Chereads / (I Became Beyonce's Half Sister) / Chapter 9 - Way To Cliche Of a Day.

Chapter 9 - Way To Cliche Of a Day.

1980/New York.

It's been a couple of days since i performed at the opera show and i must say i certainly am not happy with the way i performed there because first of all my voice is still immature and lacking compared to a matured singing voice which means i cannot hit the whitney notes as sam smith would say but i can say that my current vocal range is 3 octaves, which is not that bad because that was fantasia's vocal range even when matured, but i want to aim bigger and break that bottleknock in my voice anyways it is quite sad if you paired me with child beyonce who will be born soon.

(Crystalline's POV)

I am currently at the hotel packing my things very ready to head back home so i can get my money from deadbeatathew who i very much would like to shove a dildo up his deabeat ass when i get the chance to.

While i was packing my things i was listening to grandma mia talk to someone in the hallway outside the room while holding a ugly oversized phone which is not suited for purses.

"Yes i am mia knowles who might you be good sir." Said grandma mia, smiling to a handsome old man batting her eyes which is not cute at all.

I rolled my eyes at the obvious horny signs she's giving and zipped my suitcase.

"Ma'am your daughter is a real talent and I would like to sign her to sony entertainment we will offer a good deal on the contract and make sure she has everything she needs she will be a top star given she's in the right hands with the right resources." Said the handsome old man, clearly thinking je can persuade grandma mia.

"Yes i accept." Said grandma mia while slightly making her dress strap slip a little to reveal a little of her breasts.

The handsome old talent scouters eyes wandered to grandma mia's luscious breast but quickly adjusted his throat and said "Ma'am I am here on business so plea..."

Grandma mia swayed up to the scouter and pushed him against the wall, making him groan.


"Is that so." Said hrandma mia, with her fingers wandering to his restricted area.

"Mia please listen to me i know we've had several accidental flings but i am here on official business about your great granddaughters tal...ghmmp~" Said the talent scouter grunting, trying to speak.

"Shut up johnathan." Said grandma mia, kissing him roughly, clearly having history with the man.

While they where in the hallway where you can get caught I was currently in a taxi heading to a address i got from the old director who seemed to have connections, having slipped passed the horny grandma mia.

"So what's a little lady like you doing by yourself." Asked the old choclate skinned fat taxi driver, looking through the review mirror.

"Oh nothing much just irresponsible adults who don't know how to watch their kids." I said, feeling the vibe of the fat old taxi driver.

"Yeah i feel you that's how my family was with trying to put food on the table only to come home and find your wife cheating, ON YOU WITH YOUR OWN FUCKING SON." Said the old taxi driver screaming, clenching the steering wheel clearly recalling old memories.

"Damn what the fuck you been through" I thought staring at the taxi driver who got cuckolded by his own son.

The taxi driver sighed while turning the steering wheel pulling in at the address.

"It was nice talking to you young lady remember to not tolerate bitches it will help you in the long run." Said the old taxi driver thinking he sees some of himself in me.

"Yeah I'll keep that in mind." I said smiling.

"Like hell I'll take advice from a cuckolded man who can't even keep his wife" I thought, waving at the taxi driver who was pulling off with a smile.

My smile disappeared so fast one might think they need to get their eyes checked, and looked at the address.

"Who are you." Said a young girls voice that suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

I looked next to me and seen a young girl with very curly brown hair who looked to be biracial and around my age.

"Who are you." I asked, not really scared no more by sudden appoersnces.

"Who are you." Asked the girl again.

"Who are you." I asked again.

"Who are you." Asked the girl for the third time.

"Who are you." I asked again.

"I asked you first answer the question." Said the girl getting irritated.

"Oh that makes sense I'm crystalline knowles." I said, with a chill vibe.

"Oh wow your mia knowles great granddaughter your a very good singer did you know my mom admires your great grandmother." Said the unknown girl, excitedly.

"No i did not know but i would like to know who you are." I said, still waiting on my answer.

"Oh sorry crystal my name is mariah carey you can call me mariah i can tell we will become best friends." Said mariah, while Interlocking her arm with mines, dragging me to her house not giving me time to register what she just said.

TIMESKIP: a couple Weeks later.

It's been week since i met little mariah and i was currently in a studio watching mariah practice singing with her mother patricia who was instructing her.

"NO MARIAH TAKE YOUR TIME TO HAVE BETTER CONTROL HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO REPEAT MYSELF." Said patricia loudly, going insane from repeating herself countless times.

I rolled my eyes and focused on eating the pudding in my hands.

"Crystal how about you try to sing the whistle register." Said mariah, smiling like a retard clearly knowing i was enjoying my pudding.

"I can't do that not everyone can find their whistle register like you can but it's not impossible it just takes time and effort." I said, obviously lying a little not feeling guilty at misleading little mariah from Interrupting my eating.

"Oh that makes sense then I'll continue my training." Said mariah with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes again at the little troll and was about to open another pudding only to be interrupted again by the door to the studio slamming open.

"CRYSTALLINE." Said Grandma mia singing opera in a high note very longyly.

"That was very unnecessary." I said degrading her singing.

Grandma mia shoved my insult off easily.

"I got you signed to motown records." Said grandma mia jumping up and down not which was not suitable for her age.

"And how did you do that." I asked with suspicion.

"That talent scouter happens to be a friend of mine." Said grandma mia, averting her eyes.

"Yeah right just a friend." I said not believing her at all.

"Anyways it's time to head back home that's why i came here." Said grandma mia while heading back to the car.

"Oh well I guess this is farewell mariah." I said, bidding farewell.

Mariah had a sad look and hugged her mother who patted her head to help her calm down.

"I'll walk you to the car meanwhile start practicing mariah tears are not gonna get you anywhere close to your dreams." Said patricia who stopped patting narah's head and came to me to walk me to the car.

I nodded and left with patricia to the car.
