Chapter 78 - 2

"We've had virtuous kings, and we've had genius kings... but I don't know if we've ever been blessed with a virtuous genius for a king!"

Tyrion Lannister - 299 AL


Winterfell - 298 AL

"He's not what I expected based on the rumours" Catelyn Stark quietly remarked to her husband after Prince Joffrey relocated from his initial seat at the main table to another in the hall and began animatedly discussing science and politics over the next course of dinner with both his uncle Tyrion and Maester Luwin.

Sat beside her Eddard Stark shrugged. "The boy probably just needed to grow up" he suggested, although it was hard to reconcile the selfish, spoiled brat of reputation with Prince Joffrey in the flesh. "Well, perhaps it's an even better match than we thought?" he added hopefully.

"To be honest I think Sansa is so taken with the notion of being wed to the heir to the throne she wouldn't have objected even if the rumours had been a true representation of his personality" Catelyn observed. "His father appears happier than his mother regarding the betrothal in case you hadn't noticed" she continued knowingly, looking across to where the King and Queen were playing court, talking to various northern dignitaries invited to Winterfell for the rare appearance of the royal family so far from King's Landing.

Ned reached for a cup of wine. "And I'm sure you'll feel the same way when you're faced with the prospect of no longer being the most important woman in Robb's life" he responded with a wry smile that was so barely evident on his face that few but Catelyn would have even noticed it.

Octavian was enjoying the conversation more than the meal, although he had to admit the wine imported from Dorne far in the south was a match in quality for even the finest Falernian from back home. Although in many ways the social and governance structure of Westeros was undoubtedly primitive compared to that of the Roman Republic Octavian was nonetheless starting to realise that they weren't inferior to Rome in everything.

For example, when it came to Civil Engineering Westeros badly needed a better road network Octavian knew, and they would surely benefit greatly from improved sanitation too, but there were innovations here such as the "Far-Eye" utilising lenses imported from Myr in Essos and the "stirrup" device for riding horses which would have been of great utility to The Republic.

Moreover from his perspective as a seventeen year-old boy the girls here weren't too bad either Octavian decided, surreptitiously directing an appreciative glance towards the elder Stark daughter that his "father" the King intended him to marry. Unlike most boys his age the pursuit of the fairer sex hadn't ever really been a major preoccupation of his but that didn't mean Octavian didn't have occasional thoughts on the matter, or that he failed to appreciate the view on a more than aesthetic level.

By chance Sansa turned her head at that very moment and caught his glance, blushing as Octavian tried not to do likewise having been caught out.

"You'll get to look her over properly in good time" an amused Tyrion told the boy he thought his oldest nephew. "Wearing far less too" he added, grinning as Octavian's obvious embarrassment. "You may want to get some practice with at least one other young lady before the Bedding Ceremony however" he advised, semi-seriously.

Not being one to enjoy anyone scoring verbal points on him Octavian looked Tyrion in the eyes. "Already have" he replied smugly, recalling the girl in the high-class brothel Pullo had taken him too after his mother Atia insisted on him losing his virginity. Although he had described the experience as merely "pleasant" to the legionary that had been understating the case somewhat, even if he still couldn't quite grasp why so many men seemed utterly obsessed with sex rather than treating it as just another recreational activity.

Once again taken aback by something the boy had said, an all too common occurrence recently, Tyrion nevertheless quickly gathered his wits. "I'm so proud" he declared, feigning to wipe away a tear. "You're definitely my nephew" he continued, grinning even more broadly. "For our next lesson I think we should skip politics and I'll explain how to coordinate a threesome."

Maester Luwin coughed. "And with that I'll go find another table" he said, getting up before giving both of them a disapproving look.

"From what I've heard I'm sure Grand Maester Pycelle would have plenty of useful advice to offer on the subject" Tyrion wryly observed as Luwin left them. "More wine?" he asked Octavian, pouring some for himself.

Octavian shook his head. "Best not, I've still got to finish reading the Life of Four Kings in the morning before we start packing to head back to King's Landing and a hangover wouldn't help" he replied.

Tyrion frowned. "I'm all for education and broadening one's mind" he responded, "but if it starts to interfere with your drinking then you need to reevaluate your priorities" he stated seriously.


Note from the author:

The Romans were certainly ahead of the Westerosi in terms of infrastructure but lacked later technical innovations such as the stirrup, horse-collar or indeed the telescope (known in Westeros as the Far Eye)