Chereads / Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 485 - 105

Chapter 485 - 105

Chapter 105: Epilogue


Here we are, at long last. The end of the line.

I still can't believe I managed to do it.

When I started writing two years ago, I was in a really bad place. Covid was rampant, I was disowned, attempting to raise a baby as a single father, and stuck doing a job that I at the time loathed. My depression was quite understandably in overdrive at the time.

Alice was the one whom told me to start writing, as she said that it would help me find a more healthy outlet for my depression.

And it actually worked. I got better overall, and managed to turn my life around despite everything.

I hate unfinished fanfics, so when I started writing, I swore to myself that I would finish any work I wrote, come hell or high water.

So many times, I was just tempted to forget about it. Just let it go and abandon the story. But I persevered. I powered through them all.

I just want to give thanks to everyone whom has read my work and supported me through this whole way. I literally would not have been able to cross the finish line without your help.

In fact, I attribute my success IRL to your support as well. It really heartened me to know that somewhere out there, people were cheering me on, even if I couldn't see them.

So thanks everyone!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"When I grow up, I wanna rule the world!"

-My Daughter

116 AC, King's Landing

The bridge was incomplete, so we flew across the river instead.

A massive construction, the Conquerers' Bridge would be a towering structure higher even than the Long Bridge of Volantis or the soon-to-be finished Stepstones Bridges.

Spanning the river mouth of the Blackwater Rush, the Conquerors' Bridge would be two kilometres long, and boast three massive statues the size of the Lady Liberty herself.

The first, carved from the cliffs on the side of Aegon's High Hill, would be a statue of Queen Visenya.

On the other side, built atop the bluffs rising out of the Blackwater would be a statue of Queen Rhaenys.

And in the middle, rising up from the depths of the Blackwater Rush, would be a grand statue of their husband, Aegon the Conquerer.

Once complete, the Conquerors' Bridge would run accross the shoulders of the three siblings, connecting the lower bailey of the Red Keep to the roof of the new government building on the other side of the Blackwater.

Fashioned out of the same red sandstone the Red Keep was built out of, this new building was no castle or fortress, but instead a sprawling complex inspired by a combination of an office building, Singapore's Parliament House and the Jedi Temple of Star Wars. While I'd initially wanted a modernist take on the building, I'd been voted down by most of the Small Council.

As such, the building was instead done up with a full neoclassical facade, with columnnades, grand statues of famous Westerosi heroes and gods and elaborate frescos. Over the next few years, every inch of the building's exterior would be carved and etched into by an army of stonemasons, turning the whole building into a work of art.

From afar, the building looked like a house, which was the reason for it's name.

The House of the Dragon.

As we landed on the House's rooftop landing pad, Royal Guards snapped to attention, forming an avenue of steel for us to walk down.

In their bright red armour sculpted like flames, they looked like a red carpet from above, I wryly noted as we strode past them.

Down into the bowels of the House we went, passing by the landmarks as we descended.

First up was the Looking Glass in the upper floors of the building, where Rhaegar and Daenys had constructed a true wonder of magic. Grand mirrors of obsidian rose from floor to ceiling, connected by twisted braids of half a dozen metals. Valyrian Glyphs, Runes of the First Men and even a few hymns to the Seven were carved into every inch of the walls and ceiling.

The Looking Glass was an expansion of glass candle sorcery. A hybrid of science and magic. With this technology, it was possible to scry across the Realm in a heartbeat, allowing for near-instant communication.

Next, we descended to the Senate Chambers. An airy hall with thrones placed against the wall, surrounding an empty stone floor.

And not just any thrones, these.

Under my orders, ten thrones had been dragged from every corner of the Realm. From the Dragonglass Throne in Dragonstone, to the Seastone Chair to the Winter Throne belonging to the Starks of Winterfell. One for each one of the Kingdoms I ruled over.

One vote for each of the nine Lord Paramounts or their appointed Senators, and two for the Vice-King or Queen sitting the Dragonglass Throne.

Below the Senate Chambers was a series of well-furnished offices and flats. While originally intended to serve as quarters for the Lord Paramounts— Or more likely, their appointed Senators— they were currently being occupied by the seven Justices of my newly-appointed Supreme Court.

They'd move out eventually, once their eventual grand courthouse was finished, but until that date, the Supreme Court would be working from the House of the Dragon.

Further and further down the House we went, until finally, we reached our destination. The Royal Guards saluted, and opened the great bronze doors for me.

And to thunderous applause, I walked down the aisle of the Great Council Chamber.

Like a high school auditorium, the Great Council Chambers were made up of a podium in the front, followed by rows of curved seats rising progressively higher.

There were one hundred Ministers of the Great Council, each one elected by their fellow lords to represent their respective kingdoms, but I'd insisted on the Great Council Chamber to be large enough to accommodate over a thousand people. And it certainly felt like the case, with the place being packed like sardines.

Hundreds had come today, and hundreds more were listening in via the glass candle network, my Looking Glass allowing men from all over the Realm to hear and see me, almost like a televised broadcast. 

All of them awaiting this momentous occasion, where I the King gave the first ever State of the Union speech.

I walked up to the podium, where I was received by the two highest-ranking members of the Royal Government.

Hand of the King Corlys Velaryon, Head of the Great Council. As part of my reforms and reshuffling of the Royal Government, I'd moved the Hand of the King from the Small Council to the Great. The position was now a democratically elected post akin to that of a Prime Minister.

Vice-King Shaeterys, Head of the Senate. After moving the Hand of the King out of the Small Council, I'd given most of the Hand's former duties to the Queen/Vice-King, buffing the role up to a position of equal importance as a Vice-President. As far as the Realm was concerned, Shaeterys spoke with authority second only to mine.

We shook hands briefly, then they both flanked me, as I took the podium.

I raised a hand, and the applause quieted.

"My loyal subjects,

Today marks a momentous occasion in the history of our realm. As we gather here, I stand before you not only as your King, but also as a witness to the birth of a new era – an era of Democracy. An era of Peace and Prosperity. Of Justice and Security. And most importantly, an era of Unity.

But before we speak of the future, let us speak of the past."

I drummed my fingers, and magic rippled out of me, forming a great illusion of Aegon the Conquerer behind me.

"Aegon the Conquerer was the one whom claimed six of the Seven Kingdoms under the banner of House Targaryen, and he chose to rule with respect.

Aenys the Weak squandered his father's gains, and in trying to appease everyone, appeased no one.

Maegor the Cruel was a tyrant like none other, and ruled through fear.

Jaehaerys the Wise was the one whom healed the Realm after Maegor's passing, and he made of Seven Kingdoms One. He ruled through wisdom and consensus, but he ultimately did not take that final step."

As I spoke, I cycled through each King, changing the hologram behind me as needed.

"A final step that I shall take.

This is no longer the bygone era of warlords and tyrants. No longer shall we be as primitive barbarians, ruling through might and the strongest hand."

A few murmurs, a hint of discontent.

They didn't like that, not exactly. Martial might and chivalry were prized qualities by the highborn. War was seen as something glorious, something which separated the wheat from the chaff, and ensured survival of the fittest.

"We are a civilised people. We are not children, we can make our own choices, decide our own fate.

Together, as one united people.

No longer shall the King rule with unchecked power from atop the Iron Throne. And while I shall retain veto power, from now onwards, any and all laws passed must come through you, the Royal Government. From Parliament and it's two Chambers of Power."

Now this got their attention. For all that they loved warmaking, the highborn also craved power. The power to influence Royal decisions and enact laws that favoured themselves.

"Every Kingdom and administrative region will now be assigned Ministers and votes in the Great Council, divided by population. This is to prevent tyranny by the minority. Elections shall be held once every four years, ensuring that the Ministers truly represent the will of you, the Lords of Westeros."

Applause now. They liked what they were hearing. I was carving out a truly massive chunk of royal authority, and disseminating it to them the nobility. It was an unprecedented rise in power.

They'd fight for it, fight tooth and nail to be appointed a Minister of Parliament, as I planned. They would spend so much capital, time and energy jockeying for the positions that they'd neglect their worldly duties.

And I'd take advantage of this lack of notice, slowly but surely chipping away at their private armies and household troops. Removing their abilities to hire sellswords or raise levies. It would be the effort of generations, but eventually the only army left in Westeros would be my Legions. Uncontested and unchallenged.

"There was some concern, I am aware, from the Lord Paramounts. You fear that given our new Parliament, you may be reduced to little more than firsts among equals by your bannermen. I have heard your concerns, and thus will address them. Each of the Lord Paramounts shall have their own votes in the Senate, to prevent tyranny of the majority. To be cast either by yourself or whomever you appoint Senator.

Only when both Chambers of Power are in concord, can legislation make it's way to my desk, to be signed into law."

The Senate was a compromise. A boon granted to the most powerful highborn in the Realm. Without assurances that they'd retain some measure of overlordship over their respective Kingdoms, not even my foremost loyalist Jeyne Arryn would have signed onto the reforms.

It would have been giving too much power away to the masses, that way. And without the support of the Lord Paramounts, my reforms would not even be worth the paper they were written on.

"And finally, as an additional check on the powers of the Royal Government, the Supreme Court, comprising of seven sworn Justices. They shall oversee the Judiciary, and ensure that Justice and Equality is upheld in every law and procedure in this country. And while I the King retain the right to nominate Justices, until they are confirmed by you the Parliament, they shall not ascend to the Supreme Court."

By far and away the most contentious decision I had to fight for in my establishment of the Royal Government, for the establishment of the Supreme Court also came with the abolishment of Trial by Combat. It took no shortage of political capital and goodwill, but I'd managed to ram the decision through by appealing to the more religious wing of the nobility.

Seven sworn Justices, each sitting in judgement over the most important matters of law. It harkened back to the oldest days of the Faith, predating even Trial by Combat or Trials of Seven—Back when Church and State were essentially the same thing—wherein seven sworn Septons of the Faith sat in judgement over the accused.

Currently, only one of my seven Justices was a sworn member of the Faith, but the parallels were there.

The High Septon and much of the clergy had blessed such a movement, and that had been the deciding factor.

I'd set the system up such that each of the Seven Justices could serve a maximum of fourteen years on the Supreme Court, before their term limit kicked in. I could nominate Justices, but until Parliament confirmed my nominee, they wouldn't be appointed. A simple majority in either the Senate or the Great Council was required to earn a seven-year tenure, with potential reelection down the line. Win both votes, and the Justice would get their two terms right off the bat.

My first Justices would be serving irregular tenures, for I wanted to ensure stability in the Supreme Court.

By staggering the times such that each Justice would retire approximately two years after the last, I'd not only ensures a steady turnover, but preserve consistency within the Supreme Court's operations. This approach also had the added benefit of facilitating a valuable learning curve, wherein incoming Justices had the opportunity to glean insights from their more experienced peers, gradually ascending in seniority themselves.

"If there is one thing I have learnt from our civil war, it is this: United we Stand, Divided we Fall.

Executive, Legislative and Judiciary. The three branches of the Royal Goverment, each with their own checks and balances, to ensure separation of powers. Only through working together, can we progress as one nation.

The decision to democratise our kingdom was not one that was taken lightly. I've given up so much power. Power jealously hoarded by the Kings whom ruled before me."

Vice-King Shaeterys passed me a single document. The founding cornerstone of our new democracy.

"Before me is our new Constitution. Written by the Small Council, passed by Parliament and ratified by the Supreme Court. Once signed, I enshrine my reforms and our Royal Government inviolably into law. There is no turning back. No means for recalcitrant Kings to steal back the powers I have distributed out to you all."

I signed on the dotted line.

"And it is done. With this act, we are now no longer just a collection of disparate kingdoms. Instead, we shall and forever will be, the United Kingdoms of Westeros!"

Applause. I let it sound for a while, savouring the triumph.

Eventually, I raised my hand, and the voices quieted.

"Now that we have spoken of the past, and the present, let us speak of the future."

I drummed my fingers, and a great holographic image appeared behind me.

A map of this entire world. All seven continents, with no gaps or unseen spaces between them. The entire world, laid bare. Westeros, Essos, Sothoryos, Ulthos, Nordos, Naeros and Faeros.

Gasps sounded at the sight.

How many of them, I wondered, truly knew just how large the world was, until now?

"I urge you all, Milords, to look outwards. Let us not turn inwards in civil strife, but look outwards as one united people.

Beyond our borders, across the sea, there are lands ripe for the taking.

To the West, the continent of Naeros beckons. It hosts untapped wealth and riches, a land of opportunities. Our allies in the Kingdom of New North have agreed to work together with us, to colonise this distant frontier.

To the South, the continent of Sotheryos is unclaimed by Men. Headmistress Daenys and the sorcerers she's gathered in the Dragonstone Academy of Sorcery have modified and improved upon the Desolation ritual. With it, we can safely cleanse the land of all the scourges that taint it, tame the depths of this savage continent, and make it truly our own.

Sleep well, my lords, for tonight, we have forged an Empire. Tomorrow, we shall forge a New World!"


"And so that's how liberty dies; with thunderous applause." I couldn't help but quote, as my closest allies and I gathered for drinks in Maegor's Holdfast.

"I wonder. How many of them have realised that they've signed their freedom away, with this new government?" Daena mused.

"Not many. Probably none." Shaeterys replied. "It was very subtly done."

"It's odd." Laena muttered, cuddling into my side. "How is it that despite giving away so much power, your authority has only ever grown?"

"It's a lesson I learnt from my home Singapore; the Tyranny of the Supermajority." I smirked. "The Blacks shall rule the United Kingdoms of Westeros, for now and for eternity."

"There are other factions. Other political parties coming into existence." Rhaegar warned, as he breastfed Shaera's newborn daughter Daisy Tyrell. "They shall challenge your power. Seek to claim a foothold in the Great Council."

"Naerys?" I asked.

"Through my network of spies in the Confessors within the Faith, I have blackmail on most of the foremost candidates already ready." Archsepta Naerys replied. "Rest assured, they shall be thoroughly discredited, and their parties scattered, by the next election cycle."

"And I'm ready to assassinate them, in case they get too uppity." Daemon grinned, tapping Dark Sister.

"Good. Destroy them, and the parties behind them. Ensure that my Blacks are the only political force in this country."

"There are other opponents as well. People whom join the Black Party, but choose to reform the system from the inside." Daenys reminded us.

"Same thing." I shrugged. "Everyone insufficiently cooperative towards my agenda shall be purged. Stack the Great Council with sycophants if you must. They exist solely to streamline the enactment of legislation and to put a stamp of legitimacy on any law I pass. Their actual beliefs are otherwise irrelevant."

"And the Senate?" Erik asked, most of the people in the room starting as they remembered his existence. "We all know from Borros that just because the father supports you, doesn't mean the son will."

"Isn't that why we have Naerys?" Bell dryly asked.

Laugher spread across the room.

"But yes, we shall have to work hard to ensure our continued supermajority in the Senate as well." I replied. "Marriage alliances, bribery, blackmail, mind control… the usual games."

"We'll win." Laena smiled, kissing me on the cheek. "With Shaera and Otto gone, there's no one whom can stand up to you."

"To democracy." Daena sarcastically toasted.


"To democracy!"

Seven Gods how could those heretics say that with a straight face?

Like her monster of a daughter would ever know what democracy was.

Aemma much approved, when Rhaenyra had spoke of distributing the Iron Throne's power out to the Lords, but that was yet another ploy. One meant to break the Gods-appointed Lords to her unyielding yoke.

Her daughter's depravity truly knew no bounds.

Aemma had once thought that Maegor the Cruel was the greatest tyrant that ever lived, but she'd now learnt what a fool she'd once been.

Maegor was a hammer. A blundering oaf stampeding around blindly.

Rhaeyra was poison. Hidden behind smiles. Seemingly harmless until the drinkers suddenly died. And the lords had drunk deep of her poison.

She was of a subtler breed than the Cruel, yet tenfold the tyrant. Where Maegor ruled through strength, Rhaenyra ruled with the veneer of law and justice, yet she'd pervert this holy land beyond anything even Maegor managed. Rendering Westeros as godless and vile a Realm as the Seven Hells themselves.

"Seven Gods, I hear your pleas." Queen Aemma, mother of Rhaenyra and wife of Viserys I Targaryen solemnly swore. "I was too kind last time, too merciful to my daughter. I thought to spare her, and so left myself right open for assassination.

A mistake I shall not make a second time."

She clenched her small chubby fists.

"I shall not squander the boon you have granted me. Not squander my second life."

The Reincarnator stared up at the ceiling of the nursery, which had been painted over in a grand fresco of dragons dancing amongst constellations in the night sky.

"Seven Gods, I shall not fail you. By hook or by crook, I shall destroy Rhaenyra and her entire legacy." Princess Aemma, daughter of Rhaenyra and heiress to the Iron Throne solemnly swore.

"No matter the costs."


There will be a sequel to this fic.

I won't start writing it for a while, as I'm honestly a bit tired from ASOIAF, but I promise I'll definitely come back to this wonderful world I've created.

I'm gonna take a brief hiatus from writing. Rest and recharge my brain. But when I come back, I'll be working on my other fanfic, 'Instead of Secondary School, we went to Hogwarts'. It's a group self-insert starring me, and my friends Yuuki, Pamela and Alice.

Lucky out. ✌️