Chereads / (Transmigrated in South Korea) / Chapter 5 - Unexpected Thing's.

Chapter 5 - Unexpected Thing's.

2004 / Seoul South Korea.

I was currently sitting in the lobby of jyp entertainment on my phone scrolling on facebook that came out this year and while i was scrolling on facebook i was pondering about my performance that ended awhile ago, wondering if I need to improve on some thing's but from what the judges graded me i shouldn't need to at the moment but it's always good to improve yourself.

(Daehyun's POV)

"So I clearly don't have a british accent but I speak like sam smith just with a south korean accent in english but to me it still sounds the same but I for sure know the singing is the same from what was displayed from my performance earlier" I thought with a confused expression.

"I'm not gonna think more about it." I said to myself, throwing the unimportant thoughts to the back of my mind while looking back at my phone, only to see my followers on my dacebook profile rising at a fast pace.

"What the fuck" I thought surprised while watching my followers pass 200k and slow down at 500,645.

I had a confused expression and looked up jyp entertainments facebook profile and scrolled and immediately noticed a cideo of my performance on their page and thought with a chuckle "Oh so it was live"

I chuckled again and went back to my profile page, only to see a check mark by my name making the smile on my face freeze.

"Are you serious right now." I said while sighing at how fast my sudden fame is rising which is a bit unhealthy in my opinion.

"Are you tae daehyun." Asked a male voice out of nowhere.

I looked up from what I was doing not scared in the slightest by the sudden appearance and seen a korean middle aged man in a suit and asked sarcastically "What can I do for you my good sir."

The middle aged korean man was confused and said "Ceo park wants you to come to his office to discuss your contract."

"Oh, ok lead the way." I said while putting my phone into my pocket and grabbing my forearm crutches.

TIMESKIP: a couple minutes later.

"This is his office." Said the middle aged korean while leaving to do his duties.

"Ok thank you." i said while knocking on the door.


"Come in." Said a male voice from inside the office.

I opend the door and slowly made my way inside and seen a man who appears to be in his early thirties and thought while examining the man's appearance secretly "So this is jyp he looks exactly like the man I seen in my past life that tried to dance to stray kids song, yes I said tried."

"You called for me." I said while taking a seat on the sofa an took a deep breath while rubbing my knees to relax them.

"I wanted to discuss the terms of your contract." Said jyp, pulling out a contract from a folder while getting up from his desk seat and going to the sofa in front of the sofa i was sitting on and sat down on it and slid the contract on the table towards me.

I picked up the contract and seen it expires in 3 years and asked xalmly "So what do you want to discuss."

"I want to edit your contract since I was planning to terminate it but the incident with you going to the hospital and having no singing or rapping capabilities despite all the resources the company provided and only dancing abilities which is okay but not fit for an idol without singing and rapping abilities." Said jyp beating around the bush with a little laugh.

"Just get to the point." I said getting tired of this man already.

"I want you to stay at the company please you have a lot of potential in you I've seen your performance and I'll even raise your salary by a large margin." Said jyp begging with a genuine face, knowing he would loose alot if he didn't keep me because I would go straight to sm entertainment if he did terminate my contract.

I had a deadpan face with my mouth falling open and thought "That is fucking disgusting like come on dude would you lick the dirt off someone's foot to keep them at your company"

"Wha...what." Asked jyp stuttering with a confused expression.

"I never said I was leaving and I can't quit or I'll have to be in debt." I said stating the obvious.

"Oh I completely forgot, well Lets edit the contract and raise your salary to 3 Million." Said jyp while writing on the paper.

"Wait how much money does the former daehyun have" i thought and pulled out my iphone and pulled up my bank account that showed, 4,361.

I stared at my bank account for a moment and chuckled and thought "So I'm guessing the former owner had 700 in his bank account until I got my social security check"

"Then let's discuss what plans I have for you now." Said jyp, getting straight to business.

I nodded and listend to what he had to say.

"From the contract it states that you want to be a soloist is that correct." Said jyp, wondering why I don't go want to be in the bed despite my vocal prowess.

"That's correct in my current condition I wouldn't recommend putting me into a group since It wouldn't do any good so I'm better Off as a soloist." I said with a serious face, knowing I would end up dead if I was assigned with a kpop group.

Jyp nodded and said while rubbing his chin "That would actually be good since you would actually make soloist more famous or on equal terms with boy and girl kpop groups since soloist are very lacking in terms of fame in my opinion." Said jyp while rubbing his chin, already thinking of ideas.

"Are they" i asked, not seeing a problem with their fame.

"Yes and currently your already still gaining more fame just from the video of your debut." Said jyp, chuckling.

"Oh that makes sense." I said while remembering the followers on my facebook profile.

"And we've prepared some songs for y..." Said jyp, only to be Interrupted.

"I'm not singing those and I'll write my own songs while having complete ownership of them." I said shutting the conversation down instantly.

Jyp was speechless at how a 16 year old is speaking and sighed and said "Fine since I want to have a good relationship with you and i have a feeling you will be one of the pillars for the future of kpop I'll let you have ownership and write your own songs." Said jyp smiling, imagining the future.

I stared at jyp's dumb looking face and sighed and said "So when do I start making my first album."

"You can start next week to give you time to recover." Said jyp, still having a dumb smile.

"Oh how considerate of you." I said sarcastically, thinking of how i just got out of surgery and the next day im performing and moving around so tell me who wouldn't be pissed.

Jyp came back to reality and was confused not knowing what happened.

"I'll get going it's getting late." I said while grabbing my forearm crutches and getting up slowly.

"Ok." Said jyp while getting up and heading towards the door to see me off.

As I arrived at the door with hyp opening it for me and left with him saying his farewells and me also saying mines.

TIMESKIP: 20 Minutes later.

I walked into my family's restaurant and seen my mother talking to 2 woman who seemed to be close to her and was confused.

"Your finally back daehyun your aunties wanted see how you where doing." Said aera with a warm smile which made me smile.

I nodded while sitting down at a table and looked through my memories about my family and found two names that stuck out, kim woojin and seungmin who i remembered is from stray kids with woojin leaving and becoming a soloist in the future.

"And I happened to be their cousin" I thought surprised and just chuckled since this is hilarious to me.

"Are you okay daehyun" Said S

Seungmin's mother named hyeon with concern.

"I'm ok thank you." I said with a reassuring smile.

"Ok have you been focusing on your recovery." Asked hyeon with a serious face wanting to know what I've been up to.

"He can't because of jyp entertainment." Said aera with disgust, making me sigh.

"Hey cousin." Said a female voice which made me jump a little despite me having a strong resistance to jump scares.

I looked behind myself and seen a beautiful girl about a year younger than me With earpods on and a distinct dyed red hair.

"Oh it's you." I said remembering the former owner was close to her like a sister, practically his homegirl named ari.

"Who else would it be I'm practically your only friend around your age." Said ari while smacking on some gum and tossed me one.

I caught the gum and opend the wrapper and put it in my mouth while giving a thumbs up as thanks.

"Bro your practically famous now." Said ari, showing a picture of me walking into the restaurant that I clearly didn't notice anyone taking of me.

"The f..." I Said, only to get cut off.

"MY BABY DEBUTED." Said aera screaming with a smile and dancing, making everyone cringe.

"Congratulations." said woojins mother named miso, smiling.

"Congratulations." Said hyeon calmly while drinking her tea.

"So when do you start making music." Asked ari with a tomboyish chill attitude.

"Next week." I said and snatched ari's gum pack and stole another one.

Ari scrolled on her phone and tapped the Facebook video of me on jyp entertainments page and me singing on stage was heard throughout the room.

"Hahahah that's my son." Said aera laughing proudly with her hands on her hips and her head towards the ceiling.

Hyeon and miso rolled their eyes at my mother's bragging which made me chuckle.

"Dang you can sing." Said ari surprised, while scrolling to the comment section to be nosy.

"Why did you think i couldn't." I asked while still chuckling, clearly lieng.

"No it's not that it's ju..." Said ari, only for me to intercept her.

"Where's woojin and your brother seungmin." I asked while looking around, obviously diverting the topic from me.

"Woojin is with his dad and seungmin is with his dad supposedly they call it dad time today." Said ari rolling her eyes while doing the quote with her fingers.

"Oh...ok so do wanna workout with me at the gym down the street." I said while getting up drom my seat and stretched a little as to not hurt myself.

"Sure I'm bored anyways." Said ari getting while up and grabbing her stuff.

"Mom I'm heading to the gym with ari." I said while slowly making my way out of the restaurant with ari following behind me.

"OK." Said aera loudly while continuing her conversation with her sister's.
