Meeting a Crazy billionaire and His Lavishing Extravagant offer

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1

The sun was setting at it usual horizon as it was already evening while night draw nearer and near.

Sighing quietly, Aelina trudges the sidewalk heading home after all her day walk around the huge city. Home! She thought as a chill went down her spine when she'd realized she'd taken a long while in her outing and dreaded what her Aunt Brenda would say when no one did the household chore.

Franticly, she tried to walk more quickly but she was extremely tired and her legs were weakly numb from working for too long. Pausing, she dared to stop walking knowning what awaited her beyond but she didn't want to continue walking feeling a lot stressed having not an ounce of energy.

But then, she didn't have the full money that could make her board a cab and be taken fully to her home or rather indeed she did but was saving it up for future reference purposes when an urgent needs arises.

With the way her life was now, she wasn't one that squander money recklessly when she get it but endures the hardship of not spending it to care on herself.

Instinctively, she decided to walk trekking some little distance to reduce the fare to a more substantial amount so as to be taken home. It was a cheap one like a type that she could easily toss to the angry with her eyes closed if only she really could.

In unbelieve, she hadn't accepted the fact that she hadn't gotten not even a single job in all the places she'd gone to be interviewed today. Well, she couldn't blame or curse the people interviewing and not wanting her.

'Like, she pondered, who would want to hire a high school graduate who'd little to no form of college education? Not to talk of even giving that person a job?'

This was why her plans was very simple and it was just categorized in three things: to work so as to park out of her Aunty's house save some money up and finally get into college to read her desired course. Cringing her face, she felt disgusted at the turn out of the events of her pathetic life.

As she kept on walking, she noticed the big street familiar a signboard and she realized that she was close to Draven her boyfriend's home.

While checking her flimsy fake little gold wristwatch, she thought about visiting and checking up on him as she figured there was still some time left for her to get home before dark.

Not that she was intending to go home early but was finding a way to not get her Aunty's tongue lashings for being inconsiderate as she'd repeatedly said that she was.

Changing and switching the routes of her intended destinationne now headed for his house which wasn't too far from where she stood. In her mind, she planned and thought of deciding to surprise him with an unannounced visit.

Besides, she reasoned, it'd been long since we've both seen each other due to his time consuming work and her fruitless search for a decent job to care while catering for her daily needs. So, it was quite good that she was going to see him now today as they could easily catch up for lost times.

Her stomach growled and rumbled as she was very hungry making her to remember the fact that she hadn't eaten nor taken anything in since the morning she'd left home. She had dashed out of the house early so as not to be stopped by giving a chore by her aunt and in order to get to the various places of her supposed interviews at the right time while not getting caught up in a hell of a traffic.

Also, her scrumptious hunger added to the weakness of her legs as she couldn't walk and had not an ounce of strength in her body. Exuberantly starving, Aelina hoped and prayed he would've cooked. Living in a rural area, she'd left home early as not coming out quickly to live in a haste was quite difficult.

She'd really suffered in life a lot as her aunty thought of her as shallow and a leach who mooch off people. This was the reason she desperately needed a job so as to contribute a quota to the family's income while getting rid of all the problems that she needed to solve and finally get to live the life she'd so much wished about.

Aelina and Draven have been in a relationship while courting for about a year and half now. He'd been her classmate and best friend back at high school. Ever since she'd lost her parents, he'd been the best thing that had happened to her and in her life. Presently, he was the only person in her life who still cared so much and a lot about her having no other friend.

When he'd asked her out officially during a date on her last birthday that he'd secretly planned without her knowing, she accepted the pronouncement of his feelings towards her only because she felt she could trust him. Over time, she was happy that she'd accepted and not turned down his proposal because he'd made her blissful while she fell deeply in love with him.

Her love for him slowly turned into one of madness and she was always professing the bareness of her soul to him. So far, she hadn't regretted dating him until now as she wasn't so sure and doubted the fact that he loves her the way she loved him.

Recently, he'd always been urging and insisting that they both had adulterated sex with each other though mostly when they were alone together saying that was what other people who were in a relationship are doing but she was yet to agree with to that fact. As much as she wanted to offer the whole of her body to him since she was in love with him, she just couldn't do it.

Uncomfortable, was how Aelina felt with the idea of striping herself naked and doing unmarried stuffs with though they were full grown adult. She'd never agreed with him and had always stood her ground telling him bluntly that having pure sex with one another wasn't the only thing that was meant to happen in a relationship.

After all, she was still a virgin and she wasn't intending on changing that fact soon because of him whatsoever. The only time she felt that she would be really ready for the taste of sex was when she'd been married lawfully to her darling future husband when they'll live happily ever after and not just randomly anyone.

Besides, she figured, that sex was a matrimonial thing mainly meant for people who were ready or about to get joined with the love of their lives, plan kids and care for themselves afterwards along with their children. It wasn't just for anyone who felt a need or an urge to do the spine tingling thing.

After she doesn't agree to sleep with him, he becomes distant turning upset and angry with her over the issue of she not wanting to lie with him her boyfriend. Walking up to the front door of his house, she prayed he doesn't bring all these up just for today at least. Biting back at her nerves, she inhaled and exhaled breath before knocking gingerly on his door frame.

At first, there was no respond and she thought that maybe he hadn't heard her knock the first time so she knocked once again and the same thing reoccurred but she kept on knocking. Thrice again and a bit more harder and louder this time yet there was still no reply.

Confused and dumbstruck at the same time, she stood at his doorstep while wondering, 'where he was? why he wasn't answering the door? or if he wasn't at home?'

Just when she was about giving up on the idea of seeing him and turning back to go home, Aelina's hand reflexively pushed the door knob on an intuition and the door gave way opening slightly ajar. This helped in answering and clearing the wondering questions on her mind as she knew definitely that he was at home.

Slowly, she walked into the cool living room of his house while closing the door quietly behind her and she looked around for him but he wasn't in sight. She didn't want to call on him else it'll ruin the surprise she'd planned on astonishing him.

Certainly, she knew very well that he was somewhere closely around in the house since the front doors weren't even locked. So, she checked for him in the kitchen thinking he was cooking dinner for himself as he was an awesome too die for chef but he wasn't there too.

The only place left to check for him in the house was the bedroom so she thought just maybe he might be in there as he could be sleeping soundly, who knows? Like a ninja, she walked towards the door that gave access to his bedroom with precision not making much of a sound.

Finally, she got to it opened it and entered being about to call his name she was made to be frozen dead in her tracks gasping at the sight that greeted her afterwards making her freeze in shock. Horrendous and feeling horrible, she couldn't believe her eyes as they'd got to be deceiving her but what she was witnessing presently was completely true.

Reality dawned sinking in, Draven was cheating on her behind her backs as he laid there right in front of her having sex with another woman under him in a room they've both once shared and bed she'd laid her head on his chest. Instantly, her heart broke shattering in pieces and unbearable pain gnashed through it without pity.

Dumbfounded and puzzled, she stood rooted on the spot like all she was seeing was a dream and if she closed her eyes it will all go away becoming unreal as it'd never happened.

In a daze standing ever so twice as confused, she realized she was a lovestruck fool but she wondered true all of this way as she knew Draven couldn't really do this to her. He loved me deeply, she thought, but has it been true love? How she had been running to her sweetheart after not seeing a sight of him for about two weeks? Only for him to greet while welcoming her into their once home with an heartbreaking and aching scene'

Instantly, she felt lifeless and loveless with her legs going numb being weak as if she could fall any moment soon. It wasn't weakness of the body but the hurting broken parts of her heart.