Chereads / This immortality? Cannot be cultivated anymore! / Chapter 31 - Chapter 31 Fortuitous Blessing_1

Chapter 31 - Chapter 31 Fortuitous Blessing_1

The room was foul.

Fresh feces were evenly smeared across the living room wallpaper, giving it the appearance of a rough, textured art wall.

The smell was intense…

Lin Yuan now understood why Lin Zhengying had thrown up so violently upon entering.

Being in the midst of it, one doesn't notice the stench, but upon entering, it was striking.

Lin Yuan had just entered and couldn't help wanting to vomit as well.

But in the room, beyond this pungent odor…

He had also sensed another smell.

Spiritual Energy... or rather, Spiritual Power!

In the room, there was a faint presence of Spiritual Power, unlike Spiritual Energy, this power was purer, like aged wine that had been fermented over the years, ready to be directly absorbed.

In the face of this pure Spiritual Power, even the endless foul smell seemed tolerable.

Lin Yuan had passed through the bedroom to the balcony that had been smashed open.

He saw the corpse.

Li Zhengjing.

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue: