Chereads / Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 1154 - 45

Chapter 1154 - 45

Chapter Text

Katsuki looked up from his phone while he was relaxing on Izuku's bed. "Hey, is I-Expo this year?"


Izuku stopped writing in his notebook and thought for a moment. "Nah, it's next year. Once every four years, remember?" 


"Last time was only three years ago?" Katsuki asked, raising an eyebrow. "Damn. Feels like longer."


Izuku laughed. "Yeah, a lot's happened in the past few years."


Katsuki was quiet for a few seconds. "I still can't believe All Might gave me an offer."


"You deserve it," Izuku said dismissively, hoping to dispel the doubt from his friend's mind as he looked over from his desk. "Besides, aren't you excited?"


Katsuki rubbed his forehead. "Of course I am. It's just a…"


"It's a big deal," Izuku finished for his friend. "You're gonna have a lot of eyes on you, including All Might's. It's natural to feel the pressure."


"Yeah, that." Katsuki sighed. "The media following us is gonna be a bigger hassle than anything else."


Izuku smirked. "Well, it's something you're gonna have to get used to when you graduate and become the number two hero."


"Number two, eh?" Katsuki responded, raising an eyebrow.


"Yeah, after me, of course." 


It was Katsuki's turn to smirk. "All Might doesn't seem to think so. Why do you think he gave me the offer instead of you?"


"Well, you're both blondes," began Izuku, pretending to wrack his brain for answers. "Other than that, I got no idea." He shrugged widely. 


Katsuki exhaled once in a rough approximation of laughter and looked down at his hands.


Izuku smiled softly. "It's because he sees the same potential in you that I do. Ask him yourself if you don't believe me. You're gonna be one of the greats and All Might is giving you the opportunity to prove it. My dad was so proud when he found out."


His friend smiled a little. "Thanks, man." He swung his legs over Izuku's bed and stood up. "It's getting late, I'm heading to bed."


"Night, Third Place," Izuku said as Katsuki made his way to the door.


That earned another small chuckle from him. "Night, Third Place," Katsuki returned as he closed the door behind him.


Izuku smiled and turned back to his notebook, continuing his research on Miruko. Ochako was incredibly nervous about interning with a top hero like Miruko, so he hoped to help bolster her confidence as much as possible. She had gone from a fairly simple country girl to being a student at the top university in the country to getting a personal internship with the number seven hero in less than two months. Her being overwhelmed was entirely understandable. 


He was writing down a note about one of her special moves when he heard a knock at his door. Izuku stood up and made his way over, calling out. "Did you forget something, Kacch-" He stopped himself as he saw Eiko standing there, looking the tiniest bit nervous. "Oh, Eiko. Can I help you?"


"Hey, Aniki," she began, "and uh, yeah, you can. You see, the rest of the girls and I are playing Truth or Dare and…"


Izuku's eyes went slightly wide. Oh no, what kind of dare did she have to do?


"They want me to bring you back."


Izuku blinked. "Bring me back?"


"Yeah, to the room." Eiko rubbed her neck. "I was dared to bring you back so you could play with us."




"Look, it was Mina's idea, alright?" Eiko admitted.


"Oh." Izuku almost laughed. "That explains everything."


His confusion was replaced with trepidation. Izuku had a pretty good idea of what Mina's game was here, as Momo was at this game as well. Just because he understood why didn't mean he had to like it, but he respected it. Mina knew how to play the game.



The door to Mina's room opened up and the air got still. "I got him!" Eiko called out as she stepped through, followed shortly after by Zu. "Nobody can say I ever backed down from Truth or Dare!"


Zu looked a little hesitant, but he still smiled. "Was that it? I would hate to interrupt your game, I'll just go..."


Mina wasn't going to let him go that easily. "No, come on! Kiri got you so you could play with us!"


"Are you sure?" He seemed to know Mina had her talons in him.


Tsuyu tilted her head. "It's not like this is the first time you've played with us. Remember the first day of class?"


"Yeah," Kyouka agreed, "I missed that one though. You should stay."


Zu looked sheepish. "Sorry again about that."


She shrugged. "I already told you not to worry about it. Take a seat, man."


Momo's eyes widened slightly when she realized that the only open seat was a pillow Mina had placed between Pony and Momo herself. Had Mina been planning this the whole time?


"Welcome to the game, Midori!" Mina began as Zu took his seat. " Nothing said here leaves this room. 100% purely confidential! Kiri, your dare has been completed! Your turn!."


Eiko nodded. "Alright, hmm…" She looked around the room. "Ah, who am I kidding? Aniki, truth or dare?"


Zu sighed. "Uh… truth."


"Starting off easy, huh?" Eiko smirked. "That's fine. Who is the most famous person you've ever met?"


Zu didn't miss a beat. "All Might."


"Oh, that doesn't count," Eiko complained. "We've all met him."


Tooru giggled. "You gotta phrase your question better! Midoriya, your turn. You can ask anyone but Eiko."


Zu rubbed his chin. "Jirou."


Kyouka raised an eyebrow. "Alright, big guy. Truth."


"You strike me as someone who's gone to a few concerts," Zu began. "What's the craziest thing that's happened to you at one?" 


There was a murmur of approval around the room; it seemed they were already warming up to him.


Kyouka clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes. "There was one time I sent a dude to the hospital."


"You what ?" Ochako asked, half-horrified and half-curious.


The purple-haired woman scowled. "This dude came up behind me and tried to cop a feel. I elbowed him in the gut, turned around and punched him in the face. I'm pretty sure I broke his nose." 


"Damn!" Eiko yelled. 


"Did you get in trouble?" Tsuyu asked.


Kyouka shook her head. "Mosh pits are known for being… rough. It's kind of a lawless place. There's no way to prove that he didn't just catch an elbow somewhere." 


Momo looked over at Zu, who had a strange, hungry look in his eyes for a second as they glowed briefly. He subtly shook his head and the glow faded, but Momo was certain of what she saw.


Kyouka glanced around the room. "Mina. Truth or dare?"

"Let's do a dare!" 


She nodded. "Bold. Okay… Mina, I dare you to let us go through your phone."


"Oh, dirty!" Mina shot back with a strangely… approving tone. She pulled out her phone and unlocked it, tossing it over to Kyouka. "There's no nudes on there, sorry."


The faintest trace of blush appeared on Kyouka's cheeks, but she took the phone and began to look through. "Ugh, you would have your mom in here as 'Birthgiver'."


Mina shrugged. "Don't knock the classics."


Tooru was looking over Kyouka's shoulder. "Man, you text Ochako and Midoriya a lot." 


Tsuyu put a finger to her chin. Momo thought that little quirk was so adorable. "I wouldn't think texting the people you're dating would be strange."


"The what?! " Eiko sputtered. 


Tsuyu turned to Eiko. "Oh, did you not know?" 


"I didn't know either!" Tooru said with an audible pout. "Mina, how could you not tell me?"


Mina rubbed her soft, fluffy pink hair. "Well, Midori didn't want me spreading it around. Blame him!" 


"Hold on," Eiko said, still wide-eyed. "You're dating Aniki? I thought he had a thing for Ochako!"


Momo could tell where this is going.


"Well, he does," Mina explained. "He also has a thing for me. That's why he's dating both me and Ochako."


Ochako's face was doing its best impression of Eiko's hair.


Eiko slowly tilted her head. "Wait…"


Mina smiled softly up at Eiko. "It's called polyamory, Kiri."


There was a long pause as Eiko stared at Mina and then Zu.


"Right, sorry," Eiko finally said, holding her head slightly. "I just was surprised."


Tooru nodded, or at least Momo thought she did. "I didn't see it coming."


"Sorry," Eiko repeated. "Let's just get back to the game."


Kyouka nodded and went back to scrolling through Mina's phone. "This is much less interesting than I thought it would be."


"Oh, check the videos," Tooru suggested. "Maybe she filmed Kaminari face-planting a few days ago."


Kyouka nodded. "Yeah, good idea. Hmm… wait, what's this? When did you go to a lake, Mina?"


Zu tensed up. "Uh, hold on-"


It was too late, Kyouka had already hit play.


Momo couldn't hear what was happening at first. There was a lot of white noise and shuffling as it seemed Mina was hurrying to film something. 


Then there was a roar that peaked the speakers on Mina's phone.


Momo recognized that roar. "Was that…?"


Kyouka was wide-eyed and slack-jawed. "H-holy shit." 


Momo shot a glance over at Zu, who was currently trying to hide his head in his arms.


Ochako scooted over to Zu while the rest of the women, Momo included gathered around Kyouka and the phone. The tall brunette giggled, rubbing her hand through Zu's hair. "You're so cute, Deku. Don't worry, it's fine." 


Kyouka moved the phone so everyone could see and hit play again. Several of the women gasped and covered their mouths as they saw a huge bear standing at the edge of the campsite, its fur bristling. Zu had grown massive again, easily over two feet taller than Momo, even before his wings burst from his back and unfurled to make himself look as large as possible.


The earth-shaking roar rang out again, which caused the bear to jump in shock and tear back into the woods. 


The video continued on for several more seconds as Zu stood his ground, waiting to make sure the bear was truly gone before he shrank down once more.


"God damn , that was so manly!" Eiko cried out as the video ended. "Look at you stare down that bear like it was nothing!"


"That was great, Izzy!" Pony echoed Eiko's sentiment.


Zu was still hiding his face. A silence hung in the room as people stared at him until he finally peeked an eye out from behind his arms and saw everyone giving him kind, concerned looks. He slowly lifted his head and smiled back, seemingly surprised by the reception. 


After how she had felt at the USJ, Momo guessed that he was used to people freaking out or being scared of him. It was… nice to see him proved wrong. He deserved friends like these.


Kyouka handed Mina her phone back as everyone returned to their spots. Momo had to resist reaching out and offering Zu a comforting hand on his shoulder.


"Tooru," Mina began, not wasting a moment. "Truth or dare?"


"Hmm… truth."


Mina smirked. "Alright, what's going on with you and Todoroki?"


Tooru squeaked. "Uh… I don't know what you're talking about! We're just friends. Honest. I helped him pick his hero name after he helped me with mine."


"Oh, come on," Mina pried. "You like him, don't you?"


"Only one question!" Tooru deflected. "Uh… Yaomomo!"


It was only a matter of time. "Truth." There was no way she was going to let them get her to do something ridiculous.


Tooru shook her arm enthusiastically. "What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever created?"


Momo blanched. There was also no way she was ever going to admit to them that she had made a plushy of Zu. "How incorrigible!"


Tooru shrugged. "You knew what you were getting into when you agreed to play."


"Uh… Da-"


"While you're within your rights to change to a dare," Tooru began, cutting her off. "Know that I'm just going to dare you to recreate the most embarrassing thing you've ever created."


"Cutthroat!" Mina hissed. "You make me so proud." 


Momo cupped her face with one, and then both hands as she desperately looked for a way out. Her blush grew as the inevitability crashed down upon her. She had made many… questionable things with her quirk, but there was one that stood out above all the others, especially with Zu sitting right next to her.


"It's okay," Pony said softly. "We keep secret."


Momo sighed, looking over at the American's big, beautiful eyes. She didn't dare look at Zu.


"Well, growing up, my parents would often throw large parties and galas," she began. "Many heroes were invited, including… well, including Stormclaw."


She had the rapt attention of everyone in the room. "One day, he brought his son along and… well, we became friends."


"What did you do?" Mina asked, her excitement barely contained.


Momo gulped. "I, uh, well, I didn't have too many friends growing up, so he was special to me. I… in my childish wistfulness, I perhaps made a small stuffed version of Midoriya." She squeezed her eyes shut as she forced out the final words of her confession.


Ochako and Mina squealed , Tooru giggled, Kyouka and Eiko chuckled softly, but not unkindly, while Pony made a small 'aww…'


Momo really wished Zu wasn't here right now.


Tsuyu ribbited softly. "I was expecting something much worse. Izuchan is very cute, I wouldn't mind having a plushy of him, too."


Momo wanted nothing more than to forget this whole thing ever happened. Her face was bright red as her cheeks burned with blush, trying not to think about how nice it would be to hold Zu like she held her stuffed versions of him. 


"Ochako!" she said quickly.


Ochako was looking at her almost… lovingly, her smile wide and her eyes full of sparkles. "Yeah?"


"Truth or dare?" Momo whispered nervously.


There was a small pause before Ochako's eyes widened. "Oh, right! Uh… hmm. Truth?"


Well, Momo had been desperate to get the pressure off of herself, but she hadn't thought far enough ahead to consider what she would do once Ochako answered. Unfortunately for herself, she had Zu on the brain. "When did you first realize that you liked Z- Midoriya?"


Ochako's cheeks quickly reddened as Mina giggled. "Oh, we're getting into these kinds of questions already?"


"You started it!" Tooru protested.


Mina grinned. "So there is something between you and Todoroki!"


"You're putting words in my mouth!"


"Hey!" Pony said sharply. "Let Ochako talk."


Ochako looked down, smiling softly as she looked lost in memory. "I guess it started when I first saw him. I thought he was cute and then he saved me at the entrance exam…"


"You saved me!" Zu said in protest, his cheeks colored with his unique blush. 


"Don't interrupt," Mina chastised.


"But what really made me think there was maybe something between us was at the battle trial on the second day of class," Ochako continued. "I… but no, it was the USJ when I was sure." 


The girls all nodded in understanding. "I guessed as much," Kyouka said softly. 


"I watch whole thing," Pony began. "I saw Terrorflame go big and I thought you two going to… but then Izzy swoop in!" She made a big sweeping motion with her arms. "It was so cool!"


Momo thought back to that day, remembering how Zu had stood so defiantly in front of Terrorflame.


Huh. Defiantly.


She smiled softly.


There was a short silence in the room before Ochako spoke again. "Pony, truth or dare?" Momo noted with curiosity that Ochako's eyes seemed to linger on Pony's horns.




Ochako poked her chin, a little like Tsuyu always did. "Hmm. Well, what's your favorite thing about Japan so far?" 


Pony looked down, thinking things over for a minute. "I like food. I like UA. But favorite thing is you all."


Well, Momo wasn't ready for that. Her heart squeezed as she and every other woman in the room cooed. 


Mina leaned over and gave Pony a big hug, while Zu reached over and rubbed her head gently. "We're glad you're here, too," Zu said, smiling down at the short woman. 


Mina squeezed her tight. "I can't imagine this class without you."


Pony smiled happily, her cheeks slightly red as Mina released the hug. "Tsu, you next. Truth or dare?"


"Do a dare!" Mina yelled. "Everyone's doing truths!"


Tsuyu made eye contact with Mina. "Truth."




Pony tapped her chin a few times. "What's the grossest thing you ate?"


Tsuyu only paused for a moment to think. "I ate a really big dragonfly once when I was little."


"Oh, nasty ," Kyouka hissed.


Tsuyu nodded. "She asked. I was curious about my quirk so I caught some bugs with my tongue. It was a bad idea."


Mina looked around. "Okay, that's everyone, I think. That means we're on a new round. We're all free game again."


Tsuyu turned to the man in the room. "Izuchan."


Zu thought for a moment. "Dare."


"Go up onto the roof and show us your biggest poison breath."


Zu hesitated, seemingly out of habit. "Are you sure?" he asked.


"I wouldn't have asked otherwise," Tsu replied, tilting her he head as she tapped her chin. Momo had to admit she was curious, too.


"Um, alright," Zu agreed hesitantly as he stood up and began to walk out of the room, followed by all the women. They made their way to the stairs and walked up the two flights to the roof exit, stepping out into the darkness of the night and feeling the chill that still hung in the air. Fortunately, Tsuyu had a winter coat on and the hat Momo had made for her, so she was doing alright.


Zu held out his hand to stop them and then made his way to the other end of the roof, looking back to double-check that there was enough space between the women and him. He planted his feet and let out a long, steady breath as the glow in his eyes grew brighter and his horns stretched across his head. Zu began to inhale, deeper than what seemed possible, then he opened his mouth and bared his fangs as a massive rush of green gas shot into the night sky.


It billowed and churned in the dark sky, Momo barely able to make out where it seemed to lose steam, but it had to be close to a hundred feet. To think he had been hiding it from her for all these years…


"Woah!" Eiko exclaimed. "That's way bigger than what he did at the festival!"


Ochako jumped up and down. "Way to go, Deku!"


"I mean, that's neat and all," Tooru began, "but Tsu, you could have done something way worse! You had Midoriya on a dare!"


Momo found herself agreeing with Tooru. If she had that kind of power over Zu… 


Tsuyu blinked at her. "I wanted to see him do this. Besides, I think it's pretty hot to see him do stuff like that."


"I know, right?" Mina agreed. 


Momo flinched. Tsuyu thought it was hot? Was she interested in Zu as well? 


Momo pretended not to notice the sly glance Mina gave her.


After Zu walked back over, rubbing his head and smiling shyly, the nine of them returned to Mina's room and took their seats. Momo's mind wasn't racing, but it was picking up speed. There were variables she didn't know about and it was causing her to rethink things.


"Yaoyorozu," Zu said simply, breaking her trance. He had apparently picked up on her not wanting to reveal their nicknames to everyone. 


But this was bad. Neither choice was good here. She felt so out of her element.


Momo hated not being in control.


"Um, truth." The less risky of the two; she could always switch to dare if she didn't like the question. 


Zu looked at her for a few moments, staring into her eyes. She found herself being pulled into them, the rest of the world fading away at the edges as she admired their emerald hue. "...Do you still have that plushy of me?"


Her stomach dropped. Of course, he was going to ask something like that. She couldn't tell him that, she had to switch to dare, he couldn't know that-


Or could he?


Some small fire began to burn inside of her as she considered. There was a part of her that wanted him to know that she still had that doll. Maybe it was that small glimmer of hope that she could still be someone to him someday or maybe it was just her not wanting to appear weak in front of her classmates again. 


Maybe it was just hormones.


Whatever it was, she remembered what he had said to her last week.


"The moment you lose this self-doubt and fear, you will become something truly terrifying."


She could do this.


Momo looked over at him and tried to force a small smile. "I… yes." 


He looked at her in awe as the rest of the women cooed and giggled. 


Seeing him look at her like that… taking control and being confident… it made her feel good. It made that fire inside burn a little brighter.


Tsuyu looked over from her spot next to Momo. "I'm very serious about wanting a plushy."


Momo laughed nervously. "Maybe later. Um, Kyouka: truth or dare?"


"Dare," she answered dryly, smirking still.


"Do you know how to play all those instruments in your room?" Momo asked first. 


Kyouka hunched over slightly as she began to look a little embarrassed. "Uh, yeah?"


"I dare you to play us something."


She hesitated, but the combined peer pressure of eight people looking at her didn't let that happen. "Fine, give me a few."


Kyouka returned with an acoustic guitar a few minutes later, taking her spot back on the far side of the room. She had a nervous look on her face that Momo just found adorable 


She took a deep breath and made sure it was in tune before she finally began to play. The room was completely silent as the music filled the air; it began quietly, but as Kyouka continued to play, she seemed to grow in confidence. She began to play louder and more boldly, putting more of her heart into it as the relaxing acoustic noises danced through the room.


Momo smiled as she glanced around the room. Ochako looked completely stunned, while Mina, Tooru, Tsuyu, and Pony were swaying back and forth in time, smiling softly. Zu had his eyes closed as he listened intensely, while Eiko seemed to be fighting back proud tears. 


Kyouka finally finished and the notes seemed to hang in the air for a few moments before everyone began to clap and cheer. 


"That was amazing!" Pony yelled.


Eiko was definitely fighting back tears. "So beautiful!"


Zu smiled softly at her, with a proud, almost affectionate expression. Momo noticed Kyouka glance at him and begin to blush even harder. Was she interested in Zu, too?


Kyouka put her guitar behind her and nervously tapped her jacks together. "I, uh, thanks, everyone. You're the first people I've ever played in front of besides my parents."


"We're honored," Momo said reassuringly. "That was truly wonderful."


Kyouka blushed harder as she avoided Momo's gaze. "T-thanks, Yaomomo. That means a lot."


"Your turn!" Mina cheered. "Pick me pick me pick me!"


Kyouka smirked. "Tooru."


"Betrayal!" Mina yelled theatrically.


Tooru giggled. "Dare me!" 


"Hmm… I dare you…" Kyouka paused for dramatic effect. "To go haunt one of the guys."


"On it!" she replied eagerly, standing up and hurrying out of the room. 


Mina quickly followed, grinning widely. "I gotta film this. You all stay here, we don't want the boys getting suspicious."


"Um..." Zu said slowly.


"You don't count," Mina replied. "You're a co-conspirator."



It took a bit more than twenty minutes for Mina and Tooru to return, but they were giggling up a storm when they finally did. "Oh man," Mina said between laughter fits, "you're gonna love this."


The girls and Zu gathered around Mina as she pulled up the video on her phone. 


The two of them had gone down to the common room, where Tooru had spotted her target. Mina had propped her phone up in an inconspicuous location that gave them a clear view of the room.


Kaminari and Sero were playing some fighting game on the television, both of them gripping controllers tightly and focusing on the screen. Their match was apparently intense… and then Sero started having issues.


"Wait, what?!" he exclaimed as his character, Best Jeanist, was kicked across the screen. "I didn't press that button!"


"That's what you get for being a Jeanist main," Kaminari retorted.


Sero scoffed. "Says the guy who mains Miruko. You know her hitboxes are way off!"


"Yeah, yeah," Kaminari droned. "Just wait until they release the DLC next month with Golden-Age Stormclaw, then you'll really be whining."


Sero's Best Jeanist got punted across the screen again by Miruko's kick again and stayed down for the count. "It happened again! This controller is busted!"


"Sure, blame the controller," Kaminari replied, rolling his eyes. "Here, trade me and I'll still beat you." He held out the controller to Sero, who took it and gave Kaminari his 'defective' one.


They started a new round, with Sero picking Endeavor and Kaminari picking All Might. "Oh, yeah?" Sero sneered. 


Kaminari smirked. "It's the classic!"


"I'll be number one!" snarled the digital Endeavor.


"Not as long as I am here!" retorted the All Might.


The match went on for a little while and it even seemed like Sero was winning. 


Then his controller 'malfunctioned' again. Mina barely held in her giggle as Sero started sputtering and ranting as Kaminari pulled ahead and eventually won.


Sero tossed the controller onto the couch in frustration and stood up, walking over to the kitchen to get some food as Kaminari followed, laughing. It seemed like the two men were having good fun and that there wasn't any actual bad blood between them, which was good to see.


The two men began to make themselves a late-night snack with way more cheese than Momo thought could be healthy… or even appetizing, even with her predisposition toward fatty foods. However, that didn't go smoothly either. Spoons near Sero fell to the floor, the microwave stopped halfway through its cycle, the salt shaker got replaced with baking soda, and more. 


"What is going on ?!" Sero exclaimed in frustration.


Kaminari was starting to get unsettled too. "Dude, you're like… haunted or something."


"No way," Sero retorted, doubt in his voice. "They would have to tell us if someone died in these dorms, right? There aren't any ghosts here."


"You believe in ghosts, too?" Kaminari asked. 


Suddenly, the window nearby flew open, letting the chill breeze in.


Kaminari and Sero leapt a foot in the air and hugged each other out of fear as they screamed. 


Tooru upped the drama. She began to flick the lights on and off and rattle the pots and pans hanging on the wall nearby. 


"Oh my God, it really is a ghost!" Sero shouted. 


In the background, Mina could be seen shoving her face into a pillow to keep herself from laughing.


Just then, the door to the stairs opened up and Tokoyami entered the room.


"Tokoyami!" Kaminari yelled. "You're into spooky stuff, right?"


"I… what?" The bird-headed man seemed taken aback.


The door slammed harshly behind him.


"That!" Sero exclaimed. "Dude, there's a ghost here!"


Mina seemed to sense that the jig was almost up and was making her way casually over to where she had left her phone. 


"A ghost?" Tokoyami repeated. "You believe there is a specter of the restless dead haunting this dorm?"


The sink behind them turned itself on.


"How do you explain that?!" Kaminari asked.


Tokoyami raised an eyebrow. "I believe it's far more likely that our invisible classmate is having some fun at your expense."


Kaminari and Sero stared at him for a few seconds.


"HAGAKURE?!" Kaminari yelled, wheeling around and looking around the room.


Mina and Tooru began laughing uproariously as they bolted for the stairs.


The video ended as everyone in the room laughed with various degrees of intensity. Momo couldn't help but cover her mouth and chuckle, while Mina, Eiko, and Tooru were nearly doubled over. 


"Oh man," Mina wheezed, wiping a tear from her eye. "It's just as funny the second time."


The group settled down after a few minutes and their game continued. "Mina, the tables are turned. Truth or dare!"


"Dare!" Mina declared confidently.


Tooru thought for a moment. "I dare you to make out with your boyfriend in front of all of us."


Momo gasped. Tooru was challenging Mina to a game of chicken, trying to get her to back down.


"Fine," Mina shot back.


Zu sputtered. "H-hold on, don't I get a say in this?"


"No," Mina answered flatly as she scooted over and grabbed him by the shirt collar.


Mina's lips crashed into his as she pulled him down. Zu's eyes erupted in bright light as their faces pressed together and her hands moved from his collar to the back of his head. 


That fire in Momo's heart grew stronger.


Mina and Zu continued their kiss, making soft noises of pleasure and passion as the kiss deepened. Momo should have felt awkward, scandalized, at least a little offended… but instead she only felt envy; longing for something she couldn't' have.


She wasn't even sure which one was making her feel more envious.


After what felt like an hour, they pulled apart, a thin strand of saliva connecting their mouths. Mina turned slowly to Tooru, staring her straight in the eyes, or at least where her eyes were probably, as she slowly wiped her mouth.


The entire room was still. "Well damn," Tooru said, finally breaking the silence, "I wasn't expecting you to go through with it."


Mina smirked. "Your mistake. Now, Pony, your turn."


"Dare." The American's voice was steady and determined.


Mina grinned wider. "Lovely. I want you to say something in English to make Midori do his broccoli impression that the rest of us can't understand."


Momo was expecting Pony to hesitate or protest, but there wasn't an inch of quit in her. "Okay." She turned to Zu, staring him in the eyes as a dusting of blush appeared on her face. 


"If I could write the beauty of your eyes, and in fresh numbers number all your graces, the age to come would say 'This poet lies; such heavenly touches ne'er touched earthly faces."


Zu's jaw dropped and his slightly green cheeks grew until his entire face was nearly neon. It wasn't just what she said, it was how she had said it. Pony spoke with confidence, conviction, and emphasis. That was not the first time she had spoken it out loud, and to have a sonnet—Momo couldn't remember which one—memorized that soundly that she could just recite that on the spot… 


Momo noticed the blush on Pony's face deepen as she and Zu stared at each other. There was a sparkle in her eyes that she couldn't mistake. Was… was Pony going after Zu, too?


The fire in her grew larger and she felt like she was going to start physically sweating. It wasn't jealousy, envy, or even a competitive drive… no, it was something else. She wasn't sure what it was… but it was building.



Their game continued for a while yet, with truths, dares, laughs, and more, but as the night went on and the time grew late, people started trickling off to bed. Momo had tried to go to bed, but Mina convinced her to stay and it got to the point where it was just Ochako, Mina, Zu, Tsuyu and herself, but then even Tsuyu opted to leave.


"Do you need to stay with one of us?" Ochako asked. "We don't want you freezing again."


Tsuyu shook her head. "Maintenance already came out and fixed it. It turns out that one of Mineta's balls had gotten into the system and jammed my vent. They don't know how it happened."


"Oh, that's why I saw Mineta being dragged away by Aizawa today," Momo mused.


"Maybe he was crawling through the vents," Mina suggested. "He could have been trying to spy on you."


"I don't want to think about that," Tsuyu answered, before yawning.


Momo had never seen a cuter yawn. Something about Tsuyu made her just so… precious .


"Goodnight, everyone," she said softly as she left the room.


"Goodnight," they all responded as the door closed.


"And then there were four," Mina muttered, looking around at them. "The dragon and the keepers of the secret."


"Yeah, until he tells Tsu," Ochako mumbled. 


Zu scoffed. "I'm not going to tell her."


Mina laughed dryly. "I give you until Wednesday before you tell her."


"Hmmm," Ochako began thoughtfully. "I'm gonna say Thursday."


Zu pouted a little.


It was adorable.


"Whose turn was it?" Ochako asked. 


"It was mine," Momo said succinctly. "And I finally get a chance at Mi-" She stopped herself, looking around the room. "At Zu." 


"So cute," Mina muttered.


"Truth," Zu replied. 


Momo paused, collecting her thoughts. "What really happened at the battle trial?"


Zu sighed. "My instincts wanted Mineta dead. If Ochako hadn't been there, I might have actually killed him."


She gasped. "You...almost killed him?"


"Yeah," Zu confirmed, nodding sadly. "I had already claimed Ochako and Mina, but Mineta kept leering at them. My instincts saw no value in him and so he was more useful dead. That's when I found out that Ochako could help control my instincts."

"You jumped out of the building, though," Momo pointed out.


Ochako smiled sadly. "He chose to do that rather than risk hurting Mineta."


"Like a real hero," Mina added.


Zu smiled softly. "If it wasn't for Ochako, I might have died. Then, if it wasn't for Ochako, I might have hurt myself on my rampage. Then, if it wasn't for Ochako, I might have quit UA." He looked over at his girlfriend fondly, his eyes filled with gratitude and love.


Momo wished he would look at her like that.


After a small pause, Zu spoke again. "Ochako, truth or dare?" 


She yawned. "Lifting all of you guys earlier was tiring. Let's go easy. Truth."


"At least you had your quirk," Mina scoffed. "Pony lifted three of us without hers! Who knew she was that strong?"


Zu smiled fondly for a few moments before he turned back to Ochako. "You used to be really self-conscious about your height; what changed your mind?"


Ochako looked down, pulling her knees into her chest. "Well, you're not totally right; I'm still self-conscious about it. I know you like it, but… anyway. What changed my mind? Part of it was you two." She looked at Mina and Zu lovingly. "Before I met you, I didn't think I'd ever find anyone who would be… attracted to me." 


Momo almost felt offended. How could someone as beautiful as Ochako think that?


Ochako looked over at Momo with that same expression. "But what helped me more was you, Yaomomo."


Momo recoiled slightly, completely taken aback. "Me?"


"Yeah." Ochako's blush deepened, spreading from her cheeks to cover most of her face. "I'd never known another woman as tall as me, but you're so confident and cool. You own it and you're a badass… I feel inspired to do better just by being near you!"


Momo's heart skipped a beat. Had she really done all that for Ochako? She… she hadn't noticed. Did she really feel that way about her?


"Okay, Mina, truth or dare?" Ochako continued, staring down at Mina.


Momo internally swore. Ochako asking Mina meant that she had to pick Momo next. Being the subject of Mina's teasing glare was never fun.


Mina matched her stare. "Dare."


"Let me…" Ochako scooted closer. "Pet your horns."


Was that it? Momo was a little disappointed.


"W-wait," Mina stuttered.


Wait, what? Mina had made out with Zu without hesitation. What was going on?

"You're not backing down, are you?" Ochako teased.


It was so bizarre to see the tables turned. What could be giving Mina pause?


Mina looked nervously over at Momo and then back to Ochako. "Fine." She lowered her head, giving Ochako full access to her fluffy hair. 


Ochako reached over with one hand and began to run her fingers along Mina's hooked horns. Nothing seemed to be really happening at first, but then Mina's facade started to crack. Her flat expression began to strain and she slowly squeezed her eyes shut and began to breathe a little heavier. Ochako reached her other hand up and began to slowly move her horns around as she danced her fingers across them, careful to never touch with all five at the same time.


Mina looked like she was struggling to keep her voice in, even going so far as to bite her lip.


Seeing Mina being putty in Ochako's hands… Momo wanted that too. She wanted to be the one that Mina was helpless to stop.


"Okay, that's enough!" Mina shouted, her cheeks flush with her lilac blush as she pushed Ochako's hands back. She panted for a few moments, seeming to try and calm the reverberations echoing through her body. "I'm gonna get you back for that."


Slowly, Mina looked up at Momo and she must have seen the wanton look on her face, as her expression went from disheveled to sinister much too quickly for Momo's comfort. 


"Did you enjoy the show, Yaomomo?"


Confidence. She had to have confidence. Ochako looked to her as an example and Zu trusted her. She could do this.


"I… yes."


Mina looked completely surprised. "Y-you did? I mean, I just wasn't expecting you to admit it."


Momo had to admit, it felt good to be truthful. She had liked watching it and she had said as much; maybe Tsuyu was onto something. Momo held her ground, making eye contact with Mina even though internally she was screaming.


"Well, in that case…" Mina's tone became low and seductive. Momo would have found it unbelievably attractive if she didn't find it so terrifying right now. "You need to return the favor. Truth or dare."


No. Momo couldn't back down now. She was taking control and Mina couldn't stop her. Confidence. 


Confidence .


"Dare." She stared back at Mina defiantly.


Mina's smirk turned into a full-blown grin.


"I dare you to kiss Midori."


Everything froze. 


Her mind was racing, but like a car with its wheels spinning in different directions. 


She couldn't kiss Zu, he was dating Ochako and Mina… but she wanted to so badly. That fire inside of her burned brighter, urging her forward as her conscious and sensibilities tried to pull her back. 


Momo turned slowly to her right, her eyes wide as they caught sight of Zu's own eyes. They were big, green, and beautiful, just like they always were. He was the man who had been her first, best friend, who had voted for her, who had saved her life at the USJ, who had trusted her with his deepest secret, who had picked her up and put her back together when she was broken and distraught. 


That fire burned brighter.


Then it slammed down, crashing into her depths as her walls shattered. The elusive feeling finally made itself known.


It was lust.


Momo cursed whoever invented hormones.


As the fire rose in power, sending blood pounding through her body, she realized that it was now or never. This was her one chance to take what she wanted.


Her body unfroze.


She surged forward.


Zu's eyes went wide as she crashed into him, slamming her lips into his as she kissed him.


The world ceased to exist as lightning exploded through her mind. He was bowled over by her lunge, his powerful arms instinctively wrapping around her waist to protect her as they fell onto the carpet. Her legs were straddling his as her hands found their place on the side of his head. Her raven hair hung loose, draping down over them and enveloping them in near darkness, which only accentuated the glow of his eyes.


He was letting her do what she wanted. He laid there almost completely still, receiving her kiss passionately but not making any moves of his own. 


She was in complete control. 


God, he was perfect .


She was finally kissing Zu, something she had wanted on some level or another for a decade or more, and she couldn't have been happier. His lips locked wonderfully with hers, causing her heart to do backflips in her chest as fireworks continued to erupt in her mind.


Unfortunately, her lungs were less vast than her desire and, much too soon, she had to pull back. Both her and Zu panted slightly as she scooted back slightly, letting him sit up.


"Woah," Mina almost whispered.


"Ochako," Momo panted.


"Y-yeah?" Her voice sounded a little heavier than normal.


"Truth or dare?"


There was a pause, but Momo couldn't see if Ochako was doing anything. She hadn't broken eye contact with Zu since their kiss had begun. "T-truth."


Momo licked her lips. "Would you mind if I kissed your boyfriend again?"




Momo moved forward again, but much slower. She locked her lips with Zu's again, less desperately, but no less passionately. One of her hands moved through his soft hair to the back of his head, while the other moved between his shoulder blades, trying to keep him as close as possible. His own arms wrapped around her, one around her waist and his other on her back, mirroring her desire.


This time, she didn't keep her tongue to herself. She was woefully inexperienced, but that didn't matter. Her first kiss was Zu's and it didn't seem like he had minded. Her tongue moved forward as he parted his teeth, allowing her entry without any resistance. His tongue batted at hers gently, as if to say 'it's okay, do what you want'. Her playful side reared its head; of course she could do what she wanted. She didn't need his permission, he was her plaything.


As long as he was okay with it, of course. 


But he was okay with it. The way he squeezed her and held her and kissed her… the passion and desire was all too clear, even to her. 


Was this what she had been missing out on? Was this how she had always felt about him? How utterly foolish she had been.


She pulled her clumsy tongue back, vowing internally to get better; Momo was always seeking challenges and trying to improve herself, why would this be any different?


But then slowly, painfully, but then all at once, the fire subsided and the terrifying realization of what she had done crashed over her. Momo fell backwards off Zu as all of her confidence vanished and was replaced by self-loathing. "I-I'm s-sorry, I didn't m-mean to-" She looked between Mina and Ochako in horror. 


The women were looking back at her in a mixture of confusion and surprise. "What's wrong?" Mina asked as the two of them scooted closer until the four of them were all within arm's reach of each other.


"I-I kissed your boyfriend!" Momo sputtered, tears beginning to well in her eyes. 


Mina laughed softly. "I dared you to!"


Ochako put her hand on Momo's shoulder. "You even asked."


"I-I shouldn't have!" Momo squeezed her eyes shut. "That was a line I should never have crossed. He's your boyfriend and even if you told me to, that's still a gross violation of trust!"


Ochako sat up a little straighter then leaned forward. "Momo." Her soft tone was filled with shaky confidence, which gave Momo pause. "Do you… do you think you could feel the same way about Mina and I?"


There was a tiny voice in the back of her head screaming, but she didn't listen. "I…" She thought back to their time together for a moment, about how she had been first struck by her beauty when they met and looked at each other eye-to-eye and how she had admired her ever since. Ochako's heroic drive and talent was so much greater than her own, how could she not have admired her? "Well, y-yes, bu-"


Her words were cut off as Ochako leaned forward and planted a quick kiss on her lips. 


Her lip balm tasted like green tea.


Momo's jaw fell open as her mind attempted to process whatever had just happened. Clearly she was dreaming or hallucinating or… something. Anything .


Ochako smiled. "Then how about we call him our boyfriend."


Momo's mind had been racing for several minutes now, but now the wheels came off and it crashed. That voice in the back of her head screamed louder.


Mina leaned in closer. "I know that 'love' is probably too strong for what you feel for us." She gestured between Ochako and herself. "But if you think you can grow into that one day… if being with us sounds like something you'd want… Then all you have to do is come here and kiss me, too." Mina winked. "You can even pet my hair again if you want."


It felt as if that voice in her mind had gotten frustrated and grabbed her by the collar. Mina's voice echoed through her mind.


"You want in?"


Ochako, Mina… Zu. They were all within an arm's reach of her and they… they wanted her. All she had to do was…


Momo dared to move forward, her eyes almost squeezed shut as her heart felt like it was going to pound out of her ribcage. Her hand ran through Mina's hair once, bolstering her confidence before their lips gently met. Momo pulled back quickly, covering her face as her nerves failed her again.


"Mmm." Mina licked her lips gently. "I'll take it… for now. You'll have to give me a real one later, but for now…" She moved forward and wrapped her arms around Momo, causing her to flinch. Ochako's arms came next, wrapping around her side while the other was suddenly taken by Zu.


Momo was completely surrounded by warm, caring arms and bodies. 


And she couldn't have been happier.


Tears began to fall from her eyes. She didn't understand what was really happening, nor why they were doing it. What had she done to deserve this? "W-why?" 


Zu nuzzled into her neck a little, causing her to squirm slightly, but her heart fluttered."I've wanted to do this for a long time, Mo."


She looked at him, stunned, as he pulled back and looked her in the eyes, tears of his own beginning to fall gently. "You were always a great friend to me and ever since we've both been here, you've done nothing but impress me and show everyone just how amazing you are… not to mention you saved my life. I…" He paused for a moment. "I think I love you."




Zu… loved her? Was that what she had been feeling? In all honesty, she didn't know, but love was a better guess than anything else. 


"You're a beautiful, stunning woman who somehow has a mind even greater than that. I don't know if you feel the same way," he continued, "but I hope that one day, you might."


That day may come sooner than he thought. She just needed time to think and process everything.


Ochako squeezed her a little tighter. "It tore all of us up when we saw you suffering last week. I don't want to ever see you like that again."


"I have to admit," Mina began, looking up from Momo's chest. "I felt a little bad about taking Midori from you once I found out how close you two had been. But then after Hell Week, I began to wonder if you might feel something for me, too." She smiled softly. 


Momo did feel something for Ochako and Mina. They were both such wonderful people, but did she deserve them? "I…"


"Do you want to do this?" Ochako asked kindly. "You don't have to, really. I… I feel bad for kissing you now before asking. I didn't mean to pressure you."


Momo felt something begin to slip away. "No! Er, I mean no, you didn't pressure me. I… I liked it. I think… I think I want to do this." She was beginning to regain her lost confidence. "Can we just… take it slower?"


"Absolutely," Zu said firmly. "I… I can't believe this is real. After all these years… I can't believe you…" He trailed off.


Momo smiled nervously. "You've wanted this?"


"Y-yes." He nodded slowly. "I just never thought you did."


"Zu…" Momo cupped his cheek. "You're the only man I've ever even considered. "


Mina giggled softly. "I bet you had tons of suitors. You're gorgeous, brilliant, refined… not to mention sexy."


Momo's cheeks reddened. "T-thank you, Mina. I… yes. I did. I was never interested. I was much too busy with my studies and my training… and I couldn't help but compare them to Zu." She looked over at him, staring into his green eyes. "None of them measured up."


 "That's so sweet!" Ochako cooed. "Who knew you were such a romantic, Momo?"


Momo averted her gaze. "I, er, well, I am fond of romance novels…"


"So, is this official?" Mina asked, pulling back, causing the other two to release her as well. Momo missed their warmth greatly. "Is this a thing? Can I officially call Yaomomo my girlfriend?" The last word escaped her breathlessly, like she didn't believe she was actually saying it.


'Okay, Momo. Confidence.'


She took a deep breath. "If you would have me, I would very much like to join your… r-relationship." 


"Then you have my vote," Ochako said softly.


"I…" Momo's confidence failed again as her insecurities came out. "What do you see in me?"


Ochako looked down slightly. "Well, for starters, you're… um…"


"You're really hot," Mina finished.


"Yeah, that," Ochako affirmed, "but it's more than that! You're smart, bold, confident… you always take control of the situation like a real pro and I always feel reassured when you're around. At the USJ, with Tsu yesterday… it's kinda like, 'as long as Momo is here, we'll be able to handle anything'."


Momo's heart squeezed in her chest. 


"You're always so eager to help," Mina began, sighing dreamily. "You make me want to focus harder on my studies and my training just by watching you. You saved Midori's life and then stayed with him in the hospital, taking care of not just him, but all of us." She looked up at her, worry crossing her face. "But I saw how you beat yourself up after your match against Todoroki. I wanted to help you so badly, but I didn't know how. I want to be there for you, Yaomomo, like you've been there for us."


Tears began to leak from her eyes again. 


"Before we do this," Zu muttered cautiously, "there is something you have to know. About my quirk." 


Momo's tears slowed as she looked at him in confusion. "Is there more?"


"Yeah." He looked… guilty. "My quirk… all of my family's quirks hoard things. Money, gems, historical artifacts, power, and if you're me… people."


"People? You hoard…?"


Zu nodded slowly. "I hate it, but that's how it works. I've already claimed everyone in class and… and the value of my hoard is based on them. A hoard is imperative to a dragon and we are constantly driven to grow and improve our hoards."


Momo had a flash of understanding. "That's why you pushed yourself so hard against Todoroki. You couldn't stand him not using his fire."


"I… yes." Zu looked confused and then a little frustrated. "Mina, you were supposed to tell her that."


"Oh. Right." Mina smiled sheepishly. "Uh, I forgot?"


Zu sighed. "What's important is that… if you decide to do this, there isn't any going back, not for me. If you break up with me I… I don't know what will happen to me. I'm telling you this because I don't want to own you, I don't want to control you. You… all of you." He gestured to Momo and the other two. "You're far too important and special to be controlled by me. I don't want to manipulate or guilt-trip you into staying with me because you're afraid of what will happen to me if you stop."


He looked up at her, his eyes glowing erratically. "I need you to understand that. I need you to understand what I'm asking of you here. I'm asking that if you ever stop wanting this, that you do not hesitate because of me. I need you to know that you can not and should not stay just because you don't want to hurt me. You have to promise me that you will do what is best for you . Do you understand?" 


Momo couldn't believe her ears. Zu wasn't just asking her, he was begging her. "If I ever leave you, if we break up, then it will… hurt you? Like, worse than just normal?"


Zu nodded. "I don't know what would happen… but it would be bad. Even just thinking about it is causing my instinct to get very, very upset."


"You're asking me…" Momo took a deep breath. "If I ever stop wanting this… you want me to leave, despite knowing what it would do to you?"


Zu's eyes locked with hers. "I would rather be broken then see you hurt." There was no doubt in his eyes or his voice. "Please, promise me that you'll do that."


He would rather see himself torn apart than to see her suffer… and he meant it, too. Maybe that should have made her think twice, maybe it should have given her pause or cause her to back out altogether… but all it did was make her feel all the more sure of her decision.


"I promise," she said slowly. "I will stay as long as I want to and if that ever changes, I will work to change things. If I remain unhappy, I will leave and go my own way. You have my word."


Zu closed his eyes. "Thank you. Do you still wish to do this?"


"I do."


His eyes opened as they burst with light, brighter than she could ever remember. Scales flashed up his neck as his quirk surged. "Then you are mine."


While previously, his draconic voice had been unsettling and intimidating, now it felt different. She had nothing but affection for the sweet man who happened to have a monster of a quirk. A monster she could help train and hone. 


Momo reached forward and ran a hand along one of his horns lovingly. "And you are mine , Zu."


Mina leaned over and wrapped her arms around Momo's waist. "She's a natural dragon tamer." 


"Welcome to the team," Ochako added with a giggle as she hugged Momo from behind. 


Now that the shock was finally wearing off, she became much more aware of Mina and Ochako's chests pressed up against her. She didn't have much experience with any besides her own, which she was, of course, aware were quite impressive. She had the largest in class, like she always did; while she was gifted genetically, they were mostly byproducts of her quirk. Before, she was always a little self-conscious of them, but now… well, maybe her new partners would like them. 


If she could make them happy, then she was happy. And if her… assets brought them happiness, then she was proud to have it. 


It felt nice to be confident.


She should do it more often.


"Well," Mina began softly, wrapping her fingers around the back of Momo's neck to hang off her lightly. "It's getting late. I know you wanted to start things slow, but how about we all get ready for bed and then you join us?"


"Join you?" Momo was hesitant. 


"We like to sleep together," Zu said softly. He saw her blush begin to deepen before he quickly continued. "Uh, not like that!" Momo noticed his eyes glow a little brighter and his face twist slightly, as if he was experiencing a headache.


Ochako giggled behind her. "Momo, he means we cuddle and stuff. It's really nice. I didn't think I would like it as much as I do, but cuddling them is probably my favorite thing now. This cold snap has been extra nice for that. We've had trouble getting to class on time because we don't want to get up."


"Oh." Momo looked down at Ochako's arms, which were still wrapped around her. Sleeping in the same bed, holding them close… it seemed so… scandalous. Momo thought back to how envious she had been at the hospital and that little green monster that had been eating her up ever since. It was scandalous, almost lascivious, but she wanted it. 


She wanted it bad.


"Alright, that does sound nice," Momo said, attempting to mask her wanton desire. 


Ochako and Mina let her go, much to her dismay and the four of them stood up. She had to admit, she very much enjoyed how Zu and Mina had to look up to look her in the eyes, but there was also something enticing about how Ochako and her were at eye level. 


"Meet you all back here," Mina almost whispered in her excitement. "Hurry up, hurry up!"


Mina almost shoved the other three out of the room before closing the door behind them. Zu smiled up at the two women and then hurried off to his own room, while Momo and Ochako walked toward their rooms at the end of the hall. Momo opened her own door as Ochako gave her a small wave, which she returned before closing her door.


And then she almost lost it.


Half of her wanted to giggle like a schoolgirl, the other wanted to scream until there was no air left in her lungs. What was she thinking? How did a game of Truth or Dare turn into her getting not just one, but three partners? How did, after all these years, she finally start dating Zu? 


It was all a blur. They were playing the game and then she blinked and there were three people hugging her, telling her how amazing she was, and that they wanted to be in a relationship with her. 


This was madness.


It was madness and she was loving every minute of it. 


Her only issue was how out of her element she felt. They were right, the emotions and connections would take time to build, but she already felt something for them. She knew well from her quirk that anything built well was built from the ground-up with the basic parts. These feelings were the building blocks of a relationship and she wanted to see it built. 


She just had to figure out how to do that. It's not like she had ever been in a relationship before..


Momo took off her shirt and reached for her pajamas, but paused, looking at herself in the mirror. She reached up and hefted her breasts, feeling their weight. She had always been ogled for her chest and proportions, but now she had people that she didn't mind looking. Maybe even eventually, once the time was right, they could do more… intimate things. 


She wondered how Mina would look beneath her, and how Ochako's long legs would look exposed to her. She wondered how it would feel to run her fingers down Zu's abs and down to his-


Her face turned bright red as she remembered what she had seen in the hospital. Was he really that big? She wondered how it would look, how it would feel, how it would t-


Momo shook her head, wrenching her mind back from the brink. No, now wasn't the time to think about that. She couldn't risk ruining this relationship by going too fast or doing things that she or the others weren't ready to try. 


She quickly finished changing into her pajamas and freshening up. Standing outside her door once she finally opened it was both Ochako and Zu, who were waiting patiently. 


"There you are," Ochako bubbled. 


"Sorry," Momo offered weakly.


Zu smiled widely. "No need to apologize. Come on, Mina's waiting."


They hadn't even reached Mina's door before it flew open, the shorter woman sticking her head out, wearing a shirt much too large for her. Momo smiled softly to herself. It must be one of Ochako's shirts; perhaps Mina would like to wear one of her own someday?


"Come on, come on," she urged, waving her hand to the three of them. 

They all chuckled softly as they entered, but Momo's heart was pounding faster and faster with every heartbeat. Was she really about to do this?


"The guest of honor!" Mina declared theatrically, holding her hand out for Momo to take. 


She took it and Mina pulled her forward gently, leading her to the bed. "Go ahead and lay down, we'll take care of the rest." 


Momo blushed, her heart still pounding in her ears as she sat down and swung her legs over the bed. 


"Ochako!" she continued, keeping up her flamboyant charade. The woman took her hand with a smile as she directed her to lay on Momo's left, between her and the wall. Ochako gently pressed herself into Momo under her arm, making her heart… begin to calm down.


Oh my God, were those mittens? Of course, Ochako's quirk activated when she touched things with all five fingers. 


That was adorable .


"Midori!" Mina held her hand out to him as well, which he took gracefully with a bow. Mina placed him on Momo's right, where he smiled up at her, looking slightly nervous himself. He put himself under her other arm, allowing their bodies to touch.


Despite everything she thought would happen, having Zu laying with her like this only made her feel more comfortable.


"And now for the grand finale!" Mina turned the lights off and almost dove into the bed, wedging herself between Zu and Momo, half-lying on Momo's stomach and chest as she laid her head to rest on her shoulder.


Ochako pulled the covers up over them as everyone shifted slightly, getting as close and as comfortable as they wanted.


Momo was over the moon. She had three beautiful, caring people holding her close and making her feel like she could take on the world.


She even let out a satisfied sigh.


Mina giggled. "I guess Operation: Momo was a resounding success."


Ochako made a comfortable noise of agreement from the other side of Momo.


"You planned this?" Momo asked in disbelief. 


"In a way," Mina admitted. "I organized the movie day and the Truth or Dare, hoping to… encourage you."


Momo was stunned. "You… you planned all this? You knew what would happen? How did you-"


"Woah, woah, Yaomomo." Mina laughed once. "I just set up the Truth or Dare and gambled on getting Midori involved. Everything else was completely out of my control. How could I have planned for so many different factors? That kind of thing only happens in bad fanfiction."


"You read fanfiction?" Ochako asked.


"You don't?" Mina responded incredulously. "Anyway, Yaomomo, you definitely surprised me. I thought I had you pegged, but you were braver and bolder than I ever knew. I wasn't expecting you to tackle Midori when I dared you to kiss him. Not that I didn't enjoy the show~"


"Mina…" Zu huffed.


"Oh, and that plushy thing was so adorable!" Mina squealed.


Ochako cooed. "I know, right? Can you make us some?"


"I, yes, I could," Momo admitted. 


Zu reached up and ran his fingers along Momo's face. She smiled and leaned into the contact slightly. "I can't believe you made a little doll of me. I had no idea I had such an effect on you."


"You have a tendency to do that," Ochako said softly. "You just show up and before anybody realizes, you're an irreplaceable part of their life."


"O-oh." If the lights were on, Momo was sure Zu would have been blushing. "Thank you, Ochako."


The conversation died down as the four slowly began to drift off to sleep. Momo realized that the happiness in her heart was all due to those key decisions she had made that day.




Again, confidence had been the key. She had strode forward daringly, but far from fearlessly, listening to her heart and taking what she wanted instead of hiding behind her nerves and doubts. If she hadn't been so bold, she would be sleeping alone right now, her heart aching for what she thought was lost to her, instead of basking in the warmth of people who she cared for and who cared for her. 


Just like everyone else on the bed, Momo fell asleep with a soft smile on her face.