There are three main establishments in the country of Pandora, The Government, The Magehood and The Reverred, although they are to some extent distinct, they are very interwoven, and that's why the most powerful mage doubles as the King of the country, there is a hierachy in each of these establishments, in The Government, there's the King, his Prime Minister and the five main ministers, in The Magehood the Head Mage, Upper mage, Second upper mage, Third upper mage and those in the Mage Crest stand the highest, The Reverred establishment, has The Most Reverred Hostess, Most Reverred 2 and rank reverreds below them, the Reverred have very similar functions with the Mages, they are in fact equivalent, their main distinction only being that the Reverred consists of virgin females only, whereas the mages have no specific gender or chastity requirements, I joined the Reverred because I believed that I would gain the level of power I desire at a faster rate, but now as I watch Taki bravely struggle with a mutant beast ten times her size, -I nearly vomit again in fear-, as I watch carefully I realize,-Taki is significant, she is serious, she does have it in her-, suddenly it hits me, the beast seems conscious of it's eyes, -is that it's weak spot?-, I turn to Rev Waer, "Is it possible to team up?", I ask hopefully, she shrugs "As long as you manage to fight your own beast as well", I nod confidently -I have it in me as well- I step inside the cage and it is locked behind me, I have dropped the dagger and collected the magic stone as my weapon, as the cage gates close behind me -I almost regret my decision-, Taki is down flat ,but she looks up to see me "Here to save my ass?" she asks good-naturedly, I shrug as the beast turns its attention to me and presently moves toward me -I panic- "W…what weapon do you have?!" I stutter, she chuckles,"The magic rock…it's completely useless", my face darkens at her statement "Wait…I hope that's not the same weapon you…" she mumbles observing my dark countenance, I instinctively begin to run, the beast is extremely fast, and tears are streaming down, the situation is hopeless, as darkness and hopelessness creeps upon me, I catch sight of Rev Netyisha -fire?- , my brain works quickly, as I increase my running pace "Taki…give me your stone!" I yell, Taki throws the rock at me, luckily I am able to catch it, "Help me divert the beast" I instruct, Taki looks at me quizzically, but sensing the confidence in my eyes, she instantly gets up to divert the beast away, however Taki's not as fast as me, it's a brown tentacled creature that capitalizes on its tentacles to move even faster, I estimate two minutes till it gets to her, I crouch on the floor and rub the stones together, "Camada!" Taki screams as the beast quickly closes up the gap between her and it, -the rocks spark in friction- "Okay, draw it to me!" I scream back, she gets out of the way, leaving the beast to face me squarely it bounds up to me, I stand my ground while still rubbing the rocks together, there are gasps from the others as the beast closes in finally, -a flame!- I launch the flaming rocks at the beasts eyes, and jump away, the beast shrieks as the flames lick up its fragile eyes, it soon succumbs,by falling down -dead-, I sit on the floor panting, I am exhausted -applaud-, steady claps from everyone in the hall, Rev Waer just spoils it by saying sheepishly "…and your beast?" she motions sleepily to another cage with a fresh monster yelping in anticipation, Taki helps me up "We'll face it…together" she intones reassuringly.