Author's Note: I had to split this chapter because it exceeded WebNovel's maximum word count. So check your progress. Both chapters were posted in succession, and you may need to go back one.
— Star Jumper —
Tyson leaned forward on the speeder bike, the wind whipping past his Mandalorian helmet as he raced across the sun-baked dunes of Tatooine. The Czerka Corporation had been falling over themselves to accommodate him, even loaning him this top-of-the-line speeder bike to traverse the harsh terrain. He had to admit it had significantly cut down his travel time. As he crested a particularly large dune, Tyson caught sight of a herd of Dewbacks in the distance. The large, reptilian creatures were lumbering across the sand, their thick hides glistening under the twin suns. Tyson slowed the speeder bike, bringing it to a halt atop the dune. He watched the Dewbacks for a moment, considering.
With a thought, Tyson opened a large portal directly in the path of the Dewback herd. The shimmering gateway led to the expansive desert environment within his Mystical Menagerie. He gunned the speeder bike's engine, circling wide around the herd. The Dewbacks, startled by the sudden appearance of the fast-moving vehicle, began to lumber faster, their powerful legs kicking up sand. He used the speeder bike to herd the Dewbacks, much like a shepherd might use a dog to guide sheep. He weaved back and forth behind the creatures, slowly but surely driving them towards the portal. The lead Dewback, a particularly large specimen, hesitated at the edge of the shimmering gateway. Tyson gave a gentle push with the Force, and the creature stumbled forward, disappearing into the portal with a surprised bellow. The rest of the herd followed. Their instinct to stay together overrode their fear. One by one, the Dewbacks vanished into the portal until the last tail disappeared from view. Tyson closed the portal with a satisfied nod, then revved the speeder bike's engine and continued on his journey.
As he sped across the desert, Tyson's keen eyes spotted movement in the sand. Womp rats, the ubiquitous pests of Tatooine, scurried about. Tyson began opening small portals directly in the path of the rodents.
One moment, a womp rat would be scampering across the sand, and the next, it would vanish through a shimmering hole in the air. He made a game of seeing how many he could catch without slowing his speeder bike, opening a portal at just the right moment to catch the unsuspecting creatures. By the time he'd crossed the stretch of desert, He'd sent dozens of womp rats tumbling into his Menagerie. He grinned behind his helmet, imagining the confused rodents finding themselves in a new desert.
Tyson heard a haunting howl echo across the desert. He slowed the speeder bike, his senses on high alert. The howl came again, closer this time, accompanied by several others. Ivy updated his HUD, streaming information about the predators.
He read the information Czerka provided about these vicious predators. They were Canine-like desert mammals known for their ferocity and pack-hunting tactics. He brought the speeder bike to a stop and dismounted, his hand resting on his lightsaber hilt. From behind a nearby rock formation, the Anooba pack emerged. Their gray fur was matted with sand, and their distinctive lower jaws, complete with chin tusks, gave them a fearsome appearance. The lead Anooba, larger than the others, fixed Tyson with its piercing gaze and let out a low growl.
Tyson stood his ground, reaching out with the Force to sense the pack's intentions. They were hungry, desperate. To them, Tyson looked like a potential meal.
The pack began to spread out, attempting to flank him. Tyson acted fast; he wasn't worried about the threat they posed, but he wanted to make their acquisition easier. He opened a large portal behind the pack, the shimmering gateway revealing a glimpse of his Menagerie's desert. The Anoobas hesitated, confused by the sudden appearance of the portal.
Seizing the moment, Tyson reached out with the Force, creating a powerful push that sent the nearest Anooba tumbling backward through the portal. The creature yelped in surprise as it vanished from view.
This spurred the rest of the pack into action. They charged at Tyson, their powerful legs eating up the distance between them. But Tyson was ready. He used the Force to lift two more Anoobas into the air, their legs scrambling uselessly as he guided them through the portal.
The remaining Anoobas, including the pack leader, circled Tyson warily. He opened a pair of large portals behind both him and the pack. As the Anoobas lunged, he used precise Force pushes to guide them into the portals. One Anooba leapt at him, jaws snapping, only to find itself suddenly falling through empty air into the Menagerie. The pack leader, seeing its companions disappearing one by one, let out a furious howl and charged directly at Tyson. Tyson waited until the last moment, then sidestepped, using the Force to guide the Anooba's momentum. The creature's eyes widened in surprise as it found itself running straight through a portal.
The desert was silent once more, the only sound the gentle hum of his speeder bike's idling engine. As he mounted the bike, Tyson couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. In just one day, he had added a herd of Dewbacks, countless womp rats, and a pack of fierce Anoobas to his collection. And he wasn't done yet. The Krayt Dragon was still out there.
Tyson revved the speeder bike's engine and set off once more across the desert under the twin suns of Tatooine. He'd hunted enough for now and made a beeline for the Krayt Dragon's location.
The twin suns of Tatooine beat down mercilessly as Tyson arrived at a large cave where the Krayt Dragon was suspected to be. Several speeder bikes were parked nearby. A Twi'lek and another man stood closer to the cave entrance, engaged in what appeared to be a heated discussion.
As Tyson dismounted his speeder bike, he noticed another hunter standing perilously close to the mouth of the cave to the northeast. The man's posture radiated impatience and bravado.
"I'm tired of waiting, Komad," the hunter called out, his voice echoing across the barren terrain. "How big can this dragon of yours be? I'm going in!"
Before anyone could react, the hunter took a few steps into the cave. Suddenly, a bone-chilling roar reverberated through the air, followed by the hunter's terrified scream.
The scream was cut short, leaving an eerie silence in its wake. Tyson shook his head at the foolishness of the hunter's actions. Even from this distance, he could clearly see the massive form of the Krayt Dragon curled up within the cave. Its massive head was easily the size of a landspeeder.
Tyson approached the Twi'lek and the other man, his Mandalorian armor clanking softly with each step. The Twi'lek's eyes widened as he took in Tyson's appearance.
"Ah, another hunter, I see," the Twi'lek said, his lekku twitching with interest. "You must be here for the Krayt Dragon as well. I'm Komad Fortuna. Perhaps you'd be willing to help us bait the beast out of its lair?"
"I don't need to bait it out," he replied, his voice modulated through the helmet's speaker.
Komad's brow furrowed in confusion. "But that's the only way," he insisted. "We need to tempt it with banthas. It's the safest method to lure it out without risking our lives."
Tyson considered Komad's words. The man was clearly an experienced hunter, and his knowledge of the Krayt Dragon's behavior could be valuable. Still, he began walking toward the cave, his stride purposeful and unhurried. Komad's eyes widened in alarm.
"Wait!" Komad called out, his voice tinged with panic. "Didn't you see what happened to the other hunter? Getting close to that Dragon is suicide!"
Tyson paused, turning to look back at Komad. The Twi'lek was right; the Krayt Dragon was a formidable beast. Even from this distance, Tyson could appreciate its sheer size and power. The dragon's body stretched far back into the depths of the cave, its serpentine form coiled like a massive spring, ready to uncoil at any moment. Its scales were a patchwork of sandy browns and sun-bleached whites, providing perfect camouflage in the desert environment. The creature's head alone was the size of the Sith Interceptor, with jaws that could easily snap a bantha in two. Its muscles rippled beneath its armored hide as it shifted slightly, causing small avalanches to cascade down its flanks.
Tyson stood his ground, unfazed by the awesome sight before him. He had a plan, one that didn't involve risking his life. With a thought, he opened a massive portal right near the front of the cave entrance. The shimmering gateway revealed a glimpse of his Menagerie, specifically the area where he had recently deposited the Dewback herd.
Komad gasped in shock at the sudden appearance of the portal, but Tyson paid them no mind. He didn't have any banthas, but he figured the Dewbacks might serve as an adequate substitute.
The effect on the Krayt Dragon was immediate. The massive creature's nostrils flared as it caught the scent of potential prey. Its eyes widened, focusing intently on the herd of Dewbacks visible through the portal. With an earth-shaking roar that sent tremors through the ground, the Krayt Dragon lunged forward. The dragon charged through the portal, its huge form barely fitting through the magical gateway. As soon as the tip of its tail cleared the portal's edge, Tyson closed it with a thought, trapping the Krayt Dragon in his Menagerie.
Silence fell over the desert landscape, broken only by the soft whisper of sand carried on the wind. Tyson turned to face Komad, who stood frozen in shock, their mouths agape.
"That was... far easier than I expected," Tyson mused aloud, his modulated voice carrying a hint of amusement.
Komad simply stared at Tyson, his lekku twitching erratically as he struggled to process what he had just witnessed. The Twi'lek opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out.
With deliberate slowness, Tyson reached for his belt and unclipped his lightsaber. The metallic hilt gleamed in the harsh sunlight as he held it up for Komad to see.
"Sith business," Tyson said simply.
Komad's eyes widened even further, if that was possible. He quickly raised his hands in a placating gesture, clearly not wanting to get on the bad side of a Sith.
"Of... of course," Komad stammered, taking a step back. "I... I won't interfere. Please, carry on with your... business."
Tyson turned his attention to the now-empty cave. The Krayt Dragon's absence left an eerie silence in its wake, broken only by the soft whisper of sand carried on the desert wind. He stepped into the cavernous opening, his boots crunching on the loose gravel and bone fragments that littered the ground.
The cave's interior was dimly lit, with shafts of sunlight filtering through cracks in the ceiling. He noticed the scattered remains of the dragon's previous meals. Bones of various sizes and shapes were strewn about, some picked clean, others still bearing remnants of desiccated flesh. He moved closer, kneeling to examine what appeared to be tattered fabric. As he lifted a piece, realization dawned on him. These were the remains of Jedi robes, weathered and stained, but unmistakable in their design. It seemed a Jedi had fallen victim to the Krayt Dragon at some point in the past. He wondered about the circumstances that had brought a Jedi to this remote cave on Tatooine, only to meet such a grim fate.
As he sifted through the remnants of the robes, Tyson found a holocron, but then also felt a sudden tug through the Force. Something among the remains was calling to him. He closed his eyes, letting his senses guide him. His hand moved of its own accord, brushing aside sand and fabric until his fingers closed around a small, hard object.
Opening his eyes, he uncurled his fingers. There, nestled in his palm, was a crystal. Its deep purple hue seemed to pulse with an inner light, even in the dim confines of the cave. He knew instantly what it was.
A lightsaber crystal.
He turned the crystal over in his hand. It hummed with potential, resonating with the Force. He could feel its power.
Tyson opened a portal into his Warehouse and stored the crystal and holocron within. He had no experience modifying his lightsaber, and the thought of incorporating this new crystal into his weapon was intriguing. Perhaps it could enhance his blade's power, or grant it new properties he had yet to discover.
As he made his way back towards the cave entrance, Tyson's enhanced hearing picked up voices. He slowed his pace, moving silently to avoid drawing attention. The voices grew clearer as he neared the mouth of the cave.
"...but it's impossible!" Komad's voice rang out, still disbelieving. "No one has ever taken down a Krayt Dragon single-handedly, let alone make it vanish into thin air!"
Another voice, gruff and skeptical, responded. "Are you sure you're not just trying to cover up a botched hunt, Fortuna? Maybe that Mandalorian was in on it from the start."
Tyson inched closer to the entrance, careful to remain in the shadows as he listened.
"I swear on my life, it happened just as I said," Komad insisted. "He opened some kind of... portal. The dragon went through, and then it was gone. And then he showed me his lightsaber. Said it was 'Sith business.'"
A third voice chimed in. "A Sith? Here on Tatooine? That can't be good news..."
Tyson stepped out of the cave's shadows. The group gathered near the entrance turned to face him, their expressions a mix of surprise and wariness. Revan, or "Avner" as he was currently known, stood at the forefront, flanked by the grizzled Mandalorian warrior Canderous Ordo and the Republic soldier Carth Onasi. The towering Wookiee Zaalbar loomed behind them. A fifth figure, clad in the distinctive wrappings of a Tusken Raider, stood slightly apart from the others.
Canderous snorted derisively. "That's not a Sith, you backwater moron," he growled, his eyes narrowing as he assessed Tyson's armor. "That's a Mandalorian."
Komad, the Twi'lek hunter, backed away nervously. "He claimed he was a Sith, I didn't make that up," he said, his lekku twitching anxiously.
Tyson retracted his helmet, revealing his face to the group. A wide, friendly smile crossed his face as he addressed them. "Avner, Carth, Big Z, good to see you all."
Carth's brow furrowed in confusion. "Tyson? What are you doing here?"
"Hunting," Tyson replied casually, as if stumbling upon them in the middle of the Tatooine desert was an everyday occurrence. "What about you guys?"
Avner stepped forward. "We're searching for the star map," he explained. "It should be in the cave."
Tyson shrugged. "Oh, I didn't look too deep in," he said, gesturing back towards the cave entrance.
The figure in Tusken Raider garb stirred, their voice muffled by the mask but distinctly feminine. "That's Tyson? The one from Taris?"
Tyson squinted, a nagging sense of familiarity tugging at his mind. The voice wasn't Bastila's, as he'd initially assumed, but it struck a chord in his memory. He watched as the Tusken reached up and grasped her mask, slowly removing it to reveal green skin and strikingly beautiful features.
"I've been looking forward to meeting you... again," she said, her voice rich with anticipation.
Tyson's eyes widened in recognition, and he immediately activated his helmet, sealing it shut. His Augment mind raced, recalling the woman's identity in an instant.
The Orion woman he'd encountered during the Barter By Combat, just before he'd been pulled into the anomaly that brought him to the KOTOR universe.
As D'Lavina continued to strip off her Tusken Raider disguise, Tyson's mind worked furiously, connecting the dots. He glanced at the party around her…
All men.
The realization hit him. She was manipulating them with her pheromones. She was the Mary Sue, the product of the Drawback that was attempting to weave her way into the narrative and bend him to her will.
D'Lavina, now wearing very little, her green skin glistening with sweat under Tatooine's twin suns, smiled invitingly at Tyson. "I'm so glad we ran into you," she purred, her voice dripping with seduction. "Why don't you come over here, and we can talk about what's been happening since you all split?"
She was trying to pull him into her harem.
To manipulate him as she had the others.
He could see the glazed look in Carth's eyes. Even Zaalbar, despite his species' differences, appeared more placid than usual. Avner, or rather Revan, powerful as he may be, was not immune to the Orion's pheromones.
Tyson shook his head firmly. "Nope," he said through the helmet's modulator.
D'Lavina's smile faltered for a moment, a flicker of annoyance crossing her features before she smoothed it away. "Come now, Tyson," she coaxed, taking a step towards him. "Don't you want to catch up with old friends? We have so much to discuss."
Tyson stood his ground, grateful for the helmet's filtration system that protected him from her pheromones. He could see the effect she was having on the others, the way they seemed to lean towards her as if drawn by an invisible force.
"I don't think we have anything to discuss," he replied coolly.
D'Lavina's expression hardened, her alluring smile transforming into a scowl. "You're being very rude," she said, her voice losing some of its silky quality. "I thought we parted on better terms than this."
"We parted in the middle of a fight," Tyson reminded her. "And I'm not interested in picking up where we left off."
Carth shook his head as if trying to clear it. "What's going on?" he muttered, looking confused. "How do you two know each other?"
Before Tyson could respond, D'Lavina stepped forward, placing a hand on Carth's arm. "It's nothing to worry about, dear," she said soothingly. "Tyson's just a bit confused. Why don't we all go into the cave and look for that star map?"
Tyson tensed, realizing her plan. If she could get them all into the confined space of the cave, her pheromones would be even more effective. He had to act fast.
His eyes darted to the side, taking in the group's transportation. A trio of massive banthas stood placidly nearby, their shaggy fur rippling in the hot desert breeze. Closer were the three speeder bikes; two belonging to the hunters, and the third his own borrowed vehicle.
With a subtle gesture, Tyson opened two portals. One shimmered into existence near the banthas, a gateway to his Mystical Menagerie. The other, barely visible, materialized beneath the speeder bikes leading to his Warehouse.
D'Lavina's voice dripped with false concern. "It must be true," she proclaimed, her eyes fixed on Tyson. "He's turned to the dark side and joined the Sith. It's up to us to help him return to the light... by my side."
Tyson felt a surge of irritation at her manipulative words. Drawing deeply on the Force, he gathered his power, feeling it build within him like a gathering storm.
With a sudden, explosive motion, Tyson released a massive Force push. The energy radiated outward from him in an invisible wave, rippling through the air. The group tensed, bracing themselves for impact, but Tyson's target lay elsewhere.
The banthas, caught off guard by the sudden burst of Force energy, stumbled backward. Their massive bodies shifted just enough to cross the threshold of the portal to the Mystical Menagerie. At the same moment, the speeder bikes teetered on the edge of their own portal before toppling into the Warehouse below.
In the blink of an eye, Tyson closed both portals, cutting off any chance of easy pursuit. He spun on his heel, sprinting back towards the Krayt Dragon's cave. The sound of startled shouts erupted behind him as the group realized what had happened.
"After him!" D'Lavina's voice rang out, tinged with fury.
Tyson didn't dare look back. He didn't fancy testing his chances against this particular group. A seasoned Mandalorian warrior, a skilled Republic soldier, a powerful ex-Sith Lord, and an Orion woman with Jedi training and the plot armor of a Mary Sue. Not to mention the Wookiee's raw strength.
As he ran, Tyson reached out to the Force once more, using it to enhance his speed. His legs pumped faster, eating up the distance between him and the cave entrance. The harsh Tatooine landscape blurred around him as he pushed his body to its limits.
Behind him, he could hear the sounds of pursuit. The crunch of boots on the sand, the clatter of armor, and the labored breathing of his pursuers grew fainter as he widened the gap between them.
Tyson burst into the cave, not slowing down. As he rounded a corner, he spotted what the other group was seeking.
The Star Map.
He pulled out his Lightsaber and Laser Blade and sliced through the artifact, turning it into slag in seconds.
With a Force-assisted leap, he propelled himself upward, landing silently in a hidden nook above. He pressed himself against the cool stone, controlling his breathing as he listened intently. With a thought, he opened a portal directly behind him, revealing a glimpse of the frozen, icy environment of his Menagerie within his Personal Reality.
Just as he was about to enter, a voice called out behind him.
"Stop right there!"
Tyson turned to see D'Lavina standing at the mouth of the tunnel. Her lightsaber was ignited, casting an eerie glow on the cave walls. Her eyes blazed with anger, but beyond that, he could sense her desire through his empathy.
"You can't run from me forever, Tyson," she said, taking a step forward. "We're destined to be together. I've seen it in a vision granted by the Force."
Tyson shook his head, backing towards the portal. "Didn't anyone ever tell you, lady? No means no."
D'Lavina's face contorted with rage. She raised her lightsaber and charged forward.
But with a final step backward, he passed through the portal. The last thing he saw before closing it was D'Lavina's furious expression as she reached the spot where he had stood moments before.
Tyson emerged into the frigid landscape of his Menagerie's ice environment. Without missing a beat, he opened another portal, this time stepping into the Control Room of his Personal Reality.
Tyson let out his breath. He'd escaped a Mary Sue. As his heartbeat slowed back to normal, his frustration boiled over, and he shouted.
"That's not funny, Q!"
In response, boisterous, mocking laughter radiated from everywhere and nowhere at once. The sound seemed to permeate the very air around him, a reminder of the omnipotent being's penchant for chaos.
Tyson huffed in frustration. But as the absurdity of the situation sank in, he found himself chuckling, shaking his head in disbelief. It was fucking ridiculous, he had to admit. Objectively, it was somewhat funny. An all-powerful Orion woman chasing him across the galaxy, determined to add him to her harem? It sounded like the plot of a terrible Star Trek episode.
Still chuckling, Tyson pulled up his character sheet on his HUD. He scrolled through the information until he found the Drawback section, rereading exactly what he was dealing with.
[+400 CP] Mary Sue (Drawback)
They are ridiculously overpowered and have overwhelming plot armor. Their goals & actions directly oppose yours. What's more, they know about you and believe that if they "befriend" you hard enough, you can be redeemed and join their harem.
Tyson read through the description carefully. The Drawback didn't say anything about not being able to beat them or kill them. It just stated they were overpowered and had plot armor. The value of the Drawback gave him pause. 400 CP was a significant amount, indicating that this wouldn't be an easy obstacle to overcome. D'Lavina wouldn't go down without a fight, and her "plot armor" would likely throw unexpected complications his way.
But Tyson allowed himself a small smile. He had already gained an advantage by taking out the Star Map and stranding the group in the desert. The Star Maps led to the Lehon System, where he'd replace the Star Forge with the Automated Repair Facility. Without the maps, they wouldn't be able to find its location. Sure, D'Lavina might find another way, given her plot armor, but his actions had bought him some time to get ahead of her and plan his next move.
Decision made, Tyson opened a new portal. The shimmering gateway revealed the dusty spaceport within Anchorhead, back on Tatooine. The Sith Interceptor sat where he had left it. Tyson approached the ship,circling to the cockpit. Not wasting any time, he climbed into the pilot's seat. With a thought, he opened another portal directly in front of the Interceptor into the hangar bay of the Interdictor. Tyson engaged the Interceptor's engines, guiding the craft through the portal into the hangar bay, touching down with barely a sound. As soon as the landing gear locked into place, Tyson was out of the cockpit.
He jogged across the hangar bay. Reaching the portal, he went back through to Anchorhead. Quickly making his way to where he'd seen the Ebon Hawk.
The familiar dynamic-class freighter loomed before him. If he could steal the Ebon Hawk, it would throw a major wrench in whatever chaos D'Lavina's presence would bring.
As he neared the ship's boarding ramp, Tyson paused. He reached out with his senses, probing the area for any signs of danger or unwanted observers. The Force flowed around him, carrying whispers of the bustling spaceport and lives within the ship, but nothing that set off alarm bells.
Satisfied that he wasn't walking into a trap, Tyson started up the ramp.
Stepping into the main hold, he was caught off guard by the sight before him. Bastila Shan stood rigid and alert. Beside her, the young Twi'lek Mission Vao lounged in a chair, her feet propped up on a nearby crate. Mission's hand instinctively moved towards her blaster at the sight of the armored figure, but Tyson quickly retracted his helmet. Recognition dawned on her face, replaced by a broad grin.
"Tyson!" Mission exclaimed, leaping from her seat. "I can't believe it's you!"
Bastila's reaction was more reserved, a slight nod acknowledging his presence. "Tyson," she said, her voice calm but tinged with curiosity. "This is... unexpected."
Mission bounced on her heels, excitement radiating from her. "You won't believe what's happened since we last saw you! We made it to Dantooine, and Avner and D'Lavina trained as Jedi. It was wild!"
At the mention of D'Lavina, Tyson's eyes narrowed. Mission caught his expression and lowered her voice. "Between you and me, I don't trust that D'Lavina woman. There's something... off about her."
Bastila shifted uncomfortably, but after a moment's hesitation, she nodded. "I... find myself in agreement with Mission, as unusual as that may be. D'Lavina's actions have been... questionable."
Tyson's jaw set in a grim line. "She's manipulating the others," he said flatly. "We need to get away from her. We should get off this planet," he continued, his voice urgent. "The sooner, the better."
Mission's face fell, and her lekku twitched nervously. "We can't leave yet," she protested. "My brother is here somewhere. I know he is."
Tyson sighed, mentally calculating how much time they had before D'Lavina and the others might catch up. The situation was growing more complicated by the minute.
Bastila cleared her throat. "I, too, have family here," she admitted.
Tyson puckered his lips, weighing their options. After a moment, he nodded. "Alright then. Speedrun it is. Let's go," he said, gesturing towards the exit.
He led Mission and Bastila out of the Ebon Hawk and through the dusty streets of Anchorhead. The twin suns beat down mercilessly as they made their way to the Czerka Corporation office. Inside, they approached the protocol officer, a harried-looking human who eyed them warily.
"I'm looking for someone named Griff," Tyson said without preamble.
The officer's eyes darted nervously. "Griff? Uh... there's no Griff here. Never heard of him. No, I... I don't remember a single Griff on the Czerka Corporation payroll." he said, obviously lying.
Tyson leaned in, his voice lowering dangerously. "Are you certain of that?"
The officer's resolve crumbled. "Oh, you mean that Twi'lek! It must have slipped my mind for a second. Yes, of course, I remember Griff." His words tumbled out in a rush. "We hired that Twi'lek some time ago. According to his crew chief, he is not a good worker, always complaining and faking injuries to get out of work. He entered false time sheets and slept through his shifts. We even suspected him of stealing Czerka Corporation supplies, although we could never prove it."
Mission's face fell, but she nodded resignedly. "Yes, that sounds like him."
The officer pressed on. "We would've fired him, but we needed workers. It would have been better for him if he had been fired. Then the Sand People wouldn't have gotten him."
Tyson's eyes narrowed. "The Sand People?"
"He was lost in a Sand People raid we suffered not too long ago," the officer explained. "There were prisoners taken, but our rescue parties never found anyone alive. In the end, it just wasn't cost-effective to keep searching. All miners sign a waiver absolving Czerka Corporation of liability in these circumstances."
"So your workers are all expendable?" Tyson asked, his voice hard.
The officer bristled. "Czerka Corporation cares deeply for all of its employees. That's why we started a bounty program to thin the Sand People numbers. We didn't find his body, so we have to assume he was taken prisoner. Whether he's still alive, I couldn't say. That's all I can tell you. I shouldn't even have said this much; this is all privileged corporate information. I could lose my job!"
Tyson leaned in. "Is there some type of reward for saving him?"
The officer shook his head. "As I said, all employees have signed waivers absolving Czerka Corporation of any financial liability if this occurs. It is the industry standard."
Mission's eyes flashed with anger. "Those sand people took my brother prisoner! Griff may be a slime, but we have to go rescue him! We can't just leave him with those... those... those monsters!"
Tyson placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, Mission. We'll get him back."
Mission's face lit up. "I knew I could count on you! There are definite fringe benefits to being friends with a Jedi!"
Bastila nodded approvingly. "Already, you're doing more good than D'Lavina. Let's go."
They rushed to the gates of Anchorhead, the urgency of their mission driving them forward. Once outside, Tyson opened a portal to his Warehouse. Mission and Bastila gasped as the shimmering gateway appeared before them.
Inside the Warehouse, three speeder bikes sat ready. Tyson stepped up to one, and Mission and Bastila followed his lead, their eyes wide with wonder.
Bastila shook her head in disbelief. "By the Force, how are you doing this?"
Tyson mounted his speeder bike. "It's not the Force," he explained quickly. "It's closer to advanced technology, but there's no time to explain now."
They mounted up on the speeder bikes, and Tyson opened another portal, this time leading out into the Dune Sea, at the closest point to the Sand People Territory that he passed. The hot wind whipped past them as they sped across the desert, sand spraying in their wake. After a few minutes of intense riding, they spotted a group of figures in the distance, trudging towards Anchorhead on foot. As they drew closer, Tyson's enhanced vision picked out details. They were refugees from the Sand People camp, their clothes tattered and their faces haggard from their ordeal. The scorching Tatooine suns beat down mercilessly as they approached the group of refugees. Among them, a disheveled Twi'lek stumbled forward. Mission's eyes widened in recognition, a mixture of relief and trepidation crossing her face.
"Griff, don't you recognize me? It's Mission!" she called out.
The Twi'lek's head snapped up, his eyes focusing on the young girl. "Mission? Is it really you? I heard Taris was under a Sith blockade! I thought you would never get off that planet!" A grin spread across his face, though it didn't quite reach his eyes. "Joy of joys, my little sister is alive!"
Mission dismounted from her speeder bike, taking a hesitant step toward her brother. Her hands fidgeted nervously as she spoke, "I... I have to ask you something, Griff. It's important. I ran into Lena. She said... she said it was your idea to leave me on Taris. It's not true, is it?"
Griff's smile faltered, and he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Ah, well... there's the truth, and then there's the truth, you know? I always meant to go back to Taris, sis. Just as soon as I had the credits to pay off my debts. But credits have been hard to come by."
Mission's face fell. "You mean it's true? It was your idea to leave me there? I'm your sister. How could you abandon me like that?"
Griff shrugged. "Come on, sis. You didn't need me to look after you anymore. You may have been young, but you knew how to take care of yourself. Besides, you're here now. Everything worked out fine."
Mission's shock turned to anger, her lekku twitching with frustration. "That's it? That's all you have to say to me after all these years. After deserting me on Taris?"
Griff's eyes darted between Mission and Tyson, a calculating look crossing his face. "Well, that and uh... could you please get me back to town? You've got a tough-looking friend there to protect us and a speeder bike. And, uh, you look like you're doing well. Financially, I mean." He paused, a sly grin spreading across his face. "Say... um... could you spare me a few credits to get back on my feet?"
Mission's eyes widened in disbelief. "You... you're hitting me up for credits? I don't believe this! I knew I shouldn't have come looking for you!" Her voice cracked with emotion. "Don't talk to me anymore. Ever!"
As Mission stormed back to her speeder bike, Griff called after her, "Huh... that didn't go well. Sis always was a little too fiery for her own good. She'll cool down in time."
"Don't be so sure." Tyson said.
Griff waved his hand dismissively. "Ah, she'll be okay. We've had our fights before." His gaze shifted to Tyson, a hopeful glint in his eye. "Too bad, though. I could really have used a helping hand right now. Those Jedi may have saved my life, but I don't have a single credit to my name. Say, you wouldn't be able to spare me some credits? Just till I get back on my feet, you know?"
Tyson regarded the Twi'lek for a moment before reaching into his pocket. "Sure. Here's 100 credits."
Griff's face fell slightly as he accepted the small handful of credits. "That's it, huh? Oh, figured you would be able to spare a bit more than that, but, you know, I'll take whatever I can get." He pocketed the money with a shrug. "Don't worry about me... I've already got a job waiting."
Tyson turned away from Griff, focusing his attention on Mission and Bastila. With a gesture, he opened a portal ahead of them, leading back to his Warehouse. The three of them drove their speeder bikes through the gateway, leaving Griff and the other refugees behind in the scorching desert.
Once inside the cool confines of the Warehouse, Tyson dismounted and approached Mission. Her shoulders were slumped, and she avoided eye contact. "Do you want to talk about your brother?" he asked gently.
Mission shook her head, her voice tight with emotion. "Look, I'm happy Griff's alive, but I'm mad at him right now. Let's focus on something else, like Bastila's family."
Tyson respected her wish to change the subject. He turned to Bastila, who had been watching the exchange with a mix of sympathy and concern. With another gesture, Tyson opened a new portal, this time leading back to the Czerka office in Anchorhead.
As they stepped through, Bastila spoke up, her voice tinged with a hint of nervousness. "If my mother is around here, she's probably at the cantina."
Without further discussion, the trio set off. The cantina's entrance loomed before them, promising a respite from the heat and the possibility of answers for Bastila. As they approached the door, the sounds of music and raucous laughter spilled out into the street.
Tyson hung back, allowing Bastila to take the lead, her eyes scanning the dimly lit cantina. The air was thick with smoke and the pungent smell of alien beverages. Conversations in various languages blended with the tinny sound of music from a battered jukebox in the corner. Bastila's gaze locked onto a figure seated at a table in the northwest corner of the room.
Without a word, she purposefully strode toward the table, Tyson and Mission following close behind. As they approached, Tyson could make out an older woman with graying hair and features that bore a striking resemblance to Bastila's. The woman looked up, her eyes narrowing as she took in the sight of the approaching group.
"Yes? I'm sorry, do I know you?" the woman asked, her voice tinged with a hint of suspicion.
Bastila's posture stiffened, her voice tight as she replied, "I am here, Mother. Or don't you recognize me?"
The woman's eyes widened in surprise, then quickly narrowed again. "What do you expect when I haven't so much as had a picture of you since you left? Do you know how long I've been trying to find you?"
Bastila's jaw clenched, her tone growing defensive. "You knew as well as I that communication would be impossible once I joined the order. Now, what is this about? Where is Father?"
A flicker of pain crossed the older woman's face. "Then you haven't heard. I should have known."
"Has something happened to him?" Bastila demanded, her composure slipping. "Are you going to tell me or not?"
Helena's voice was quiet but firm as she delivered the news. "Your Father is dead, Bastila. That is part of the reason why I was looking for you."
Bastila recoiled as if she'd been struck. "Dead? What happened? What did you do to him?!"
Helena's eyes flashed with anger. "Isn't this a lovely reunion? Already, she is flinging insults at me." She turned to Tyson, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Tell me... you're one of her friends. Do you treat your mother this way?"
Tyson held up his hands, taking a step back. "This is between you two. I'm staying out of it."
Helena let out a bitter laugh. "I'm sure Bastila feels the same way you do. She would prefer to be left out of it, at least until I'm as dead as her father is."
Bastila's eyes narrowed, her voice cold. "I was told you were sick. Are you actually dying, or is this merely melodrama for my benefit?"
"Such sweet things you say," Helena replied wearily. She let out a heavy sigh. "Perhaps I should tell you everything, first, before we start arguing again."
"You could start by telling me what you got Father into that killed him," Bastila snapped.
Helena's patience seemed to wear thin. "I hadn't realized Jedi were so spiteful. You want me to tell you I brought your father here for an expedition, do you? Do you want to blame me for his death? You never accepted that your father loved going on his treasure hunts, leaving you alone with me. I was always to blame for everything. What else is new?" Her voice rose as she continued, "So yes, fine. I brought your father here to look for krayt dragon pearls. He took an expedition into the Tatooine desert, and he died."
Bastila's voice wavered slightly. "How can you be sure of that? Father is an experienced--"
Helena cut her off. "Do you think I would look for you if I wasn't sure? They were attacked by a krayt dragon, and one of the guides fled the battle. He saw your father killed."
The fight seemed to drain out of Bastila. "I... see. So what do you want from me? Credits?"
Helena's face twisted in disgust. "Don't be insulting. I want you to use those senses of yours. I want you to find him. I want you to bring back his Holocron."
"Why? So you can sell it?" Bastila accused.
Helena's voice softened slightly. "Is it too much to ask that I have something to remember your father by? Of course, it is, isn't it? You couldn't be bothered. I haven't the coin to hire another expedition. Nor am I the adventurer my husband was."
Tyson, who had been silently observing the exchange, finally spoke up. "What about your mother's sickness? It doesn't seem to have anything to do with what she's asking. "
Bastila turned to her mother, her voice uncertain. "Are you actually sick, Mother?"
Helena waved her hand dismissively. "What difference does it make to you? None, I'm sure. Just find your father's Holocron, and you won't have to worry about me again either way."
Tyson placed a hand on Bastila's shoulder. "Can I talk to you privately for a moment?"
Bastila nodded, following Tyson as he led her away from the table, out of sight and earshot of Helena. Once they were alone, Tyson turned to face her.
"Bastila, I found the Krayt Dragon's lair earlier," he said quietly.
Bastila's eyes widened in surprise, but before she could respond, Tyson reached behind his back. His hand disappeared through a small, shimmering portal that appeared out of thin air. When he withdrew his hand, he was holding a small, glowing cube, the Holocron.
"Here," Tyson said, offering the device to Bastila. "I found this in the remains."
Bastila stared at the Holocron, her hand trembling slightly as she reached out to take it.
"Maybe you should listen to what your mother has to say."
Bastila's eyes flashed with frustration. "You don't know her. My mother is notoriously deceptive when she wants something. Why should she have the Holocron?" She paused, her shoulders slumping as she let out a heavy sigh. "Alright, fine. I'll do it. Because you honor my father's memory by returning this."
The older woman immediately went on the offensive as they returned to Helena's table. "Is it too difficult to believe that I am a dying woman who simply wishes to see her husband one last time?"
Bastila's voice was cold as she replied, "I find it difficult to believe anything you say, Mother."
Tyson stepped between them, his hands raised in a placating gesture. "Maybe one of you should be the first to give the other a break?"
Bastila's expression softened slightly. She took a deep breath, her voice calmer as she spoke. "You're right. It shames me, but I just... I find it difficult to... let go of the past. I'm... sorry, Mother."
Helena's face crumpled, her own anger seeming to dissipate. "I was hard on you, dear. I wasn't a very good mother to you, I know that. Your father loved you so much. He wanted you to be just like him... he wanted to take you on his hunts, but I said they were too dangerous. I always tried to keep him from the dangerous ones, but he would have none of it. It was a reckless life we led, always moving... I didn't want that for you."
"So that's why you gave me to the Order?" Bastila asked.
Helena nodded. "What do your father and I have to show for all those years of hunting? Nothing. That was no life for anyone, especially not someone as gifted as you. Your father... he spent all his last years trying to pay for my treatments. That's why he went for the pearls. I begged him not to, but..."
Bastila's eyes widened in realization. "Your treatments."
"I'm dying, Bastila," Helena admitted. "I did not lie about that. It's been a long time in the coming, and there's really nothing that can be done anymore. I told your father to let me go, but you know how he was. Stubborn. Like you."
Tears welled up in Bastila's eyes. "I'm so sorry, Mother. I don't know what to say..."
Helena reached out, gently taking her daughter's hand. "Keep the holocron, Bastila. It would do me good to know you have it. This... talking to you... this is what I really needed before I..."
"I know, Mother," Bastila said, squeezing her hand. "Thank you. I'm glad we talked, too."
Helena turned her attention to Tyson, her eyes searching his face. "Well, now. You said you had important business, and you were never one to mince words. You there... you take care of my daughter, you hear me?"
Tyson nodded solemnly. "I'll do my best."
A small smile crossed Helena's face. "That's good. I'll feel a lot better knowing there's someone to watch her."
"Where are you going to go?" Bastila asked, concerned.
Helena waved her hand dismissively. "It doesn't matter, dear. Don't you worry about me."
Bastila reached into her pocket, pulling out a handful of credits. "Here. Take these 500 credits. It's all I have. Go to Coruscant and find a doctor. I'll meet you there after... after what I have to do."
"But I already told you there's nothing that can…" Helena began, but Bastila cut her off.
"Please, take it. I... want to see you again. When we can talk."
Tyson, who had been quietly observing the exchange, suddenly spoke up. "Wait. I can heal her."
Bastila turned to him, her eyes wide with disbelief. "What do you mean?"
"I have access to a Medical Bay that can heal nearly anything," Tyson explained.
"Truly?" Bastila asked hopefully.
Tyson nodded confidently. "Come with me."
He led them through the bustling cantina, weaving between patrons and servers until they reached the door. Instead of opening it to reveal the scorching Tatooine desert, Tyson pulled out his Access Key. The door opened directly into his Medical Bay.
The room was filled with advanced medical equipment that seemed to hum with energy. Several beds were occupied by the Tarellians, but there was an open bed that Tyson led Helena towards.
Bastila hesitated, her hand on her mother's arm. "It's safe? You're certain?"
"Yes," Tyson assured her. "Less than a week, she'll be in perfect health."
Helena looked between her daughter and Tyson, a mix of hope and resignation in her eyes. "I don't have much to lose." She turned to Bastila. "I'll see you soon."
With that, Helena settled onto the bed, the advanced medical systems already beginning to hum and scan her body. Bastila watched with hope and trepidation. Helena's eyes fluttered closed, and her breathing steadied. The bed bathed her in a gentle blue light. Tyson watched for a moment, ensuring the treatment appropriately began, then turned to face Mission and Bastila.
"Family matters settled?" he asked, his tone light but tinged with genuine concern. "We ready to blow this dust ball?"
Mission's face lit up, her lekku twitched with excitement. "Heck yeah! Let's get out of here. I've had enough sand to last me a lifetime."
Bastila, however, lingered by her mother's bedside. Her usually sharp and focused eyes now held a mix of worry and hope as she watched Helena's peaceful form. "Where will we go now?"
Tyson's lips curled into a small smile. "Why not stay here? It's like a resort, and after what you guys have been through recently, it seems like you could use a break."
Mission's eyes widened, her voice incredulous. "A resort? Here?"
"Yeah, check it out," Tyson said, gesturing towards the door. He led them out of the Medical Bay, the sterile environment giving way to something entirely unexpected. As they stepped through the doorway, warm sunlight washed over them. The air carried the salty tang of the sea mixed with the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers. Soft sand crunched beneath their feet, a far cry from the coarse grains of Tatooine.
Before them stretched a pristine beach, its white sands meeting crystal-clear turquoise waters that sparkled under the sun. Palm trees swayed gently in the breeze, their fronds casting dappled shadows on the ground.
Mission's jaw dropped as she took in the scene. "Woah... This is... This is incredible! Where are we?"
"Welcome to Crete," Tyson said. "Or at least, my version of it. Sure you're sick of sand, Mission?"
Bastila, usually composed, couldn't hide her amazement. Her eyes darted from the pristine beach to the verdant hills, then back to Tyson. "How is this possible? We were just in a medical facility, and now..."
"It's a long story. But for now, let's just say it's a little pocket of paradise. A place to rest, recover, and prepare for whatever comes next."
Mission had already kicked off her boots and was wiggling her toes in the warm sand. "This is amazing! Can we go swimming? Oh! Is there food? I'm starving!"
"There's all that and more," Tyson assured her. "Beaches, forests, mountains... There's even a Housing Complex with rooms for each of you, stocked with food."
Bastila, still processing the sudden change in environment, asked, "And my mother? She'll be safe here while she recovers?"
"Absolutely. You can visit her anytime you want."
For the first time in what felt like ages, Bastila allowed herself to relax. A small smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. "I... thank you, Tyson. This is more than I could have hoped for."
Mission, who had been bouncing on her toes with excitement, suddenly grabbed Bastila's arm. "Come on! Let's go explore! I want to see everything!"
As Mission dragged a bemused Bastila towards the shoreline, Tyson watched them go.
He stepped back through a shimmering portal, leaving the idyllic beach of Crete behind. He emerged onto the familiar deck of the Ebon Hawk. Without hesitation, he made his way to the cockpit, his footsteps echoing through the empty corridors. Settling into the pilot's seat, his fingers danced across the controls, and the ship's systems hummed to life.
The Ebon Hawk lifted off smoothly, its engines purring as it rose above the dusty surface of Tatooine. A sense of relief washed over him as he left the desert world behind, knowing that Bastila and Mission were safe in his Personal Reality. As the ship broke through the desert planet's atmosphere, the sky darkened to the inky black of space. Tyson's eyes scanned the star-filled expanse, quickly locating the imposing silhouette of the Interdictor cruiser. He guided the Ebon Hawk towards the larger vessel.
The Interdictor's docking bay loomed before him, a cavernous maw of metal and light. Tyson eased the Ebon Hawk inside, the ship settling onto the deck with a gentle thud. As the engines powered down, he let out a long, slow breath.
He'd done it.
He'd gotten Bastila and Mission away from the group, leaving Revan and D'Lavina stranded on the planet below. For a moment, Tyson sat in silence, contemplating his next move. The thought of bombing the Dune Sea crossed his mind, but he quickly dismissed it. D'Lavina's plot armor would likely protect her from such a direct assault. He'd need to be more creative and subtle in his approach to dealing with her.
Shaking off these thoughts for now, Tyson stood and made his way out of the Ebon Hawk. As he stepped onto the deck of the Interdictor, he pulled out his Access Key. With a few quick gestures through his HUD, he initiated the process of importing the Ebon Hawk into his system, but he didn't decommission the vessel. He felt it was worth more than the Ship Points it offered.
[Free] Import (Spaceships)
Instead of choosing a Ship Type and Size for purchase, import one space-worthy vessel you already own. Its default Section Size and Rating are that of a ship of the corresponding size. At your choice, ship parts you buy can either replace pre-existing parts of the original ship or exist in addition to them.
Dynamic-Class Freighter: Ebon Hawk (Spaceships)
This smuggler ship was a highly modified freighter that became well-known throughout the galaxy during the Jedi Civil War. It was believed to be in the top ten of the fastest ships in the galaxy during its time, as it was the fastest ship in the Outer Rim Territories.
Decommission (Spaceship)
Destroy this vessel. Decommissioned vessels do not self-destruct, they are absorbed by the system. In return, you are granted half of its value in Ship Points. Any living creatures on a vessel when decommissioned will be sent to your Personal Reality along with any CP-backed items. Non-CP-backed items will be destroyed.
[0 SP] Ship Size Rating: I
[100 SP] Artificial Gravity
[300 SP] Hyperdrive
[50 SP] Fusion Reactor
[50 SP] Navigation Suite
[50 SP] Beam Weapons (Turbolaser Turret)
Total Adjusted Decommission Value: 275 SP
Tyson strode through the corridors of the Interdictor. Crew members nodded respectfully as he passed, but he barely noticed them, his mind already focused on the next phase of his plan. He reached the bridge, the expansive viewscreen offering a panoramic view of the space around them. Tyson opened a massive portal in space.
"Take us through," he commanded.
The follower crew didn't hesitate to execute his orders. The Interdictor's engines thrummed with power as the massive ship moved forward, slipping through the portal, leaving Tatooine behind. He ordered the crew to dock with the Automated Repair Facility as the Interdictor emerged back into the Lehon system.
A satisfied smile snuck onto Tyson's face at having accomplished his immediate goals. Bastila and Mission were safe, and he had successfully escaped Tatooine, stranding his enemies and stealing the Ebon Hawk.
He opened a final portal, this one much smaller. Just for him.
It was time for him to return to the Enterprise.
— Star Jumper —
HK-47's photoreceptors flickered on, casting an eerie red glow in the tiny storage area aboard the Ebon Hawk. The assassin droid's processors whirred as he reached the bridge and assessed the situation.
"Observation: It appears the Mandalorian meatbag has absconded with the master's vessel. How inconvenient."
The droid swiveled his head, scanning the empty ship. His metallic fingers tapped against the control panel, activating the Ebon Hawk's sensors. "Analysis: We seem to be within the confines of an Interdictor-class cruiser's hangar bay. Probability of Sith involvement: 98.7%. How delightfully perilous."
The droid's circuits buzzed with what could only be described as excitement. He stood, his joints whirring softly as he made his way to the ship's exit ramp.
"Statement: The master would be most pleased if I were to reclaim her property. It would be remiss of me not to attempt such a heroic feat."
As HK-47 descended the ramp, he took in the bustling activity of the hangar bay. Crew members in Sith armor hurried about their tasks, paying no attention to the rust-red droid in their midst.
"Amused observation: These meatbags seem particularly oblivious to my presence. Perhaps their cognitive functions are even more limited than the average organic."
HK-47 strode purposefully across the hangar, his photoreceptors darting from side to side, analyzing potential threats and escape routes. Not a single crew member stopped him or questioned his presence.
"Commentary: The security protocols on this vessel are laughably inadequate. It's almost disappointing how easy this infiltration is proving to be."
The droid made his way to a nearby computer terminal and accessed the ship's schematics. The cruiser had gravity well projectors, and he'd need to disable those to allow the ship to escape. HK-47 memorized the route to the projector control room and set off, his metallic feet clanking against the deck plating. As he walked, he passed numerous crew members, none of whom gave him a second glance.
"Incredulous statement: The level of incompetence displayed by these meatbags is truly staggering. I'm almost offended by the lack of challenge."
As he approached a turbolift, two officers stepped out. HK-47 slipped in behind them, unnoticed.
"Query: Which deck houses the gravity well projector controls, meatbags?"
The officers turned. They exchanged confused glances before one of them hesitantly replied, "Deck 7, Section C."
"Gratitude: Your cooperation is noted and appreciated. Rest assured, your deaths will be swift when the time comes."
The officers' didn't respond before the turbolift doors closed, whisking HK-47 away to his destination.
"Reflection: Perhaps I should have refrained from mentioning their impending demise. Old habits, as the meatbags say, expire with great difficulty."
The turbolift doors opened on Deck 7, and HK-47 stepped out into a bustling corridor. He made his way to Section C, his sensors on high alert for any sign of suspicion from the crew. To his continued amazement, no one challenged his presence.
"Commentary: These meatbags practically beg to be terminated."
As HK-47 rounded a corner, he came face to face with a security checkpoint.
"Statement: Greetings, meatbag sentries. I am here to perform routine maintenance on the gravity well projector controls. Please step aside and allow me to proceed with my assigned tasks."
The guards exchanged glances, then shrugged. "Go ahead," one of them said, stepping aside. HK-47 strode past the checkpoint. He entered the control room, finding it mercifully empty of organic life forms. The assassin droid bypassed security protocols and accessed the core systems. With practiced efficiency, he began the process of disabling the gravity well projectors. As HK-47 worked, alarms suddenly blared throughout the ship. Red warning lights bathed the control room in an ominous glow.
"Observation: It appears my actions have not gone unnoticed after all. How refreshing to encounter a modicum of competence, even if it arrives belatedly."
The droid redoubled his efforts, his processors working at maximum capacity to complete the sabotage before security forces could arrive.
"Exclamation: Success! The gravity well projectors are now useless."
HK-47 turned away from the control panel, his photoreceptors scanning the room for an alternative exit. He spotted a ventilation shaft in the corner, just large enough for his frame.
"Statement: While crawling through ducts is beneath my dignified programming, needs must, as it were."
With a series of whirs and clanks, HK-47 removed the vent cover and hoisted himself into the shaft. As he began to crawl through the cramped space, he could hear the sound of booted feet approaching the control room. His metallic frame scraped against the narrow confines of the ventilation shaft as he navigated the Interdictor's innards. The droid's photoreceptors cast an eerie red glow in the darkness, illuminating the dust and cobwebs that clung to the duct's interior. After several minutes of navigating the labyrinthine network of shafts, HK-47's sensors detected a significant energy signature nearby.
"Exclamation: Ah, the fusion reactor! What a tempting target."
The assassin droid carefully removed a ventilation grate. He made his way to the reactor room's entrance. The door slid open with a soft hiss, revealing the massive fusion reactor that powered the entire ship.
"Observation: Such an impressive feat of engineering. It would be a shame if something were to... happen to it."
HK-47's chest panel opened, revealing a hidden compartment. With delicate precision, he extracted several plasma charges, each one capable of unleashing devastating energy.
"Statement: Always be prepared, as the meatbags say."
The droid placed the charges at strategic points. His calculations ensured maximum damage. He set a timer. After all, he still needed the ship intact long enough to make his escape. With the charges in place, HK-47 retraced his steps to the ventilation shaft. He pulled himself back into the duct, navigating the ventilation system once more, this time making his way toward the hangar bay. Finally, the droid removed the vent cover and dropped down into the hangar bay, his metallic frame clanging against the deck. The chaos around him provided the perfect cover as he made his way toward the Ebon Hawk.
Scaling the ramp, the assassin droid boarded the ship and settled into the pilot's seat. He brought the ship's systems online. The engines hummed to life, a sound that seemed to go unnoticed amidst the cacophony of alarms. With a flick of a switch, the droid raised the entry ramp, then manipulated the controls, lifting the Ebon Hawk off the hangar deck.
"Exclamation: Farewell, meatbags! Your failure will be recounted with great amusement in my memory banks."
The Ebon Hawk rotated smoothly in the confined space of the hangar, its nose pointing towards the shimmering force field that separated the bay from the vacuum of space. HK-47 pushed the throttle forward, and the ship shot out of the hangar.
As the Ebon Hawk cleared the Interdictor's hull, HK-47's sensors detected no pursuit craft launching.
"Smug statement: A flawless escape, executed with the precision only a droid of my caliber could achieve."
Once clear of the Interdictor's immediate vicinity, HK-47 turned his attention to the nav computer. His processors whirred as he analyzed their current position and plotted a course back to Tatooine.
"Analysis: Our current location appears to be deep within the Unknown Regions. Fascinating. The journey back to Tatooine will be... substantial." The nav computer beeped as it finished calculating the hyperspace route. HK-47 reviewed the projected journey time and let out what could only be described as an electronic sigh. "Resigned statement: It seems I will be forced to endure an extended period without the opportunity to terminate meatbags. How terribly dull."
Through the Ebon Hawk's viewport, a brilliant flash lit up the void of space. The Interdictor cruiser erupted in a spectacular chain of explosions, starting at its stern and rippling forward through its massive hull. Segments of the warship peeled apart like a blooming flower made of durasteel and fire. Secondary detonations followed as the reactor core breached, sending chunks of debris spinning into the darkness. The plasma charges had done their work with devastating efficiency. HK-47's photoreceptors adjusted to compensate for the intense light of the explosion, capturing every detail of the cruiser's demise. The shockwave rattled the Ebon Hawk, causing the ship's stabilizers to whine as they fought to maintain course. Within moments, all that remained of the mighty Interdictor was a expanding cloud of superheated gas and twisted metal.
"Addendum: I must remember to acquire more plasma charges. Their effectiveness at destruction is most impressive."
With the course set, HK-47 engaged the hyperdrive. The stars outside the cockpit stretched into lines, and the Ebon Hawk leaped into hyperspace with a lurch.
— Star Jumper —
Tyson was perched on the edge of the biobed. The soft hum of Dr. Crusher's tricorder beeped as she ran it over him, checking for any traces of the Tarellian plague.
"Just a few more minutes," she said, adjusting one of the settings with a practiced touch. "We need to be absolutely certain."
A sudden chime interrupted his thoughts as a message notification flashed across his field of vision.
Episode: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic - Tatooine Complete!
+500 RP
Reality Points: 800
Ebon Hawk (Spaceships) has been lost!
Interdictor (Spaceships) has been destroyed! Spaceship will respawn on 04/18/2365!
Sith Interceptor(Spaceships) has been destroyed! Spaceship will respawn on 04/18/2365!
Tyson smiled at the Reality Point boost. It was about as much as he could get from an episode. But when he saw the Ebon Hawk message, he immediately checked his character sheet. The ship was gone as if it had never been imported into the system. And the Interdictor's respawn date was listed as well.
He mumbled, "What the hell is going on?"
It had to be some plot armor bullshit.
— Star Jumper —
Origins: Human, Humanoid, Drop-In, Space Pirate, Bad Guy, Officer
Race: Augment Human-Betazoid (Hybrid)
Character Points: 1150, [250 KOTOR (Vicky)]
Reality Points: 800
Ship Points: 2650
Credits: 115,450
Status Effects: (none)
Gauntlet (Locked)
Ensign Marty Stu
A Simple Re'Q'uest
Hybrid (Betazoid)
Amok Time/Blood Fever
Mary Sue
Cosmic Awareness
Out of Nowhere
Going Native
Live and Let Live
This is (Not?) Rocket Science
Kinda Bland
Painted On
Master with your Hands
Best of the Best
Everything Is A Weapon
Force Specialization: Intelligence
Tactical Info
Sever Force
Specialty: Operations; Sub-Specialties (Communications, Engineering, Piloting)
Speedy Promotions
Laser Blade
Agony Booth
Cloaking Minefield
Gray Goo Suit
Transwarp Beam Equation
(Vicky) V-KO IV Nursedroid: Access Key, Artificial Intelligence Upgrade, Gray Goo Upgrade, Master With Your Hands, Light Weapon, Jumper's Master Key, Scaling Cloak, Origin:Jedi, Force Specialization: Intelligence, Enhanced Mind, Lightsaber, Armored Robes, Battle Meditation
T'Pol: Access Key
Personal Reality:
Access Key (Additional Keys, Key Link)
Security System
High-Security Inter-Reality Connecting Door (Star Trek Enterprise, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic)
Medical Bay (The Nano-Medical Lab, The Bio-Synthesis Lab, Microbiome Replacement Lab)
Housing Complex (Basic Nutrition, Choice Apartments, Who's Got the Powa, Pipes Pipes Pipes)
Playing With Portals (Portal Link, Portal Control Rod, Free Portal, Portal Aperature x4)
The Mystical Menagerie
Ship Sections (Cryo-Chambers)
Personal Mini-Reality (The Village, Wildlife for Your Wild Life, The Meaning of Life)
Tramp Freighter (Destroyed - Respawn on 02/28/2365)
Sith Interceptor (Destroyed - Respawn on 04/18/2365) (Bridge Upgrade)
Automated Repair Station (Ship Size Rating: IV, Station, Bridge, Space Hulk, Artificial Gravity, Cryo-Chambers, Auto-Repair System, Synapses, Distributed, Automated Ship, Analytic Suite, Docking Port, Transporter Room, Matter Printer, Negentropy Reactor, Deflector Shields, Clarketech Module, Production Lines, Hangar, Cargo Bay, Living Quarters)
Narada (Ship Size Rating: IV, Artificial Gravity, Alcubierre Drive, Auto-Repair System, Exotic Materials (Nanomaterials), Cargo Bay, Hangar, Hyperdrive (Transwarp), Antimatter Reactor, Navigation Suite, Analytic Suite, Deflector Shields, Missiles, Cyber Warfare Suite (Mining Drill)
Interdictor (Destroyed - Respawn on 04/18/2365) (Ship Size Rating: III, Artificial Gravity, Hangar, Hyperdrive, Fusion Reactor, Navigation Suite, Point Defense, Deflector Shields, Jump Suppression Field, Beam Weapons, Follower Crew)