Chereads / This immortality? Cannot be cultivated anymore! / Chapter 20 - Chapter 20 Defending the Weak_1

Chapter 20 - Chapter 20 Defending the Weak_1

He got back his five thousand yuan.

But Lin Yuan's heart felt even heavier than before...

Zheng Yaolie was a senior instructor at the Descending Dragon Martial Arts Hall, in other words, he was an elite-level Martial Artist.

Especially the other party's attitude, which seemed to be apologizing for his brother in every sentence, but that aggressive demeanor, was essentially helping his cousin pick a fight...

The attitude was clear in both what was said and what was implied: "My brother did wrong, and I will discipline him. Who do you think you are to dare to hit him?"

"I'm afraid this matter won't end so easily, but what's mine is mine, whether you're an elite Martial Artist or something else, I'm in the right no matter where this goes..."

Lin Yuan thought to himself that he had already taken a step back, from having to recover from Fang Zihao to making him assist in getting the money back.

If you're going to keep pushing me...

I'm not made of mud.

He wasn't sure he could beat an elite Martial Artist...

But just as when he had picked a fight with Fang Zihao, he had already prepared himself for the consequences.

At worst, I'll take a beating. You stole my money, do you have the guts to actually kill me in broad daylight?

"I just need to be a bit more careful from now on."

Thinking of that ability to hide in the bathroom, so stealthy that even he himself couldn't detect it.

Lin Yuan thought it best to avoid walking down dark alleys, deserted streets, and quiet paths as much as possible in the future.

After a trip to the changing room, he put the money into his pocket.

Now Lin Yuan had just over forty thousand yuan on him... It seemed like a lot, but it was all the start-up capital he had for the future, and if there was a need, he might have to spend it all at once.

Lin Yuan had already made his life plan.

Once his liberal arts studies were no longer a concern, he would have to find some odd jobs to do.

One has to have a source of income. He can't afford to sit around and eat away at his savings, can he?

After getting ready, Lin Yuan went to the training room.

Soon, several other classmates also arrived... all of them strangers.

Not surprising. Lin Yuan never saw the same classmates every day. While others attended one class a week, he had a class every day. It was unlikely for them to overlap.

The other students were not surprised by the appearance of a new classmate either. Many students might not attend two classes together in several months. Recognition of each other's faces was good enough; moreover, everyone was there to learn Martial Dao, not to make friends.

They all knew how to prioritize.

But this time, Instructor Lin Nan was absent for quite a while.

The students couldn't help but whisper among themselves, already feeling somewhat dissatisfied...

They had paid a high price for these classes, and even a ten-minute delay from the instructor was an unforgivable loss for them.

Suddenly, a student burst in excitedly, shouting, "Surprise, surprise! I just saw a senior instructor switch classes with Instructor Lin Nan, which means our instructor today is an elite Martial Artist!"

As soon as these words came out,

the other students immediately became excited, the earlier dissatisfaction completely forgotten...

You must understand, they were all in the basic class, paying the lowest tier of fees.

The fees for the advanced class were much, much higher than those for the low-level classes.

It was said that wanting to attend a class taught by an elite Martial Artist started at five thousand yuan, and as the instructor's abilities rose, it could even reach ten thousand.

And now... they had apparently hit the jackpot.

Only Lin Yuan's heart sank, thinking to himself, is this guy really so vindictive?

And moments later, when he saw Zheng Yaolie, dressed in exercise attire, appearing in the training area,

Lin Yuan had no more illusions of luck...

Zheng Yaolie didn't look at Lin Yuan, but assessed the dozen or so students below and said sternly, "You have been members of the Descending Dragon Martial Arts Hall for some time now, and after discussion with Instructor Lin, we believe it's necessary for you to experience real combat, to combine what you've learned with actual fighting. So, for this class, I will take over. Does anyone have any objections?"

"No objections×N!"

All answered loudly.

"Good, the rules are simple. Pair off and spar. The loser will be eliminated, and the winner will advance. After your training is over, I will pick some of the more outstanding students from among you for personal instruction, to give you an understanding of how our Descending Dragon Martial Techniques are used."

Having said that, his gaze dropped onto Lin Yuan's figure.

Meeting his slightly angry expression, it seemed as if he was criticizing Lin Yuan for bullying the weak.

In fact, for a senior instructor to directly target a student…

This was no longer a simple matter of bullying the weak.

But in Zheng Yaolie's eyes, this Lin Yuan was not merely a student, at least he had to be a martial artist.

A martial artist of this age; throughout the history of Descending Dragon Martial Arts Hall, there had only been seven. If it were any other day, he certainly would've sought to befriend him.

However, this person had a crooked heart and even pulled a bait-and-switch…

And he had the nerve to do it right under his nose.

No matter how exceptionally talented the opponent was, he hadn't yet grown up, and Zheng Yaolie didn't mind teaching him a lesson on what it means to respect one's elders!

An elite martial artist bullying a student is bullying the weak, but isn't a martial artist bullying a martial disciple the same? If you've started the trouble, don't blame me for returning the favor!

Today, I will teach the young martial artists a lesson.

Thinking this, Zheng Yaolie spoke indifferently, "Don't worry, I won't use my Qi Force, it will be just hand-to-hand combat… so, you might have a chance to defeat an elite martial artist."

As soon as these words were out, the fervor in the crowd's eyes instantly intensified.

"Let's begin!"

Eighteen students immediately took up their stances, and another student voluntarily stepped forward to invite Lin Yuan.

"Classmate, please advise."


The opponent was very polite, and Lin Yuan responded accordingly.

He had already figured it out…

This was about finding an opportunity for his younger brother.

The matter involving Fang Zihao was indecent to begin with, and he wanted to recover his own funds, as well as avoid needless confrontation with an elite martial artist, so he didn't want to completely tear face.

Though Zheng Yaolie was displeased, he likewise knew that he was at fault.

He had no choice but to use this reasonable method to recover face for his brother.

Not use Qi Force?

He certainly couldn't go all out...

Otherwise, how much face would he lose?

But to beat up a student in the name of an instructor, if the student dared to complain even slightly, they'd probably get labeled as ungrateful.

But why would I be afraid of you?

In just a few lessons, Lin Yuan had already grasped a rudimentary way of using his spiritual power within his body,

He was confident that his spiritual power was not inferior to True Qi, so theoretically, he should possess strength comparable to that of a martial master!

Lin Yuan's eyes were fixed intently on his opponent in front of him, but his thoughts were already entirely on Zheng Yaolie beside him.

Facing a high kick from his opponent, Lin Yuan reacted swiftly, bending his right knee, and his entire body squatted down, his left leg sweeping out.

The opponent immediately fell to the ground with a thud.

Clutching his ankle and crying out in pain.

"Sorry, your speed was too fast, I couldn't react in time, I instinctively used my full strength, did I kick too hard?"

Lin Yuan's apology was sincere.

The other party even felt embarrassed to continue complaining about the pain, taking Lin Yuan's hand to get up, chiding himself, "It's my fault… I was careless, always thinking that this kind of kick looks cool, but I neglected the instability of my lower body… Damn, I was too excited, otherwise I might not have lost."

In the midst of the conversation.

The other fights had come to an end!

Although they had all learned the same knowledge and experience, there was no doubt that among these fledgling participants the difference in skill was quite large. Those who could flexibly apply these skills easily achieved victory.

"He actually didn't throw the fight? Seems he has a bit more integrity than I expected,"

Zheng Yaolie gave a light snort, his face revealing an expression that carried deeper meaning.