Chereads / MHA: The Sentry / Chapter 8 - UA Entrance Exam

Chapter 8 - UA Entrance Exam

_____[POV: Ryuji]_____

A good amount of time had passed, and the UA entrance exam had finally arrived. There I was, standing in front of the grand entrance of UA High School, surrounded by a bunch of aspiring heroes. Some were nervous, others were confident, and so on.

"Something wrong, Ryuji?" Izuku asked beside me. He was wearing a jumpsuit and carrying a black bag.

"Nothing, just enjoying the view," I replied, looking at the school's entrance. But before I could continue my contemplative moment, a familiar shout erupted behind me.

"Deku, you bastard!"

And, of course, it had to be him... Bakugo.

"I told you not to come, you wanna die—" he started, already grabbing Izuku's collar, which was a colossal mistake. Izuku, without wasting any time, executed a perfect Seoi-nage, slamming Bakugo to the ground like a sack of potatoes.

This guy never learns.

"I don't have time for games, Kacchan," Izuku said, completely indifferent, which only made Bakugo even angrier.

"You damn—!" Before he could finish, I smacked him on the head. Bakugo was out cold.

"Let's go, he'll wake up in a few minutes," I reassured Izuku as I dragged the unconscious Bakugo into the exam room.

We arrived at the huge, dark hall where Present Mic began his welcome speech. I already knew most of it, so I went on autopilot while he talked about the exam's points and rules. At least the guy has energy, right?

Soon after, I had to part ways with Izuku because we were assigned to different exam areas. He seemed nervous but also excited. I gave him a light pat on the shoulder and said something motivational:

"Hey, Izuku, just try not to blow up the armor in the middle of the exam. Okay?"

He huffed but gave a smile. "I'll do fine, don't worry. You take care too."

With that, we boarded our buses and headed to our designated areas. Mine was Area C.

At the entrance to the arena, I blended in with the other candidates. I was wearing a blue hoodie just like Saitama's training outfit. Well, at least it was comfortable.

A golden aura surrounds me, my hair floating lightly. Normally Robert Reynolds would also become taller and more muscular when he transforms into Sentry, along with the hair that grows along with it as well. But I'm just going to limit myself to my 14-year-old appearance, I don't want to show too many different things.

I had barely finished my transformation when I heard the murmurs.

"Who is that guy? Is he some big shot?"

"He looks like he has a super strong quirk..."

"He's kinda handsome~," a guy in the back commented.

Okay, time to get this damn exam started before things get even weirder.

_____[POV: Third Person]_____

In a dark room, the examiners monitored the students' situation through screens. The image on one of the screens changed, now showing Izuku Midoriya to the examiners. Most of those present didn't hold much hope for him, except for All Might and Nezu.

"Izuku Midoriya, 14 years old. Blood type O. Quirkless, but has an excellent academic record. Considered a genius in various fields and a great inventor," said the mouse-bear Nezu, examining Izuku's file in his hands.

"Is that briefcase in his hands a support item?" All Might asked, observing Izuku's figure on the screen.

All Might was curious about the briefcase Izuku was carrying, as he had already encountered the boy, who had proven to be a remarkable inventor for his age.

But his thoughts were interrupted when the image on one of the screens changed to Ryuji.

"Ryuji Fugimoto, 14 years old. Blood type A. Quirk: Solaris Absolutus. He has an excellent academic record, but what stands out most about him is his quirk. So far, no one truly knows what his quirk is; the only thing the report says is that he has an internal energy he can use as he pleases. This same energy can be recharged when exposed to solar energy. When he releases it outward, it emits a strong golden glow, whether harmful to vision or not. He can fire energy beams, fly, apply the energy to heal himself or others, and can also physically enhance himself," said Midnight, examining Ryuji's file while licking her lips as she saw his photo on the paper.

"He's quite an interesting individual..." Nezu added, looking at Ryuji's figure on the screen.

All Might also shifted his focus from Izuku to Ryuji, equally curious about him.

_____[POV: Ryuji]_____

"And... start!" I shot towards the city at high speed after hearing Present Mic's announcement, breaking the sound barrier. The people who were behind me before were stunned and disoriented after being hit by the shockwave from my takeoff.

I focused on passing through any pointer I encountered while flying at high speed. I've already destroyed 23 pointers across the city in less than 3 seconds, and I'll destroy any pointer I find for 3 minutes before stopping. I don't have time to count, but I think the examiners will have a show to watch.

"What are you waiting for? There's no countdown in a real battle!! Go, go, go!!!"

_____[POV: Third Person]_____

"Hey, hey, hey! What the hell is this!?" Examiner A exclaimed in shock at the screen.

In the monitoring room, all the examiners watched in disbelief at Ryuji's monstrous performance. All Might was equally stunned. He couldn't keep up with Ryuji's speed on the screen; he simply didn't appear on any of them.

"Where is he!? His ranking on the leaderboard keeps rising!" Examiner B exclaimed, looking at the large rectangular screen in shock, watching Ryuji's kill points skyrocket so fast that it looked like a blur.

But the numbers stopped at 572, leaving everyone amazed at the score achieved solely through kills, and that too in less than 20 seconds after the exam started.

"I found him!" Midnight alerted the others, who shifted their gaze to the screen Midnight was looking at.

There was Ryuji, hovering in the air, his long hair and eyes enveloped in a strong golden glow.

All Might stood there, looking at the screen in shock. "Ryuji Fugimoto... What are you?"

_____[POV: Izuku]_____

And go! What are you waiting for? There's no countdown in a real battle!! Go, go, go!!!" The people around me started running toward the city, but I stayed behind, wanting space to use my suitcase.

I placed my thumb on the biometric scanner on the side of the holder I grabbed, activating it and opening it. The suitcase began to unfold and cover my body with what looked like black armor but with some golden details on it.

It was the Dynamic Exoskeletal Knight Unit or, by its more technical name, DEKU.

My body was completely enveloped by the armor, and the systems began to operate. I activated the armor's thrusters and flew toward the mock city.

"Welcome back, young Midoriya. How can I assist you?" Jarvis's voice echoed through the helmet's speakers.

"Jarvis, scan the area within a 100-meter diameter. Mark all pointers in red and people in green on the screen." I ordered Jarvis, who began monitoring and examining the surrounding area. After a few seconds, I saw red and green markers appearing on the helmet's display.

"There are 77 pointers and 11 people in the area. I'll mark the closest pointers." Jarvis reported as I flew toward the nearest pointers.

I reached a street with several pointers and began firing light beams from the thrusters on my hands, destroying each one as I flew. I was lucky to find 11 pointers worth 3 points, but I had to use more power in the hand thrusters' beams to take them down, as they were more resistant than the others.

"How many points have I accumulated, Jarvis?"

"The total points acquired from eliminating the 19 pointers is 46." I smiled when Jarvis announced the number of points I had accumulated.

"How many pointers are left in the area?" I asked as I flew through the buildings of the mock city, watching the people below looking at me in surprise and admiration.

"There are still 31 pointers worth 1 point, 26 pointers worth 2 points, and 12 pointers worth 3 points." Jarvis informed me while analyzing the image of the pointers on the holographic screen.

"Always do a reconnaissance of the area and mark the position of all 3-point pointers we find along the way." I want to accumulate as many points as possible within the time limit.

My attention was interrupted when I saw someone injured running from a 3-point pointer. With a controlled dive, I activated the retractable impact thrusters on my legs and landed on the pointer with full force, crushing it into the ground. The injured person looked at me in surprise as I tossed a first aid kit to them.

"This is a first aid kit. The instructions inside explain how to use the provided materials. Be careful." I waved at them before flying off again. Why is this exam so dangerous? It didn't make sense for U.A. to put its future students in dan-

Wait... That's it!

"Jarvis, change of plans. In addition to the pointers, let's focus on finding injured or endangered people." I said as I searched for people in need of help, following the trail to a 3-point pointer. This exam promises to be exhausting... and thrilling!

_____[POV: Ryuji]_____

Okay... maybe I overdid it. How was I supposed to know I'd clear all the pointers in the city in 20 seconds? I swear I thought there'd be more. For a brief moment, I thought I'd screwed everything up and that the other candidates wouldn't make it. But luckily, the robots were restocked. U.A. must have an infinite supply of those walking soup cans.

Changing the subject... how many people have I helped and saved? I lost count a long time ago once I started focusing on rescue points. Oh, and the zero-pointer is about to show up.

"T-Thank you..." A female voice snapped me out of my thoughts. Only then did I realize I was carrying someone in my arms while flying to safety.

She had dark purple hair that reached her chin and triangular eyes. But what really stood out were the headphones jack hanging from her ears. Ah, I remember her... Jiro, right?

"No problem," I replied indifferently, gently descending and setting her down. She let out a small groan of pain as she tried to steady herself. Must've twisted her ankle.

"Stay still," I ordered before enveloping her in a golden aura. A few seconds later, her surprised expression indicated she was fully healed.

By the time she turned to thank me, I was already back in the air. I didn't have time for more chit-chat. I needed that extra time to deal with the real boss of the event, or what was supposed to be.

That's when the deep sound from the central plaza alerted me: it had arrived.

A large passage opened in the ground, and from it emerged the zero-pointer. The reaction was instant: all the candidates froze, probably rethinking their life choices.

Me, on the other hand, I just watched from above. The metallic creature began to move and demolish the surrounding buildings. Before taking action against it, I prioritized the unlucky ones who were almost hit by the debris. In just a few seconds, I had already rescued about 13 people.

And of course, I had to heal them too. Carrying people at high speed isn't exactly safe or healthy. Not everyone is lucky enough to be me.

As soon as the last person was healed, I took off again and faced the big guy. It finally turned to me, recognizing that I was its real threat.

"Ah, you noticed? How cute," I thought with a smirk.

Then, I shot toward it. I pierced through its chest like it was cardboard, reached its interior, and without wasting time, I kept going up until I emerged from the top. But instead of coming out empty-handed, I took the zero-pointer's entire head with me.

Now I was there, hovering in the air, holding the giant robot's head with one hand, while my hair and eyes glowed gold. I probably looked like I'd stepped out of an action movie poster.

I began to descend slowly, still holding the robot's head, creating a dramatic atmosphere. Each step I took amplified the impact of the scene, passing by the people who looked at me in a mix of shock and awe.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, bask in the grandeur. I really put on a show, didn't I?

"T-The test is over!!!" Present Mic shouted over the loudspeakers, probably still trying to process what the hell just happened.

And so, with style, I concluded my participation in the U.A. entrance exam.

...Now, should I stop by the store to grab some Coffee Jelly?

_____ [POV: Izuku Midoriya] _____

I moved toward a collapsing building, firing a web that partially attached to the unstable structure, holding back the debris that was about to crush two candidates below. I swung over and held it up with my hands, the weight making my arm tremble as I applied more webs to stabilize the structure until it was secure. The two students stared at me with surprised looks, but I didn't waste time with formalities. I had something far more pressing to deal with.

The Zero Pointer.

That metal colossus was rampaging through the test city like an enraged kaiju, crushing buildings and hurling debris in all directions. Its massive treads tore up the ground as it moved, while its six electronic eyes glowed with a menacing light.

"This is going to be tricky…" I muttered to myself. Could this thing actually kill someone if it wanted to?

But before I could think of a plan, something caught my attention. Among the rubble of a partially collapsed building, a girl was trapped, her leg pinned under a chunk of concrete. And to make matters worse, the metallic monster was heading straight for her.

My body moved before my mind could process.

"Jarvis! Maximum power to the thrusters!"

The thrusters on the back of my suit roared, propelling me at high speed. In a matter of seconds, I was beside the girl, who stared at me with wide eyes, pale with fear.

"Stay calm! You're going to be okay!" I said, trying to sound confident.

I crouched down and grabbed the concrete block. My hands shook as the pressure began to give under my strength, but it still wasn't enough.

"Jarvis, 45% strength boost!"

"Applying strength augmentation."

My muscles tensed as energy surged through the suit's hydraulic systems. With a grunt of effort, I lifted the concrete just enough for the girl to pull her leg free. As soon as she was out, I scooped her up in my arms and activated the thrusters again, carrying her to a safe rooftop.

"There... You're out of danger now."

She didn't respond immediately, just blinked a few times, her face red as a tomato.

"Th-Thank you…"

I didn't have time to reply. The ground shook, reminding me of the real problem. The Zero Pointer was still on its destructive path.

"Alright, you oversized tin can PRO Max… Let's see how much you can take." I stepped back and tapped the side of my helmet. "Jarvis, prep the missiles."

"Non-lethal armament loaded and ready to fire."

Compartments on my shoulders opened, and a barrage of missiles shot out, streaking across the sky before slamming into the metal frame of the giant. A series of explosions rocked the iron beast, and a cloud of black smoke spread across the battlefield.

Bingo. The missiles weren't lethal, but that amount should've taken care of it.

"Alert: Activity detected. Target is still operational."

Oh, crap…

Before I could react, a massive metal arm burst through the smoke and hit me square on.

I was sent flying like a ragdoll, crashing through a building before slamming into a wall. The impact made the HUD in my helmet flicker, and my entire body ached. My breath caught in my throat, my head was ringing, and for a second, everything spun around me.

"Status… of the suit…?" I gasped between breaths.

"Operational systems. Superficial damage. No critical failures detected."

Thank God…

With effort, I pushed myself out of the rubble, gritting my teeth. Okay, a direct attack didn't work. I needed another approach.

"Jarvis, scan the Zero Pointer. I need to know where its core is."

"Executing scan… Core identified. Location: center of the target's head."


Activating the thrusters, I shot out of the rubble and soared through the air, landing on top of the robot's head. The metal surface was hot to the touch from the earlier explosions.

"Alright… let's end this." I adjusted my stance, anchoring myself to the iron head. "Jarvis, channel all suit power to the central core!"

"Understood. Redirecting energy."

The Arc Reactor in my chest glowed intensely, electrical sparks beginning to fly as the systems worked at full capacity. The heat inside the suit rose, and beads of sweat dripped down my face.

"Now… Activate Omega Beam!"

A burst of yellow energy erupted from the reactor, cutting through the metal like a hot knife through butter. The structure beneath me shook violently, the sound of metal melting and groaning deafening.

Suddenly, the giant stopped moving. The engines fell silent. The red glow in its eyes faded.

"Warning: Suit overheating. Deactivating Omega Beam as per safety protocol."

The suit's power levels dropped, and the intense heat began to subside. I knelt on top of the defeated monster, panting, as adrenaline coursed through my body.

I did it…

I made it…

The front of my helmet retracted, letting the cool air hit my face.

"Hahaha… Ha… Hahahahahaha!" I held my hand in front of my face, clenching it into a tight fist.

I did it… DEKU is a success!

I... I'm ready… I can become a hero!

My epiphany was interrupted by the sound of Present Mic over the loudspeakers.


The adrenaline finally began to fade, and with it, all the exhaustion hit me.

"Ah… Finally…" I sighed, letting my body fall back, lying on the hot metal of the now-dead Zero Pointer.

I definitely need to improve those cooling protocols…


(A/N: Well, the chapter wasn't really that long. I recycled some parts from the old version but with some changes as well, the delay was just due to other extra work I had. Anyway, the next chapter will take a while to come out because I'll have to update my other fic. A Killing Bites fic, no lemons or anything like that, just action and drama. If you could stop by to read it and give your opinion, it would help a lot.)