Chereads / Howls and Growls / Chapter 41 - a new community

Chapter 41 - a new community

the pack decide they didn't like Alexandria, but even then Deanna had sent out a scout with daryl to fine a place for their pack.

when the group returns they tell the group of a prison the knew that fell before the month was up when it all started and that they could help ricks pack clean it out.. it was in the outskirt of Alexandria's real town but that didn't matter to them as longer as rick pack was allie with them.

Rick and his group was on their ways to alexandria juvenile detention center.

they didn't see much walker and the ones the did where not that bad.. the town look hardly touch beside for the walker as the past 6 town before they got to the prison..

and once the where their not many zombies litter the yard.. Rick told beth and Eugene to say and watch the cubs as they made their way to the gate the stab many through the wall before going in when they when in the move fast to clear out the yards..

LIke last time "I'll do it." Glenn volunteers, "You guys cover me."

" No that a suicide run Again" maggie said not like the fact her mate want to put his life on the line Again

"You, Maggie, T-Dog , Seth and draw as many as you can along the fence, pick them off there. Daryl, stiles" Rick turns to his son and Daryl, "go to the other tower down there and take point. Carol, Leah, you two have become good shots. Take your time, we don't have a lot of ammo to waste. I want you two up in this tower. Carl, you and Jacob, are in that one up there. I run for the gate. Go. everyone else kill walkers"

Everyone splits up and Glenn grabs the fence for cars to go through, waiting for Rick's signal. The Prime makes sure he has another pair of cables with metal clasps with him before nodding for the Alpha to open the gate.

He moves fast, taking out Walkers as he goes. Stiles shoots one that gets to close, and Rick rumbles his thanks even though his son can't hear him. Leah attempts to help by shooting another one that gets too close to the Alpha and ends up putting a bullet in the ground between his feet.

"Sorry!" She calls out to him. The others pick off Walkers, making sure each one is a headshot. Rick gets to the fence and kicks one of the Walkers back, closing it and locking it up. He opens the door to the tower inside the yard and shoots a Walker, closing the door before more can get close enough. The Pack waits until he's upstairs before Stiles gives the signal.

"Light 'em up!" Soon it's a free for all, everyone shooting anything moving in the yard without worrying it's one of their own. When the last of the Walkers fall, everyone makes their way to gate. Rick waits for everyone to join them, the pregnant Omega panting with one hand on his hip from running, before opening it up for the Pack, the few the alpha pick push in more....

T-Dog, Glenn, Maggie, Rick, Stiles and Daryl all go through the gate into the inner courtyard, keeping in a tight circle and killing all the Walkers. The others stay on the fence and kill as many as they can through it. They get the first part clear and when they go to turn the corner, Rick pulls them up against the wall with a curse. A smaller fence in the courtyard was filled with Walkers and opened.

A few Walkers come out with riot gear and they have to break to take them out.

"Stiles!" Rick knocks a Walker over and pulls the gate close, the Omega right behind him with the cable and clasps. Once it's on they kill the Walkers in gear, pulling the helmet up enough to reach the brain.


When she meets them at the door, Rick opens it. The first few feet are empty of anything and passed the second door is a small rec center. Maggie goes to check one of the doors leading further into the prison, while Glenn checks the one to the cell block. Both are locked. Daryl and T-Dog check for Walkers and Rick and Stiles goes up to the guard shack. He finds a man who had opted out and pulls off his keys, showing them to his Pack below. They open the door to the cell block first, checking all the cells for any Walkers. Rick checks the door in the back and finds it locked then makes his way up to the second landing to check the cells with Daryl. They find two Walkers locked in the last two cells and are quick to get rid of them. They throw them over the railing and have Glenn and T-Dog remove them while the others come inside.

They go out and find the armory later that day, as well as pulling off anything they can from the Walkers. They would need anything they can get to help them while they check the inner tunnels of the prison. Glenn brings spray paint so they can map their way back. Carl stays behind with Carol, Beth, with the pups, as the pack and people from Alexandria push on killing anything that get close yet again....

the next couple of day rick took a group to clear the inside the prison , once they came back they had them pack their things , rick told them they clear out the entier prison and not a body left in side the would start to burn the bodies before the set ever thing up....


stiles and Daryl sat in the rec room watching Ajax's roll around in human form, stiles sat against his mates chest as he purred in content, the pack was safe and they would be able to start new it what he wanted for his kid. he had wanted another Baby but Daryl said they would wait until thing really did start getting normal... and he wanted Ajax's a little older then a 11 months...

Beth and Carol went on about the kitchen... Alexandrian's had brought them a 20 solar panels and mechanic to disable the alarm and get the power up and running once it was done they had music and a working kitchen , the freezer was huge and daryl could hunt and and store the deer meat in their until Beth and Carol wanted to use it..

" going on a supply run make a list of thing you need" Stiles yelled to the group... he had his own list of shit he was going to look for..

"can i come?" carl ask he was now 15 and stiles was 24...

" ask dad" stiles tells him

stiles was taken peoples list as they walk past him.

" Dad said i can" Carl said" he said you and Maggie are in charge and im to listen to you two"

with that the set out in two cars.

the stop at the first place a dollar general, maggie said some of the thing on our list can be found in there.

" same way we always loot, quit no guns..." maggies said

we move in carl grab the cart Maggie points at and follows Maggie as stiles read the list behind them taking up the rear... once three list were complete they had to take the cart to the car and unload it.... stiles stabs a stray walker and heads back in to fine his brother and Maggie putting all the can goods and boxes in the cart stiles fines baby stuff and grabs all of it... once the cars and the list's was filled they could finish the store had few limited items all the can good where taken and all clothing from baby to old.

Stiles drives back to the prison they are calling home... glenn opens the gate and lets them in.

they drive to the doors and look to the others.

" you stuff you ask for is in here, most of it's food, but the thing you ask for is in these cars."

the pack help unload everything and take it to the rec room or the kitchen... when the girl seen the seasoning for the food they where cheering..

once everyone has gotten their thing the group began retire to their cells or the rec room to had mate time.....

stiles laid with their cub in their cell their son was press as close to him as he could get.

Stiles love his family and pack...