Episode 22 - Too Short a Season
Stardate: 41309.4
Earth Standard Date: April 23, 2364.
Location: USS Enterprise-D, enroute to the Mordan System.
Tyson blinked, still trying to process the rapid turn of events. The notification told him that he'd lost the Ebon Hawk. And the Interdictor, which he'd just gotten from Vicky, had been destroyed. He stared up at the ceiling of the Enterprise's sickbay, trying to figure out how.
Captain Picard strode in, breaking him from his thoughts. "Welcome back, Ensign. It is good to see you healthy. Congratulations on a successful mission."
"Thank you, Captain, but I didn't do much. The Medical Bay did most of the work. I destroyed the Tarellian vessel to ensure no one else would get infected. The survivors have rooms set up for them in the Housing Complex within my Personal Reality."
Dr. Crusher smiled. "Tyson, your work is remarkable. By curing them and providing a safe haven, you've given the Tarellians a chance to thrive, free from the stigma of their illness."
"Indeed. Well done," Picard said, inclining his head. His expression grew serious once more. "Now that you're back let's appraise you of our current situation. Admiral Jameson is on board for diplomatic negotiations. Doctor Crusher was about to update me on his health."
Crusher's smile faded. "There are unfamiliar chemical traces in the Admiral's blood and tissues. Nothing in our pharmacopeia matches. I'm still cross-referencing with alien medical databases, but whatever he ingested is strongly affecting his physiology."
"Specifics, Doctor," he requested.
"Captain, there are a myriad of anomalies at play. I cannot provide specifics until extensive further analysis."
"Please provide your current findings, then." Picard insisted.
"His erythrocyte levels are dangerously elevated with abnormal cellular mutations occurring rapidly throughout his body. The precise nature eludes me presently. His DNA helix is distorted in ways I cannot yet fathom. Moreover, there are biochemical indications of reversed aging. Most shockingly, there is no remaining evidence of Iverson's Disease."
"You claimed no cure existed for Iverson's."
"None known to Federation science," Crusher affirmed. "Yet these unknown compounds have somehow purged all traces. The mechanisms behind such dramatic physiological impacts remain unknown."
"Bring me answers, Doctor," Picard requested as he departed.
"Aye, sir," Crusher replied. She turned to Tyson. "I desperately need assistance investigating this medical mystery."
"I'm no doctor, doctor. My skills lie in sticking patients into the Medical Bay and letting the technology work its magic. But I'm happy to lend my brain to bounce ideas off of."
Dr. Crusher gestured him over to a console displaying the admiral's test results. Side-by-side, they pored over the data. Though Tyson lacked formal medical training, his genetically enhanced intellect granted him an accelerated capacity for learning and comprehension. He didn't have much to add, mostly acting as a logical sounding board for Crusher's thoughts.
"There's no stabilization occurring in his DNA." Dr. Crusher said sharply.
Tyson followed her gaze to the data. She explained what she was seeing. The admiral's physiology was unraveling at the genetic level. Such instability promised only one outcome.
Rapid systemic collapse.
"It looks like the rate of change is increasing," Tyson noted.
"If this continues, it could lead to a total cellular breakdown. We need to find a way to reverse or at least halt the process."
"The Medical Bay's Bio-Synthesis Lab can reconstruct damaged DNA."
"It's likely our best option," Crusher murmured, still distracted by the data.
"The Medical Bay strikes again. We don't need to find a solution. Just get him in, and everything will be fine." Tyson said with finality.
Then his combadge chirped.
"Ensign Tyson to Transporter Room 2," Captain Picard's clipped tone ordered. "We require your expertise on an away mission."
Tapping the insignia, Tyson responded, "Acknowledged, sir. On my way."
He turned apologetically to Dr. Crusher. "Duty calls."
Crusher waved absently, her attention already refocused on her console, determined to find a true solution to the admiral's condition. Tyson set a quick pace through the corridors, crewmen stepping aside briskly for the large man. He strode into the transporter room, only to pull up short at the sight of Worf, Tasha, and Data already standing on the pads.
"Well, this looks serious," he quipped, taking in their grave expressions. "We got the whole varsity squad gearing up." His joke was met with stony silence. "Tough crowd."
But as he turned, he pressed his lips together, realizing that Picard and a man whose uniform indicated he was an Admiral were facing off. He must have interrupted something because the tension was palpable as they faced each other down. Pretending no one noticed his blunder, he stepped onto the empty pad. Yar offered him a phaser, but he shook his head. Tyson grimaced at the remote-like design and its terrible ergonomics. Reaching behind his back, he produced the phaser he'd gotten while on Pike's Enterprise.
If Tyson had to guess, he'd say that the Admiral looked to be in his early thirties. He had studied the man's medical records, and Crusher had mentioned he was de-aging, but that was an understatement.
"Prepare to energize, Chief," Jameson ordered.
Picard raised a hand. "Belay that," he commanded. "Admiral, your proper place is on the Bridge."
Jameson's eyes narrowed. "I will remind you one more time, Picard. I am the Senior Mission Commander, and I'm leading this team."
Riker, observing the exchange with a concerned look, spoke up, "Sir?"
"The admiral is correct, Number One." Picard acquiesced. "He has that right. But I am the Captain of this ship, and I have a right to accompany him." Looking at the first officer, he added, "Riker, you're in command of the Enterprise. Energize."
With a final nod from Picard, the transporter chief activated the sequence, and the away team members dematerialized in a shimmering glow.
The particles of the transporter beam left the away team within a series of tunnels. Admiral Jameson's eyes lit up with recognition. "Yes, perfect. We're in tunnel M-4, right below the Governor's residence. This one connects to several main thoroughfares the hostages may be using."
Data consulted his tricorder. "Apologies, Admiral, but my scans contradict that." He turned the device towards Jameson. "This tunnel was sealed two years ago. It dead-ends just ahead."
Jameson waved dismissively. "Your data is flawed. I know these tunnels by heart. Keep scanning for human life signs. Karnas kept prisoners here before."
The android lowered his voice and said to Captain Picard, "Sir, the schematics confirm this tunnel's current configuration. It no longer links to the main network."
"Your facts are likely correct, Mister Data. However, the Admiral's memory stems from over forty years back. The tunnels may well have connected then."
They reached a dead end, as Data had indicated. Jameson stared, fuming, as the truth sank in. Picard turned to Tyson. "Ensign?"
Tyson called up the sensor readings from the tricorder within the Gray Goo Suit that encased his body to his HUD. A mini-map blinked to life in his heads-up display, showing the tunnel continuing beyond the adjacent wall.
"The tunnel stretches on, sir," he reported, pointing to the wall, its surface conspicuously brighter than the time-worn concrete surrounding it. "This section's a newer construction."
Jameson nodded sharply. "That's it. It's the fastest route. Set phasers to cut through."
"Unneeded, Admiral," Tyson said as he drew his Lightsaber in a flourish of plasma. He carved through the false wall in seconds, opening their path forward.
Data cocked his head. "Non-regulation equipment, Ensign?"
"Yes, sir," Tyson said as he drew the alternate-universe Starfleet issue phaser with his off-hand. "I prefer to come overprepared."
"Admiral, if you've got coordinates on the hostages, we could beam right to them," Lieutenant Yar suggested.
"Karnas may not have them in the same place," Jameson replied as he led the team through the smoking hole. "There's no substitute, Lieutenant, for personal reconnoiter."
A sudden ping sounded in Tyson's helmet. At the same time, he sensed aggressive intent through the Force. He grabbed Jameson's arm, yanking the senior officer down behind a concrete pylon. "Motion sensors ahead, sir. And multiple hostiles approaching."
"Set phasers to stun!" Picard barked as a phaser beam sizzled over their heads, barely missing. "Take cover!" he yelled.
Tyson rose to stand amid the incoming phaser bolts, batting each energy beam away with calm precision. His lightsaber hummed as he strode toward the soldiers. He flowed between the men like a storm unleashed, and precise phaser shots dropped soldiers in his wake. To the Starfleet team taking cover behind the concrete pylons and walls, Tyson seemed an unstoppable warrior wielding formidable skills. As the last attacker collapsed boneless at Tyson's feet, he lowered his blade. His senses and the tricorder indicated there were no further threats.
"Clear, sirs," he called.
Behind the barricade, Picard straightened, tugging his uniform crisp. "Well done, Mr. Tyson." He gestured the team forward through the litter of stunned soldiers. "Let's keep moving."
They had only taken a few steps when a sudden cry jerked Tyson's attention back.
"Ensign Tyson!" Picard shouted from his position, crouched beside the admiral. Tyson stowed his weapons in a blink, hurrying over.
Reaching the struggling Jameson, the severity of his condition became painfully clear. Beads of sweat slicked the admiral's face while each breath rasped short and labored. The DNA Degradation had accelerated, and the admiral's health plummeted by the moment. Knowing time was critical, Tyson focused inward, channeling the Force's healing energy granted by his Force Specialization: Intelligence Perk. He funneled the power into Jameson, stabilizing the man's condition.
But the respite was only temporary.
The Force could heal various wounds, infections, and diseases but couldn't permanently repair genetic instability. Tyson assessed Admiral Jameson's rapidly deteriorating condition. He turned to Captain Picard, urgently seeking permission. "His condition is critical. I need to get him to the Medical Bay if we're to save him."
Picard nodded sharply. "Do it."
Without hesitation, Tyson opened a portal directly into the Med Bay of his Personal Reality. He effortlessly scooped up the admiral, cradling the man against his chest. The away team followed closely behind as Tyson strode through the portal. Once they were all through, Tyson sealed the entrance behind them. He gently laid Admiral Jameson onto one of the beds. The integrated scanners immediately began their work. He then opened another portal leading directly to sickbay on the Enterprise-D.
"I believe Dr. Crusher will want to be present," Tyson explained to Picard. "If you wish to return to the Enterprise, you may do so."
Dr. Crusher stepped through the portal. She wasted no time, making a beeline for the Bio-Synthesis Lab to examine the treatment options.
"Keep me informed," Picard requested, already moving back toward the portal to the Enterprise. Before stepping through, he turned to Lieutenant Yar. "One security personnel should stay with Dr. Crusher and Admiral Jameson." Yar nodded crisply, motioning she'd remain behind, freeing Worf and Data to return to the ship. Picard's gaze shifted back to Tyson. "I also request that a portal remain open between the Medical Bay and sickbay for the duration of the Admiral's treatment."
"Agreed, Captain," Tyson replied.
As Picard disappeared through the portal, Tyson moved to join Dr. Crusher in the Bio-Synthesis Lab. He pulled up a holographic display of Jameson's DNA structure. "It's giving us a real-time view of the degradation," he explained. "You can use this to target your treatment more effectively."
Dr. Crusher leaned in, studying the display intently. "The rate of cellular breakdown is still accelerating," she observed. "We need to stabilize him before we can even consider reversing the damage."
"The systems here are automated, but with a skilled, knowledgable doctor, the treatment becomes more effective," he said. "I never try doing it myself since I don't have the requisite knowledge and training. But with you present, the Medical Bay should be far more effective."
Yar watched from a respectful distance, clearly out of her depth but vigilant nonetheless.
Dr. Crusher's eyes narrowed as she studied the readouts. "His vital signs are stabilizing, but we're not out of the woods yet," she cautioned. "This is going to be a long process."
— Star Jumper —
Tyson was still seated in the Medical Bay. Admiral Jameson lay motionless on the bed, but his labored breathing had relaxed to a normal cadence. Dr. Crusher remained with the Admiral, her eyes fixed on the biomonitors.
"Hey doc, I'm going to go handle some things. As long as I remain within the Personal Reality, the portal to the Enterprise will remain open. If you need to take a break, feel free to head through those doors. It'll drop you out on a Mediterranean beach." Crusher did a double-take at his words. Tyson chuckled, "Yeah, real thing too, not a holodeck. Don't worry about the Admiral. The Medical Bay works better under your expertise, but he'll be on his feet within a week, even without your guidance."
"I'll take a break soon. Thank you, Tyson."
He opened a second portal and stepped into the Control Room. He accessed the central console and used it to recall his Companions.
"Time to bring the team together," he murmured to himself.
From the Control Room, he was able to send a notification, and when they were ready, the portals would open automatically. T'Pol arrived first, slipping away from her duties on the NX-01 Enterprise. Minutes later, Vicky arrived, dropping her guise as Darth Malak and reappearing as the attractive pink-haired woman Tyson had come to know. She stretched as if her nano-bots needed to shake off the last vestiges of her disguise.
"Ah, it feels good to be back in my own skin," Vicky said, "Playing Malak gets tiresome."
Tyson couldn't help but laugh. "I can imagine. How did things go on your end?"
"Not much has changed. What's so important that you had to summon me?"
T'Pol tilted her head, matching the other woman's curiosity.
Tyson gestured between the two women. "Introductions first. T'Pol, subcommander of the NX-01 Enterprise. Meet Vicky, a V-ko IV Nursedroid turned Grey Goo. She's an artificial being that has been given a spark of life. She's posing as Lord Malak, leader of the Sith."
T'Pol's eyebrow arched even higher, her gaze sweeping over Vicky with renewed interest. "Fascinating. I was unaware that artificial life forms could achieve such a level of sophistication and autonomy."
"Oh, honey, you have no idea. I'm way beyond your standard AI."
"Indeed," T'Pol replied, she turned to Tyson. "I assume there is a reason you've brought us together?"
"Yes. We've got a problem, and I need both of your expertise to tackle it."
"What kind of problem?" Vicky asked, her playful demeanor fading.
"A Mary Sue problem," Tyson said grimly.
T'Pol tilted her head. "I'm unfamiliar with this term."
Vicky's eyes glazed over for a moment as she interfaced with the VI within Tyson's Gray Goo Suit. As she received the information from his character sheet, she groaned. "Oh no. Not one of those."
"I'm afraid so. T'Pol, a Mary Sue, is someone who is seemingly good at everything, and luck seems to always go their way to ensure that they win. In this case, her name is D'Lavina, and she's in the same universe as Vicky. She already somehow managed to destroy one of my Spaceships and manipulate Revan and his crew, and I'm worried about the long-term consequences of her actions."
"Revan?" T'Pol inquired.
"A powerful Force user," Tyson explained. "He was previously the Sith Lord until he was betrayed by his former friend and apprentice, Lord Malak. Vicky and I defeated Malak, and now she poses as him. But Revan had lost his memories. He's slowly been regaining his powers, but he's fallen under D'Lavina's sway."
Vicky crossed her arms. "So what's the plan? We can't just go in guns blazing. If she's a true Mary Sue, she'll have plot armor thicker than beskar."
"That's why I need both of you," Tyson said. "T'Pol, your logical approach, and scientific mind might be able to find weaknesses that we're overlooking. And Vicky, your position as Malak gives you insider knowledge of the Sith and their military backing."
T'Pol nodded slowly. "I understand. How do you propose we proceed?"
Tyson leaned against the control panel, his frustration evident in the tightness of his jaw. "That's the problem. With a Mary Sue, it's impossible to know. No matter what traps we set, or contingencies we plan for, they pull something out of their ass to win."
"Here's an example," Tyson continued, "I ran into D'Lavina on Tatooine, a planet not too dissimilar to Vulcan but all desert."
"I stranded her group out in the middle of the desert," Tyson explained, "I took their personal vehicles and their animal mounts. I returned to town, stole their spaceship, and pulled it through a portal into the unknown regions of space."
Vicky whistled low. "That should have been game over for them. Even the most resourceful group would take days to get out of that situation if they survived at all."
Tyson's face darkened. "Somehow, they still managed to steal their ship back and destroy the cruiser I had it docked inside... And they did it within 2 hours."
T'Pol's eyebrows knit together. "That seems... highly improbable."
"It's infuriating," Tyson agreed, "But more so, it shows how difficult it is to fight against a Mary Sue. They defy logic and probability."
T'Pol tilted her head, considering. "I find the concept of such a being difficult to accept. Perhaps we need to approach this problem from a different angle."
"What do you mean?" Tyson asked.
"If this... Mary Sue... defies conventional logic. Perhaps we need to employ unconventional tactics," T'Pol suggested.
"We could pull back from that universe completely."
Vicky's eyes narrowed. "Would that work?"
"Maybe, maybe not. I wouldn't block the possibility that she could find a way to escape."
"What is this Mary Sue's goal?" T'Pol asked
Tyson hesitated as a flicker of embarrassment crossed his face. "To add me to her harem."
T'Pol's eyebrow shot up while Vicky burst into laughter. Tyson fixed them both with a deadpan look.
"You don't seem to be shy about physical relationships," T'Pol observed. "Why not join her?"
Tyson's jaw clenched. "I'm not going to be part of someone else's harem."
T'Pol's other eyebrow joined the first. "Your answer infers that you wouldn't mind having your own harem."
"Hypocritical, sure," Tyson admitted grudgingly. "But no, just no."
T'Pol pressed on. "Are there any examples of a Mary Sue being defeated that you're aware of?"
Tyson shook his head in frustration. "No. That's the point. A Mary Sue pretty much always wins."
Vicky's eyes lit up suddenly. "That's it. We make sure the Mary Sue wins, end the story."
Tyson's eyes widened as understanding dawned. "End the story. Yeah, that might work."
"I don't understand," T'Pol said.
"D'Lavina is traveling with Revan, the prior Sith Lord. Vicky is posing as his former apprentice, who deposed him… It's fate." He began to pace, his words coming faster as the plan took shape in his mind. "They were on Tatooine looking for the Star Maps, which would lead them to the Star Forge, a space station that... is now under our control. But I destroyed the Star Map to hinder her progress."
He paused, a new realization hitting him. "Now that I think about it… since the Ebon Hawk was in that system, they'll have its coordinates and won't need the Star Maps anymore. They'll probably be coming for Malak and the station."
Vicky nodded, following his train of thought. "They're pretending to be the good guys."
"Pretending? Technically, they are the good guys. Maybe we should be the bad guys," Tyson continued, his eyes gleaming with the thrill of a forming plan. "Continue playing the role of the Sith Lord and his new apprentice and have the final battle against them. Prepare the station for their arrival and turn the place into a trap that they can never escape from."
T'Pol listened intently, working through the implications. "I can see the irony, but I'm unsure how this solves the Mary Sue problem."
"It's all about narrative, T'Pol. Mary Sues thrive on being the hero, on overcoming impossible odds. But what if we give them exactly what they want?"
Vicky chimed in, catching on to Tyson's plan. "We become the villains they expect us to be. We set up the classic final confrontation scenario."
"Exactly," Tyson nodded. "We make it look like they're winning, like they're overcoming our traps and defeating our minions. But in reality, we're leading them deeper and deeper into our trap."
T'Pol's brow furrowed slightly. "I still fail to see how this defeats the Mary Sue."
Tyson's grin widened. "We're not trying to defeat her, T'Pol. We're trying to end her story. Mary Sues exist to be the hero, to overcome the villain and save the day. So we let her do exactly that."
"But with a twist," Vicky added, her own excitement growing. "We make the trap so complete, so perfect, that even when she 'wins', she still loses."
Tyson nodded. "We give her the victory she craves, but we make it a Pyrrhic one. She defeats us, but in doing so, she traps herself."
T'Pol's eyebrow arched higher. "And you believe this will work because..."
"Because it gives the Mary Sue what she wants," Tyson explained. "She gets to be the hero. She gets to defeat the big bad Sith Lords. But in doing so, she writes herself out of the story."
Vicky snapped her fingers. "And if the story ends, so does her power."
T'Pol considered this for a moment. "It's an... interesting theory. But it relies heavily on assumptions about the nature of this Mary Sue's powers."
Tyson shrugged. "At this point, it's the best plan we've got. Conventional tactics won't work against her. We need to think outside the box."
"And if it doesn't work?" T'Pol pressed.
"Then we're no worse off than we are now," Tyson replied. "But if it does work, we solve our Mary Sue problem and stop her reality-warping influence."
Vicky clapped her hands together. "So, what's our first move? How do we start setting up this elaborate trap?"
Tyson turned back to the control panel. "First, we need to prepare the Star Forge. And prepare ourselves. It's time to stop being stingy with my points. We'll need to create layers of plans and backups. "
We'll start with Vicky's purchases.
[100 CP] Fellow Captain (Companions)
For when you want your own little fleet. Import a companion, and they get 600 CP, as well as a stipend of 800 SP, to spend on their own ship and may choose any origin or species.
Character Points: 1050
[Free (Stipend)] A.I. (Origin)
Some people might ask if you really are alive. You are a machine, after all, or rather code or the copy of a living mind running on a machine. Nonetheless, you clearly are sentient and sapient, even overshadowing many biological minds in that second category.
[Free (Stipend)] Elite (Origin)
No matter what hierarchies exist within this universe, you are near the top. Be it as a member of an empire's ruling caste or as the head of an industrial conglomerate, planets live or die at your word, and laws are mere suggestions to you. Yes, this includes some of the physical ones, should you decide to invest enough resources into overcoming them.
[Free (Discounted)] Memory Banks (Perk)
You have the ability to effortlessly process and categorize a near-infinite amount of information and perfect memory, as long as nothing physically destroys the storage medium.
[Free (Discounted)] Social Algorithms (Perk)
Even if you can not empathize with the emotions of another being, you will still be capable of anticipating and believably simulating such things to a point where your counterpart will believe them to be real.
[Free (Discounted)] Above Law and Reason (Perk)
You somehow have a way of getting away with cruelty, corruption, and mismanagement, be it perceived or real, far longer than should be reasonable.
[Free (Discounted)] Pedigree (Perk)
No matter the background a new Jump would grant you, you will always be able to trace your lineage to prestigious ancestors or will be related to someone in power twice or three times removed. Similarly you are guaranteed knowledge of the social norms of high society.
[Free (Discounted)] Planetary Domicile (Items)
Living space on a planet's surface is at a premium, and the real estate in your possession is naturally the best. The vast mansion grants a view over a positively breathtaking otherworldly landscape.
[Free (Discounted)] Photonic Rapier (Items)
A weapon of a more civilized age. this metal cylinder can project a blade consisting of an arcane mixture of superheated plasma, hard light and laser technology that can cut through nearly anything and is freely adjustable in length up to three meters of blade length. Alternatively may be fashioned to resemble another melee weapon of your choice.
[100 CP (Discounted)] Security Features (Perk)
You have the capability to create backups of your core personality that can be used in an algorithm detecting any divergences. This allows you to check yourself for things like morality drift, outside control, or signs of mental deterioration and, in case of unwanted developments, forcibly restore a prior state. This does not erase any memories and potentially will be noticed by entities currently trying to influence you. To ensure maximum safety, the decision to restore a prior state, as well as the decision to create a new backup, will be made by an instance of the most recent core personality from the backup library, ensuring no changes are discarded or saved against your will. Upon gaining this perk you automatically gain a current backup and one from when you started your chain.
[200 CP (Discounted)] Quantum Locked BUS (Perk)
No matter how far apart subsystems or avatars that are part of you are, you will still remain one coherent being, your parts capable of communicating instantly and lag-free, even over interstellar and interdimensional distances. Furthermore, any time a copy or new instance of you is made, you can decide to seamlessly incorporate it into your being.
[300 CP (Discounted)] Adaptive Personal Force Field (Items)
Easily deflecting most man-portable weapons systems this defensive shield lets you project an air of invulnerability, dispassionately watching on while your subordinates dispatch your enemies on your commands. In addition to protecting you from enemy weapons, this clarketech shield also completely seals you off from outside environments, protecting even from prolonged exposure to extreme temperatures and providing a breathable atmosphere, and protects you from all manner of exotic hazards from gravitics, to spatial warping, to interdimensional attacks, as well as adapting to as of yet unknown threats after a few interactions.
They reviewed the list of purchases and upgrades they had just made.
Vicky cocked her head to the side. "Not that I'm complaining, but why these upgrades? Some of them seem... oddly specific."
"Well, first and foremost, we're upgrading you. These perks allow your VIs to become part of you. The Quantum Locked BUS Perk, in particular, is a game-changer."
"How so?" T'Pol inquired.
"It means Vicky can control all aspects of herself regardless of distance. She can be inside her primary body, other android bodies, ships, facilities, heck even across different universes. It's a massive upgrade to her capabilities."
[Free (Stipend)] Station (Spaceships)
Not designed as means of transportation space stations nonetheless are exceedingly common, acting as staging points, fortifications, or habitats. Rather than a ship you possess an orbital installation. This precludes you from taking any Drive options save the free Sub-Light Thrusters used for corrections of your orbit and the options explicitly discounted for the Station. On the upside Stations can be truly vast, and double the maximal size given for Sections.
[Free] Ship Size Rating III (Spaceships)
Maximal Section Size: 500m, 400,000 m3, Rating: III
[Free (Discounted)] A.I. Core (Spaceships)
Your ship is equipped to house an artificial intelligence and have it monitor and guide its functions.
[100 SP] Entertainment Deck (Spaceships)
This place offers everything one could wish for, from a recreational center to places to exercise to virtual reality environments for training, play, or historical re-enactment.
[100 SP] Exotic Materials: Nanomaterials (Spaceships)
The bulk of the ship does not consist of conventional materials but rather a closely monitored and strictly regulated hive of nanomachines, allowing for a highly variable layout and quick redistribution of infrastructure and armor from one place to another.
[200 SP] Modular (Spaceships)
The vessel can attach itself to another spaceship, effectively providing that ship with access to the components bought from this one.
[200 SP] Secure (Spaceships)
While there are measures in place to prevent control of the vessel from falling into the wrong hands on any ship, yours is protected by one of the most advanced systems available, consisting of unobtrusive but effective authentication methods and other powerful countermeasures against cyber warfare effectively making it impervious to such attacks. This effectively increases the ship's rating by two when resisting such attacks.
[200 SP (Discounted)] Nanite Shroud (Spaceships)
Your vessel can emit a corrosive mist consisting of nanites that will convert anything they come into contact with into more of themselves until a shut-off signal is broadcast. While this approach will fail against most shields, it is highly effective against unshielded but highly durable targets. This weapons system damages targets not protected by shields equivalently to what is shown for a Rating of VII if left alone long enough. The lower its actual rating is, the longer it takes until it ramps up to that level of damage, with Rating I requiring up to a month, Rating VII up to half an hour, and Rating VIII a few minutes.
"But what about the ship? Why invest in that?"
Tyson grinned, clearly pleased with himself. "Ah, that's where it gets interesting. The difference between having the spaceship and not is only 50 CP. It's absolutely worth the cost. But the ship itself isn't the main bonus."
"Elaborate," T'Pol prompted.
"The points need to be spent on an additional ship. They can't be applied to an existing one. But by purchasing the Modular upgrade, we can attach it to the Automated Repair Facility later. This means Vicky can fully control that with her nanobots. The new station, the 'false' Star Forge, will essentially become an extension of her body with the nanite upgrades."
Vicky commented, "So, I'll have complete control over the entire station? That's... impressive. But how does this help with our Mary Sue problem?"
Tyson's grin widened. "The false Star Forge isn't just an upgrade. It's our trap."
"I'll move the actual Automated Repair Facility and the Narada into the Personal Reality, where they'll be safe," Tyson said, "When D'Lavina and her group arrive, they'll find this new station. It'll be smaller, but it'll have the same appearance as the original Star Forge."
"And the trap?" Vicky prompted.
"The trap lies in the Entertainment Deck," Tyson revealed, his eyes glinting with mischief. "It's equivalent to the Enterprise's holodecks. We can lure D'Lavina inside, and if we play our cards right, she won't even notice the difference."
"You intend to trap her in a simulation?" T'Pol asked.
"Exactly. Since Vicky will control everything in the station, we can lock D'Lavina inside the Entertainment Deck. She'll play out the rest of her story there, none the wiser that she's actually trapped in a sophisticated holographic environment."
Vicky let out a low whistle. "That's... devious. But will it work? Mary Sues have a knack for overcoming impossible odds."
"That's the beauty of it," Tyson explained, his excitement palpable. "We're not trying to overcome her. We're going to let her fulfill all her goals. But within a controlled environment where she can't cause any real damage."
T'Pol considered this for a moment. "It is an intriguing plan. However, I must point out that there are numerous variables that could lead to failure."
Tyson nodded, acknowledging her concern. "You're right, T'Pol. That's why we need to be prepared for every contingency. Vicky's upgrades will give us unprecedented control over the environment. We can adapt on the fly, change scenarios, and keep D'Lavina engaged in her 'heroic journey' indefinitely."
"And what of Revan and the others?" Vicky asked. "They're part of her group now."
"We'll need to separate them," Tyson mused.
T'Pol folded her arms, her expression thoughtful. "This plan relies heavily on deception and manipulation. Are we certain this is the most appropriate course of action?"
Tyson's expression sobered. "We have to consider the bigger picture. D'Lavina's presence in this universe is causing untold damage. Her pheromone-produced mind-control abilities make her too dangerous. By containing her in a controlled environment, we're preserving the integrity of this universe and removing a direct threat."
T'Pol considered this for a long moment before finally nodding. "Your logic is sound. While I still have reservations, I acknowledge that this may be our best option given the circumstances."
Tyson clapped his hands together. "Alright, then. We have our plan now let's get some for T'Pol."
[100 CP] Fellow Captain (Companions)
For when you want your own little fleet. Import a companion, and they get 600 CP, as well as a stipend of 800 SP, to spend on their own ship and may choose any origin or species.
Character Points: 950
[Free (Stipend)] Rubber Forehead (Origin)
You're... Essentially human. Some minor differences might apply, like subtly longer or shorter life spans or latent psychic powers, but in the end, the only real distinguishing feature will be exactly that: a visually obvious distinguishing feature, like bone ridges on your forehead, green skin, or oddly shaped ears.
[Free (Stipend)] Elite (Origin)
No matter what hierarchies exist within this universe, you are near the top. Be it as a member of an empire's ruling caste or as the head of an industrial conglomerate, planets live or die at your word, and laws are mere suggestions to you. Yes, this includes some of the physical ones, should you decide to invest enough resources into overcoming them.
[Free (Discounted)] Above Law and Reason (Perk)
You somehow have a way of getting away with cruelty, corruption, and mismanagement, be it perceived or real, far longer than should be reasonable.
[Free (Discounted)] Pedigree (Perk)
No matter the background a new Jump would grant you, you will always be able to trace your lineage to prestigious ancestors or will be related to someone in power twice or three times removed. Similarly, you are guaranteed knowledge of the social norms of high society.
[Free (Discounted)] Distinct Feature (Perk)
You gain a single ability or property that provides you increased utility rather than a straight-up power boost. At your choice this comes with a mostly cosmetic alteration (presumably the one demarcating your specific Alien Species) you can apply to any human forms you possess at will.
[Free (Discounted)] Everyone Likes Green Chicks (Perk)
No matter that you are not human, you are stunningly attractive by human standards and those of your species.
[Free (Discounted)] Planetary Domicile (Items)
Living space on a planet's surface is at a premium, and the real estate in your possession is naturally the best. The vast mansion grants a view over a positively breathtaking otherworldly landscape.
[Free (Discounted)] Photonic Rapier (Items)
A weapon of a more civilized age. this metal cylinder can project a blade consisting of an arcane mixture of superheated plasma, hard light, and laser technology that can cut through nearly anything and is freely adjustable in length up to three meters of blade length. Alternatively, it may be fashioned to resemble another melee weapon of your choice.
[200 CP (Discounted)] Protector Drones (Items)
You are an important person, and important people attract enemies. To combat this issue, you have access to a small squad of drones purpose-built for personal security, including at least one medic.
[200 CP (Discounted)] Space Elf (Perk)
Your species is, in some ways, distinctly superior to humanity. Be it an extended lifespan allowing you to live for thousands of years, raw physical strength, or innate psychic powers. You can be sure to exhibit a few attributes that will make humans look upon you in envy. Do note that no matter how superior you feel, you will still be within the realm of the biologically plausible.
[300 CP (Discounted)] Space Wizard (Perk)
Through access to the best of the best science has to offer, you have been granted a deeper understanding of the forces of creation and can evoke powerful magic-like effects. This includes gravity manipulation with a variance of up to 5g (affecting a volume of up to 35,000 cubic meters), short-term precognition (of up to half an hour), teleportation, and dynakinesis capable of outputting up to 2,000,000 Joules when used in short bursts and a sustained output of 400,000 Watt. All these abilities can be projected at a planetary range, with the exception of teleportation, which will allow you to reach other planets in the same system, though you will effectively be restricted by your ability to perceive or calculate your target from data you've been given, to properly target them.
"I must admit," T'Pol began, "these upgrades are quite... extensive. I'm particularly intrigued by the Space Wizard perk."
"I thought that would catch your attention. Using the Force is an incredible experience, but with the Space Wizard upgrade, you gain all the similar powers, except it's not based on an intangible cosmic field. It's based on physics. Think of it as advanced manipulation of fundamental forces. Gravity manipulation, for instance. It's not mystical. It's just an incredibly advanced understanding and control of gravitational fields."
Vicky chimed in. "And the short-term precognition is not foresight, but rather an advanced form of probability calculation based on current data and trends."
"Fascinating. And the teleportation?"
"Again, it's not magic," Tyson explained. "It's an advanced understanding of space-time and matter transfer. Just like the Enterprise's transporter, but it's limited by your ability to perceive or calculate your target from available data."
"That is... considerable power. And all of this is based on scientific principles?"
"Exactly," Tyson confirmed. "I thought it would suit you better than the more mystical aspects of the Force. It aligns more closely with Vulcan logic and scientific understanding, just taken to an extreme degree."
[Free (Discounted)] Symbol (Spaceships)
The Symbol isn't just a ship, it is a display of your power and wealth. Where a more frugal shipwright might have built three ships of the same class with the resources it took to build yours, it is the absolute apex in both performance and luxury, outperforming any normal vessel of its class by roughly 20% and allowing anyone on board to live like a king.
[Free] Ship Size Rating II (Spaceships)
Maximal Section Size: 250m, 200,000 m3, Rating: II
[Free (Discounted)] Distributed (Spaceships)
Why only have one bridge? In case the main bridge gets disabled, there are several secondary control rooms that can take over the functions required to control the ship in an emergency.
[Free (Discounted)] Battery Banks (Spaceships)
Some ships may be constructed to allow their energy requirements to exceed their reactor's output. In this case, it is prudent to invest in a proper storage method, stockpiling unused energy for later use.
[Free (Discounted)] Physical Armor (Spaceships)
Your vessel is already resilient to damage simply by means of its construction. Crystalline growth on the hull, often meters thick on bigger ships, protects you from the vacuum of space and enemy fire.
[50 SP] Beam Weapons (Spaceships)
Lasers and other beams are a staple of sci-fi. Here is your opportunity to equip your vessel with them. It also stands to reason they would be quite effective, seeing that the near vacuum of space does little to refract them and that they save a lot of resources, not needing to rely on stockpiled ammunition.
[50 SP] Gravitic Shields (Spaceships)
Your ship is hidden behind a maelstrom of gravitic fluctuations, which jerk projectiles coming close to it wildly off course and away from the ship.
[100 SP] Exotic Materials: Crystal (Spaceships)
Your ship is a true marvel to behold, consisting of crystalline structures, filigree crystal lattices substituting for more conventional circuitry, and thick deposits on the ship's surface acting as armor.
[100 SP] A.I. Core (Spaceships)
Your ship is equipped to house an artificial intelligence and have it monitor and guide its functions.
[200 SP] Modular (Spaceships)
The vessel can attach itself to another spaceship, effectively providing that ship with access to the components bought from this one.
[300 SP] Inertialess Drive (Spaceships)
Somehow, this drive manages to violate one of the basic laws of physics, requiring a completely separate framework of physical formulae to even understand how it works. In effect, this drive allows you to accelerate past the speed of light by ignoring the conventional physical law of inertia, as well as providing pinpoint accuracy in maneuvering, even at superluminal speeds.
T'Pol turned her attention to the ship upgrades. "Why the Symbol? How does it fit into our overall strategy?"
"Vicky's False Star Forge will be integrated into the Automated Repair Facility. Your Symbol will be integrated into the Narada as an auxiliary craft."
"But," Vicky interjected, "based on these purchases, the Symbol is a fully functional vessel on its own as well. It's not just an add-on."
T'Pol tilted her head slightly. "Luxury seems... unnecessary for our purposes."
"Don't underestimate the power of perception," Tyson countered. "The Symbol isn't just a ship; it's a statement. All its bonuses will carry over to the Narada. It could be incredibly useful in diplomatic situations or when we need to impress potential allies or intimidate adversaries."
Vicky pulled up a detailed schematic of the Symbol. "Look at these specs. Distributed control systems, advanced battery banks, physical armor made of crystalline growth... It's a fortress for a ship for its size, and it doesn't have any component overlap with the Narada. Combined, they'll be a force."
T'Pol studied the schematics carefully. "The inertialess drive is particularly intriguing. It seems to defy conventional physics."
"That's because it does. It allows for faster-than-light travel by essentially ignoring inertia and relativity. It's a complete game-changer in terms of maneuverability and speed, perfect for a small vessel."
"But how does this fit into our overall plan?" T'Pol pressed. "How will these upgrades assist us in dealing with the D'Lavina situation?"
"The Symbol provides us with a smaller vessel that can function independently of the Narada if needed. It's more of a long-term investment than meant to help with our current situation," he answered.
"I'm guessing you're going to make purchases that will help you directly target D'Lavina."
Tyson frowned and winced at the same time. "I'm hesitant to spend so many points when I'm not even sure if they'll help. The problem is that Drawbacks always trump Perks. So if I purchase something, there's a chance that she'll be able to get around it."
He pulled up a display, re-reading the drawback's description.
[+400 CP] Mary Sue (Drawback)
They are ridiculously overpowered and have overwhelming plot armor. Their goals & actions directly oppose yours. What's more, they know about you and believe that if they "befriend" you hard enough, you can be redeemed and join their harem.
D'Lavina doesn't just have overwhelming strength; she has 'plot armor'. That means the universe itself seems to bend to her will, making her nearly invincible."
T'Pol interjected, "You can attempt to mitigate its impact. Perhaps consider perks or items that enhance mental fortitude or resistance to manipulation."
"But what about the 'plot armor'?" Vicky asked. "Is there anything that can counteract that?"
"That's the tricky part. Plot armor isn't just about being tough or lucky. It's about reality itself bending to accommodate the character." Tyson scrolled through the available options. "I've already picked out two possibilities."
[300 CP (Discounted)] Untainted (Perk)
Brainwashing rays? Ooo~ Pretty lights! Ultra Sonic Mind Control? This is my jam! Psychic Alien fucking your brain meats? Kinky! You can easily shrug off the effects of physical and mental alterations. This can even work on recreational drugs with nasty side effects, and if you want to enjoy those side effects? Then good for you, because you can set a timer! Once the timer's set, all changes that occurred while it was on will revert. It only counts if the main intent of the drug or technological/psychic/soul effect was to alter your mind and body.
[300 CP (Discounted)] Q This (Perk)
It's time to show those "transcendent" beings who's boss. With this perk you can disable the supernatural powers of a single reality warping creature so long as you're in direct contact with it.
Tyson folded his arms, a crease of doubt crossing his brow. "I have reservations about the Untainted Perk. This D'Lavina manipulates her followers with pheromones, something the perk should counteract. But since she herself is a Drawback, I'm unsure if she'll override the Perk's effects anyway." What he didn't say was that he was tempted to take the perk regardless. It wasn't guaranteed to shield his mind from D'Lavina's pheromones but it would protect him from other threats like the creeping influence of the dark side or assimilation by the Borg.
"Her plot armor bends reality itself. It's why I picked out the Q This Perk. It specifically targets reality-warping creatures. But that still leaves the problem of Drawbacks overriding Perks."
His eyes returned to the list, searching for an unconventional solution. The answer eluded him thus far, but he refused to surrender the initiative to D'Lavina. There had to be a way to beat a Mary Sue at her own game.
T'Pol tilted her head slightly. "Perhaps we are approaching this from the wrong angle. If we cannot directly counter her abilities, maybe we can redirect them."
"What do you mean?" Tyson asked, intrigued.
"The drawback states that her goals and actions directly oppose yours," T'Pol explained. "What if we were to alter our goals? By doing so, we might be able to manipulate her actions to our advantage."
Vicky's eyes widened. "That's brilliant! We could set up false objectives, making her think she's opposing us when she's actually playing right into our hands."
Tyson nodded slowly. "That could work. But they couldn't be false objectives; they would need to be genuine objectives. It's a solid strategy. Instead of trying to overpower her, we use her own narrative against her."
Vicky chimed in, "What about the 'befriending' aspect? She believes she can redeem you and add you to her harem. Could we use that to our advantage?"
Tyson winced. "That's a dangerous game that I'd prefer not to play."
"As I said earlier, if you join her harem, conflict could be avoided completely," T'Pol noted.
Tyson still shook his head. "We have a few strategies to consider. First, invest in Perks that boost resistance to her influence and counteract her plot armor. Second, we set up our objectives to redirect her actions in a way that benefits us. Distant third, maybe find a way to let her befriend me that doesn't turn me into her harem slave."
"So, are we in agreement?" Tyson asked, looking at his companions.
T'Pol and Vicky exchanged glances before nodding their assent.
"Alright then," Tyson said, his fingers hovering over the holographic interface. "Let's make these purchases and start planning our strategy in detail. We're not just going to counter D'Lavina. we're going to outmaneuver her on a narrative level."
Character Points: 350
Tyson laid out the plan. "Vicky, consume the Adaptive Personal Forcefield. Since it's a system Item, it'll appear in the Warehouse again tomorrow. Then I'll do the same. The following day, T'Pol can grab it and use it as hers, along with the Scaling Cloak."
"Understood. I'll take care of that right away."
Tyson continued, "Vicky, I need you to bring the Automated Repair Facility into the Personal Reality, in orbit of the Sun, so that it can still be used. Also, bring the Narada. Place your False Star Forge in its place as bait for D'Lavina's group."
Tyson then turned to his Vulcan Companion, his expression serious. "T'Pol, head to the Warehouse and grab the Spacesuit. It has an enclosed environment. If you encounter any Orion women, activate it. While Vulcan women have a measure of resistance against Orion pheromones, I would prefer not to test if it holds up against plot armor." The Vulcan nodded, appreciating Tyson's cautious approach. He continued, "Additionally, in the Warehouse are Armored Robes. They're laced with a metal called cortosis, which will interfere with a lightsaber blade. Wear that as well whenever you're outside of your native reality."
"I understand. Thank you for considering my protection."
Tyson smiled, then turned back to Vicky. "I'm going to work on the crew for the False Star Forge."
With their tasks assigned, the trio sprang into action. Tyson opened a portal to the Warehouse, gesturing for T'Pol to follow him. Meanwhile, Vicky went through her own portal to begin the process of moving the Automated Repair Facility and Narada into the Personal Reality.
As they stepped through the portal, Tyson pointed out the Spacesuit and Armored Robes to T'Pol, who moved to collect them. While she gathered her new protective gear, Tyson strode purposefully towards a set of shelves tucked away in a corner. His eyes scanned until they landed on what he was looking for.
The android counterpart to Data. Tyson lifted the deactivated android. Its weight was substantial but manageable.
T'Pol, now holding the Spacesuit and Armored Robes, approached. "I have what I need," she said, "I will return to the NX-01 now." With a slight incline of her head, she bid him farewell and stepped through another portal.
Tyson, still holding Lore, waited for Vicky to complete her task. When she signaled that the Automated Repair Facility had been successfully moved, he opened a portal and stepped aboard. Vicky appeared beside him, her eyes immediately drawn to the android in his arms.
"What are we doing with him?" she asked.
Tyson set Lore down carefully on a nearby workstation.
"It's time we expanded our capabilities. We're going to create an entire crew of Soong-type androids, and you're going to control them all."
"An entire crew? That's... ambitious."
"With this facility, it won't be a problem. Soong-Type androids are rare, but the Matter Printer can create anything. He pulled up the description.
Clarketech Matter Printer (Spaceships)
One of the most fundamental pieces of technology available. This is what allows things like replicators or some teleportation systems to work. This device allows you to essentially print objects consisting of any combination of matter, requiring only a blueprint and a sufficient energy supply. The clarketech version of this device has surpassed certain restrictions and is now even capable of printing substances with magic, mythic, or other supernatural properties.
We're going to start with duplicates of Malak and myself, then create a large number of generic models." He began to pace, as he thought through the plan. "We'll use synth-skin on the main ones to make them look real. The generic ones will be outfitted in Sith armor."
Vicky's eyes widened. "Why Sith armor?"
"Optics, mostly," Tyson replied. "It ties into our strategy of misdirection. D'Lavina should expect an army of Sith on a facility as important to the war effort as the Star Forge."
Tyson turned to the nearby console. "First things first, we need to analyze Lore's construction. We'll use that as our base model, then make modifications as needed."
As Tyson worked, several robotic arms lowered from the ceiling, assisting in the analysis and beginning the replication process. "I've started fabricating the basic components," Vicky reported. "How many units are we aiming for?"
"Let's start with a hundred. We can always make more if needed."
The Automated Repair Facility hummed to life, its advanced systems beginning the complex process of creating the android army. Tyson moved to another console, pulling up schematics for Sith armor.
"While the androids are being fabricated, let's work on the armor designs," he said. "We'll need to modify them slightly to accommodate the android physiology and add a shield generator, just to make things even more difficult for them."
As they worked, the first few androids began to take shape. Tyson watched with satisfaction as perfect replicas of himself, and Malak emerged from the fabrication chambers.
"Impressive," Vicky commented, her voice emanating from the newly created Tyson android. "The synth skin is indistinguishable from real human tissue."
Tyson approached his doppelganger, examining it closely. "Incredible. Any issue controlling all of these simultaneously?"
Vicky nodded, using the Tyson and Malak androids to demonstrate her multitasking capabilities. "It's easily doable. The positronic brains are added to my processing power. Creating these actually lowers the strain on me. Each unit can operate independently or as part of a coordinated group."
As they spoke, more androids continued to emerge from the fabrication chambers, each one a blank slate ready to be molded into whatever form they needed.
— Star Jumper —
Tyson returned to the Medical Bay to find Dr. Crusher and Captain Picard hovering over Admiral Jameson, who had regained consciousness. Picard's combadge beeped with an incoming message.
"Bridge to Picard," came Commander Riker's voice through the open portal still connecting the Enterprise and Personal Reality.
"Picard here," the Captain responded briskly.
"We just received a new threat from Karnas, sir. If we don't hand over Admiral Jameson in the next five minutes, he'll execute one of the hostages. Another will face a 'most painful' death every fifteen minutes after that." Riker's tone was grim.
Jameson strained to speak. "Let me go, Picard. If I give myself over, Karnas will release the hostages. It's me he wants."
Picard hesitated. "It would mean certain death for you, Admiral."
"My life for twenty hostages, Picard?" Jameson pleaded. "Let me go."
Tyson chose that moment to interject. "Sirs, if I may propose an alternative plan?" He quickly outlined his idea, and both Picard and Jameson agreed it could work.
"Number One," Picard tapped his combadge, "inform Karnas that Admiral Jameson will beam down shortly.
Riker sounded perplexed. "Did I hear that correctly?"
"You have your orders. Picard out." The Captain closed the channel.
Minutes later, the elderly Admiral Jameson, seated in his mobile chair, materialized on the surface. Karnas took custody of the weakened admiral. He circled Jameson, his voice dripped with contempt. "Ah, Admiral Jameson. The great hero, finally within my grasp. I've waited a long time for this moment. Did you think you could escape the consequences of your actions? That you could simply hide away in the vastness of space?" Karnas continued his monologue. "Your interference in our conflict all those years ago did nothing but prolong the suffering and devastation. You may have thought you were helping, but you only served to fan the flames of war. And now, here you are, a frail old man, still trying to right your wrongs." He stepped closer to Jameson, smiling cruelly. "But today, I finally have my revenge. I will make you pay for the years of pain you caused my people. You will experience a mere fraction of the torment you inflicted upon us."
As Karnas continued to gloat, it was clear that he relished every moment of Admiral Jameson's current predicament. Feeling satisfied with his monologue, he tapped his comms device and ordered, "Release the Federation prisoners."
He turned his attention back to Admiral Jameson, who sat slouched but with a composed expression on his aged face. Karnas' anger flared at the admiral's unyielding demeanor, and he decided it was time to break the man's spirit. He grabbed a nearby hammer and slammed it down on the admiral's hand.
Or at least he tried to.
The room was filled with the ringing of metal striking. But to Karnas' astonishment, Jameson didn't scream out in pain. At the last moment, the aged Admiral had moved his hand, avoiding the attack, causing it to pang harmlessly against the mobile chair.
Jameson said, "Watch where you're swinging that thing, young man."
Karnas stared at the admiral, baffled. So he raised the hammer and swung again, and yet again, the Admiral avoided the strike, seemingly moving with prescience.
Looking down at the hammer in his hand, he felt an unsettling mix of anger and suspicion, sensing a deception at play. Confusion and frustration washed over him, and he demanded, "What is this trickery?"
He couldn't ignore the nagging doubt that the admiral was part of a larger ruse. Refusing to be made a fool, he tapped his comms device.
"Halt the release of the Federation prisoners!" he barked into the device. "Detain them and prepare for the first to be executed!"
His subordinate's response only fueled his frustration. "Sir, the Federation prisoners have already been transported away."
Karnas clenched his fist, his face reddened with rage. He turned to face Admiral Jameson, determined to take out his anger on the man who had made a mockery of him. But before he could utter a single threat, the Admiral winked and vanished before his eyes, transported away.
Karnas stood in the now empty room as the reality of the situation settled in. He had been outmaneuvered, his plans for vengeance thwarted. He had been so close, then his prize was stolen from him. The fury that coursed through him was beyond what words could express.
As Admiral Jameson's form shimmered into existence on the transporter pad, Captain Picard greeted, "Welcome back, Admiral," putting a hint of gentle mockery on the rank.
The reply, however, came not in Jameson's tones but in the voice of Tyson. "Thank you, Captain. I do appreciate the promotion."
Picard laughed aloud. "Excellent work, Ensign. Thanks to your efforts, the hostages are now safe, and Admiral Jameson is recovering comfortably." His smile broadened as Tyson's features shifted back to his normal appearance.
The Gray Goo Suit he wore was capable of disguising his looks but could not change his size. Mimicking the frail, elderly Jameson would have been impossible. Yet slouched in the admiral's motorized chair, Tyson had successfully maintained the deception long enough for the Enterprise crew to carry out the rescue.
With the crisis resolved and the captives freed, it was time to return to their regular duties. Picard gave an approving nod before they turned together and strode from the transporter room.
Episode: Star Trek The Next Generation - Too Short A Season Complete!
+100 RP
Reality Points: 900
—Star Jumper —
Origins: Human, Humanoid, Drop-In, Space Pirate, Bad Guy, Officer
Race: Augment Human-Betazoid (Hybrid)
Character Points: 350, [250 KOTOR (Vicky)]
Reality Points: 900
Ship Points: 2650
Credits: 115,350
Status Effects: (none)
Gauntlet (Locked)
Ensign Marty Stu
A Simple Re'Q'uest
Hybrid (Betazoid)
Amok Time/Blood Fever
Mary Sue
Cosmic Awareness
Out of Nowhere
Going Native
Live and Let Live
This is (Not?) Rocket Science
Kinda Bland
Painted On
Master with your Hands
Best of the Best
Everything Is A Weapon
Force Specialization: Intelligence
Tactical Info
Sever Force
Specialty: Operations; Sub-Specialties (Communications, Engineering, Piloting)
Speedy Promotions
Q This
Laser Blade
Agony Booth
Cloaking Minefield
Gray Goo Suit
Transwarp Beam Equation
(Vicky) V-KO IV Nursedroid: Access Key, Artificial Intelligence Upgrade, Gray Goo Upgrade, Master With Your Hands, Light Weapon, Jumper's Master Key, Scaling Cloak, Origin: Jedi, Force Specialization: Intelligence, Enhanced Mind, Lightsaber, Armored Robes, Battle Meditation, Origin: AI, Origin: Elite, Memory Banks, Social Algorithms, Above Law and Reason, Pedigree, Planetary Domicile, Photonic Rapier, Security Features, Quantum Locked BUS, Adaptive Personal Force Field, False Star Forge.
T'Pol: Access Key, Origin: Rubber Forehead, Origin: Elite, Above Law and Reason, Pedigree, Distinct Feature, Everone Likes Green Chicks, Planetary Domicile, Photonic Rapier, Protector Drones, Space Elf, Space Wizard, Symbol
Personal Reality:
Access Key (Additional Keys, Key Link)
Security System
High-Security Inter-Reality Connecting Door (Star Trek Enterprise, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic)
Medical Bay (The Nano-Medical Lab, The Bio-Synthesis Lab, Microbiome Replacement Lab)
Housing Complex (Basic Nutrition, Choice Apartments, Who's Got the Powa, Pipes Pipes Pipes)
Playing With Portals (Portal Link, Portal Control Rod, Free Portal, Portal Aperature x4)
The Mystical Menagerie
Ship Sections (Cryo-Chambers)
Personal Mini-Reality (The Village, Wildlife for Your Wild Life, The Meaning of Life)
Tramp Freighter (Destroyed - Respawn on 02/28/2365)
Sith Interceptor (Destroyed - Respawn on 04/18/2365) (Bridge Upgrade)
Automated Repair Station (Ship Size Rating: IV, Station, Bridge, Space Hulk, Artificial Gravity, Cryo-Chambers, Auto-Repair System, Synapses, Distributed, Automated Ship, Analytic Suite, Docking Port, Transporter Room, Matter Printer, Negentropy Reactor, Deflector Shields, Clarketech Module, Production Lines, Hangar, Cargo Bay, Living Quarters)
Narada (Ship Size Rating: IV, Artificial Gravity, Alcubierre Drive, Auto-Repair System, Exotic Materials (Nanomaterials), Cargo Bay, Hangar, Hyperdrive (Transwarp), Antimatter Reactor, Navigation Suite, Analytic Suite, Deflector Shields, Missiles, Cyber Warfare Suite (Mining Drill)
Interdictor (Destroyed - Respawn on 04/18/2365) (Ship Size Rating: III, Artificial Gravity, Hangar, Hyperdrive, Fusion Reactor, Navigation Suite, Point Defense, Deflector Shields, Jump Suppression Field, Beam Weapons, Follower Crew)
False Star Forge (Ship Size Rating: III, Station, A.I. Core, Entertainment Deck, Exotic Materials: Nanomaterials, Modular, Secure, Nanite Shroud)
Symbol (Ship Size Rating: II, Station, Distributed, Battery Banks, Physical Armor, Beam Weapons, Gravitic Shields, Exotic Materials: Crystal, A.I. Core, Modular, Inertialess Drive)