Chereads / This immortality? Cannot be cultivated anymore! / Chapter 17 - Chapter 17 The Estrangement Plan_1

Chapter 17 - Chapter 17 The Estrangement Plan_1

Half an hour later.

Fang Zihao finally came out of the bathroom with a pale face...

Just then, an acquaintance happened to pass by, and seeing Fang Zihao staggering, clutching his chest with a miserable expression, they asked in surprise, "Assistant Fang, are you feeling unwell? Your class is about to start, and you're assisting Yama Zhou in this one. If you're late, he won't let you off the hook."

"I'm on my way now, just... had a bit of diarrhea."

"If it's diarrhea, why are you clutching your chest?"

"No... no problem, I just strained it by pushing too hard... "

Fang Zihao waved his hand and slowly walked away.

He was shocked by Lin Yuan's strength... The guy's moves were rusty, but his footwork was pretty skilled, which didn't surprise him; he blocked them easily. But why was his strength so great?

Furthermore, the places he struck were incredibly painful, and the pain hadn't subsided even now.

"Damn it, Zhao Sanyuan, that bastard, didn't he say not to mess with those we can't afford to provoke? This guy has only taken a few classes and he's already so formidable, a sure bet to become a Martial Artist in the future. How could you dare to mess with him?"

Fang Zihao couldn't help but curse under his breath.

He wasn't stupid, he had caught the implied meaning behind Lin Yuan's words.

I don't have the time to bother with that Zhao Sanyuan, so I can only bother with you...

Anyway, I'm set on stealing the money from you, and I'll stop once I have enough.

If you're unsatisfied, why don't you go to Zhao Sanyuan and get the money back from him?

But even knowing that this was Lin Yuan's tactic to drive a wedge between them, he couldn't help but feel a surge of resentment towards Zhao Sanyuan.

He even couldn't help but worry about what to do tomorrow...

Is this what it feels like to be bullied?

Make a fuss about this matter?

Fang Zihao never even considered this option.

After all, his cousin had secured him a fantastic job, and as long as he worked hard, once he officially became a Martial Artist, even if he didn't work here, he wouldn't have to worry about food and drink for life. Such a bright future.

And yet he had cheated for some petty gains and got beaten up by the victim.

Moreover, the victim was just a Martial Disciple...

Regardless of the circumstances, his incompetence as an assistant was sure to get him fired.

Not to mention, the adversary didn't make a big scene, but chose to trouble him privately, indeed hitting him where it hurt...

On Lin Yuan's end.

"Don't let your legs wobble."

The instructor shouted angrily and kicked the leg that Lin Yuan had lifted, leaving only one leg for support.

Lin Yuan thudded to the ground.

"Remember, steady... steady... still steady! If you're not steady, you're giving your enemy the opportunity to hit you. Don't look at other Martial Artists throwing dozens of punches in a single second; they might be fast, but each punch of theirs is steadier than your one punch every ten seconds!"


Lin Yuan got up and steadied himself once more.

As if he hadn't been hurt by the fall at all...

The instructor nodded in satisfaction, this kid had good talent, and an incredibly quick understanding; he didn't need to teach many things twice.

But he had been coming more frequently these days, seemingly because of the imminently expiring classes he had bought.

But if it was just for some petty gains, and he carelessly ruined his own future, there would be no need to invest in him.

Little did he know, Lin Yuan was training with exceptional dedication.

The short bout with Fang Zihao made him realize that Spiritual Power could indeed greatly enhance his combat capabilities.

Previously, he had only blue bars and no attack skills.

But now, equipped with Martial Techniques, he had already leapt to possess combat capabilities surpassing those of an ordinary Martial Artist.

But he could become even stronger...

As long as his foundation could keep up, the benefits from Spiritual Power could be even greater!

Especially under the boost of Spiritual Power, his progress was so rapid it alarmed him.

Therefore, even though he already possessed extremely powerful combat abilities, he studied even more diligently when it came to these fundamental pieces of knowledge.

After school, during the medicinal bath, Lin Yuan took the opportunity to wait outside others' doors, and when they came out, he casually glanced at their used medicinal bath tob.

After others soaked in the medicinal bath, the surface of the water still looked turbid...

Only his was as clean as a freshwater bathhouse after he soaked.

Just as he expected, the so-called medicinal bath was also a way to promote the absorption of Spiritual Energy.

This was also why after training, soaking in the medicinal bath could restore most of his energy.

After ending the class, he greeted Lin Rourou and then went straight home.

He completed his homework at top speed...

And then immediately went up to the rooftop.

This time, Lin Yuan set the tilted brick back down in its original flat position.

He had originally planned to spend another ten thousand dollars to purchase a more advanced set of Thundering Rush Step.

But after several classes, everything the tutor had taught was about stability…

Lin Yuan felt there was reason in that.

He thought that only when he could move around with his eyes closed without knocking down the vertically placed bricks, would he truly have precise and thorough control over his body.

Only then would he be ready to begin the second step.

As for advanced steps and such...

Spiritual Power could help him control his body, but it couldn't grant him mastery without a teacher; he still had to practice diligently.

Lin Yuan quickly became deeply engrossed in that tiny space, unable to extricate himself.

Especially this method of training, it also made his absorption of Spiritual Energy even faster.

Even the Remnant Consciousness Whisper that buzzed in his ears seemed not as intense as before...

Then, Lin Yuan became even more certain that what he was doing was right.

Yet he was unaware that on this day...

At least two people were so worried about him that they could neither eat nor sleep.

"Ah, damn Lin Yuan, how dare he stand me up."

In a rather luxurious detached villa.

Lu Ziyu, wearing a light pink sleep dress decorated with frog footprints, curled up in bed, angrily kicking the covers...

She had waited until after six o'clock, over two whole hours, but Lin Yuan was nowhere to be seen.

That bastard, how dare he stand her up.

He really was pushing his luck.


Meanwhile, in another residential area.

"What should I do tomorrow? Should I just take the day off?"

Fang Zihao tossed and turned in his bed for a good while.

He wanted to take a day off, but that kid came every day, obviously planning to take all the potions before discussing further; could he really take a month off?

And should he bring money? But would bringing money be considered a sign of weakness?

How embarrassing would that be?

But if he didn't bring money, what if the kid went too far...

Fang Zihao was truly at a loss, what was the deal with this kid?

He seemed to have a shaky foundation and lacked the aura and imposing manner of a Martial Artist, just an average person, but the moment he made a move, it instilled a near trembling fear in him as if he transformed in an instant!

It took him almost two hours to recover from that punch.

"No way... if I let this kid cheat me out of sixty thousand dollars, wouldn't I be at a huge loss?"

Fang Zihao didn't hesitate to take out his phone and dialed Zhao Sanyuan's number.


There was a lot of noise on the other end, mixed with the rapid breathing of girls and upbeat music... it seemed like he was in a KTV or a similar place.

"It's Fang Zihao!"

Although Fang Zihao knew this was actually Lin Yuan's strategy, his tone unconsciously carried a bit of resentment.

Particularly since he was so troubled while the other person was having a good time.

"Oh... little bro, what's up?"

Zhao Sanyuan's voice was slurred, as if he were quite relaxed.

"Nothing much, just wanted to ask how you pick your targets? Didn't you say no touching students? Do you not know that Lin Yuan..."

"Oh? That kid... hahaha, he even wanted to settle accounts with me but I slapped him down hard in just a few words, what's up? Did he trouble you? Don't be polite if he did, just take him down hard!"

Zhao Sanyuan laughed, "He's a student and you're an assistant, all under the guise of sparring, isn't it however you want to fight? I've checked everything out, he's got no background, no connections, just feel free to take him down..."

He truly seemed like he could be taken down with ease.

"Do you know he..."

Fang Zihao hesitated for a moment, not wanting to admit he was beaten up, and angrily said, "Do you know he has great potential? I can't be sure about others, but he might become a Martial Artist very soon, and if we cross him now, what if he comes after us later..."

"Let's worry about the future when it comes, so what if he becomes a Martial Artist? Aren't there plenty of Martial Artists at our training center? If he actually becomes one, we'll just package the money we scammed from him into a red packet, send it back with great fanfare... would he really have the nerve to trouble us then? The future will be dealt with in the future..."

Zhao Sanyuan suddenly started panting, shouting, "Here it comes... no can do, bro, I'm about to... can't talk now, I'll contact you another time if there's a deal."

With that, the call was disconnected.

Fang Zihao's complexion grew even more unsightly.

The future, huh?

To you it may well be the future, but for me, it's tomorrow!