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The Hero Who Answer The Call Of Duty

Izuku Midoriya have a quirk. His quirk is FPS HUD, First Person Shooter Heads Up Display Izuku Midoriya is a soldier. His family has been in the military for generations and he follow their footstep This is the story on how Izuku Midoriya became both a soldier and a hero *English is not my first language, so I apologize for any grammar mistakes you find

Chapter 1 - Izuku Midoriya

It was late cold night in Osaka, no one is walking outside, no activities, no cars, nothing. But in an alley somewhere in the city 2 figure is laying down in the ground and one of them is dying

"H-hey, h-hang in there. Help will arrive shortly" Izuku said panting heavily

"...I-I won't... m-make it... l-leave... me... I-Izuku..." ? Said to Izuku

"N-no... I won't leave you... c'mon, man. Don't do this... I'm sorry... it's my fault" Izuku refuse the dying person request

"N-no... it wasn't. J-just... g-give... me... a promise..." ? Ask Izuku

"No... don't say it, I'm not-" Izuku said but was cut

"N-not... that... p-promise me... s-stay... alive..." ? said before he died

"No... no... no... no, please... don't leave me... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." Izuku begged the person on the ground but receive no respond

"...No... I'm sorry... For fuck sake... Kei..." Izuku hug Kei lifeless body before he see a bright white light heading towards them

"AHHHHHHH!!!" Izuku suddenly wake up panting heavily and sweating a lot

"W-wha-what?" Izuku said confuse then look around seeing his room before he realize what's going on

"Sigh, that dream again... I can't believe it been a month since that happen..." Izuku said looking gloomy

"I have to get ready" Izuku get out of his bed check his suitcase then go to the bathroom

Izuku is brushing his teeth when he remember his conversation with his father last night


"I don't understand, General" Izuku said confuse

"It's a simple order, Delta. I want you to enroll to UA High School" General Hisashi Midoriya said thru the laptop

"But why, sir? Why you want me to go to UA? I don't want to be a hero" Izuku argue

"I know that, Delta. But what you gonna do for the next 3 years before you enlisted?" Hisashi ask his son

"What I always do everyday, sir. Training" Izuku answer

"Training alone is not enough, Delta. You need experience and I can't give you any military related mission while you just a normal civilian, but as hero I can give you just that. Of course with a little leverage from my side, you will be able to do any mission I give you plus going to UA can sharpen your skill and quirk, so it's a win-win situation" Hisashi explain

"But all of this is way to sudden, General" Izuku said still confuse

"As a soldier you need to be prepare to be deployed at a moment notice anywhere, anytime. You know that to well, Delta" Hisashi explain

"Yes, sir. When is my departure?" Izuku obeyed and ask

"Tomorrow, 10 o'clock. I have an asset ready to send you to Musutafu. I also prepare your living quarter when you arrive there. Good luck" Hisashi said before the connection is cut

(Flashback end)

'Sigh, General can sometime be "Unique" ' Izuku though before put on some clothes grab his suitcase then go outside his house only to meet a person who look like a Secret Service agent

"Name and callsign" The agent ask Izuku

"Izuku Midoriya, callsign Delta 9-1" Izuku answer

"Code?" The agent ask again

"India-Mike-Sierra-Foxtrot-0-4-9-1" Izuku answer

"Confirm, we'll take you to the airport, sir" The agent said as he lead Izuku to the car

"Affirmative" Izuku said as he follow the agent

They reach the car then enter it before start driving to the airport

"You might wonder, why a junior high school student talking in a very militaristic way? Why is he taking orders from the Japanese military General? Why he have a military callsign? And most importantly, why he doesn't want to became a hero? Well that's because I'm no ordinary teenager" Izuku narrated as they drive to the airport

"My father, Hisashi Midoriya is a General in the Japanese Army, he's the one the Prime Minister go if a conflict or war erupted in Japan. My mother, Inko Midoriya is his secretary but unfortunately the two of them rarely or even never have time for me unless it's military related. They raise me for a year before putting me in an orphan. I raise my self loveless and family-less, but I didn't complain their behavior to me, Japan need them more than I did" Izuku narrated looking at the city of Osaka passing by

"So why I take orders from my father even though I'm just a Junior High School student? Because of my lineage. The Midoriya's has a long line in the military, our ancestor has became a soldier even before the event of quirk, even as far as the Japanese-Russo war of 1905, that's 300 year ago. So I obeyed my father orders because I want to be a soldier, to fulfill my family legacy as the next generation of the Midoriya's blood" Izuku narrated as they enter an Air force Base just outside of Osaka

"And I have the perfect quirk for the job as well. FPS HUD, First Person Shooter Heads Up Display. If you ever play an FPS game before you will know what I'm talking about, but unlike games when I'm injured I don't heal, when I failed I don't retry, when I die I don't respawn" Izuku narrated as he enter the jet that will take him to Musutafu

"My quirk display information such as minimap, ammo count, heading, objective, IFF (Identification Friend or Foe), health level (in percentage), crosshairs, equipment status, weapon status, life sensor (detect if there's someone in the area), coordinates, marking, etc directly to my eye, so I know exactly every information in the battlefield. Who's who, what's what, where's where. It's a very convenience quirk for this kind of job and it have no drawback whatsoever, well except minor headache for the massive information given to you at once" Izuku narrated as the Quinjet taxi to the runway

"So what the General ordered you to do now, Delta?" A Flight crew ask while preparing to take off

"He ask me to enroll to UA High" Izuku answer as he sit down and strap himself

"Wait, you mean that hero school?" The flight crew ask surprise

"Yes, that one" Izuku confirm flatly

"Why?" The flight crew ask again confuse

"He wanted me to train my quirk and skills also he able to give me mission if I became a hero temporarily" Izuku answer

"But haven't you been doing mission for the General before that?" The flight crew confuse

"Turns out someone discover that he "Employed" a minor and a civilian, so he have to come with a plan this time and this what came to his mind" Izuku explain flatly

"Hmm, okay then. Get some sleep it's still 2 hours till we land" The flight crew said as they roll down the runway

"Rog'" Izuku reply as he drifted to the sleeping world

"...I-I won't... m-make it... l-leave... me... I-Izuku..." Kei Said to Izuku

'No...' Izuku though

"J-just... g-give.. .me... a promise..." Kei Ask Izuku

'Please don't...' Izuku begged

"P-promise me...s-stay...alive..." Kei said before he died

Izuku wake up panting and sweating

'...I'll keep my promise, Kei...I'll live' Izuku though clenching his fist

"You awake? Good, we're landing" The flight crew said as they preparing to land

Few minutes later the jet landed in an Air Force Base just at the outskirt of Musutafu

"Thank for the ride, boys" Izuku thank the flight crew as he get out from the jet

"Anytime, Delta. You want to go somewhere? You know who to call" The pilot said as they shutting down the jet

"Izuku Midoriya?" A soldier ask Izuku as he walk around the tarmac

"Yes sir" Izuku reply

"Your ride is this way, sir" The agent said as he lead him to the car

"Drop the "Sir" I'm younger than you, soldier" Izuku told the soldier leading him

"So what you want me to call you?" The soldier ask

"Delta, call me Delta" Izuku answer

"Roger that, Delta" The soldier reply as they reach the car before entering it

"So where do I stay?" Izuku ask as they drive away from the base

"It's near the coast, Delta. Near Dagobah Beach, ever hear of that?" The soldier answer

"Yeah, that beach has turn into a pile of junk in recent year.'re saying I'll be living near a large dumpster?" Izuku ask surprise

"Not really. We check the apartment, it's clean and has no smell whatsoever, we're kinda surprise when we check the beach and it doesn't smell like trash at all" The soldier answer

"Well that's a good side" Izuku said a little annoyed

They drive for an hour before finally reaching the apartment complex. The apartment complex look exactly like the Midoriya's apartment from the canon except it's just 150 meters from the beach

"Well, home sweet home for the next 3 years or so" Izuku said looking at the apartment complex

"Let's see what we got" Izuku said as he enter the apartment. Inside the apartment was quite decent. A moderate size kitchen, a flat TV in the living room, quite spacious bathroom and a queen size bed. "Nice" Izuku said satisfied before sitting down the sofa then open his laptop

"Ok let's see...UA High School. A prestige hero school of Japan and in some cases the world. There's department for everything: Hero Department, General Studies Department, Support Department, and Management/Business Department" Izuku read the file

'I'm pretty sure General will send me to the Hero Department' Izuku though "Only 2 classes and 20 students in each class, 36 by test and 4 by recommendation" Izuku read the file before lay back at the sofa and look up

"Knowing General, he most likely will tell me to take the spot my self and will not give any leverage from his side, so recommendation is out of the picture" Izuku analyze then walk to the balcony looking at the beach turned dumpster

"Well if I go through recommendation where's the fun in that. It's still 10 months till exam and I already sick looking at the beach condition" Izuku said looking at the beach

"Hmm...if I clean that...I'll have my training while also cleaning the beach, 2 bird 1 stone" Izuku said smirking

"Alright, let's have some rest for today then tomorrow I'll do some community service" Izuku though then start to arrange his stuff at the apartment before going to sleep