Chereads / Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 662 - 33

Chapter 662 - 33

It's like a dream.

And, finally, you've stepped into a new life. It treats you well. It begets a willing amnesia, a life free of war, famine, blood. You have forgotten. You have tried your best to forget.


It is not the world that has grown kinder. It is the desire to live, not survive. To create, exist in, to be something beautiful. To rip out the pieces of God in you with bleeding, fell hands and declare yourself worthy.

Indeed, you can never forget. How could you? You pious thing, you beast, you, you are-

Desire. In this, is desire. The desire to be…

It is like a dream, this.

And, finally, you've almost forgotten why you weren't well before, and what kept things from being good. And in this, you reach a level of progress that is acceptable, for now. You are well, and good.

But deep down, you're afraid. The enormity of it.

The truth. The past.

Have you mourned? It is not dead. Kill it yourself, if you must. If that will make you happy.

But what if it cannot die?

When does salvation turn from mercy to murder?

One day, you'll wake up. Dreaming an endless dream… or, run away. Run far, far away. Run ever so far down an endless road. Delay it as long as you must, no matter how impossible it may seem.

When you reach the end of that dream…

…you will find that nothing has changed at all.

How could you possibly forget?

You will always be-


Present Day, Just Before Noon

City Outskirts

Kingdom of Ingrassia

"Sensei… are you really leaving already?"

"Haaaah…" Rimuru sighs with a smile, avoiding the teary-eyed gazes of his students. Besides him, Mary is the opposite. Bright and alert.

She is ready to return home. No doubt, her progress the other day has bolstered her confidence. Rimuru can literally feel the difference in her energy. It ebbs and flows, sure, but there is more presence to it. Rather than a pool to be pulled from, Mary herself is now awash with long-since limited power.

The same power, just more effectively utilized. Tanya will be proud.

Combining this with her forever honing of blade arts and her natural physical prowess… it is no surprise that she is excited to show off her progress, both to Tanya, Hakurou, and anyone else who might be interested.

Competence is like a drug.

Rimuru rather feels his human companion will soon reach an entire new echelon, an order of magnitude beyond her previous self. She's already taken several steps forward. But even more will come after further refinement to her Skills and magic.

He wonders, for a moment, if she has already reached Benimaru… or surpassed him.

Something the Kijin will no doubt enjoy finding out himself. Perhaps the two can begin a rivalry of sorts and push themselves to even greater heights. Rimuru makes a mental note.

Eh, something to consider later.

They'd find out soon enough.

For right now… alright. No reason not to.


"Fine, fine." Rimuru plucks his mask, Shizu's mask, from the side of his head. It had been invaluable during this trip, covering up his aura whilst out and about. But, well, he didn't really need it anymore. "Here you go."

Not this version, at least.

He places the mask atop Chloe's head.

"Hah?!" Alice seems to take offence at this. "Wait, Sensei! I wanted that!!!"

"Too bad." Chloe smiles, taking the mask off and holding in her arms. "He gave it to me."

"Rimuru gave everyone else gifts too." Mary decides to step in, flicking Alice's forehead. Probably unnecessary, but Alice's dolls had annoyed her one too many times during their weekly 'kids vs Mary' duels. "Shuna added those laces just for you. Don't be ungrateful."

"Ow…" Alice steps back, rubbing her forehead. As kids do, however, she perks up near instantly. "Yeah, you're right, aren't you! Heheh."

Rimuru looks away, trying not to laugh.

Yeah, good save there, Shuna.

"Alright, listen up!" Rimuru claps his hands. The kids settle, all five quickly looking his way with wide eyes. "Make sure to be good students! Work hard and make me proud! And, you know…" He looks to the left and right, then leans in. "If your class graduates at the top of the academy, you can come visit Tempest whenever you like."

"Or during the holidays." Mary adds.

"You're just saying that so you can fight us again." Kentaro points out.

"I'd be an idiot to turn down a free victory."

Alice pouts. "You only say that because we're kids."

Mary disagrees. "No way. I'm an equal opportunity ass kicker."

"O-kay!" Rimuru pulls Mary away, waving over his shoulder. "That's all from us! Take care, and see you later!"


The walk is not silent for very long.

"Huh. That was a bit abrupt, don't you think?"

Rimuru shakes his head. "Nah. Longer goodbyes make it harder to leave."

"Hm. I guess that makes sense." Mary nods, then looks back forward.

The path leading from Ingrassia is well trodden dirt. On either side, grassy knolls roll and roam, interspersed with trees and rocks. Currently, their trek turns away from the path, and the duo trudge up a larger hill than the others. At the top, and hidden from view of the nation, is a disguised warp circle.

It is the same circle they used to travel to Ulgrasia, fitted into a specific location with a keystone buried several feet under the dirt.

Rimuru technically doesn't need it. He can use warp magic alone, as long as there is a physically established warp point at his destination. Such locations include the warp circle outside the Dwelling of Spirits, the warp pad inside Tempest's plaza, and the warp pad near Veldora's former cave.

But, with Mary here, individual warping will not suffice. It is an unfortunate fact that, even though the flow of her magic has improved, the volatility of its motion is tied directly to her soul. It is an intrinsic trait, and barring a state of being that surpasses all human emotion, it will always be this way.

Luckily, this is of no great concern. It just means they need to use a warp that is a bit more grounded in physical reality. It's like… Wi-Fi versus a hotspot. The hotspot works well, certainly, but Wi-Fi will generally be more consistent and allow more robust connections.

Before long, they reach the top of the hill, then begin travelling down its back. It is there, at the bottom, that the warp circle flashes into sight.

"It'll be nice to sleep in your own bed again, won't it?" Rimuru poses the questions as they step inside the circle. "Months away from home, that's not easy on anyone."

"I never had much of a home once I hit my teens. Honestly, you get used to it." Mary shrugs, then points at him. "And what do you get off saying 'months away from home'. You visited Tempest! Multiple times! And left me stuck here, babysitting!"

"Hey, wait wait wait. You chose to stay behind, didn't you!" It's not a question, but an accusation. Rimuru points right back. "What was it? 'I can't face her just yet'."

It is a surprisingly good impression. Mary is almost impressed.

"Why are you complaining to me! Be annoyed with yourself!"

"That's-!" Mary's cheeks warm, and she looks away. "That's not the point! It's the princess- the principle of the matter! That one!"

"The principle of what matter- !!!"

Mary and Rimuru freeze. Beneath them, the warp circle blinks once, twice, then fades away.

What? Rimuru looks down at the magicless ground. I tried to activate it to cut her off, but… it didn't work?

Notice: You are currently inside a wide-range magic barrier. Abilities that involve the space outside the barrier will not activate.

"A magic…?"


"Mary?" Rimuru turns, just in time to see Mary clutch at her head.

"There's a barrier up." She says, grimacing. Her eyes are neon green- no, they're neon one moment, then dark the next. Flickering on and off. "Something about it is familiar... but not really. It feels like-"


Great Sage?

It is not the use of spatial abilities affected. It is a side effect of a greater effect. Rather, within this field, the use of Skills is sealed.

"-Skills are restricted here." Mary finishes, mirroring Great Sage's analysis.

A burst of shadow near their feet interrupts any response Rimuru might have had.

"Lord Rimuru!!"

"Souei?!" Rimuru and Mary exclaim in unison.

"Blood- you're, Souei, what happened?!" Rimuru moves to kneel at Souei's side, who holds up a hand, stopping him.

"This is just a Body Double. Listen! Lord Rimuru, Mary, you must get away from here!" His form rapidly deteriorates, swathes of magicules sloughing off and drifting away on the breeze. "A great enemy is near! Greater than any before! You must run away-!"

And the Body Double is gone. Rimuru remains frozen for a mere instant, hands half outstretched to the now empty patch of grass.

What? What just happened? A great enemy?



Mary's voice grounds him. He looks up.

She had moved to Not-Souei's side as well, though had not knelt. Her attention was drawn elsewhere before such a thing could occur. Her hand has moved to her sheathed katana, and the line of her body is tense.

Rimuru follows her gaze.

And feels a wave of emotion directed at him that is utterly unfamiliar, even from the Destroyer.

"Rimuru." Mary mutters under her breath, just loud enough for him to barely hear. "She's the source of the barriers. Both."

Two barriers… Now that he feels for, yeah, there are two. No, I almost understand it. But seriously, what is going on here?


"Can I help you, Miss?" Rimuru smiles, feigning at polite. "My name is Rimuru, an adventurer, and this is my friend Mary, of the same profession. Might you have mistaken me for someone?"

Mary makes no such effort, remaining silent and glaring.

"There's no need to play dumb, Rimuru Tempest. Your friend seems to have the right idea." The woman spares an uncaring look for Mary, then Rimuru. "Not that it will matter."

It is clearly dismissive, and that angers the both of them.

Rimuru hides it better, though he still grimaces. "Alright… I'll bite. What's your purpose here, Chief Knight of the Western Saints Church Imperial Guard? Or Hinata Sakaguchi of the Ten Saints, if you prefer."

"A Saint…?" Mary whispers to herself. Rimuru glances at her, then forward.

Hinata smiles at him. It is not a nice smile.

"How perceptive of you. Very well." Hinata hold her sheathed sword, multicolored light shining from within. "Rimuru Tempest, leader of the Jura Tempest Federation. A slime that somehow grew sentience and garnered a great number of underlings and land within the Storm Dragon's territory. You and your nation of monsters, it's stepped outside its bounds. So, we've decided to destroy it. Which means you won't be going home anytime soon."

Can we get away? Ranga. Ranga, you there?

Notice: Within the shadows, Ranga cannot respond due to the spatial complications enacted by the Skill-sealing barrier.

Thanks for the thorough answer! We need to- I don't know, but let's at least-

"You're with the Church, huh?"

Rimuru, who had been about to say something, pauses. He looks to the side.

"Mary, what are you…?"

Mary steps forward, half in front of Rimuru.

"Hinata Sakaguchi. I've definitely heard of you before." She smiles. It is not nice either. "It's like a mirror, huh? Now I get it. She always pitied me, I guess."

"You are…" Hinata raises an eyebrow, peering at her counterpart through a gaze narrowed by pretty eyelashes.

Yet, she will not meet Mary's eyes, her gaze locking back on Rimuru.

"…right, Mary Sue, was it? The human tagalong. Bodyguard, or an extra bag carrier?"

"I also juggle."

Rimuru cannot help but stare at her back incredulously.

You do not fucking juggle.

"Cute." Hinata smiles, and there's actually a hint of humor in her expression. It disappears just as soon as it arrives. "I've decided. Human girl."

"I am 21 years old."

"Enjoy this mercy of mine." Hinata waves a hand, still looking over Mary's shoulder. "You can leave. Even if our ideals are opposite, I won't cut you down without good reason."

Mary's jaw tightens. "Yeah, that's not happening."

"You don't want to fight me, I assure you." Hinata glances at her once, then looks away. She is dismissing her outright. That's what this is. "Do not take this decision lightly; win or lose, it will make your life very difficult."

"Now I'm curious. I wonder what having a difficult life would be like." Mary scoffs, letting her irritation flare openly. "Give me a break. Run? I'm not running. I'm not fucking leaving. Bring up your sword, Hinata Sakaguchi, and look at me."

"You would die for him?" Any mercy or cooperative spirit is entirely gone. Hinata's voice is cold. Yet, she leaves her blade in its sheath. "Understand that there are no other outcomes. You will put your life on the line for an afront to the God Luminous. You would stand against your fellow humans for that thing's sake?"

At this, she gestures at Rimuru. And for the moment, it seems as though Hinata's focus is finally on Mary. But all Hinata really does is glance at Mary's sheathed katana, then back over her shoulder.

Locking eyes with Rimuru Tempest. Addressing him and his "tagalong".

Here is the truth: Hinata Sakaguchi does not believe her to be a threat. She does not believe either of them as such. Rimuru may be her primary objective, but it's clear how much presence of mind she gives to his strength.

That is, very little.

And Mary, who is essentially an "extra" in the confrontation, garners even less of a response. Rather than giving Mary attention as a rightful combatant, she is looking around Mary, like she's a temporary obstacle. One easily surmounted.

She likely thinks this. Logically, of course, Hinata is in the right to think this.

"Even if Rimuru wasn't my friend, I think I have to kick your ass on principle." Mary draws Mamoru free, her fingers white knuckled along the leather. And though she runs no power through it yet, it practically glows on reveal. Its purpose is being served. "God Luminous, huh? Who's that?"

"The God Luminous, our-"

"Don't care."

Hinata's cheek twitches.

Mary… Rimuru winces, as the aura of maliciousness from earlier triples in intensity. It's clear what she's doing, but that doesn't mean he has to like it. Still, his hand inches behind his back, slowly closing around the handle of his own katana.

Yet, his hand… it shakes, for a moment.

These barriers…

Between the two of them, it's obvious who should step forward.

Great Sage, what can you give me?

Approximately one minute.

Don't know if you'll get that long.


"Struck a nerve, huh? Hey, you know that whole holy crusade thing?" Mary fakes another smile, but it dissolves. Her expression twists into a pained look, as fire scathes her lungs, and her heart pounds against her sternum. "You think you can just walk all over us because some God said so? Fuck that!!"

"…I'm not doing this just for the God Luminous' sake." Hinata glances at her, for the briefest window. Their eyes do not meet, still. It's getting pretty annoying.

"Huh?" Huh?

Mary and Rimuru say and think respectively.

"I'm more than willing to cooperate, even with monsters." Hinata closes her eyes. "But I'm afraid that knowing such a despicable creature is wearing the stolen face of my mentor… you'll forgive me for taking this a bit personal."

"If that's the case-" Rimuru tries to speak up, leaning to look around Mary's shoulder.

"Shut up." Hinata's eyes open, and she draws her sword. A wash of bloodlust fills the air. "I'm not interested in the words of monsters like you. Speak again and I'll cut you down immediately."

"You can try." Mary chimes in, a bead of sweat trickles along the back of her neck. She steps forward, forces herself to smile. "I won't let you."

It seems a physical confrontation is inevitable. Which is, uh, not good.

This is where Rimuru starts panicking a little on the inside.

Hey, Great Sage! Information please!

One moment.

"You're really going to attempt to stop me?"

"Yeah. If you're prepared to cut down one innocent life for your faith, then I'm willing to take in all that comes with saving him… and you, too."

We don't have any more moments-

Processing complete. There are two barriers encompassing a wide range. The first has been explained. The second is a type of Holy barrier, known as a Holy Field. Inside this barrier, magicules are purified. Lesser monsters would already be destroyed. Magic Sense is unavailable. Physical dependence for perception is necessary. Resistance of Skill seal possible.

Do it!

Confirmed. Skills... partially restored. Magic-based Skills remain unavailable. Internal magicules are stable, maintenance of bodily autonomy… confirmed. Report: much magical and aural energy is necessary to maintain function. Caution advised.

In other words, Rimuru wouldn't be able to move or fight like usual. With the body of a monster that is dependent on magicules for existence, just keeping themselves alive is all most monsters could do. Thanks to Great Sage, an above average magicule pool, and Rimuru's own interesting set of Skills, he could do a little more than just survive.

But against someone like Hinata Sakaguchi, that might as well be death.

Hinata is right to consider Rimuru alone an unworthy opponent. After stacking the deck so heavily in her own favor, it'd frankly be embarrassing to end this confrontation in any way other than absolute victory.

"Innocent? Saving?" It's enough to break Hinata's composure yet again, though only slightly. Her blank expression shifts, and the tip of her sword lowers slightly. "What do you-"


Then, what about our third participant?

Sparks dot the blue sky. A flurry of multicolored lights, aurora on steel.

Rimuru's eyes widen. He'd blinked, and thus nearly missed it.

"How unfair. I was speaking."

"Like you can talk about fairness here."

Hinata's and Mary's blades are locked. The latter had closed the distance in one- no, from the indents in the grass… two leaping steps. Faster than she'd ever moved before, or faster than Rimuru had ever seen, at least.

Despite the seeming ease with which Hinata's had blocked Mary's sudden strike, Mary could see it close up. Hinata's eyes had widened, for the briefest second, and her hand had been forced back the most minute amount.

Mary grins, face to face with an old mirror.

Hinata frowns.

Then, they duel.

It is a song of steel. Neon green slashes a horizontal arc. A rainbow of powers cuts up, sending it sparking back. They move too quickly for the ordinary eye, and though it is only a few seconds, numerous flurries occur. Neither has the upper hand.

Mary slashes down. Hinata deflects, and stabs. Mary sidesteps, cutting horizontally at Hinata's side. Hinata steps away, and the dance continues.

Hinata is the better swordman, by experience. She is gifted with the blade, and worked hard to master its delivery of death until her ability was said to resemble even the Oni Swordsmaster.

Mary brings Mamoru up in a sideways high guard, blocking a crushing blow that would shake any else's arms to the bone. She merely shoves it away and brings Mamoru down in a diagonal arc.

Hinata, just as effortlessly as she'd swung, pulls her arm down, bringing her blade with it. They lock blades, then shove away.

Mary is still getting stronger. She is not merely gifted but is instead prodigious. Further, she learns not just from listening, but from sight, smell, pain, and more. Each lesson is ingrained into her body intentionally, and subconsciously.

They come together again and again. It must be a dance, for their blades sing and their footwork swirls in a rhythm.

Stab. Deflect. Slash. Deflect. Cut. Sidestep. Thrust. Dodge.

Then, together.


Hinata backsteps, then springs forward with a thrust.

Mary does not meet it, like before. She ducks inside the blow, gaining a gash across her cheek. But her left hand leaves her sword, and rises, her arm trapping Hinata's hand and sword handle inside her elbow.

She tries to stab forward, only for Hinata's gloved fist to slam her cheek. Dazed, Mary is forced to let go and leap back, avoiding Hinata's attempt at ensnaring her own sword arm.

They separate and pause, for a moment.

Mary's body pulses.

These barriers… they are minimal. The lack of magic limits her from elemental attacks – so just fuck her entire Modified Style, basically – but against a human foe, this is a minor issue. Steel will cut just as well as wind.

Additionally, only her external magical functions have been affected. The Holy Field cannot reach within Mary Sue's body; thus, the magicules inside her are untouched. The Skill seal is in effect, yes, but the very nature of Mary's Unique power resists it. And her Intrinsic abilities are entirely unaffected.

Hinata looks… almost surprised, for some reason. She is no worse off, physically. No stray cuts, no damaged skin. Her hair is barely ruffled. But, there is one thing…

The tip of her pointed collar. A piece of it flutters away on the breeze.

Mary is not breathing hard either, but she is clearly worse for wear, bleeding on one cheek and sporting a future bruise on the other. She is easily worse off from this confrontation.

Yet, she's smiling.

"Hah… you finally looked me in the eyes, you damn Saint."

It's been a long time since she felt this alive. Competence is a drug in its own right, and power the same. For the first time in a long time, her strength feels real.

It feels like it matters.

"Tch." Hinata plants the tip of her sword in the grass and points her off hand at the duo. This matchup is much fairer than Hinata vs Rimuru. And everyone knows it. "Heed my call…"

"Fucking-!" Mary charges, her eyes flickering neon. If she can just-

But Ability Severance does not work as intended. It may be able to resist the Skill seal, but Mary does not have the benefit of Great Sage to back it up. So, when she activates Ability Severance and imbues its power into her vision...

"…Elemental Spirits: Undine!"

Hinata is successful. Over her shoulders, five spots of light burn into existence. Spirits, and spirit magic, unaffected by either barrier.

Right, that's always been its weakness. Severing the connection is so much more difficult by sight alone. And in this situation-

Mary slashes an arc, only for Hinata to deflect her. Like swatting a fly.

Without even looking at her.


Mary does not get a follow up attack. Her senses flare, angrily, desperately.

Instinctively, she ducks, a glowing fist rocking the air above her. Then, she dives backward, rolls into a crouch. On the balls of her feet, she spins, neon green magisteel carving a protective path all around her.

By the time she gathers her bearings, standing and surveying the situation, Mary is surrounded. Under attack on all sides.

And worse, Hinata is gone.


Rimuru is in trouble.

Mary knows that.

"Fucking fuck!!"

But she cannot help him, as much as she wants to.

It is a relentless assault. Mary runs, and deflects, and ducks and weaves… but she is fighting five opponents. Five Spirits, no less, each one representing an element.

Just a fucking fantastic situation to be in, considering her Modified Style is useless without magicules.

Mary slices the tail off the water Undine and tries to stab through its chest. Only for a blast of fire to force her to dodge at the last moment. Then a razor-sharp whirlwind, and a chunk of rock, and…

Note to self. Learn how to use Battlewill.

All those months ago, she'd sort of jumped right into the magic part of things, after relearning how to use it. And what with her naturally unnatural power, speed, you've heard it before… well, she'd never needed aura.

It would have been incredibly helpful for this exact moment, all things considered. Hakurou can punch someone in the gut and give them damage all the way up their torso. Shion can send a literal gash of air with a swing of her Hercules blade.

Tanya... also doesn't use aura, actually.

Bad example.

Just another thing I have to learn.

Goddamn this is tiring. The fight, yes, but the experience itself. Progress is so easy when you're not in control; it's literally someone else's problem. Worse, she can't exactly blame someone else for her mistakes now.

With autonomy comes responsibility.

Gah! I don't have time for this!

Her eyes flash neon, on reflex. Nothing happens.

Mary runs along the grass, trailed by the mentally dubbed Assholes 1 through 5. Up a hill, she catches a glimpse Hinata and Rimuru exchanging blows.

Well, it's more like Hinata is attacking, and Rimuru is running. His scarf is missing, and there are tears all along his jacket. This is worrying for several reasons, most of which being that it's only been about a minute since everything went to shit.

A plan. A plan. I need to deal with this. I need to-

She stops on a dime, carving a trail in the dirt, and leaps, grabbing the closest Asshole around the neck. She'd been outpacing them, rather easily actually, but this one had been nagging her especially. And it would pay for pulling ahead of the pack.

Asshole 5, also known as the Space Elemental, does not take kindly to this. But it doesn't have much of a choice, as Mary wrangles it to the ground and sticks her boot on its back, Mamoru raised high.

Her eyes flare neon once more, and this time her blade glows to match.

Just then, a ring of dark blue and black swirls around her and her captive. A sound like a glitch in space-time rips through her ears.

Mary hunches over, her body thrice as heavy.

No, not just that. It's like the air itself is heavier. It's like, in this area, gravity has increased three times over. Or maybe four times over, who's counting?

Mary forces her head up, her whole body shuddering from the effort.

Assholes 1 through 4 are almost here. There's a fireball forming, she can see, and more wind blades, spires of rock, mini waterspouts…

I can take those. I can deal with the pain.

Mary gathers her resolve. Her hands tremble, so she squeezes them tighter around Mamoru's handle. The Space Elemental underneath her boot renews its struggle, to no avail.

I'll kill you first-!

Mamoru's blade shines-

Gravity shifts, from vertical to horizontal. At the last second, Mary is thrown backwards and sent tumbling down the hill.

"Fucking bullshit!!!" She yells, rolling out of sight.

On top of the hill, the Space Elemental heaves a sigh of relief. Only for its companions' attacks to hit it all at once. They do little damage, of course, but it is an insult to the near-injury.

Mary, unfortunately, does not see this. It would have made her day remarkably better.

If I could just stop them! Like usual! I could see it the whole time!!

Mary rolls one more time, then plants her boots in the dirt, coming to a harsh stop.

Without aura or magic, only cutting them works. But not even that, unless I use Severance. Usually, I could just look at them and be fine, but under these barriers… then, Mamoru. Mamoru works. Just imbue it in Mamoru- huh? No, t hat's right. With Mamoru and Severance… hold on. The vision part, right, that's always been this Skill's weakness. I should be able to fight much better than this, but Severing is so much more difficult by sight alone. It's always worked better-

Mary's brow furrows.

-when I spread the power Ability Severance over Mamoru. Like I thought. But, no, it's not just that! Back in Xerxes. With magic and my fist, I used Severance there, didn't I? Together? On accident, but still, isn't that-

-exactly what she does when using Ability Sight. By filling her eyes with Ability Severance's power, Mary can see the connections between ability and owner. By applying her willpower in addition, she can weaken or outright cut off a being's ability from distance. From sight alone.

But there is a backlash to this. And it is limited both in number and strength. Further, within this Skill sealing barrier, extending it into line of vision is functionally impossible.

Then… don't do that.

External magic is limited thanks to the Holy Field, but Mary's internal magicules are unaffected. Thus, her enhancements and reinforcements remain. The external may not function, but the internal works just fine.

In the same situation with her Unique Skill… logically, then should she not just apply the power of Ability Severance elsewhere?

It may be repetitive to say again, but think about it. When the Skill's power is applied to the eyes, Mary is able to See the lines that connected ability, energy, and power source. Thus, with enough mental effort, her line of sight becomes a weapon through which the aspect of "Severance" may occur.

When applied to her blade, the effect is more direct, poignant. Direct contact empowers force of will, and a blade is designed to cut. There is no greater willpower in an ordinary sword than to cut.

Then, if she applies Ability Severance to her fists... no, not just to her fists. She'd made that mistake once. Instead, she should apply its power across her entire body.

It's the same concept as before.

She's already done it once, so-


A faint glow encompasses her.


Her senses open up, beyond. It feels like… it reminds her of Magic Sense, almost. She can feel the world around her. It is like her entire being is tuned onto another level entirely.

At the same time… another feeling opens itself up to her. Like a lock, clicking open somewhere in her gut. Through Ability Sight, Mary has observed a great number of powers and Skills. Enough to remember some, recognize others.

Everything has its own frequency, flow, style. By observing these, Mary is able to snap the connection between ability and ability-user. Seeing them and cutting them is enough for this, usually.

But to understand them? Sight alone isn't enough, generally, because it is only one aspect of an ability. What is the logical next step, then?

By becoming familiar with a great number of abilities through the full extent of Ability Severance, by learning not just the look but the feel, the composition of power… if she memorizes these, consciously and subconsciously, with a Skill that allows her to interact with abilities on a foundational level…

Ah. One thing at a time, huh?

Mary looks up, as Hinata's Elemental Spirits descend on her once more. This time, her power flares neon not just from her eyes, but from across her body.

That's fine. I don't need it for you.


Rimuru clutches his chest, one eye half closed.

Pain is unfamiliar, after so long. And Hinata's Dead End Rainbow hurts.

Warning: Confirming direct damage to the Soul. Be advised. One more strike will kill you.

Yeah, thanks.

"It seems you're fully aware now." Hinata points her blade at him casually. "Yes, just one more should do it."

Ifrit couldn't help. My sword skills aren't enough to keep her away. And even then, just a lucky hit would be enough… and she's not even trying. That's the worst part.

"If you would just hear me out!"

"I don't need to. No matter what excuse you come up with, the fact doesn't change that you killed Shizu-sensei."

"Like I said, you're not listening-"

"Enough talking. You're just wasting air." Hinata pauses. "Do you even breathe? No matter. I honestly mind dragging this out a little. If you take too long, you know, you'll have no way to return home. Or perhaps even a home at all. Not that I'll let you leave here anyway."

Great Sage.

Confirmed. Readying Skill deployment.

Rimuru grits his teeth, then suddenly grins. "I think it's a bit soon to declare your own victory."

"Oh?" Hinata's blade glints dangerously. "For you to say that, in this situation, it's a bit- !!!"

Her eyes widen, and her sword flashes, cutting up on her right side.

Just in time to catch the neon green blade of another sword.

The earth cracks and the air shakes. Hinata has just enough time to look surprised.

"Rimuru!" Mary forces Hinata's blade up, and before she can recover, kicks out. "Run!"

Hinata goes flying, and Mary follows after.

Rimuru doesn't hesitate.

Great Sage, stop Gluttony, and start a recovery process. Quickly!


Hold on Mary. Hold on for just a little bit. If anyone can... wait, run?

He turns, expecting to face whatever remains of Hinata's Elementals. It would be a quick affair, a breather really, and then-

But there is nothing to greet him. Nothing remains of them.

"Huh?" Rimuru blinks.


Something Hinata had failed to realize – though realistically, she could never have known – was that of all beings on this continent, her current opponent is one of those most likely to flip the odds.

Fate is a farce, but there's something to be said about Mary Sue's propensity for doing what she shouldn't. That, and her habit of doing anything to win, no matter the cost.

Such as, say, detonating every single speck of Being X's mana within her body in a last ditch, ultimately successful attempt at killing her then mortal enemy, Tanya von Degurechaff.

Realistically, she never should have won then. Or now.

1 thousand to 1 odds. 1 million to 1 odds. Unimaginable.

Mary thinks of it differently.

I mean, really, it's 50/50, isn't it?

Either she loses, and dies, or...


The wind whistles as it whips out of the way.

Begin. Quicken. Faster, faster. Clash, again and again.

Hinata darts back, and Mary follows, blood in the water. Their figures crash together, pull apart, and crash again.

Unlike Rimuru, Mary's is physically unhindered by the barrier and Holy Field. Unlike Rimuru, her bladework is that of a prodigy. It is obvious who should be fighting right now.

Still, Hinata is matching her blow for blow.

Steels ringing out on steel, sparking shears of sound and displaced air.

Hinata thrusts, then pulls back and thrusts again. Her blade is invisible to the naked eye, so quick, yet Mary sees it and dodges once, twice.

But Hinata wanted this. Mary dodges exactly where she wants, and Hinata thrusts again, even faster than before. Mary is standing awkwardly, almost falling. No way to sidestep or duck this one.

So, she falls.

In the space between the decimals of a microsecond, she falls backwards, with her katana flipping underhanded. Hinata's thrust spears the air above them.

Not quite an overextension. But near enough to one.

Mary's free hand hits the ground, palm flattening the grass, her body floating parallel. Then, she wraps their legs around Hinata's extended arm.

Now with leverage, she twists her torso, flinging Hinata across the grass.

Mary pushes off the ground, deftly leaping to her feet. Mamoru is flipped around, to a one-hand, overhand grip, and she turns, ready for the next round.

"You weren't moving like that before. That's a dangerous style." Hinata approaches, as perfectly composed as ever. "You could have run away yourself. You've had every opportunity to run."

Though, there are a few errant blades of grass in her hair, and the white of her coat if stained green in spots.

"I told you already."

"You're not leaving."

Mary shakes her head in the negative. Hinata sighs.

"You're throwing your life away. Such potential, wasted. To save a monster."

"Not just him. But yeah, you aren't killing Rimuru."

"Hm." Hinata begins circling. Mary matches her, circling in the other direction. "Why do you protect him so?"

"He's my friend."

"Friends don't just die for each other."

"You've got some shitty friends." Mary shakes her head. "You don't get it. You should get it, but you don't. When my… other friend and I arrived here, Rimuru gave us a place to stay without even thinking about it. Everything we needed, and he and Tempest just handed it over without a second thought. A comfy home, regular meals, well-paying careers… after everything we'd been through, Tempest, Rimuru, it's like a dream."

Hinata stops. Mary stops as well.

After a moment, she notices just how tightly Hinata is clutching the handle of Dead End Rainbow.

"You can't stop what's coming." She finally says, loosening her grip. "This is inevitable."

"I was hoping you would listen, since we're fellow humans and all." Mary frowns, sheathing Mamoru and lowering her stance. One of Hakurou's favorite starting positions in combat. "But then again, I never did either."

"Enough." A muscle in Hinata's jaw twitches. "Talking."

"Yeah, enough." Mary meets her gaze, and Hinata is made aware of the fury burning within. "I've had enough too."

If it were Rimuru, Hinata would snark something back. Something like, "You're so confident now? Do you think you can win?"

But against Mary, right here and now, she remains silent.

Something about this other woman gets right under her skin.

"…I'm willing to take in all that comes with saving him… and you, too."

A single moment of real effort. One fatal strike from Dead End Rainbow.

Hinata breathes in deep, and holds it tight. She stretches out her arm, holding Dead End Rainbow out to the side and parallel with the ground.



Hinata breathes out.

"G- ah?!" Mary gasps, hands shooting to her stomach.

She hadn't even drawn her blade. Hinata had disappeared, moving so quickly that-

That she ran Mary through the gut with Dead End Rainbow, before anyone else could feasibly react. The razor-sharp tip pierces out her back, as well, a trickle of dark liquid glinting along it's multicolored aura.

"It's over now."

"Ah- I-"

"You fought well, even if you never should have fought." Hinata leans down, one hand resting on Mary's shoulder. Her frown deepens. "But why would you do this? Give me a real answer."

"I… told you already…"

Her expression is pained. She looks like she wants to puke. Hinata doesn't blame her. Anyone would be hard pressed to ignore a sword through the lower torso.

"It just doesn't make sense, is all." Hinata moves to pull her sword free. "For Rimuru Tempest? A murderer?"

"I-" Mary's hand clamps down on Hinata's wrist, just as she begins pulling.


"-was waiting for this."

Hinata blinks, then registers the statement fully. Alarm shoots through her.

What the-?

Now that she's looking, she sees it.

That neon glow from earlier, that was this woman's Unique Skill? It shone along her blade, and earlier it had danced sparks across her eyes and cheeks.

But now, it is-

Hinata finally tries to pull away, only for Mary's other hand shoots up, snatching the front of her breastplate.

Hinata's eyes widen. It is the pure disbelief that gets her here, really.

That glow, it's inside-!

Mary reels her head back. Then, yanking Hinata at the same time, she slams it forward, her forehead smashing into Hinata's nose with enough force to form a shockwave.

Hinata can physically feel her nose break, just as she can metaphorically feel her brain rattle around in her skull.

That- actually hurt!

Mary's grip tightens, and Hinata tries to focus out of her daze. Her free hand latches back on Mary's shoulder, and her muscles tense.

If another one of those headbutts is coming, she needs to-

Mary slumps, her head dropping and her shoulders shaking. Hinata freezes.

"What are you…?"

"I won't… let you."

"Let me?" Hinata stares incredulously, one eye half shut and blood trailing over her lip.

"I won't… let you take him. I won't let you… ruin… everything."

I don't understand.

Hinata stares down at her gutted foe.

A dark crimson is slowly leeching into this woman's, into Mary Sue's white undershirt. But still, she does not let go. It seems she will hold on until she bleeds out, and even after, if that's what it takes.

I don't understand. Why are you this concerned? You would die? For him? For that monster? Why would a human like you… like me? You want to save him so badly… and me, too? Why? I don't need saving. I don't get what you're-

Hinata looks up, and sees Rimuru.

His face is… distraught. His hand is outstretched, as if to intervene but without knowing how. His eyes are wide. He looks afraid.

But at no point had he been afraid of her. So where does this fear-?

It's for this woman. Mary.

"You can't take away him too-!" Mary's grip tightens, and the glow inside and around her burns. "RIMURU, RUN AWAY ALREADY!!!"

Hinata wakes up. Summoning her strength, she rips her arms free, and Dead End Rainbow as well. She backsteps, far more gracefully than Mary's own backwards stumble, and catches her breath, blade raised high.

Was that- you'd sacrifice everything? Hinata lowers her blood-soaked blade, staring down at the tainted metal. Just to let him run, you'd- you would- you don't make any sense. None of that makes sense!

Mary sways, her stomach wound horrifically worse now that Hinata's blade no longer stoppers it. Then, she falls to one knee.

Hinata merely watches, still in barely hidden shock.

Rimuru watches no longer.


"Rimuru…" Mary collapses. Her face is pale, her throat drier than ever before. She can feel her fingertips cool, and honestly, it's a bit worrisome. Not that she's in any position to worry right now, given she's about to pass out from blood loss and all.

Rimuru rushes to her side, anxiously, carefully turning her over.

"Shit, shit, shit! What the hell were you thinking!?" The slime's hand swirls and turns blue. After a moment, an elastic sphere thing is sitting in his palm. A Full Potion dose, directly from the creator himself.

"Why are you still here…?"

"Shut up!" Without waiting, he shoves the potion against the hole in her gut. "If you don't want me dying, then realize it goes both ways! Idiot!!"

Mary sighs with relief and irritation, color returning to her cheeks. Her stomach still hurts, though, as flesh knits itself together in a millisecond. Then, she freezes.


"Huh?" Rimuru looks up, then goes cross-eyed.

The tip of Dead End Rainbow sits a hair's width away from his nose.

No one moves. No one even breathes.

"…Hinata." Rimuru slowly raises his hands in surrender, as if that would make the situation better. "…are you sure we can't talk about this?"

Hinata remains silent. Staring. Calculating. Judging.

Her gaze flickers over. To Mary. Then back to Rimuru.

You could cut the tension with a spoon, much less Dead End Rainbow or Mamoru.

A breeze trails by, ruffling everyone's hair. 

"Hmph." Hinata spins on her heel. Sheathing Dead End Rainbow at her side, she walks away.

"I- what?" Rimuru stares. "Hey, hold on! What happened to-"

"Rimuru," Mary winces, sitting up, "Shut the fuck up-"

"Two months."

The two Tempest natives go quiet.

"I'll arrive at Tempest in two months." Hinata pauses in her step, then glances back. "Assuming there's anything left. Show me that you're worth keeping alive for humanity's sake."

Then, she continues walking away.

Rimuru and Mary watch her go, for a few precious seconds.

Notice: Skill seal, no longer in effect. Holy Field, no longer in effect. All functions restored.

That's… great.

"Hey, Mary…" Rimuru is quiet. Not looking at her.

She gets the feeling he's sad about something. "Uh?"

Rimuru frowns, then shakes his head. "No, we'll talk later. We'll talk with Tanya, okay? But now's not the time. We need to go, like right now."

"I- right. Right." With Rimuru's help, Mary shakily gets to her feet. "Take it away."

They rush to the warp pad as quickly as they can, Rimuru half supporting Mary's weight until she gets her feet back under her.

Mary pushes away the pain for a moment, shakes herself internally, and tries to ignore the crushing weight of, of... she doesn't even know. A sinking feeling.

They stopped – escaped, her mind helpfully provides – Hinata, but something bigger is happening. Something at home. She shouldn't be worried. Tempest has Tanya. If Tanya is there, everything should be just fine.


Right. Home.

They're on the warp circle.

"Let's go!" Rimuru's hands cross over his chest. Below them, thaumaturgic symbols swarm and glow a deep blue. Mary puts a hand on his shoulder, steadying herself for the ride.



Known Skills List


Common Skill: Thought Communication

Extra Skill: Flames of Babylon

Extra Skill: Magic Sense

Extra Skill: Magic Aura

Extra Skill: Voice of the World Communication

Unique Skill: Tetra Breaker


Common Skill: Thought Communication

Extra Skill: Magic Sense

Extra Skill: Magic Aura

Extra/Intrinsic Skill: Physical Enhancement

Unique Skill: Ability Severance


This ending is a lot changed than my original image of it, but that original image was basically the exact same as the animanga except with Mary in there too. So, this is different, and I'm happy for it.

If anyone's got like, Norwegian curses I can replace some of Mary's "fuck" dialogue with, that's something I'd go back and edit in later. Either way, see you next time with "Moving Toward That Future".