Chereads / Howls and Growls / Chapter 39 - Jumping from house to house

Chapter 39 - Jumping from house to house

it had been more than a few months after the prison fell and right now the group kept housing jumping and they held a small funeral for the ones we lost that included.

sophia and any of the others they had lost due to the prison falling, or the one the group couldn't save.

Judith and Ajax where not old enough to walk in human form but in wolf form the could walk and Stiles preferred to be in wolf form so Stiles could protect he family and friends and family...

they had found another house and Stiles waited outside with his cub in his mouth ready to bolt if his father and Mate declared it unsafe. when carl walk out he motion for us to move in...Stiles followed his mate to the corner of the room that we could be sleeping in and set Ajax down on the blankets.

Stiles shift and pulled on clothing as Stiles slid down the wall... Daryl walks over we sat and talk tyrese walk around and look outside we where heading to Noah's community... Stiles just hope it was standing like the kid said.

Sasha and noah sat in the corner read a book the had found in the bedroom. When rick Pulled out two of the walkie talkies.

"Noah how much further is the community." Rick ask.

"About 20 miles or less rick.."the smaller delta said as he look around..

" okay so we head 10 miles in... Michonne...tyreese...Rosita...noah...daryl... Jacob...Maggie...glenn.. abraham your guys are coming with me to fine the community.... the rest of yall will be staying in the house we seem fit to have yall stay in..." rick said giving the plan..

Judith sat playing with Ajax stiles and Daryls son..

" we rest here tonight then move tomorrow"..

Eugene was in the corner curled up he still hadn't shift back yet.

Stiles and the group talk about thing the use to do or would of like to do before all this.



stiles pace the room he was upset yet again his father and mate knew he didn't like staying put and being told no, so when Daryl said he could not go with them when the went to the place noah called home.

Beth try to claim the omega but he wasn't listing so the female omega gave up and went to sit by Seth and Leah, Leah and Jacob had became mates, Seth was a young omega that was possing as a beta like Stiles had. but after awhile Carl had found him taking pill for betas phermones and called him out the two got caught by Michonne. Eugene sat by Tara still in wolf form he had change back a few days ago and he like be a wolf so he take it form alot.

a small chirp had stiles stop in his place, his cub was wake and looking for his father's, making his way to the cub he pick the baby up, ajax was in human form, making gurgling noise's. He was content being in one of his father's arms.

Gabriel was watching them, he still has not forgave them for what the did to his church the house of god.

Sasha sat holding Judith to her she was not happy about her brother being gone either.



mean while

Tyreese, rather than put down one of the boy's brothers in front of him, bypassed a bedroom that clearly had a walker in it. In the next bedroom, the gentle giant became so transfixed by a photo of the twins that he didn't notice one of them - zombified, of course - sneaking up behind him until its teeth were in his arm! Ty scream of pain fell the Quit air and noah run to him.

After Noah beaned his little brother with a handy toy plane that had been embedded in the ceiling and ran for help, Tyreese began seeing visions. First up: Martin, the Termian whose worthless life the big guy had spared. As much an asshat as ever, Martin tried to lay the blame on Tyreese for everything from Bob's demise to Beth's. Luckily, it wasn't long before Tyreese saw a vision of Bob, who immediately called bulls- and assured his pal that "it went the way it was always going to go." As a nearby radio broadcast reports of the horrors Tyreese had witnessed since the apocalypse, the Governor turned up like a bad penny to add his two cents, and Lizzie and Mika promised that "it's better now" . Along the way - as if he didn't have enough to contend with! - Tyreese was forced to stick his wounded arm in yet another walker's mouth so as to dispatch the monster

Michonne seemed to be beginning to lose it. She was even keen to patch the hole in the perimeter wall and stay put until she noticed the nearby woods full of walkers' lower torsos. Finally, she suggested that all the survivors head for Washington. Though Eugene was a big, fat liar, he had done the math, she pointed out, and concluded that the city offered them their best odds of survival. "Don't you want one more day with a chance?" she pleaded with Rick. And since he did want another day with a chance, it was agreed. Washington would be their next - hopefully last - stop. Just then, they and Glenn heard Noah hollering, rescued him from a walker attack and made tracks to try and save Tyreese, who by this point was being serenaded by Beth.

After the Governor mocked Tyreese for forgiving Carol for killing Karen - try explaining those 11 words to a non-fan! - the injured party stood up to the bully and declared, "It's not over." Alas, it was almost over. As Tyreese imagined Lizzie taking his hand, Rick was actually holding his arm steady so that Michonne could hack it off at the gnawed-on part. And even that didn't help. As Rick, Glenn, Noah and Michonne drove Tyreese back to rendezvous with the others, he pictured himself in the station wagon with his ill-fated friends, and asked that the radio and its awful newscast be turned off. He was done paying the high cost of living.


when the group return to the others they where done an male.. sasha stood and look around for her brother but he was gone and never coming back, The omega had now lose everyone she have mated to or kin to. she began to cry before she was tried of crying...


Sasha wasn't happy...

the impact of losing the love of her zombie apocalyptic life and then to lose her brother, who's she's always had. No matter what, she's always had him.Sasha certainly seems galvanized by the death. Did it surprise you that she wouldn't let that grief in a little bit? Does she think if Tyreese had tapped into his own inner rage he might still be alive? YES! but now they could change that...It seems like she's determined to go 100 percent in the opposite direction and embrace the brutality of the new world. Does she worry about her own humanity or inner morality? Sasha didn't care anymore she seem to always lose someone she love. She's a very determined person. She makes decisions and sticks to the pack. She's very strong willed in that way, and she is not thinking about her inner morality right now at all. She has accepted that this is what she has to do to move forward... and she's not even considering what it's going to do to her or where the path's going to lead. She's very much living in the moment because she feels like both her past and her future have been erased - they've been stolen from her. All of her memories of life with her brother are now gone, and the hope for the future she had with Bob is now gone. So, the only thing that she has is this present moment, and she's going to go all the way in the opposite direction of her brother because it's the only thing that she thinks she can do.....

Sasha messed up the plan. It was very important, the plan they had to save their energy and let these walkers just fall over the edge of the ravine. because the pack was very close to death - the closest they've ever been - and they need to conserve at this point. Sasha decides that she just doesn't care about the plan. She has no interest whatsoever in going easy on these walkers because they are the cause of her problems and her pain. But Michonne is the one who holds up that mirror to her and says, "You are acting like a crazy person, you are putting us in danger." And Sasha immediately sees that, because she is a team player.

The omega blushes and look down it was had enough looking for food and clean water and now she had put her pack in danger. that night they sat in the road when a group of wild dogs come along the pack hasn't eaten in awhile so sasha took the pain of her brother's death out on wild dogs, she said it food and they follow Stiles was having a harder time eating the meat because one of them had a name pookie.