Chereads / Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 65 - 34

Chapter 65 - 34

"Alright, everyone settle down," said Momo as she stood up in front of the class with Izuku beside her, "With the Cultural Festival coming up soon, we need to decide on what to showcase as a class. Let's start off first with some suggestions."

The two were soon met with a barrage of suggestions that it took some time to get the class to quiet down before individually picking students to list their suggestions.

"Maid cafe!" shouted Denki quickly when he was chosen, with obvious intent why he had chosen such a theme.

"That's too weak Kaminari!" shouted Mineta as he raised his hands, his eyes bulging in excitement at his own suggestion. Since the majority of the class was male, surely his idea would go through!

"Boo-" began Mineta, only to be viciously silenced by Tsuyu, who not only knocked him unconscious, but also bagged him, tied him up, and then suspended him in the air while peacefully asking for some weights to hold him there.

Soon, the students began to give their suggestions out, with Izuku quickly writing them down on the blackboard. Thanks to his rubber body, he didn't need to move, but rather stretched his arms out to write it out.

As soon as everyone had listed their ideas, Momo began to ruthlessly eliminate the ones that weren't feasible or appropriate. The class responded in kind about her study group, causing her to blush as she erased her own suggestion as well. A few more were eliminated before the students began talking amongst themselves, throwing ideas about combining suggestions and such that they began to ignore Momo and Izuku. That was until Izuku had Momo create a whistle and blew into it, getting their attention back.

Unfortunately, Izuku hadn't thought that through as the piercing shriek also woke up Shota, who glared at Izuku for waking him up before the bell had rung. Izuku had to deal with a pissed-off teacher who wanted nothing more than to give him detention for waking him up, but couldn't do so because Izuku's method of getting the class back on track was considered 'logical'.

A few more suggestions were soon thrown out, but soon, the bell rang to signify homeroom was over.

"Make your decision by tomorrow," threatened Shota as he lumbered out of the room, "If you haven't done so by then, then it'll be a public lecture!"

The students shivered as they could imagine Shota lecturing them in front of the whole school. None of them wanted to be subjected to such humiliation, so they quickly began making plans.

Momo ended up working with Tenya back at the dorms on choosing what to do for the cultural festival since Izuku had to attend supplementary classes for the days he missed for his internship.

"There has to be something," murmured Tenya, taking his position as secretary and temporary vice-president seriously, "After thinking about it for a while, the stress of the other classes that Aizawa-sensei mentioned earlier rings through my mind. We'll be the ones who have to help vent their stress. Especially since it'll be exclusively within the school community."

"I can attest to that," nodded Shinso, "When I was still attending the general course in the previous semester, most of the general students were rather frosty towards the hero course. Of course, most of it was rather jealousy as they didn't make the cut to the hero course. Most were supportive of me when I was listed as reserve, but quite a few held a grudge. Though it seems like most of that grudge is gone, there are a few people who still don't like the hero course students. They mostly think the hero course students are trouble makers, especially 1A."

"I see," sighed Momo, "We need to prove ourselves to everyone as aspiring heroes, while also making up for all the trouble we've caused."

The group went into a deeper discussion about what to do before tossing out all food ideas, as since it was a festival that was exclusive to the school community, that meant that they would have to compete in terms of taste against Lunch Rush, to which none of them had confidence in doing so.

"Based on the expectations stated before, the only ones that fall under that list are the maid cafe, petting zoo, and funhouse," said Momo.

Denki had to stop himself from looking excited that his maid cafe had gone through to the final choices.

Mineta, however, was still unwilling to let go of his…. aspirations.

"If you want something that'll make the other students like us while relieving stress, then we should totally go for my idea, the boo-"

Despite Tsuyu not being there, Mina and Jiro were more than happy to fill in the role of silencing Mineta up.

"A petting zoo would seem too hard to keep sanitary, wouldn't it?" postulated Hanta, ignoring the smoking midget cadaver that was tossed to the side, playing devil's advocate for them.

The classmates of 1A began to discuss more about their decisions, and it seemed to be leaning more towards the maid cafe, much to Denki's amazement and excitement.

"It would be fun if we could all dance together," piped in Mina with no real serious followup to that.

However, Shoto took that idea and slammed it home when he decided to pull up a video from Yaptube, showing a rave concert.

While others were shocked at Shoto, one of the more withdrawn people in their class, actually suggested this, Tenya and Momo were looking at the video with interest.

"A song and dance," murmured Tenya, "That could work."

"Watching amateurs perform can be stressful, though, you know?" advised Hanta.

"I can teach people how to dance!" suggested Mina excitedly, using Yuga as the prime example as he performed the two steps flawlessly compared to his earlier attempts back at school.

Mineta somehow managed to revive himself before inserting himself into the conversation, "Hold on! Dancing is all about rhythm! In other words, sound! People need the ultimate music to dance to!" shouted Mineta.

"If we're talking about music," hummed Toru before grinning and turning to Kyoka, with quite a few joining her, "We can play live music with your instruments, Jiro!"

Kyoka tried to pass it off, but with so many classmates eagerly encouraging her, especially from the usually silent Koji, Kyoka couldn't help but cave in.

Izuku, Katsuki, and Mirio were at the hospital bed, standing in front of Eri, who was finally stable enough to have visitors, and she had requested to see them. Standing near the door was Shota and Mirai, watching over them with a doctor and a few nurses.

The nurses were understandably worried that Eri's quirk might break out, but the doctor assured them that she wouldn't with her horn having shrunk down a bit. Not to mention Shota was there to help.

"Sorry we couldn't visit you earlier," apologized Izuku.

"I brought some fruits for you," smiled Mirio, "Eat as much as you want! What fruit is your favorite? Is it… peaches? Cause you look like a peach!"

"Fucking idiot, it should be chocolate!" shouted Katsuki, "Little brats like them always love candy."

"Bakugo!" hissed Izuku, jabbing him as punishment to control his language.

"Apple," replied Eri as she held the basket.

Katsuki grumbled as he quickly sliced the apple into bunny slices for her to eat.

"I was thinking…," after Eri took a nibble of the bunny apple slice, "about the time you guys saved me, even when I was stuck in bed. You never told me your names. I only know Mr. Lemillion and Mr. Deku. I wanted to know yours too. Is it Kacchan?"

Katsuki twitched at that nickname while Izuku quickly introduced themselves, giving their real name and hero name.

"... And he's Katsuki Bakugo. No hero name, but that other name is a nickname I used to call him when we were much younger. I stopped using it, but it slips out every now and then," finished Izuku.

"Wrong, my hero name is Emperor Explosion Murd-" started Katsuki, only for Mirio to jab him this time to interrupt him and avoid corrupting Eri with his language.

"Mr. Deku, Mr. Lemillion, Mr. Bakugo, and the man wearing glasses," said Eri slowly, "Everyone was hurt so badly because of me. I'm sorry… that you all had to feel so much pain… because of me. Mr. Deku also almost lost his powers because of it. I-"

"Eri-chan," said Izuku lightly as he gently patted her head, stopping her from crying, "We all couldn't let you suffer under Overhaul any longer. I made you a promise that I'd come back, and I wasn't going to break it."

"Yea!" smiled Mirio, "None of us are in pain right now! In fact, everyone's thinking 'I'm so glad Eri-chan is safe!' So there's no need to apologize. We all fought hard so we can see you smile!"

Eri looked up in wonder as she tried to smile, but even while using her hands, she didn't know how to naturally smile.

The trio saw that though they had recused Eri from Overhaul, she hadn't completely escaped grasp mentally. A shadow of Overhaul would hover over her unless they did something. It was then that Izuku realized what could help.

"Aizawa-sensei!" said Izuku, turning his head towards him. However, in his haste, he turned only his head, frightening Eri a little.

"Midoriya, your neck," whispered Mirio, causing Izuku to remember that his current position might be scary to Eri, and quickly turned his body.

"Ahem, can we have Eri leave the hospital for one day?" asked Izuku, "Could she come to the cultural festival?"

"That shouldn't be impossible to arrange," hummed Shota, "And since it is a school exclusive event this year, the chance of meeting third parties are minimal."

"It wouldn't be a bad idea," nodded Mirai, "She should enjoy some of life's simple pleasures instead of being stuck in the hospital all the time."

Mirio was busy explaining all about the festival before telling Eri that there could be a chance some class would be making candied apples. Eri began to drool a little at the explanation of what a candied apple was.

It was then that Eri agreed, wanting to know more about her rescuers.

"We're going to have fun at the festival!" grinned Mirio.

"Yea/Fuck yea!" said Izuku and Katsuki.

"Ummm…. Fuck yea," cheered Eri, trying to mimic them. She had followed Katsuki's example as it sounded more emotional.

They all froze at her words before each one of the people present turned their head towards Katuski, who was frozen stiff.

'Fuck, I'm screwed,' shivered Katsuki, knowing fully well that he couldn't shift this blame, 'Maybe I should learn how to control my mouth in front of kids.'

"We'll be off then," stated Shota as he got off the phone, "Need to take the kids back to prepare for the festival."

"I'll take her to the festival," stated Mirai as he pushed up his glasses, "I'm on temporary medical leave, so I'll have time. Just need to get permission, but that shouldn't be too difficult."

Shota nodded before suddenly wrapping his capture tape around Katsuki, "Bakugo, detention with me. I'll manage to somehow wash that mouth of yours, even if I have to use soap and water."

Katsuki tried to curse some more, but Shota had obviously expected such resistance, and so had properly ensured that a good layer was wrapped around his mouth to prevent him from speaking.

Meanwhile, at a police station, the policemen were watching a video posted about a man who named himself Gentle Criminal. The well groomed white haired mustached man wore a flared out collared cloak, and was currently robbing a convenience store. When the heroes arrived, he did not flee, but rather ordered his mysterious camerawoman to halt the recording, only for the video to later reveal the group of heroes all defeated. When it was revealed the Gentle Criminal had 'forgotten' his loot, he merely laughed and stated that money had never been his objective, but rather a chance to engrave his name into the annals of history.

The police chief frowned, unable to tell if he was just trying to mess with the police or that he was serious about that goal. Either way, the fact he had defeated five heroes was still something that needed to be dealt with. How it was done was something that needed to be investigated, but if the man had truly dealt with them alone, then he was stronger than the normal low ranked villains.

Class 1A began to work hard towards their goal for the cultural festival. After Izuku let slip that Katsuki knew how to play the drums, the teenager was slightly forced to play the drums after showcasing his skill. Soon, they had a whole band composed of Kyoka, Momo, Katsuki, Denki, and Fumikage. The stage team had Shoto, Eijiro, Koji, Hanta, and Yuga, who would also be working as part of the dance crew. The rest of the students were a part of the dance crew, where Mina was quickly putting everyone through their steps.

One day later

Izuku could be found sipping some tea with Toshinori in the break room during lunch time.

"It's been awhile since we could talk like this," hummed Toshinori as he drank his tea, grabbing a rice cracker, relishing the fact he could eat and digest food properly.

"Don't forget your medication," reminded Izuku, to which Toshinori merely nodded. Though there had been no rejection to the organ replacements, it was a risk they weren't willing to try until they were fully sure that everything was fine.

"How's your training?" asked Toshinori as he popped a pill in, "I heard from your teachers you've been mostly punching a wall lately. Any reason why?"

"Trying to make sure this 'Haki' stuff works better," nodded Izuku as he stared at his hand and closed his eyes.

Seconds later, Toshinori blinked as he saw the skin on Izuku's hand turn obsidian black, the color starting from his fingertips before extending towards his wrists.

"It's hard to get this to be consistent," confess Izuku as he opened his eyes once more, watching it slowly fade away, "According to my Devil Fruit, this Armament Haki was a physical manifestation of my will onto my skin. It was used not only to empower one's attack, but even hit what usually can't be hit. Not only that, but it's apparently also useful for defense, too. Togata-senpai told me I actually nicked his face when he tried to phase through it, and when Overhaul tried to disassemble my arm, he couldn't do it because quite literally, my will overpowered his quirk. When I was desperate, I managed manifest it, but out of combat, I barely get a 20-30% success rate."

"Interesting," mumbled Toshinori, "Do you think it could be a mental trigger that helps? What were you thinking during those fights, and what were you thinking when you were training?"

Izuku blinked before he began mumbling to himself once more, making comparison to what he was thinking in each situation. Toshinori merely relaxed, allowing him to do so. Having Izuku figure things out himself was the best form of training, instead of being guided through everything. All he needed to do was gently prod Izuku in the right direction, and the boy would figure it out himself.

"Did you find out?" asked Toshinori after Izuku stopped mumbling.

"I think it's the state of mind," replied Izuku, looking up, "When I was fighting Overhaul or Togata, I wasn't thinking of anything but thinking my punch was going to land. No, I was confident it was going to hit. I wasn't thinking of anything else but the fact that the punch will land. No doubts at all. All this time, I was hoping for it to work, doubting myself before I even threw a punch."

Toshinori smiled as he continued, "And the birds and blindfold?"

"Observation Haki," replied Izuku, "That's…. a work in progress. It told me that was the most optimal training, as animals usually don't hide their intent. It also suggested using Bakugo, but I'd rather not give him a free reign on attacking me."

"Noted," chuckled Toshinori as he saw Izuku's deadpan reply.

"There's a third one, but I don't even know how to even begin to train that one. It told me to just focus on the first two," finished Izuku.

"I would suggest the same," nodded Toshinori, "However, don't slack off on your other classes, either. Your mom wouldn't like it if your grades start slipping."

"Alright dad," groaned Izuku.

"That's my son," smiled Toshinori, looking proud at Izuku.

The two froze for a second before looking away, blushing in embarrassment. Though it was more likely that the two would really become stepfather and stepson, it was too fast for either of the two to admit it. Toshinori coughed before changing the subject, hoping to help Izuku add some variety to his repertoire of attacks.


"We're here," stated Mirai as he brought Eri over to 1A dorms, already having stopped by 3B dorms to pick up Mirio. Since nobody had class on Saturday, it was the perfect opportunity for Eri to get used to meeting new people. Luckily, most of 1A were outside practicing their dance moves,

Mirio himself had stuck his butt out some bushes as a joke to inspire a joke about peaches, though nobody really laughed at that.

Indeed, the moment Eri saw the students, she slowly began to slide back, hiding behind Mirio and Mirai.

Tenya quickly introduced himself, trying to give a good impression while Mineta made a rather bad impression by saying how he looked forward to seeing her in ten years. That earned him a stamp to the head from Mirai, though he was lucky Mirai used one of his normal stamps.

In the end, Izuku ended up walking with Mirio, and Eri to explore the campus a bit while Mirai went over to talk to Nezu. Eri watched with interest at what everyone was doing.

"Whoa!" shouted Izuku as a fake dragon head came rushing forward.

"Ooops! Sorry about that Midoriya!" said Tetsutetsu as he regained his grip on the dragon head, "Lost my grip there for a second."

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? Loafing around while everyone is preparing for the cultural festival?" mocked Nieto, "1A is getting complacent aren't they?"

Neito felt irked when he saw Izuku more concerned about Eri, and continued to taunt Izuku.

"We're doing a live performance, you know? We're going to show you that this time, class 1B is the superior class over your little concert. Its name is 'Romeo and Juliet and the Prisoner of Azkaban: Return of the King'. An original script written by us, a super spectacular fantasy play!"

Neito continued his attempt to taunt Izuku until he received a blunt smack to the back of his head, courtesy of Awase and a wooden pole.

"You'd think you'd learn after all this time," grumbled Awase as he pulled Neito up, hoisting him over his shoulder, "Just because Kendo isn't here doesn't mean you get to shoot your mouth unchecked."

"Where is Itsuka?" asked Izuku, looking around, "She sounded a little grumpy when I talked to her last night via video chat."

"She was entered into a beauty pageant against her will," replied Awase.

"You can blame Monoma," added Tetsutetsu when he noticed Izuku starting to give them the evil eye. He was well aware there was something between Itsuka and Izuku and some of the other girls, though he wasn't exactly sure. Still, he would throw Monoma under the bus, as it was his fault.

"Aizawa-sensei didn't mention anything about a beauty pageant," hummed Izuku, though thinking about it, it made sense why he didn't mention it. He probably thought it was a waste of time.

"Ah, speaking of beauty pageants, she's really into it this year," commented Mirio.

When Izuku asked who it was, Mirio merely responded by bringing them to an equipment room to reveal Neijire, who was wearing a low cut teal dress while floating in the air.

"Ne, ne, why is Eri here?" asked Neijire as she floated over towards them, "It's so strange? Why? Why? How fun!"

"We're taking her to explore a little," said Izuku, willfully making sure his eyes never wandered down despite the fact she was showcasing her valleys without a care, "If Itsuka is participating in the beauty pageant, does that mean she's in a nearby room?"

"She's two doors down I think," piped Yuyu, whom Mirio introduced earlier when they entered, as she took a dress out from the hanger of clothes piled up, "For someone who's been forced into it, she looked pretty pumped up."

"That's Itsuka," smiled Izuku, "If she's in a competition, she'll always do her best to win."

"You seem really close to her," chimed Neijire, getting really close to Izuku's personal space, "Are you two dating? What about Uravity and Froppy? They seem close to you two? Are you cheating on them, or are they aware of each other? Do you have a harem?"

Izuku froze stiff for a second at those questions, unable to reply before Mirio came in to save the day, pulling Nejire out of Izuku's personal space.

"Whoa there, you can't just go in with questions like that," said Mirio, "It's inappropriate."

"Really? But I'm curious about it. After all, You, me, and Yu-" started Neijire, only for her mouth to be suddenly covered by Mirio's hand.

"And that's enough," said Mirio as Neijire pouted and glared up at Mirio, "Midoriya, why don't take Eri to see your friend in the other room?"

Izuku blinked before leading Eri to the other room, curious but not that curious to intrude on what was going to be a private conversation. As Izuku closed the door, he noticed Yuyu quickly rushing over to Neijire and Mirio, the trio talking in very low voices.

Shrugging, Izuku took Eri two doors down before knocking on the door.

"Give us a second!" shouted a voice before the door opened to reveal Setsuna.

"Oh! You heard about Itsuka being forced into the pageant?" grinned Setsuna, "Come in! I'm sure she'd like your opinion about her dress choices."

Setsuna eagerly dragged Izuku in, who quickly made sure Eri was following him, before seeing Itsuka trying out a red cheongsam that really brought out her legs.

"So, what do you think? Think she'll win this pageant? Sure Hado-senpai has a bigger chest, but our Itsuka has legs and thighs that won't lose to anyone else," smirked Setsuna.

Izuku had to stop himself from stuttering and control the rising rebellion before replying, "She has my vote for sure."

"As she should," said Yui with a clipped tone as she pulled out another dress, "If you voted for anybody else on the beauty pageant list, you'd be in the doghouse."

"Gee, thanks," said Itsuka sarcastically, though not enough to hide the smile from her face, "And you must be Eri."

Eri slightly backed away, shy about anyone, but Itsuka was patient. She was the Big Sister of 1B, the caretaker of childish people, and back when she was studying under Rekai with Izuku, the default go to sister for those younger than her.

Keeping a kind but smiling compassionate face, Eri slowly peeked her head forward, looking up at Ituska cautiously before giving her a small wave.

"I'll take it," smiled Itsuka, knowing the process of getting a shy girl like Eri to open up was going to be a long one.

"I heard you guys are doing a play?" asked Izuku.

"Yep. I wanted to be in it, but thanks to Monoma, I don't have the time," pouted Itsuka.

"It seems to be a rather large… mashup," said Izuku.

"It is," admitted Yui bluntly, "Luckily, Manga and I are the writers for this, otherwise it would be a complete mess if Monoma took charge."

Setsuna and Itsuka couldn't help but sigh at that, knowing it would be true.

"Will… Iida have time to watch it?" asked Yui.

"Your play is right after ours, right?" asked Izuku for confirmation, "Maybe? We'll have to clean up the gym after our performance, so we don't know how long that'll take."

"I see," hummed Yui blandly, but to the experienced eye of Itsuka who had known her for a while, she could tell Yui was slightly upset.

"Well if you guys clean up fast, then maybe Iida can get in fast enough to watch the middle portion. That's when your part really shines if I recall, right?" said Itsuka, glancing over Yui with a sly smirk.

Yui chose not to comment, but instead changed the topic by bringing out another dress for Itsuka to try, though the light blush on her face could be seen. Seeing that Itsuka needed to change, Izuku wisely took that as a sign to leave, taking Eri with him. Just as he left the door, he found Mirio heading towards them.

"Sorry about that! Let's head onto the next department!" grinned Mirio.

They soon made their way to the support department, where they witnessed all the students in the department working together to create a technology exhibit. In the middle of it all was Melissa, directing the whole exhibit. While some of the students might have grumbled about letting a transfer student take control of the department, the fact that she attended the I-Island technology exhibit for almost her life and had even put her own inventions on before made her knowledgeable about how to organize it.

Indeed, most of the complaints about letting her lead swiftly evaporated when they saw how efficient she was in directing everyone. Especially being able to control the chaotic being that was named Mei Hatsume from making everything explode.

"Ah, careful! Walk behind the striped line please," said Melissa as she noticed Izuku, Mirio, and Eri, "We're making sure everyone is safe even if they're just visiting. This festival is a chance for the support department to shine, so we're making sure everything goes right!"

"Shield-san, I need an A4 wrench here," asked a student.

Melissa instantly used her 'quirk' to sprout a hand and grab the wrench from a set kit purposely placed on the side before tossing it over to the said student.

"Wow, she's really taken the lead," smiled Mirio, "Would've thought Kenranzaki would be the one all gung ho about taking charge, but she is in the beauty pageant."

"Well Melissa does have the most experience since she was raised at the world's leading premier in technology," said Mei, suddenly appearing behind them.

The tiro turned around to see Mei grinning as she began to brag about her latest baby, #202.

"Hatsume, when was the last time you took a shower?" asked Izuku as he noticed Mei was looking quite grimy. There was oil smears on her face and oil stains on her clothes.

"Bah, that's just a waste of precious time that could be used for inventing!" declared Mei.

"Mei! We talked about this! You need to keep a clean look for others! Not only that, but if you get too dirty, it can affect your inventions if you're not careful!" shouted Melissa as she stopped by.

Almost as if on cue, the machine Mei had been patting on that she invented began to shake before exploding.

"And that's our cue to leave," stated Mirio as the trio quickly left, leaving the students to quickly take care of the situation.

After finishing giving Eri the tour, Izuku was a little displeased to hear he had been recruited into the staging team without his consent, especially after promising Eri he would be dancing on stage for her to see. After talking a little more, Izuku was amicable to the plan as he wouldn't be completely booted off the dance team, but rather working part time with both teams like Yuga. He recognized the need to have a power type needed to help make Yuga into a swinging disco ball. Though Shoji and Sato were strong enough, they didn't have the speed Izuku could run at. Tenya could run just as fast, but he wasn't as strong as Izuku was.

In the end, Izuku agreed, though Mina promised that she would find some way to give Izuku a slightly bigger part while he was on the dance floor.

Next morning 6:20 AM.

Izuku was on his morning jog, with Melissa and Itsuka joining him. It was harder for him to meet up with the two of them due to their locations. Momo, Ochacko, and Tsuyu lived in the same dorms with him, so it was rather easy for him to spend time with them in secret.

"Mm, it's been awhile since we've been able to spend some time alone together," said Itsuka as she stretched her body, showcasing her curves. Itsuka was currently only wearing a tank top/sports bra that stopped just above waist and bloomer while Melissa was wearing a more modest but tight t-shirt and shorts.

"Huff, huff, I need to run a little more," breathed out Melissa as she leaned against a tree, her sweat already coalescing down her shirt.

"It takes some time to build up stamina," smiled Izuku as he offered her a warm drink, "Though you're doing pretty well."

"Compared to you two," snorted Melissa, "I'm just holding you guys back. You two go ahead, I'm going to head back to shower and then head to the workshop. Mei is probably up and about, considering I had to force her to go take a shower and sleep last night."

With that, Melissa swiftly gave Izuku a quick peck to the lips before leaving the two.

"Well, let's keep going," grinned Itsuka as the two began to jog once more.

The two soon arrived in the wooded area of U.A., stopping to get a small breather when Itsuka suddenly tackled Izuku to a tree. Before Izuku could really react, Itsuka was already slamming her lips on Izuku's own lips.

Seeing that she only wanted to kiss, Izuku relaxed as he wrapped his hands around Itsuka's naked waist. When Itsuka's tongue began prodding his lips for entrance, he eagerly opened them up.

The two made out for quite some time before they each finally needed to come up for some air.

"I don't get to do this as often as I want," mumbled Itsuka as the two gently butted foreheads, "Wish you could come visit my room, but Monoma would make a huge deal about it."

"I know," said Izuku gently as the two enjoyed each other's warmth for a bit, "What if we just came out with it?"

"And get your homeroom teacher on your case?" snorted Itsuka, "I can already hear him telling us how illogical and irrational we are. Not to mention that you're a rather high profile case target, considering what you've done in just our first year at U.A."

Izuku couldn't help but sweatdrop as he remembered the major villains he had faced.

"I don't mind letting the public know, but not now," sighed Itsuka, "Setsuna and Yui already know about my…. Our polyarmourous relationships. They promised not to tell anyone, especially Monoma. Tetsutetsu has some sort of idea, but it hasn't gotten to him yet."

The two took the time to enjoy themselves, kissing for a fair bit before they decided break time was over and that they needed to get back to jogging.

"You know, don't be afraid to initiate a kiss when you feel like it," advised Itsuka as they began approaching the end goal, "It's nice that you're trying to be a gentleman about us and everything, but you can't always have us be the one to start it. We want you to reciprocate your feelings to us, and that means sometimes initiating these gestures."

Izuku smiled as the two separated towards their own dorms to prepare themselves for the day.

As night fell, Izuku was up in his room, looking through some hero videos so he could fill his usual Future Hero Analysis notebooks. He was scrolling through, looking for news about new upcoming heroes when he found one that looked interesting.

Izuku was about to click on it when he heard someone knocking on the door. He quickly turned his head and stretched his arm to open the door while clicking on the video to pull up.

"Izuku, I brought some tea," said Momo as she opened the door, "I recently got some new tea from a care package my mother sent me. They're the famous Gold-Tips Imperial black tea. Everybody else downstairs already had some except you."

"Oh thanks," smiled Izuku as Momo placed the teacup on his desk, "Been busy so I haven't updated my analysis notes for awhile."

"Gentle Video" rang Izuku's computer, prompting the two of them to turn towards the screen.

Izuku was confused, as he was certain he hadn't clicked on that video. What he didn't realize was his browser hadn't finished loading some videos, and so had shifted everything down when Izuku had been about to click the button. Being distracted, Izuku didn't notice that he ended up clicking on an entirely different video.

Still, Izuku somewhat recognized the person in the video. He had heard about Gentle Criminal, as he was a villain known for posting videos of his misdemeanors. A villain who had managed to defeat several heroes and escape capture. Obviously the heroes Gentle Criminal had faced were pretty low ranking in terms, the fact he could face multiple heroes and win was still something to be aware of. So Momo and Izuku ended up watching the short clip of Gentle Criminal's declaration.

"The Royal Flush tea? That's a rather high end brand of tea," murmured Momo, "I've had it before, and it's a rather nice blend. However, does that man really have to pour his tea in such a dastardly form? He spilled tea all over the cup and saucer."

While Izuku merely nodded in agreement, he was thinking over Gentle Criminal's words. Such a provocative statement meant that he was planning on something big.

Deciding to file that away for later, Izuku took a sip of the tea, enjoying its aroma and taste before turning to thank Momo. It was at this moment, Izuku decided to follow through Itsuka's advice and act a little more impulsive.

Standing up, Izuku quickly walked up to Momo, who looked a little shocked at his presence suddenly close to her. Before she could react, she felt Izuku's lips on hers.

Dazed but not completely senseless, Momo slowly closed her eyes as she returned Izuku's kiss, her hands wrapping around his neck. She didn't hesitate to open her lips when she felt his tongue prodding for entrance, and even returned the gesture with greater fervor.

The two furiously made out before Izuku pushed Momo onto his bed. The two stared at each other, Izuku drinking in Momo's beauty as her hair was splayed out on his bed.

"Wow," whispered Momo, breathing heavily as her chest bounced with each breath.

Izuku reluctantly pulled back, letting Momo sit back up. Though tempted to push their relationship further, he knew that they were far from ready to take that step.

"What made you so…. aggressive today?" asked Momo, wondering about his kiss. Usually they were the ones who initiated that sort of gesture.

"Itsuka reminded me that I can't only be the receptive one, but also initiate when appropriate. Otherwise, it would be a one-sided relationship," said Izuku, "I hope I didn't push it too far."

Momo snuggled against Izuku before replying, "No. It was certainly enjoyable."

The two snuggled for a bit more before Momo left. Before doing so, she glanced over at Izuku.

"Don't forget, Tsuyu and Ochako are more than willing to be receptive to your advances. Especially Tsuyu, since she's normally blunt about these things."

Izuku nodded as he sat back down onto his computer.

In his own apartment, Danjuro Tobita, aka Gentle Criminal, was writing down key details to his next heist plan. His partner and camerawoman, Manami Aiba, aka La Brava was worried about Danjuro, quickly making him some tea to relax. It had been over a week since he had any sort of tea break.

Gentle Criminal was targeting the U.A. Cultural Festival specifically for his next big heist to help raise the growing heroes' awareness as well as society. Gentle Criminal didn't really view himself as a big time villain as most of his crimes were misdemeanors and 'relatively harmless'. At most, he sent some heroes to the hospital to treat broken bones, never actually inflicting any life-threatening damage.

Not to mention, all his postings were always about exposing 'villainous' deeds of stores, etc, yet only to be largely rejected.

Still, this was to be his biggest plot yet. He had scouted and meticulously recorded the whole surrounding area of U.A., finding key time and locations that would aid them for their breakin to U.A. If done correctly, then U.A. wouldn't be able to find out until it was too late.

"For this, I'm putting my entire soul into this plan!" declared Gentle Criminal, "For the sake of the world, for the sake of others, for the sake of my dream…- and finally, to respond to your feelings!"

La Brava couldn't hold back her tears as she tackled the man she loved, ready to put her own soul to help realize Gentle Criminal's plan.

While they were preparing for the Cultural Festival, it didn't mean that the students of the Hero department could slack off on their own personal training.

Which was what Izuku and Tsuyu were doing, swimming in the pool early morning on a Saturday.

"Kero, it's nice to have someone to swim with, especially that person is my boyfriend and can swim as fast as me," chirped Tsuyu as she stopped on the edge.

"Yea, but only if I use One for All. Without it, you're swimming circles around me," sighed Izuku as he reached the end.

Izuku had found himself falling behind in laps while swimming with Tsuyu, and so cranked up One for All to catch up to her speed. Izuku figured it would help condition his body and allow him to regulate One for All throughout his body better.

"Still counts as something," replied Tsuyu, "I haven't met anyone that can swim as fast as I can without any quirk that purely enhances aquatic capabilities. And I find that hot."

Izuku blushed at Tsuyu's blunt and forward comments before noticing she was getting closer to him. The two were now face to face, looking into each other's eyes.

Izuku thought to himself for a second before deciding to dive in. Tsuyu had the same thought as the two pressed their lips together. Tsuyu immediately had her legs wrap around Izuku, causing Izuku to quickly react by grabbing Tsuyu's thighs.

Izuku couldn't help but stroke the thighs, marveling at how soft and yet muscular Tsuya's thighs were.

"Kero, I don't mind you touching there, but I have something I want to ask," said Tsuyu with a small blush, "Could you…. extend your tongue like mine?"

Izuku blinked before letting his tongue stretch out, extending down to his neck.

"Rike this?" asked Izuku, unable to speak properly due to the extended tongue.

Tsuyu didn't reply with words, but rather wrapped her tongue around his. Lifting it up with her tongue, she shoved both slimy appendages into his mouth.

Izuku tried to go on the offensive, but Tsuyu was much too experienced with her tongue, which resulted in her leading their little makeout session. Still, Izuku enjoyed it as he kept stroking her thighs.

Night time

"You're so close," gasped Ochako breathlessly, "Harder. Faster. Harder!"

Izuku grunted as he breathed out a hiss of air, pressing harder as he utilized his waist for more power.

Smack..smack..smack.. splash… smack smack smack splash splash

He began to go faster and harder, pounding away relentlessly all while Ochako seemed to grunt every once in a while until….

"And done!" chirped Ochako as Izuku slammed the mallet into the mortar containing the glutinous rice that Izuku had been pounding at, "This'll make a good snack for everyone!"

Izuku grinned as he gently placed the mallet down as Ochako let go of the mortar she had been holding, all the while splashing water into the mochi to help soften it.

"Nice quality. Smooth and soft," said Rikido as he hefted the now made mochi onto a tray, "I can make a variety of mochi with this. Koda and I will take over this part."

Izuku and Ochako nodded as they left the kitchen, heading to the elevators to head to their respective rooms, though not before snagging a mochi that Rikido quickly made for the both of them.

"Mmm, this is good," grinned Ochako as she bit into her mochi, "Deku, aren't you going to eat yours?"

"In a moment," said Izuku as he looked at Ochako. Her cheeks were slightly puffed up as she chewed on her mochi.

Looking left and right to see nobody was in the hallway, Izuku took a small bite of his mochi as Ochako swallowed hers. Swiftly turning Ochako towards him, Izuku kissed her on the lips.

Ochako had been surprised when Izuku turned her around, and had opened her mouth to ask when she felt Izuku's lips on hers, his tongue already snaking into her mouth. She could feel his tongue, and was shocked at his aggressiveness before her eyelids fluttered as she returned the kiss with fevor.

Ochako was pleasantly surprised when she felt and tasted mochi between their kiss. The sticky concoction was shared between the two as their tongues intertwined more and more until Ochako couldn't resist, putting her hands on Izukus head to bring him closer. By doing so though, she accidentally used her quirk on Izuku, causing him to start to float up. Before Ochako could try to bring him down though, she heard people talking, coming closer to the hallway they were at.

Panicking, Ochako used her quirk on herself instead, causing the two of them to float up to the ceiling. The two hit the ceiling just as Mineta turned around the corner, looking down at a magazine. A quick glance at the magazine cover that had a girl idol wearing very risque clothes with a provocative posture told them just what Mineta was drooling at. Luckily, with his height and the fact he was hyperfocused on his magazine, Mineta didn't notice them.

"That was too close," breathed out Izuku before looking at Ochako, "Mind letting us down now?"

Ochako blushed, but did so, letting Izuku carry her as they landed on the ground with a small thump. She later scolded Izuku for doing it so impulsively at such an open area that people would easily pass by, but she still rather enjoyed it.

Days passed as the final day for the cultural festival was upon them. The students of 1A were going over the final recital at the gym, only to be finally kicked out by Hound Dog. As they were going over final preparations for equipment, Izuku noticed the rope was frayed. Izuku decided to purchase one in the morning, as he had planned to head over to the local supermarket for some supplies.

"Oy, Deku!" barked Katsuki, causing Izuku to look up in surprise, "Since you're heading to the supermarket, get these stuff too. I'll pay you back later."

Izuku looked at the list Katsuki stuffed into his hand, reading through the list before realizing Katsuki had the same idea as his.

"Don't fucking ask, just get it," snarled Katsuki as he stomped out of the dining room.

Izuku could only shrug and sigh as he got ready for bed.

The next day, Izuku finished up with his morning exercises before quickly heading out to the supermarket. After making sure he had everything purchased, he began to make his way back to the school.

"Geez, I should've checked online first to see if the supermarket had these items," grumbled Izuku as he hurried back. In his rush, he almost crashed into someone coming out of a gated area.

"Sorry!" apologized Izuku as he quickly stopped in his tracks, looking up to see a man wearing a rather beige thick overcoat, mask, sunglasses, and a fedora. Standing next to him was a rather short girl wearing a purple cloak, sunglasses, and a floppy hat.

"My goodness, you almost ruined the aftertaste of Gold-Tips Imperial," huffed the man before slowly turning away, "C'mon L… Honey."

The little lady froze for a second before happily following the man.

"Gold-Tips Imperial," mumbled Izuku out loud before looking over to the building that the two strangers had left. A rather shabby-looking house with vines growing over the walls that stood out between a supermarket and all the far larger buildings stood there.

"Is that place a cafe?" pondered Izuku loudly, "You really can't judge a place by its look. To think such a place sold that tea."

Suddenly, the stranger turned around, floundering his arms as he approached Izuku.

"If you did not know what Gold-Tips Imperial was, then you wouldn't have come to that conclusion!" declared the stranger as he began to breathe heavily, "Are you someone who understands? That's so wonderful, even though you're so young!"

"Ah, it's only because a friend of mine made it for me," Izuku sweatdropped before realizing that his voice sounded very familiar. His mind instantly flashed to the video he had accidentally clicked. The way the man spoke of tea. How Gentle Criminal would choose a brand of tea to drink based on his next heist, and how his next one would be the biggest one that would shake society.

Izuku could see the stranger starting to sweat before turning away, trying to calmly walk away from him. Izuku's mind began to race before he realized just whom he was talking to. A small flashback from when he had been eating lunch with Eri and Mirio flashed in his eyes, with Midnight warning them that any sort of alarm would cancel the school festival.

"Wait," said Izuku firmly, causing the two to stop, "Are you two the one with the routine?"

The stranger slowly turned around, acting confused, though he was already slowly taking off his mask and hat, knowing the jig was up.

"I've seen your video," said Izuku as he put his items down before texting Melissa to send a drone to pick them up. He had seen her make one before to spy on him and Katsuki.

"Whatever you're planning….. Leave U.A. out of this," said Izuku sternly, his eyes narrowing.

"... La Brava, start filming," said Gentle Criminal as he threw off his disguise.