Chereads / Player's POV: I Can Copy Skills! / Chapter 5 - First Confrontation

Chapter 5 - First Confrontation

Chapter 5: First confrontation

Walking through the wheat fields, Nova was in an amazing situation, he managed with his large body to stride across the vast field.

Although he was sweating heavily, his face did not look tired, he simply walked with a distant and thoughtful expression.

Throughout the walk, he had been thinking of various ways to make his plan more likely to go 100% right for him, even if necessary, 110%.

'Just a few more miles and already, the forest should be there' He mused without stopping walking, his pace slightly faster than normal.

At first, he started walking at a steady pace, but after seeing how the sun was going, he didn't dare to be confident.

'Be that as it may, I don't want to be in that forest at night,' looking at the still bright sky of the sun, Nova could only increase the speed of her own pace.

With his quickened pace, also came increased fatigue.

- A couple of hours later -

* He gasped * * He gasped * * He gasped *

Panting, Nova was leaning with his back against a large tree.

His whole body was sweaty, with an exhausted expression on his face, he was sweating profusely, you might even think he was a walking waterfall.

"Tsk, I know, I must be too close," Nova said grumpily and winced.

Currently, he was outside the wheat field, which stretched for tens of kilometers, Nova managed to get here because he was not in the epicenter of the entire wheat field, but about 4 kilometers away from this Forest, also called Del Vapor Forest, some of the most important forests in the Lunar Capital.

'Despite not being directly in the capital, it is considered the forest of that city,' Nova thought, at the same time wiping the sweat from his forehead. 'I must finish here and leave as soon as possible'.

With that thought in mind, he hurried into the Forest, with the orange sky illuminating the area a bit.

He was still exhausted from all the walking, but you couldn't exactly say he was out combat, currently, Nova's stamina is 6 points, beating the average human.

He can easily walk the number of miles he walked, but his weight was creating a disadvantage, with his fat and mass making it harder for him to walk, he is relatively tired.

He knew this, so he walked fast, but also giving him time to breathe properly, relaxing and decreasing his fatigue tremendously.

'Fortunately, there are no monsters around these initial areas,' Nova concluded. It was a common occurrence in the game, but he still needed to confirm this.

After all, this was now the real world, it wasn't just a simple programmed game... Or so he thought.

Hiding his figure in the shadows of the trees, Nova moved from place to place, soon finding a peculiarity among the trees.

As if the world had separated the forest from such a fascinating place, even the orange rays of sunlight seemed to illuminate that place more.

It was as if the trees themselves were a corridor that's what it was, they were forming a corridor in a row, and at the end of such a corridor, a black chest with golden tones was carefully placed between the affiliated rocks that protruded from the ground.

'Bingo, this is what I was looking for.'

Nova couldn't help but celebrate in his mind that in his search of several hours, he was able to pay off by finding what he was looking for.

His eyes sparkled, but her glow faded soon after as he remembered what he had to face to take that box.

'It shouldn't be a big deal if everything goes well,' he reasoned thinking about his plan again. 'I just mustn't let it touch me physically, otherwise, I'll be in big trouble.'

With that warning to himself, Nova emerged from his hiding place, thus walking the corridor of trees.

[*RING* The Player is entering the Flaming Bull's terrain. For the Player's level, it is not recommended to enter].

Ignoring the system's warning, he entered alone after sighing and calming his heart; after all, this was his first fight to the death.

Taking a step into the hallway, another message came to Nova's mind.

[It was confirmed that the Player entered the Flaming Bull Ground, caution is advised].

A frown appeared on Nova's face, he was a bit annoyed with the unnecessary notifications from the system, he knew all this and he knew how dangerous it was.

'I don't need anyone to remind me'.

As an experienced player and probably the Top 1, he knew about all this like the back of his hand for him.

"System," Nova ordered. "Disappear or even invisible, don't let it be visible to me, also don't send notifications before I'm done dealing with that thing, I don't want to be disturbed."

Transmitting his orders in a low voice, like a whisper, Nova moved on to observe the panel that was still levitating, slowly disappearing from his vision shortly after.

At last, the annoyance fading, he moved on to walk with a slow pace towards the front, getting a little closer and closer to the Box/Chest that was at the end.

But, suddenly, an iron sword shot out of the earth itself, only two meters away from where Nova was standing.

The sword was a simple iron sword, with a leather hilt and a single edge, but it was enough.

'Ha, ha, ha, ha, just like in the game,' grinning like a little kid, Nova remembered those nostalgic days, then shook his head and wiped away the distractions.

Now, there was no time for that.

"It's time for a real battle, Flaming Bull."


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