Chereads / Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 1138 - 29

Chapter 1138 - 29

Chapter Text

Ochako awoke slowly. 'Oh man, that was a hell of a dream.' She felt the familiar sensation of someone pressed against her as the world gradually leaked back into her awareness. 'I should be happy with Mina, I don't need to be greedy…'


Her eyes opened gently, something decidedly… green . 'Wait…' Sleeping peacefully next to her, arm wrapped around and holding her close… was Deku. ' wasn't a dream?'


As the memories came crashing back, it was like experiencing it all over again. Her heart swelled and an unbelievable sense of joy permeated every fiber of her being. A wide, sleepy smile spread across her face underneath her half-open eyes as she leaned forward and smelled his hair. She looked down at his peaceful face and couldn't help but lean down and plant a kiss on his cheek.


She immediately felt bad as he stirred, but not bad enough to let the smile fall from her face. He opened his eyes slowly at first, but as he caught sight of her, they flew open wide. He looked her face over as fast as he could and Ochako could almost hear his brain going through the same process that she had just gone through.


His eyes closed slightly as a smile grew on his face, as well as a green dusting on his cheeks. "Good morning," he whispered, a small amount of light glowing from his eyes.


"Mornin'" she responded unthinkingly. "Sorry for wakin' you up."


His eyes widened a tiny bit as his mouth turned up in an amazed smile. "You have an accent."


Ochako's eyes slammed open as she woke up suddenly. She let out a squeak as she tried to bury her face to hide her growing blush. Unfortunately, the only thing available to burrow into was Deku's neck and shoulder. Or was it fortunately?


As she hid her face, Deku moved his head down slightly, putting his face in her hair this time. "I love you," he whispered into her hair.


"That's… that's not fair," she pouted, muffled by his neck.


"What's going on?" came a voice from the other side of the bed. Mina poked her head above Deku's chest with a curious, but sleepy expression on her face.


Deku leaned over and planted a kiss on Mina's forehead, causing the pink girl to squeal and bury her face in his chest. "Oh damn, I could get used to this…" She lifted her head and looked over at the taller woman with an almost intoxicated expression. "Ochako, come give m- what's up with her?"


Deku shook Ochako slightly as she shoved her head back down. "Did you know that Ochako has an accent?"


Mina scrambled over Deku, causing him to gasp slightly as she put pressure on his chest and stomach. "What?! Really?!" she whisper-shouted.


Ochako shook her head, her face feeling like it was on fire.


"Ochako, come oooon," Mina whined. "You don't have to hide anything around us, I promise."


The blushing brunette finally peeked her eyes over Deku's shoulder and looked at the kind, smiling faces of her boyfriend and girlfriend. "You… you won't make fun of me?"


"Never!" Deku replied immediately.


"Well, never seriously, " Mina continued.


Ochako sighed and let her facade fall. "F-fine. I trust you two. Good mornin', Mina."


"Oh. My. God." Mina scrambled closer to Ochako, causing Deku to grunt a little more. "I didn't think it was possible for you to be more adorable."


Ochako looked away. "You don't hate it? I think it makes me sound dumb."


Deku's arm wrapped around Mina, bringing her down to his chest as he rolled over slightly. Ochako found herself face-to-face-to-face with the others as Deku stared into her eyes. "No, I don't hate it. I don't think it makes you sound dumb. I really like it."


"Me too," Mina agreed, only a few inches from her. "Don't let anyone make you feel bad about yourself, okay? If they do, I'll sic our dragon on them." She opened her mouth and mimicked some biting motions.


"Mina, I'm not your attack dog," Deku muttered softly.


"No, but if someone hurt Ochako or me…"


His eyes flashed softly brighter.


"I thought so." Mina pecked him on the cheek.


He looked down, smiling softly but also looking a little guilty before pulling Mina back to his left side. Deku pulled his arms out from underneath the two women, Ochako immediately missing his warmth, and sat up. He stretched his arms wide. "Alright, gotta get going. Kacchan gets upset if I'm late."


He crawled over Ochako and stood up, stretching again and yawning as he made his way to the door. "See you at breakfast," he said cheerfully as he left, his eyes still glowing.


"We should get up too," Ochako muttered as the door closed behind him, pulling off the mittens she wore at night to prevent her from accidentally activating her quirk.


"Yeah, but first…" Mina rolled over towards Ochako, throwing her arms around her.


Ochako felt her heart swell again. Mina's affection was definitely addictive.


She pulled Mina's head back slightly, running her fingers through her pink hair. Ochako smiled softly as she leaned in and planted a quick, chaste kiss on her lips. "I'm really glad we started doing this."


Mina giggled and burrowed back into Ochako's chest. "Thank Midori, it was his idea."



Izuku made it back to his room as quickly as he could. He entered and quickly closed the door behind him before beginning to move frantically around his room. He went over everything: every poster, action figure, and collectible. Once everything was accounted for, he relaxed.


And then he began to panic.


'What was I thinking? What am I doing? How can I have a girlfriend?! How can I have TWO girlfriends?!' He paced around his room with wide eyes. 'They're both so cool and amazing and their bodies feel so good on mine!'


He sighed, finally releasing his quirk that he had been holding since he woke up. Immediately his loose pajama pants became much, much tighter. 'Crap, I barely had time to deal with this before, now I have two of the most beautiful women I've ever seen dating me?! Not to mention all the other girls in this class…'


Izuku did some slow, calming breathing exercises, but to no avail. 'Dang it. Well, until I can calm it down, guess I'm getting more quirk practice.' He sighed again, sharper this time, letting his quirk cover his lower body and loosen his pants again. Izuku wasted no time changing into his workout clothes, Katsuki was already probably waiting for him.


'Whatever, at least running is easier without it all getting in the way.' He closed the door quietly behind him and hurried downstairs.


Just as he predicted, Katsuki beat him there. "Where the hell have you been?" he snapped.


Izuku's shoulders slumped slightly. "Uh, I'll explain in a bit."


Katsuki glared for a second, then shrugged as they started jogging.


"So uh," Izuku began awkwardly after a few minutes of running. "As of last night, I'm… no longer single."


Katsuki didn't even look at him. "Hmm. Uraraka or Raccoon Eyes?"


Izuku didn't answer for a moment as he searched his memories, making sure the previous day hadn't been a dream. "...Both."


Katsuki did look at him that time. "Both? Hmm. So you're poly? Can't say I'm surprised."


"As of yesterday I am, I guess," Izuku chuckled once awkwardly. "Wait, why aren't you surprised?"


"Think about your quirk, dumbass."




Katsuki huffed. "I'm more surprised you found two people willing to do it."


"Really?" Izuku asked curiously. "Mina said that it's not that uncommon."


Katsuki shot him an exasperated look and rolled his eyes. "Listen, Horns. I know you don't really pay attention to that stuff, but most people aren't poly. Just because it isn't weird doesn't mean it isn't uncommon."


"O-oh. Right," Izuku said softly.


"You better not let it get in the way of our training," Katsuki warned. "You start slacking and I'll beat your ass out of any relationship you're in."


Izuku laughed. "I wouldn't expect anything less. Thanks, Kacchan."


They continued their jog around the UA campus in relative quiet, Izuku considering his newfound situation as well as their classes starting back up. Once they arrived back at the dorms, panting from their exertion, Izuku had a thought.


"Hey Kacchan, what do you think of Pony?"


Katsuki seemed to think for a moment as they walked. "Who, Yankee? She's alright, I guess. Why?"


Izuku had his hands over his head for better circulation. "Well, you've always had a thing for foreign girls…"


Katsuki stopped dead in his tracks, eyes wide for a moment before they narrowed and glared at Izuku. "What are you talking about?"


It was Izuku's turn to roll his eyes. "Kacchan, every girl you've ever shown a passing interest in was a foreigner."


"Whatever." Katsuki clicked his tongue. "She's not my type, anyway."


"She too shy?" Is this what Mina felt like when she teased people? He couldn't help the smile forming on his face.


Katsuki, on the other hand, glared harder. "Shut the fuck up, Deku."


Izuku and his friend walked back into the dorm and up the stairs, waving as they split apart. Once back in the privacy of his room, Izuku sighed and let his quirk loose again.


He looked down in frustration. 'Still? This is bad…'


Izuku flexed his minor transformation again as he grabbed his shower bag. He stopped at the door, his hand inches from the handle. After thinking for a few moments and considering his options, he let out a large sigh and turned away from the door, tossing his bag back onto his desk chair.


'I gotta take care of this before class...'



Momo considered herself to be a tolerant person, but she expected people to be courteous, especially if they were to be neighbors for the next four years. She heard Mina's door open again and she decided to do something about it, as politely as she could.


She opened her door as the shorter, pink woman was walking past. "Mina," she said tersely.


Her classmate turned and smiled brightly at her. "Morning, Yaomomo!"


'God, she's adorab- Stop it Momo, focus.' She sighed curtly. "I respect you and Ochako's decision to… do whatever it is you do."


"We cuddle," Mina remarked flatly, her smile ever present.


Momo felt that twinge of envy in her chest again but shoved it away. "Yes, that. While I respect you and Ochako, I have to ask why you must move back and forth so many times in the early morning."


"What do you mean? Ochako just left a little bit ago." She tilted her head to the side.


'Stop it. Stop being cute.' Momo folded her arms. "I heard someone moving down the hallway quite early this morning- look, I'm not saying you can't walk down the hallway- you know what, nevermind. I am just not used to this much motion outside my room." She rubbed the bridge of her nose. "I will have to get accustomed to it. I apologize for bothering you, I am just tired after getting in late last night."


Mina was scratching her head in thought. "Oh!" she said suddenly, snapping her fingers. "You must've heard Midori!"


Momo's mind stopped working for a second. "M-Midoriya?"


"Yep! He left really early." She beamed up at Momo.


"W-what was he doing in your room?" Momo was sure this was one of Mina's pranks.


"Same thing that Ochako was," she answered, as casually as if she was talking about the weather. "Midori's really comfy for someone so muscley. I slept great!"


Momo felt her heart clench inside her chest. 'Come on, Momo, you knew this was coming. You saw them at the hospital.' She looked down slightly. 'Wait.' Her vision snapped back up. "Ochako an- Both of them?!"


"Uh huh," Mina responded, rocking back and forth on her feet slowly. "I was on his left and Ocha was on his right. It was nice…" She grew a slightly dreamy look as she reminisced.


Momo stared for a second. "You… you're joking. I just heard Ochako twice, clearly."


"You would have heard her three times if that were true," Mina pointed out. "Come on, Yaomomo, you're smarter than me."


She froze up. Mina was right.


"B-but, what? No! That's-"


Mina tilted her head again. "It's not that weird to sleep with your boyfriend. Or Girlfriend."


"N-no, I suppose not, but which is it?!" Momo was blushing at just how scandalous this all sounded. And how thrilling.




Momo took a half step back. "...what?"


"I'm dating both! And they're both dating me! And each other!" Mina explained cheerfully. "It's called polyamory!"


"I know what it is!" Momo snapped back. "I just- what-" She bit her lip and turned away slightly. 'Maybe I still have a chance then?' She turned back to Mina. "So, you're in an open relationship?"


"No." Mina retorted. "We're not open, we're with each other. We're not opposed to anybody else joining, but nobody is gonna come in for just Ochako, see? It's all of us or none of us."


"Oh," Momo said, a hint of sadness in her voice she didn't manage to hide. 'So unless Ochako and Mina agree to it… No, don't be ridiculous. That ship has sailed, Momo.'


"Why?" Her face went from firm to conniving and teasing. "You want in?"


Her mind stopped processing. It was far too early for this.


Momo's confusion and worry fell from her face, leaving it completely expressionless. She took a step backward and closed the door. "I will see you in class, Ashido."



Eiko was getting a little worried. It was nearly time for class to start and Aniki was nowhere to be seen. Being late wasn't manly. She hadn't seen him at breakfast, or at all that morning. Eiko hoped he was okay.


There was less than a minute remaining when the door flew open and Aniki jogged in, panting slightly. He must have sprinted here, judging from the small amount of sweat dripping down his brow.


As he rushed past the front of the class and into his seat, something very faint hit her nose.


'Holy crap, what's that smell? It smells amazing! Wait, is that Aniki? Since when has he smelled like that? Has he always smelled like that?'


She couldn't help but shoot a glance or two or three at the green-haired man as he took a seat behind Bakugou. Eiko had a strange urge to get a little closer to him but resisted. 'I guess it's just a new body wash he's using or something.' She took another small smell, hoping to catch a whiff of it on the air, but to no avail. 'I didn't know they made soap that smelled so good. Maybe Mina's onto something with all those scented washes she keeps trying to force on me.'


Eiko didn't know what the smell actually was; she couldn't pin it down. It was unlike anything she had ever smelled before, but at the same time, it was almost like her mind knew what it was. Whatever it was, she really liked it.


Before she could waste more time thinking about what it was, Aizawa arrived. Or rather, what she assumed was Aizawa and not just a bandage-covered mummy with shaggy black hair.


"Professor!" Iida yelled from the back as he raised his hand. "Should you be teaching in your condition?!"


Aizawa ignored him. "Welcome back, class. As you're all undoubtedly aware, the UA Sports Festival starts next week, and as first years, your event is on Monday. That means you only have a week to get ready. I hope none of you wasted last week goofing off because we didn't have classes."


"That being said," their professor continued, "obviously a week of physical conditioning isn't going to make too big of a difference, so that means this next week we're going to be focusing on making sure your quirk and your skills with your quirk are the best they can be."

A shudder ran through the class at his ominous tone.


"You were warned that missing a week wouldn't be a vacation. This week, we're going to push you every opportunity we get, especially in All Might's class. This festival is one of the most important things here at UA; it's how you get noticed by pros and agencies. One opportunity a year, four opportunities in a lifetime, none of you can afford to not do your best."


Even though she could only see his wild eyes behind his bandages, Eiko could feel his manic grin. "Welcome to Hell Week."



Aizawa wasn't joking. 'Hell Week' began with him shoving all the material they missed last week into a single day. Eiko was mentally exhausted by lunchtime and she still had the entire afternoon to go.


She had to admit, the talk about the festival had gotten her all hyped up. She admired the hell out of how Ochako got into it, declaring that she was 'gonna do my best!' to the entire class. That was manly. It was kinda funny, seeing just how serious and intense the normally cute Ochako could get.


As the class headed to lunch, she noticed Aniki going in the opposite direction. She overheard him saying something to Mina about heading back to the dorms for a bit, but decided to let it go. She also noticed Mina and him exchanging a quick hug as he left, causing her to feel a slight tug in her chest.


Back before UA, Eiko wasn't like she was now. She always wanted to be a hero, but she didn't understand what that really meant. Not until Mina showed her how.


She had admired the pink girl from afar for a while. They didn't exactly travel in the same social circles most of the time, after all. Mina was popular, outgoing and pretty, while Eiko was more reserved, unsure of herself and… plain. Mina had a flashy quirk, suitable for heroics, while Eiko just… didn't. In many ways, Mina was her idol; she was everything she wanted to be.


Nothing made that more clear to her than one fateful afternoon after school when a towering villain appeared on the streets when Eiko and some of her classmates were walking home. He approached two of the smaller students in her class and loomed over them, his body and head concealed by his massive trenchcoat and hat.


He was well over 15 feet tall and built like a tank, that much was obvious even beneath his clothing. He towered over the two students, asking- threatening them- to tell him where a certain hero agency was. When they hesitated, clearly scared out of their minds, he began to look… violent. He crushed solid concrete with his bare hands as he grew frustrated with their unwillingness or inability to tell him.


Eiko remembered it like it was yesterday. She watched the man growl and posture over her classmates as they stood there helplessly. Eiko looked around.'There's no heroes nearby!' she thought. 'Someone- no, you! You do it! Just do it!'


But her feet wouldn't move.


She was frozen.


But then Mina happened.


Mina dashed in front of the man, between the students and him, holding her arms wide to protect the two. "Turn left at the corner!" Mina yelled. "The left at the avenue and the agency is two kilometers further!"


The villain paused for a second before rumbling out a "...thanks" and walking away.


Eiko for a long time had something of a crush on Mina but that… that was the moment she fell for her.


But she wasn't worthy. As Mina collapsed to her knees and bawled in fear, Eiko just watched. Mina had risked her life and Eiko couldn't do anything.


Eiko went home and hid in her room, scratching off UA from her college application list. 'I'm no hero,' she thought. 'All I did was talk big, but when things got hairy and it was time to risk my life… I showed my true colors. While Mina dove into danger… I froze. I hid. I was afraid.'


She stared down at her hero compendium as she remembered her idol, Crimson Riot. Unable to look at it any longer, she flung it with all her strength at her bookshelf.


"That ain't it!" a voice from behind her shouted. She nearly jumped out of her skin as she whipped around to see a hologram of Crimson Riot standing in front of her. In her frustration, she had knocked open an old hero bio box and activated a hologram projector.


"Mr. Crimson," the interviewer began, "Some say you have a reputation for being reckless. Aren't you scared whenever you run into danger?"


Eiko looked down. There was no way. He was fearless, while she wa-


"Who the hell do you think I am?!" the hero retorted. "Of course I get scared."


Eiko's eyes widened. 'What…?'


"Ain't nobody out there who faces down death without fear, other than idiots and-" A censor beep cut him off, but Eiko got the gist. "Back in my days as a sidekick, there were some people I coulda saved, but didn't."


"I remember," the interviewer continued. "You can hardly be blamed for that, and now with rocketing crim-"


"That ain't it!" he repeated. "I hesitated for a second! It was my weak spirit that doomed them!"


Eiko turned to look at her idol, trembling.


"I know something scarier than death! A person's final moments, frozen in fear and pain, fear and pain that I couldn't prevent! It's only because I've seen that that I do what I do."


"Let me tell you a story," Crimson Riot continued, his voice a little calmer. "It was during those sidekick days that I had the honor of meeting my idol, Fumio Midoriya, or as you know him, Gallant. He took me aside, seeing the pain in my eyes. I told him about the fear I felt, about the regrets I felt, and about my doubts. And do you know what he said to me?"


Crimson Riot looked down, straight into the camera. "Crimson, he said, What is more noble? To be a hero because of your instincts? Or to overcome and be a hero despite yourself? If you ask me, it's those that are scared or conflicted that are the most heroic. The true meaning of courage is mastering your fear and doubt, not being without them."


A single manly tear fell from Crimson Riot's eye. "I've never forgotten those words. I remember them every. Single. Day."


A few more tears fell from Eiko's face.


"That's… wow." The reporter was stunned. "Thank you for sharing that with us." He took a few moments to compose himself. "In your words, what is 'Chivalry'?"


"A strong spirit," he answered immediately. "Chivalry might be associated with men, but that ain't right. It ain't about confidence or fearlessness, it's not about being a man or being a woman, none of that!" He turned his head up proudly. "I'm a hero, so I protect people! Once I've made that decision, I gotta put my life on the line for it! It's about living without regret!"


It was at that moment that Eiko finally understood. She had always wanted to be a hero and she had trained for it, but after that day, she knew what it would take.


She went into the bathroom that very night and cut her long, black hair. To her, it represented her regrets and her past that she was casting away.


As she looked into the mirror, she sometimes wished she hadn't trained as hard as she did. That was part of the reason nobody paid attention to her, she thought. She didn't have the curves that the other girls had and her sharp teeth scared anyone else off. But that didn't matter anymore; those were just part of those same regrets she was throwing away.


The first thing she did the next day of school was apologize to those two students who Eiko had failed to help. They didn't know who she was, but that didn't matter. That was another regret cast aside.


Nothing was going to stand in her way.


She redoubled her efforts: training her body, her quirk, and her mind. She pushed herself to the limits over the following year, her entire life dedicated to getting into UA… but she did it. She got in.


That day she moved into the dorms, she fully threw away her old self. A bottle of red hair dye and an egregious amount of hair gel later, she certainly looked different, but it wasn't until Mina talked to her that her past released its last hook in her.


"Kirishima?!" a voice from behind her called as she walked through the hallways of the dorm. Eiko whipped around to see Mina running towards her with wide eyes. "What's up with that hair?! You've got horns now, just like me!"


"Damn right I do!" Eiko answered. "Don't touch 'em though." Mina nailed it: Eiko styled her hair like that to remind her of Mina that day. Her horns would be a symbol that helped her be like the woman looking up at her right now. "No regrets for me. Not anymore. I'm here to be a hero who protects others. Say goodbye to the old, pathetic me."


Mina glared at her for a few seconds, sizing her up. "That day last year really hit you hard, huh? Well, I tell you what!" She threw a punch into Eiko's arm. "The old you isn't going anywhere with that gloomy look on your face! You throw that away and then come with me, alright? It's time to meet all our new classmates, Miss 'College Debut'!"


Eiko paused, her eyes wide. Those final, black tentacles of her regret faded away as a wide grin spread across her face. "Thanks."


"That's more like it, Kiri! Come on, maybe there will be someone else with horns, too!"




Eiko was so caught up in her thoughts that lunch passed in a flash. She didn't even realize when Aniki came back to class, smelling much more like he normally did. This school, this class, this festival… this is why she came to UA. She would become a hero that protected people.


She rubbed a hand over her defined abs through her shirt. 'Maybe Mina or Aniki would like them.'


She blinked and shook her head, coming back to reality as her memories faded and class got ready to resume. 'Where the hell did that come from?!'



Izuku had hardly ever been more mentally exhausted than he was after they were dismissed at the end of class. Hell Week was no joke apparently; he was even a little hesitant about All Might's class the next day.


He was talking to Yaoyorozu about class rep business as he walked to the door when Ochako bounced up on his other side with a smile. The way she had demonstrated her passion for the festival was really inspiring, not to mention attractive, so he beamed widely back at her, even more than he normally would.


He opened the door to the hallway with his wide grin, only to be suddenly met with a veritable wall of students.


Looking back, it must have been quite a sight.


Izuku, with his horned head and his fangs bared, was already taller than most of the students at UA, not to mention some of the teachers, but even beyond that, he was flanked on both sides by women taller than he was.


It was probably a little intimidating.


Not to one student, evidently. A purple-haired student about Todoroki's height- about an inch taller than the women next to Izuku- pulled himself out of the crowd. He looked exhausted, just like how Professor Aizawa always looked.


"So this is class 1-A?" he started dryly. "I heard you guys were impressive. I was hoping to see you, actually." He looked straight at Izuku with a flat expression. "You're the dragon, right? You stood up to your great-uncle at the USJ."


Izuku's eyebrow twitched. "Please don't associate me with that man."


He didn't acknowledge the request. "I wanted to be in the hero course, but like many others here, I was forced down a different path. C'est la vie."


Izuku heard Aoyama sparkle behind him.


"I didn't cut it the first time around," the purple-haired man continued as he looked down at Izuku, "but I have another chance. If any of us do well in the sports festival, the teachers can see fit to transfer us into the hero course… which means they'll have to make room." He looked past Izuku and into the classroom behind him. "So I'm here with a warning. If you don't bring your very best, I'll steal your spot right out from under you. Consider this a declaration of war."


Izuku watched the man intensely as his class stared. He noticed something in his eyes; something very, very familiar to Izuku.




Before Izuku could say anything, another voice called out.


"Hey! I'm from 1-B next door and- Oh! Hey Midoriya!"


Izuku turned to see Tetsutetsu pushing his way through the crowd. Izuku gave him a friendly smile and a wave. "Hey, Tetsutetsu."


The man approached him and held out his hand, which Izuku took in a firm handshake. "Don't forget what I told you! You better bring everything you got!"


"Same goes for you!" Izuku smirked back. "I'm looking forward to everything your cla-"


"What are you doing associating with the enemy? " came a third surprise voice from his left.


A blonde man about Izuku's height was approaching. He had blue eyes and a face that screamed arrogance. "Don't make me have to remind you not to deal with these 1-A de-"


"Monoma," a familiar voice interrupted, "leave him alone."


"Ah! Kendou!" Izuku waved at the redhead, who returned it with a smile. "Good to see you again."


"You too!" she responded, pretending not to notice the stunned, if not insulted look on Monoma's face. Perhaps he was simply hyper-competitive. "Sorry, can't stay to chat, I gotta talk to the president."


Izuku's face lit up. "Oh, me too! Can I walk with you?"


"Of course!" She beckoned him over with a kind smile. "Maybe with both of us we might actually stand a chance against Nezu."


Izuku laughed as he followed her, turning around to wave goodbye to his friends. "I'll see you guys back at the dorms."


Ochako waved back with a happy smile. "Bye, Deku!" She turned to Yaoyorozu and starting chatting cheerfully.


Izuku noted the barely-hidden look of betrayal and anger on Monoma's face as he walked away.



Momo was a smart woman; she was bold enough to say that. But even she was a little mentally taxed after the absolute deluge of information Professor Aizawa had dumped on them the previous day. She sat down in her chair in the back left of 1-A's homeroom on Tuesday morning, hoping that at least All Might's class wouldn't be too hard.


Aizawa entered the classroom, still bandaged all over, and wasted no time diving into business. "Today you'll be having an all-day clinic with All Might… and someone new."


Murmurs went around the room as students exchanged raised eyebrows.


"President Nezu has deemed it wise to assign each class a TA. You have the honor of being taught by one of UA's 'Big Three', so try not to make fools of yourselves, alright? That's all. Good luck."


Momo shivered at the sadistic look in his eyes as he turned and left the classroom again.


'A TA? One of the Big Three?' Momo could barely contain her excitement. 'There's so much I could learn from-'


The door flew open again as All Might burst into the room. "Good morning, students!"


"Good morning, All Might!" the class returned in unison.


"That's what I like to hear! You're ready to face the day!" He laughed his booming laugh. "As Aizawa already told you, we have someone new joining the class today! Say hello to your new TA!"


A periwinkle-haired woman appeared in the doorway, beaming from ear to ear with an excited smile under her big, blue eyes. Her hair was comparable to Tsuyu's in length- down past her waist- and she was about Kyouka's height, a good eight or so inches shorter than Momo. As she looked her over, Momo's eyes went wide and a faint red dusting graced her face as she noticed just how tight her uniform was around her chest. 'She must be as large as I am…'


"Hello, 1-A!" she declared cheerfully. "My name is- GREENHORN?!"


The class all recoiled as she shouted and bolted across the room. In an instant, she was on Midoriya.


On Midoriya.


As in, sitting on his lap.


He seemed equally stunned as the rest of the class as she gave him a huge hug, crushing his head into her bosom. "I missed you so much! It's been so long! I'm sorry I didn't come see you in the hospital!"


"I-I know you were doing that foreign exchange thing in America, Hadou, it's-"


"Hadou?! I thought I told you to call me Nejire, Greenhorn!"


The familiarity between the two was quite… unsettling. Or at least, that's what Momo felt like she should feel like. What she actually felt was a strange tightness in her chest.


The woman let him go, allowing him to pull back slightly as she looked down into his face, which was rapidly turning green. "Look how big you've gotten! It's only been a year and it's like I barely recognize you!"


She put one hand behind his head and began stroking one of his horns with the other, running her fingers along its length. "I was hoping that I would get assigned to your class! Oh, it's gonna be so good to see you all the time again!"


Midoriya seemed to try and say something, but instead, his eyes fluttered. Then they closed as she brought his head into her, continuing to pet his horns.


Then he began to purr.


He honestly began to purr. There was nothing else that low rumble coming from him could be.


Momo nearly fell out of her chair. She saw Ochako and Mina shooting wide-eyed looks at each other out of the corner of her vision, but the rest of the class was fixated on the scene before them; none more so than Mineta, who looked like his eyes were about to explode with the pressure of the glare he was giving to Izuku. The only one seemingly unaffected was Bakugou, who was just staring ahead, looking almost bored.


Their new TA was sitting in Midoriya's lap, stroking his ridged, green horns. He had his eyes closed, a look of absolute bliss covering his face as he purred, pressed into her prodigious chest.


He was putty in her hands.


An unbidden thought crossed Momo's mind.


'I want that.'


Her eyes went wide as her face starting filling with blush. Fortunately, before she could continue to have a crisis, All Might cleared his throat.


"Oh!" the woman chirped. "Sorry!" She hopped up out of Midoriya's lap and headed back to the front of the room as if nothing had happened. She paused at Bakugou's desk for a second. "Hi, Bakugou!" she said cheerfully as she gave him an excited wave.


He nodded in response. "Hey, Spirals."


'Spirals?! She's the one working for Ryukyu?!'


She planted herself at the front of the class and looked them over. "So, my name is Nejire Hadou, and I'll be your TA! We're gonna have a lot of fun together, I can tell!" The way she jumped around as she spoke and how she held her hands… it made her seem so young. "You all look like you're going to be super interesting!"


All Might cleared his throat again. "Hadou…"


"Right, right, sorry!" she said back to him, never losing her smile. "Alright, today you're all going to be training under me! Get into your gear and meet us down in City B!"


With a wave and another wide smile, she left the room, All Might chuckling softly as he followed.


The classroom was quiet for a second. Momo shot a glance at Midoriya, who looked like he was waking up from an exceptionally peaceful nap. Other students were watching him too, not exactly sure what to think as he shook his head slightly and rubbed his eyes.


Suddenly, Midoriya hopped up from his seat. "You heard the woman! City B!" His tone was calm, but commanding.


There was another pause, then people finally, slowly, started to move.


Midoriya and Bakugou exchanged knowing looks with each other as they made their way to the door.


"She so bubbly!" Kaminari said with a smile to Eiko next to him. "Maybe this training won't be so bad after all."


Midoriya and Bakugou stopped in their tracks, causing Kaminari to falter. They looked at him for a second, then back to each other.


Then they began to laugh.


"W-what's so funny?" Kaminari asked, clearly worried.


They didn't answer as they walked out of the room, Midoriya's arm around Bakugou's shoulder, still laughing.


Kaminari hurried after them. "Guys?!"


See you guys next time :)