. Some, the strongest, forced themselves to go on, approaching Jirou and Momo. But Momo had fashioned herself a baseball gun, and was tormenting her attackers with balls of white goo.

"Oh jeez!" she griped, as she saw the tattered state of her skimpy red skirt.

Peter ducked as massive fist, and dodged a swinging club. He hopped over a low kick, the attacker's bladed spurs hissing through the air. He lashed out with fist and foot, knocking his enemies flying.

He saw her hand glow with the rainbow as she put her hand on top of the glass tube, baseball sized pellets going down the hatch. She flipped the switch, Peter jumped out of the way.

A barrage of web-filled paintballs erupted onto the villain horde. They yelped and howled as white goo splattered all over them, some of them even sticking together. Some tried to make for cover behind boulders or their fallen comrades, but it didn't do much good.

"Jirou! Give them an earful!" Momo called out.

"Leave it..." Jirou gritted her teeth, a bead of sweat running down her brow "…to me!"

She unleashed another soundblast, louder and more terrible than any before. Peter had to clasp his hands to his ears, wincing at the pain of its passage. All that heard it fell over in ear-rending agony, rendered helpless by the sound.

All but a few, who forced themselves onward.

Peter waved his hand, and the punk girl noticed, ending the onslaught. Peter fired two web-lines, throwing himself onto the handful who remained. With kicks and blows he downed them, weakened and drained as they were, until only one remained.

"There we go." He dropped the bad guy like a sack of potatoes, hands on his hips as the villain writhed and squirmed. "You ain't going nowhere."

"Gaaah... fuck you, ya damn brat!" snarled the thug. Peter could hear the last remaining villain stagger upward, and he looked back.

He flung a web line and caught the thug before he could retreat, bringing the rat-faced bad guy down with a crash. But the villain's feet caught his eye, more like the talons of a bird than a human's legs. Peter webbed them tight as Momo and Jirou approached.

"Okay baddie, how did this happen?" Peter asked, arms crossed.

"Ngggghn..., I ain't telling you nothing!" the rat villain cursed, spitting up at Peter. Thankfully his mask was on and he rolled his eyes. "You can take out my finger nails, pluck my whiskers or send me back to the slammer! I ain't sayin' squat!"

"Huh, funny, considering his mutation quirk" commented Jirou, hands rubbing her ear-jacks. Momo appeared beside her, her red top in tatters.

"Ummm, you gonna change clothes or what? You're barely modest right now!" added Jirou hastily, her cheeks pink.

"I can just make some patches or make a new top, it's fine" replied Momo, smiling as her arm glowed, her ravaged top remaking itself under the touch of her quirk. "So, he's not going to talk?"

"Guess not. But…"

Momo brought her hand out, the rainbow lights flittering, and in it was a pair of metal pliers with a ring inside. Peter cocked his head, trying to work out what it was for, and then saw Jirou's jaw hit the floor.

"I suppose there are other ways."

Ratface was as pale as a sheet as she advanced on him. "Whoa whoa whoa whoa time out time out! Spider Guy, you gotta help another brother here! Your teammate is insane man! Insane!"

"What are you talking about?" Momo simply clenched the pliers, and some... metal blade appeared through the ring and-


Oh dear.

"Ummm, Momo-san? Isn't this going a wee bit too far?" He then turned towards Ratface, or whatever his name was. "You better start talking man, for your own good." 'Note to self, never make Momo-san mad...'

"I never knew you had it in you..." Jirou muttered with widened eyes. Momo bit her lip, blushing stepping to avoid the rat's vision as she glared at Peter and nudged at the... cow tool.

Ohhhh, so that's it. Peter looked back down at the shivering rat.

"Yeah man, better start singing if I were you. Otherwise…" Peter held out his index finger, then with his other hand, made a scissor motion and an audible "Snip" on the outstretched finger. Ratface screamed like a little girl as his thighs clenched together.

"Okay okay okay fine just, don't do that to me! Please!"

"Will you tell us anything?" Jirou asked, her earphone jacks coiling like snakes as she glared down at him, arms crossed. She must have caught it.

"Everything! Just please, not that! You want my name? Social security? Where I buried a couple thousand yen for a rainy day? You can have it!"

"We..." Momo paused, blinking. "Just want to know how you got in here..."

"Oh, that's it? Well, we were just a small gang, just crash some ATMs and steal some purses, just to get by from our shitty lives, well, most of us were till the Hands-guy said 'hey, wanna kill the Symbol of Peace and some dumb hero-kids? Partner with us'. Well, I'm just paraphrasing here." The rat shook his head. "We just wanted to get rid of that stupid paragon you kids put on a pedestal and…"

Momo clenched the tool, it making an audible 'Snip' sound and his growing bravado wilted like a flower before a blizzard.

"Please don't use that thing on me please please pleaaaase..." he sobbed, his aggression turning to despair as he blubbered out and wept.

Gosh this... was fitting, considering his quirk. But... Peter couldn't blame him.

"So all these guys were recruited by Hands-guy." Peter murmured. "And if I had to guess, the black mist dude warped them all here for you all to hide?"

"Kurogiri? Yeah, that's his name, how did you know that?"

Kurogiri? Oh, black mist. "That's the warp guy's name? What about Hands-guy?"

"I don't know his name? He said, 'follow me and I can kill All Might'. We were friggin' homeless man, we had nowhere to go and…"

He paused, and for good reason as both Peter, Momo, and Jirou turned towards the flood zone. A giant lightshow of electric sparks cascaded around the massive pool.

"That must be Kaminari!" Jirou yelled.

"We don't know that. Could be a villain with a quirk that's similar." Momo cut in as she looked out beyond it. "But, it wouldn't hurt to investigate."

"Lemme see..." Peter zoomed in with his mask, looking around the water and found... a lot of bodies rising to the surface, eyes rolled over and gargling foam.

And there by the boat was a floating Kaminari Denki, looking stupid and thrusting his thumbs out.

The villains were twitching and spasming, so he could not have killed them.

Well, maybe. He looked over to the boat...

And there was Izuku and Asui! They were safe!

"We're good, that's Kaminari. Midoriya and Asui are with him." Jirou sighed in relief.

"Alright, least we know some of us are okay. Guess him going full stupid has its benefits." The purple haired girl looked to the side. "Unlike last time. Still Parker, your costume is the best. Like seriously, how did you get that designed before you even got to U.A.?"

"It's... a long story. I'll tell you about it when we get out of this alive. Maybe we can talk over Taiyaki and ice cream? Me and a friend or two are going already so..."

"I appreciate the socializing Peter-san, Jirou-san, but we have more pressing matters to attend to." Momo cut in, and both teens perked up. "The fact they sent him to a zone filled with water means you guys had no clue of our quirks then, don't you agree?" It made sense. Denki was a toaster, and he got tossed into a literal bath tub which had to be filled with villains with aquatic quirks. Hopefully his group hadn't been frazzled too badly.

"We just came in here to kill the Symbol of Peace and, well, scare you guys. Well, at least me. I know some of these guys were straight up killers, but not me! I just wanted to see All Might die up close!"

Peter sighed. "We're wasting time. If Kaminari and his group is finished up, we should go down to the central plaza and back up Aizawa-sensei. He won't hold out for long."

"He's right." Momo turned towards the rat villain. "You've been cooperative with us, and you have our thanks. When the heroes come, I'll put in a good word for you. Hopefully you won't be punished too harshly because of it."

Momo turned to leave, then noticed the bridge was down. "Darn... we're trapped up here."

"I can get us both across." Peter gestured. "But I'll uh, have to carry you both."

The black haired beauty turned, blushing lightly.


"Well, one of your will have to go on my back, the other I'll have to carry with one hand." Peter turned towards Ratface. "Hey thanks for the info. The webbing will dissolve in an hour or so, but hey, pro's will be here by then. So, I guess chill and relax?"

"On a rock face? Yeah, thanks buddy." Ratface Canaryleg rolled his eyes and sighed, looking up and resigning himself to his fate.

"You weren't really gonna... do it weren't you?" Peter asked in a whisper, unable to contain himself. Momo blanched.

"Heavens no! My gesture to you made it obvious!"

"Okay, just double checking." Peter decided not to press the matter further. "Now, we should get going to the Central Plaza." He bent down. "First come first serve."

Momo was the first, wrapping her arms around his neck... and he felt her large breasts squish against his back.

Peter took a deep breath. There'd been those times he'd look at Liz and wonder, and she's more slimmer than Momo. But.. nothing like this. Why was she so big and soft and smart and…

"Oi, Parker. You zooming in on something again?" Jirou asked, waving in front of his face.

"Oh, sorry. Come in." He wrapped an arm around Momo to support her, trying desperately not to grab her butt, then picked up Jirou bridal-style. It was an awkward arrangement, and Parker felt even more awkward when Momo wrapped her legs around his waist. With his free hand, he had Jirou secured, with Momo wrapping his arms around his neck and her bare legs around his waist.

He didn't move. Oh lord if Yu saw him now...

"Uhhh, Parker? You're not moving," said Jirou. "Is this okay? I hope it's not any trouble."

"Nope!" Peter yelped. "None at all!"

He couldn't use his webbing, and his spider legs were covered by Momo's…Momo's…

"Leave it to me!"

He took a running start, Momo tightening her arms and legs, and he leapt over the expanse, clearing it in a single leap. He landed at a run, accelerating into a sprint.

"We're not too heavy I hope?" Momo asked.

"None at all! This will get us faster too!" Peter called back as he sprinted down the trail. He made mighty leaps, landing across boulders and rocks until he made it to the entrance of the mountain zone. Once on solid ground, he let Jirou down, and felt Momo let go.

"You two okay?"

"I'm alright. Gotta say, that was fast." Jirou looked back up at the mountain zone. "Good move Parker."

"Don't mention it, hehe." Peter rubbed the back of his head as he turned towards Momo, who had a little pink on her cheeks.

"Okay." He looked into her eyes, and saw her gaze meet his before they both looked away. He patted his cheeks.

"Game face Peter, game face. Villains are everywhere and Mr. Aizawa is in danger."

He turned, running towards the trees, Momo and Jirou in hot pursuit.

Peter got to the edge of the central plaza, looking out over the huge open space that was the center of a brawl. A second later, Peter's visor lit up, highlighting everyone he could see. At the pool, he could see Izuku and Asui carrying a dumbfounded Denki standing next to… someone. It was the teal haired Hand-man. He turned and Peter felt his blood freeze. Because there, near the edge of the stairway, was Mr. Aizawa, face down next to bloody and broken goggles.

That was nothing on the monster standing over him.

A towering obsidian mass of muscle and scars that dwarfed Aizawa. It barely needed one hand to hold him down, a finger driving his face into the dirt.

Even from the other end of the clearing, Peter heard something snap.

"Parker," Jirou whispered, "Why are you just… standing there…"

Her voice faded away, her blood draining from her face as the sight of Aizawa came to her.

"Oh god." Momo breathed behind him, hands over her mouth in shock.

She took the words right out of Peter's mouth. Aizawa was a pro, a professional hero who was supposed to teach them how to be heroes themselves. Now he was face down, in a pool of his own blood.

The monstrosity turned, revealing a beak filled with razor-sharp teeth, its bloodshot eyes fixing on Izuku and the others. Peter tensed. He had to do something. They had to act. The others would be dead if they didn't!

The second Peter finished the thought, Izuku launched out of the water, his arm glowing with barely restrained power.

"Get away from him!" he roared.

Peter felt that tingle on the back of his neck. Quick as he could, he grabbed hold of Jirou and Momo again as his Spider legs anchored themselves into the earth.

"Hold on!" he shouted.

Whatever they said next was drowned out when Izuku's first struck home, and the clearing erupted with all the power of a tornado.


Moments earlier...

"Divide and conquer?" Shoto mused, "Forgive me, but you thugs don't have the quirks to threaten All Might."

He stepped forward, his foot cracking against the icy expanse that he had created. It was instinct more than anything that compelled him. One moment he was watching Parker point out a weakness in the fog villain and the next thing he knew he was stuck in a landslide with a few dozen thugs in front of him.

Naturally, he froze them in place before they could so much as think. A bumbling fool he might be, but the American gave Shoto sound experience. Freeze everything before it could be a problem. A few of them stared at him, horror coming through what little sense they had left.

"W-what is this kid!?" they screamed.

Kid? He didn't classify.

Nevertheless, if anything it showed just how low level these guys were. According to the fog villain, they came here to kill All Might. At first, Shoto thought that these guys might actually have the power to back up that claim. They went through the trouble of getting them here, so they had to have something.

Then all of these guys were caught in his first attack.

Low level cannon fodder trying to overwhelm him and his peers with numbers. A small silver lining, Shoto supposed. If this was indicative of their quality, everyone else should be fine.

Then again, there was that obsidian brute next to the leader.

Shoto frowned. He was starting to hate unknowns.

"Hey," he said, causing the closest villain to flinch within his icy prison, "If you stay in there any longer, you skin will rot away from frostbite, but luckily for you, I'm trying to be a hero. If you tell me what makes you think you can kill All Might, then I'll let you out."

The villain, a lizard looking heteromorphic growled as Shoto got closer.

"Nice try kid, but no one's going to talk that easily-"

Wrong answer.

Shoto rested his left finger against the villains forehead and started to turn up the heat. The ice melted away, and the blazing heat touched his skin.


Right answer.

True to his word, Shoto pulled his finger back, tapping the same spot with his right side, cooling off what little damage was made. It left a pit in his stomach to use such tactics, but he didn't have the luxury of time, not when everyone else was in danger.

"Well? What is it?" Shoto asked.

"H-hey don't expect too much, we're only street guys so don't go…"

"Skip the preamble," Shoto demanded, "Plan, now."

"There wasn't one!" the villain admitted.

Shoto narrowed his eyes and the villain shivered from something other than the cold.

"It's the truth! That hand kid, Shigaraki, said he had something that could kill All Might and then that black thing tore up our gang until we agreed to help him!"

"So you really are nothing but cannon fodder," Shoto muttered. "So much for information."

"Hey I'm right here ya shitty brat!"

He kept going, screaming something obscene, but Shoto ignored him. It looked as if he was giving them a little too much credit about thinking this through. Overwhelm the most talented hero prospects in all of Japan through numbers alone? Shoto could commend them for their efforts if the effort wasn't completely wasted.

However, the thought didn't bring him any comfort. Because if they didn't have much of a plan, but still came here confident that they could take down All Might.

That was something to worry about.

A loud crack reverberated through the chamber, like a bomb going off. Shoto's head snapped around, and he saw the waters of the artificial lake roiling as if in a tempest, a gust of hot wind passing over him.

What the hell was that?


Peter could barely keep his eyes open as the hot wind buffeted him. As it stopped, he let out a breath he didn't remember holding in.

As the dust cleared, that black thing was in front of Izuku, no worse for wear, arms spread. Peter couldn't believe what he was seeing. Izuku's punch made the Hulk's look tame, and this thing didn't even budge! It just stood there, holding Aizawa in one of its massive hands like a ragdoll, staring down at the green haired boy with those crazed eyes.

"That was quite the special attack you just pulled off, lotta force too," Hand-man said, his voice a dry rasp like something out of a slasher movie. "You trying to be All Might, brat?"

He let out a sickening laugh, shrugging at Izuku's efforts as the black thing clamped down on the boy's arm.

"Well, whatever." he said. "Time to die."

He reached towards a stunned Asui. Peter was moving before he knew what he was doing, jumping for all he was worth, spider-legs propelling him like a rocket. He jumped, clearing half the plaza, launching a line of webbing straight at Hand-man. But Handy was quick, and dodged the white silk at the last moment, eyeing Peter from behind his mask.

Peter came down, driving his foot into the obsidian titan's chest. But the monster didn't even flinch, and Peter bounced off its bare chest, his leg a mass of pain. He landed on his palm, ignoring the pain in his leg as he flipped and landed on his feet, narrowing his blue eyes at the duo.

"Oh, and who's this?" mused Hand-man, regarding him with mild interest.

"Someone who saw you guys having a party, decided to crash it!" Peter yelled. He readied his web launchers; he could blind them at least.

"Noumu," Handy commanded, and the beaked monstrosity, Noumu, moved. It let out a roar and stepped in front of Handy, Peter's two strands splattering over its raised forearm. Seeing her chance, Asui leapt out of the water, a still-chuckling Denki over her shoulder. She shot out her tongue, wrapping it around Izuku and pulling him free of Noumu's grip. Handy let out a bark, and started shaking in what could only be frustration and rage.

"Now look at what you did," Handy hissed glaring his red eyes at Peter, "Rather rude of you, sticking your nose into other people's business."

"That's the thing with party crashers, we come in unannounced!" retorted Peter. Gritting his teeth, he pulled.

And the Noumu thing didn't even budge.

Oh come on! Even Captain America had to pull back when he threw down with Peter! What was with this thing?

"Parker-san!" Momo called. Peter glanced as the two ladies rushed up behind him. Hand-man groaned, scratching his neck.

"Oh joy, more kids," he griped.

"Parker-san! Cut your webbing!" Izuku shouted, clutching his finger. He stood in front of Asui and Denki, looking like he was holding back a grimace.

"In the middle of something Midoriya!" Peter grunted, putting his back into the pull.

Still nothing. Holy crap this thing just wouldn't move! Peter gritted his teeth. Please, just give him something.

"No you don't understand!" Izuku screamed, "This thing, they made it to kill All Might!"

Peter's mind went blank. How could this be true? He knew they had come to kill All Might as part of some sick plan, but a part of him just couldn't accept it. He was All Might, the symbol of peace, the best hero in the world!

Peter's head turned slowly to the monster in front of him. It smiled with a mouth full of daggers, its eyes crazed and inhuman, its form a monolith of muscle and scars, in its fist his unconscious teacher.

And it had taken Izuku's blow, his skyscraper-robot-busting punch, without so much as flinching.

A sick laugh nearly made him jump out of his skin. The handed villain's eyes curved up, revealing him smiling a sick ear to ear grin.

"Oh yes. You see, this Noumu here was specially made to kill the Symbol of Peace. His quirk, Shock Absorption, can take anything the great Number One Hero could dish out, and just as strong, with raw physical power power to match. A big old punching bag that hits you back, with speed to boot!"

He cackled some more. Peter felt his hair stand on end, and a voice in the back of his head screamed.


The great mass looked almost confused as it played with the webbing in its hand, dropping Aizawa like a piece of trash. It didn't even look down when the teacher landed on his bad arm.

"Parker-san," Momo whispered behind him, "We need to escape."

"I'm open to ideas," Peter hissed back.

Momo grimaced as she looked around. "We have numbers, we need to use that to get in and get Aizawa-sensei out of here."

"All for it Rep," Jirou murmured loudly, "But did you miss the part where crazy over there said the big guy was supposed to take down All Might? What can we do?!"

Momo nodded and the worry on her face tripled as she looked to Peter. The American blinked and grimaced.

"Oh," he said, at a loss.

"I know, but you're the only one here that has a chance." she said, her breath hitching as Hand-man started to move forward, his eyes blood red. "You're the most agile out of all of us besides Asui and with your suit you can do something with your webs. Just…" she stopped, a bead of sweat running down her face as Hands wiggled his fingers, "Give us as much time as you can."

Peter gulped, but he nodded. Dread it as he might, he was their best bet. He clenched his fist, trying in vain to stop his hands from shaking.

"Whatever it takes" he agreed.

"Jirou," Momo continued, her skin alight with her quirk, "Keep the other one away with your sound."

"Got it." the punk girl said, ear-jacks plugging in. She swallowed something and gave Peter a worried look.

"Good luck Peter," she said in English.

"You too," Peter breathed back in his native tongue.

He lowered his stance and glared. Noumu stood in front of him, ready and waiting and not having moved an inch forward. Jirou said something that made Midoriya and Asui get into fighting stances of their own, but Peter couldn't let himself hear it.

He could do this, he could do this.

It hadn't said a thing beyond giving a soft grunt, and that growl of challenge when Handy was threatened. Moreover, it didn't even move until Handy said something. Did that mean it was nothing but a crazed attack dog?

Peter didn't know if that made him feel better or worse.

He shook his head, and swallowed his fear. It didn't matter what he thought he had to do this. He tensed, and his hair stood on end.

"Noumu," Handy narrowed his eyes, and pointed with his finger. "Sic'em."

The beast perked up, and took a step towards him.... Then it charged, a bullet train of muscle heading right towards Peter. The American tensed, waiting for the chance to get out of the way. He saw Izuku and Asui get Aizawa, trying to lift him to get him out of the battlefield. Good, get him out of there and…

"Hold on! Noumu, get them!" Handy ordered, pointing at them!

Peter's heart clenched up as the beast paused, and its head whipped towards the two kids by the pool. Against all laws of reason, Noumu somehow switched direction, sprinting towards Izuku and Asui.

"No you don't!" Peter shouted, firing his webbing from both wrists, sticking the fluid onto Noumu's ankles and tugging as hard as he could.

The massive beast lurched and stumbled, struggling to move towards its designated targets as Peter pulled and strained, struggling to hold the thing back. The spider legs carved trenches into the ground, scraping and scratching at the plaza pavement as he dug them in harder. It was like trying to pull back a runaway train.

Asui and Izuku, to their credit, didn't freeze in panic, though he could see the fear on their faces they held tight to Aizawa and moved fast to get out of danger.

A shiver ran down Peter's spine, his senses warning him a split second before it happened.

Maybe if he'd been more attentive, maybe if he hadn't lost sleep the outcome would have changed, he would have reacted faster.

Noumu moved, as though suddenly realizing what was wrong, it grabbed onto the webbing ripping the two strands in a single, massive fist and pulling. Hard.

Peter's own strength, amplified through the suit, and the dug-in spider legs gave a second of resistance before Noumu's strength ripped him clear off the ground, tearing the arachnid appendages out of the asphalt like the roots off a tree, sending Peter flying headlong towards the obsidian monster.

He curled himself into a ball, spider legs coiling in front of him to form a protective shell, blocking out his vision as he saw Noumu chamber its massive black fist.

The blow that landed shattered the spider legs like fine metal glass, then slammed into Peter. Spider-web cracks spread over the surface of his suit, nano-bots glimmering like particles of dust as they tumbled away.

Peter felt the wind rush from his chest, his head crashing back against his spine and then forward again as the blow hurled him back, away. His limbs went limp, his mind a blank, as he bounced away like a ragdoll. Only by instinct, by some flicker of muscle memory, did he manage to control the tumble, and steady himself.


"Peter-san!" He heard Momo yelp.

Peter breathed hard, sucking down greedy lungfuls of air as he saw the nanomachines flow over the broken armor like liquid mercury, Mr. Stark's tech desperately trying to repair itself.

"Noumu, get those two brats with Eraserhead now!" The voice was like a jumpstart to Peter's foggy brain. And he remembered his classmates, Aizawa, the danger they were in.

All at once, before he could think, before he could grasp the pain he should be in, he leapt to his feet. His arms came up, firing lines of webbing at the obsidian monstrosity, catching the beast at the nape of its neck and yanking as hard as he could. The monster let out a screech of surprise, stumbling as it lost balance, taken by surprise.

Peter let go as it clawed at the webbing, lest it pull him again. He released a breath, one he hadn't realized he had been holding.

And then the beast was on top of him. In the blink of an eye it had moved twenty feet. It was all Peter could do to raise his arms in a cross-guard before Noumu's foot, nearly the size of his torso, smashed into his chest.

He coughed, feeling metal at the back of his throat. Warning symbols flashed across his HUD as the kick flung him back, telling of systems damage and injuries.

He hit the ground in a backwards roll, reaching his feet in a motion that looked smoother than he felt, stumbling at the last step before his spider senses warned him again.

He tried to move.

Too slow.

He saw the monster's massive, open palm grab onto him, a single fist nearly wrapping all the way around his torso before its twin wrapped around the other side.

The pressure was immense, and Peter struggled and writhed, trying to pry open its tight grip.

He tried to summon the spider legs, the suits warnings flashing red.

Noumu held him up, and Peter felt his legs dangling off the ground. He thrust out his hands, firing two web lines at the ground behind Noumu, pulling.

For all his effort, the monster stepped back, stumbling off balance for a moment before it caught itself.

He felt the grip get tighter.

Peter tried to suck down a breath. It was hard, and getting harder. The pressure on his ribs was becoming unbearable. His arms shook as he forced them to make fists, slamming his arms down over Noumu's wrists, trying to make it give. His spider legs tried to pry himself loose, but no go.

He looked up, finding the titan's leering eyes and grinning sharp-tooth beak staring back at him.


Peter fired off a web line onto the monster's exposed brain. But Noumu, with a sped he had not hitherto shown, dodged the shot with a flick of his neck.

The suit splintered, cracked and collapsed. He could feel the metal digging into his skin, every breath felt like it was being sucked through a straw.

Then he heard and felt something crack in his chest, sharp pain lancing like fire across his lungs. He arched his back, he tried to scream.

But he didn't have the air to do it.


"Parker-san!" Izuku yelled, face etched in horror.

They had managed to get Aizawa-sensei over to a giggling "Whey"ing Kaminari by some bushes. But when they had come back to help, the fight was already over. The fight had lasted only seconds, with both Noumu and Peter moving faster than he could imagine. It was just like when that Hand-guy rushed them!

And now Peter was trapped in Noumu's grasp, being slowly crushed to death.

"Ribbit..." Tsuyu whimpered, fearful and despairing.

The teal-haired youth leapt back, dodging a sound blast and a paintball volley from Jirou and Yaoyorozu. He landed by Noumu, cackling with evident delight at his evil handiwork.

"Not so smart, are you brats!" He yelled. "Ya should have listened to Eraserhead's advice and ran when ya had the chance. Instead, all you did was trade a battered old man for a kid who's gonna be paraplegic soon! Tisk tisk tisk..."

Izuku gritted his teeth. That… damn villain!

"Let him go!" Yaoyorozu yelled. She had her paintball rifle at the ready, and Jirou did likewise with her amp-boots.

'Think... think! What do I do?!' Izuku wracked his brain, trying to think of something. He had to think of something.

Suddenly, the air crackled and rumbled, and Izuku paused. The black miasma formed, two golden eyes forming menacingly as the teal haired psychopath turned his head in acknowledgment.

"Shigaraki Tomura."

"Ah, Kurogiri... is Thirteen dead?"

As if he couldn't feel the pit in his stomach get even deeper. No... Not Thirteen!

"Oh no..." Tsu uttered, thinking the same thing as Izuku, eyes wide in horror.

"Thirteen is incapacitated for the time being. However, some students were able to evade my mass warp... and subsequently, one of them escaped the facility."

Wait... someone escaped?! Who! Who could have escaped that! The only ones who could outrun the sudden teleportation would be Parker, Kacchan and-


It had to have been Iida!

"Oh?" Shigaraki, the black wearing hands-wraped villain tilted his head. "Oh...ohhh...ohhhhhhhhhgggnnn..." His hand began to scratch at his neck... harder and harder as he twitched and groaned loader. "Kurogiriiiii... You're so lucky you're my ride out of here, or you'd be so dead... god-fucking-dammit..."

Iida escaped... so help was on the way!

"All Might and the teachers will be coming!" Tsuyu chirped, and Izuku felt his heart soar. All Might may have been late for whatever reason, but he would save the day! He knew it!

Shigaraki let out a sigh, his arms out in mock defeat. "Well shit. Game Over... we don't stand a chance against an army of Pros... We should leave now buuuuut..."

His head tilted, and Izuku could see his cheekbones rise and his eyes curve with a sick smirk. "This little Spider is to blame for holding us up with his little tricks. Those bitches and that one All Might wannabe would be splattered across the floor by now otherwise. Noumu."

The beast's eyes rose up, paying attention to its master.

"Kill him. Slowly."

"No!" Izuku gasped, and the beasts hands gripped Peter's abdomen even tighter. Parker struggled, but could not escape as Noumu squeezed tighter, and tighter.

Then slammed him against the ground, so hard that the ground cratered beneath him.

Noumu let out a sound, something between a growl and a hiss, slamming Peter into the dirt as the muscles along its arms bulged and bunched. Parker writhed in his grip, hands scrabbling for the Monster's fingers. Izuku was close enough to hear him trying to suck down a breath through the mask, the sound like half-choked wheezing and clicks.

"Let him go!" He saw Jirou fire a soundblast, and Yaoyorozu fired another volley. Only for them to vanish into a black void, as another appeared right in front of him.

"Midoriya-chan!" Tsuyu grabbed him with her tongue and leapt, avoiding the onslaught of paintballs. But no sound came.

So Kurogiri could nullify Jirou's Earphone Jack! And negate any ranged attack!

They landed back into the central plaza, away from the bushes and trees where Aizawa and Kaminari were lying. Thankfully the paintballs didn't hit anywhere near them.

The suit was groaning, bending and cracking as Noumu crushed the armor like a tin can, a broken stump of a spider leg twitched and scraped along the dirt over Peter's shoulder. Shigaraki laughed.

"How does it feel? Dying as if under a metal press! If there's anyone to blame, blame All Might! He wasn't here to protect you all. He was supposed to be here, teaching his students, and yet he's absent, letting a poor innocent child die a hero while he's out being a glory-seeking fool and smiling for the cameras! Any blood shed today... is on the hands of the Symbol of Peace! Ain't that ironic or what! Hyahahahahaha!" Shigaraki ranted and raved before laughing as Izuku clenched his fist. He had never felt so useless! Parker was dying before him, and he could do nothing! How could he be the world's greatest hero if he couldn't even save…


The cry was familiar. Two of the villains were sent flying as Bakugo Katsuki leapt into the fray, explosions erupting all around him. He landed, and aimed both of his grenade gauntlets at Shigaraki and Kurogiri, his face a mask of battle-rage.

Kurogiri grunted, unimpressed. Noumu did not seem to notice. Only Shigaraki dodged the blasts.

"Eat this!" Kirishima Eijrou rushed in with his jagged arms, swinging at Shigaraki. The masked youth dodged his strikes before reaching out with his hands. Then a paintball struck him in the shoulder, making him yelp in pain and surprise.

"Insolent children!" Kurogiri hissed as he expanded himself, only for a giant mass of ice spikes to drive into the black mass and stun the black mist villain, making him grunt and warp away before the ice could freeze over.

"Sorry for the wait!" Todoroki Shoto called he ran from the bushes, standing between Izuku's retreating team and Momo's group. They had effectively surrounded the League of Villains!

Now they could counter attack!


Peter was dying.

She was no fool. She was not so naïve as to take his silence for endurance, that he could not feel the pain.

He did not scream, because his lungs had no air to scream with. His torso was being crushed slowly, squeezed between Noumu's fists. Ribs were surely broken, and more and more would break, until his lungs were punctured, and his heart pierced.

Think Momo, think!

Noumu. Quirk: Shock Absorption. Super Strength, Super Speed. Obeys commands. Great reflexes. All Might Counter.

Shigaraki Tomura. Quirk: Unknown. Has to involve his hands, as he tried to leap in and grab her and Jirou.

Kurogiri. Quirk: some kind of warping/teleportation vortex ability. Can transport individuals and mass groups of peoples. Can even transfer objects and cancel sound. If he was able to defeat Thirteen, he must have used Black Hole against the Pro Hero.

Think Momo think!

He was dying. Peter Parker was dying! Because she put him in that situation!


Todoroki's ice lanced out, grabbing Noumu's legs. Kurogiri was trying to warp Kirishima and Bakugo, but Bakugo pulled the pin on his Grenade Gauntlet, and with a roar, fired at the giant mass with an explosive fireball. She heard the villain cry out in agony and drop them, slinking away. Shigaraki leapt away, and Kirishima's eyes focussed on Noumu.

"Parker!" he yelled.

"Don't go in! That black guy is as strong as All Might!" Jirou yelled. "You won't put a scratch on him!"

"Seriously!? What the fuck do we do!"

"We blast their faces off! That's what!"

Bakugo race after Kurogiri, using his Turbo Boost blasts to chase after the warping villain. Todoroki summoned a segment of ice spires, only for Shigaraki to dodge, and with a touch... disintegrated them!

Think Momo... think...

She saw Noumu move its legs, tearing his limb free from Todoroki's glacier. It did not so much as grunt, though Momo could see exposed muscles under torn, bleeding flesh. Her gut churned at the sight, and then the flesh reformed over the horrid wounds.

High Speed Regeneration too?

Think... think... what could defeat such a creature? All Might Counter... with Regeneration added. How can a person... no, that monster have multiple quirks!

Parker wasn't moving. But he was still alive, for the moment. He had to be alive! He couldn't die! He couldn't!

Think Momo think! Think Momo think! Think Momo think!

Think! What was the best possible situation here!


That's it!

"Everyone! I have a plan!"

Everyone's eyes were on her, good. Even Bakugo had an eye on her. Apparently even he was in the mood to listen…for once.

"Todoroki," she said, getting the monochrome haired boy's attention, "Use your ice, everything you have to slow that monster down. Go for his feet, force him to drop Peter-san. Anything."

Shoto nodded, letting out a breath of chilled air as he focused on his target.


"Don't tell me what to do richgirl!" he shrieked, unleashing another wave of explosions into Kurogiri, the black mass warping it away. But the villain was occupied, at least for the moment.

"Keep doing what you're doing then! Kirishima, get ready to jump in and grab Peter-san when you find an opening."

The red headed boy didn't even hesitate, nodding and spreading his hardening all over his body, his eyes taking on a serious sheen. "Got it."

"Jirou," Momo called, flinching as another glacier shattered like glass against Noumu's backhanded blows, the still form of Peter still tight in its grip.

"What do you nee-?" Jirou stopped and gritted her teeth, dodging a swipe from the teal-haired psycho before sending another blast of sound at Shigaraki, forcing him to jump back.

"Keep Shigaraki from giving it orders! Deafen it! Make sure it can't hear me!"

The punk-girl's eyes almost shot out of their sockets.

"Are you insane? That thing will-"

"Peter-san's dead if I don't!" Momo glared at her comrade, daring her to deny it, or to offer some better plan.

Jirou did not. They didn't have time. Momo could see the fear in her eyes, and she understood it only too well. It had to be the craziest idea she had ever come up with.

But they were heroes-in-training, doing crazy things to save people came with the territory. Jirou gritted her teeth and aimed. "All right! Eat this ya freaks!"

Jirou focused everything she had on Noumu and Shigaraki, the bass soundwave washing over them. Momo dashed to the side, her heart pounding in her chest, her skin bubbling with her quirk. She saw Jirou dodge Shigaraki's lunging swipe, Bakugo blasting away, Kurogiri dodging effortlessly.

Momo shook her head, she couldn't get distracted. She had to make this quick or else-

The ground shook, almost sending Momo into a tumble. She spared a second to look at what happened, and wished she hadn't. She was behind it, so she got a full view of the awesome power on display. Noumu, the monster, ripping its legs free from Todoroki's ice as it held Parker in his grasp.

Without a second thought, it slammed its fist down, ripping a fissure in the earth. With its new leverage, the obsidian titan started ripping chunks out of the ground. The bloodshot eyes of the beaked fiend snapped to Jirou and the rest, and then threw the chunk of debris like a softball pitch. Jirou tried to jump back, but Kirishima dove in front of her, and with a roar, threw his shoulder into the debris and took the hit, the chunk shattering as it impacted.

"You okay Jirou!"

"Thanks for the save! I'm fine!"

"Less talking more Bass Blasting!"

Jirou followed through on Kirishima's quip, and with a hop, slammed her boots into the ground as her Earphone Jacks fired another soundwave at Noumu.

Momo could barely keep it out, pulling out the results of her quirk; a large wrapped bag about the size of a mason jar. The lid was primed with a fuse, and the underside was coated in the webbing formula.

No better adhesive around. Thank you Peter-san.

Momo's skin bubbled with goosebumps, the temperature plummeting with Todoroki's newest ice surge. The beast darted to the right, dodging the river of ice and winding up for another shot. It threw, and Todoroki threw up his hand, ice rising in a wall to guard him. The chunk struck the ice, shattering it like glass, and sending Todoroki flying, rolling across the ground before Asui's tongue scooped him up.

Seeing her chance, Momo sprinted straight at Noumu. Kirishima saw her, and he charged too, straight at Noumu's front. She saw Jirou ready her boots, and conjured ear muffs to cover her ears; just in time as the sound wave crashed over her, her eardrums ringing.

"Not so fast!" Shigaraki caught on, and, charged straight at Noumu. The brute turned at the sight of its master, ignoring Momo as she approached. "Noumu!"

"Full blast!" Jirou roared. Blood oozed from Noumu's ears as the wave struck, sending Shigaraki to the ground, clutching his head in agony as he howled.

She jumped as high as she could, her arms barely managing to stick the object against the back of the titan's neck. She kicked off its back, and then flung herself out of reach. The monster jerked, surprised.

And Peter fell from its grip, hitting the ground with a thump.

"I got you!" Kirishima leapt in, grabbing Peter and dashing away, his friend over his shoulder like a sack. Shigaraki paused, and glanced up at Noumu with wide eyes.

And he chuckled at the sight of the box.

"What did you think you're gonna do…"

He stopped, noticing the fuse in her hand. He was so close Momo could hear his gasp, and see the moment of understanding in his eyes. "Noumu! Take that thin..."

Momo pulled the fuse.

For a moment, nothing happened. Then the air around Noumu went from 23 Celcius to 2500 in the blink of an eye. A miniature sun blossomed on the back of the monster's neck. Momo twisted her head away, blinded by the light, the heat searing her skin.

A Thermite charge. The standard reaction was five times hotter than most fire or heat quirks in general. She had made a point to shape it, channelling all the explosive energy straight into Noumu's neck, while adding enough chemicals to bring down a skyscraper. Nothing less would have worked.

The charge burned through Noumu's upper spine, its chest glowing as the blast reached its core, burning down and up as it's head was incincerated. Its legs buckled, and the dreadful thing flopped forward like a dead fish, the fiery glow spreading up through its pectorals, and burning open the skin.

She could see its insides, its charred and burning lung tissue, the fluttering, beating heart trying desperately to keep blood pumping even as the blood around it boiled and hissed. Then the heart was charred.

The monster hit the ground and did not move, only it's legs remaining. The stench of burned meat hung it he air, making Momo want to throw up.

For a moment, no one moved.

Then several things happened at once.

"Impossible!" Kurogiri yelled in utter shock.

"You're open!" Bakugo roared, his hands weaving through and blasting the Warp User by his metal brace. The villain shouted in pain and fell to the ground with a crash, Bakugo right on top of him.

Shigaraki shrieked, like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum, and charged straight for Kirishima and Peter!

"Peter-san! Kirishima!" Momo yelled. She began to create a paintball rifle... but she couldn't make it in time! She needed time!

"No you don't!" Kirishima yelled, swiping at him. But Shigaraki ducked under the swing and lashed out like a viper, his hand grabbing ahold of his shoulder pads. "Gah!" The pads faded to dust, and Kirishima jumped back on reflex. Shigaraki's hand swiped at him, before Asui's tongue wrapped around Kirishima's arm and pulled the red haired boy away.

Leaving Peter on the ground, helpless before Shigaraki's murderous rage. Momo's heart froze.

"Oh shit!" cried Kirishima, as he realised his mistake. Shigaraki grabbed Peter's face, and held him up for all to see, his forefinger hovering over Peter's forehead. Peter hung there, seemingly unconscious. Momo let out a cry and dropped her half-made gun, pulling out a metal staff and charging at Shigaraki. But the psychotic was too fast, leaping away from her.

"Parker!" Jirou screamed.

"Let him go!" Kirishima shouted, almost weeping with shame. Bakugo glanced from Kurogiri to Parker, suddenly indecisive. Todoroki landed nearby, as did Asui, eyes wide with dread as they surrounded the villain.

"Alright you brats!" bellowed Shigaraki, brandishing Peter's hanging form. "Nobody move or this little spider bites the dust!"

Momo felt her blood freeze. There was nothing she could do.

"All I need to do is put my index finger down, just a twitch and he's dust. Ya hear me!" he spat through gritted teeth. He taps his middle finger against Peter's head, but kept his index finger from touching the metal.



How did this happen? How the goddamn hell did this happen?! This was so fucking unfair!

This… this wasn't how it was supposed to go!

Teacher gave him such a nice toy, one to counter everything All Might had. Kurogiri helped as he gathered his own legion of cannon fodder to help take down All Might and whoever was around.

Instead… these fucking bastard kids killed Noumu, captured Kurogiri and forced him to use the little spider as a meatshield. It was cool when Eraserhead was doing his best. Watching the pro get stomped and his bones and face crushed was better than beating any boss on hard mode.

Then this little spider decided he wanted to play hero.

Give the kid a little credit, he lasted longer than Eraserhead did against his Noumu.

But when Noumu crushed him, suddenly all these fucking kids decide to turn up the difficulty and started using cheat codes, as if taking out the spider activated some Nightmare Mode or trigger. Did they all get kissy kissy kumbaya in only a few days time?! What makes a bug worth ruining all of his fun?

Now, Shigaraki Tomura wasn't like Teacher. He couldn't predict every little thing that could come up. Not that he didn't have the power to dust any problems that came his way, but he wasn't an idiot. These kids had delayed them long enough. Kurogiri said one of them got out, so any second now the Pros were going to bust down the door for their precious indoctrinated soldiers.

He needed to get out of there. Teacher was going to be so disappointed in him, but that was better than letting himself get caught!

Except he couldn't, not unless he made grenade brat with the stupid hair let go of Kurogiri. That dumbass bartender better fucking be smart enough to know they had to go, like now!

Damn shame too. He'd love to kill that fat titty slut for killing Noumu, but escaping took priority. It was Game Over.

Time was ticking away, so thankfully, he got himself the best key item he could ask for.

"You, blonde brat," he said, pointing at the grenade asshole, "Let Kurogiri go, and I'll let your friend go. Equal trade."

"Fuck that!" the brat screamed, "We're not gonna take orders from psychopaths like you!"

"Yeah who do you think we are?!" the redhead roared. "You'd just kill Parker the moment we let your mist friend go!"

Kid put on a brave face, but Tomura could see the fear in his eyes, in all of their eyes, especially in that skimpy whore. These kids were only playing heroes when one of their own was on the line. They didn't have the resolve to hit him where it counted. All they needed was a little push and they would be nothing. Like scared little children.

Like Teacher said: destroy your enemy's hope, and they will crumble around you.

"You know, my quirk is pretty great," Tomura spoke with a smirk, ignoring the confused looks of the brats, "It's called Decay. Everything I wrap all my five fingers around fades to dust. Metal, rocks, ice, whatever it is, it turns to ash." He pauses, letting a funny grin spread over his face as he let out a dark chuckle. "But what gets really interesting is when I grab hold of soft, tender, flesh." Yeah... twist the knife. Push it in deeper. Make them pause even longer. Just enough for Kurogiri to find an opening. Any opening.

The redhead flinched back, and even the ice user brat hesitated.

"I learned a long time ago you see, My quirk doesn't work as fast as any of you think, in fact it goes much slower than you'd expect. At least, to the poor S.O.B. that it's being used on. You see, it has to go through everything to finish it off. Layer by layer, skin and muscle turn to ash, but not fast enough to stop your nerves from screaming every excruciating inch of flesh falls away. Ask Eraserhead."

Tomura took a steap forward from his kneeling, hand still on the armored brat's head, and all of the kids save for the blonde stepped back.

They were scared, perfect. They were like sheep before the wolf.

"I wonder what your friend will feel? My fingers so close to his head. Do you think he'll feel his face falling away? His skull crumbling, his brain screaming as he's eaten away inch by inch until there's nothing left? It'll be quick from your perspective." He lifted his hand, snapping his fingers. "Quick as a snap, and he'll fade away. But for him? It'd feel like an eternity of crumbling away into a pile of powdered bone and ash. And you know what?"

He stops, cheekbones rising and eyes curving as he couldn't contain his ear-to-ear grin.

"I really don't know. I've honestly never used my quirk on someone's head like this before. I know! How about we see what it's like together! As the old saying goes, you learn something new every day right!"

Yes yes yes. The fear in their faces, the color draining from their skin!

"And isn't this a school right! Why don't we learn something new together!"

Tomura couldn't help himself at the sight, the utter hopelessness in their eyes, it was fucking hilarious! He didn't stop the wonderful laughter that slipped through his lips. "Kyahahaha! You should see the looks on your faces!" Tomura cackled loudly and proudly, guffawing. Yes! He has these pathetic brats by the balls! This power! This feeling of authority! He's never felt a high like this in his life! No wonder Teacher was so good at this! He savored the sound for a second, sighing and calming down before looking at the explosive kid, who was looking on in morbid horror with clenched teeth.

Heroism; always good for a laugh!

"So… anytime you want to let Kurogiri go, the sooner you can fix your broken Spider Man here." Tomura cooed. "Don't you wanna save him or what~? His breathing doesn't sound too healthy right now. Might need to get him some help real fast, lest he drown in his blood."

The blond flinched but kept his palms firmly on Kurogiri. "You think I'm an idiot!" the kid screamed, "Why would you let him go!? He's just trash to you! Second this guy's free, you'll kill him!"

Tomura narrowed his eyes. Kid was right. This bug was too much trouble to keep around. If he matures, he'd be trouble down the road too. Plus, he pissed him off! He didn't deserve to breath for the crap that he put Tomura through!

The leader of the League of Villains forced a shrug.

"Now why would I do that?" he asked, "I'm only trying to get away from you horrible heroes after all."

He looked around, taking in the broken Central Plaza and shattered remains of the mini-glacier. The charred remains of Noumu.

"After all, if this is what the heroes of tomorrow will do to cities and its naer'do'wells." Tomura spat out the word, gritting his teeth as he glared hard at the kids, and he remembered... the old days. "What the fuck has this world come to?"

The blonde grit his teeth, a line of sweat running down his brow. Tomura stared him down, his index finger moving ever closer to the bug's neck.

If he killed him now... their shock might give them enough time for Kurogiri to make a mass warp, getting the brats far away from here, then he and the bartender could escape. He has no idea if those thugs had killed any more of the students but...

His index finger began to fall. He felt the armored spider brat below him vibrate and shake harder, and he can see their mouths opening as time slowed down. Tomura's eye curved in a sick glee.

'I win.'

Only to stop when the door to the building exploded, sending shockwaves through the USJ.

Everyone turned to the door as a mountainous figure stepped out of the smoke, standing at the top of the stairs overlooking the plaza. The great Symbol of Peace, gritting his teeth, not a smile in sight.

Tomura felt his hope plummet. His blood ran as cold as the Artic Sea.

He had to get out of there, he had to! Maybe if he sprinted towards the blonde now he-

Then something exploded behind him as he realized there was one brat unaccounted for.


The last thing Peter saw before the suit went dark was Todoroki's ice swallow up the Noumu's legs and waist.

Then there was nothing he could see. Nothing he could do.

He couldn't scream. Couldn't breathe. He felt blood in his mouth, it felt sticky on his chin and neck. Fire burned through his chest. Every breath was agony as he felt yet another crunch rattle through his diaphragm, increasing the agony tenfold.

The suit's warning signs flashed red in front of his eyes; diagrams and blueprints highlighting the damage. His eyes swam in his skull as he tried to read the data feeling shards of metal slicing up his stomach, sides and back, digging into him as the monster kept tightening its grip.

What did Noumu do? What system did it break? Power converter? Motor control? Neural uplink?

Then the suit was disabled. His HUD going dark.

Peter's brain was fogged, vision blurry, the words too small for him to read as dark crept at the edge of his eyes.

He couldn't move. He couldn't move. He was trapped in a dark metal coffin and he couldn't move.

Before it was like a python tightening its grip around his spine and lungs... now it was like a demolishing press, and even if he could move he doubted he'd have the strength to fight back.

He tried to wiggle. To move. Anything. But... the beast only pressed down harder... Pain was all he knew. He couldn't hear a thing. He couldn't move. He couldn't scream.

He had to escape...

But he couldn't escape the fact that he was dying. Again.



Not again.

He felt the pinpricks before back then...

It was happening again. Again, he couldn't do a thing. Again, all he knew was endless torture, trapped in Mr. Stark's suit. The suit he wore when being made an Avenger.

'I don't wanna die.'


'Save me.'


'Help me.'


'Anybody!' Peter thought, words not forming as he coughed lightly again, trying his utmost to move before he felt himself be lifted off the ground and swayed around like a ragdoll in the beast's grasp. It was like being on a one-person wild ride at an amusement park, but blindfolded and with perforated lungs.

He couldn't make out the voices, the pain was too much...

Was... were his classmates fighting? Were they fighting to save him?

Peter couldn't breathe as he heard the sound of a heavy bass wash over him, the suit muffling out the heavy soundwave. He coughed again, more blood caking his mouth and nose.

Was... was he going to drown in his own blood?

Then he felt himself free, the Noumu letting go before someone else's hands caught him. It made Peter wince and he would have howled in discomfort, had he been able to speak and not have the taste of metal in his mouth.

"I got you!" That voice. It was muffled but, through the pain, Peter recognized it!


He felt him move as he was draped over Eijirou's back, then he stopped. He tried to move, lift an arm but his suit couldn't, and even if he did he felt his ribs contract and he coughed more again. The redhead was now standing still... and the goosebumps faded.

Before it came roaring back, and Eijirou was wildly moving again, as if he was trying to dodge. Who. Who was it?

He hit the floor, head cracking against the ground as Peter's eyes widened as white hot pain seared through his body like a fire poker was jammed through this spine. And the voice in the back of his head was telling to him. 'You can run!'

But he can't. He was too weak. Too tired. Too hurt.

As he laid on the ground, Peter felt fingers on his crown and the goosebumps were erect and on all ends. This... this feeling.

Only back on Titan. Before he died.

His heart stopped, and he froze.

He was... able to make out noises. He can just hear Momo and Jirou and Eijirou... He closed his eyes... and Peter did his best to listen, as hard and as acute as he could.

"You, blondie..." It was light, but raspy. It sounded like Handy. "Let Kurogiri go, and I'll let your friend go..."

Blonde... Bakugo... he had the mist villain then...

"Fuck that!"


He felt his heart drop, a coiling, insidious fear wrapping around his chest.

He was going to die...

He was going to die again.

Peter felt a pressure at the forehead of his mask, a single finger pressing down. "You know, my quirk is pretty great... It's called Decay. Everything fades to dust. Metal, rocks, ice, whatever it is, it turns to ash."

All of a sudden.

Peter couldn't breathe. Not because he tried... but because his entire body was locked.



No no no….

His heart stopped. His body froze. Yet the tingling feeling only increased, no longer was it goosebumps... it was mixing in with the pain of his abdomen.

Please no.

"... turn to ash..."

'Help me .'

"...Do you think he'll feel his face falling away... His skull crumbling, his brain screaming as he's eaten away inch by inch until there's nothing left?"


"It'll be quick from your perspective..."

'Aunt May...'

A snap of a finger.

"...and he'll fade away... into a pile of powdered bone and ash. And you know what?"

'Mr. Stark...'

Peter can't breathe. The goosebumps has become like the needles digging into each square centimeter of his skin. The fingers on his head.

He was doing to die.

'I don't wanna go. I don't wanna go. I don't wanna go. I don't wanna go. I don't wanna go. I don't wanna go.'

No one was going to save him. No one was going to help him. Momo and the others couldn't move due to the hostage situation.

Bakugo said no.

He was going die.

'I don't wanna go. I don't wanna go. I don't wanna go. I don't wanna go. I don't wanna go. I don't wanna go.'



'IdontwannagoIdontwannagoIdontwannagoIdontwannagoIdontwannagoIdontwannago. I DON'T WANNA GO!'

Peter felt the hairs on his body go ramrod, as he can sense, as if awakening something, his entire body in the darkness... he can see himself. The four fingers attached, the arm... the body... and the sick demented, dry and chapped grin of Handy as the index finger was falling down.


Time began to slow. He could see every outline of his face, his eyes leering in evil delight as the finger came down.

He remembered the dark orange sky. Mr. Stark's arms wrapped around him. The cold dead ground.

Yu. Chief Fukuda. Pony. Eijirou. Mina. Ibarra. Setsuna. Tenya. Denki. Shoji. Mr. Aizawa. Midoriya. Mr. All Might. Jirou. Momo...

'I'm sorry...'

Then the entire picture in his mind, of the sonar-like vision of Handy became frazzled. He saw him turn, face no longer in sick demented glee, but in pure despair and horror, mouth open wide, as were his eyes.


He heard a voice, piercing the darkness, like a beacon, loud and almost shrill.

Midoriya Izuku.


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