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Chapter 931 - 2

Chapter 2: 坩堝: CrucibleChapter Text

Shortly after announcing myself to the clan, I passed out. The sheer exertion on my body beyond what even my Oni heritage was meant to handle so young. When I came to I was in the bath at our home. My mother was gently washing off the blood and viscera from my body, all whilst quietly singing to me. Once she notices I've woken she hugs me and kisses the crown of my head, in between my horns. "Welcome back, daughter. You've made me so proud today." I can't help but sigh as the warmth of the room washes over me and I feel her run her claws through my hair. This contentment that fills me is mixed with the rage and guilt from earlier. A whine escapes me as the faces of the dead flash through my mind. "What's wrong Ibara-chan?"

What's wrong? You just threw your fucking daughter into a pit for a deathmatch and you ask what's wrong? Growling at her I lash out with my claws. "Whoa, sweetie! You don't have to fight right now. I know you're probably excited. I remember my parents telling me how excited I was at your age. Don't worry it won't be long before you have the chance to fight again." She gives me a reassuring smile and without thinking about it I giggle back. My giggle continues into a laugh which soon becomes hysterical. My mother stares confused until tears start leaking out of my eyes. She looks shocked then instead of comforting me she growls and grips the sides of my face. "You do not cry!" Her grip gets stronger and I hear my jaw creak, "My daughter is not weak!" Swallowing my tears I snarl at her. "Better. Never show weakness, never."

The next day, Mother and I were called to the Elder's house, to discuss my future. It turns out my display yesterday was enough to turn heads as the entire trip we were treated like royalty. The others would bow and refer to us as 'Revered Mother' and either 'Ibaraki-Sama' or 'Little Ancestor'. The worst part of the trip was when we passed any of the mothers I recognized from my 'cohort'. Rather than hatred or envy, they greeted us with the same awe as the others. As though seeing the child who lived instead of theirs didn't affect them. That those deaths meant nothing. By the time we arrived at our destination I was more than a little tired of the treatment.

Entering the Elder's house my mother places me on a cushion in his sitting room and seats herself beside me in seiza. After a short time, the Elder walks into the room a jug in hand, and seats himself across from us. Placing two saucers before him he opens his jug; I'm greeted with a pungent smell of blood and alcohol, he pours this sake into the saucers and hands one to my mother. They both knock back the sake and the Elder speaks, "Welcome. You are here to hear little Ibaraki-chan's future and that of the clan. Before that, a brief history lesson is necessary to properly understand the magnitude of this… irregularity."

"This village was founded in the Heian Period by our honored ancestor Ibaraki Douji. After the loss of the stronghold at Mount Ooe, Ibaraki-Sama despaired, seeing the end of our race before his eyes. The downfall, of course, was caused by the excess of Shuten-Sama. Shuten-Sama was strong, however, so that was their right. Ibaraki-Sama sought vengeance on the 'heroes' that attempted to wipe us out going to end the life of Watanabe no Tsuna. Ibaraki-Sama failed and, after recovering the arm that Tsuna removed in their confrontation, decided that vengeance could be achieved another way.

In his wisdom, he named this village crucible and laid down the tenets of our society. Our first law is that of strength. In order to bring the downfall of our enemies, we must go through pain beyond their understanding; for through pain, we become strong. Our ancestor after the slaughter at was able to reach Ultimate Class using his rage as fuel.

Our second law is secrecy. We have lived isolated from the outside from our beginning. Through powerful barriers, the world remains ignorant that we still survive, that we grow in strength as they grow feeble. We hide from beings like devils that wish to take our strength and make it theirs. One day, however, we shall roll over the world and make them remember the wrath of the Oni." The Elder is shaking in rage thinking of the outside world but I'm stuck on the idea of devils. Are Youkai not the Japanese version of demons? What do devils have to do with anything?

"Our final law is consumption. The weak shall feed the strong. They shall be used to fuel the ascension of one who will bring us our long-awaited vengeance. That is why we pit ourselves against each other. Individually none of us have worth, only the one who shall bring us our final purpose has use. I believe that to be your child, Asuga-chan. The one who named herself and showed cunning beyond her age. We shall push her beyond what any other has before. She shall reach the level of our honored ancestor or she will die." The wide smile of the Elder is pissing me off, the fact my mother has the same dreamy smile makes it worse.

These people are all following the will of a being that isn't even around anymore. For what? The sake of a centuries-old grudge that means nothing. This entire village is a farm built by a mad demon that wasn't strong enough to accomplish their own vengeance.

"You have a week reprieve to prepare. Once this week has passed your daughter will be trained till she breaks. She will suffer beyond measure but she will be our greatest. You were always weak and I wondered why you survived till now; I think this was the reason. I will never know what my son saw in you nor why he was willing to die for you. My granddaughter will not grow weak like you, do not pollute her with your frailty. Leave now and remember, she is why you still live." My mother bows low and stays like that till the Elder has left the room. On that somber note, we head home.

'You don't look like much. Certainly not worthy of me.' Mind addled I glance up to the speaker. Sitting on an outcropping of rock is a beast of a man. Pale and covered in well-defined muscle covered in scars, he possesses an aura of danger, a wild feel about him. He wears nothing but a set of loose pants held on by a belt of skulls. His hair white and falling down all around him. A pair of blood-red horns protrude from the sea of bleached locks. The most unsettling feature is his eyes; like looking into an abyss they are a well of black with sharp golden pupils sitting inside.

Glancing at the surroundings I'm greeted by an ocean of blood as far as I can see. The sky seems to ooze blackness. Mixing into the horizon the red and black swirl together and I can't tell which is in motion, the abyss or the blood. To the side of the speaker, stands a massive sword; the blade shines in ominous light and the hilt is formed from yellowed bone, the sword drips malice and hatred beyond even the man in front of me, it's as if it is a mass of grudges. I feel faint even at the first glance. My heart pounds and my blackness creeps into the edges of my vision. Blood drips down my face from my eyes, my ears, my nose. I think I'm dying. My attention is snapped back when the man sighs, "You are not ready, begone." He brandishes idly a hand as though I'm an ant to be swept aside at leisure.

Something brushes my legs. Looking down I see skeletal hands reach for me. Panicking I stumble backward falling into the bloody ground. Thrashing I struggle to reach the air once more, bones clawing into my skin, stabbing into my limbs. I'm dragged under. I scream.

I wake up in a cold sweat, not knowing what nightmare brought this on. My limbs shake with terror as I attempt to recall the details but I'm met with a blur of blood and pain. Sleep won't come easy now so instead, I'll head outside to stare at the night sky. Perhaps, I'll find a sense of peace there.

Walking down the hall and towards the rear of the house, I hear noise coming from my mother's room. Taking a detour I slowly slide open the door to her room. Inside my mother is seated in front of an idol in prayer and she seems to be… crying?

Asuga was weak, it was a fact of life. She was nothing special when she was born and lacked the temperament, the ferocity of other children. Her mother had given up on her long before her first trial. She received what was needed to survive but nothing more. Certainly no attention. Her father had left the first time she had cried and never returned to the family home.

In the Trial of Blood and Bone, she sat in her corner unmoving. So scared, so unprepared to face death. Somehow she survived, however. The final competitors managed to kill each other so she was allowed to live, much to the disgust of the clan members. But luck was a kind of strength and even if it wasn't to be respected she was allowed to live till her next trial.

In her second trial, the Trial of Weapons, she chose a bow. The weapon of a coward, fitting. She managed to survive once more having managed to kill another and steal their trophy. She couldn't bring down a tiger by herself but slaying an Oni who killed a tiger while they slept? Simple.

When on the Trial of Path's she chose that of the craftsman. Asuga was always good with her hands and the village needs equipment like clothing or sake. The crafting caste was of course mocked, save the blacksmiths, but mockery was a fact of life when you were so weak.

Her life changed when she met the Elder's son, the next clan leader. He was strong, the strongest in the village. He was also handsome but as a seamstress, a warrior, nay a chieftain was beyond her reach. Against all odds, he noticed her, fancied her. She gave herself to him, how could she not. This would be fine but he had lain with no other. If he had taken other women then this would be expected but she was his first, his only.

When the Elder found out he came to kill her. His son was descended directly from Ibaraki-Sama and someone of a less pure bloodline, a craftsman, had lain with him? It was an insult that could not be taken. Her mate fought with his father to keep her alive and their clash was felt by all. However, the Elder was a sage, a being of immense power, able to move mountains with his might. Her mate didn't stand a chance. The Elder had slain her mate and she was next. Before he killed her he felt the lifeforce growing inside her and stayed his hand. He told her that the child was her lifeline. That his grandchild would either be forged into the strongest or melt in the fires of Crucible.

Even now thinking of her daughter's future she cries, knowing that she will not last. She may be strong now but Asuga's weakness will shine through eventually. On that day the Elder will kill her and her daughter. She had reprimanded her daughter just last night for crying yet here she is, hypocrite. Hearing a noise she turns and sees her daughter glaring at her. Stunned she stills, now her daughter knows that she is a failure. That she is the very disease that has wormed its way into the village. Ruining the glorious creation of Ibaraki-Sama.

Asuga can't bear to see the disgust, hatred, pity on her daughter's face so she closes her eyes. Instead of feeling claws rake across her as she's punished by her daughter, she feels a warm hand over her heart. Looking down she sees her daughter smiling for the first time in weeks. "Mother." Picking her daughter up she hugs her tightly not wanting to ever let go of her little miracle. Her daughter tries to wiggle out so she lets her.

Little Ibara-chan in an adorable display wipes away her mother's tears and smiles a bloodthirsty smile. Tilting her head to the side she says three little words that bring her mother more joy than she thought possible. "We kill Elder?" For the first time, the tears coming from Asuga's face are from laughter, not sadness.