Chapter 72 - Reach Her First! (2/3)



As soon as she realised,

Aimi rushed towards the door,

To get Ryou back, in her lair

Aimi rushed towards her clothes in a flash,


Zipping up her clothes, she tied her hair and looked herself in the mirror

"Not good." She said to herself

Wearing her clothes, she saw a mark on her chest,

She rubbed that mark as she blushed

"You were just here... A moment ago..." A tear rang up her eye.

Coming out from the room,


"AUNTY! SAKI! WHERE IS-" Aimi was in extreme hurry,

"A letter?" Suddenly, she looked down,

A letter it was.

Opening it, she read

"Me and Saki are going to go for fishing, take care of yourself, my dear Aimi and Ryou~ !

With love,

- Ena (Your favourite Aunt) and Saki!"



"It mentions Ryou! He was here a moment ago it means!" Aimi cries to herself,

" could I...?" She thinks again and again, over and over...

"This is a repeat, just like that day..." She thinks

"No, I must stay calm!" Aimi assures herself,

Nevertheless, tears still rise from her eyes, and fall like a waterfall


"NOOOOOOO....!" Aimi cries whilst she sits in the dining table, thinking and harming herself, slaps countinue raining on her cheeks...!

"Why could Ryou be gone, away from me?" She thinks while she cries...

Aimi's eyes became red, while she thought to herself

[Aimi's Perspective]

Was it because of Yesterday?

Last night... Ryou was so off mooded, did he not want me to do it last night?

Did I force myself onto him?!

N-no... That can't be it, he would never resist to any of my touches! Not even going as far as leaving me!

B-but then...wh..why?!

Why did you leave me, Ryou?!

Crying won't work...

I need to-


"A-a...a call?"

A call came on my phone,

"Y-yeah...who's this?!"

"Getting to the point, Ryou is kidnapped."













Her heart sank, heartbeat could have also stopped for a second

"WHAT?" She thought,

Was this true?

" me! "

"Who's voice is that?" Aimi noticed a distant voice on the call, who could it be?!

"You heard that right? Now, get here as soon as you can, we will need alot of things from you, ofcourse..."

"W-where re you-"


The call was hung up.

"Wha....what the hell..." She thought

How on earth,

Did Ryou get kidnapped, once again?!


Aimi was panicking.

"T-this isn't the time for any thought..." She said,

Standing up she took the courage up in her heart, and with dedication, she said

"I will save you again, Ryou."









Chapter 72: Reach her First!

I didn't realise this...









"Why could Ryou be kidnapped?"

Aimi thought to herself.

What could be a possible reasons for Ryou to get kidnapped

"He's in in Kyoto, an area a little less developed than Tokyo, it also means alot of money hungry people..."

"Not safe." Aimi thought.


Did Aimi finally realise the reason?

"No, this can't be it! There's no way Aunt and Saki won't have noticed anybody stalking Ryou in the beginning!"

No, she didn't.








Unknown Place...

"The thing is, Aimi is smart."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Putting the coffee down,

One turned back to say

"She doesn't do anything without a reason, except for Ryou ofcourse. That's an instinct, really, though I do not understand why."

"And this, this is an exceptional ability to be honest, Aimi uses this to her advantage. A classical architect would always plot before execution, she's no different."

"You mean she thinks like an architect?"

"More like an...err, a botanist, honestly."

"Somebody who studies plants?! Really?"

"Yeah, to think it that way, ofcourse."

"But why?"

"Because, she, will try to find the root, rather than paying attention to the leaf and the steam."

"The root, huh?"











At Kyoto, At Aimi's

"Wait, what's the cause... What's the root of all this?" Aimi thinks to herself.

And she realises,

"If my money hungry people theory is correct, it must be because of the fact that we came to Kyoto..." She thought...

Which would only lead to one conclusion,

"All of this happened because, of the one who sent us to Kyoto."









Unknown place

"And that's her first blunder, there."

"My opening was successful, Aimi." They said

"Huh? Opening? Blunder?"

"Yeah, exactly, she must now think Sayuri is the one who caused them all this trouble..."

"And thats-"

"That's her first blunder."

"How do?"

"Because whatever Sayuri tells Aimi now, will not be believed by Aimi!"

"How will that help us though?"

"It because of something I have told Sayuri, she's in panick too....fufu~"









At Kyoto, At Aimi's

"If what I'm believing is true, I should do my old trick." Aimi said to herself

The trick was,

"8th grade maths, really..."


Basically, Aimi needs the three proofs in order to fully believe what she thinks, if it is really crazy or anything she should not be thinking.

The thing is, Aimi could suspect anyone, anywhere, at any time, any how, very easily...

And so, the method of her old trick it was..

Meanwhile, her phone constantly showed the location of Ryou

"In the nearby forest down the hill?!"

Her eyes widened in shock, she thought to herself

"What the hell could this be??!" Aimi said, in anxious voice

Numerous thoughts filled her head,

The disappearance of Ryou, the fact that his cellphone traced to the mountains,

The fact that the call from some people, Ryou's voice? And that...

That fact that Sayuri sent them to Kyoto,

There were two major proofs

Aimi needed one more proof,

"Just one more proof..." And then, she would be confirmed.

That Ryou is kidnapped.


Sfx: phone call

"Sayuri...?" Aimi's phone rang,

It was Sayuri?

"Yeah, what?" Aimi replied

"You seem in a hurry!"

Aimi was irritated,

"Yeah you too, what now?"

"Well, I'm in a hurry too, do NOT panick to what I'm about to say..."

"Don't break my patience Sayuri..."

"I'm sure you know this by now, Daiki has been kidnapped! I just heard his voice in a call I got!"




And there it is ...

The third proof.

Congruency proved,

Ryou has been kidnapped!



"Aimi! Reply!" Sayuri's voice was even more anxious by now...

Meanwhile, Aimi, on the other side of the call thought to herself

Her hands shivered, while her head stared at the ground, she thought to herself...

[Aimi's Perspective]

Ryou has been kidnapped, he's gone. He's gone. He's gone. He's gone. He's gone. He's gone. He's gone. He's... HE'S GONE...!!


"Aimi...are you there?"

To think of it...

Why is Ryou gone?

What made him go away from me?

How can he be kidnapped?

Since when it is, who it is, who caused all of this?

Who is the mastermind behind this?

"Do you hear me Aimi? Daiki has been kidnapped!"

Oh right,

It's her.

What a pretty lie, Sayuri...

"Trying to hide the fact that it's Ryou who has been kidnapped, so I don't find him because I won't save Daiki?"


I realise your petty plans,


You're trying to fool me into believe Daiki has been kidnapped,

You know that Ryou is gone too!

But you know currently I would be panicked, and so, I will try to not save Daiki, but rather Ryou?

Which means there could be a possibility,

In place of Daiki, it's Ryou who's been kidnapped there. Which means Sayuri would assum will ignore Daiki meaning I also ignore the actual Ryou's position.

Huh? What a liar...









With resolve and determination in her mind, Aimi decided that the best course of action would be to...

"I'll go to where Daiki is."

She knew, it's Ryou who's there.












Unknown Place

"Aimi must've recieved that call from Sayuri at this point of time now..." One said

"What does it mean for us?"

"Aimi has successfully gotten the information" they said, confident voice it was.

"Information? Successfully? Of what?'

"That daiki or, oh... Ryou, her Ryou is the forest area!"

"Hold on, you mean..."

"That's her second blunder..."

"Exactly! But how...?"

"You see..."

Sipping coffee,

"She must be in a state of panick, getting to know Daiki is kidnapped by somebody who made them come to this hell hole of a place..."

"Would specifically mean that person is plotting something else once again and it also means... She will follow exactly where Daiki is. Because through that call, she assumed Sayuri wants Aimi to ignore Daiki, meaning she will miss out on Ryou..."

"So, where actually is... This Daiki?"

"He's at the forest area, where Aimi can easily track Ryou."

"Who's taking care of him again?"

"Oh you know it, that woman with the curse, and the one who defeated the curse..."










"Somebody who defeated the curse, huh?"

At Aimi's

"If I hadn't killed twenty people that day, my loop would begin today, considering I could've killed only nine..." Aimi said, while climbed on a bicycle

She didn't know how to drive, so a bicycle was the way for her

Her speed was high, her pedals in a hurry

"What do I do?!" Aimi thought nervously,




[Aimi's Perspective]

I know that Sayuri is lying,

Which means I must go to where Daiki is.

But how the hell do I know where Ryou is?!

If Ryou is being hidden in the name of Daiki, surely Daiki's position is important for knowing where Ryou is, right?

That brings me to the point,

As I took out my phone


My phone came in my hands, I saw the location of my lover but the thing was





This location is clearly fake.

How can Ryou move if he's kidnapped

More specifically, how the hell is he moving towards a wooden house at the top of that hill?

Meanwhile, Daiki's location... I don't know

What I currently believe is, Ryou's phone is taken by somebody else, and they are doing this.

Because Ryou cannot possible move in the same area and pretend to be moving towards the wooden house for the past fifteen minutes I've been monitoring him,

While I still haven't heard from

Sfx: dial


"The number you have dialed... Is busy, please call again later-"


Saki isn't responding, however Aunt Ena clearly responds to each message on line

For example,

"Aunt, where are you guys?"

"We are fishing! See this big fish we caught!"

*You have recieved 1: attachments

I open the photo,

I can see Saki struggling to catch the fish meanwhile Aunty Ena is smiling in this selfie,

They really aren't doing anything related to Daiki or Ryou...isn't it?




What a lie...!

"A great way to fool me, isn't it? I'm going to..."










Aimi for a moment, actually believed where Daiki is, there is Ryou too. But her evidences shows Ryou is around the wooden house, which means somebody is posing as Ryou and faking their location.

This, could provide a great risk of time for Aimi, who knows any second lost to waste to not saving Ryou, would be a huge blunder.

And so, she knew

"If I go to where Daiki is, I'll actually find Daiki. I should go to where Ryou is..."










Unknown place

"When will Ryou come?"

"You want him so bad here? Fufu~"

"It's not that!"

"Well you do want him that badly here though, I'm jealous!"

"Lisa, behave!"

It was Aiko.

"So, when will he come here?"

"I can bring him here if you want, I guess, fufufu~"

"And how?"

"It's simple..."

Other than Lisa and Aiko,

She spun her phone and dialed to...

Sfx: dial


"Hello, Aunt Ena?"

"What is it Seiko?"

"How about you being your folks here?"


"Yes, really."

"But that gives us a greater risk, Sayuri has told Daiki is kidnapped right? She will come here which means she will find Ryou....there"

"It won't happen."


"I will exchange places with you."

"What?! Are you crazy! She will find Ryou even more easily then — moreover, she will find you!"

"Oh believe me, she already knows our plan. She knows finding Daiki is a waste of time, so she will come to this place, I need to exchange places~"

"Okay, I got it."


Seiko turns around, she asks Aiko

"So, to answer your question..."

She takes a breath for a moment as she recollects what she was about to say, and for a moment she stares at Aiko

"...?" Aiko weirds out

"Whoever reaches me first gets to know the truth." She says

Aiko freaks out

"What the hell?!" He is surprised.

Why wouldn't he?

"Aren't you trying to save Ryou here? If Aimi reshces first, doesn't it mean she gets to know the truth first?"

"Exactly. You are pretty insecure and underestimating ourselves by deducing that Ryou won't reach us first but Aimi will... That's your fault." Seiko says.

"E-eh?" Aiko didn't quite get it.

She then says

"It's sooner. We better get in hurry-"








At the forest


"Do we hand him the water?"

"He will die if you don't! Dumbass!"

She took a bottle in her hand, and opened the cap

"You better not spill this."

"How could you do this to..."

"Shhh..." She shushed his mouth.


A sip of water was quire refreshing for him, he said

"I wait for you...."


















[Aimi's Perspective]

I'm coming for you.

By this point of time I was at the forest,

"It did a good job" I bicycle and parked it.somwehere safe, it was now time for me to,

Actually save Ryou.

First of all, let me recap everything that has happened so far,

First of all,.I find Ryou missing in the house,

Secondly I find Aunt Ena and Saki going to fishing,

Thirdly I find myself recieving a call from Sayuri, who tells me,

Daiki's is kidnapped.

For a moment, I actually believed this is a lie, I thought they kept Ryou at the place of Daiki, but since I will know it's Daiki, I will ignore it and try finding Ryou, but Ryou would actually be where Daiki is.

Atleast that's what they thought I would assume, they were right. I did assume that.

I almost fell into their plan, but then I realised,

The letter did not contain any initials of Daiki

Your aunt Ena and Saki

Could I have not seen that, Daiki wasn't mentioned here!

It clearly means,

Daiki is at the kidnapped place too.

I assume the location would be the foothills, there a small place over there too.

But that's where the blunder could possibly happen, if I attend that place, I will only make myself a fool.

Because I will actually find Daiki in the foothills,

Instead, if I go to the wooden house in the top of the hill,

I will then,

Be able to rescue Ryou.

So it is decided then,

I must reach the top of the mountains, and then I will be able to save him, and he together once again forever~!













And so, Aimi starts climbing the mountains,

Her feet sire and her breath huffing out, but she still manages to take a step within them time,

"It's all...all for him!"

Her breath was heavy, she had formed drops of sweat all over her face.

She thoughts of multiple possibilities,

"What if Ryou was never kidnapped in the first place?" She thought.

"Fufufufu~" she giggled at herself,

"That would be quite impossible. My pretty Toy would never leave me by himself, would he?" She thought to herself.

After climbing for a considerable amount of time, she finally reached the place, it seems

Huff huff....

Her breath was still quite heavy she was still tired and her feet were sore...

"Now that I have found Ryou, I will make him massage and touch my feet once we get back together~ fufu!" She was excited.

Even in less or negligible energy, or better to say, she had no energy left,

She still jumped her feet out of excitement.

"Let's open this door then, fufu~" she blushed,

And within opening the door

Sfx: door open


"Ryou, I am here!"

She saw















At the wooden house, forest hills










She saw an unconscious body,





"Is he dead?"

"I dunno"

Two women said.

She discovered that,







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