This is a recall of the past 24 hours but from Celeste's point of view
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"I see," Mrs. Thorne said thinking "I guess you must have awakened your psychic powers."
I was so excited when I heard this, my magical prowess was advancing more and more. But now it was time to part with my newly reunited friend, I was devastated, but this was just how it had to be.
We had parted ways, and I left the courtyard.
As I got to my chamber, I cast the spells perfectly but it was by pure luck because I had never cast a spell before as I just started the lessons.
I wanted to be better at magic so I decided to go to the library to find a book all about magic in all aspects like conjuring, potions making, divination, healing magic and many others but what was most important was figuring out a way to fully awaken my spirit animal. I thought to myself
I strode over to the library in search of an appropriate book for her needs. I got in and looked for the magic section, navigated it successfully, and began looking.
I found one that piqued my interest, I picked it out from its resting place deeming it fit for my purpose. The book was titled "The Grimoire of Enchantments."
I picked it up in awe, opened it up and found that it was the exact book that I was looking for, it had all there was to know about magic.
I made for my chamber, to divulge into this book. As I got in feeling giddy, I sat in my study and opened it up to see the contents.
The book had everything there was to know about magic, I was so happy.
I checked the potions section and looked through, I discovered that potions aren't just made-up concoctions of magic and non-magic ingredients but have to be made from the magic that comes from within. Without it, a potion would not perform as it normally would or would start to act up and could have adverse effects on whosoever consumes it.
It was useful knowledge to know as I would make her first-ever potion. "I'm so excited for tomorrow," were the words that kept rummaging through my mind.
I moved on and looked for where I would find the section for spirit animals. I found it and it showed that they are special creatures that will be with us till the day we die. "Just like Mrs. Thorne had said," I thought.
The creatures could only be awakened until one has fully mastered magic, these could be animals of all shapes and sizes.
One can merge with them when need be and be more powerful than ever they would also have certain abilities prior to that being for example; if one had the essence of a lion they would be exceptionally strong and their bravery would be multiplied tenfold, if it were a cheetah they would be as fast as one and so on.
But in exceptional cases, there will be a chosen one that will have the element of a phoenix, which is the guardian of all the others that also has all powers combined.
All this was new information to me as I only knew little from Mrs Thorne, it was oh-so fascinating, but it was getting late so and I needed to retire for the day.
I yawned lazily, closed the book and put it neatly at the edge of my table, got dressed into my nightwear wear and went to bed.