Chereads / Breach of Security / Chapter 10 - Lesson Learned

Chapter 10 - Lesson Learned

She grabbed her phone and saw that Even had texted her half a dozen times. She had completely forgotten that she hadn't answered back to him.

Evan- If Friday isn't good, we can do it another day.

Evan- Are you upset because I stole your number?

Evan- Lena?

Evan- I'm sorry for whatever I did.

Evan- This is the fastest I have ever been ghosted.

Evan- Sorry I bothered you.


Lena- Evan, I am so sorry. You didn't do anything wrong. I was just eating dinner, and I didn't want to be rude. I would love to go out on Friday. I just need someone to watch my son.

Evan- You have a son?

Lena- Is that an issue?

Evan- No. Not at all.

Lena- I will let you know as soon as possible.

Evan- I'll be waiting. Have a good night, beautiful.

Lena- 😊

Lena stripped off her clothes and pulled out a pair of small pink cotton shorts and a white spaghetti-string tank top. She glanced in the mirror. I still got it.

She met Dylan in his apartment and apologized that it had taken her extra time since she had texted Evan, not that she was going to tell him what she was doing.

She was still looking at her phone. "Sorry, I had to--" Lena looked up." "Holy shit balls."

Dylan was sitting on the couch, still in his bunny socks, still in his shorts but lacking his shirt.

Lena wondered if there was actual drool on her chin. "Oh my God. I want to lick every groove of every muscle on his chest," she said under her breath.

"I could say the same," he answered. Even after having a baby, her tits still look spectacular. I loved sucking on them, my tongue around her hard nubs. Shit, my cock is now rock-hard. It was tenting his loose shorts. He quickly grabbed the pillow off the couch and put it over his lap. Smooth, Dylan. She won't notice at all. Christ.

She didn't realize she had said it so loud. Her face turned red as the wine they had been drinking all night. She sat down next to him and took the glass of wine off the table. She avoided his gaze. "I guess we should get this over with." She drank the ice wine down in two swallows.

His eyes grew wide. "Uh, what more?" he asked.

She nodded. He poured her another glass. "Are you purposely getting drunk?" He took a sip of the wine. "This is good."

"Do you know why it is called ice wine?"

"No. I have a feeling you are going to tell me," he said with a sexy smile.

"It's made with the grapes from the first frost of the season. That's why it's expensive. They don't produce much of it."

He nodded. He couldn't take his eyes off her. "That is very interesting. So, are you getting drunk on purpose?"

"I just need a little liquid courage," she said. She scooted a little closer to him. She took in his scent. Now that he was bare-chested, it was even stronger. "I miss the way you smell."

"Really?" He smirked. "Is that so?"

Ohh, shit, you fucking said that out loud. "I didn't mean to say that so you could hear it. Maybe I do need to slow down on the wine."

He scooted closer now. "I miss the way you smell, too, lilac and Pantene." He tucked her hair behind her ear.

She felt her pussy start to heat and clench and twitch. Her nipples were poking through the thin material of her top. She wanted him so badly. She's one of those hungry, horny drunks. She likes to eat, and she loves to fuck. That's why she doesn't go out much to drink. She's better alone or with Greta. Greta is beautiful, but she's not her type.

She moved his hand away from her face. She wanted to put it on her breast. "We need to talk about Ash."

"Yes, we do. Speaking of which, I want him to meet my parents and Amanda soon. I think they would really get along. So, when are we going to tell him?"

"I'm sure he would love to meet them. As far as telling him, I don't know. It's not that simple. It's only been a few weeks."

"And I have spent every possible minute with him. I am doing my best to get to know him and to build trust."

"I am aware of that. We may need to--" she was cut off.

"I want him home more. I think it's time for him to start spending less time with Cole."

"I agree. I was actually toying with the idea that I should sever all ties between--"

Anger overtook Dylan's face "Don't you dare take that boy from his father," he snapped.

"But you just said--"

"I said less time. Not no more time, ever. You can't do that to Ash, and as much as I don't like Cole, you can't do that to him either."

"You don't mind Cole having a relationship with your son?"

His eyes got wide. "You called him my son?"

"He is your son. He likes you a lot. I already see so much of you in him."

"That's good since he's my son."

"You two have a lot in common. It's quite adorable. You have the same mannerisms; he makes the same face as you when he's concentrating, and he has your smirk, too."

"I love him. You know that, right?"

"I would hope so. I've loved him since the moment I saw that pink + sign."

"When I looked into his eyes and saw that yellow freckle in his iris, I knew he was mine without a doubt. Then I looked at him while we were in the car, and I realized he looked like me when I was a boy. I felt a pang in my chest and then a warm feeling. I have only felt that way twice before—once when I watched my son, well, my stepson, being born..."

"And the other?" she asked.

"The first time I laid eyes on you."

She blushed.

"You know, I never stopped loving you. Never," Dylan said, reaching for her cheek.

Her eyebrows came together. She stood up. She was angry. "Mi stai pretendo in giro adesso!"

"What? No. Why would I be?"

"You never stopped loving me? Even when you were hilt deep in Sowa? That was you loving me? That's what you do to someone you love; what would you do to someone you didn't? Did you love Sowa? Did you ever cheat on her?"

He stood up. "If I did love her, it was not like I love you. I was in deeper love with you, more intense, more real. And no, Lena, I never cheated on her. That's not me anymore. I grew up. I learned my lesson."

"You learned your... you learned your... Holy shit. So, I was a teaching moment! You learned from your mistake! Are you fucking kidding me!" She had started to pace.

"No, I mean, yes, I didn't mean it that way." His voice was uneasy.

"Then how did you mean it? You know what? Never mind, I don't care. You need to go."


"You need to get out!" she shouted, happy she didn't have neighbors.

"We are in my apartment, and we need to talk about Ash, Lena."

"That's where you're wrong. This is 800 square feet of my 3000 square foot apartment. As far as Asher, you were never supposed to know about him in the first place. I don't think waiting a few more days or weeks or even months matters. Now get out. I don't need you in the morning, so you don't need to be here tonight! In fact, you haven't been needed for weeks. Don't you have a home or friends to hang out with?"

"Of course, I do, but I would rather be here with my son and my-"

She held up her hand to cut him off. "You're what? You're what Dylan? Your boss? Because that's what I am. That's all I am. That's all I ever will be to you, no matter how many times you try to bring back all of the good memories!"

"You're the mother of my child and the love of my--"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence." She stepped up to him. "Go. I'll see you Monday morning at 7:00 AM."


"I'm going to ask you nicely, once. Please go. Just go." She was doing her best not to cry. Not only did she become horny and hungry, but she was emotional and weepy.

He held up his hands like a hostage. "OK, I'll go. Let me clean up first."

"No, I'll take care of it. You cook, I clean, remember?"

"I do. I remember a lot about us."

"Maybe you should have remembered us when--"

"For the love of God, Lena! Can you please, please put that in the past? What I did was awful. What I did was stupid. I'm not asking you to forgive and forget, but I need you to tolerate and maybe not think about it every second of every day."

"It's not easy for me not to think of it when I see you every second of every day."

"You really don't want me in your life, do you?"

"No!" she lied. "You were thrust upon me for some nefarious reason by my ex, who was angry he got caught fucking his assistant's assistant, oh, the Maplewood desk I paid for! I should have reassigned you. That is at least one mistake I can rectify."

"No, please don't. If you do that, I won't be able to see Ash as much. I won't stay over anymore if you don't need me to, I promise. Please don't take Asher from me, not again." He begged as he held her cheek and looked into her eyes. it always called her down. His voice got soft. "I am truly sorry, Lena. I'm not asking you to be my priest and forgive me for my sins, I'm just asking for a truce. I, too, have every right to be just as pissed at you, but I'm not. I want to work on our relationship, for Asher's sake."

She slowly slid his hand off of her face. "Good night, Dylan. I'll call down to Mauricio. He'll give you a ride home."

His face fell. He knew it was a losing battle. "Goodnight, Tesoro Mia." he walked out of the apartment.

She picked up her phone and called Mauricio, who lived in the building. She had given him an apartment with the understanding that he would be on call 24/7.

"Hi, Mauricio, I'm sorry to bother you."

"It's no problem. Is everything okay?"

"I need you to give Dylan a ride home. He had one too many cocktails and needs a ride home."

"Oh, but of course. I will bring the car around and tell him I will be in front in five minutes."

"Thank you."

"No, thank you is necessary, Miss Lena."


He came out of the kitchen. "I put the dinner in the fridge."

"Thank you. I'm sure Ash will enjoy it. The car will be ready in five minutes."

"Lena, I--" He stopped. He wasn't exactly sure what he was going to say.

"Goodnight, Dylan." She turned and walked away from him.

She went into her room and texted Evan.

Lena: What time on Friday?

Evan: Did you find someone to watch your son?

Lena: I have someone in mind. Just tell me when and where.

Evan: Wow. Awesome. I will think about it and give you a call tomorrow.

Lena: I can't wait.