Chereads / This immortality? Cannot be cultivated anymore! / Chapter 3 - Chapter 3 There Shouldn't Be Any Problems_1

Chapter 3 - Chapter 3 There Shouldn't Be Any Problems_1

The world of Yuanxing is fascinating.

After thousands of years of cultivation civilization heritage, the entire societal progress was almost completely halted, lingering in the feudal era for millennia.

There is no other reason...

Every individual with exceptional talent poured all their energy into cultivation and self-improvement.

Who would care about developing social civilization?

But with the collapse of the cultivation civilization, society quickly entered the industrial era and, in less than a millennium, developed technology that could rival or even surpass the more advanced tech of Lin Yuan's previous life.

Perhaps due to the influence of the thousands of years of cultivation civilization, the technology of this society is still different from the previous one.

All technological systems are human-centered!

It's no wonder, after knowing about the existence of supernatural powers in this world.

Humans naturally wouldn't be content with being ordinary, no longer satisfied with just crouching behind control panels manipulating everything...

They crave the strength of their own bodies even more!

Over the years, with the advancement of technology.

They took the pure body refining part of the Immortal Dao and, with the aid of technology, gradually evolved it into a Martial Dao system.

It is said that the strongest Martial God of today's Martial Dao, Qiao Yuntian, already possesses the strength to contend with top cultivators of the past.

There is also the bio-implant system of exoskeleton armor, which by replacing certain organs in the human body, can greatly enhance one's combat power, and if combined with military mechas, the destructive power unleashed can also rival cultivators!

Anyway, no matter which system, all are aspiring to match cultivators, all claiming they can contend with cultivators.

The former Lin Yuan was a fairly outstanding student at school, and he was at the critical period of soon undergoing the division of arts and martial studies.

If he could successfully enter the martial department, he could systematically learn the Martial Dao's strengthening system.

At that time, the White Hole and a bright white tomorrow would be waiting for him.


But now, Lin Yuan no longer has the opportunity.

Because he has become a cultivator...

Especially the "Nayuan True Jue" seemed to have some unique magic; he didn't even have to memorize it, just by holding the book in his palm and reading it once, he could feel an almost imperceptible breath flowing inside his body.

When this breath wandered through his body, it also kept calling out, drawing a bunch of messy things into his body.

It was certain that what entered was Spiritual Energy, and what was inside was undoubtedly Spiritual Power.

So even burning the book would now be too late, I already belong to it.

Lin Yuan was a bit stunned.

Even if his understanding of this world was still from what he had read, he knew what it meant to become a cultivator.

There were only two possible outcomes for his future...

Either being corrupted by the Remnant Consciousness and turning into a Foreign Demon, without even being aware of when he had been replaced.

Because this kind of change is subtle and imperceptible, naturally, it cannot be resisted.

Or, being caught by the Eradication Department.

It's clear from the fact that merely evading one cultivator resulted in the direct capture and isolation of a thousand people simultaneously, that even if he surrendered voluntarily, seeking leniency through confession and resisting severity, he might at most get a chance for euthanasia, although they probably still think that's letting him off easy.

Huh? Wait a minute...

Lin Yuan suddenly sat upright.

He had just finished isolation...

Isolation was to find that hidden cultivator, and the methods they used must be specifically targeted at cultivators.

And he... had not been exposed.

This wasn't something that could be explained by innocence and a clear conscience.

"My Force of Pollution seems to be only at the third stage, and it has been very stable, which means I have not been plagued by those Remnant Consciousnesses!"

The Force of Pollution was Lin Yuan's sarcastic term for the pollution degree.

Since the destruction of the cultivation civilization a thousand years ago, the Spiritual Energy in this world had already become incredibly rich...

And similarly, the technology of the Xuan Dynasty had also developed to a point where it could utilize Yuan Qi to achieve some feats that only cultivators could do.

Therefore, the key to detecting whether one is a cultivator is not whether there is a concentration of Spiritual Energy in the body.

Spiritual Energy is present in everyone; this is not a standard for detection.

And there is no problem with Spiritual Energy itself.

But Spiritual Energy is bound with Remnant Consciousness!

If one cultivates using a Cultivation Technique, one will inevitably hear the Remnant Consciousness Whisper of Ancient Demons...

Because all Cultivation Techniques were destroyed, any Cultivation Technique still in circulation in the world now undoubtedly originated from Ancient Demon remnants!

As soon as you hear the whispers, your spirit will synchronize with theirs.

That is the degree of pollution...

And this kind of pollution is irreversible.

According to Lin Yuan's speculation.

Because his degree of pollution was among the lowest in those hundreds of people, capturing him for isolation was probably just a precaution.

From the fact that they didn't even search his home, it is clear...

If they really had searched, they wouldn't have been able to miss this Cultivation Technique.

Lucky, lucky...

In any case, the level of pollution cannot be reduced, nor can it be faked; it is the perfect standard for detecting whether someone is a cultivator.

It was normal for Lin Yuan, who had lost his memory, not to remember the unique pathways of the cultivation technique and to feel the existence of spiritual power within himself.

But not feeling it didn't mean it didn't exist; there was no reason why the previous numerous isolations and tests failed to detect any sign of it...

Even including those whispers of the Ancient Remnant Consciousness...

Over the past month, Lin Yuan hadn't heard any whispers at all.

"Could it be that the whispers only occur when cultivating a technique?" he wondered aloud.

Lin Yuan's gaze fell on the book "Nayuan True Jue."

He was silent for a long time, and then, as if to convince himself, he murmured, "I already have spiritual power within me now; unless I can completely discard this power, being discovered would be a dead end anyway. Even if I'm not discovered, if the Remnant Consciousness Whispers ever echo in my ears in the future, my doom is inevitable. So... I will just try a little touch; staying superficial shouldn't be a problem..."

With that thought, Lin Yuan flipped open the "Nayuan True Jue" in his hand.

The cultivation technique was handwritten, with very neat characters.

However, there were no annotations, and the connections between the words were incredibly obscure, making the reading choppy, especially with the many specialized terms he had never heard of before.

But eerily, just by reading this technique, the spiritual power within him started operating on its own, as if offering a helping hand...

Understanding or not didn't matter, as long as you look, I will help you move!

Just one circulation within his body made him feel that this spiritual power had significantly increased.

And as the technique circulated,

Lin Yuan's consciousness became increasingly hazy, as if he had fallen into another space.

An indescribable and unclear world.

In his semi-conscious state, he faintly felt as though there were gazes around him, filled with greed, longing, and envy... Although he was alone in the room, cultivating the technique gave him the sensation of being in a crowded place.

It was the Remnant Consciousness.

It turned out that it wasn't the cultivators who could see the remnant consciousness, but anyone who operated the technique could come into contact with these terrifying remnants.

And as Lin Yuan stared into the abyss, the abyss was clearly staring intently back at him.

Lin Yuan could feel these remnants surrounding him, and even the air felt several degrees colder than usual.

He could even see them opening their mouths, whispering to him, "@#¥%@#¥%@..."

This voice was not in his ears, but resonated directly in the deepest part of his soul, allowing him to hear it clearly as the True Yuan flowed into his body.

Lin Yuan tilted his head, puzzled.

He asked, "What are you saying?"


"Do you speak Mandarin?"


"What the hell are you talking about?"


"Can you say something I can understand?"


"Can you speak in a way I can understand?"


The whispers of the Remnant Consciousness were chilling to the bone, carrying temptations no human could resist.

But unfortunately...

After a long while of talking past each other,

Lin Yuan realized he couldn't understand.

This was neither any language he knew, nor a language of this world.


After a long time,

Lin Yuan gradually ceased his practice, feeling refreshed, with every limb and bone feeling clear and unobstructed, as if he had just taken a sauna, his whole body comfortable.

More than the physical pleasure, the sense of relief at having survived made him inexplicably excited, his body trembling slightly.

The whispers of the Remnant Consciousness, seductive and corrupting.

Transforming into a Foreign Demon, committing all evils!

This is the main reason cultivators become universally despised!

But how could even the most skilled con artist trick someone into falling for their deceit using only language, if there was no common tongue?

And if one could completely ignore the threat of the remnants, cultivation techniques actually had no flaws.

Lin Yuan looked at the "Nayuan True Jue" in his hands, his eyes gradually brightening, even understanding why he could not comprehend these whispers of the Remnant Consciousness...

Because these whispers did not enter through the ears. Otherwise, on Yuanxing, with the languages of each country so different, would it mean that cultivating the techniques of another country would not lead to corruption?

Plainly put...

The whispers acted directly upon the soul, and his soul happened to come from another world.

The system was downright incompatible.

So... naturally, he couldn't understand.

"Great, now the only ones after my life are just everyone in the whole world." Lin Yuan sighed with relief.