Chereads / This immortality? Cannot be cultivated anymore! / Chapter 29 - Chapter 29 Self-inflicted (Please recommend monthly tickets for support) _1

Chapter 29 - Chapter 29 Self-inflicted (Please recommend monthly tickets for support) _1

Lin Yuan honestly answered, "I was expelled from the Martial Arts Hall."

Lin Zhengying asked, "Gale Martial Hall?"

"No, Descending Dragon Martial Hall!"

"That's really strange... The true identity of the man in black who just appeared has already been investigated. He is a senior executive and elite Martial Artist from Gale Martial Hall, Li Zhengjing. You've provoked Descending Dragon Martial Hall, so why would someone from Gale Martial Hall be so eager to take vengeance on their behalf?"

Lin Zhengying quickly realized what was happening and, stroking his chin, said, "I've heard that there is some friction between Gale Martial Hall and Descending Dragon Martial Hall. You were expelled by Descending Dragon Martial Hall, could it be they are trying to frame you for something?"

Lin Yuan frowned and asked, "Wait a second... are you saying that this Li Zhengjing isn't a Cultivator?"

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue: