Chereads / Breach of Security / Chapter 14 - A Conversation

Chapter 14 - A Conversation

"Why aren't you eating Mama? Is the toast not good?"

Lena was speechless by what Asher just said. Had Dylan told him that Cole was not his dad? If he did, he didn't have a right, and he needed to get the fuck out of their lives. Lena finally spoke. "Asher, why would you think Dad is not your dad?"

"Mama, you and I both know that I am smart."

She laughed. "Yes, I do."

"Nana has pictures of Dad from when he was a little boy, and I look nothing like him. I do look a little like you, but the rest of me looks nothing like Dad. So, tell me, who's my dad?"

"Asher, this isn't the best time. We are sitting in bed. I have a--"

"Hangover," Dylan mumbled.

Lena shot him a look. "A headache. I have a headache."

"Hey, Sport, why don't we leave so Mom can take a shower and get dressed? Then we can go to the park and have some conversation?"

Asher ignored him. "Mama, all you have to do is say a name."

"No, Ash, it's not as easy as me saying a name. I have been caught completely off guard. Mama needs time to think."

"But Mama," he whined. No matter how smart he may be, he was a five, almost six-year-old.

"Come on, let's go and let Mama get ready for the day. You need to brush your teeth and put on some different clothes."

Asher was visibly annoyed but reluctantly obeyed. "Ugh, fine, but we're going to go to Jeni's for ice cream, and then we're going to have a conversation." Asher climbed to the end of the bed and jumped off with a loud thud.

Lena and Dylan watched the little boy bounce out of the room.

"What the hell, Dylan? What did you do?" Lena was angry.

"What did I do? I didn't do anything. Why do you think I had anything to do with this?"

"Maybe because he never said anything like this before. Now you've been here for a couple of months, and he's asking me for a paternity test?"

Dylan shook his head. "He knew this well before I ever walked back into your life. Did I seem shocked when he said he knew Cole wasn't his dad?"

Lena looked at him, he was right, he looked stunned when Asher said he wanted to talk about it, but he's right, he didn't seem to react to the news of Asher knowing Cole was not his dad.

"You knew how? Why didn't you say something to me? How long have you known about this? Why did you keep this a secret?"

"You want to talk about keeping secrets?" He heaved a big sigh. "Asher said something to me a while ago. It wasn't my place to say anything to you."

"Is this why you have pushed so hard to tell him? Shit, do you think Cole knows that Asher knows?"

"No, I don't think he knows."

"How can you be so sure?" Lena asked.

Here's my chance. Do I tell her? She wouldn't believe me. She knows I hate Cole, and I don't want him around my son. I did tell her that I think she should let Cole have visitation. She's going to think I'm just jealous. I stayed silent.

"Dylan, you know something. What are you not telling me?"

A shit ton, but I'm not going to be responsible for hurting you any further.

"I don't think Cole knows, that's all. If he did, he would treat Asher differently."

"I guess maybe you're right. What now? What do we do?"

"Get up, take a shower, get a couple of aspirins, get dressed, and get ready for some ice cream." Dylan got off the bed. "I should get dressed, too. I don't want to go out naked because apparently, in this family, in order to not be considered naked, I have to wear a three-piece suit."

She watched him walk out. His back muscles flexed the perfect round globes of his ass. Even better was the bulge she could see behind his shorts until he adjusted himself.

Fuck I need to call Greta.

Lena listened as Greta's phone rang over and over. Finally, her voicemail picked up.

Hi, you've reached Greta the Wonderful. I can't come to the phone because my husband has two weeks leave and we will be out of town, hopefully having lots and lots of sex. If this is an emergency, call my mom. If you don't have her number, then you don't know me well enough to be bothering me during your emergency, so leave a message. I'll check it in a few days. Kisses.

Damn it, I had completely forgotten about her vacation. I've been so caught up in my own drama.

"Hey Bitch, I hope you're having an enjoyable time and using condoms. I have so much to tell you. I need my friend and a lot of alcohol. I love you."

Dylan went into his apartment. He sat down on the side of his bed and put his head in his hands. This is so fucked up. I thought it was him, but now that I have seen his face, I know that it's him. It's definitely him. He needs to take responsibility for what he did. He needs to pay and man the fuck up. God, this day just started, and it is already overwhelming.

After everyone was showered and dressed, they all met in the living room.

"Well, don't we all look nice? Now, let's go. The ice cream isn't going to order itself," Asher said, making his way to the door.

Lena and Dylan looked at each other. Dylan knew that within one hour, his life and Asher and Lenas's lives were about to change. He was excited to see what the future held, but he also felt like he was going to be sick any minute.

Lena parked the car. Lucky for them, someone was pulling out as they were pulling in. Finding a good parking spot in Chagrin Square was tricky.

"We got the mayor's spot, Mama."

The three of them got out of the car. Asher took his mom's and Mr. Dylan's hands. "I want dark chocolate raspberry swirl. How about you, Mr. Dylan? What do you want?"

"Dark chocolate raspberry swirl sounds amazing."

"We like the same ice cream. Yet another coincidence, Mr. Dylan. It's like I'm a mini-Mr. Dylan, Mama!"

Dylan looked at Lena. "Yeah, life is funny like that sometimes, Sport. But you are way cuter than me."

The little family walked into the ice cream shop. "Hello, welcome to Jeni's. What can I get for you all?"

Asher was looking at the dozens of ice cream flavors with his nose pressed against the glass. "Excuse me, miss, but do you have dark chocolate raspberry swirl?"

"I'm sorry, but we are all out of that." Asher stepped back, and the girl could now see him. "Oh my God, you are the cutest little man I have ever seen."

Asher gave her a smile. "Does that mean I get a free scoop?"

The girl, Emily, smiled at him. "Well, you know I shouldn't do this, but how about I give you a free chocolate-dipped waffle cone."

"Well, thank you, pretty lady! You know your eyes are the color of a necklace my Mama has. It's the prettiest necklace I have ever seen."

Emily blushed. "Thank you so much."

"Holy shit, my sons got game!" Dylan muttered.

"Yeah, he's yours, alright," Lena muttered back.

"Okay, Emily, with the pretty eyes, I would like a double scoop of Superman, please."

"Sure thing, little man. Coming right up."

Emily scooped out the ice cream for the three of them.

"Okay, that will be 13.76."

Dylan pulled out his wallet. Lena pulled up her Apple Pay on her phone.

"Diavolo, I got this," she said.

"No, please, Tesoro, let me buy you and Sport some ice cream."

Neither of them realized that they had used their nicknames for each other. They just flowed off their tongues naturally. He pulled cash out of his wallet.

"How much was that again?" Dylan asked.

"13.76," Emily said with a smile.

"That sounds a little cheap."

She leaned in to talk to Dylan. "I gave the little gentleman his for free. He's just too cute." She looked at his finger. No ring. "So is his daddy." She winked at him.

Lena felt a pang of jealousy in her chest. Why would she be feeling any kind of negative emotions because of Emily's harmless flirting. I hate him, remember. He's a cheating bastard who won't let me have sex in my own home. He doesn't deserve my emotions. She watched as he smiled and licked his ice cream while mussing Asher's hair. Oh, good Lord, I have never wanted to be an ice cream cone so fucking bad in my life. I would lick him like a triple scoop of Hagen Daus. Girl, you are out of your Goddamn mind.

Dylan handed Emily a twenty and told her to keep the change.

"Thank you. Have a good afternoon."

"I appreciate the hook-up," Asher said with a wink.

He's his father, through and through. I am in so much trouble.

Asher took Dylan's free hand and started to cross the street to the park. "Come on! Get those long legs moving."

"Hey! What about Mama!"

"I hold your hand all the time. Don't be a hater, Mama."

She smiled and shook her head.

"Mr. Dylan, I want you to push me on the swings. I bet that you can push me higher than my dad can!"

"Why don't we go sit first and finish up our ice cream? Then I will push you for as long as you want me to."

After a couple of minutes, Lena's phone rang. She looked at the caller ID. It was Evan.

"Shit. I have to take this, but I will be right back."

"Business?" Dylan asked.

"I need to take this. That's all you need to know."

"It's either Cole or Evan. I'm not a fucking idiot, Lena."

"Language, Mr. Dylan," Asher scolded.

"Sorry Sport."

Lena walked away from the boys. "Hey, how are you? I am so sorry about last night. I don't know what the hell happened. He was totally out of line."

"Did you end up sleeping with him?"

"What? Oh God, no. I ended up cussing him out and slamming a door in his face."

"What a way to end the evening. Life is complicated, I get it."

"You have no idea how true that statement really is."

"So, I called to see if you would like to try again."

"Umm." She looked at Asher and Dylan. They were thumb wrestling with their ice cream-free hands."

"Lena? Still there?"

"That would be great. I would like that."

"I know a great Thai place that just opened."

"I love Thai food!"

"Me too. So, would tonight work for you?"

Lena continued to look at Asher and Dylan. What if this conversation went sideways? If it does go well, she can always see if Dylan wouldn't mind spending some time with his son, who's going to know that he's his father. She smiled. Maury Povich ran through her mind. Dylan.... You ARE the father.

"I would love to, but if you can give me about two hours, then I will have a firm answer."

"I will wait however long you need me to. Lena, I would like you to spend the night with me."

"Oh. Wow. I'll see what I can do. Maybe he can stay with his father. I'm sure he would love some bonding time."

"I'll be waiting for your call on pins and needles."

She laughed in a nervous way. "You do that."

"Talk to you later, my queen."

Lena put her phone in her pocket.

She walked back over, taking deep breaths. "Hey, guys. What did I miss? Anything interesting?"

"Just chit-chatting. Nothing important. Who was on the phone, Mama?"

"Just a friend. So, Asher, let's have this conversation you so desperately desire." In other words, let's get this over with because I feel like I am going to have a panic and an anxiety attack.

"Okay, Mama. Lay it on me."

"I want you to know that even though daddy and I are getting a divorce, and yes, you are correct; he is not your father, but he will always be your daddy, and I will make sure you still see him."

Dylan sprang up. "The fuck he will."

"Dylan!" Lena exclaimed.

"He's not gonna see that man ever again, do you understand?"

"Who are you to tell me what to do? You were advocating for me to let him see him. And now suddenly you are against it, why?"


"Because is never an acceptable answer. Try again and use big boy words."

Asher was watching them going back and forth like watching a tennis match. Finally, Dylan noticed.

"Hey, Sport, why don't you go play on the swings and let your mom and I talk?

Reluctantly, Asher agreed, rolling his eyes, and took off towards the swings.

"What the actual fuck Dylan! Just because you are his father, you don't get to tell me what to do. I have raised that boy for over five years."

"Whose fault is it that I wasn't in his life? I would have given my left nut to help you raise that boy. So whose fault is it, Lena?"

"It's mine, but Cole is the only father he has known, and I am not going to take Ash away from him. You're the one that talked me into it, you and Greta. I have spent many sleepless nights trying to figure out what to do, and I have decided to let Cole have visitation rights."

"You can't let Cole see him. I won't allow it."

She laughed sarcastically. "OH, really? You won't allow it? You don't get a say."

"Just trust me, Cole isn't who you think he is."

"I know he's a cheating bastard, but he was a good father."

Dylan growled. He was frustrated. "I could have been a better father."

"You know what? Apparently, I have a type. However, I only need one cheating bastard in Asher's life. "

"I thought the past was the past. I told you that you didn't have to forgive me, that you didn't have to forget, but can please tolerate my presence for our son? My son.

"As far as I'm concerned." There was a long pause. "You're just the sperm donor."

Dylan stood there, shock on his face, hurt in his eyes. "Lena, did you really just call me that? You don't mean that. Please, take it back."

"Dylan, ever since you waltzed into my life, you've been nothing but pain in my ass. I think last night proved that. As long as you're around, you're not going to let me have a life. I've already been trapped. I'm not getting trapped again."

"I can't believe I ever loved someone who would be so cruel. You not only keep my son from me, but now you tell me that I was nothing but a sperm donor, that you would rather let him stay in Cole's life but not be in mine at all. You have no idea how big of a mistake you are making."

"Really. Then tell me. Tell me what I don't know. I doubt I'll believe you, but go ahead and tell me. I know Cole cheated, but he is still the only father Asher has known."

"Because you have yet to tell him that I am his father." Dylan threw his hands up in the air. He put his hands behind his head, interlacing his fingers. Pain flooded his chest. He thought he was about to have a heart attack. "I can be his father. I am his father."

"Maybe you misheard me. You're the sperm donor. I don't want you in my life, and I don't want you in his. You will be reassigned. You will get your things out of the apartment by the end of the week."

"Please don't do this. I beg you. Please don't do this. You can't do this. Not to me, and not to Asher."

"Really? Watch me." She called Asher over. "Asher! Come here Tesoricco."

Asher skipped towards them with his curls bouncing and his little shoes lighting up. "Were you two fighting?" he asked.

"We were just having a conversation, Sport."

"Yeah, a really loud one."

"Come sit down. I'm going to be honest with you."

"It's about time."

"Sport, let's not give Mama an attitude."

Lena gave Dylan a disapproving look. "Thanks, but I can handle this myself."

"You are correct. Cole is not your biological father. Do you know what that means?"

"It means he's not my real dad."

"Yes, but he'll always be your dad."

"Are you going to tell me who my real dad is?"

"Asher. I don't know who your--"

"Lena, don't finish that sentence," Dylan cut her off.

She looked at Dylan. "I think it's time for you to leave Mr. Dylan. You don't need to be here for this conversation. It doesn't concern you. I'm going to talk to my son alone. Your services as our personal security are no longer required. Consider this your final shift."

"I can't believe you. You hate me that much?"

"Mom, why do you hate Mr. Dylan?"

"Mr. Dylan has stuck his nose where it doesn't belong. She took Asher's hands. "Now. Have you ever heard of artificial--"

"You fucking bitch," Dylan said under his breath.

"You're right. I stuck my nose where it didn't belong. I'm sorry, but I can't work for your company anymore." His voice shook. "I quit. You won't hear from me after I get my things." She was about to tell my son that she was artificially inseminated. I guess I am just a sperm donor. Now, I know exactly how she felt when she opened that door. I tore her heart out, and now she had done the same. Dylan turned and began to walk away.

Asher's eyes got wide, and his bottom lip started to quiver. "Mama, I don't want him to go. Please don't make him go. Go say you're sorry."

"Asher, I know you're very smart, but sometimes grown-ups have problems that kids can't understand."

Asher watched as Dylan got further and further away. He stomped his feet in anger. "I'm smarter than you think, Mama." Asher got up and started running full speed at Dylan.

"Asher Giuseppe, get back here now," she yelled after him.

"Mr. Dylan, please don't go! Mr. Dylan," he called as loud as he could while running at a full sprint.

Dylan just kept walking, tears in his eyes and a lump in his throat. He had now lost two sons. And then he heard something that made him stop in his tracks.

"Daddy, please don't go. I love you. I know you're my dad. I look just like you. We even have the same spot in our right eye. Tell me I'm wrong. Tell me you don't want to be my friend anymore, and you can go, Mr. Dylan."

Lena came up behind him. She could not believe what she was hearing. How long had Asher known? Why didn't he say anything?

Dylan didn't know what to do. Should he keep walking? Lena had said some terrible things, and maybe she was right. She was going to make the situation just like Sowa, where he couldn't see his son?

He knew he wasn't Patton's real dad, but he loved him as such. He still puts money into an HA for him. Someone must take care of him since his real father is a cocksucker. He couldn't afford the kind of lawyers she could. Yes, he had money due to his investing in Trinity, but not the kind he would need. He wasn't even sure his name was on the birth certificate. "How cruel is fate that it brought us back together? Perhaps it wasn't fate; perhaps it's karma."

Asher and Lena were now mere feet away from Dylan, who still had his back turned. "I'm sorry, Sport. Your mom is right; I'm just a stranger. Cole is your dad and he always has been. Lena, I'll turn in my resignation tomorrow and my things out by Friday."

Asher ran up and grabbed Dylan's arm, and started pulling him. Dylan didn't budge. "You can't go, Mr. Dylan, Please. I love you, and you're so much fun. We have so much in common, and you're not a stranger. You're my friend. I know you're my dad. My real dad, and you know it too! Please don't leave. Mama is sorry! Aren't you, Mama?"

Dylan gently peeled Asher's little hands off his wrist. He still couldn't bear to look at him. "I'm sorry, Sport. I really am, but I'm not a nice person. I don't make a very good friend. I've done mean things and hurt people who I loved and who once loved me. I don't want to hurt them anymore, and I couldn't live with myself if I hurt you too. Even if I was your real father, the truth is I'm not your dad."

"But, Mr. Dylan, you are hurting me right now. My tummy felt like this when my hamster died!"

"You'll get over it, Sport." He walked away, leaving Lena and Asher standing in the middle of the park.

Asher had started to sob. Lena bent down to hug him. He pushed her away the best his little arms could. "What did you do? What did you say that made him leave? You need to say you're sorry. I need him to be my friend. I want my dad. My real dad!"

"Asher, it's more complicated than simply saying I'm sorry."

"I hate you. I hate you. I hate you! I never want to talk to you again." Asher ran off towards the car.

Lena stood there for a moment, trying to convince herself that he would get over this and that the few months he had spent with Dylan would fade in his memory, or so she hoped. "Time heals all, right?"