Chapter 73 - Reach Her First! (3/3)

"So it's Daiki, huh?"


"Mother! Stay calm!" Saki panicks,


Aimi discovered that it was... Daiki, and not, Ryou?

So, will Aimi just ignore Daiki and try finding Ryou?

Perhaps their plan would be successful, because Aimi will immediately rush for Ryou, wasting no time on Daiki.








Aimi ran to Daiki's body,

"Are you okay?"

There was... A change in her behaviour?

From a sudden excitement, there was a geniune look of concern over her face?

What just happened, right now?

Did Aimi...

Did Aimi forget about Ryou to save Daiki?

What was going on? She couldn't understand,

"Huh?" Saki it was.





"Are you okay?" Aimi asked the unconscious Daiki,

Shake! Shake!

"He's not waking up..." Aimi panicked,

She took out a bottle from her bag,

"This would work."

Sprinkle! Sprinkle!

She sprinkled alot of water into Daiki,

Did it work?

"Haaawwaaah!" Daiki opened his eyes,.coming back to consciousness, he felt a sense of...



"Yes, it is me!" Aimi said with a gentle smile.

"So you're the one kidnapped me, what the fuck! I knew mother always told me to stay away from you! Save me! SAVE ME MOM!"


with the little strength Daiki had,

He tried his best to crawl away from Aimi, he felt scared, and adrenaline filled his entire body for the moment.


Sfx: walk

Although Daiki's rush was quite ineffective, speaking of which, Aimi just easily walked over him


Holding down his hands she neutralised his body,

"DONT KILL ME! RAAAAAH! HAAAAAAH!" Tears came out his eyes, he felt panicked, rushed and betrayed!

"I'm here to save you." Aimi was firm with her words.

She looked at him gently, her eyes could smile

"R-really?" Daiki's eye had eyebags underneath, he was tired... It seems.

"Drink this." Aimi said gently,

Grabbing the bottle of water, she fed it to him


As Daiki gulped down on the bottle of water,

"So, how did you get here?" Aimi was surprisingly pretty...calm?





"Hey- should we do anything?"

"No, don't."

Saki and Mother were still investigating the surroundings of the room, while Aimi helped with Daiki.






"I- I don't know... I have no idea how I got here!" Daiki said with fear in his eyes.

Gosh, how could he be so traumatised? Aimi thought.

"Do you recall any events happening here?" She asked.

"Y-yes, I ....I think I remember that I heard Saki and Mother talk!" Daiki responded

"I see, what did they talk about?" Aimi asked another question...






Stay away from Aimi....

[Daiki's Perspective]

Stay away from Aimi

I was asked to stay away from Aimi...


I need to tell this to Ryou... The secrets that were told when Mother and Sister talked...

I need to get them to Ryou,

This woman right here is the closest person I can ever get to Ryou,

And knowing him, she's probably the one who should convey this message to him...

And so, with a decision in my mind, and a courage to disobey whatever mother told me,

I told Aimi...

"Saki has a curse."








A curse?

"You mean... A curse of what?" Aimi's eyes grew and widened in shock and fear,

Perhaps, was Saki destined to be another Aimi?

Her hands trembled, it wasn't the first fear of her life.

But indeed, it was a first fear that didn't included Ryou in it.

Still, Aimi had to pretend she didn't know anything about the curses, she mustn't let the others know, she has a trick, to pass the day.

"What do you mean ...?" She asked Daiki

"Whoever she likes, she gets him." Daiki said

"C-could you... Could you explain?" Aimi asked

It's not the time... Only one person can explain this to her... RYOU! Daiki thought to himself.

And so, his dry lips, even after hydration, moved in panick as he stuttered to form word, but with enough efforts he was finally

Able to let it out...







"Warn about this to-"


"Hm?" Aimi's head turned over,


Saki heard all their murmurs.

Gosh... I reached at the right time! She thought to herself.

"I-i... How the hell did Daiki reach here?" Mother was panicked!

"Before that— you guys were fishing, weren't you?" Aimi asked

"Well, we, uh... Yes, we"

So she cannot explain this. Aimi thought to herself.

That only leads to...

It seems Aimi had reached a conclusion


A call came up on her phone,

Picking it up, Aimi heard a voice.


"Did you find Daiki??" She said hurriedly

"Uh ...yes, I did..." Aimi has already realised her mistake,

Sayuri indeed, wasn't lying.

But to the response she gave earlier, Aimi had now no choice but to trust whatever Sayuri says.

And so, she asks Sayuri

"I'm sorry... Yes, Daiki is here. Safe."

"Look Aimi, I told you to trust, aren't I?"





Chapter 73: Reach Her First!

But why does everybody tell me this...?






At the foothills


"How long do we wait now?" Lisa was tired.

"With great patience comes great results, Lisa." Aiko handled her impatience.

"But really, when is she going to come?" Seiko's sister, or that woman with the Kimono lady, who was actually Seiko, asked.

Seiko shook her head, her Kimono flowed flawlessly, as she said

"It is time."

"Time? For Ryou?"


"Because we quickly switched places where Daiki originally was and where Ryou is supposed to come, Aimi mismatched their places and assumed Ryou would be where Daiki is."

"She never gave any importance to the fact that Sayuri could have been actually telling the truth... Sighs... Simply due to the fact that she thought Sayuri caused them all the trouble..."

She countinued

"She is now forced, to believe whatever Sayuri says to her now."

"B-but..." Lisa asks

"Wouldn't this be a major blunder for us?" She says.

"How do?" Aiko doubts.

"Aimi will sooner or later realise who was behind the kidnapping of Daiki, when she connects the dots and realised who could have informed Sayuri about his kidnap, she will realise where Ryou is heading to..."

"You mean... Aimi will know that it was US who informed Sayuri about the kidnap? Even when Ena and Saki did it themselves?" Seiko's sister said

"Exactly! And that's how she knows we have distracted Aimi enough to catch Ryou in our hands..." Lisa says

"That's... A ... A very good point, actually." Aiko is impressed.

Pat pat! Headpat!

"Good girl." He pats Lisa, his sister.

"Yay~" She blushes




"Provisions have been made to ensure this never happens, really." Seiko says

"Huh? How so?"

"Well you see..." Seiko said, her voice a little planned and composed.

"Sayuri was called by us, that is true— she was told two things..."

"Two? Didn't we just tell about Daiki being kidnapped-" Aiko interrupted

"I refused to follow along your plan."



Aiko's hand thumped on the table, did she have any other plans?!

Grab! Twist!

"You do not treat her, like that!" Seiko's sister grabbed Aiko's arm, and twisted it, making him fall onto the table...

Smashing his face onto the table,

Seiko said with a calm voice.

"I told Sayuri one more plot..."

"Plot?" Lisa was curious.

"Yes, indeed, a plot it was."

"What was it?" Aiko asked, recovering from the earlier incident.

"Sayuri was told that Daiki was kidnapped, a truth, and another thing, that is..."

Seiko took a sip of breath as she said...







"Is a lie."


"What I told Sayuri after the first thing, is a complete lie."




Apparently, Sayuri was told two things;

Daiki being kidnapped, which was true according to Seiko.

However, there was... A lie?

What could it be?

She thought...

She thought...












At the Forest House

She thought....

What could be my next move here? Aimi thought to herself


Aimi cut down the rope that strangled Daiki's arms and legs,

"You should be free enough to move by now..." Aimi said, she moved a little back.

"Thank you, Aimi..." Daiki said while he sighed,

"Hm?" Aimi noticed something.

"You look like... You accepted a defeat or something, anything is up?" She asked.

"No, it's nothing...really" Daiki said.

His eyes wished to warn Aimi,

"Don't..." But the eyes of his sister, Saki, couldn't have made him more frightened than ever!

"Don't.... I mean don't make him wait here Aimi, we should get moving!" Saki said

"Agreed. Let's get him to the hospital!" Mother was helpful.

"Yeah, I guess..." After Daiki, Aimi's voice sounded lost too.

What was it?


"He's heavy." Saki commented.

"Well, I hope you guys can carry him upto the nearest hospital, I wish you guys a good luck" Aimi said, her voice exhausted by the moment.

It seemed Sayuri was listening everything behind the call.

"..." Though she did not speak of anything.

"What? Do you mean... You'll not come with us?" Mother asked.

"I'm sorry Aunt Inoue, but I have refuse..." Aimi said to Ena, who's her Aunt.

"Well, mom, it's enough that we got Daiki recovered here, Aimi must be exhausted! Let's talk about it later!" Saki said in a frightened voice.

"'re right. Let's talk about i-it later!" Mother rushed.

And so, the two set their daily with Daiki to the nearest hospital...

Or was it? Aimi would never know, honestly...







"I'm sorry, Sayuri..." Aimi was exhausted, she let out a huge sigh...

Her face looked at the ceiling, tears ran a little from her eyes as she whispered and thought to herself,

Where could be Ryou right now? Will he be safe? Has he eaten anything?

But to answer these questions, she must meet Ryou,

Which, quite frankly, she hasn't done...

Yet or not, that was upto her.

"I've wasted alot of time, isn't it?"

"I'm afraid to give a 'yes' to your answer, Aimi!" Sayuri said, still in a hurried and rushed voice.

Yet she was still friendly and convincing, ready to help Aimi at all costs for this time.

Hasn't Aimi learnt from her mistakes? She will trust whatever Sayuri says now, right?







"I would." Aimi said.

"I would... Honestly follow whatever you say now, for the time being until I catch Ryou back..." She countinued.

"So you're worried about finding Ryou, isn't it?" Sayuri said.

"Yes, ofcourse I am... He was my second love... After all." Aimi said

A second love?

"A-a second love? What does that mean?!" Sayuri asked!

"That doesn't matter right now... Tell me, have you got any other info that could potentially help me?" Aimi said.

"Uh, to tell you about it..." Sayuri noticed the words,

Second love.

And was afraid to tell Aimi the next thing she was about to say,

But she wishes to help Aimi, isn't it?

And so, she set it with no fear, and she said

"So, what is it?" Aimi asked...

"Well the thing is Aimi, ..."

She countinued, Sayuri said

"Ryou absolutely, HATES you now..."



Aimi fell on her knees.












Sfx: giggle

"N-nice joke..." Aimi giggled, her dry lips and messy hair along with her sweaty body... All suggested to her tired and exhausted attire,

"It's... It's not a joke Aimi." Sayuri said through the call, her voice nervous.

"R-really?.... It's not the time..."

"Trust me, Aimi... It is the-"
















Tears kept running through her eyes, her nose being filled along with her tongue getting bitten by her words, bleeding out in agony

Perhaps everybody thought the bee stings alot, but nobody ever cared about the new after the sting.

That bee, was Aimi. Facing her situation,

After all she's done to Ryou, was this what she gets?

"YOU....DONT.... FUCK WITH MEEEE...!!!!"














At the forest house

"So, when is he coming around? This year, right?" Aiko was tired.

"Honestly we can wait a little longer if we tried." Lisa suggested.

"Hey you- don't just make your comments onto her plans!" Seiko's sister referred to her.

"Well even YOU are tired, isn't it? Waiting for so long... Especially more than us..." Lisa commented, defending Aiko.

"Well, I could be... But, but still! I am here to serve my sister. And get her revenge...!" Seiko's sister was fixated on revenge.

"So she IS on our side huh?" Aiko smirked

"What?! Did you play tricks on my sister? Wordplay was this?!" Seiko's sister was angry!

"Revenge?" Seiko said.

"Shush, she speaks."

"What is revenge?" She asked

Aiko replied

"When you wish to react to something the same way it did to you, simple?"

"No... That's not revenge ... That's karma." Seiko said.

"Then what is revenge?"

"See? You're stuck in the same cage as me." Seiko said with a smile,

Her kimono covered most of her body, but she revealed out a scar on her forehead.

"Aimi gave this to me." She smiled and giggled a little.

"So you guys do have a little history, huh?" Aiko asked.

"A little? I gave her lover the knife!" She smiled.

"So alot more history...?" Aiko was surprised,

Just what was Seiko about to unfold?

"Let me tell you, History is always recalled in the books as from the perspectives of those who win, but I am a loser, infront of her..." Seiko said.

"A loser?"

"Indeed, a big loser."

"Where does this lead to?" Aiko asked

"This leads to..."

"History, from a losers perspective..."








[Seiko's Perspective]

When a loser talks about history,






They cover up everything, and usually show...






Show their main motives, their motivations,

I'm not different, perhaps I'm a big time loser too...







Infront of my first love, ofcourse.











Tokyo Airport, Afternoon

The sun shines so brightly in my eyes,

Perhaps my eyes are just too brown for this weather?

Ahah, it doesn't matter.

Oh wait, a lady musnt giggle like that,

Fufufufu~ that's how she does it, isn't it?

Oh my, Aimi,





It's been...

It's been six years...

Just where are you?

Did you survive the shooting?

I wished to save you, I wished to...

I wished to give you a life...

Because you deserved it.




But where have you gone to?

Wh-why....w-why can't I... Why can't I find you?

Have I done something wrong?

Was I the bad person?






Aimi once said,

"Losers in history are always seen as the bad people..."

Perhaps I am the bad people,

But even so....


Oh my, where am I zoning out to?

I came looking for job applications today, I must find my search for Aimi, isn't it?

Oh Ms. Inoue, I wish to find you so sooner..

Apparently this one rich big shot has came to our city back from the foreign,





Aikawa Industries was it?

I-i don't quite frankly remember the name,

I just wish it does have alot of money, I wish to support you...!

I should probably approach him right here,

Maybe he will then give me priority...

If I become a woman of his, maybe I can just get the enough money...right?





Clack Clack Clack

My shoes stepped forward as I checked the flight,

Here it was...

A young, beautiful, and white the rich handsome businessman stepping out of the plane, he seemed quite nervous.

I-is this... Is this my chance?

"Sister, I've found him." I said to my sister

"Got it, best of luck!" She said through the call.

"Hey I am Se-"

"Oh, I have a girlfriend, I'm sorry, may I talk to you a little later?" He seemed in a hurry...

Was this,

A cold rejection?

Well, ....I was heartbroken,

It happens sometimes, isn't it?

I sat nearby a table at the airport.

I did not had quite the energy to really support myself to get back home,

Until I saw this...

He's... Talking to a beautiful woman."





"20, and a mansion? Awesome, Ryou!" I overheard their conversations,

I shouldn't do that...

I couldn't be ever like that beautiful woman,

I really am, a loser, isn't it?





Watching them being all lovely dovey do make me a little jealous, but what I saw next...





Removed all such feelings from my heart.

"W-who...Who is... Who is that?"

I noticed a short heighted- no, she was average... Wait, her figure- no, the hair- the eyes, or maybe the .. they...

They are talking to each other?

That maid seems richer than even me!

She looks like the maid from a very rich hosuehild, as expected of the Aikawa family...

Her mannerisms, Her way of Speaking, it's all...

All so similar...








It's all so similar.

How is this possible?

Is she...







Is she Aimi?!


"Fufuf~ I mean..." Wait-

She's laughing with that businessman?

If she is Aimi...







I... I know how she looks like...

She has a mile... A mile in her...

"Oh my~ master..."

WAIT. What is he doing?!

He... He is brushing his hand against her skin?!

D-dont okay it off bastard!





Stop touching my Aimi!


Tears keep flowing out of my eyes...





I feel disgusted...

I feel disgusted...












At the foothills, Now

"I feel disgusted..."


"I feel disgusted by his presence..." Seiko grinned her teeth,

What was going on?!


"She's here. Aimi is here. Protect m-"


"You don't have to tell us!" Seiko's sister assured Seiko,

"Let's Go Lisa-"

"Let's move out of here, and protect Seiko!" Aiko was determined,

And so, they rushed out of the house...!








"How foolish are they?" Seiko smirked,

"Going out with my plan, so smoothly. Fufu~" Seiko said,

Looking at her necklace, she opened a photo from it

"So beautiful..."

It was the photo of a child Aimi.

"So haaaah...." She smiled, drooling from her mouth....

"I really am, a loser... Isn't it?"

Her words could not be held back now that she was alone,

She waited for that one moment,

And so, it finally clicked it...





Knock knock









She smiled.

"So you've finally come here, Ryou Aikawa..."