Chereads / (Transmigrated in South Korea) / Chapter 4 - Sigh's & Even more Sigh's/ Pt 2.

Chapter 4 - Sigh's & Even more Sigh's/ Pt 2.

"Your disqualified." Said the female judge in the middle.

"The fuck" I thought while looking at the girl group on stage who looked down with sad looks an just shook my head a little since not everyone will pass.

"Do you wanna know the truth or do you want me to lie to you." Asked the female judge, being real.

"We want the truth ma'am." Said the leader of the girl group with a serious face.

"First off your dancing is a grade F for me." Said the female judge in the middle, while looking at a paper in her hand.

"Your singing is a grade G for me." Said the male judge on the left with a warm smile.

"And your rapping and visuals are a grade F for me." Said the male judge on the right with a uncaring face.

The girl group looked down with even more sad looks and left the stage and started crying while going back to their seats while thinking if they should just give up.

"That's tuff" I thought while looking at the girl group who passed by me..

"NEXT." Said the male judge loudly on the right with a sigh.

I got up from my seat while grabbing my forearm crutches and headed towards the stage while taking deep breaths to relax myself and be mentally prepared in case I fail since the judges seem to have high expectations.

As i arrived at the stage i made my way up the stairs with my teeth gritted in pain while everyone was staring at me, some with concern and others with confusion while others with uncaring faces.

"Is this a trainee." Whispered the judge on the left, to the female judge in the middle with confusion.

"Yes his name is tae daehyun it says he's been a trainee for four years and is a good dancer but bad at singing." Said the female judge while looking at the paper in her hands with my information on it.

The judge on the left nodded and turned back towards the stage and seen me walking towards the pianist and handing him a piece of paper and walked up to the microphone that was adjusted for myself.

"I'll be performing a song I wrote and wasn't able to publish due to my current state it's called lay me down." I said lieing to smoothly, while preparing myself.

The judges nodded while taking notes and immediately put and F on my dancing due to my current situation which is obviously not suited for dancing.

The pianist started a melody, with the audience quieting down and looking at stage.

I took a deep breath and said singing in a breathy voice, holding the notes a little "Yes I do, I bealive that one day i will be where i was right there, right next to you."

The judges where surprised and looked at each other but immediately turned there attention back to the performance.

"And it's hard, the days just seems so dark the moon, and the stars wre nothing without you." I said singing in a higher register breathy voice, holding the notes a little while looking at the kpop idol trainees.

"This kid can write." Said the male judge on the left, wiping his eyes, making the other judges nod.

I took the microphone off the stand while letting my forearm crutches fall to the ground but held the microphone stand for support and said while singing in a high register a little, holding the notes midway "Your touch, your skin, where do I begin no words can explain the way I'm missing you."

"Deny this emptiness, this hole that I'm inside these tears, they tell their own story." I said singing back in the lower register, holding the notes a little.

"This kid has very good restraint most singer's would have just shot to the high registers by now." Said the female judge in the middle, with her fingers interlocked, watching the performance intently with a smile.

Both the male judges nodded, agreeing to her comment while enjoying the performance themselves which made the other idol trainee's envious.

I moved my forearm crutches out of the way and said singing while gesturing with my hands, going up a register a little and holding the notes midway "Told me not to cry when you where gone."

"Such restraint." Said male judge on the right with his hand gripping his shirt dramatically.

"But the feelings overwhelming It's much to strong." I said singing, doing a register flip a little while also holding the notes a little.

"CAN I LAY BY YOUR SIDE." I said singing in a high register with a little grit, holding the notes a little, with a pained face.

The judges eyebrows creased, feeling the song while the kpop idol trainee's where shocked speechless from my vocal prowess.

"Next to you, you." I said singing in a breathy voice and climbing the registers and hitting the head voice and holding the notes a little long.

"AND MAKE SURE YOUR ALRIGHT." I said singing in a high register with a little dramaticness and holding the notes longly, with an emotional face.

"I'll take care of you." I said singing in a breathy voice and climbing the registers and hitting a high head voice and holding the notes longly, while slowly moving the microphone away from my mouth creating a echo affect.

"Such talent." Said the female judge with the other judges agreeing, feeling the performance with smiles.

I slowly brought the microphone back up to my mouth and said singing in a high register while going back down the registers, holding the notes longly at the lowest note i could muster with my tenor voice "I don't want to be here if I can be with you tonight."

Suddenly a slow drum beat came in.

"I'm reaching out to you." I said singing in a low register, holding the notes midway, with my left hand out and my right one holding the microphone, looking at the audience.

"Can you hear my call." I said singing in a high register but went back down to the lower register, holding the notes a little.

"This hurt that I've been through I'm missing you, missing you like crazy." I said singing while doing register flips, hitting the head voice and going back down to the lower register, holding the notes a little long.

"You told me not to cry when you where gone." I said singing, holding the notes a little long.

The judges where swaying in there seats and the kpop idol trainee's where also into the performance.

"But the deelings overwhelming." I said singing, with no notes at all.

"IT'S MUCH TO STRONG." I said singing in a high register with a little register flip, holding the notes longly.

I looked up and said singing in a high register with a little grit and my left hand raised a little with my right one holding the microphone " CAN I LAY BY YOUR SIDE."

"Next to you, you." I said singing in a breathy voice and climbing the registers and hitting the head voice and holding the notes a little long while smiling enjoying myself.

"AND MAKE SURE YOUR ALRIGHT." I said singing in a high register with a little dramaticness, holding the botes longly.

"I'll take care of you." I said singing in a breathy voice and climbing the registers and hitting a high head voice and holding the notes longly, while slowly moving the microphone away from my mouth creating a echo affect again.

"I DON'T WANT TO BE HERE IF I CAN'T BE WITH YOU TONIGHT." I said in a very high register while doing a register flip with a grit, holding the notes very longly, while slowly moving the microphone away from my mouth creating a echo affect while looking up and taking a deep breath, with the beat going up a notch.

"Lay me down tonight." I said singing in a low register with no notes.

"Lay me by your side." I said singing in a low register with no notes.

"Lay me down tonight." I said singing in a low register with register flips, holding the notes a little.

"LAY ME BY YOUR SIDE." I said singing in a high register With a growl, holding the notes longly.

"CAN I LAY BY YOUR SIDE." I said singing in a high register with a little grit while going back down the register, holding the notes longly.

"Next to you, you." I said singing in a breathy voice and climbing the registers and hitting the head voice and holding the notes very long, ending the song while slowly moving the microphone away from my mouth with my head facing upwards and taking another deep breath.

Everyone stood up giving me a standing ovation with the female judge saying with a smile "You have a grade A from me in your singing and a grade A in your visuals and a F in your dancing and I'll throw in a grade A on your rapping ."

"Same for me." Said the male judge on the left with warm smile.

"Me to." Said the male judge on the right nodding calmly.

"Congratulations on your successful debut." Said the female judge, smiling and clapping, along with everyone else joining in to.

I smiled and bowed a little and said In the microphone "it was an honor performing for you three, thank you."

The judges smiled at my humblneess and kept clapping while the judge on the right said "Even though most idols dance we need more idols like you with alot of soul."

"That is true." Said the female judge, nodding, while thinking about how the kpop industries operate.

"Thank you." I said smiling while looking at my forearm crutches on the ground with my eyebrows creasing.

"Yep I'm definitely not bending down to pick them up because if I do I'm not getting up from the ground,I'm staying down forever." I thought sighing.

The pianist seeing my struggles got up from the piano seat and went over to my forearm crutches and picked them up and handed it to me, which made the idol trainees confused along with the judge's.

"Thanks." I said sighing in relief that I don't have to head back to that hospital.

"No problem." Said the pianist with a smile and started clapping which made everyone clap even louder and successfully diverted the attention from him picking up my forearm crutches for me like a slave, which I'm thankful for.

I adjusted my forearm crutches and headed off stage slowly while thinking with a chuckle

"I guess I'm not gonna be in debt"
