"So… About that thing you are saying… I want to know all that you know about the Primordial Salt Sea Goddess," demanded Layla as she smiled while placing her chin on her hands.
"Tiamat was a part of Ancient Mesopotamian history of the Humans over a million years ago…"
"I know all about that stuff. What I want to know is why are you asking us to help against Tiamat… She should have been out of our news for the next hundred years."
"Because she has risen from the depths."
Layla dropped her calm expression to replace it with a shocked one and shot up from her seat. Slamming her palm down in anger, Layla leaned forward to give Matt a piece of her mind.
"Are you kidding me?! What took the Royal Guard's Ace team effort and lives was undone that quickly?!" shouted Layla.
Matt looked shocked and confused as Layla calmed down. The Dragoon then took a deep breath to apologize for her outburst and sat back down.
"If it's any consolation, that is the main reason why I've been dispatched to get help. However, I'm doing this in my own way," explained Matt, gazing into Layla's eyes.
"What do you mean?"
"The Royal idiots asked me to source out for help but they never specified what type of help they wanted. Thus, I did a bit of digging and found out that it was the Dragoons that managed to defeat it all those years ago…"
"Do you know why?
"Hm? Because the Dragoons wanted to show off?" quizzed Matt.
"Because the Salt Sea Goddess isn't just a legend of old, it's the goal of our race. To absorb the power of Tiamat."
Matt raised a questioning eyebrow at the Dragoon, awaiting an answer from her.
"Surely you can't be serious… Are you unaware of the Ultimate Spells?"
Matt shook his head.
"I refuse to believe that you fight without knowing your Elemental Skillset."
"Well, I don't use 'em often. Only to have some defenses and attacks… I'm not too keen on those long-winded incantations or having such showy moves," replied Matt.
"Well, that's where you and I would part ways. Back when the majority of the world population was human, a certain team of humans managed to breach the rift of Universes and unleashed the Primordial Gods of a Universe where fantastical beasts thrived."
"One of those Gods was Tiamat, who gave birth to the first Dragoons."
"Then why would you lot seek out to hurt her? Shouldn't she be revered as a god?"
"She turned on us, causing chaos and flooding the lands near the area she now resides in. To awaken the Ultimate, an all-powerful move in one's Skillset, one must seek the Primordial God that corresponds to their Element."
"But why? Why go through all the trouble to fight against a God and put her down just to get powers?"
"I have no clue, it was what our Royal government was pinning for us to do. And that's why my twin isn't here. Whether the folklore was true or not, one thing is for sure. We've lost several soldiers to that monstrosity."
The Loplin looked at Layla with a confused look, unable to proceed with the conversation.
"What? I said the Ultimate Spell is a goal for the Dragoons but I didn't say it was mine," stated Layla as she tilted her head to the side.
"Then why tell me all that information?"
"Because I need you to understand that you cannot slay that thing. You'd have a horde of uprising Dragoons tugging on your ears."
"Then… What are we supposed to do? Once Tiamat surfaces from the sea, we are the first Kingdom to be hit! And we can't ask the Dragoons for help…"
"You can appeal to the Royal Guard and ask the two Kings to meet for a truce and alliance against the awakening enemy."
The bunny man's ear drooped down as Layla walked away from the table and towards the fireplace.
"You're not going to help me?" questioned Matt, seemingly sad.
"I don't recall agreeing to help you… I'm a bartender and I have a shop to run. So no, I'm not helping you."
Silence blanketed the room as Matt tried his very best to put on a facade while Layla continued looking at the flames of the fireplace.
"Then I'd better head off before dawn fully breaks. Else I might be hung before lunch," stated Matt as he got up and walked towards the staircase from earlier.
But before the bunny man could take a step on the stairs, Matt jolted as he felt an electric shock reverberate through his spine from his tail. He then slowly turned, ready to shout at whoever touched his tail until his eyes saw the Dragoon's hair.