Mary took them further out into the field for their tests, the first person to do the test was a girl who walked in with a sword made of beast bones heir of one of the originals.
Alex only found out because of the murmurings of the students behind him. Although he had heard of beast weapons,this was the first time he was seeing one.
The girl presented herself under the name of Amy Windsor. This arose more murmurs because her surname confirmed that the was the daughter of one of the strongest originals.
Mary was able to make the place quiet again and gave her instructions about the tests.
The first test was a strength test, where you had to strike a drum-like machine with as much force as possible. After Mary said this, the drum-like machine came out of nowhere and Amy started to form a water ball to cover the hand, which took the shape of a gauntlet then she punched the machine with as much force as she could. The machine was on a scale of 1 to 100 and she was awarded 85 marks.
The next test was an agility test where she should avoid the arrows of touching her. Amy did everything she could to avoid the arrows, but she ended up getting hit faster than she thought, which ended up giving her a 75.
It was time for her to take her final test, which was the test of stamina.
This test seems quite harder than the rest, Mary instructed her to run a 500-meter race while still killing enemies for as long as she could. After Mary, said all these holograms of robotic enemies appeared and were attacking Amy as she was running,
she wasn't able to run for a long time and ended up getting attacked by the holographic robots in the process although there were no actual injuries. That made her get 60 in the process.
After her trial, it was concluded that her current power level was Level 3. The test was going successfully and each student took turns taking his tests, Ethan and Liam also took the test. Whereas Ethan's current level was at level 5,
Liam was a level 4 that was very surprising for Alex because of Liam's body. It was time for Alex to take the test and he heard mocking comments.
Some of them were; our black hero is here and the boy without ability is very brave.
After those comments, some girls started laughing, but Alex paid no attention and went for the test. Just like the rest, his first test was, the test of strength.
As usual, Mary repeated the instructions and Alex tried his best to punch the drum-like machine with as much force as he could but sadly, he ended up with a 30 and following the next test, the test of agility, Mary repeated the instructions and immediately the arrows started flying towards Alex.
Alex tried his best to avoid the arrows as fast as he could but, following the previous test score, he also got a 30. The test of stamina and Mary repeated the instructions once again.
Surprisingly, Alex's score during this test was better than the rest which was a shock to Mary and some other students. And Alex got 65. At the end of Alex's test, Jane said "as expected, your current power level is, level 1"
At the end of the test all students were given a watch to measure their ability but, it was also to notify the school if a student was outside the academy after curfew and if a student was dead. Although the watch tells the ability level of a student, it does not say how strong the student is and only measures the mutant organs and cells in the body.
When everyone wore their watch, all their ability levels appeared on their wrist. It was 2pm by the time they had finished the tests. So, they were asked to go to their various classes, Alex went to the combat class and was welcomed by his teacher who introduced himself as Mr. Lee. He told his students to choose a weapon which suites them best from the shelves.
While the students were trying to choose their weapons, Mr. Lee was giving them a summary of the production of weapons. "The invention of weapons began during the war, between humans and diahmix."
When humans found out that weapons could be made from beasts bones and other parts of the beasts. And after the war when technology started evolving, people were able to travel to different planets to kill more beasts.
It was also discovered that the beasts were at different levels and the highest the level, the higher the quality of the weapon the can be formed from the beasts. "Said, Mr. Lee.
Alex already knew about this history so, he wasn't wowed by it and by the time Mr. Lee finished the story, Alex had already found his preferred weapon which was a dagger.