In the Gunslinger headquarters many things had happened ever since at first it was small but then it became from frantic as hell to the point many of the sidekicks and grunts got so tired from all of the jobs coming in. Even to the point that many grunts that have recently returned just get thrown with many more jobs. This was getting worst even Rey who is currently making a new series of guns in his personal workshop was kinda frustrated with the number of jobs since he is the no.3 hero. But he wasn't tired due to that but he remembered how he need to prepare himself for the upcoming fight that being the war arc of MHA where the League of Villains takes the W. I mean it was the turning point for everyone from Japan to change their views but it didn't work well so he will show them how to do it properly. He already planned it by crippling the villains hard to the point that they returned back to the shadows and give them a chance for the heroes of Japan to recover and fight back the villains.
As soon as he finished a new set of guns from Order 1887 from the rifles and variety of guns from the Victorian era. Well things will about to get more interesting and brutal at the same time. Meanwhile with Crow and Raven who they have recently returned from their jobs as they eradicated an entire illegal shipment of guns and drugs from the cartel. As they were cover with both blood and a hint of smoke from the guns as Raven ad a new gun which is the Sentinel Sniper Rifle while Crow was still rocking with the Gun Grave pistols and Death Hauler which is covered in blood. As for Cow girl she is also tired also her steed who is catching his breath and barely standing then the newest addition to the team named the combat hero Sarge. When you look at him he is still prestine or not tired but within he is tired as hell he got this job since no one is hiring a hero with military experience so Gunslinger hired him. In which after a few days after his employment he has done many things in base as a former Sargent Major from the marines he has leadership skills, fast decision making skills, Capabilities of a soldier, he is also crazy as hell. He is also a trainer for all of the grunts he acted like his drill sergeant screaming at them with a side of craziness, Madman level of energy and has the backbone to break everyone until everyone is capable for the front lines. Unlike now Sarge is getting annoyed with the endless amount of jobs coming in that even the MRVN bots have to keep track on the number of jobs coming in in different levels. As Sarge just entered the armory with his Standard Issue M27 and his Colt M45A5 Required some cleaning and repairs so he has no choice to buy new guns inside the armory so he picked mostly in the COD franchise. He looks at the list of weapons available for him to use many of them are related to real ife guns but black ops and other parts of the franchise had different guns that maybe look futuristic but in actuality they made it look realistic. He decided to pick the ones from Blacks op 4 the ICR-7 AR and the other which is a sidearm the KAP 45 to be his sidearm. As for grenades he used the multi function grenades both Lethal and Tactical. As he did he grabs his purchased weapons and check the weaponry if they are working as intended he then wanted to test them out to compare them with the weapons he usually used during his deployment as a marine.
In the shooting range every grunt practicing their accuracy as well as testing their new guns they have collected from the armory. Many guns from Cyberpunk, Borderlands, Gears of War, Halo, Sniper: Ghost Warrior, Tom Clancy's, Wierd West, And many more as Sarge arrived he then went to a available slot of the range. As he scanned his ID for registration and scanned the guns he has then the ammunition was carried by the MRVN Bots holding a Ammo Crate full Ammunition in its box same with the pistol in a different ammo box. As he did he loads in the bullets with the magazine he has received as he loaded 3 same with the pistol as he loaded the ICR-7 he then started the test by setting some targets as hologram targets appeared. In which he began to shooting towards the targets each target gets hit as it disappeared after they get hit. As Sarge emptied his magazine he then reloaded his Rifle with a new magazine and continue firing. As soon as Sarge ran out of ammo from his AR he then used his side arm and began to use his pistol as he eliminate every holographic targets. After many holographic targets hit Sarge taking a liking with his new weapons as he did he left the range while many other continue on using the shooting range.
Sarge then went to the break room where he meets with everyone Cow Girl who is playing pool with a fellow grunt as for Crow and Raven playing a console game which was a fighting game called Tekken 8. As Crow and Raven were in the final round while grunts around them are cheering as for Sarge he just went to the bar and ordered some whiskey on the rock. Every time he sip his whiskey he still remember the good times with his comrades who are alive but now gone. There was a terrible operation that happened that cost him both his sanity and half of his squad. As the brass who ordered his platoon to defend a village from Afghanistan went wrong. Many lives were lost mis until didn't have any reinforcements coming or any help whatsoever. As he was about to lose hope same with his until something happened when his unit was rescued and being pulled back he was heavily he took all of the hits. He was rewarded with the Purple Heart, Afghanistan Campaign medal, Bronze star, and other ribbons. After that he was honorably discharged from the Marines and have to deal with PTSD and moments where the world cheated on him from his Girlfriend cheating on him to his parents died from a villain attack. And worst of all the US government neglected the real heroes like him and just pay attention to those who wear tight jumpsuits and showing of their powers he was about to ready to kill them until the news began to talk about a program where hero training is available so he took the opportunity and trained to become a hero. Months later he became a hero but thanks to difficulty that he is a war veteran no one wants a man who has past of killing and many didn't appreciate real heroes like him until now Gunslinger appreciated his existence. He is the reason ehi he has a new purpose as of now Sarge just wanted to be alone and tink about his brothers in arms that have lost their lives from that miscouculated defense. Until the scilence broke when Cow Girl began to talk to him.
"Hey Sarge, Do you have some war stories you can share with me?" She asked Sarge.
"Huh?...Uhhh...Yeah a lot actually which one do you want to start with?" He asked which one of his stories.
"The one you dealt with a big Group of terrorist and we'll wiping them out" she said.
"Alright well it all started when we were ordered to cleared a section of the road" he said as he continued on with his story.