Chereads / Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 961 - 30

Chapter 961 - 30

The following day, I found myself standing in front of a crowd of my minions situated in one of the warehouses the Golden Dragons owned. Beside me was a clone of myself, if looking very different than I do. The reason being to whip them into shape and turn them into a competent force for the organization's expansion. Of course, I couldn't do such a low-level task as the leader.

With the help of my new ability to be in two places at once, I would be using the guise of Yamamoto Henso to train them. At the same time, I would attend a meeting with the under-bosses and Kintoki to warn them of the changes the Golden Dragons will go through. This allows me to have a personal hand in the quality of my minions while not damaging the image I want to cultivate. A side benefit is the breaking of any suspicions the two personas are the same person.

"Over the coming months, those who are assembled here, and your brothers and sisters who are keeping things running will be turned into something more. For too long the Golden Dragons have fed on the scraps left by the Hell King Union and the Kuroihanegumi; we are dragons, not worms, why do we settle for this?"

There's some excited murmuring through the crowd as they think about my words. Growth of the gang means more chances for advancement within which in turn means more money and power.

"Today, I and the other leaders of our family discuss our new future and with it our new prosperity. The Golden Dragons are entering a phase of change and as its members so too will you. For that reason, I've brought in someone to step up your training. Listen to his instructions and you will become strong and fierce, don't and you will remain fragile and meek. Thank you." Without another word, I hand the reins over to my clone and make my leave.

While my clone was beating them into shape, I would be doing as I said and having a meeting with the under-bosses of the Golden Dragons. Since the Golden Boy wasn't in the best shape after the fight between Kintoki and me, we would be meeting at a different locale.

While less grand than the Golden Boy, the Dragon's Hoard was still a nice place. The Dragon's Hoard is an underground gambling den owned by, well, me now; it has facilities for mahjong, cards, slot machines, and pit fighting. It also isn't a place to play if you plan on cheating or default on your debts.

It was also one of the top gambling dens in Kyoto proper and a major source of income for my new organization. The prestige and high class of the establishment make it a good substitute meeting place while the Golden Boy is out of commission.

In a private room in the back, sound-proofed, and behind squads of guards we now meet to discuss the future. The hierarchy at this point is basically me as the oyabun or family head, Kintoki as my saiko komon or senior advisor, and Yaeko as my so-honbucho or headquarters chief. Yaeko isn't here since she's supervising the repairs of the Golden Boy, and Kintoki is waiting for me to call him in since I want to gauge my new officers without his presence. Once I'm through with them, I'll bring him in to cement their loyalty to me and iron out all the details. Speaking of my kanbu, sitting around the table in the dimly lit room are my first lieutenant and lieutenants or wakagashira and gashira.

Sitting across from me and at the far left is Noritoshi Hiroto, a thin wiry man with a calculating gleam in his eyes that shines behind his glasses. The group under his command is located in Kyoto Station Area mainly. On his right is Umezawa Kinji, who is his second in command. He's burly and dour-looking but from what I could glean is sharp and hardworking rather than just being the muscle in the partnership. Opposite them and across from me on the right is Watanuki Soseki who controls our presence in Downtown Kyoto. He's a man in advanced age, probably his seventies if I had to guess, yet he still is visibly muscled. He is currently the first lieutenant. His second in command is Fukuda Momoko whose family has been in this business for generations and unlike her boss is quite youthful. He's probably grooming her to succeed him when he becomes unfit to lead or dies.

Straight across from me sit members who are arguably more important. They are the shingiin and kaikei of the Golden Dragons, also known as the law advisors and accountants. Yakuza tend to skirt the line of legality most of the time and therefore need competent advisors to tell them exactly how far they can stretch the law. The accountants likewise keep everything profitable and coiffeurs full.

Since our group is traditional the temple districts are kept off-limits out of respect for the cultural heritage, so nobody owns territory there; the other half of that reasoning is the Principal Clans presence dissuading any activities. The main group of the Golden Dragons, formerly under Kintoki's command, controls Central Kyoto so it has the largest numbers and presence.

"You all know why we are here so before I begin is there anything you wish to say?" Noritoshi pushes up his glasses and leans forward, lacing his fingers together. For a moment I think his glasses flash but it must be a trick of the light.

"To put things bluntly, why should we work for you? We followed Sakata-san out of respect due to agreements we forged willingly. Those agreements never included a transfer of loyalty to a newcomer." I smile at him, liking his attitude. If my followers are just bootlikers that would be boring.

"Strength. At the end that's what it comes down to, isn't it? Kintoki carved his own slice of Kyoto because he had the power to. You all latched on to that strength and he dragged you up with him." Old man Watanuki's cane slams into the ground and he glares at me.

"My family has held territory in the downtown for over a century with me ruling for half of one! That boy Kintoki came to me for assistance building his empire, not the other way around. Don't look down on us, little girl." I ignore him and look at his second in command, who sits beside him.

"Do you share his opinion, Momoko-chan?" She bites her lip and looks at the old man before turning back and slowly nods her head. I grin at her, admiring her conviction. "Good, it wouldn't do if you had disagreed to save your own skin. Back to you old man, do you think you could survive challenging me? Kintoki wasn't strong enough, you won't be either."

"It doesn't matter, we have our own pride. Kill me if you wish but know that my boys will fight you till the last man if you do!" He glares at me defiantly and I just can't help it, I start to laugh.

"Why would I kill you? Because you're upset that I called you a follower? It's the truth though. Without Kintoki this gang would have long been absorbed into one ruled by either Devils or Fallen." Noritoshi and Umezawa both nod, clearly more rational than the other lieutenants. I can see Watanuki grit his teeth in anger, his skin turning puce, but even he can't refute pure facts.

"What I'm asking is that you do the same, just under new leadership. My leadership. In return for loyalty, I offer you all of Kyoto, not just the scraps that are left. Should you hang on to life long enough, old man, you may even see the Golden Dragons become the rulers of all of Japan's criminal underworld." Momoko's eyes went wide in shock at that detail, she must not have been at the Golden Dragon last time I said it. The accountants look like they can taste the income that would generate. The lawyers, however, look like they've swallowed a lemon.

Old man Watanuki deflates, the fight leaving him as he decides I'm a better option than desolation. One of the lawyers speaks up next, "I'm not sure where you came from but there are certain things that you can't do, boundaries that are immovable. We help this organization bend the law, moving outside it too far is a different story."

"That's actually one of the things I wanted to talk about. Some of the worst things this group used to do are being stopped, like the trafficking of sentients." The lawyers sigh and pretend they never heard any mention of atrocities while the others have varying reactions. The accountants wake up from their money fantasies with the sound of bank accounts being emptied; Watanuki nods and strokes his beard; Momoko smiles genuinely; Noritoshi frowns and seems to be shifting assets in his head; finally, Umezawa shrugs, uncaring either way. I'm glad that nobody was outspoken in support of trafficking, or things could have gotten messy, and blood is so hard to get out of my clothes.

"There are other changes I wish to make as well. For example, the protection rackets we offer will come with actual protection. Whether that is from criminals, any cops snooping around things they shouldn't, or the supernatural." Umezawa clears his throat and I stop to listen to what he has to say.

"Our men aren't capable of handling most creatures that stir up trouble. In fact, we've had to avoid them or take heavy losses. Kintoki was the one who handled anything like that or worst-case scenario someone used one of his scales to either kill it or beat it back." The others around the table clearly agree that staying away is the thing to do. Sadly they don't have a choice.

"I've hired someone competent to train our troops into a force capable of taking on most of the things that you weren't able to deal with before. If something big comes along, like a Pure-Blooded Devil, Fallen Angel, or equally as strong, I'll deal with it myself." The others seem mollified if skeptical but in this case, I can't reassure them, they'll just have to wait and see the results.

"We also need to change how we approach sex work. Our workers should be willing, well-paid, and have everything they need to do their job properly and safely." Momoko shifts at the topic, looking extremely uncomfortable. She's either worked in that profession or she knows people who do. Hopefully, she'll get over that and help me put together a union for oversight. "I'll have an itemized list of the rest of the changes in your hands by the end of the day. It should make the legal team happy that things are being done above board for the most part."

One of the accountants clears her throat and the others look nervously at me. "Boss, these changes are going to be expensive… We aren't certain they are feasible with our current reserves and profit margins are taken into account. With the damage to the Golden Boy, such a state of affairs is untenable. How are you going to afford to keep the organization running?"

"Simple, we take the fight to the Hell King Union and Kuroihanegumi. If we need money, we take it from them! I told you, Kyoto is our turf." All my lieutenants are grinning except Watanuki who frowns.

"How can we defeat them? We couldn't when we still had that boy Kintoki on our side." I smirk and snap my fingers, the guards at the door swing it open, revealing Kintoki in the flesh and fully healed. Kintoki walks in and nods to my lieutenants before turning to me and bowing.

"Ibaraki-sama, I'm at your command." Watanuki's eyes nearly pop out of their sockets as the arrogant Kintoki bows before me; the others react in a similar manner.

"That is how. Before you had one powerhouse to hold everything together, now you have two, and a full army of soldiers in the making." Kintoki pulls up a chair beside me and everyone gradually settles down from the revelations. "Now, let's iron out the details, shall we?"

After I left to go meet the under-bosses, clone me began training the minions. Before I could speak though, a hand shot up in the crowd. Perplexed, I just watch uncomprehendingly which causes the person to start waving their hand around impatiently. Is this a gang or an elementary school? "Um, yes person in the back?"

The people in front turn and notice the person and I hear some sigh in resignation, apparently recognizing what is going on or at least who has their hand up. They make a path for the person and when it opens up I see it's the guy who tried to shoot me after my fight with Kintoki. "Hi, the new boss mentioned changes coming to the organization and I was wondering if we are getting a suggestion box?"

I blink dumbly and hear someone groan in the background but the man continues, unaware of what everyone is thinking. "I just think it would be good if we had a nice anonymous place to drop off our suggestions and complaints. Also, who do I go to for weapons requisitions? My senpai gave me a really nice gun a while back and, well… Hey, you seem like a trustworthy guy so you won't tell the boss what we say, right?"

He continues before I can even respond, oblivious of my internal struggle over the fact I am the boss he doesn't want to hear about this. "So the boss and I had a bit of a misunderstanding and I'm not pointing fingers or anything but she messed up a gift that I loved with all my heart, you know? When I told my senpai he burst into tears and he's a real tough guy so it must have hit him hard."

My hands twitch as I restrain myself from choking this man and I can see the others slowly backing away from him. He cups his chin and rubs it in contemplation. "I say that fair is fair and any grievances are cleared away so long as the boss gets me two guns to make up for it. 'Cause of emotional damages and all that stuff."

He beams and holds two fingers up like a peace sign, proud of his idea. I rest my head in my hands as I realize this is what I'll have to deal with from now on. Actually, I wanted to make a point about this anyway, might as well use this as an opportunity. "Two of you hand him your guns."

The crowd looks at me hesitantly but I wave them off, "Just do it while I talk. Guns are excellent weapons, capable of making anyone able to kill from long distances with minimal training. Against a technologically inferior enemy, they create a near-insurmountable difference in strength. The issue is that many things in this world don't need technology to be magnitudes more lethal than a person with a gun. Even you all, with training, can defeat someone with a gun."

By now, the man has two shiny new weapons that he's fawning over, completely engrossed in them and ignoring the world around him. Is he a gun otaku or something? "Hey, dude. Focus please."

"Eh?" He looks up from his guns to me and I can tell he hasn't been listening to a word I've said. Pinching the bridge of my nose in exasperation I point to him, "I want you to shoot at me with those. Use one or both, whichever you're more comfortable with."

"Uh, are you sure? You could get really hurt if I did that." He scratches his head with the barrel of a pistol, giving me a concerned look as though I'm the idiot here.

"Yes." I hiss at him, my patience stretching thin. "Just shoot m-"

My feet twitch as I propel myself sideways dodging the shot to everyone's clear surprise. Actually, from the faces of four people, they remember me from when I released the captives at the Golden Shine. "As you can see, guns are useless if you can't hit your target. There are also things durable enough to shrug off gunfire. You won't have to worry about those though, the higher-ups will take care of them."

"Hey, that was awesome! Can I try again, I think I've gotten the hang of this." I level the gun otaku with a bored look and nod in resignation. When he lines up his shot I predict where it's going to go and move around it, just enough to dodge. I keep my speed low, otherwise, there wouldn't be any point in showing this off. I want these people to see that you don't need to be able to outrun bullets to dodge them.

What I don't expect is a second shot, aimed exactly where I am going to move. My brow furrows as I duck under that shot, only to find a third shot heading my way. Is he predicting my movements before I make them? Not only that but each shot is precise, unceasingly seeking vital points. What the fuck is this guy?

I jump but twist as I do, expecting him to guess my move and adjusting because of it. Sure enough, a fourth and fifth shot scrape past both my sides mid-jump barely missing. If I had just jumped straight up both would have slammed into my chest. As I land I'm forced to snatch the sixth bullet out of the air -that had been heading toward my forehead- and toss it at the seventh. The two clash, momentum canceling out, and clatter down onto the floor. Seeing no shots following I look at the man I had severely underestimated.

The man smiles at his pistols and coos disturbingly, telling them how amazing they are. I'm too shocked to comment, blindsided at the idiot savant that's just sitting in a random gang in Kyoto. "What's your name, kid, and where did you learn to shoot?"

He looks up and stops rubbing the guns against his cheeks, "Oh, my name's Kevin Walker or uh, Walker Kevin, I guess. My mom was originally from Japan and moved to America when she was a young girl. When she grew up she met my father who was a Navy SEAL sniper. Then they did adult stuff and I was there. He taught me how to shoot since I could walk, said I was a natural with firearms and it was a shame I was inept at everything else, whatever that means."

I just asked where you learned to shoot, not your life story! Also, adult stuff?!

"Then they got divorced and my mom won custody so when she moved back to Japan I came with her. Apparently, they thought my firearms training was detrimental to my development or something. I was really sad when I found out how hard it was to get a firearm here so I joined the Golden Dragons instead." His face falls as he tears up. He looks at me pleadingly while crying in the ugliest way I've ever seen. "Then the boss destroyed the pistol my senpai gave me… Can I keep these ones?"

The crowd is staring at him in an odd mixture of astonishment at his ability and disgust at his shameless attitude. I debate taking them away because even if he is unnaturally skilled, he's still an idiot. In the end, it's easier to just wash my hands of this scenario. "...Just keep them."

"What I wanted to show is that other than high-end military armaments, firearms are fairly useless against even middling supernatural species. That said, they are still useful for those who aren't powerful enough to do serious damage themselves." The others have refocused on me and we all are ignoring Kevin who has started taking apart the pistols and cleaning them. He gives every piece a kiss after he cleans them and I shudder at the disturbing image.

"Over the coming months, I'm going to train you to the point that mundane humans will no longer be a threat. From unarmed combat and knife fighting to firearms handling and group fighting tactics, you will learn it all. I'm going to teach you how to harness every scrap of potential in your body to become something more than a simple man or woman." Some look excited but others have already realized that such training would be absolutely hellish.

"I can see some skepticism but let me tell you the benefits first. The stronger you get, the longer you're going to live and the younger you'll be able to stay," All the women and most of the men perk up at the secret to youth, while the extended lifespan is also appealing. They don't know it but that only really applies if they have the determination to succeed in the training and harness their lifeforce. "You'll become better looking and your mental abilities will increase. Finally, the control over your body will allow you to learn physical tasks at a far greater rate and with more precision than ever before."

"I'm not going to lie to you; the training will be a constant agony, you will want to quit, maybe even to die, but the results speak for themselves." I gesture at my own body and some of the women giggle causing the men to glare at me. "You've seen me dodge bullets, do you think that was me trying my hardest? This is your chance to become superhuman. Seize it!"

I grin excitedly, as they shout in agreement. "Alright! Who wants to fight me first?"

Hey, why are you guys so quiet suddenly?

By the time my meeting with the under-bosses was finished it was late in the day. We spent a lot of time hammering down the minutiae of the new changes and blasting through any opposition there was to said changes. In the end, the main concern was profitability, and I had to reassure them that profits would increase as we expanded. My argument is that the long-term increases would be enough that the minor lull during the shifting of policy would be unnoticeable; as well as convincing them that we could steal enough from the other groups to keep everything running smoothly during that interim.

With the entire day basically gone, and my clone still not dispelled, I was left feeling disappointed in the lack of entertainment I've had today. Thankfully, I had Kintoki with me from the meeting and knew just what to do to end the day properly. "Kintoki, fight me!"

He looks up from his udon, finishing slurping the noodles still in his mouth, decidedly unimpressed by me interrupting his meal. We had stepped into a noodle stand near the Dragon's Hoard after the meeting since I was craving Udon. By now we each had a sizeable stack of empty bowls to our sides. I slam my chopsticks on the counter, skillfully ignoring the chef's glare.

"It's been too long since our last battle and I haven't gotten to fight anyone interesting since then." I jab my chopsticks at him threateningly. "You owe me for not killing you, so you should be my training dummy for life. Do you know how hard it is to find someone strong enough to hurt me without starting more shit than I can handle?"

The shopkeeper is crossing his arms and tapping his foot so I grumble and toss him a handful of cash, gesturing to him that he should make some more. "Trust me, if I thought I could piss Yasaka off enough to fight me but not have to kill each other, I would do it in a heartbeat."

"I don't know if I'll be able to give you the fight you want. I barely know who I am." Grinning, I pat my now morose companion on the back. Jeez, don't think useless thoughts like that.

"You might not remember how to fight but your body does. I guarantee that when we start fighting your instincts will fill the gaps." I give him a thumbs up and dig in when the shopkeeper comes back, setting four bowls of udon in front of us. I start slurping mine up and grin around the noodles before chucking a tempura shrimp at him, "C'mon eat then we can go and I can kick your ass!"

We both dig in ignoring the strangled noise from the shopkeeper at my actions. Eating at full speed I managed to barely finish both of my bowls before he can finish his. I pat my stomach and grin, once again victorious. "You're gonna have to get used to losing if we keep hanging out, Kintoki!"

"To me, it looks like you didn't finish. I think this means I won, right?" He holds up the shrimp I tossed at him and smirks. Gasping I leap and try to bite the shrimp out of the air but it's pulled away at the last second. He tosses it up in the air and catches it in his mouth, winking at me as he swallows it. Meanwhile, I've fallen to my knees openly weeping at my loss, I pound the floor in frustration, having barely missed the sweet taste of victory.

"This isn't a comedy show, it's an Udon shop! Either buy more food or leave! And no more throwing food, I won't have you ruining this shop's reputation!" The owner brandishes a broom threateningly at us so we beat feet out of there.

We're both still laughing as we step through the entryway and out onto the street. "Did you see his face! 'This isn't a comedy!' 'Buy more Udon!' " I shapeshift my face to mimic the shopkeeper and mime swinging a broom at Kintoki.

Kintoki tries to stop the laughter from bubbling up again, his cheeks puffing out from the effort, but it's all for not. He falls onto the street clutching his sides as peels of laughter erupt again. We may have had our fair share of saké to celebrate the success of the executive meeting. People walking down the street point and whisper to each other as they pass, talking about how shameful our behavior is. I say screw 'em!

"Let's go have that spar! With you this deep in your cups I can watch you flail around like an idiot." I grip him by the collar of his shirt and start to drag him down the street behind me.

I'm only a few meters past the storefront when his hand wraps around my ankle pulling my weight out from underneath me. I let go of my grip on him and yelp as I fall but catch myself in a roll. He dusts himself off and grins in triumph causing me to bare my teeth at him. "You realize this means war, right?"

I drop down and sweep his legs out from beneath him, punching him in the stomach as he falls. He rockets backward into the ground, the people behind him just barely managing to stumble out of the way in time to not get flattened. I hear him roar and grin as I start to run down the street.

Weaving through the throngs of people and pushing through when they don't move, I start to sprint to one of the empty warehouses owned by the Golden Dragons. I flip over top of a particularly attractive woman and blow her a kiss as I pass her, and slide between the legs of another person blocking my path. From the screams and grunts, Kintoki is just pushing his way through the crowd as he chases me.

Turning a corner, I jump and run across the face of a Mcdonalds storefront and cackle as I swipe the burger out of their hands. I take a bite and look over my shoulder only to see Kintoki grinning as he closes the gap. He slams into the same person I swiped the burger from and they gasp as their pop showers all over them. Not messing around now, I toss the rest of the burger at Kintoki, hitting him right in the face.

I turn on the jets and start to run at full speed, only slowing down when I get within a few feet of the warehouse. That turns out to be a mistake.

As I turn I catch sight of Kintoki's fist flying into my face. All I can focus on though is how funny the mayonnaise dripping down his face looks. "Snrk-"

That doesn't stop the fist from piling into my face and launching me through the doors of the warehouse. The metal screeches as it tears; my body proving the tougher material and shearing a hold through while blowing the doors off their hinges.

I wheeze out laughter as I sit in the wreckage of some crates. As I stand up, Kintoki scowls, wiping the offending condiment from his face. When he sees me though, his lips twitch upwards, contrasting the frown he wore a moment ago.

As I stand I stretch out my arms, cataloging the obstacles in the warehouse so I know everywhere I can move freely. Well, and what I can throw at Kintoki for fun. The crack of my knuckles rings out through the warehouse, "I hope you're ready, 'cause I'm not holding back."

Kintoki snorts in amusement, his grin growing wider at the provocation. "Best not or else you'll get your assed kicked, kid."

He reaches down and grabs one of the doors we broke, the metal molding to his hand, and tosses it at me. The acceleration causes the edges to glow as the friction heats it through its flight path. My hands come up in front of me and spear through the door; I throw them to my sides, tearing the door in half and flinging both pieces sideways.

Kintoki used the door to cover his approach and is right behind the projectile as I deal with it. My toes dig into the ground as his next punch cuts through the distance between us and I slam my forehead into his knuckles; I aim right at the point my horns start to emerge from my skull, the densest section of bone. He hisses in pain and I chuckle while the dizzy feeling swiftly fades.

The concrete floor crumbles as I step forward, slipping under the haymaker that follows his first punch, and hit him right in the chin with an uppercut. His feet start to lift off the ground from the impact then his eyes flash with power. One of his fists hammers down on the crown of my head and the ground beneath me craters from the transfer of energy.

My arms come up in a cross above my head just in time as the blows continue to rain down, each harder than the last. I can feel the bones in my forearms fracturing then repairing themselves again and again with each hit. The skin bruising and the muscles tearing. The impact sliding down my shoulders, down my spine, through my legs, and into the floor.

It's exhilarating.

I need to keep both my legs and arms in place to block his strikes, but I can't strike back if I don't move. And just like that, I do. In the brief moment between his alternating strikes, Ki floods my legs, and the air crackles with power. In a fraction of a second and a flurry of swift steps, I'm behind him, leaping. I spin and my foot impacts the side of his head sending him rocketing across the room.

Kintoki adjusts his rotation in mid-air and lands on his feet, trenches being dug in the concrete as his slide continues. His hair on the side I hit is matted down, drenched in blood, the crimson fluid dripping along that half of his face. In that sea of red is his blue eye, gleaming with intensity.

At some unspoken signal we both sprint towards each other with reckless abandon. The still air in the warehouse exploding outward with the force of our clash. My claws rake down the inside of his arm, only deep enough to draw blood. A warning, a correction he needs to make. I backstep to avoid his response, which comes in the form of a knee heading toward my chest.

I clamp onto the top of his calf near the knee to trap it there, and my other hand spears toward his chest. He bats away the incoming attack and jumps upward with his other leg, trying to kick me in the chin. If we were two normal humans, I would have to step back and allow him to flip backward out of my grasp. We aren't though.

Instead, I tilt my head back enough to dodge his foot and grab his ankle once it passes. I have more than enough strength to carry his body weight indefinitely, even with the additional pressure from the odd angel and momentum. From here I can throw him away, or even break his legs at the hip by torquing them apart. Rather than either of those, I slam him back first into the floor.

He hisses in discomfort but the ground is far less durable than he is so it's more insulting than anything. His hands move to the concrete, searching for a handhold to give him the leverage to break my grip. What he finds is a chunk of concrete that is subsequently thrown at my eyes; it flies at me with enough speed to break the sound barrier, and more importantly, make me flinch.

My grip weakens as I lean back to avoid any damage to my eyes and Kintoki's legs slip from my grasp, returning to me as a double leg kick to the chest. The power of the hit and the angle it comes from causes the impact to launch me clear off the floor, and bounce off the metal beams that line the roof.

I try to recover mid-flight and reorient myself but I still end up falling face-first into the ground. I may have closed my eyes as I approached the ground, but that just means that I was paying attention to my Ki sense instead. This allows me to smoothly parry Kintoki as he closes the distance and tries to hit me while I'm down.

I bat a kick aimed for my head aside, and while he's off-balance I slam my fist into the side of the leg supporting him. My Ki is compressed into my fist and released explosively on contact, shattering his knee without destroying my hand this time. I'm still in the middle of rising upward so as he stumbles I catch him by the neck and headbutt him for good measure.

He falls to the ground holding his head and groaning in pain, something that leaves me… disappointed, I guess. I just sort of watch him for a moment, waiting for him to get up, and get confused when he doesn't. "Are you still good, Kintoki?"

"No, I'm not good, you broke my leg!" I blink, taking that in and grimace when I realize he can't just make a splint out of scales again. He isn't the same person I fought with before.

"Shit, one second." Kneeling down beside him, I concentrate on his Ki flow. It takes a little coaxing but I redirect his Ki into the damaged portion of his knee, slowly repairing it. I would use my own to do this but the memory of the pain will help him not mimic this mistake.

I help him stand up and watch as he tests the mobility of his leg, eventually placing all his weight on it and nodding to himself. Once he's over that pressing concern he glares balefully at me. "What the fuck was that? You said this was a spar, not a death match!"

"I got excited, okay? I forgot what we were doing. Besides, it's one leg! I didn't dislocate your arm and choke you with it or something." I wave his accusation of negligently, not really understanding why he's so upset. He stares incredulously and I can feel his aura ramp up, sparks starting to run down his body.

"You forgot? What the hell do you mean, you forgot? Not only that but you just broke my leg and you aren't even going to apologize?" Whoa, where is this all coming from? I got a little excited and went a tiny bit too far. It happens. Besides…

"I already healed it, what are you still whining about? So what if I hit harder than I should have? The devils and the fallen aren't going to hold back." The sparks start to thicken and grow more numerous. My nose scrunches up at the scent of ozone filling the room, and I grimace.

"We're supposed to be allies! You don't just break allies because you felt like it. Learn to control yourself or you won't have anyone willing to help you." I snarl at the implied threat, fire starting to wrap itself around me as I unconsciously match him.

"Maybe, if you could take what I dish out I wouldn't need to hold back! Why am I the one who always has to grow stronger or hold myself back for others! Why can't somebody just match me! I just want a fucking equal!" My rage boils over, the air superheating and my throat burning from either my scream or the flames spilling out the side of my mouth. I hear the groan of metal and look up to see the warehouse collapsing around us.

Both of our auras cut out and we throw our arms up to block the rubble that cascades down around us. It takes only a few seconds for everything to fall and once the dust clears we each pull ourselves out. Kintoki stares at me, and I feel sick at the pity that sits so clearly in his expression. "Fuck off with that shit."

I push down on the flames that threaten to leap out again, instead, I continue by jabbing a finger at him angrily. "I don't need you to feel sorry for me. You should feel sorry for yourself right now. If you can't even entertain me in combat yet, don't bother worrying about me. Either get your strength back or leave."

As I stomp my way through the rubble, I try to erase the look of pity burned into my memory.


We obviously parted ways after that. Kintoki headed to the Golden Boy to see Yaeko, while I went home to clean myself up and pick up my mother. She chewed me out about spending the whole night out and not even telling her where I was; the whole time I sat there fighting a grin from the happiness that swelled in my chest. It may have been inappropriate -given the last time I disappeared it was for a couple of years and she thought I was dead- but I was quite pleased with how upset she got, if only because it shows she cares.

She was worried, not pitying me like that bastard Kintoki. If nothing else, nobody in the village had ever shown me pity before. I don't need my new minion trying to draw conclusions about me based on shit he doesn't understand.

Ahem, moving on.

Today my mother and I are running errands in Kyoto. More specifically, picking up the weapons I ordered for Akeno -Magic is amazing for speeding up production apparently. It's only been six days since I made the order.- and picking up supplies for my mother. She wanted to go to some sewing supply stores on the human side of Kyoto as well as Urakyoto to really indulge her passion. Since she was so excited I don't mind spending the whole day at different stores.

First, we went to pick up the weapons from the blacksmith in Urakyoto. I used the space he has at the back of the shop to test the products, spinning them, and fighting an imaginary opponent to get a feel for the balance of the weapons. They were well made and exactly to the specifications I asked for, hopefully, Akeno likes them as much as I do.

I'll have to learn how to use a polearm to a decent degree so she has someone competent to practice with. I don't plan on mastering their use or anything but learning a new weapon skill is both fun and useful. Fun because anything combat-related in this life really gets me going; useful because even if I don't use one, understanding their use will help me if I fight someone who does.

The next place we went was a fabric shop in Urakyoto. I smile as she skips through the door, gasping at the sheer volume of different fabrics on display. I'm dragged along behind her and she picks up a bolt of fabric and holds it against me. "Hm, this isn't bad. White is your usual color but this purple is nice too."

I hum noncommittally as I look at the fabric. It's nice and running my fingers along it is pleasant, I'm not sure if purple is something that looks good on me though. Mother pouts and I click my tongue before nodding. "I think it looks good too, are you going to get it?"

"Definitely! How about these ones?" She holds up at least a dozen bolts of fabric that she had grabbed while I wasn't looking. I sweatdrop at the sheer volume of fabric and prepare for the imminent dent in my cash flow.

If that store left me holding a dozen bolts of cloth, the next ones just compounded the issue. We went to stores that specialized in yarn, linen, cotton, even one that only sold decorative needles. I pointed out that they had sewing machines on sale only to get looked at as though I was mentally ill. Apparently, she had heard of those newfangled machines and didn't 'believe in them'. They take the fun out of things, or so she says. She bought practical colors and patterns mostly but also a few novelty prints found their way into my arms as we went.

For example, I was flirting with the girl working at the cash register in one of the shops while my mother looked around. When my mother came up behind me with more cloth, I was too engrossed in the rosy blush on the girl's face to notice. Suddenly the girl looked behind me, her blush gone in an instant and she started giggling, apparently at my expense. When I turned to see what was funny, my mother was holding up a grotesque yellow fabric covered in cute little banana designs. Finally seeing the monstrosity, she babbled about how cute I would look in it; I could only look on in mortification as she killed my reputation instantly.

So that is how I ended up walking through the streets of Kyoto with my Mother balancing dozens of bolts of cloth, bags of sewing supplies, and a collection of staves in my grip. My mother was unburdened and took the initiative to tell me about all the things she would be making as we walked around the city.

While it was a fun day so far, I have to say I was getting tired of the excitement. I hadn't slept at all last night and worse I had spent the whole time fighting with Kintoki; when I say I'm tired, it's more that I'm dead on my feet.

My salvation or doom came when a group appeared in front of us, all dressed sharply in a traditional style. Leading them was Fujiwara who smiled when he saw us. "Ibaraki-dono, it is good to see you."

"You as well, Fujiwara. Who are the stiffs with you?" They shuffle awkwardly at my form of address and I smirk at the reaction.

"They've come because the head of the Tengu clan wishes to meet you so he can give his thanks for your rescue of his daughter." Oh Kami, no! I just want to go home and sleep. Why couldn't you have come another day? Wait, I can get out of this.

"I'd love to but I'm spending quality time with my mother. Perhaps, another time?" My mother, bless her, decides to become oblivious now of all times.

"Don't worry, Ibaraki-chan, we've already spent most of the day together. I'm fine with you heading off to do important business." She beams at me as though doing me a favor and I scramble for another out.

"Ah, but if I go, who will carry all your supplies?" Everyone goes quiet and I hold my breath, hoping to get out of playing politics. My hopes are dashed once more.

Fujiwara of all people clears his throat cutting through the silence. "I would be happy to assist Asuga-chan with her supplies if she doesn't mind the imposition?"

I go to growl at him but I catch sight of my mother out of the corner of my eye. She's frozen and blushing with an uncharacteristically shy expression, not looking away from Fujiwara. I'm about to direct the full force of my killing intent at the bastard when Mother nods with a radiant smile. I'm obviously reluctant but since she's clearly happy with the arrangement, I can do nothing but bite my tongue.

If there is any consolation, I'm no longer tired, instead, I'm furious.

From past interactions, I know Fujiwara is honorable by nature, and I can admit to thinking him as something nearing a friend; a particularly amiable acquaintance perhaps. I also know that my mother is probably a bit lonely and by now is likely seeking someone closer to her age to interact with. That being said, this and that are two different things. Those two statements shouldn't be intersecting now or ever!

I'm not against my mother having friends who are also adults -not having such relationships is absurd- or even dating at some point. It happens. I'm a big girl and I'll get over it. The problem is that she hasn't had a positive adult relationship that I know of.

We have hardly talked about my father and even though he seemed to be decent for an Oni, the fact that you have to specify that is enough of a red flag. If she doesn't bring up my father, clearly he wasn't all that great. As little as possible should be said about the Elder if that bastard is even mentioned. Truly if anyone deserved a worse death, it was him. Lastly, the rest of the village ostracized her before I came around and only treated her well to worship me by proxy after I was born.

Now of course they know she's stronger than everyone else outside my family so they respect her properly; that doesn't erase the lingering issues though, merely treating a symptom. The fact that Fujiwara could be pursuing my mother is basically taking advantage of all this. He can't possibly know that she hasn't had any positive relationships outside of family, but ignorance doesn't make things better.

The worst part is that he could be getting close to her on orders from someone else. If Yasaka or another noble in the court instructed him to pursue my mother for information; well there are easier ways to kill yourself than that. So long as he makes her happy and stands by her I don't even mind if he was instructed to, but in the event, he walks away, or his mission is over… I don't want to think about the damage that would do.

This and more is what I thought of as I was led to the clan compound of the Tengu. The whole time plotting the myriad of ways I could torture Fujiwara if proved himself unworthy of my mother. My escorts were thoroughly unnerved and occasionally trembling with fear as I released unfocused bursts of killing intent, fueled by my downwardly spiraling thoughts.

If he treated her like a normal lady while I was gone then all would be well and my thoughts brushed off as nothing. If I came home and she told me about her wonderful time with the dashing or gallant, Fujiwara, then I would have a shovel talk to give.

The clan compound was situated inside a forested area, and as we walked up the steps toward the residence I could see guards up high in the trees. I appreciate the effort they put into security if nothing else. The use of their flight in the dense forest while beneficial would take skill to be practical, the training necessary is respectable. If they are adept at their jobs then the advantage of being able to attack from any direction and having a three-dimensional cover would be great. It also means that the sightlines of the property remain clear and beautiful without guards to obstruct the view. Finally, the fact that there are guards that are detectable, with some effort, means that there are others that aren't.

I compose myself before we get any closer, not wanting to ruin my first impression with another powerful potential ally. I'm not an idiot, I know Yasaka has been ensuring she's my only access point to Urakyoto and the Shinto Pantheon, I just haven't had a way to get around that. Till now.

This meeting will either allow me to broaden my connections or fully trap me under Yasaka's influence. While Yasaka hasn't harmed my prospects and has been genuinely helpful, I would prefer to have options. Relationships sour with time and I can't afford to be without options. Sure, I have a mundane organization to back me but that means precious little in this world.

As I'm led through the main entrance to the compound, I see the centuries and millennia of craftsmanship and prestige that has been distilled into the place. It is elegant, majestic, a temple to the pride of the clan. The environment itself raises my expectations of the meeting and my opinion of the man who leads them. This is why I'm so surprised when I'm glomped as I am distracted by the scenery.

"You came!" I barely manage to catch the now identified Tengu heiress as she dives into me from above. I glance around, startled at her actions, only to find everyone else just as surprised. She too looks shocked, and hastily leaps off me, backing away to a more appropriate distance.

"I-I mean, of course, you came! With my father inviting you, you would have no choice to come." She nods pleased at her recovery and deduction. When she opens her eyes she sees the gawking guards and servants. Cheeks aflame, she snaps at them, "What are you all looking at? Get back to work!"

I cough to hide my laughter, the crowd dispersing as they all find something to do and avoid the ire of the clan's heiress. She glances at me and steels herself, her expression becoming placid but holding a slight warmth. Friendly but formal. She bows slightly, greeting me as though I'm a noble or something, "Greetings, Lady Ibaraki if you will follow me I shall bring you to my father."

Thankfully she's looking down so she doesn't see my grimace when she calls me 'lady'. That's adorable but I'm definitely not a lady. I'd prefer to be called, 'Chief', 'Boss', 'Warlord', or 'Bringer of Death and Destruction' instead.

As we walk she points out different sculptures, plants, or architectural styles that are employed, citing the date in which they were added or where they were collected from. If there was a famous craftsman involved she would name them as well. I had no idea what she was talking about so I just nodded at the right points while humming noncommittally. Whenever I did so she puffed out her cheeks in disappointment, though at what I don't know.

When we finally arrived at the room I'd be meeting her father in, she stopped and breathed in deeply. Turning to me she held her hands in front of her, clasped together. "My father is waiting just inside. Before you go in I wanted to thank you for saving me the other day, and apologize for attacking you."

"Thank you for escorting me this far, I had a great time listening to you explaining this place's history. As for saving you, don't thank me, it was my pleasure." I grin at her reassuringly, ignoring the part where she attacked me. Honestly, I'm most upset that she didn't manage to injure me while surprising me. That's just sad.

She stills, the blush from before returning with a vengeance. I wait a moment for her to recover but she seems to be stuck like that. Internally shrugging I wink at her and proceed to enter the next room. As I close the door I hear her sigh and wonder if I said something wrong.

Oh well.

The man waiting inside looks so much like the girl I just left that it would be impossible to not guess he was her father. The biggest difference between them though -other than the differences in build and anatomy- would have to be the aura they exude. This was a man who had ability; whether that was as a leader or a fighter, both were honed by centuries of experience. It was a bit like seeing Yasaka had been, if a lesser feeling.

"Greetings, Lady Ibaraki. You are hard to get a hold of." He smiles at me as though joking, though it's more of a question or a provocation from his tone. Is he wondering about my allegiances or suggesting I'm a pawn?

"Please, just Ibaraki, and I have a lot to deal with in a day. I can't just show up when anyone wants me." There, balls in your court now. Either admit you've been spending too much time looking for me when you should have better things to do or retract the implication.

As expected, "Ah, I understand that, of course. My duties to my clan keep me busy as well. Though I called you here for another reason. My clan would like to thank you for retrieving our heiress and, more importantly, I would like to thank you for returning my daughter to me."

He bows low for me and I have to hold back a grin. "It is due to your actions that she came back to me unharmed. I would like to see this deed rewarded."

I can't take too long to think about this or else it would make me look bad, trying to squeeze out every advantage. Instead, "Please, think nothing of it. I already see the Yokai of Urakyoto as family, and I know that they feel the same toward my clan. The shared cooperation of our clans has always been important for the prosperity of Urakyoto."

He raises his head and stares back shrewdly, knowing exactly what I meant by that. "Indeed, but some clans are closer than others, no? It must have been fate that led you to save my daughter, and such matters aren't to be taken lightly. If it is the will of the heavens for our two clans to be close, who am I to argue?"

I smile at him, knowing how much of a fiction his words are but that they are necessary for the charade that is politics. "Hmm, then we should toast to unity then, correct? I would bring out spirits of my own, as a gift, but I wasn't able to prepare anything sufficient before arriving."

He pulls out a jug of saké and some saucers to serve it in. When he opens the top, the aroma fills the room and I have to bite my tongue to stop myself from licking my lips in anticipation. He pours the drink into a saucer for me and I smile, taking the jug from him and pouring him a saucer of his own.

Since this is a formal occasion, I take the saucer with both my hands and make sure to be respectful. The first drink especially is consumed slowly for propriety, the others a bit quicker; I'm not shooting the drink and disrespecting this man. In between, we each refill the vessel of the other, making sure it's an exchange. Serving yourself means you will be unsuccessful in the future after all.

While we drank we spoke of the future, and how our clans would work together. For a better Kyoto, of course.

From the Tengu clan compound, I returned home, both eager and dreading what I would find there. The warmth that filled my body from the alcohol had dulled my anger a bit but it also allowed me a cold contemplation I hadn't been capable of before. I entered my house quietly, in case everyone was asleep, or otherwise occupied. I wasn't that lucky.

In the living room, Akeno was brushing my mother's hair, and Shuten was sitting off to the side with snacks piled up. I focused on listening to their conversation before announcing my presence and I heard the worst-case scenario. "- and his muscles, so defined and tight."

Akeno giggles into her hand and continues brushing as my mother paints a picture about how dreamy 'Fujiwara-dono' was. Shuten grumbles and shoves another handful of food into her mouth, pouting around the pile of snacks in her maw. She swallows a painfully large amount of food and mock gags in Mother's direction.

"Don't be like that Shuten-chan, I think it's sweet." Shuten glares at Akeno as she fuels the fire even more. My mother takes that as a suggestion to continue and does at the first convenience. I, however, have already begun heading back out. I had people to talk to.

I flew across the city, my feet carrying me as quick as they could; my rage fueling speeds I haven't reached outside combat. My destination? Yasaka.

I don't actually know where Fujiwara lives or anything, so my best bet for finding him would be her. Also, I need to… warn her off attempting actions that would be harmful to my mother. After all, any such action would be detrimental to Yasaka's health.

When I arrive at the shrine, the servants are understandably confused. After I insist they lead me to Yasaka the confusion turns to nervousness. This time I manage to hold back any anger, so they actually lead me where I want to go instead of trying to avoid me. Yasaka, as always, isn't surprised to see me and doesn't look like she appreciates the interruption either.

"Ibaraki, to what do I owe the pleasure of your company so late today?" It may be optimism speaking but I take the question at face value, assuming she isn't feigning ignorance.

"I need to have a talk with Fujiwara." I scrutinize her expression intensely but see no change yet. "He is due a 'chat' with me about his apparent interest in my mother."

Yasaka sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose, shaking her head. She mutters to herself something I'm presumably not supposed to hear. "Why do I have to deal with this all the time? Is this a schoolyard?"

"I can tell you where he is but I need a guarantee you aren't going to kill him or otherwise incapacitate him. Lord Fujiwara is a useful supporter of mine and something of an old friend, you see." I huff and cross my arms. Do I really look like the type to randomly murder people?

"I'm just going to warn him of the consequences of breaking my mother's heart. You'll be happy, none of them are death." I tap my finger against my chin thoughtfully. "Though they may be arguably worse. Eh, if he treats her well or gives up pursuing her before it will hurt, he'll be fine."

Yasaka just stares at me, face devoid of anything, then puts her head in her hands. She rubs her temples for a couple of seconds then waves her hand. "Follow the line and you'll find him."

I turn around searching for the 'line'. Sure enough, there's an illusory guideline floating in the air and out the door. Looking back at Yasaka, I give her my sweetest smile as thanks for the help. "I knew you would help me with this. There isn't any way you would ever be a part of hurting those dearest to me. After all, there are some things that shouldn't be touched, for any reason. Bye, Yasaka-chan!"

I walk out and follow the path at my full speed again. Servants dive out of the way as I race down the halls and back out into the city. Some civilians even curse at me as I pass but I pay them no heed. I'm a little upset that some of my anger leaked out at the end of seeing Yasaka, she didn't deserve that. I just couldn't hold it all in any longer.

My destination turns out to be a small manor, Fujiwara's private residence. It's clearly an expensive property; not at the level of Yasaka shrine or the Tengu compound, but ancient and indicative of wealth. Either Yasaka is taking my promise not to kill him at face value or he's well-defended here. I wasn't lying when I said I was only coming to talk but the trust surprises me.

When a servant greets me at the door I smile and ask to meet with Fujiwara. I smile and try to be polite but from the way they pale and shake, I may have failed at that. Well, they may just have a weak constitution or something. It isn't always my fault when someone pisses themselves, nor is it always out of fear.

They slam the door on me -something that I find quite rude- and from the sound of their feet slapping on the floor, take off at a fairly decent clip. I wait a couple of minutes to see if they are going to get Fujiwara. When nobody returns promptly, I 'knock'.

I'm not going to damage his property since this is just a conversation, instead, I'll just announce my presence. My killing intent roars out of me, my rage at today's events fueling it to reach heights nearing only a few other times in my life. Really, the only people who have made me this mad are the Elder and my Ancestor. Therefore it isn't a surprise when the Ki signatures of all but one person go placid as they pass out. The last one -Fujiwara- goes wild as fight or flight instincts activate.

Fujiwara appears in a ferocious gale and I catch the tip of his sword right before it hits my throat. My killing intent cuts out instantly and I smile gently at the man. "Fujiwara, it's good to see you!"

He looks confused at the fact nobody is attacking and even more so that I was the source of the killing intent. "Ibaraki? What are you doing here?"

"Ah, sorry to bother you so late." I scratch the back of my head, faking a sheepish smile. "I just heard some concerning things and had to talk to you is all. Did you have a good time with my mother today?"

Realization hits him like… like my fist in sparring sessions: swiftly and painfully that is. He goes to speak but I hold my finger out, gently shushing him. My other hand still grips his sword, locking it in place. "Rhetorical question. Of course, you had a good time! My mother is a lovely woman, you probably had a great time. From the sounds of things, she had a great time too. So, thank you for making her so happy today."

He nods dumbly and opens his mouth again but the full force of my killing intent slams into him again, his jaw snapping shut with an audible click. "I don't think I've told anyone about my childhood, really. I've alluded to parts of it but never full details. It was… hard. Maybe even a bit bleak. I hated a lot of it; a lot of things and people as well."

I close my eyes and memories flash behind my eyelids like a cruel slideshow, memories that I never paid much attention to at the time, so great was my drive to just push forward. "The one thing I could always trust in though was my mother. She was always there for me; always ready to set a bone that got broken as punishment, clean burns, wipe away tears, or even just hold me until the shaking stopped."

"I guess what I'm trying to say is that she's my world. Now, that world has expanded to contain my sisters as well. The core has always been my mother though. I want her to have everything she could ever want, and if that is you, wonderful!" I beam at Fujiwara and pat his cheek, showing how happy the prospect makes me.

"If your relationship falls apart, well, that happens sometimes. I won't punish you for that. I'm reasonable. I would also never say don't pursue her!" Fujiwara looks confused now, having expected me to warn him off of my mother. No, no, no, that just wouldn't do.

"What I'm saying is that if you hurt her, you will wish for a fate as gentle as the embrace of death." I purr the words into his ear seductively, enticing him to give me a fucking reason. "I will show you every form of suffering my twisted, broken mind can come up with and even find others to come up with more."

"I will break you until you're nothing but a shell of a man and then shatter that shell! I will keep your body going by feeding you your own fucking limbs and regrowing them until you devour them yourself without my command! I will leave you as nothing more than a quivering pile of flesh that can't even fathom thought!" A hysterical giggle bubbles its way up my throat as I think of all the ways I can make him suffer. It fades in a flash as my eyes narrow and I bare my teeth.

"If you hurt her it won't matter who wants to protect you. Friends, Nobles, Yasaka, even the gods themselves, I will burn it all to ash. I will not stop until everything that stands in my way has been ground down to its base atoms." I let go of his sword and take a step back, whispering, "and I will enjoy it. Because that will be the only wish all I have left. The destruction of whatever hurt her."

I turn around without any regard for what he might do and start to walk away but not without a final parting shot. "I had thought we could become friends but that's impossible now. Either take care of my mother, cherish her, make her happy, or cut her out of your life quickly and carefully.

My words echo through the space between us, hanging heavily like miasma. "Goodnight, Fujiwara."

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