Chereads / MY SEXY MAID / Chapter 22 - LOCATION GOTTEN


🧍‍♀️ *MY SEXY MAID* 👩‍❤️‍👨

💞 When love blossom 🪷

Story by Author Dammy

Please do not copy or repost 🙏


Eliza and Karen got to Damien's place and they entered.

As Damien saw them he was just staring at them.

"Hey buddy" Karen said and wanted to shake him but he did not answer.

"So you both forgot about me and went cruising around the city" he said faking annoyance.

"We are really sorry about that" he said and sat down beside him.

Eliza also sat down and they beg him together and he forgave them.

"You just went about romancing each other, don't worry I will get my girlfriend soon"

"Go on and have it" they both said and he smiled.

After a while Damien and Karen went into his room and they began playing video games.

Eliza feeling bored called Bella and she came with the address.

She entered and they saw each other and hug then Bella ask of Damien and Karen then she told her they are both in his room.

"Since they went and left you here, let's find something to do also" Bella suggested.

"Okay, what should we do?" Eliza asked.

"Let's just watch a movie" she said and Eliza agreed with her.

Then they both put in a movie and they began watching it together.


Mia and Alexander got in and Mia suddenly screamed holding Alexander.

This make Alexander surprised why she did that.

He look closely and saw a cockroach walking towards them and he began laughing.

"So you screamed that way just because of a cockroach?" He asked.

"Please save me, don't let it come to me" she said holding into him tightly.

"It is okay, it will not harm you" he said then free himself from her ad went to kill the cockroach then he lift it up with his power towards Mia.

She screamed again and fall on the couch.

Alexander began laughing again then he make the cockroach disappear.

Mia stood up and began walking upstairs.

"No kissing and touching for a week" she said angrily and went upstairs.

Alexander also went with her.

"I can't believe my girlfriend is afraid of cockroach" he said as he enter.

"Get away from me" she said and went to sit on the bed.

"I am sorry" he said and move towards her.

He then touch her.

"Don't you dare touch me" she said and face him then Alexander capture her lips kissing her and she struggled to break the kiss but he didn't allow it.

After a while she began responding and they made out.


Karen, Eliza and Bella later left and they went to their various homes.

Karen got home and met his father at home.

"Where have you been?" He asked.

"I went to visit a friend who had an accident" he said.

"Okay" his father said then he went upstairs.

He got there and then he shower and went down to make dinner.

After a while he was done and he set the dinning and they both went to eat.

"Dad, is Bella not coming again?"

"Yes, she will only come to visit during weekends"

"Okay" he said and they continue eating.

After they finish eating they went to sleep.


Alexander and Mia woke up the next day and they decided to go on a vacation.

They pack up some of their things and then Alexander called his manager and inform him about him not coming to work for three days.

After they finish packing, they took their things out and it was taken into the car and also they entered the car and they drove to the airport.

They got to the airport and board a plane.

After sometimes they got to California and then they board a cab to Alexander's Villa there.


Karen called Bella and she picked up.

"Sister, so you left to your boyfriend's place without calling me?"

"Sorry brother, I forgot to tell you, love you"

"Make sure you don't get pregnant there"

"You are such a spoilt brat, who is spoiling you, oh I forgot you have a girlfriend now" she said.

"Okay, greet my role model for me" he said.

"Alright kid bro, my regards to Eliza" she said and cut the call.


Alexander and Mia were taking a walk around city when he saw a man staring at Mia in a seductive manner and he glared angrily at him.

The man ignore his stare and went towards Mia and touch her backside.

Then Alexander turned angrily towards him.

"How dare you touch her that way, do you want to die" he said and punch him.

The guy wanted to talk when another punch landed on him and he fell down bleeding in his mouth.

He went towards him and punch him again.

He began punching him angrily without caring.

Mia seeing this hug him immediately.

"You will kill him, it is okay" then he stop and stood up from him.

"This will teach you lesson not to ever touch my girlfriend with that your filthy hands" he said and Mia drag him away from there.

The man's face was full of blood, he managed to stand up and walk away in pain.


The witches were searching hardly for Alexander and they couldn't find him.

They began teleporting to different countries but still they couldn't.

They then decided to perform a ritual using their bloods to know if that will work.

They took a bowl then they cut themselves and they all drop their bloods in the bowl and then they light fire on it using their powers.

Then they took a bottle filled with a green liquid and they pour it in it.

Then the green liquid began forming and in a matter of some minutes the green substance became a creature and then they told it to help them get Lucas and Rachel's location.

The creature stood and began looking around with it inner eyes.

After a while it stop and then face them.

"He is somewhere in California" the creature said with a croaking voice.

They wondered where California is and they remember hearing it from somewhere then they make the creature disappear again and they all teleported to California.


The supernatural decided to try to join their powers together again to see if it will work and they did it and then they eventually got where they are and they became happy.

TBC ❤️

How were the witches and supernaturals able to get their location?

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