"What makes you human? Your emotions....for one...."
Another day had risen in helm street where Soulen was still fast asleep on the sofa.
Her messy hair covered her face while her mouth was slightly ajar. She must have slept comfortably on the chair since her cover sheets were not even on her body anymore.
Soon enough, the cool breeze from outside tickled her skin, causing her to shiver slightly before slowly waking up.
With a small yawn, she sat upright; her left hand rubbing her eye before noticing the cover sheet on the floor. A small frown appeared as she picked it up and folded it before placing it on her left side.
She stared at the T.V Infront of her for a few seconds before rubbing the back of her neck, her messy hair moving around slightly.
It was the day to explore the abandoned base. Yet she felt like she still needed more sleep.
Fighting the urge to crash back down on the chair, she pushed herself up before making her way to the bathroom. 30mins later, she came out freshened up and awake.
With the towel around her body, she made her way towards the kitchen and opened the fridge then stared inside. There wasn't much inside which got her confused at first before remembering she hadn't restocked it with the things she bought. She only hoped some of the things inside hadn't spoiled overnight.
Going towards her duffle bag, she pulled it into the kitchen then began restocking the fridge and cabinets.
Once she was done, she smiled gently, now she had more food for a while. Although, she was currently filling with hunger. She grabbed the medium sized loaf bread and placed it on her cabinet then grabbed a strawberry jam.
A plastic plate was set beside it where she kept the loaf and evenly cut it into 4. She then proceeded to spread the jamb on it and grab a bottle of water before returning to the living room where she gently sat down on the sofa; towel very much still around her shaped body.
She picked up a magazine on the side table to her right which was all about cosmetics and vehicles. It was still early in the morning so she was in no rush to head to the abandoned base yet.
An hour passed now and she was done with both the magazine and her food.
She got up, went towards the kitchen and did the dishes before returning to the living room and taking out her clothing from the closet that was at the left side of the T.V.
Opening it, she grabbed her black tank top and a red jacket which she wore then her underwear which a blue short followed after.
She grabbed her thigh pouch where she kept her pistol. And equipped it on her right thigh before wearing her shoe and grabbing the second duffle bag in the closet.
She swung it over her shoulder and grabbed her UZi before checking the ammo she had left in it. She frowned slightly as she kept it on her side. It wasn't much but she hoped she wouldn't have to waste it all and be stuck.
Going towards her crafting table, she pulled out the wooden bat she kept behind it before placing it down on the table. Next she grabbed a metal wire and proceeded to wrap it around the top. She grabbed a small lock hinge and began to screw it into the bat to keep the metal wires from springing out.
Now her melee weapon was a bit stronger than its base form. Adding the metallic barb wire around the top was going to be useful in piercing whatever she smacked with it.
With a satisfied sigh and a determined look, she placed the bat on her right hip before making her way towards the top.
Now back at the top, she stretched a bit before taking in the fresh air of the forest beside her. Now wasn't the time for her to venture into that area, her destination was back to the city square which was up helmstreet and towards misaka town. There she would find the abandoned outpost.
"...Here is another day out of my comfort zone.....let's not die this time.." she would say to her herself, a self assurance it seems as she held the pendant gently before making her way to her destination.
It took her roughly an hour and a half to get to the outpost while trying to avoid the roaming infected and mutants.
Currently, she was on the top of a building that had a Zipline connected to one of the sides of the outpost exterior wall; the right side to be more specific.
Down below however was a huge crowd of infected. Most were currently asleep while some were roaming endlessly around the horde although they didn't stray far from the group.
Going down was suicidal, especially with the fact she could see a few screamers there. Screamers just like their name implies scream to alert all infecteds and mutants within their radius to their location. There were like an annoying beacon for the infected.
Soulen sat down at the edge and stared. There was only one way in and that was using the Zipline. She did carry a sturdy wooden cloth hanger she picked up from he building she was currently standing on while making her way up here because she thought she would need it. Who would have thought.
With a deep breath, she got up, pulled the cloth hanger out placed it on the line before pushing herself off and straight towards the outpost.
As she rushed down, she held back every strength too scream as she knew it would wake the screamers and cause them to alert every infected within the vicinity. She desperately held on until she finally reached the end where she pulled the hanger off and crashed down into a bunch of mattresses just by the end of the Zipline. How convenient.
With a slight groan, she held her head as she stood up before looking around.
It was awfully quiet... Too quiet to be honest.
She assumed a few infecteds would be inside the building itself which she would have to quietly move about in.
She slowly made her way into the main building and walked for a few minutes before emerging in the reception.
There three ways to go and each were labeled boldly.
Without much thought, she ruled out going to the briefing room. That could be where. Most of the infected were. So her two destinations were the armory room on the left and the medic bay at the centre. Medic bay it is.
She slowly made her way towards the medic bay. Her bat was on the ready now in her hand as she stealthly went further in.
Before reaching the main room however, she was greeted with 5 sleeping infected. They were spread away from each other in a way she could actually squeeze through. But it was better for her to silently take them our instead. Best way to kill them was on the head. They weren't like the typical zombies. No not at all, zombies only die through their brain, this type of infected can be killed normally with a bullet to the chest or brain.
She silently went to each of them and broke their necks as quietly as possible. It felt gross touching the cold and dead skin of the infected but she had to bare with it to ensure her safety when she wanted to leave. Once she was done with the infected, she smashed their heads in which caused some blue blood to splash on her outfit and face. She used her left arm to wipe it off her face before making her way towards the inner section of the medical area.
Few minutes later, she was inside the medical room where she began opening the first aid emergency boxes on the walls and any cabinets or storage around. During her search, she was able to find a few bandages, two medical kits, two antiseptic meds and 2 advanced antiseptics. The last two items she got were very important and she was quite satisfied on obtaining them.
Due to how long humanity had managed to survive this world, just a few painful years really, humans could withstand the infection better now. It would take a while for it to completely devour their minds. And because of this, antiseptic meds were made.
The antiseptic meds were useful in reducing or removing the infection completely. It wasn't a cure for those already turned but a very good counter for anyone bitten or has been exposed to the air for too long.
The world's air all over the globe was contaminated. Although some parts were much worse while others were least threatening. For example was her home. The air was fresh but a bit contaminated. So the rate at which she was getting infected was slow.
She would usually take a pill whenever her vines began to change blue. That was one of the signs to the infection slowly taking over. That and the constant itch on the neck.
Without a moments thought, she popped one of the packs and tossed the two pills in it into her mouth before swallowing. It was bitter but it was a price to pay for survive. Plus she forgot her bottle of water so that was a rookie mistake. Now her throat and tounge had a weird aftertaste.
Minutes passed now and she was out of the medical room. On her way back, she noticed a shortcut that lead straight to the armory wing. She scanned her surroundings for a brief moment before making her way through the path.
Quietly and gently, sheoved through before noticing a few more sleeping infecteds. There were around 10 this time while she made her way. And she didn't hesitate to silently kill them while walking through.
Finally, she arrived at the weapons room. A sigh of relief escaping her lips as her left hand rubbed her temple gently. She was mentally tired but knew she had to press forward.
"...almost done...c'mon Soul, you can push forward..." She reassured herself then began searching the crates.
Most of them were empty and each empty crate she opened caused her to be slightly depressed and annoyed. Did she waste her time in here?
Just as she was about to give up, she saw a more advanced looking crate beneath the black table on the side.
It was a red crate that reflected the light from the window ever so slightly.
With her heart beating slightly faster than it should, she gently opened the box to find a Trevor assault rifle and a huge silver sword inside. It also had a good amount of gunpowder which would be useful for her in creating a weapons crate for her to restock on ammo more easily.
Finally, she had found what she was looking for. Actually, she found more than she expected. This was a good sign. She could feel it.
She quickly pulled out the assault rifle and felt it's weight before aiming at random objects to feel it's control. It was a nice gun with a magazine clip size of 35. It could hold a good amount of bullets in.
It's fire rate was around 550 if she recalled and the bullets were strong enough to blast holes on slightly bigger infecteds.
The durability of the gun seemed more like it was brand new. Which is a huge plus for her. Yes she was a gun freak. Courtesy to her father making her fall in love with guns.
Next she looked to the sword that was inside. Her eyes glimmered a bit as she stared at it with awe. She swung the gun around her neck after attacking a leather strap to each end so she could easily hold it before grabbing the sword.
It was big, yet felt light in her hand. And the swing speed was excellent. It was sharp, really sharp, to the point that the lightest touch on the edges casued her finger to bleed instantly. If she remembered correctly, this weapon's name was Zambato. A very sharp and quite big sword.
A huge smile was on her face as she held back her urges to fan girl over her current achievement.
"Alright let's get the heck out of here." She told herself; a quick glance at the window before making her way out of the armory while holding the blade in hand.
It was slowly approaching the afternoon now but that didn't matter, she had achieved her goal and what was left was for her to leave the building.
After a few minutes, she made her way towards the reception area before her gaze turned towards the Briefing area.
Now that she was done, she was curious as to what she could find there. After all each previous rooms had rewarded her quite handsomely, what was stopping this room from doing the same?
Drawn by that curiosity, she made her way towards the briefing room.
It was dark, the passage was dark and she could barely see where she was going. Another mistake of not carrying a flashlight with her. This part of the area was dark, it seemed there were no windows. Or rather, there were no opened windows.
As she slowly made her way forward, her whole body froze once she felt the pull of a string.
Like a tidal wave, her whole body tensed up as the alarms began blaring. She glanced forward and heard the growls and grunts of the infected waking up.
"Shit shit shit!" She cursed as she ran the opposite way with full speed.
The infected, now awake, ran towards the direction of the sound, and once they noticed her, their full attention was marked on her very being.
It took her a few seconds to reach the reception area yet again where she vaulted over the counter and made her way towards the front door. The infected were fast on her heels and the blaring alarm refused to stop.
It echoed throughout the whole building which caused the infected outside to all stir awake.
Now outside the building, her eyes desperately scanned for an easier way out. The front gate was a death sentence. If she even managed to make it out, she would be greeted by the zombies waiting outside.
She turned to the wall she came from, no way up it nor could she use the Zipline to go back up. She didn't have the proper equipment. After all, it was a damn wooden cloth hanger she used.
Behind her were the infected that had ran after her. Around 15 off them were fast approaching. Her body tensed up as she grabbed the large sword tightly as she waited for them to get close.
The first three launched themselves towards her which she barely managed to dodge. With one clean slash, their bodies split into two, leaving 12 more zombies.
She pulled out her UZi and mowed down two with the bullets before switching to her blade as one grabbed and bit her on the shoulder.
A painful yell escaped her lips as she used her strength to push it off her then slashed its head off. The pain was intense, a burning sensation from her shoulder as her veins slowly began turning blue and the spot she was bitten turned pale.
She quickly pulled out the second set of anesthetic pill and swallowed it which caused the progress of the infection to decline. It wasn't enough, she needed to use the advanced bottles to completely remove it.
Without rest, the remaining 9 zombies came towards her which she managed to take care of.
Her breathing was heavy, her body soaked with sweat slightly, she crashed down on the ground briefly to gather herself before opening the two antiseptic bottles and downing them. The progress of the infection finally disappeared as she gave a relieved sigh.
A loud banging sound was heard from the metal military gate that separated her from the horde outside. She really hopped it didn't bust down while she healed herself.
She used the first aid kit and treated her shoulder, the alcohol stung once she poured it on her shoulder as she cleaned the wound then used the bandage to patch it up temporarily. She would have to get home to sew it up.
Just as she was done, the military gate eventually gave way and collapsed, causing a huge horde of infected to roll in. Two huge infecteds slowly marched in, probably the two responsible for the fall of the gate as a female infected screamed as loud as she could; calling all the infected around the building to her position.
"....Ha ha...fuck my luck..."